The Exeter Times, 1919-8-14, Page 3ALL S P i Fil Kms. PL INT SUCH AS Diarrhoea, DEt:'.eslttea•yia Cie, Cholera, Cr,Teler'a Flee inten, Cholera tlollatnterrsv, etc., A l`E *ANGER,A S. During the hat Weather the bowels ‘\, 'seem to be more susceptible to disease \ than at any other time of the year. The holiday season is on; you go travelling and change your .diet and drinking water; catch cold at every change eeenneenin the weather; eat unripe fruit, etc.,' 'which causesthe bowels to become loosened up. To get relief from these conditions, you must take 'something to relieve those awful cramps hi the st math; those awful pains in the bowels; in foot .something that will in c, natural and effective way stop the fluxes of t1 e bowels as meekly as possible, and at, the same time not leave them in a .constipated condition. Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild Straw- berry is exactly the remedy you need, .and by using it ypu aro not taking any chances to endangertyour health as it has been on the market for the past '74 years, and we have yet to hear of sane instance where it has not done everything��we claim for it. We wish tp warn the public that a :great mealy instances have been brought to our notice where dealers have been asked for "Dr, Fowler's" and have tried to sell a substitute. Protect your health by not accepting substitutes for this ,old and tried remedy; they may be dangerous. Price 35c• a bottle at all dealers. See that our name appears on the wrapper. The T. Milburn Co„ Limited. Toronto, Ont. Betty's Return. Mary Ann and Dean were two very happy children. When one day they overheard mother -say, "We will have to get rid of the old cat 'Betty.' Her days of usefulness were about over; she was stiff, homely, and always underfoot." • The aged house pet was placed win a bag, tied securely and put in the wagon, as father was instructed to "take her so far away that she could neveraget back." It was just bdfore Christmas and thg farmer was on his way to the nearest county town with a load of pork, When fifteen miles away from home he untied the string and "let the cat out of the bag," thinking that would be the last of Betty. Well, what do you think? Scarcely four weeks had passed when, in the middle of a cold, blustering night, the thermometer down to zero, snow two feet deep on the ground, there was a scratching on the back door and mew- ing. How quick the little ears heard . the familiar sound of old Betty. Out of bed jumped Dean and down to the kitchen as fast as his little legs could carry him, crying "Come, mother, open the door quick." Sure enough, Betty had come back, and walked in as unconcernedly as. though she hadn't been away an hour, rubbed`trp against the children as if to say, "Here I am again." Poor old • Betty was so thin, and to think she had conte all that distance in the deep snow. No .tt'me was lost in placing a nice dish of warm milk before her, the children clapping their hands and saying, "Betty did come back, as Mary Ann said she would." When Betty had finished her milk, she leisurely walked around to her old spot back of the stove and lay down, purring. contentedly. Which goes to show a cat has the sense of distance which .is not found in human beings. Home Grown Cows. ..-- A neighbor of ours never raises a calf, always depending upon cows sible snow loads; and rigid enough to resist wind pressure. picked up here and.there for such ani- mals as he • ratty need in his dairy. The -reason for this, as he states" it,. is that he can buy cows cheaper than he can raise them. In this respect this friend of oars is representative of a large class of farmers. On the farms of these men we seldom see a calf or a heifer coming on. But there is this thing that I no- tice, This neighbor, and others I know who do not raise calves, are all the time changing their cows oft for one reason or another. While, these men do not. say so, I have my suspi- cions that this tendency to shift their stock is due to the fact that they do not get cows that are satisfactory when they buy them. It is a risky matter to buy cows, especially where one does not know the man 'of wham he buys. Nor is the fault alway with the former. owner of the cow, For it is a fact that the cow which may do well for you may be an entirely dif- ferent cow for me, with my peculiar ways of feeding and caring for stock. In my opinion, then, home-grown cows are the best all round. It may cost rather more to get these cows up through to maturity, bat when we get them we know better what we have than where we step out and buy a strange cow. For cows are big bun - dies of peculiarities, some of which are inherited, more acquired. I have watched this matter of per- sonal characteristics quite carefully. and always with interest. Usually I have found that it is the mother which puts the imprint of her own disposi- tion and eccentricities on the calf she brings into the world. If the. cow As a long milker, we may look for the heif- er she drops to be so, too. Little notions about standing when being milked, or being light-footed or dis- orderly, are also transmitted in many cases. In. my own herd I have seen a long line of cows marked by the mother to be short -seasoned in the flow of milk. That is, they almost uni- versally have the fault of drying off early, and not coming back until they have had a long period of rest. The loss from this kind of cows is great in the course of a term of years. None of us can afford to keep a cow thane does not hold out in her milk yield. Cows that grow up on the place have another advantage not always taken into account, and that is, they know what to expect from the man who has handled them from the start and they are at home in the pasture and in the yard with the other cattle. This shows itselfstrikingly when the cow is transferred to another environ- ment. If a cow, feet example, has al- ways. been treated kindly and has been kept with other cows, that she likes to be with, and then is suddenly sold and put under the care of a man who has litle feeling for his cows, looks upon tem as "machines" and sends them out- into the yard or pasture with a lot of cross, "scrappy" cows, she is almost sure to drop off in the flow of her milk. "Getting wonted" is what we say of the cow which is undergoing this change, and some- times she is homesick and `under the weather generally for a long time. I have brought cows in that way into my herd and seen them fight for days to settle the matter of who is boss. It, is hard work; and sometimes I have' had to separate cows that fought each, other that way for a long time; and! I am not sure but the best -way as to dispose of one or the other of the belligerents rather than to have the herd all stirred up by constant fights. Going a Tittle deeper into this mat- er, it is worth while to notice that when we grow our own calves we may British casualties in all theatres of t war went well over the 3,000,000 nark. About 150,000 officers and ap- proximately 3,000,000 men. The British Grenadier Guards Band will -take part every evening .in the s Spectacle at the Canadian National i Exhibition. II,R.H. the 'Prince of a Wales in a captain in the Guards, and the hand will have a place of honor t in the various functions in honor of o P. Toronto, Perhaps the cheapest, most avail- able and commonly used material is wood, whih, if kept carefully painted, is reasonably durable. Galvanize4t car.. rugatecl sheet metal is also used to %erne extent, either for covering the entire buildiz'g or only for the roof. Concrete is best fee the foundation walls and piers. If built in a well - drained' location, floors are ttnneees. Bary. Floors- of concrete are, how- ever, sometimes used - to good ad- vantage. Open implement sheds—that is, structures having a roof and with one or more sides open—are sometimes built to shelter farm tools, but, gen- erally speaking, a building which can be closed all around and yet built with doors in such a way that an opening is available at any point on one side is • he most satisfactory and service- able. If farm tools are to be housed at all, the slight, additional expendi- ture necessary to close entirely the building will assure them of being well housed. A convenient implement house re- cently built by a neighbor farmer is about 28x64 ft. in size. The roof is covered with corrugated galvanized sheet metal. A concrete floor in one end provides a place for buggies with rubber tires of °tiler vehicles which should not stand on a dirt floor, This building has two 16 -foot doorways on. one side, and one 16 -foot doorway on the opposite side, giving easy access to any part of the building. One con- tinuous door hanger track extends along the entire side on which the two doors are located. The openings in an implement house must be of large •size, about 1. feet wide, to accommodate the widest farm machines, and sliding doors are the only practical kind. Swing doors of large size are sure to warp and sag, especially* when made of stock lumber. They are also subject to being blown about by the wind, dam- aging either the door or the hinge fastenings. Although the doors of this building are made in one section, it is much better practice to use two doors to each opening. These may be oper- ated independently or may be flexibly connected together by two strips of steel or wood, one near the top of the door and the other near the bottom. This permits the movement of the two sections as one, but overcomes to a large extent the tendency of large doors to warp. It is frequently desirable to parti- tion off one end of the implement house to be used an a garage. In that case an 8 -foot opening into the garage i may be provided. The garage should have a concrete floor, and windows enough to give good light. A. small work bench and a cupboard for stor- ing supplies, etc., will be found con- venient. In fact, if the garage is made a trifle large and a door open- ing is provided into the main part of the implement house, it Will be very convenient to use in making light machinery repairs. The Prince's Day, If princes of old lived lives of lazy luxury, modern princes take matters more seriously. Here is a typical day in the life of the Prince of Wales. Seven o'clock, rise. Eight to nine, breakfast. Nine to ten, heavy corres- pondence. Ten to twelve, public en- gagements, interviews, etc. One to half -past two, luncheon. Three to five, public engagements and visits. Five, tea. Six to seven, work in the library. Eight, dinner. Naturally, the programme varies, and the Prince is by matiii,g cows of certain character•c, a lytics with bulls the parentage and f qualities of whose ancestors we under- tand, get calves which are superior n many ways to any we can buy, nd better than those we already have. And this possibility of breeding bet- er stock is ore that is well worthy f more attention than most of: us ivo II1a Royal Highness during his stay g i MCP..., UPC.. PPIPPPPPIV Housing Farni Machinery. A BOH vS Tho thrift, business ability, and emcees of a farmer may be fairly estimated by the care he takes of his APA Over t3rick, Legs and lBodyfarm tools and implements. These Fob, 39 Months. aids to economic a*riculture in Can- ada result in a large saving every year, and the thoughtful person must Ex-Gnr, F. Plumridge, 156 Curzon acknowledge the in mense losses in who Se, Toronto, Ont., wrrtes:--"I am aggregate which would result from writing these few lines to let you know the general failure properly to hptuse how wonderful is the effect of I3urdock and care for this class of machinery. Blood Bitters. For thirty-nine months, An investment of such proportions in o s er ria I had ho:Is all over my sim baclk, , articles which ave .used for only a 1: gs and body, ie fact I was c'r vered wtlh them. I tried several comparatively short time during each different remrdie , and while in .Franco -year mast impress one with the im- bed medicin1' :feet from England, but pbrtanee of providi.in ;+astable haus- ell to i'o avail. ing for the r'e1 tieely long periods • On i 'arhing Canada, July 12th, 1913, what the iinirleneente are not in use. I wet told io try your B. 13. lt, and on It is unnecessary to provide an t rki.nt:, six bottles I had not even a. scar left. „ elaborate or exlten"ere building for The only were • to rid ;ot'rseif of boils • thi,l l;urpose, beruuse its principal use p!ri;'1: a mid all ekiri blehelies.'.nd blem-' is to protect the .rciechinery from the Isere, r -o tl'at• they will never return to weather. The 1raplenlent house is un - broiler you again, ;s in have the blood like the barn, vrhich, cspcttially hi cold thoroughly clrn used of all of riip lm- clinsatee,. met be built to peotect parte c, and there is no remedy on the market to -day to equal Burdock Blood li'.ttrr::. erlee old anti tellable pr,'1:u ation has l t c n on the n .rk('t for the past 40 yearn. .11,4:urufn.elurrd only lev The' 1, Milbtu'la ntruction, strong enough to support Co„ Linretcd, Toronto, Out. • its own roof, together with theepos- stock from the cold, or the granary, which must be capable of holding a great weight of (;rain. AlI that is necessary is a /building of simple .con- n enthusiastic sportsman when he Is ree of engagements. A good deal of his time is taken up with the business side of his estate, the Duchy of Corn- wall, from which he draws about 850,- 000 a year. Last year he spent half � that sum on benefiting the estate. To remove shellac from clothing use alcohol, Turpentine removes paint. ar ,. iod Nerves So Bad Walked Floor Aid 11 Lght. Nature intended women to de strong, healthy and happy as the day is long, instead of being sick and wretched. The trouble is that they pay .more attention to the work they have to do than to !heir health, therefor they become run down, weak and miserable, Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are the remedy tbai, these nervous, tired -out, weakly women need to restore them to perfect health and ha_ptpiness. Mrs. Fred Lee, •Alrnonte, Ont. writes: `.11y oldi'st dr.ughter was so bad for :ve, a year, with her heart and nerves that she was compelled to give up her work. 1 was very discouraged about her, as I bad her to two doctors, but they d'd her no good. She could not eleep at Ogle; would have to walk the Mew, :nal fd It as it rhe would go out of her midi. One day a friend told me to use Milburn's Evert and Nerve Vile tend I cannot sit:. ak too highly of thew. he used three boles and is ft cling fine. 5 -ho started back to work two months A \.teem s heart and Nerve Pills are nao. a box at all c1t all. rs or mailed direct Co., natant of i ee ! v'lhe T• Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. •.•, .e,,, •X1.91' Wit: tameaeaesinassestetestieetesstiostitsesesit n vi a '14y. j.:r• ."µn'�1•� ter' Lt .1..dno a ,LP mil tigt arrrrri:mg raeloSotarrsygrro .101/111111N1i 1 F3OR the Gillette owner, life is one long holiday from, � It - stropping unci lxer°� life. I T1s round gun dof daily luxurious shaves. The shaving quality of the hard•tempered, keen and lasting Gillette Blade is a never failing source of satisfaction. You, who are planning a vacation, should include one pleasure you can enjoy twelve months each, year—buy a Gillette Safety Razor. Free your,. holiday from strops and hones. The new Kit Set—the Pocket Edition Gillette Safety Razor—in a limp leather roll case, complete with twelve double-edged blades and a mirror,' takes only a few inches of space in your kit. Remember how the Gillette was the choice of the soldiers of all the Allied armies. You will need a Gillette to remove your open-air growth of beard. THE PRICE IS $5.00 , , • .2,44,-,-.1.01,10 ,+a 1 4.o 529 .ear v.t �.sc.r..e.n.•,.,.wve..e+- .... ...rr. o•a..r.•:•..• r.,�. The Soldier's Return to the Farm By 0. W. EVANS. When John Roberts returned from practically every recruit was taught overseas and resumed his duties on the methods of handling horses. He the old farm a short time ago, he gave was instructed first in the nomencla- his kind-hearted old father a bit of a ture of the horse, until he could name jolt one day, when he said: and refer. correctly to the various "Dad, what in the name of Sam parts of the horse anatomy. Next he Hill have you been • doing to ..that was taught the most systematic, and harness? You got it less than two hence the quickest, method of groom - years ago and now it looks almost ing, and also the simple tests of ready for the scrap heap. Next time whether or not the horse is well you're in town get a couple of cans' groomed. Following this a course was of saddle -soak, a sponge and some given on horse -shoeing, and although neats-foot oil and I'll show you the it was not the purpose to make every way we kept horse equipment in the man a practical and expert horseshoer, army. yet he learned the correct way to shoe "And for the love o' Mike, who shod a horse and the dangers to be encount- that horse? Wait 'till the lieutenart 1 ered and the results to be had from im- , sees—" (proper fitting and adjusting of shoes. , "Why, what's the matter with How to judge horses for speed that?" broke in the surprised father. "The shoe fits and it looks like a durn gocd job." "Yes, it looks neat," was the re- joinder, "but the bird who tacked strength and endurance, was one of the important things which the artil- lerymen learned. He was taught how to size up the various animals and to that shoe on ought to get the stone- ti pass judgment "asto their qualifica- pile for a year. Can't you see he's ons for the special work for which cut the hoof•to fit the shoe instead of they were needed• Feeding is another shaping the shoe to fit the hoof? And thing which was taught to the re- look at the way he's cut those bars; the c. Out on the farms it has been will the custom to 'ive the hors.eabout that nag go lame in two days" so many forksful of hay or so many Wait 'till I see that blacksmith guy. scoops of grain at different times, Thus it was that Farmer Roberts but upon very few farms in the coun- began to find out what the army did try has this been done intelligently for his boy, and thus it is that farm- or with any special system. A horse ers all °vet the country are cthe boys •to in good health will generally eat all realize the same thing with the bthe grain which is placed before it, in their own localities. or until it can eat no more. Overfeed - It has been said that there are ing is one of the greatest sources of more men alive in Canada to -day than horse ailments, and this pareicular there would have been had the war not occurred. The reason for this is taught in the army was to in - the fact that the rigid discipline, splen- strict the men in the exact amounts and proportions of the differefds did setting -up exercises and the rug- nt ee, ged out-of-door work to which every to be given to the horses of various recruit was subjected, so built up the sizes and weights, during the differ - thousands of recruits to the army and eat seasons and in accordance with the amount of work high the animals navy, that hundreds of lives were ' saved hundreds of lives of young were doing. It is e system which men, who, because of their sedentary has been worked out after years of occupations and lack of out-of-door experience and observation by the re- occupations k, had become so emaciated and mount specialists and veterinarians of run-down that they would never have t the army, and is bound to be a great survived the terrible ravages of the; boon to the farmers, both in economy epidemic of influenza which swept' of feed, and in keeping the horses over the world a few months ago. fit and well. This is true, more so of the city man Care of the horse ehr accident and than of the boys from the country. disease, is a course which is particu- It is the one big benefit resulting from ; larly valuable to the farrier boy, and the war to the metropolitan districts; one which was given a great amount of this country, and the men who re -1 of attention in the horse-drawn artil- turn from the service will resume ; lery regiments and in the cavalry. their work with new life and a re-: Knowing the proper thing to do at newed vigor, which with multiply their the proper time, in case of accident personal efficiency and make them' or sickness to a horse will often save more valuable' as citizens, 1a valuable animal to years of further The men from the farms and out-' usefulness and this was the aim of lying districts, however, were as a 1 this particular course of study. To - whole, far above the city man in( gether with this the lessons gie-en in physical condition and the results o.f ` scientifically cleaning and caring for with his thighs, rather than depending upon his stirrups, before he took to the saddle, After this was accomplish- ed and the proper aids were taught. and practiced; the recruit was in - articled how to. put his mount through all the paces and movements. A great many men came to the camps who had rode and handled horses for.years id their own natural way. These had to be "unlearned" many things which were against • the canons of military equitation and taught again correctly, but in a great majority of the eases these nen, after becomjng ,accustomed to the army way, agreed that the lat- ter was the most logical and made for the better training and .preservation of the horse. In the motor -drawn artillery regi- ments certain men wee given inten- sive and highly specialized courses in motors. The tractors used are not un- like those used on the great farms of the west, and the soldiers were given the opportunity to learn, not only how to run and take care of tractors and. wheeled znaterial, but also to observe.. the possibilities of these machines for domestic use. The trained infantryman was per- haps the military "Jack of A.11 Trades."' His courses included irrigation, sani- tation, trench digging, and building of revettments and shelters, all ex- clusive o drill and. the use of the rifle and bayonet, The Jackies of the navy, besides learning much of the same things that the Tommies were taught, also came to understand the secrets of weather prediction and the tying of many kinds of useful knots for various purposes, all of which will be of practical help to these boys when they return to the farms. Considered as a whole, the nation at `large, and the farmers in partici lar, will benefit largely from the great war in a way which will make for greater efficiency of the worker, bet- ter economy, and a greater output and production from the soil, because of the more intelligent application, These results will become more and more apparent as the young patriots, who enlisted in the service of their country return to resume thele work in the great and growing agricultural `sections of the country. INTERNATIONAL LESSON AUGUST 17. Christian Missions --Acts 1: 8; 13: 1 to 14: 28. Golden Text, Mark 16: 15. Acts 1: 8—Ye Shall Receive Power, and Ye Shall Be Witnesses. These are among the last recorded word's of Jesus to His disciples. Theirs is the great commission, He tells them, to be witnesses unto Him "both in Jer- usalem, and in all Judea, and in Sam- aria, and unto the uttermost parts of the earth." Theirs also is to be pow- er from on high to perform that work. It was not for them to know "times or seasons," the time or manner of His returning again and setting up a kingdom upon earth'. They were still hoping for the restoration in Palestine of the kingdom of David. It is sig- nificant that Jesus neither denies nor affirms that hope. But He bids them to be witnesses for Him in all the world.- We are not wiser than our Master. ]Jet us leave off, therefore, ! vain and' foolish speculations about times• and seasons of His corning, and set ourselves to the fulfilment of our mission, the mission handed down to us from the apostles, in obedience to our Lord's last command. And may it not be that in this very way, by carry- ing His Gospel in the power of His Spirit to all the world, that we shall not only prepare the way for and hasten Ibis coming again, but actu- ally bring it to pass as a spiritual fact, a spiritual Presence, the domin- ant and vitalizing force of Christ in the Spirit putting all enemies under his feet, and asserting His final and everlasting dominion over the minds and hearts of men? Acts 14: 1-7. "In Iconium." Paul and Barnabas are upon their first great missionary journey. From An- tioch in Syria they have gone over the sea to Cyprus, and having traveled from end to end of that ,island had sailed northward to the coast of Asia Minor. Hence they had gone through the mountain passes into the interior, and fronieBisidian Antioch had turned ( eastward to the cities of Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe. They had met with varied experiences, the most dis- couraging of which was the bitter and determined hostility of many Jews. From them the apostles turned to the Gentiles, and opened wide to them the door of faith r1.3: 46-48). The promise of power Was being surely fulfilled in their preaching. In Iconium they "so spake that a great multitude both of the systematic training were not so' 'harness will go a long. .%ay towards N ' V ', �• EA 5 marked in their eases although it , reducin g the expense in thisparti a --+z g �� > fi l; of . tended to make them more alert and the farm equipment. f active. To these men, however, came. The course 'o -hick was perhaps the the great benefit of the splendid most enjoyed by the young men from courses of training along lines which the -country, and which was equally are practical and can be put to use abhorred (at first) by the city -bred re- in their everyday work upon the cruits, was equitation or horseman-, farms. The farmer boys who are so fortu- nate as to have served with the artil- lery units of the army received per- haps the greatest amount of instruc- tion which they can later utilize on the farm. In the horse-drawn outfits ship. Starting otr in the most difficult, way, the soldier was taught first to ,ride bare -back, then with the blanket and sur-einglo and later with the atmy ' saddle. The theory of this was to give the man his scnyc of balance first and the knack of gripping his mount soo Dollars ff inviceted nt.30,o will amount to $691.76 If invested at 4%, interest com- pounded quarterly, will atuuunt to $744.26 But if invested in our 514% (Debentures wilt =omit to. , e860.20 � Write for I3ooklet, Permanent The Great West Loan Company. Toronto Office 7.•0 Kiitty St, Went ARE YOUR BOWELS Constipated?, If So, Watch Your Health. Unless (me bee a free action of the bowels, at lett once a day, constipation as sure to 04540 And. it. is oma: of the ills that causes more ill -health than ruiy other trouble of the humalz system, Keep your bowels- regular by using Milburu's Laxa-Liver Pille and you evoe't be troubled with your stomach, you 'wvill. have no sick or bilious headaches, no jaundice, piles, heartburn, water brash, catarrh of the stomach, floating specks before the eyes, and everything will not turn black and make you feel as if yore were going to feint. • Mrs. Garnet Hutt, Morrisburgl Ont., writes:—"Having been troubled for yearn with constipation and trying everything I knew of without effect, a friend advised me to use Milburn's Laxo-Liver Pills. I used four vials and am completely cured. I can gladly reeohnmend them to every one who suffers from constipation." Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25 cents a vial at all dealers, or mailed direct at receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont. spappowaposop Jews and Greeks believed." But again there was persecution and they fled to "the.cities- of-Lycaonia." • 14t 8-20. "At Lystra." The power which Jesus had promised was some- times manifested in Paul, as in ,Tesus Himself, in works of healing. Here, in. Lystra, he made a cripple stand on his feet and walk, The-., Gentile people marveled, and thought that he and Barnabas must be gods in human form, There was a story current at that .time in that country that certain of the gods had visitedthen?; and it was natural that they should become greatly excited over what they now supposed to be their return. 'Similar things have happened in our own day, where missionaries: with the healing skill of modern medical science, or with the methods and ap- pliances of modern chemistry and physics and engineering, have seemed to the simple folk they were trying to aid to have supernatural power. The story is told of a Scotch medical offi- cer with the British army of occupa- tion in Mesopotamia who had been able to treat successfully many cases of blindness among the Arabs. "The result is that he is beset by the blind: People come leading blind relatives and friends from miles and miles away." In some cases cure is im- possible, but "they think he could cure them all if lie wanted to. They even go so far as to make prayers• to dint and try to propitiate him with gifts, as though he were some kind of god." And indeed the missionary is often, as Paul and Barnabas•were, in the place of God to such people. He brings to them some true knowledge of God, and exemplifies his teaching by his daily life and by the service he renders them. Yet he seeks no honor or worship for himself, hut only for the God whose representative he is. Here the apostles "scarce res- trained" the people from offering sac- rifice to them. Nothing could more effectively demonstrate the pitiful need of humanity for that which ,the Christian missionary can bring. In order to accommodate the Cana- dian War Memorials paintings at the Canadian National .Exhibition, an ex- tension of •130x30 feet to the Fine Arts Gallery is necessitated. Some of the paintings' are over 20 feet long, •.,'MD 12 Davies Fertilizers For Prtfit Write for Free DaiZefi,s Ontario Fertilizers Limited 4r Toronto Fal Wheat ee OW about using acid phos- " phate alone? .A total of 90 years' experiments at Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Virginia Experiment Sta• tions shows the following aver- age increases per acro fronnt the use of single element and com- plete fertilizers. Average Acre 1tIateriel Added Increase Ohtain.•'d Ammoni•i, or nitrogen .28 bus, I'lioaplioi is meld 5.95 Nitrogen and Phos. acld 8.64 " Cornplete fertilizers 11.15 " You can net an lne:'ouso from Reid phosphate alone but you can net over double the Inoreaso from colnp!ete fertilizers, Lay your plena for larg'st re- turns per acro while wheat pr.tees are high. Write for free toil let, The Soli and Cop • Ir ae'a;:'1ntall.en ' Bli eP t;; Car o,dlaa P'ol•ttlAte `• ..'tasooiat mole 1111, tilaraDiee tztoi6±A6 4