HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-9-18, Page 8X'TIR TIMI • J. A. STEWAT X'HONR 16 .NEW GOODS FOR A Ladies' Kimonas Last week we received a large shipment of Ladies' Dressing Sacks and Fancy Kimonos, the quality' of the materials is certainly good and the color combinations are certeinly the most attractive we have seen. A pretty kimona is certainly a uesful addition to the ladies' wardrobe and you should tad it eat. to make a selection from our stock. Ask to see our kimonas for children. Prices range from $1.75 to $10.00. Ladies' Coats & Furs Much interest centres around this department at this time as new goods are arriving daily and as the new styles are so pleasing and attractive;we would certainly advise anyone intending to pur- chase fall garments not to delay as future shipments are uncertain and a better selention is offered at this time. Our new Salt's Es- quimette Plush Coats have arrived. Many of these coats are lined with fancy silks and are all exclusive garments. Men's New Neckwear The young men of to -day must have classy silk ties, we cater to young men and are ready to show you a range of new fall neck- wear that is really unusual. These ties are made from the large shapes and the quality of the silks and the color combinations are sure to please you. Prices range from $1.00 to $2.25. Men's Heavy Army Rubbers $1.25 A PAIR. We were fortunate in obtaing the selling rights for these rub- bers for Exeter, men will find them just the thing for rough wear on heavy shoes. Ask the returned boys about them, the value is remarkable at $1.25 per pair. We can now supply you with all the sugar you need. Highest prices paid for live poultry and choice pears. J.A. TEWART Phone 16 Marie Morrisey Market Report -T.ko follow1* 10 the report of the klxeter Market corrected every Wednesday. No, 2, Wheat $1,S5. New outs 35c. Barley $1.20. Bran $45 a ton in buyers flags. Shorts $55 per ton, Family Flour $5.70 Eggs 51e. Butter 45c. Creamery butter 59o. Lard 40 to 43c. Potatoes 00c. Hogs $13.00. Will Appear in Person, Next Monday evening Marie Morrisey makes an appearance in Exeter. It is the most important musical event of the Season. The Famous Contralto will render those songs with which she has won her chief success as an Operatic Star. EXETER OPERA HOUSE Next Monday Evening September 22nd. 1919 Wm. Reddick, Pianist, will assist in collaboration with Thomas A. Eddison's Three Million Dollar Phono graph. FREE TICKETS ETS Call, write or telephone us for free tickets of admis- sion. They will be issued in order of app-ication. POWELL'S BAZAAR J. Willis Po well, EdiEcn Dealer 6 - 121 Full weight of tea in every package Sold only in sealed packages Y*; mei*** se.******9********* • LOCAL• e • *****ate •.*S►.** Kirkton Fair, October 2nd and 3rd Zurich Fair will be held this Thursday. Mrs. Popplestone is visiting with' her son, Samuel of Blyth, Miss Sanders of town was in Tor- onto for over Labor Day. Mr. Latimer Grieve of London vis- ited in Exeter on Tuesday. London Fair had the largest at- tendance ttendance this year on record. Miss Margaret Penrice of London, is holidaying at her home in town. Mr. Wellington Johns of town has been appointed deputy game warden Mr. John Dyer, of Crediton, visit- ed friends in town for a few days. this week. Mr. Garvey Acheson of St. Thomas visited his parents at the Central Hotel this week. Work is being pushed on laying cement walks on several of the streets of twon. Mrs. Brown and little daughter of Kingsville, visited her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Dignan. Mrs_(Dr.)D.A.Anderson of Winnie peg and Miss Titus of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Fitton Mr. and Mrs. Asa- Penhale and family, Mrs. P. Frayne and Miss Lena motored to London for over the week end. Mrs. R. J. Fake, of Chicago is vis- iting her sisters, Mrs. Grieve and Mrs. J. Senior and other relatives in town. Corp. Wm. J. Bernick who has just arrived from overseas will ar- rive in Exeter on this Wednesday evening train. Mrs. Ferguson of Toronto, is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sweet. Mr. and Mrs. Will Passmore and Mrs. Clayton Frayne and little son, Ray, recently spent a few days in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Dayman, and child of Sarnia, are visiting the for- mer's parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dayman. Mr. Thos. Collingwood has receiv- ed the appointment as janitor at the Exeter School. The many friends of Mr. Richard Davis are glad to see him abound af- ter his recent accident. He carries his arm in a sling. Mrs. Wright and son Harold have moved into the apartments over Dr. Browning's store, recently vacated by Mr. Markham. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Holmburg and family of Sault Ste. Marie are visit- ing the latter's parents, Councillor and Mrs. L. Day. Mrs. George Culbert, of Ripley, and Miss Eva Culbert of Kinlos, re- cently spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. McFalls. Mrs. C. Harris and little step -dau- ghter of Ottawa have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kydd and other friends in this vicinity. Mr. Marshall B. Rennal and wife and Mrs. Carrie Rogers of Hamilton are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Kestle and other friends in Exeter. Mr. George Holman and sister Mrs. Owen of Goderich, also two sons Wilmer and Gordon Holman visited in Exeter the forepart of the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. ChainLerlain of Niagara Falls, Ont., who hove been visiting in Hensall called on Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Christie on Thi_rsda.y last The many friends of Mr. Ed. Shap - ton are pleased to see him able to be around again with the aid of a walking cane after his recent accid- ent. Mr. Arthur Rolli and sv Fred Rollins of Detroit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. May and other friends in town. They came over by auto. A number from London visited in a Exeter for Fair Day among them be- ing: Mr. Thos. Harton, and neice, , Mrs. Latton; Mr. Alex Stewart, Mr. ' Jos. Hamden and Mr. Wilbur Luker. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Locke of Bos- ton, motored over in their touring ear and have been the guests for sev- eral days with the latter's sister, Mrs. W. T. Aebeson at the Central Hotel. Dr. E. R. Follick and son Clifton, of North Vancouver are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. E. F'ollick of town. Dr. L. L. Follick of St. Marys. also visited for a few days with his mother. It was reported that quite a large shipment of cattle from the west was to arrive in Exeter in the near future. We understand the cattle were already to be shipped when the shipment was cancelled. While an auto party in a Ford car were passing through town on Friday last the rear axle and wheels came out from under the car letting the body fall to the ground. The par- ty was driving slowly at the time and nobody was hurt. TEMPERANCE VOTE. OC!I. 20th. Premier Heart of Ontario has an- nounced that the vote on the refer- endum on the temperance question will he held on Monday, October the 20th. No decision has as yet been announced when the Provincial elec- tion will be held. Furniture and Undertaking Panoral Director & Etubalme.t M. E. Gardiner Phones 74w. Night Calls 74x. OPERA HOUSE ' BLOCK. SOUTH HURON Liberal Convention A Convention, as constituted for Provincial purposes, for the selec- tion of a candidate to contest the riding of South Huron in the Liberal interests in the approaching Provin- cial Elections will be held in the TOWN HALL, HENSALL SATURDAY, SEPT. 20th. 1 o'clock p. m. The meeting will be addressed by Major Tolmie, M.P.P., of Windsor, and others. A cordial invitation is extended to all liberals to be present. JOHN ESSERY -- President. T. G. SHILLINGLAW — Secretary God Save the King. k`l:LL FROM LADDER RENDERED UNCONSCIOUS Mr. James Hern had the misfor- tune to fall from a ladder while picking plums Saturday evening,The ladder turned and he was dislodged In falling he struck his head and was rendered unconscious. One of the neighbors saw him fall and he was carried to the house. He was not ser- iously injured and was able to be a- round on Monday. TROTTING HORSE SOLD. Mr. Jas. Essery has sold his trot- ting horse "The Salvage" to a Tor- onto buyer for a fancy figure. Mr. Essery purchased the horse from the Maple Lawn Farm, Illinois. Under Mr. Essery's training the horse de- veloped splendid speed and gives good promise of being heard of in the future. In Toronto during the Exhibition lie was considered the speediest horse on the track and won two first prizes. Two first prizes were carried off in London. The horse goes into the hands of Law- rence Walsh, of Tillsonburg for training. We understand Mr. Essery has done well in the 'transaction. RETURNED FROM OVERSEAS WITH BRIDE Exeter was again priveleged to welcome home another of her soldier boys, Bert Rivers. Bert is another of the lucky ones who not only came safely through the war but was for- tunate enough to secure mate of Eng- land's fair daughters as a better half. They were greeted in London on Friday last by several who motor- ed down from town. Bert enlisted in 1916 with the 161st Battalion and was among the first from the Batt- alion attalion to be drafted for France. After several months on the firing line he was injured in the leg and abdomen by shrapnel from a bomb while oc- cupying a funk hole. He was invalid- ed to England where he spent several J T1itYRSDA I, son, 18th, 01011111110111111111111i11111i111111lll1 1111111pllllR111111i1ili11ii1111illi1001111111110111111101111111111 1000111111i111111i011115 nnT�r� �+p�ryrr -BROS. yr..�., SO1J..4HCV,#k ,i BROSr = Illllllllllllllllllllllll11111Il1111 O 101.1011 0.01111, almom 0▪ 01.01. a▪ mi• lm MINOR 1.001 M▪ INIM 1110000 IM▪ MO WM..mesamamanowtImmoasp Phone 134. NEW GOODS A11E ARRIVING DAIIX • Rubber Boots ! Rubber Boots ! For the little fellows, for the girls, women and men. Our Miner quality white rubber boot for mere,is claimed to be the best Rubber Boot made. OUR PRICE IS $0.50. LADIES CLOTH & PLUSH caws One shipment of our new coats has arrived and we are promised more for Fair Day, It' is stylish coats we will have to show you. ALLWOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS In green, yellow, blue and melon. One of the newest styles you will see this season. Made from beautiful all wool PRICED AT $9.00. NEW FOOTWAB,E FOR WOMEN You are sure to need a new pair shortly. A lady remarked while in our store the other day "You carry the smartest styles of shoes in town" We want you to see thein. SILK HOSE FOR WOMEN In colors of white, grey and brown blue, champayne and black. This hose is a good wearer and is made to fit. ALL COLORS PER PAIR $1.50 12-4 Flannellette Blankets The best quality Flannellette Blanket that is. made. It is 72 inches Wide and 34 inches long. Largest size. It is good buying at PER PAIR $3.95. NEW FALL CAPS ' NEW FALL NECKWEAR NEW RAINCOATS NEW UNDERWEAR FOR FALL AND WINTER. NEW FALL HATS NEW FALL SHIRTS NEW SOFT COLLARS "PENMANS and STANFIELDS" SOUTIICOTT BROS. �111illllllllllill�lllillltillillilllllllllllllllllllillllllllllilfilfiiliiliillllllii1111111111111111lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIi11111111Arr SWIM 0001.11. WOW If *NOW eigumar MONO Wawa MOISIM tom. :: wiftwo emoblio MOON AMWAY Eimmot IMMIONe IMMIsEr CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. George Hunter of Us - borne desire to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to the many friends and neighbors for their kind- ness and sympathy during their re- cent bereavement. r T. H. ELLIOTT. THE CLEANER AND PRESSER Don't spend your summer wages in a new suit. But let T. H. Elliott make your old ones look like new. Agent for American Dyers and Dry Cleaning, London. Shop North of Mrs. Yeo's Store. THE WATIINS AGENT handles all kinds of spring tonics for both man and beast; also toilet articles. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the market. C`ily sold by their agents to the consumer. Wm. Andrew, Agent, Exeter Phone 43 GUIDER MILL&TURNING FACTORY Having purchased the Turning and Cider Mill of A. Cottle, I beg to inform the public that we will be open to make apple butter on Thurs- days and Fridays of each week. Mrs. Cottle will have charge of the cook- ing. Any custom work for the fac- tory will receive prompt attention. S. J. V. CANN ochrane Machine Shop mon the in the hospital and after re -G, COCHRANE, (returned), cuperatinghas taken over the Connor Machine was married to the young Shop and is now open for business. lady who nursed him. Bert's many Re -boring automobile cylinders friends are glad to welcome him and and fitting p`stons a specialty. his bride. All kinds of repair work promptly WAS THE C'HILD WRONG? The teacher of a little rural school in Grey County was trying to acquaint the youthful mind with all the working of the Federal Govern- ment. its bodies and their duties. Having covered the lesson, she began her review, asking, "How many Houses of Parliament are there?" Answer—Two. "Name them." Very promptly and without mali- cious intent, and little girl piped. ant "The House of Commons and the House of Refuge." Mitchell has experienced a sugar shortage. The buying , pablee were rationed to a dollar's worth at a time. During the canning season a shortage of sugar is most. unfortun- ate. GIRLS WA TE Clean, airy, sunlit worlsroorno. Short hours—a 47 -hour week, with Saturday half -holiday Valuable training i:. agreeable work for the Lex:perk:need. A good living v ge t- beginner t which materially increases Wtt:i experience and proficienc3'. Write or call— MERCURY MEL attended to. Connor Gasoline Engines for sale PHONE 135 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Tenders will be received until Oct. 1st, 1919 for the construction of the Winchelsea Creek Drain Improve- ment in the Township of Usborne. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of John Roger, O. L. S., Mitchell or at the Clerk's office, Hen- sall, It,R.1, A marked cheque repre- senting 10 per cent of the contract price must accompany each tender marked Drain Tender. HENRY STRANG Township Clerk. FOR SALE—Six horse power gas- oline engine in first class running order (mounted on team truck). Ap- ply to C. WAUL, Willowbrook Farm, Proof Line,Rd, Lot 17, con. 4, London Tp. London WANTED—Saw mill equipment Apply to George Heaman, London. FARMS FOR SALE. I have a number of choice farms for sale in Usborne, Hibbert and Tuckersm.ith with up-to-date build- ings and my long experience in the business tells me I have the price right and some of them on easy terms of payment. Also the Far- quhar Store property. For terms and particulars apply to Thomas Cameron, Woodham, P. O„ auction- eer for Counties of Huron and Perth FOR SALE—A 10 H.P. Fairbanks LIMITED Morse gasoline engine guaranteed qin good order. Would suit a ayndi- ar Ilton .- Ontario ! cate for filling altos, grincling,crush- C bag grain etc.' Crash or te,rnisL WILLIAMWARD, Exeter. DRS. SWEET Se VINNING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night. OFFICE—Dr. Sweet's old office Phone 120 THE EXETER TIMES Subscription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising—Made known on application. Stray Animals—One insertion 50c three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 50c each insertion for one month of four insertions, 25c for each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., each in- sertion 25c. Local reading notices etc., 10e per Hee per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50e. Legal advertising tOe and 5e a line. Auction Sales $2 for one insertion and $3 for two insertions if moder- ate size. Dr. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Dr. Henry A. Corsaut wishes to announce that he has moved his office to Baker's Livery, James St., next door to Overland. Garage and appreciates the patronage he has re- ceived in the old stand and hopes for. a continuance of the same in his new office." Calls promptly attended to, day of night. Phone 8_ Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROW THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER FOR' SALE Residence of the Iate Joseph 'v Peart, corner Albert and Huron streets. Frame house and outhouse,. New Furnace and in good state of repairs. Good Stable, Drive House and fine Garden. If not sold will rent. Apply to J. Peart or S. 11df. Martin, Executors. Vulcanizing MI kinds of Tires. All work guarantee& Cash for old Tires. Taylor's Tire Shop EXETER, ONT. Make' Your Dollars Count Buy where you do not have to Sacrifice Style to save Money. Our clothes create confidence be- cause they give satisfaction. Their smart appearance reflects credit on men who wear them. Our clothes are made from dependable materials and guaranteed to At you. The satis- faction wears right through to the end. We are exclusive men's furnish- ers and right up-to-the-minute in the latest styles. Our new Fall stock of Furnishings have been opened up. New Goods ar- riving daily. Rainproof Coats for Men. This is an ideal rain and top coat combined in cravettes, tweeds, etc., styles that will appeal to the weIl- dressed man. They are a double pur- pose coat for street, auto and travel - lin g. ravelling. Guarantee a rainproof. SEE OUR NEW SWEATER COATS Hats and Caps in the latest styles Collars, and Ties, Gloves, and Braces For underwear see our stock and nieces. TA AN P 11 O N 8 a ese