The Exeter Times, 1919-7-31, Page 83r. A. WART PHONE UI MID -SUMMER The two months of extremely hot weather which we have ex- perienced has greatly depleted our stock of summer goods; you will find on our counters this week many odd lines on which you can make a decided saving over future prices. Steeleclad Galateas STAND THE RUB OF THE TUB For Smart Dresses, Frocks, Middies, Rompers and Playsuits, Distinguished for strength and durability. Guaranteed fast colors. randoraidradnradinrad Ladies Waists and Blouses We recently received another shipment of those pretty white voile blouses, these are absolutely the daintiest we have had this season. Our stock of blouses in white and colored wash silks and crepes is quite complete, the designs are exclusive and the prices are moderate. Fancy Bath Towels 'We are showing a line of large bath towels in plain white, white with colored borders and fancy linen shades; these should certainly interest the housewife who takes a pride in her home and who appreciates good values. OndOrarandraddinnraranntrandraldralra Ladies Summer Vests at 25c. 'This week we are putting on sale a line of Ladies' Summer Vests at 25 cents. You will find these extremely good value. rararararararall Our China Department We are continually adding to our stock of Fancy China and novelties in glass and brasswork. We are showing three different designs in white and gold dinner sets. These are certainly pretty. Just received a large crate of toilet sets. These are all ten -piece sets and the designs and colorings are certainly pretty. We now have over twenty patterns for you to choose from. Highest prices paid for produce. J.A. STEWART Phone 16 TH Market Report ^-wThe following is the report of the Exeter Market corrected up, to Wednesday 30th. Winter wheat $2.00. Oats 95c. Barley $1.20. Peas $1.75 Bran $45 per ton in buyers bags Shorts $50 per ton. Family Flour $5.70 Eggs 46c. Dairy butter 42c to 45e. Creamery Butter 57c. New Potatoes 85c a peck, Lard 40c. 1, -Togs $23.25. Reduce Your Labor •••••••••••••••••44.41-0410.4110 •LOCAL •• .4...4444t+1►M 644*• ► Miss E. M. Bowey spent the week- end in London. Judge Dickson of Goderich was in town on Monday, Miss Lillian Boyle of Toronto is visiting in town this week. Mr. J. King of Toronto was town a few days last week. • Mrs. H. Colerick of London is vis- iting Mrs. B. Knight of town. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Doerr spent the week -end visiting in Mitchell. Miss Gladys Kestle is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Walper of Harrow. Miss Betty Brown has been holi- daying with friends in Hamilton. Mr. Harper Rivers has returned home after holidaying at the Bend. Mrs. Johnston and family of Tor- onto are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mrs. N. Ogden left last Saturday to attend the re -union at Palmerston Master Freddie Cuthrie of Lon- don is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D. Wood. Mr. Norman Graham of London visited friends in town over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee have re- turned home after a few days vaca- tion. in And add to your comfort by having an outfit as illus- trated here supply your house and barn with water. Write or telephone for particulars to C. West 244 Queens Ave., London, Ont. Phone No. 3255 .T CAP' UMATES MATiSK BAGO,NEUl GO A RELIEF sEa7 opga2 p, ,,. glicitss o. I a;:e. YOU? �+ ( "A woman is as old as she kr-- --e man as old as he feels." `.ay young ! Pain wrecks you hi the prime of life and wastes hczt years. Fight Rheumatic pains with T. R. C.'s. BliOWNING'S DRUG STOIC.. Optical Rooms and Stationery. S•ele Agent for Exeter. .fail 5'1.04 to this address or to Templeton's, 142 to and T. R. C's will be sent post paid. THE EXETER TIMES Sul;'scription rate $1.50 a year. ADVERTISING RATES , Display Advertising—Made known on application, Strav Animals—One insertion 50e three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 50e eacb insertion for one month of four °-*mar+inns, 25c for each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more then five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted. Lost, Found, etc., each in- sertion Tac. Locos reading notices etc., 10c per line per insertion. No notice less than. 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. in Legal advertising 10e and 5c a line. Auction Sales $2 for one insertion and $3 for two insertions if moder-i ate size. EX TE TiMES Machine Shop for Exeter 3�. COO -MANE (Returned) Has taken over the Connor Machine Shop and isinstalling the latest machinery, Prompt attention given to all re- pair's. FOR SALE ---A very desirable res- idential property. Fine white modern brick house, containing six good sized rooms, large balcony and ver- andahs, conveniences, electric light, furnace, bard ' and soft water. Barn with loft and motor garage. Situate in splendid position close to school churches, depot store and pillar box. Apply Mrs. Harrison Gambrill, Exe- ter. "SPECIAL AUGUST SALE" At Mrs. W. D. Yeo's commencing Friday morning, Aug. 1st. Summer Goods, Ladies and Children. Dresses Skirtings, Prints, Apron Ginghams, Table Linens, Towellings, Shirtings, Table Oilcloth, White Spread Cur- tains and other goods too numerous to mention. A call solicited.Phone 93 A temperance organization meeting ear The Township of Usbortse address sed by A. T. Cooper of Clintonand others will be hell in, •Elimville_ Meth. odist Church ort Tunstiav, August 5, at 8 p.im. Miss Lulu Hastings is visiting with friends in Guelph. Mr. Thos.' 1'eckell, of Detroit is re- newing acquaintances in town. Mrs. L. Day visited in_ London for a few days during the past week. Mr. John S. Medd, brother of Rev. Dr. Medd was a visitor this week at Main St. Parsonage_ Mr. Harold and Miss Lillian Boyle Mr. Harold Foster of Toronto, is motored up from Toronto and are visiting his grandfather, Mr. James visiting friends in town. Handford. Mr. and Mrs_ Jones of Toronto visited at the home of Mr. Jas. Hand- ford last week. Rev. S. and Mrs. Foote and little daughter are holidaying at Kew Beach near Kincardine. Miss Margaret McLaughlin of Mr. Bill Smith left last week for Brantford is visiting her grandpar- Madison, Wisconsin, where he will eats, Mr. and Mrs. John. McLaughlin. spend his holidays. Mrs. J. McTavish and children of Miss Rose Lamport and Miss Mil- Shakespeare„ are visiting the for- dred Rowe are holidaying with rela- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs: J. W. tives in Pt. Huron. Taylor. Mrs. P. Frayne and daughter Lena Mr. C. W. Robinson has been in left Monday to spend a few days in Toronto during the week where he London. and Brantford. went to meet his son. who has just returned from overseas. hire. O. Becket and children of New Hamburg are visiting Dr. and Mrs. Browning of town. Mr. Nelson Hill left last week for Hamilton where he will visit his brother Mr. Francis Hill. James St. Sunday School are hold- ing their annual picnic to Grand Bend to -day (Wednesday) Mrs. J. A. Stewart and family and R. E. Southcott returned Friday from a motor trip to Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. Trumper and family have returned home after spending a couple of weeks in London. Mr. W. Lobb of Edmonton and Mr. J. Lobb of Galt visited Rev. J. D. and Mrs. Kestle Iast week. Mr. and Mrs. 3. S. Harvey who are camping at Grand Bend spent the week -end at their home here. Mr. J. H. Scott and son Frank of Toronto visited with the former's father in town during the week. Mr_ and Mrs. Victor VanAlstine returned to their home in Sarnia af- ter visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. Bierling'. Mrs. C. W. Balfour and two little daughters from Mitchell are visiting relatives and friends in and around town. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sanders and child motored up from Toronto and are visiting the former's mother Mrs. T. Sanders_ Rev. C. W. Baker of Crediton, took the services in Main St. church last Sunday preaching two very accept- , ccept. able sermons. Miss Hattie Handford has return- ed after visiting in Goderich. She was accompanied home by Miss Owens of Goderich. "Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kuhn and son .Justin of Exeter were guests of the Misses Farrow, Waterloo St. the past week-'—Goderich Star. Mr. Mark E. Hilts and Mr_ Mur- ray Hilts of Detroit motored over this week and are visiting their sis- ter, Mrs. L. D. Vincent. hlr. and Mrs. J. G. Jones left this week for Grand Bend to spend the month of August at their summer cottage the "Mayflower." Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon and two sons Harry and Wallace motor- ed to Kingston to visit their dau- ghter Mrs. Frank Newman. King St. W., .Toxon- Miss ltiollie"Stephenson of Listowel who is visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Ward sang a very pleasing solo in Main St. church last Sunday evening Mr. A.. T. Cooper, of Clinton, oc- cupied the pulpit in Caven Presbyter- ian church last Sabbath morning in the interests of Temperance. The many friends in town of Miss Dorothy White, Outlook, Sask., will be pleased to know that she has pas- sed her Normal school examinations Mr. Jos. Davis of t'he,TVlolsons Bank staff,Morrisburg, and Mr,Oliver Davis of the Molsons Bank, Zurich are holt- duying with their parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Davis. Mr_ and Mrs..J. P. Ross of.Caigary I, Daniel Schaefer wish to make have been visiting their sod. Frank known that I will not be responsible townat Forest_ and uvinityd o a days. for debts, or will not pay any loan and communist' for a few Their many friends were pleased to I gTanted to my wife unless first con- see7-17-3tp ' them again. suited. Vit$]l)Ai 4fUI Y 31S ', 1911s. ilii 1111illlllllllllllllllllllllNl111111Illlllllllllilllllotio111NI111 maiilliltilllllilolMllllllllllililllllllllillllllNllllll11111mmim-: IMMO 4101101111 Mann meow murals AMMO manly waNdm MOM morn Ammo MINIM MEMIONIN SENN emymila Wawa 001011011 S SOUTFICOTT BROS. Phone 134 Geo. A. Slater Shoes for Men We sell the well-known make 'of Shoes. Wearers of "Geo, A. Slater" Shoes are well satisfied with the quality, style and service they give. Shoe men say prices will be much higher. Why not buy a pair at old prices? Prices $8.50 and $10.00. Other makes at $4,50; $5.50; and $6.50. Circular Pillow Cotton 42 ins. wide.--OOc. If you are in need of circular pil- low cotton, the one we are offering this week is splendid value We'll be glad to _show it you. Per yard 60c 'Bleached Sheeting 72 ins. wide per yard 75e. This sheeting should interest you if your stock of bedding is getting low. It is a good quality and laund- ries well. Per yard 75c. Ladies Black Cotton Hose 25c A Pair 25c A Pair It is almost impossible to lane this line from a wholesale firm that hose to sell at this price. We bought is going out of business. That is why we are able to quote this low price. Per Pair 25c. SOUTIICOTT BROS. �mmi�mummnmmmmmmmnmimnmmuimi�m�imi��imnminmmmmmmnunnmmumumuummmr raraliond inniran OMR I 1110011110 0.111110. 8101.11. enrarr mood MONO odoldraln doldradra MOWN didraind IMMO /0.100 amend mmionl rannien trannood Orandra 41010101, ".:.= IIMMORM S ININNEW ... WWI mammy .1.104111. drantaran dradraddi odniradd einranin NOTICE Old clothes made new. Ladies and Gents. By T. A. ELLIOTT. The cleaner and presser. Shop North of Mrs. Yeo's Store. TEACHERS WANTED. Two teachers for Exeter Public School -for Primary and Second Grade Rooms. Apply Miss K. McFaul, Sec., Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Dr. Henry A. Corsaut wishes to announce that he has moved his office to Baker's Livery, James St., next door to Overland Garage and appreciates the patronage he has re- ceived in the old stand and hopes for a continuance of the same in his new office. Calls promptly attended to, day of night. Phone 8. NOTICE ANNIVERSARY SALE ---AUG. Sth. Nine years ago the great Powell's Bazaar started and to celebrate, we will let loose a range of bargains that will be a surprise in these times Remember the date. August 8th. Come and see anyway.Xmas goods arriving daily. POWELL'S BIG VARIETY STORE W. H. Martin, B.A., son of ex -prin- cipal S. K. Martin, and son-in-law of Mr. Joseph Hooper, Elgin St., who has during .the, past few years ably' filled the: posiniori' of science master in the Parkdale Collegiate Institute has been appointed lecturer in chem- istry in Toronto University. This is pleasing news to his many friends in St. Marys who have long since recognized in "Howard" merit of a superior degree. ---St. Marys Journal —Mr. Martin is a nephew of Mr. S. Martin of town. and Mrs. Martin is v nice ct Mr. C. F. Hooper, For three successful seasons in cer- tain parts of Southern Saskatchewan and Alberta, conditions have been. that the farmers have failed to secure a crop.. Mrs. M. Sheere and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hawkey and son Kenneth and Master CIarence Boyle left last Sat- urday aturday for a week's holiday at Lan- sing, Mich. Miss Sadie Walker and Rev'. John Walker and bride of Toronto are motoring up and will visit -their par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walker of Exeter North, Mrs. John Snell has purchased the residence on North street recently oc- cupied 'by the Misses Cudmare. Mrs. Snell will take. possession at .once and will make some improvements to t3ae dwelling. ,;Mr. and Mrs. jos. F. Hooper St. Marys_ Ont., announce the marriage of their daughter, Leona May, to Mr_ W. R. Backing, M.A., of St. Mr. rs. Marys, son of N I and M M. oc -$ k- Mr. Aquilla Sheere, of Detroit is visiting at his home in town Mr. Sheere for several months has been suffering with rheumatism and for nearly two months was receiving treatment at Har .l3 er's Hospital. He p Dasb.wood, Ont., July 16,1_9 DRS. SWEET & VINNING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to- day or night. OFFICE—Dr. Sweet's old office Phone 120 FOR SALE—Reed Organ for sale. Beautiful piano cased. (6 octave oak. Terms can be arranged or ins of Port Arthur, the""marriage to I would trade for bedroom furniture take glare early in August. Apply to Mrs. Gambrili, Exeter. The Sacrament of the Lord's sup -i .---sem . Methedist church. on Sabbath last. 1 per was administered' in James St. OFFICE CLOSED. • Dr. tRoulston wishes to announces that his dental office will be closed from two to four weeks while he, is away on vacation. This was Mr. Wilson's first sacra- ment Sunday as pastor of James St. In place of the preaching service in the morning, Love Feast was held. "As Rev. Dr. Aitken is away on his vacation, Mr_ Alva McMahon, a Knox College Student, of Exeter, oc- cupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. Mr. McMahon en- listed at the beginning of the war with the artillery."—leippen torr. to Goderich Signal. CRAIG BEATS EXETER FOR SALE -75 Waite and Brown Leghorn chicks, seven and nine weeks old. Bred from heavy laying strain to clear at 50c each. IL IL Quanee, William St. Ailsia Craig ball team defeated the Exeter players in town on 'Tues- day evening. The score was 11 to 10. The visitors were going strong until their pitcher was forced to re- tire owing to injury too his ankle. Exeter from then on had the best of the game and evened tela what other- wise looked like a one-sided score. RE-ELECTED CO. PRESIDENT • Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers, Miss Horn ton, Mrs. Haviland and Miss Greg- ory were in. Wingham last 'Thursday and Friday attending the County Convention of the W, C. T. U. Masters Stuart Stan.btiry and George. Hind went es delegates from the Loy al Temperance Legion of Exeter.Mrs., Beavers was returned to office an County President, ':a'>:aE BAND CONCERT The band concert last Sunday night was very much enjoyed by the citizens present. The crowd was not, as large se usual, owing to the fact that it looked like rain and quite a few were stied away. The music was or good quality, in fact it is get- ting better every Sunday. The cies- trig piece was the one that took the cake with the citizens. The number was entitled "Good Night Sweet- heart" and the chorus was sung by Messrs Christie, Heywood and Bayn-, ham, accompanied by the band, and was 'well rendered, at least_ by the was able to leave the hospital laut , applause they got, one aonld: be week. His many friends in town will templed to think no.. wish him speedy restoration to health G ,.LS WANTED Clean, ail , samlit, '6?eCnI corn . SShcr_ hours—a 47 -hour racci:, r-izh Saturday half -holiday. Caluab train work for the i .cx cr enc,:c.. which r sate' i'`1 y i::c:carc T'i' :t c`:p it;nce S. d1 rO c CZ:C.. rr.itc cr MERCURY MILLS LIMITED Hamilton. .- Caitario Furniture and Undertaking R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER GRAND BEND SUMMER RESORT Bring your picnic parties to the Pavelion on the Beach. Special attention is being paid to picnic parties. Free tables and free hot water supplied. Enjoy the breezes right off the water. Drop us a card. Und2riaking Funeral Director & E rtbatrne E. Gardiner Phone 74J Night annul 41 And Fug. niture yOPERA HOUSE ELOCK Vulcanizing All kinds of Tires. All work guaranteed. Cash for old Tires. Taylor's Tire Shop EXETER, ONT. nrarantraddra FOR SALE Residence of the late Joseph Peart, corner Albert and Huron. streets. Frame house and outhouse.. New Furnace and in good state cC repairs. Good Stable, Drive House: and fine Garden. If not sold wilt rent. Apply to J. Peart or S. M.. Martin, Executors. THE WATKINS AGENT handles all kinds of spring tonics for both. man and beast; also toilet articles es Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the market. C4'ily sold by their agents to the consumer. Win. Andrew, Agent, Exeter Phone 43 HALF HOLIDAY We the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close our places of business on Wednesday at 12.301 o'clock .curing the months of June, July and August, with the exception that when a holiday comes during Site week stores will remain open. S M. Martin and Son. 3. A. Stewart Jones & May. W. J. Heaman H. Spackman H. S. Walters G. A. Hawkins W. W. Tainan F. M. Boyle W. 3. Beer. P. Frayne Win. Rivers: Grigg Stationery Co. R. N. Rowe. B. W. F. Beavers. M. E. Gardiner. S. Fitton. J. Lawson. (Telephone Office Olrea.p Exeter Times Exeter Advocate raorainradrairairadraranet W. W. . Why I .fol Yourself? Lazne ,,ieople are making money by is..: ig the public butt you cannot save money by fooling yourself. When quality, fit and wear are con- sidered we are offering values that mean both money and satisfaction to you. We have on hand a good stock of suitings of. old dye and quality. Come in and let us show you a.nd quote you prices. The well dressed man wants something new for the Spring Season and we are well stock- ed with an up-to-date line in Spring Hats and Caps In the latest styles and new shades. We have cne of the finest lines of Spring Raincoats and Overcoats we have handled in many years. See our neW Shirts and Neckwear that will satisfy all well dressed men. Mcns' Caps in the latest shade and;s.hapes. Leave your order for a new Spring Suit and reap the advantage of our close buying- TAMAN P i �l hr C � V lam? I a