HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-9-11, Page 2BY RIGHT OF PURCHASE
testing arm slipped round a waist p 1 half the'll
n! REro
teetUQn, and a. ta;rrified femnrine flee and half c 1P or nrrlk until Bight; add, • -,,,,ED
` sheltered itself on stuldv .lxoulticx. is porn alit' caoit sloxtil stirring eon-
, salt; serve on thin slices of toast.'
Pepper can be omitted and parsley or
•••�--•1 ; Dorena pointed, then hid her face
M. ! and a curiously warm and .unfamiliar again. Somehow, probably when the
Meanwhile, closely attended by : feeling played about his heart. ! tramp had opened the door, a they,
Babe, the "critter" plodded through'
- e ant a to c on is theeegga! S
which never before had sout;lit pro- and cool. 5 minutes. Beat the e= .a;
`I "O -o -o -w! Take it away!"c stantly until set. Addy butter and: 9: ? IN C ADA
11l treellus' biceps swelle I, and his
'fist bulged menacingly.
celery tops used instead.
What Your Rural School May Lada.
Are you satisfied with the returns!
from your rural school? You have
The next day he saw a chance for half-starved white kitten had slipped
the' chores. Various meihotls of i?is-more active chivalry. Mareellus, as he into the room. In the tumult it heel, probably been paying increasing taxes
in order to have better teachers, new;
courses and perhaps a new school'
budding. If your school is the cell-
tra.tized type, the up -keep has been'
as great as it the city school; but the
central school has been found the most
posing of the intelligent animal flitted 'turned for supper, saw throug'n a passed unnoticed, but now it had gain -
through the victim's mind. They. window a sight that made his blood ed the table, and mitred hungrily at
ranged from shutting him in the cow' run cold. Dorena knelt before the the steaming pie.
stable to impaling him on the pitch...range, removing a golden -brown "Babe! Babe'." screamed the
fork; but, somehow, just as he had chicken pie whose fr:•^;ranee seemed stricken Dorena.
screwed up his courage to the :nicking to pierce the very window pane. Be- But the doughty Bribe, his one= 01 -
point Babe would open Ws mouth and hind her; F stolen in unseen, a burly, indered mind fully occupied, was half practical sygtem for the present-day
yawn prodigiously, after which den., tattered tramp ..ith outstretched re-; a mile away and getting further every
tag display Marcellus would devote' volver. ; minute.
himself earnestly to the.ebusiness in; "Hands up!" growled the tramp. ISlowly Mareellus gra:.pe 1 the situ; -
hand. • ; Dorena whiled. Marcellus felt a tion. Dorena clung tight--er.
"I ain't goin' to have no scandal blazing, tee--oF valorous• impulse to dash toj° ""Oh, 'Cellos," she moaned, "take it
th�> • ^ that
about this business," announced Dor- • r e- •'t pie • , away! I was only foolxn , Cellis, I tae fullest e ossible return to those' Hugs. iiuch the greater number of
era, when the chores were finished, A hot chicken pie of proper size, • never meant notlua . Tel-- it away. r,' -ho support it, The stage is all set, the seedlings used- are imported from
"So you'll sleep in that shed out:however flaky, cannot support itself And you can go too. Take it awct-ay." for some one to work out this lackingforest nurseries in the United States,
there. Babe stays just outside, and unaided in midair, nor can it even be. Perla s it was the unaccustomed, Benefit, and it maybe
held in one hand. And the canons of : p', , your school which, in turn, procured the seed
he's sort of wakeful and apt to be: sensation of shrinking, feminine weak- that is waiting to be made the' social some three or four years ago from
cross o' nights, so if I was you I Sledder's Corner demand that worn -
wouldn't disturb him. You needn't! an's skirts be worn to the ground—' vnei ion of goldens in his arms..
iesand juicy short- erhaps it was a centre
first omove. ur n"they. development! NThese rcompanies hope soon to plant
worry about your farm an' stock. I' and kept there. As this veracious cakes, contrasted with a cheerless past of the school as a social centre is to' every year at least one tree for every
s'pose I might say I took over your. chronicle truly shows, Dorena Kellogg of nauseous man -cooking in a time- organize bi-monthly or monthly meat one removed by them,. Naturally such
ro 't alongwith you. Anyhow' I'll', was no woman to fly in the face of
P P Y convention. Neve^ theles it happened scorched frying pan. .Perhaps it was ings for social gatherings. Call on' a large schbuie of reforestation de -
see it don't suffer."the suffering Kellogg farm lands, your county agent or home demon- 'mantled the building up of a large or -
The shed, far from palatial, had Just how pay never be known— Marcellus spoke with brutal, mascu- stration agent to furnish a talk at the' ganization, as well as the carrying out
been fitted for habitation rather hest-' the the revolver hit the ceiling line directness. first meeting. Secure some talent of much experimental work, all of
smartlyeven before thepie, to Mar-
ily, but somehon� Mareellus, as he : "Dorsey, I'll put that cat out on from among your friends for the am-, which involved.a large outlay of capi-
the snowy and a cellos infinite relief, arrived safely!
.fingered sheetsppre-j at the table. From somewhere a fry-, Just one condition: Wit you cool:• --I usement end of the program, j tal; It goes without saying that such
ciativelytested the mattress, felt lit- ing-pan mean—will you marryme?" Do not expect the teachers to work a task would not have been under -
tie ' inverted itself over the in-
longing fcv the tumbled cot at}} tender's head. As he freed himself,! Dorena gasped, looked up again, up the program of activities; the' taken if the leen who control the com-
home. i Dorena investigating the workings of and spied the cat. Dorena clung chances are that they are as bliss as i panics were not convinced .that it
« "She's a cook, too," he ruminated.? the enptu;ed firearm, creased hisgshin, closet. you are, if not busier. You should,' was a good investment, and that only
A master fine cook. An'cute—' with a bullet. With •a y ell he demon-' „ " "Y -yes Marcellns, she whispered • however, call upon them for co -opera by such means could their deforested
mighty cute. A wonderful manager! strafed that the injured limb was es-' ca Ili, clo anything—but put out that tion, for in such affairs it is advisable'lands be made productive before their
—as much as it's give a woman toae., t I to combine interests and share respon-1 available supplies of timber were er-
sentially sound, the tardy Babe, a ; + „
But far farmin' "—he shook his heed' coo le of jumps behind The tramp ' See the parson to nigh? demand- sibilities. There need be no fear as haustod. Forest culture presupposes
rural needs, giving city educational
advantages to .a certain degree.
As an educational centre, the well-.
organized rural school fulfils its obli
gation to the pupil, but does not give
Replanting of Forests to Sustain the
Pulp and Paper Industry is a
' Necessary •Undertaking..
Perhaps the largest reforestation
scheme ever undertaken in Canada is
being carried out in Quebec this year,
The . Laurentide Company, of Grand'•
mere is planting over 1,000,000 seed-
lings, mostly Norway spruce, with
some white, Scotch and -jack pine and
balsam, The Riordon •Company, of St.
Jovite, is also planting 750,000 seed -
sadly—"she's Iet that wuthless Sam; with but two legs, was built for speed,; ed Marcellus inexorably,
Loftus raise pal tie'lar Cain with one whereas Babe, though with four, was "Poison�'Babe?"
o the best farms in town. 'S a shame. , not. But it was a remarkably even!
If Marcellus had hoped for the mor-, thing. 1 •eS' 1 considered to be an undertaking
row to moderate the rigors of his "Bring in the mop when you come,":"A woman needs somebody t'look interest in a community gathering is y
bet -
condition he was doomed to disap- called Dorena. "I'm sorry I spilled d have for sit
pilyzasehe hitcl edrup f red rthe tripcellus ato speakerto p -none ae a ri"nthellocaliboys oho has' twer xcadvantage than h governments ccan an i privet andle o cor-
pointment, When he demurred at, the potatoes. I'd fixed em up special. r porations or ilulividuals. The Quebec
being routed from his slumbers at an O -o -w! My gracious goodness me! the parson's. been in the service. If this is not companies, however, have acquired
hour earlier than he had seen in years,, O -o -o -oro -ow!" Meanwhile, in the dusk of the wood- possible, ask a soldier from a neigh-,
I shed, a fluttering bride-to-be placed a boring town or city to speak. Adver-' considerable areas of cheap land in
Dorena promised to help his arising; Marcel'lus turned, tripped over the, y� fee simple. They established their
in five minutes by the clock. Mareellus mop, and tumbled headlong through' saucer of milk.tise this feature and your assembly' own nurseries and these will be gleet
Nice kitty!"said Dorena Kellogg. hall will be crowded. Invite a boy who
dressed in two. She fed him boosts the door. Dorena cannoned against`ed until they will furnish ' ually enlarged has not •been so fortunate as to be g
sent overseas to tell the audience sufficient seedlings to keep pace with
about cantonment organization.; the planting. As practically no seed
Learning the value of organization' of Canadian trees is, now obtainable,
will, .in itself, be helpful in building; it is being imported from Europe, but
up your community work. After you' in time it should he possible to ob-
are organized, ask every returned taro native seed. It is, for example,
soldier in your community to speak, not yet definitely known how Norway
for the experiences of the men who'.
will grow under Canadian con -
went over will continue to interest' ditions. A vast amount of experiment -
us for a hong time "to came. ! al work, requiring several years' time,
Later on, the main social meetings 1 will be necessary to decide this point.
may be supplemented by soil study. In order to avoid any delay, the com-
<,Y ,,t
to lack of interest on the part of the' long-term investments and, conse-
teachers, for they are always inter-' quently, the necessity of a minimum
esteci in things social or educational.' outlay in land and preliminary ex -
One of the best ways to arouse penses. For this reason it is general-
ously on buckwheais and maple 'lasses him. 'Somehow in the mixup a pro- - (The End.)
and sent him, hoe in hand, to greetthe rising sun in the cornfield. Noon,
however, brought savory consolation.
supper—strawberry shortcake! 1 r—
But neither that day nor the next;
did she allow .him speech with his!
kind. Whatever could people be say-,
Ing? Marcellus Bradley, the sharpest 1
"trader" in town, caught in a hay deal
and held in durance by a woman! And'
nobody would ever believe he hadn't)
meant to cheat her! To add a little t
bogus weight in trading with a man
was nothing more than "cute," but,
Sledder's Corner—and 14larcellus-1 I yearly or monthly statement of .what making clubs are suitable for every; dently with their planting.
had, certain rudimentary notions of! To Mrs. T. Q. Franks a medal has been awarded as America's best' you have spent and how? type of school corn rf, nity. Parents! Europe ,Sets An Example.
chivalry. But Babe was ever-present.'
Marcellus, despite himself, took a,home-maker. Here is the efficiency! 6. Is your house planned through- and- pupils both become interested in: It is to be regretted that the several
good husbandman's pride in correcting test which she would submit to every: out on sanitary, economic principles, these clubs and will soon be compet- provincial governments which have
the misdeeds of the des !cable Sam housekeeper to answer: ' - ; both for yourself and for all others Ing for the same reizes. Do not try, control of their forests should permit
Loft's. Dorena, for herppart, could; 1. Do you consider your occupation i within it? Are the heating, ventilat-1 to have contests without prizes or, great areas of cut -over forest to re-
but soften under the unspoken but of housewife a profession of which ing and lighting systems up to the ribbons, or you will lose 'much of the main idle until the time has been
manifest tribute to her cooking. They ' you are proud and to which you bring; maximum in quality and quantity and .interest. If your organization is vig-; reached when private enterprise
even got to conversing amicably -1, your most intelligent attention? I down to the minimum cost? orous enough to support at least two: '•must" undertake the. task in order to
Doyou and your husband regard!! 7. Have you accurate knowledge of of the clubs suggested, you will have prevent the declne of the timber and
whole sentences at a time. .
"I see you don't keep a cat," oh -I yourselves as business partners, shay -i all labor-saving devices applicable to no trouble in making up $2, $3, or pulp industries.' The provinces might
served Marcellus one morning. I ing a knowledge of the family finances your household, supplying all you can even $5 purses. I well learn from the peoples of Europe,
"Got enough worthless critters," I and prospects, - and co-operate in afford? Is the work of your house The high school classes in English,: who have been practicing state
snubbed Dorena with a shiver. i spending your income wisely? intelligently .planned, so that each civics or public speaking, can be asked forestry for more than a century. It
"Shows you wa'n't never intended; 3. Have you a stated amount to ex- worker has a clear idea of individual to work up debates and amateur plays.' is long past the time for heeding the
for an old maid—" Marcellus broke pend on food, operating expenses,
off in surprise and terror at the first; furniture, recreation etc?
spontaneous, truly gallant speech of i 4. Have you a personal bank ac -
his life count for the income entrusted to
a Cns
Efficiency Test for Homemaker.
clubs, corn clubs, or fruit and orchard panes ar> engaging in this expert.
study clubs, ::f you are in a fruit ells-` mental•work hi co-operation with the
! day's expenditures? Can you give a trict. Domestic science and bread-! •
Commission of Conservation co -inch
responsibilities and a reasonable time A home talent play and an occasional warnings of those who, for more than
of rest?debate can be arranged to be given a generation, have been pointing out
8. Have you a practical knowledge by the patrons. '1 his gives the teach -I the menace of permitting a great na-
of cooking? Of economical buying, er of public speaking an opportunity tional resource to become -depleted.
"I eal'late you'd better get ydur" you, and do you handle bills and other stock -taking and the balanced ration? to help, and nothing quite_ equals! Anyone who now prates about Cana-
milk pail," said Dorena after a not-! communications systematically and 9. Have you taken all possible pre- a home -talent play for bringing out' ellen forests being "vast beyond corn
iceable pause. But Marcellus noted a! promptly? cautions against fire, thievery and an interested audience. A small ad-' prehension," "illimitable," or "leer -
face, 5. Haveyou a cost keepingother dangers to the house? Have mission fee will cover expenses. If haustible," should be regarded as an
rosyflush on her averted which• system I enemy of the country.
looked strangely youthful just then,1 which is a complete record of every= you a complete inventory of all your there is a balance, it can -be used for
i household belongings? prizes.
10. Have you compared all your WeAre now facing the grave prob-
housekeeping methods, in detail, with gems of reconstruction. Producers
those • of at least a dozen women of are an important economic force in
similar incomes and circumstances? this question of supply and demand.
Eccentric Men and Ther Queerness
possession of much of the on a carefully measured walking Are you willing to be told that your Why not have your community organ-
Thatworld's goods iso frequently attended on amaicarefully
d ly his premises forgtrackhis methods might be improved by such ized from this social centre and be
by the manifestation of the weirdest purpose. Should he desire to call on housekeepersan cin- ready to make a study of your part
eccentricities on the part of the own- his friends near by lie would do so by ploys? by ann?—by expert? as a constructive unit.
In marking yourself on thi
ers is amusingly illustrated by the
following curious instances: --
In Vienna lived a wealthy man, a
Pole of noble 'origin, occupying sump-
tuous apartments in the heart of the
capital's fashionable quarter, who,
when he wished to summon his ser-
vants, did so by means of bugle calls.
A favorite pastime of this eccentric
was to drive a stage, attired like any
ordinary driver of such a vehicle.
wherever •he night find aristocratic
fares to be most numerous.
The Viennese asserted that while
he spent a fortune each year upon his
raiment yet he was never clad in any
save the discarded garments of his
valet. On one occasion the Pole as-
tounded the guests at- a ball by ap-
pearing in a costume of pure white.
with the notable exceptions of shirt
and tie, which were entirely black.
To complete the oddities, it may be
added that when dining, which he in-
variably did alone at a table d'hote,
he maintained his reputation for
crankiness by reversing the usual or-
der of things and beginning his meal
with a iemitasse, working backward
to HA soup,
It was not long ago that there died
in an Eastern town a wealthy eccen-
tric who, though he had never 'for
years been outside the grounds sur-
rounding his residence, was accus-
tomed to boast each day that he had
walked to certain towns, generally at
h great distance from his house.
Mat he actually did was this:---
*hen.ever lie decided that it would he
,n excellent idea to visit a distant
town, he ascertained its exact distance
from his home and Centered it on foot
proxy, at the same time conducting a allow 10 for each question, giving
conversation with them by means of yourself a fair percentage if you can -
the servants, whom he sent in relays not fairly claim the entire 10 points.
with certain questions, with strict in- Add results forA
your total percentage
junctions to bring the answers as of 100, or "perfect."
speedily as possible.
A well known Parisian, according to
his own statement, for many years de-
fied the weather by drinking a solu-
tion of camphor, which, in his opinion,
was an excellent substitute for cloth-
ing. It was said that winter and sum-
mer alike found hirci sleeping without
a particle of clothing, with the win-
dows of his apartment thrown wide
open. It was his custom also to stroll
in the garden, even on bitterly odld
nights, in a garment much resembling
that ordinarily worn by normal people
only at night.
Among the wealthy eccentrics of
England was a than who lived near
Hastings. His fad excited much at-
tention and amusement among his
neighbors. Punctually at noon each
day he would appear in his front yard,
with a crimson turban on his 'head,
his feet covered with richly embroid-
ered and jeweled sandals, and with a
coolie cloth round his waist. Then,
absolutely indifferent to the hoots of
the people in the street, he would first
pray aloud to the sun, "the father of
light and good," and immediately
afterward prostrate himself before a
quaint miniature temple wherein was
enshrined a grotesque idol with dia-
mond eyes. What made his eccentrici-
ty remarkable was the fact that he
was 'not of Eastern origin, nor had he
ever been converted to any religious
faith or cult of the Est,
To Serve Corn.
A Dazzling Total.
Nothing less than a White Paper
has been issued in England in which
an attempt has been made to total
up the number of articles of clothing
and surgical comforts Made by the
Sister Susies for sick and wounded
How Boil Corn -Husk the ears, soldiers under the Army Council's
remove tole illk with a vegetable scheme, and Sir Edward Ward finds
rso it wfall tme off. Have that the number turned out reached
rushwater boiling and 'boil corn rapidly the amazing total of 88,000,000; the
workers who achieved it totalled 400, -
for five minutes. Remove from water 000. The Director• GenereI pays tri-
bute in the paper to "the noble self-
sacrifice of the great band of work-
ers at home."
The Scheme That Failed,
The ''young lawyer had just opened
his new office, where the paint was
hardly dry. Hearing a step outside,
and seeing a man's form through the
glass of the door, he.. -stepped over to
the brand-new telephone and, taking
down the receiver, assumed the ap-
pearance of being in deep conxersa-
"Very well, Mr. Allen," he was say=
ing, as the visitor entered. "I'll attend
to that government work all right, al-
though I'm frightfully rushed just
now. Overwhelmed with cases. . .
Quite right. , , Oh, Yes, ,
Certainly. . . , Good -by,"
Hanging up the receiver, he tusked
to his visitor, hoping to see him duly
"Excuse ins for interrupting you,
sir," said the stranger apologetically,
"I've just come along to connect ap
the telephone,"
at once and place on a plate avlxich
has been covered with a napkin; and
bring the ends up so the corn will be
covered. Do not add salt and do not
let the ears stand in the water. Serve
at once.
When Boiling Corn in Husk—Re-
move a few of the outer husks, then
turn the inside ones hack; remove the
silk carefully; bring track the husks,
and tie. Boil same as above, This
adds to the sweetness of the corn,
Escalloped Corn -2 cups grated
fresh corn, 1 cup fresh breadcrnmbs,
4 cup • milk, 1 tablespoon butter, a
little pepper, 1 egg. Mix corn with
milk' seasoning and well -beaten egg.
Brush earthen bakedish with butter.
Pour in mixture and cover top with
buttered crumbs. Bake 30 minutes
in moderate oven. To butter crumbs,
put butter on pie tin. When incited,
add the crumbs aid shake until the
crumbs have all been touched with
Scrambled Corn and Eggs -1 cup
grated fresh corn, 3 eggs, 1 cup milk,
1 tablespoon finely cut green pepper,
1 tablespoon hotter, drippings or oil,
% teaspoon salt, Put the corn, pep-
ARlfiturfi N xiizinxezrti gum Dazit4xuff.
Find time still to be learning some-
what good, and give up being desul-1
tory.—Marcus Aurelius.
Ar D
\ 0ll•1011 who provide,
--Meow iowo1'khat' i,
— and Clilld1'en who
play �Cic°$Ii`+Llt�
—all profit from a- meal of
"Clark's" Pork and Beans, and
enjoy the tasty, well cooked,
strength giving food.
The purity of "CLARK'S"
guaranteed by the Government
legend on every can.
An Immense Flower.
The largest of all the flowers of the
world is said to be the rafflesia, a na-
tive of Sumatra, so called after Sir
Stamford Raffles. This immense
flower, it appears, is composed of five
round petals- of a brickish color, each
measuring a foot across. These are
covered with numerous irregular yel-
lowish white swellings.
The petals surround a cup nearly a
foot wide, the margin of which bears
the stamens. The cup of the rafflesia
is filled with a fleshy disk, the up-
per surface of which is covered with
projections like miniature cows'
horns. The cup when free front its
contents will hold about twelve pints,
The flower weighs about fifteen
pounds 'Ind is very thick, the petals
being three-quarters of an inch.
I/Linard's X,ininient for sale everywhere.
Self -Controlled Aircraft,
For sonic time experiments have
been carried out in various countries
with the object of'controlling aircraft
from the ground, and a French ma-
chine succeeded recently—on a pre-
scribed course with certain 'specified
detours—in covering a distance of 180
kilometers (about 110 miles), and in
landing, when required, in a certain
airdrome. A simiar machine has been
developed in the United States which,
according to a recent statement of
Secretary of War Baker, can travel
without a pilot some 100 miles and
land close to a designated post.
All grades.- Write for,pricee.
Renovates and preserves
stov:-' pipes—easy to apply
r Sale by AN Balers
Parker's can clean or dye carpets,
curtains, laces, draperies, gowns, etc.,
sand make them look like new.
Send your faded or spotted clothing
or household goods, and
will renew them.
We pay carriage charges one way and guarantee
satisfactory work.
Our booklet on household helps that save money
will be sent 'free can request to
PARkint S DY WO1tKS, Limited
Cleaners and Dyers ,,.
791 Yonge St. s .Toronto
. ,�,..
Amendment to the Criminal Code Es-
tablished Personal Responsibility
For Fires,
At the lest session of the Dominion
Parliament, amendments to the Crim-
inal Code, dealing with the fire wastes
yere passed at the recommendation;
the Dominion Fire Prevention Co'
nrittee, and following up the sugges-
tioue of the Commission of Conserva-
tion as contained in the report Fire
\\rriste in Canada, The amendments
place the responsibility for outbreaks
of fire and for faire to provide pro.'
per apparatus for the' extitrguishment
of fire or the escape of persons in the -
buildings in case of fire. The amend -
meats were as follows:
1, Section five hundred and fifteen• ^r
of The Criminal Code is amended -by
inserting the following subsection
immediately before subsection two
thereof :—
"OA). Every one is guilty of an in-
dictable offence and liable .to two
years', imprisonment who by negli-
gence causes any fire which occasions
Ioss of life or loss of property.
"That'person owning, occupying or
controlling the premises in which such
a flre occurs, or on which such fire
originates, shall be deemed to have
caused the fire through negligence if '
such person has failed to obey the re•
quirernents of any law intended to
prevent fires or which requires ap-
paratus for the extinguishinent of
fires ur to facilitate the escape of per-
sons in the event of fire, if the jury
finds that such fire, or the loss of life,
or the whole or any substantial por-
tion of the loss of property, would
not have aocurred if such law had.
he.en complied with,
Further Amendn'Tents to Code.
2, The said Act is further amended
by inserting immediately' after sec-
tion five hi;nclred and fifteen the fol-
lowing section: --
"515a. In any case where any
insurance company which carries
policy of fire insurance on the proper-
ty, or any Dominion, provincial or
municipal fire officer or authority re-
commends that the owner, lessee or
other person controlling or operating
any building, structure factory, ship-
yard, vessel, dock, wharf, pier, saw-
mill, or yard in which logs or lumber
are stored or held, should make an
change or alteration in such building, f
structure, factory, shipyard, vessel,
dock, wharf, sawmill, pier or yard, re-
move any material therefrom, or sup-
ply any apparatus therefor, 'with a
view of reducing the risk of fire or
for the extinguishing of fire, and
such recommendation is approved by
any officer in the service of His Ma-
jesty, thereto authorized by the Gover.
nor in Council, and notice of such re-
commendation and of such approval
thereof has been served personally
upon or forwarded by registered mail
to such owner, lessee, or other person,
and such owner, lessee or other per-
son refuses or neglects to forthwith
carry out such recommendation, such
owner, lessee or other person shall be
liable upon summary conviction to a
fine not exceeding one- thousand dol-
lars, or to imprisonment for any term
not exceeding six months, or to both
fine and imprisonment."
At the meeting of tire Dominion
Fire Prevention Committee at Ottawa
on May 9, Mr. G. D. Findlayson, the
honorary secretary, and Superinten-
dent of Insurance, interpreted the first
clause of the amendment as follows:
"Under the first clause, any person
upon whose premises fire occurs is
deemed to have • caused the fire by
negligence if he has failed to comply
with any regulations designed to pre-
vent lire. Non-coliipliance is the proof
of negligence, and this is a question
of fact to be determined by a jury.
Notification of a breach of the law is
not provided for, as every person is
presumed to be familiar with the.
This drastic legislation shoul
given 'widespread publicity, as it will
have a most important bearng upon
the enormous fire losses of Canada,
as well as upon the great loss of life
• Writer's Cramp.
Writer's cramp -does not interfere
with other manipulations of the af-
fected hand. ' A prominent surgeon,
now totally unable to write, uses the
affected hand easily to perform all
the delicate and varied manipulations
incidental to abdominal surgery,
Complete rest of the hand, massage
and electrical treatment may afford
relief, but the trouble. is likely to re-
cur. Sonic victims learn to write
with the left hand, but the disease is
prone to extend into the newly -trained
member. w;
The method of writing from the el-
bow or shoulder instead of from the
knuckle prevents writer's cramp. Af-
fected persons can 'use the type -writ-
ing machine perfectly.
"The Dogs of War,"
Shakespeare is the originator of the
expression "the clogs of war." It is
used in "Julius Caesar," act 3, scene
1, whore the words are: "Cry havoc,
and let slip the dogs of war."
'A neworm
� of swing for children
consists of a car that runs back and
forth on a semi -circular track, -