HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-7-24, Page 8J. Ar T A T MOWS 10 Peace Day Saturday,. July 19th has been proclaimed a public holiday for thepurpose of celebrating Peace, This store will be closed all day Saturday but will remain open Friday evening. Few Hot Weather Suggestions. If you are considering having one more summer dress we would advise you to see our pretty plaid Princely Silk Tisue;it is ab- solutely new and distinctive The width is 32 inches and the price is $1,00 per yard. We are putting on our counter this week a range of ginghams which should certainly interest the thrif- ty housewife. They are pric- ed for quick selling at 30c per yard. We are showing a nice range of ladies white skirts in. plain and corded cloths These are tailored in the very latest styles and are priced at $2.50 and $3.50 We have in stock a most complete range of corsets, in the new and staple mod- els. The prices range from $1.00 to $4.50. BOY'S CLOTHING Does that boy of yours need a new suit? Perhaps not but he will in the course of afew weeks, We have a nifty range of boy's suits in the better grades of cloth on which we can save you several dollars a suit, as the prospects for fall are higher prices on all kinds of clothing. BOY'S KHAKI BLOOMERS We recently had a large quantity of boys bloomers made to our own . order. These were cut from a very heavy khaki denim which we had in stock and you will find them just what you need for that boy of yours. They are priced ac- cording to size. We have received another shipment of young men's suits. These suits are semi -ready and are tailored in the newest waist line models. The cloths will surely please you. Comein and look them over. JA.STEWART Ph" 16 Electric Heater For Summer Use Heat Your Water By Hydro at Little Expense During the hot weather the prob- lem of heating water is easily solved by, the new electric heater. Easily attached and costs :little to operate Electric pump and Hand Pressure Systems also installed. Phone No. 3255 at our expense. Chas. West 244 Queens Ave., London, Ont. ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising -Made known on application. Stray Animals -One insertion 64c three insertions for $1.00 Farm or Real Estate for sale 50e each insertion for one month of four Insertions, 25c for each subsequent ,nsertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., each in- eerticn 25c. Local reading notices etc., 10c per line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal advertising 10c and 5c a line. Auction Sales $2 for one insertion and $3 for two insertions if moder- ate size. Professional Cards not exceeding one inch -$6 per year. ARE THE DAYS OF MIRACLES OVER? FALL FAIRS Ailsa Craig Blyth Exeter Forest Goderich Kirkton London Mitchell Parkhill' St. Marys Seaforth Thedford Toronto West McGillivray Wingham Zurich $t4 SUPERSTITION AIM FALSE BE- LIEF TO OVERSHADOW FACTS ANY LONGER? When awoman who has been sick for years becomes well after taking a certain scientific preparation -can you deny that the remedy must be good/ Read these extracts taken from a Ietter written to us by Mrs. H. Cross, of 362 King Street West, Toronto: - "I suffered for several years with inflammatory Rheumatism and could hardly get up or down stairs. My husband bought me a box of Temple - ton's Rheumatic Capsules, and almost immediately I felt relief. The swell- ings started to go down and the stiff- ness left my knees. I might say that i previously to using T.R.C.'s I had tried almost everything under the sun without suceess, I am a happier and wiser woman now, and I cannot thank you enough for the aid T.)i.C.'s have given me." It's the same story from hundreds of other Rheumatic sufferers. They tried T.R.C.'s and T.R.C.'s fixed them up. If you suffer, 'try them BROWNING'S DRUG STORE Optical Rooms and Stationery. Sole Agent for Exeter. Mail $1.04 to this address or to Templeton$ 143,:. ing W., Toronto and T. R. C's will be sent postpaid. X TER Market Report The following is I the report of the xeter lliar et corrected up to Wed. 23rd, 1919 Barley $1.10 Bran $42 per ton in buyers bags- Shorts. ags•Shorts. $ 40. Qats 7,50. Marquis Wheat $2.06 Winter wheat $2.11 Peas $1.75 ; .: I 4 Family Flour $5.70 Eggs 45e. Dairy butter 42c to 45c. Creamery Butter 57c. New potatoes 70 to 85e a peck. Lard 40c. Hogs $23.25. ••••••41• N r►••••040,Ni•Ni0 • •LOCAL • • • ••N••• • ►M••Ui• • Miss Irene Rivers is holidaying in Hamilton. Mr. Maurice Senior is visiting this week in Toronto. Miss Florence Wood is having her holidays this week. Mrs. McEwen and babe visited last week in Hensall. Mr. W. Parsons left this week to visit his daughter at Stoffville. Elimville Sunday school held a pic- nic at'Grand Bend on Peace Day. Mr. Jack Gregory of St. Marys, is visiting Mr. Bruce Medd, of town. Mr. S. Reidleft this week for Sarnia where he will spend his holi- days. Mrs. E. J. Christie, Jr., and dau- ghter Grace, are holidaying at Grand Bend. Mr. Earl Edwards (returned) is visiting his sister, Mrs.Edward Johns this week. The Misses Bertha and Alma Mack of Montreal are visiting their - parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Mack. Mrs. Schosenburg and daughter Fay, of London, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Newell. The Main St. Sunday School are holiding their annual picnic at Grand Bend to -day, Wednesday. The Misses Beatrice and Lillian Hodgert of Regina are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgert. Major W. J. Heaman •and family are spending a few weeks at Grand Bend at "Eilberfeld" cottage. Mr. C. R. Howard took part in program at the Thames Road Gar- den Party Monday evening. Miss Blanche Senior sang a very pleasing solo at the Thames Road Garden Party Monday evening. Mrs. McMurray of Winnipeg is spending a week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Mantle of town. Mr. Stanley Rogers of Toronto vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. rollick the latter part of last week Mrs. Sharp 9.hd Miss Margaret of Simcoe, formerly of the Manse are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Stanbury Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Brickwood and two daughters of London motored up and spent the week -end with- friends Mrs. Chas. Senior and daughter Miss Dorothy of Toronto are visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Jos: Senior of town. Machine Skr, for Exete e, 4'. G. 4JOCIUMN1l " (Ueturncd) Has taken orer the Connor Machine Shop and is installing the latest machinery. Prompt attention given to all re- pairs. POTATOES FOR SALE -Mr. T: Smale has a limited quantity of potatoes for sale. 50e a peck taken as they come or 60e. for those picked over. FOR SALE -A very desirable res- idential property. Fine white modern brick house, containing six good sized rooms, large balcony and ver- andahs, conveniences, electric light, furnace, hard and soft water. Barn with loft and motor garage. Situate in splendid position close to school churches, depot store and pillar box. Apply Mrs. 'Harrison Gambrill, Exe- ter. • Sept. .23-24 Sept 22-23 Sept 15-16 Oct. 1-2 Sept 15-17 Oct. 2-3 Sept 6-13 Sept 23-24 Sept 18-19 Sept 18-19 Sept 18-19 Sept 24-25 Aug. 23 -Sept 6 Oct. -2 Oct. 8-9 Sept 17-18 Probably on All Four Tires Caughlin-When CheapIight bought that bargain car with the poor tires he invited all the neighbors for a long celebration trip. Laughlin -Yes, they had a regular blowout. VACATION TIME. During vacation time many of our citizens will have visitors and the Times willbe glad to receive any in- timation of same. Kindly phone or drop the news in at the office. VOTERS' LIST 1919 MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF EXETER COUNTY OF HURON Notice is given. that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in Section 9 of "The Voters' List Act" the copies required by the said section to be so transmit- ted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said act, of all persons appearing by the last revised. Assess- ment Roll of the said Municipality at Election for Members of the Leg- islative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that the said Iist was first posted up at my office at Exeter on the 21st day of July, 1919 and remains here for. inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions correc- ted according to Iaw. hereby OFFICE CLOSED. Dr. .Roulston wishes to announces. that his dentaloffice will be closed from two to four weeks while he is away on vacation. : • Mrs. Cluff and children of Toron- to are holidaying with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pass- more. Mr. Will Manson, and Miss Jessie of London, spent the week -end with Mr. B. Rivers is having his holi- days this week. Mr. Walter Harness is taking his holidays this week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred May spent Sunday in Mitchell. e Miss Reta Rowe 'spent a couple of days in London this:week. Mrs. Gambrill visited her 'husband in London over the week -end. Mr. Medd, of Clinton, ,is visiting his son, Mr. W. G. Medd of town. Mr. Howard Digman •visited his uncle Mr. Ross, Digman . of .Hensall. Miss Olive Emery, of Toronto is the guest of Miss Myra and ,,Gladys Dew. Mr. C. R. Howard' leaves this week for Pt. Stanley • wheie he 'will spend his holidays.• Mrs. N. F. May, arid daughter Lil- lian of Mitchell are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred May of town_ Mr, and Mrs.. W. J. Beer return- ed home Sunday after a motor trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls. Last week it was stated in the Times that Mr. and Mrs. Frank Del - bridge hadr left 'for the ' west. This was an, errpr. Mr. and. Mrs. Jesse Delbridge, eeq tly returned, to Man- itoba' after' . vie�`ting: in "this cotnmtif ity. Mr 'Frt ik.,Deibridge motored' to Niagara FOlss''`.where.he,attended.,a convee.tsn, of" insurance representa- tives of 'the'Goniederati?n Life. He also .'yiii ii Buffalo• rgtuining on Friday everting• a ... ' AT 'GRANDere • • "The popular resort iS' in' high fa- vor with the St. Marys-itee &£gain this year and the following were seen. at Grand Bend during the week -end: - Mr. Ralph Smith, MisilleTene Smith, Mr. and. Mrs. M. McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. J. Coonan, Mr. W. H. Bart- lett and family, Mr. N. L. Brandon, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George {and fancily, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mood- Manson. " { ie, iitrii. 4t: l ittcher, Miss F. Butcher, Mr. and Mrs. E. Dew and Mr. and Mr. ''sill 'Mrs': lit. Savage, Mr. C. W, Mrs. A. Mitchell motored to Detriot Couplande'Mil; Chas. Coupiand,,; 4,.,where they will spend a few days Mr. D. Caiiplaiid, Mr. W:'Smith, Mr. with friends. G.' Thompson: -St. 1liarys Argus. ,.,k, ' Miss Ford, of. Exeter, has been en- GER,I4ANY1S ISUI3biARINE LOSS gaged as forelady by the Jackson „, Mfg. Co. in their Hensall branch.- It is now admitted by a. leading Hensall Observer. Berlin paper, that the Germans Lost Mrs. A. Duncan and little son Jack 198 submarines during the.:war, in - have returned to London after visit- eluding 7 interned,, and 14. destroyed ing for three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. George Mantle. Mr. •and. Mrs. Samuel Rowe and daughter Florence of Galt visited relatives in town for several days during the past week. Mrs. J. A. Stewart and family, Miss Kathleen, Douglas and Wilfred and R. E. Southcott motored to To- ronto last week on a visit. Miss Jennie Draper of the Brant- ford rantford Public Library who has been spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. 3. Braund returned to her home Saturday. Mr. Harry Sweet, of Windsor, who has been holidaying in town left•this week in compan',t'e with his sister,. Miss Nettie Sweet for a boat trip down the St. Lawrence. Mr. Garfield Sheere and son Harry and Mr.Gordon Manns and two child- ren of Brantford motored up and spent Saturday in town. Mr. Manns and children also visited in Hensall. Mr. Bateman, who has recently re- turned from overseas visited at the home of Councillor and Mrs. Pen - hale. Mr. Bateman is on his way to the West, having enlisted at Winni- peg. Misses Viola and Reta Davidson, of Toronto visited friends in town for a few days the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harvey. The Misses Dav- idson have been holidaying for a few weeks at Grand Bend. "Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and Master Dougall have returned ' to their home in St. Catharines after a pleasant week's visit with relatives and old friends in St. Marys, Exeter, and Kirkton."-St. Marys Journal. Mr. O. G. McPherson who recently returned from overseas and visited his parents in town for several days accepted a position in Montreal. Pre- vious to enlisting Mr. McPherson had a lucrative position as traveller for a drug firm. An advertisement in your betel newspaper will work nights and holi- days, in hot weather or cool, in wet weather or dry. It will talk to ens- • WOMBIL 1110100. IMMO 00101111. 010110, UMW dOmillUM emal MOM ammo ammo ammo S IMMS MOM ammo IM▪ MO .1101111.111.1 1110111101111/ IMMO MEM MM MOOM MM OMM 1111111111111111111IIIIII111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIil1111111111 Sod' ECO11 BROS., : elMOM .11011110 1010.1. Four Specials for This Week I Canvas Shoes - and Oxfords We have an unusually large stook of White Canvas Shoes and Ox- ford, These lines are very popular this season and they are cool and com- fortable as well as being very dressy for summer wear. • These goods are reasonably priced. Oxfords $2.25 to $4.00; Shoes $2.50 to $5.00. Corsets $1.15 These Corsets are worth in the regular way $1.75. They are made of good fine coutil, have four suspend- ers and is one of. the seasons best selling styles. While they last our clearing price is $1.15. Bed Spreads $3.25 These spreads are very special. It is the last opportunity you will have of buying spreads at this 'prise from us this season. The patterns are good they are 72 ins..wide and 90 inches long. Our Special Price $3.25 SNOW E 101.1101.0 i FIMMO SWIMS011.1110 IMMO AMMO 6•••••• Sandow Work ' Shirts for Men $1.505: SOUTIICOTT BROS. m1111ii111111111ml uillllillllllliillllllilill111111I111mmuIII(lllillllll milllllllli mllll miIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlli1111T 41111.111111, ONOMIN 24 dozen Men's Work Shirts sizes 14 to 17. These shirts are made big in. every way. Extra long length. Extra .wide width and extra long sleeves They are made of good wearing material in black and white stripes and grey stripes. You'll pay $1.75 for them later on. Our Special Price for this lot $1.50. NOTICE Old clothes made and Gents. By T. IL ELLIOTT. The cleaner and presser. Shop North of Mrs. Yeo's Store. new. Ladies ---�- - TEACHERS WAN'1eED. Two teachers for Exeter Public School -for Primary and Second Grade Rooms. Apply Miss K. McFaul, Sec., Exeter. , DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Dr. Henry A. Corsaut wishes to' announce that he has moved his office to Baker's Livery, James St., next door to Overland Garage and appreciates the patronage he:has re- ceived in the old stand and hopes for a continuance, of the same;, in his new office. Calls promptly attended to, day of night. `Pholie 8. 'NOTICE I, I, Daniel,. Schaefer wish to make known that I will not be responsible for debts, or will not pay any loan granted to my wife unless first con- sulted. 7-17-3tp Dashwood, Ont., July 16,'19 ANNOUNCEMENT. Miss Leavett wishes to announce that she will give violin lessons to pupils desiring same, during the summer months. DRS, SWEET & VINNING Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day by their own crews. it. is estimated or night. that 3,000 German sailors .lost their OFFICE -Dr. Sweet's old office lives by the sinking of their submar- Phone 120 ines. Probably the most significant -a-. feature of the report is the state- FOR SALE --Reed 'Organ for sale - meat that severalthousand German sailors on submarines lost their rea- son and were committed to asylums for the insane. •This • is part of the terrible price that Germany herself • ent paid for hes experim in. . p racy. In snore ways than :one the sub- marine was fatal to ' Germany. It turned the civilized world against her, an it eventually drove her own intomatin The "hast" sailors y g y story of the submarine helps to an understanding of -why the h pens GIRLS WANTED Grermanjr had Spent so much was expected, surrenderd Fleet, on which without even striking, a, blow. The High Sea 'Fleet was sacrificed to the submarines. PATIENCE Beautiful piano cased. (6 octave oak.) Terms can be arranged -or would trade for bedroom furniture Apply to Mrs. Gambrill, Exeter. FOR SALE -7 5 White add Brown Leghorn ;chicks, •. Seven and nine weeks old. Bred "from heavy laying strain to clear at 50c each. R. B_ Quance, William St. No matter what goes wrong, no odds what wires are crossed, you'd better have .a song, than see your temper Yost. If cussing things would help, I'd say, "By alt means cuss; put up a howland yelp and raise a beastly rues" But this course does- n't obese the shades of gloom away just wear a cheerful face and things will be O.K. I drove eight hundred miles, this spring, in my tin car; the rain in fifty styles, came down from clouds ajar. The roadway'wes a flood and my old faithful boat -was found- ered in the mud, and there gave up its goat. Time was when i"d have reared and pawed around and wept, and torn my sorrel beard, while watch and ward I"kept.' But years have made me wise; I know that patience wins; and forty thousand sighs are worth a. -brace of grins. And so I waited there and whistled. half a day; then saw a granger fare with horses down the 'way. He hauled me, from the mire and only asked a buck, and I tuned up my Iyre and blessed my good luck. The mudholes dot life's way, and there we oft are mired; and some stand up and bray, and make the welkin tired the 'Wise man sits and hums a tune Dated at Exeter this 22nd day of timers before you are out of bed in that should be canned,' until some ,July. the snoring often. It has not struck i fellow comes and hauls him to dry JOSEPH SENIOR, for an eight-hour day, always earns land.. ' Clerk of the Village of Exeter is wages. and never gets tired -Wait • Clean, airy, sunlit workrooms. Short hours -a 47 -hour week, with Saturday hall -holiday. Valuable frairfiiig 'in 'agreeable work for the i.nexperienccd- A good lig: ingwagc to beginners which materially increases with experience and proficiency - Write or call-'- MERCURY MILLS LIMITED Hamilton - Ontario MEM Undertaking Furniture and Undertaking R. LTi RCWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND F TRNITURE DEALER GRAND BEM) SU1111IIER RESORT Bring yetis Picniie parties to ;the Pavilion' pit the Bb e . . Special ettentioii''ig being -'paid to picnic parties. p'%ee tables and free hot water supplied. Eujoy the; bree7,es right off the water. Drop us a card. FOE neral Director & Embalmer M. E. Gardiner Phone 74.1 Night self N And Furniture lOPERA HOUSE BLOCK Vulcanizing All kinds of Tires. All work guaranteed. Cash for old Tires. Taylor's Tire Shop EXETER, ONT. FOR SALE Residence of the late Josepl'it. Peart, corner Albert and Hurois streets. Frame house and outhouse. New Furnace and in good state of repairs: Good Stable, Drive House and fine Garden. If not sold will rent. Apply to J. Peart or S. 11€.. Martin, Executors. • THE WATKINS AGENT. handles all kinds of spring tonics for botken man and beast; also toilet articles~:.. Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the market. (illy sold by' their agents to the consumer. Wm. Andrew, Agent, Exeter Phone 43 HALF HOLIDAY We :the undersigned merchants: of this •town, agree to close our places. of business.on Wednesday at•12.3d o'clock .:wring 'the months of June. July and August, with the exception thdt when a holiday comes during timer week stores will remain open. S • M: Martin and. Son: J. A. Stewart Jones'' & May. W. J. Heaman H. Spackman • H. S. Walters G. A. Hawkins W. W. Tan:an F. M. Boyle W. J. Beer. i P. Frayne Win. Rivers. Grigg Stationery Co. R. N. Rowe. B. W. F. Beavers. M. E. Gardiner. S. Fitton. J. Lawson. (Telephone Office Open.Le Exeter Times Exeter Advocate Why ' Jol Yourself? Y n -oust ,eople are making money by h. ' ,g the public but you cannot save money ' by fooling yourself. When quality, fit and wear are con- sidered we are offering values that mean both money and satisfaction to you. We have on hand a good stock of suitings of old dye and quality. Come in and let us show you end quote you prices. The well dressed man wants something new for the Spring Season and we are well stock- ed with an up-to-date line in Spring Hats and Caps In the latest styles and new shades. We have cne of the finest lines of Spring Raincoats and Overcoats we have handled in many years. See our new Shirts and Neckwear that will satisfy all well dressed men. Mens' Caps in the latest shade and shapes. Leave your order for a new Spring Suit and reap the advantage of our close buying.- W. uyingWW. W. 14A At A, P H O N'E 8! a :s?