HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-9-4, Page 5tIVJI{Sr)A' ', SIL" it'EMIIIER 4th
Miss Pericles our teacher haa re-
armed her duties here for another
There were a number from here
(visiting other places on Sunday and
are as follows,
Mr. and Mrs. George "Willson and
:daughter were the guest of Mr. and
:We. Fred Davis on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Squire, Mr.
nand Mrs. John Morley and daughter
seiidia, who were taken by Nat Ogden
by auto to relatives near Forrest.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wright attend-
ed service at Hensall Meth. chard, oia
Sunday being visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. JJohn1?assnaoa•e at . that place.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tiffany of
Detroit, who are visiting at Wrn.
Morley's, accompanied by the latter
to the home of his wife's parents at
Wesley and spent Sunday with their
Gordon Morley the last of our
young men to return lame has moved
onto his farm here and with his
young bride from England will be
given a reception at the church here
Thursday evening.
Use only three level tea-
spoonfuls for five cups
Sold only In sealed packages
The Western Fair 1
Septezn. 6th. to I2th. 1919
This is the Great Agricultural
Exhibition of Western Ontario
Very Best
Speed Events
Than Ever
Johnny J. Jones
Auto Entrnace corner Dundas and Eg erton Sts. Usual Entrance at
Gates. Grand Stand 50c. and 25c...
Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information from the Secretary
LT.COL. W. M. GARTSHORE, Presid A. M. HUNT, Secretary
Mr. and Mrs. H. IC. Either.attend-
ed Termitefair last week,
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clark ennent a
few days last week visiting Toronto
Mr. Broderick, ,of Bondon,.spent
the week -end at Mr. Thos. Tre-
Miss Lucy Lawson of Exeter, visit-
ed her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Eli
Lawson, Sunday.
Miss Sambrook, of Southport, Eng.
is visiting at the home of her brother
W. A. Sambrook.
• Mr. and Mrs. Carter, of Windsor,
are visiting at the home of the litters
father Mr. Conrad Kuhn.
Mr. Russell Clark has been trans-
ferred to the Bank of ,Commerce at
Walkerville, Mr. Haymaker, of Wat-
erloo taking his place here.
Mr. Norman Holtzman motored
from Detroit and spent the week -end
at the home of his mother, Mrs. Geo.
Holtzman. He was accompanied by
Mr. Wes. Finkbeiner who visited his
sister Mrs. Harry Beaver.
A very interesting service was held
in the Methodist church last Sunday
morning when five babies were
christened. Next Sundae's, morning
the pulpit will be occupied by Rev.
Whiting returned missionary from
Miss Clara Graupner is visiting in
Monroe Mich.
Miss • Cram Brown, of Kamloops, is
visiting at her home here.
Mr. Art Graupner of Fort Wayne
spent a few days here last week.
Miss Dora Kraft, of London, visit-
ed with her parents over the holiday.
`Mr. and Mrs. Parisian, of Royal
Oak, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bender, of Blyth,
spent the week -end with friends in
Mrs. Carrie and children of near
Bayfield visited Mrs. Howard Iast
Miss Euloeen Guenther has return-
ed from a visit with friends in St.
Mr. Milton Oestreicher, of Naper-
ville, is spending a few weeks with
his parents.
Mrs. N. Kellerman and daughter
Ketbleerl, of Kitchener, spent the
past week with relatives in town.
Our School Fair has been set, for
October, 2nd. Sixty-six entries are
listed besides the sports. About
$150 is to be distributed in prizes.
We are looking for a good time.
School opened with a good attend-
ance on Tuesday. The teaching staff
consist of G. S. Howard, principal,
Miss Edmeston, of BIyth and Miss
Tiernan, assistant.
The Legacy of War
Canada's Dead and Missing -
Canada's Wounded - - -
Canada's National Debt —
Soldiers' Annual Pensions
- 63,038
- $1,670,265,691
THE WORLD is staggering with debt. Some of the leading
countries are verging on bankruptcy.
Five years ago Canada had never dreamed ofthe financial burden she
carries to -day.
Canada entered the Great War with a National Debt of $337,000,000,
or $42 per head of population. Canada emerges with a National Debt
to date of $1,670,263,691, which is expected to approximate $2,000,000,-
000 by the end of the fiscal year—or about $250 for every man, woman
and child in the country. Interest charges alone will eat up nearly one-
half our present national revenue, and soldiers' pensions will have to be
provided as well.
Can Ontario A!!ord to Spend
$36,000,000 a Year on Booze?
pREV I OUS to the Ontario Temperance Act the ' drink bill of the
Province approximated $36,000,000 per year, an amount about
equal to Ontario's share of the Annual interest on our National
Debt. In the face of our financial responsibilities alone, is this the time
to repeal the Ontario Temperance Act or relax a single one of its restric-
tions upon waste of money and man power? To every question on the
Referendum Ballot vote—
r Ti
No Repeal—No Government ,beer shops—No intoxicating beer in Standard Hotel bars—No Govern-
ment beer and whiskey shops. 13e sure you are on the voters' Iist. Be sure you mark your ballot
four times X X X X in the column headed No.
nt r o eferendum Committee
Chairman. Treasurer..
Fite -Chairman and Secretory.
(1001 .Envisiot Life .Bldg.)
What is time difference between rem,
y and curet Any disease which is
liable to recur cannot be indefinitely
cured.'Yen may dispel the germs
from the system—but that is simply
remedying it.
A man suffers for years with Bleu
nudism. After trying numerous: treat-
ments without success, he takes Tem-
pleton' Rheumatic Capsules, and is re-
stored to perfect health again.
A year or so later Rheumatic symp-
toms appear again. What does he im-
mediately conclude? That it is his old
trouble returned; that the medicine he
took bed only a temporary effect; that
he will never again be well. This im-
pression is the one we wish to eradi-
cate—because it is entirely false.
Whenever Templeton's Rheumatic
Capsules are given a fair trial they
remedy Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lum-
bago, Neuritis, Neuralgia, or any of
their kindred diseases.
T.R.O,'a won't make you immune
from the above diseases. They will
remedy them and drive them from
your system, but whenever you feel an
attack coming on, start using T.R.C.'a
,Sole Agent for Exeter, Browning's
Drug Store, Optical Rooms and Sta-
tionery. Mail' $1.04 to this address
or to Templetons, 142 King St., W.
Toronto, and T.R.C's will be sent
Mr. and Mrs. George Case are on
a trip to Cleveland, Toledo and De-
Mr. Percy Ross has returned from
Mr. Wm. Sangster is spending a
few days in Detroit.
Miss Rae Horton left on Friday
to visit friends in Saskatchewan.
Miss Alice Dougal of Detroit is
spending her holidays here at her
Mr. P. Munn and Mr. T. Hudson,
are taking in the Toronto Exhibition
Mr. Alfred Clark has bought the
house recently occupied by Mr. D.
Mrs. Mattice of Detroit is visiting
at Mr. Geo, Glenn's.
Highest prices paid for all kinds
of live poultry on Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday of each .week _at
Parsons—Davis, Centralia, Ont.
We the undersigned have changed
our hog shipping day to Thursday
Sept. 4th. Every second Thursday
thereafter we will :endeavor to pay
the highest market price. Thanking
you for past favors and hoping for
a continuance of your liberal patron-
age, .
We remain,
Moffatt and Conlin.
Pte. Herbert C. Kraft returned
from overseas on Monday.
Miss Ida Thur of ,Elora visited at
the Evangelical paronage.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kaecher of De-
troit, are visiting relatives here.
Miss Dorothy Fritz has returned
from a visit with erlatives in Hamil-
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ramseyer and
family of Elkton, Mich., are visiting
relatives here.
Misses Pearl •Johnston and Frieda
Klabfleisch are spending a few days
at Toronto Exhibition.
Mr. and Mrs. James Laidlaw and
son Kenneth of Crosswell, Mich.,Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Beern, Mr. Floyd
Hamacher- and Miss Cleave of Buff-
alo, N.Y., are visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry May and
children, Esther and Harold of Kit-
chener visited relatiyes here this
Mrs. E. Westlake returned home
after spending some time at Elkton,
Mich., and while there attended the
Evangelical Camp Meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Rickbeil of
Kitchener called on friends and rela-
tives. They expect to leave shortly
on a trip to North Dakota.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Holtzman
and little daughter of Kitchener
spent the week at the home of the
former's father, Mr. G. Holtzman
Mr. and Mrs. Stumpf and son of
Elmira, Mr. Sherar of Gorrie, Mr,
and Mrs. Acre, Jr., of Mich., were
visitors at the home of Rev, and
Mrs. F. B. Meyer the past week.
Mr. John Hildebrandt has sold his
dwelling property in town to Mr.
Daniel Staubus who gets possession
on Oct. 1st next. Mr. and Mrs. Hil-
dabrandt intend moving to some
'larger town.
Rev. M. Eltues, of Deleware, 0.,
visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. A.
G. Ehnes for a few clays last week.
His son, Bud, who spent the sum-
mer here returned home with him.
Rev. Ehnes, is moving to New York
City where he will act as Secty. of
the Methodist Foreign Missions of
the United States.
An old time dance will be held at
Farquhar on Friday evening Sept.
15th. ' Good music provided. Gentle-
. nten 75e; ladies free. Committee
D. McKellar; H. McDougall and J
Messrs, James, Farrant and Alex
Hodgert are attending the exhibition
in Toronto.
Miss Ada Cooke, of. Fullarton,.
was a visitor on Sunday with Miss
Pearl Foster.
Mr. John Elliott of Hamilton is
holidaying at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Roy.
The Maple Club will hold a meet-
ing at the home of the Misses Mar-
gie and Jessie Graham.. on Thurs-
day evening.
Mrs. George Ross and little dau-
ghter Vivian, of Mitchell, were
guests of the lady's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Cole" for a week.
Mrs. Emily Stewart and family of
Valley City, North Dakota and Miss
Lizzie Dow, of Winnipeg are guests
for a month at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. David Dow.
Mrs. H. Belling has gone to De-
troit on a visit.
Miss Rose of London is the guest
of Miss E. McPherson.
Mrs. Edwards spent a few days
with Mrs. Dean Brown.
We regret to report that Mr. Wil-
mer McLinchey is ill in London Hos-
Miss Mae Wilson bad the honor of
seeing the Prince of Wales in Tor-
Byron Brown and Dawson Wood-
burn are attending Parkhill High
Mrs. A. Belt returned to Detroit
on Wednesday after spending a few
weeks here.
Mrs. C. H. Wilson and Hugh spent
the week -end with relatives and
friends here.
Miss Lillian Ulens went to Strat-
ford Business College on Monday.
Success to you Lillian.
Don't forget the Mission Band
Concert in the Methodist church on
Friday night at 8 o'clock.
The schools opend here on Tues-
day with Misses Hutton, Murray,
Sherritt and Lutcliffe in charge.
Pte. James Germette and William
Davidson returned here last week
from overseas. A reception in their
honor was held at the home of Mr.
Joseph Germotte on Tuesday even-
ing when they were cordially wel-
comed home by many friends and
neighbors. This completes the list
of our boys to return and with grate
ful hearts we rejoice on their safe
arrival home. While not forgetting
the ones who sleep their last sleep
"over there" having given all for us.
St. Marys
West McGillivray
Craig Sept. 23-24
Sept 22-23
Sept 15-16
Oct. 1-2
Sept 15-17
Oct. 2-3
Sept 6,13
Sept 23-24
Sept 18-19
Sept 18-19
i?ept 18-19
Sept 24-25
Oct. -2
Oct. 8-9
Sept 17-18
Medical authorities throughout the
United States are warning the Public
that a recurrence of the influenza
epidemic of last Fall is expected this
Winter. This warning is issued by
the medical authorities so that the
public may not be so unprepared as
a year ago. It is not intended in
any way to frighten the country.
Little progress has been made in
developing methods in combating the
disease which took a toll last year
much heavier than the Great War.
Whether or not the epidemic if it
comes, will be as severe as a year ago
no one can forecast. Certainly with
proper warning state and municipal
authorities can be more ready to
combat it. It has been the exper-
ience of the past that this epidemic
usually occurs for three consecutive
years, each one less severe than the
proceeding one. There will be no
big army camps this Year where the
disease may catch young men unaw-
ares and where authorities have no
time to properly prepare •for it.
There will be more physicians in all
the cities of the county and more
nurses. Keep healthy now, look to
your well being .and if perhaps every-
one does that there will be no such
scourge as passed over the continent.
of America in 1918.
Fly Remedies.
The fly, like the poor, is always
with us in summer -time. In spite of
many campaigns having for their slo-
gan, "Swat the fly," he is still with
us, and likely to be until the end of
Flies are a terrible nuisance in the
home„ in the dairy and in the Mable.
7.1Yey= torment the very 1ifo out of
rows. It is strange. That Ivan with all
his inventive genius, bas not yet
been able to overcome his agile
enemy, the fly.
'Up to the present, no very satis-
factory remedy for cow -dies has been
worked out. The most we can do is
to apply something wit keeps
them off the cows for a time. 'rhe
number of fly rcnttedhe i.; legion.
There are several very gni J patent
A good lxotuc-ntado mixture con-
sists of two quarts of i:5h-ail or any
kind of cheap oil or grease, one-half
,pint coal -oil, and four tablespoonfuls
of crude carbolic acid, thoroughly
mixed and applied to all parts of the
cow ,except udder and teats, by means
of,a cloth or brush. This quantity
wil coat twenty-five caws, and unless.
there be -Iain roue. after applying, one •
coating will last a week. (Leave out
tht• cn:al-o l rfot eaives.)
The Temperance
Ref e end
r um Act, 1919
Form 10
(Referred to in Section 34.)
Electoral District of
South Huron
to Wit
Take notice that the voters' lists
for polling sub -divisions numbered
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and 9 in the municip-
ality of the township of Stephen; 1,2,
3, and 4 in the municipality of the
village of Exeter; 1,2;3 and 4 in the
municipality of the township of Us -
borne; 1,2,3,4, and 5 in the municip-
ality of the township of Stanley; 1,2,
3,4,5 and 6 in the municipality of the
Township of Goderich; number 1 in
the municipality of the Village of
Bayfield; 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 in the mun-
icipality of the Township of Tucker-
smith; number 1 in the municipality
of the Village of Hensall; 1,2,3,4,5,
6,7 and 8 in the municipality of the
Township of Hay; have been deliver-
ed to the Clerk of this board by the
Returning Officer.
And that His honor Judge Lewis
H. Dickson has been appointed Re-
vising Officer for the purpose of hear-
ing complaints and appeals as to the
said voters' list for the Township of
Stephen and the Village of Exeter.
His honor Judge E. N. Lewis has
been appointed Revising Officer for
the purpose of hearing complaints
and appeaals as to the said lists for
the Townships of Usborne and Stan-
ley. ,,,.
R. G. Reynolds, Esquire, has been',
appointed Revising Officer for the
purpose of hearing complaints and
appeals as to the said lists for the
Township of Goderich and the Vill-
age of Bayfield;
D. McDonald has been appointed
Revising Officer for the purpose of
hearing complaints and appeals as to
the said lists for the Township of
Tuckersmith and the Village of Hen-
s ;
C.. ap-
Revising Officer for the pur-
Seager, Esquire, has been
pose of hearing complaints and ap=
peals as to, the said. voters' list for
the Township of Hay;
And further take notice that the
sittings of the said Revising Officers ;,"- ters, Chief Ennumerator, Henry
will be held as follows; Horton, zh'e. local ennumerators 10S
In the Township Hall, Crediton on 1he. several ]Dili ash• subcli:yisipaxut
the 26th day of September, 1919 to member' of the municipal councils,
hear appeals and complaints as to and with the undersigned,
the said voters' lists formthe township
of Stephen.
In the Town Hall, Exeter, on the
27th day of September, 1919 to hear
complaints and appeals as to the said
voters' lists for the Village of Exeter.
In the Township Hall, Elimville,
on the 26th day of September, 1919
to hear the appeals and complaints THE OLD RELIABLE FONTIIIL
as to the said lists for the Township
of Usborne.
In the Township Hall, Varna, on
the 25th day of September, 1919 to
he complaintsthe said voters'
complaints and appeals as to the
said lists for the Village 44 Bayfield
in Walker's Hall, ilrucehield, an
the 26th day of September, 191'1 to
hear complaints and appeals as to
the said lists for the Township of
the In : Town Hall, He tsall, on the
27th day of Sepltember, 1919, to hear
gomuptaints and appeals us for thel s,a el
lists for the Village of Hernsall;
iii the Townsh hall, Zurich, on
the 26th day of September, 1919, to
complaintshear complaints rind appeaats as to
polling subdivisions 1, 2, 3, acrd 4, in
the said Township. of Hay, and
In the ,Township Hall, Zurich, On
the 27th,day of September, 1919,
as to the said tilusts for polying sub•-
tlivi1ioa 5; b, 7 and 8 yin the • leaid
,Township of Hay.
Such Sittings to 'Commence at: 10
o'clock iia the forencorn..
And further Take Notice that any
voter who desires to complain,. that
the navies of any persons .etnititl,-
ed to he entered an the said lists
have been omitted from the same, or
that the naives of p.rsons who, are
not entitled to be voters have. been
rrntered on the same may, not less
than 5 clear days ,bekore: She dates
fixed for the sittings etf the Revising
officers, apply, complaint, or appeal to
have his own name, or the name Of
any other person, color edted in, en-
tered on or removed from "the 'said
And Further Tfadte Notice: that such
appeals must be by notice in writing
in the prescribed form signed by the
complainant, and ;givers or left fee-
him at his .res deuice, or place - f
business to the Clerk of the Revis-
ing Officer, as follows:
To Herbert K. Eil'ber, Crediton, as
to the said lists for the Township of
To Joseph Senior, Exeter, as for the
said list; for the Village of Exeter;
To Henry Strang, R. R. 1, Hensall,
as to the said lists for the Township
of Usborne;
J. E Hartwell, Varna, as to the
said lists for the. Township of Stan
A. Cantelon, CLin;tea, as ;to, the sa
lists for the Township of Goderich,
H. W. ;Erwin, Bayfield, as to the
said lists for the Village of •I3ayfielel
U. F. McGregor, R. ,R•. 3, Seeafarth,
as to the said lists for the Township
of Tucjker.smith;
Aliex. Murdock, Hensall, as to :the
said lists for the Village of Hensall;
To Andrew Hess, Zurich, as to the
said lists for the Township of Hay.
Chairman Voters' Registration Dowd,
County of Huron.
Copies of the Voters' Lists may be
seen. with the Municipal, Clerks, Post -
Clerk Voters Registration. Board,
To Represent
The greatest demand for Nursery
Stock in years.
British and European Markets a-
ir as to gain open for Canadian Fruit.
lists for the Township of Stanley. Largest list of Fduit and Orna-
mental Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc.,
the 26th day of September, 1919, to grown in Canada.
hear the appeals and complaints as , Write for particulars.
to the said lists for the Township of
In the Town Hall, Bayfield, on the Established 1837
27th day of September, to hear the TORONTO, ONT.
"Carry Me Back"
"to Old Virginny" or "to Tennessee."
Columbia Records will carry you where-
ever you want to go in coon songs and in
all other music, too. They will carry you
to the opera, to a musical comedy, or to
a vaudeville show. They will carry you
to a symphony orchestra, to a vocal con-
cert, or out on the street to hear a band.
Grafonolas and Records
are the combination that puts all music at
your command. Columbia Records give
you all that is best and latest in music.
We have a complete stock of
Grafonolas and all the latest Rec-
ords. Come in and let us help
you bring your music up-to-date.