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The Exeter Times, 1919-7-24, Page 4
� _ ? •:,, ,.y.�y�+� i�qu&,, .q..p fit yp AUX ..L� q� .. � .i'p"AT•U fd h.'X,M'Msb/ty J1 .7,iY Aft 4JE' •#A P ,;• i t `• -. .. , r---- ---- I Uri S OF WEEKallottp c s are" #owtz$Ycrl»,. rb«yert err♦ wee quickly recogni44t►d tlae ni y • Khot and xnartallyr GREAT PAC pARAD !crowd who accorded tLeraa thee NIN kill EW waaynded Jahn Eiooxiey, a returned , xaen a whole-heartedly cordial r�eeP- titws, soldier, about 3'0, whom he found In . --�,. t.; °+Tt►p lliiost iftpua;itis�,ands,on,otfanaA �ih�ldr�1� C f0 Fletcher's ,........- I' his plg pen, and later in the marry- . �/ IwMor-tgttwt Events Which Have ing, who -ii irr the police court faciatg Il,bWdii '.ate oiCes ilii 'T'riump'h moi, gull,•: wslire Ae, rrWei;,W ,ri nd the r . .r„f 1, li srla:'iat4fl9olia$ �l4ictd itxsWhitehall 'clime -able ,. ChaageS, vr'r Durttvg the Week a capital Charge, died suddenly e►f, lusss Q�tjl;rL�jrjgssi8aniS�m' , Ya -,,.r ?,z:., • heart failure. ,: ^isft,,..ts't ns,us.,r - t s I , ri.i ' '' )to S cal firm pnWria = g d'ieaexpreC- ,rY :'' yll, change of titno will be xiaude onsingle iCF,a d +,ear- ' kfKIUAaC. Lund, Sea;anrl A{bu It`orcers. of Bitisllt ing the singlet ptiazr ,I'; a glgr- �ra many Viarld+a Hsslryxetriiags. Qaara�. n'F sstad must 1*60 Filre Hydro-k,lectriG may open ne- a� per Allies, With n ions dean!" 1lti�►r�`th cheer ng was 1 91 , ?" + �, t eg gotiations' with a view to taking eve Uett4clawe t f Carwadiaais Partl• stilled w sriscs cetiv yt,Persliing, Path, A y %r' " " tkF Pere ilarcoxartttK G. Toronto was eiCelebrationkiai: a4fd ttte other gfeat ofa>~teaderis . �Ynatid! Aasai tlttrsgctive3tiayrra ttor rl-t^Q the err o4' Ogar !'a 4 pet In (agtest dtvw reiu, faced the cenoltaph and laafornlation raovu in sgents harada. Solid Hota's Enjoyment. elected grand roaster of the Grand Lohdon Hw4 Witnessed 81we � saluted. Ticket A tat from r C. a Horning TUESDAY. Deg r Ontario. rm-e Diamond Jubilee. The great feature of 'tl° a night Trunk Tib ge celebrat6ou was the singing .and the l Dull iPassiager fr Agent, Toxreato.ny d 71ye teamsters are still on strike hlas b oll:ereditltge of Masons ae�c' bairman hip of LONDON, July 21..—Land, sea and fireworks in Hyde Park. A trained { r frac*. Passenger Age ty p Fletcher's Castorla is strictly a remedy for Infants and Cil%&en. to Toronto.. the Court of Commerce. air forces of the British Empire and choir of ten thowand sang: the iia- � Foods are specially, prepared for babies. A ba �s medicine N• J•* lser allies 'searched on Saturday in P q .P P 1k victory parade marched xrnder The Alabama State Sr taste has re- tions! Antlaepas_ o! the aPliesr, "The e A Exeter. the $riuinp sal victory parade to mart is evert more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared.. ,• phone 4siw, the Are de Triomphe lit 7:*xafs yeller- fused to ratify the Federal woman Hallejukalx Chorus' •,sad other hynners. 1 day. suf5rage amendment, the return 'of peace. No less than 100;000 voices joined in for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the nest of Canadian Salt made a ten -point .Rev Joseph Novotny, , of PragueSeveral million persons watched the singins,,.while - massed bands sac- a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Chillilrerx _ �. advanoe on the Torouto, Stock EY- Bohemia, told a Toronto audience of the gorgeous spectacle, their enthus- eonipanieditwfth enormous effect, j that brought stirred C growing,astoria before fixe pttbliq after years of research. Ment s ` a•**ge, the Czech revolt against German farm stirred as each new excite- ��,�,y,•„•,w,y,�,��.a,�,,e.,a.r,.i,.�,.•.•, p•.•�ov-s their emotion. When and no claim has been made forit`that, its' use for over 3(p•p�yrianipeg :Arike leaders addressed power. a mass meeting fu,,Q%xeen's Park, Doss Croker, former Tammany the British Contingents came in sight ,'MANY MINOR PRO$LEAiS. years has: not proven. "1 =1 i z Toronto. chieftain, is returning to New York the applati se became a great, roarr, s �.ii„is s:n_ . - above tiv2tich could be'h`eard at,tinier Ii is wv Premier Borden. *oeja statement •to- litre. He will sell !xis racehorses Russ3eiq Prgeixiers In Cerrnany s�e+el' A? -4 "e the shrill voices of wouten. B , a'',�.;7,�"' •ft ! regarding xnduslriaE, ssitt;lalroc Cate- in Ireland. he patriotic h T tis ti rvor, had its clima'ic Uan3in !rouble. • ■ AST® �'' •' r ditioras, The three -months' -old son of Mr. PARIS July 21. — The Supreme , eg[ktiQg. ,.rt' N" "4 u. �'t - Tie Crown Princes• AirC Italy le to and Mrs. J. Boyle of Belleville, was in the great demonstration alont Pall'' , astori is a harmless sliT7Wtute for Castor 011 Par Mail, and'; about the pavilion before', Council of the Peace Conference has pros and Soothin S u s It is pleasant. It Contains¢ leave during the fall for a tour of strangled in a peculiar manner in a p g yz P ' Wer eve TQ4l5AR, R' Buckiaghaan Palace; where King discussed the disposition ai'240,OtY0 Worth and South American cities. lawn- swing, neither O lura NYor hind' nor other narcotic substance. Its ' COMMERChAL sd 806t RT- The Ontario Referendum Commit- The St. John -Valley Raitiva in George, Queen Mary, Premiers Lloyd Ruspian ; prisoners of war, who are P ' p y Y still in Gerans;<ny. These prisoners age is its guarantee,. For more than thirty years it has: tee is bus organizing the vote for , blew Brunswick is to be read far George, the Cabinet Ministers, and y !teen in constant, use for. he relie#•of C.onsti ation Flatulency, r ski Departments, We � y Y were held b Germany at the request � P , fng 4 prolxibitpon at the taming aeCerrei!`•• , operation'by the C. N. Rys, on the diplomats, reviewed the parade.__ I, 'a duns. 1st of August. Marshal Foch, leading the French ' of the allies after the armistice, and VVind Colic. and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arisirxg: i give irtstBivf l• iaastra'elion. forces, was given a h'ftRY � ecbption. have 'been fed at the expetlse of the therefrom 'and b re latin the' Stomach and Bowels aids.. Three of the ringlead4rk c itnetterl The Petrograd Bolshevists lime of- s i y g s $o also were Gen. P&AIng, and the Entente powers. with the mrardeir of an'Bnglish ;ra•'il- '�8ered a bribe of ,2rv0,0o0 :for the.. the ,assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. Students are entering each $ As many of them are badly iniiact- d .way' ofltcaal in Egypt have 'been assassination of Gen. Man>ler eros Americans 'and the ottxer• mlti'ed'1'iaid= , t wetek. Oxer graduates ere•• t►, Aanged, the Finnish Regent., . err ,atad their contingents: , The tie- ed, with Bolshevism, Poland and oth- Thi'' Children s Comfort— he Mothers Fziend: t mendoua clieerfng that:•g' 4ted eaAh �•er. eountries through which they 6 a Gen. Allenby-, i-omtnander of the The Vernon, B.C„ branch of the cure position of trust 0 - national Felice fuss virtually eantinu-. would go on their way back to I;utSsdA �} i��h i Britis`ii forces in PaleStlne, has been ia.W.V.A. will' organize a chain o[ �G�Vp' E CASTO "' [A ALWAY d> trwarded the Aiiterican Distinguished co-operative stores throughout the ous• ° ' ' r bare objected to, giving theta passage Gras our free cstala�gtne 4t Service l+dedml ria nValleyLondon' has zaot •wi�tdessed i;uch, a I for fear of Bolshevik propaganda. i S O'Ka r celebr*tion ,since the late Queen Yip Moreover, It is held, they would be 411ethe Signature Of mow it taty interest you. p Leo Muller, as interned German, Es -Gunner Mossman, of BelIerille, either forced into the Bolshevik + toria's diNmond jubilee in 1897. - 4 died at Vernon camp, D. C„ of in- was acquitted by eogrt-martial of the �• A• IReLtk . e' Juries sustained in a brawl with a charge of assaulting an officer in Bel- Buckingham Palace was decorated on army,. or killed if sent home. The its exterior for the first time in its expense of maintaining them In Ger- Principal * fellow prisoner, slum last November, many, however, is becoming burden - Twenty -five Ron, C. J.'Daherty, who reached Twenty -flue shiploads, about 150,- history. Huge Sags of the allies floated from the -upper windows, land some. The council was unable to !� ► s Ottawa Sunday night from Paris, re- 000 tons, of American coal nave been reach a decision without further ia- a wide streamer of purple and gold r rearmed his- duties as Minister of Jus- discharged this month at Rotterdam, formation concerning the military tice yesterday. and 17 other United States vessels stretched across the facade. The Lt. Col, John A. Amyot, C.M.G., have arrived at Wantsig. royal pavilion, erected close t, the Dhases of the situation, andA=lb 10 S referred beautiful , Victoria memorial monu- the question to its military advisors mf Toronto, i}as been appointed De- G. P. Burton, vice president of the merit, 'added color to the striking for a report. G n V . ;®vVo Years petty Minister of the new Federal De- English Yacht Racing • Association scene The council received a protest' paPremi .r health. and a Ramous skipper, will sail the King George, from his seat on the from the Sheik of Aidin, Asia Minor, rkk:C'KNTAYR COMPANY, NKW YORK CITY n Premier. Xeriizeios of Greece has Shamro-k'IV in the America's Cup concerning • atroodttea which Lha Alt la i taken the initiative in the formation races. Lipton will build a fifth Sham- scarlet defog had a clear hits Greeks are alleged to have commit - of a new 'Balkan League. Rou- rock if the present challenger does through a colonnade o[ ornate white 1 ted upon Turks in the neighborhood pylons, reaching for• more than halt i naatsia, a is •said, well not join. not win, a mile to the Admiralty arch. The ' of that city when they landed there, Now is your time to int in your William A. Tildes, jr., and Samuel SATURDAY. trop marched past the reviewing � It. was decided to send a mission of '�"'�'� *tioplg of both PSAi1D AND SOFT Hardy yesterday qualified to play in d- L, military officers to Investigate the iC the frith round is 'the U. S. A. Na- ...-Important. changes, . in the, ,lower stand -to the'tiousic of dozens o[ mill- 'iNCORP'ORATED ��J�' charge. ,.. ti19.OL.. I' ;sin, selling Large Lump, banal clay, eourt''tennis Champion= • echo*' coai4'se of study were anonao- Lary bands,. , + !. , ships. ed by Hon. Dr. Cody, A magnificent reception iwas given I The council has taken no action lit;aflght, Clea as Tk►so- laitta Coal at + The Acting Prime Minister, •Sir I''I a marchfngshosts. The stireets were'' concerning the punishment of the i1 EDNE�DA�C. I former Emperor of Germany, and has x , ,, ra Qeorge Foster, issued a Peace' `Day' 'brikjS( with allied colors, some thor- p rc s<Li r iota, . Very low prices on the Four sten were !silted 'in a r g4it- message to the Canadian people. _ oughfares being flanked by;, stucco I not even Considered the ren ib iron ����' BANK fui motoring accident near Trenton. George Throop, of Cbbourg,. was;..pr5gns,.support d erica!;•&gores ,the commission on responaibilitiea,�o lid Farm -Fence (Frost .Fence.) which does not farcy the Peace Con - All has arrived with his killed by a fall from the cupola •pf .,of ictory; , ger s tators• jammed , ill hinds df 3sraim&ler 3n steel;, also staff in London to take part in the the Methodist Sunday School Hail: ere y poip o#'_vantage; even the roofs ferenee allowing Field Marshal von Capital' and Reserve : 8,8'00,000 "t peace celebration- "Fighting Dick" Atkins was out- bb1hg black with cheering thousands., Hindenburg, or anyone else to be sub- �es axh& AOedar Fosts., $ft-, 9ft., Count von Brockdorff-Rantaatt has painted by Gooderich of Buffalo in a Large numbers of people camped on stituted for the ' formeel monarch. Over 100 Branches aaad loft. %;ong.. Cement sold in been accepted by the Vienna Govern- ten -round bout in Toronto last the streets all night to hold places, The Council appears to be firm to Ove conviction which is held b milt- " s larrge, lots at a very close price. meat as German Minister a Austria. night. L: .from whfehithetparade could be *it 7 s Aly Grade& of ]Parma Roosting. James Dyer, a Militia Department, g ,tory otnctals of the .Entente powers o OrtllUlt Shuns Those egulations have been passed by nessed. Huge grandstands, accommo- pp employe, living at Westboro, a sub- the Ontario Government to keep dating thousands, were erected for' that William Hohenzollern must be a` Phone � urb of Ottawa, was killed by a motor closer"' watch on the activities of fur demobilized soldiers, an effort being! punished, as it would be impossible Unprepared to .Grasp It. � A. J. truck. dealers. made to •,arras ,that every soldier to secure the punishment of military, i Harpilton Controllers have chang- Yep to the 2st of Jutie Ca t}ada had home on {envg Xrom, France should I naval and civil officials in 'Germany, gf w}hio are ' clSarged with atrocities i[ Start a Savings Account to -day, CLATW0DT. ed their miada aad'the city gift hold expended on petisiUIIs $.Z1 983',- see the priacess3pn ., A,mong those who the former Emperor is exempted. A ` in the Molsons Bank and be ready as oMceal pewee celebration on Sat- 350.77, not including coatingencieai witnessed, they parade from these I ' i urday. and salaries. ( stands were, 9,rOt) widows, mothers, iris 'of these officials and officers is for opportunity when it comes along. R O Mrs. Jos. Colon, of New Waterford, The London newspapers are • i ora- (, a}ad children o[ p�aers and men kill- ; ta' "be supplied the German Gores-' N.S., was nearly killed In an assault menting pessimistically oa .the Vic- jed during the ,war, I ment soon, but as yet there is no T. S, WOODS, Manager, Exeter. Branch. --- by her husband, a French reservist, tory Loan campaign, which •they say London for the past week has been knowledge here of the preparation Centralia Branch open for business daily L.$.s.D., D.D.S. at their home. is disappointing. „ , ...:overflowing with.those,who came to of it. • A. r Rffi�TS751i2.N, The Undine eight -oared crew', Ootint Michael Karolyi, for r th pity .,for the, celebratidu. Many 1 � �Ionoa• Graduate of Toronto Quiver- �9 f3 •s SitF• which defeated the Argonauts in the £resident of the Hungarian repel we",forced to seek shelter in'police { CANADIAN FIRMS SUFFER. DEN'�ST' People's Regatta, will compete in the lie, has escaped to Italy and proposes, stations and churches,. and large Canadian Healey. coming to America. nunpl>ers slept• on park and�:embank- ,r6eth extracted without pain or any It is estimated that 53,004 men The municipality of Greater Der- meat{,benches Americans Start Trade OfTensive in bad effects. Office over Gladman have quit their -vessels in Atlantio lin has purchased the street car sys The 19,OOQ: paraders: "camped at end. & Stanbury's Office, Main St. and Gulf porta; the strike has assum- tem and plant of the city for • Kewington gardens • Friday, -They, They.: LONDON, July 21. —A great mete$, ed a serious aspect. 131,500,000 marks. were drawn from the British, French, American trade offerwive against the The American Distinguished Ser-. Mrs. John T. Martin, of London,- on Ainerican, Italian, Belgian, Japanese, • British market for foreign goods is � vice Medal has been awarded to Gen. returning from an afternoon's visit, Polish, Roumanian, Portuguese,,! now in progress. London Is flooded for Savin RUE 3TSBORNIE AND B(DSBERT Currie and Major. Walter Miller of found her husband dead at the job. of Serbian, Siamese and CsechoSlovak-•' with agents for great United States afety the Canadian corps. painting the bathroom,fan armies. In the line of mareh .the : manufacturing firms, who are taking 9's pAR31 a:ar,+g MUTUAL SLUE INSUp, North Toronto ratepayers passed Four shots from a Toronto eon- contingents were arranged in alpha- ;,advantage of the fact that British a resolution favoring secession from stable's revolver dour men betical order, the Americans leading commercial activity is at a lour ebb. ALICE COMPANY. the city if the Metropolitan Railway from looting a freight car loaded the parade. Led -by Gen. Pershing � The serious side of this situation Hfeadk OfI#ce Farquhar, Ont 0 not acquired by SeptembW L with Red Cross supplies. they marched 'in three battalions gf.i for Canada is that these firms are EjtLT o to Bre $tri Cleat An explosion occurred in the Nine hundred Germans from the 39 offleem and 1,,1.00 men, each, Bel- c; �s�R?ttwring much trade which' would X77 peWll President, THOS. RYAN American oil tarsk ztealner Roseleat internment camps • at • yernon, B.C., gium had in line 440 offfeers and otherwise go to the Dominfans, They ;dice-Ptesident, WM. Roy 'in the channel drydock at Cardiff, and Hapuakasing, .Ont., will sail on men, ler! by Gen. Gillian; France VV have even in many eases takes iy alj`/e to t� deed QL WAIes, is irhich 12 lives were lost. Wednesday next for Holland. represented by 990 meta, and'.Ital� s orders out of a very hands of Dom- EDIRIdsCTOR The British airship NS -11 is be- PostntaatQg,Burleson of the U. S. py_ 835. There were five offieers' and inion inanuTaeTurers'ivhich fhe latter . J WM.-DROCK, J. T. ALLISON tiered to have been struck by light- 11as reduced the postage rate ori ail- 50 mea item each of the other ullted had beep anted. The cause for this �$re�fly selecting a de�l�" ,�. I, RUSSELL, E®BT. idOi3RIS �g fallen in a Maas ®t flames into p ane mail to two cents an ounce, nations. �sY: fe -the lack, of shippdng space from the �+torthea. Two o�cera and tett the. regular tato 'for 9rst-c1as0 pxail' Behilsd'• tbe&' allied• section came Canada. Many Canadian firma, which 6,, • AGENTS ram were aboard. matters 'p' =�'' 'Vice- Reyes, and had obtained huge• orders, and have tory for their BaVI-,- CAkLP3 ESSEIiY, Centralia. Agent for One of the great features of the The Ottawa. Street Railway. Cow- "iitiaer high officers of the Grand been holding on to them in the hope Usborne and Hibbert: peace celebration will be :the naval. .DaAay ;strike as ended in a victory. Fleet, with is naval, contingent i of of an improvement int the matter o6' �. ,0J,1 ',�'.R. HA_kRIS Munro Agent for pageant at Soutbend, whicia would, j�.r 112e;.companJ, 2n{l, the"su3tcondi- 4,000. men. 'i'hep came 1,0 0 hien carg`sq space, liare, sifnce the recent ' In tra:l8actin bU6iness watt Ritlpert, I+''aYllartoa and Logan, attract 'tremendvug pat kers o[ visa• tional „return, to wp{rk. of "giro$• men from the metcaatile marine, and 500 actton of the MiiiSst't`y �of Shipping is tors to the metro ltd,,..: as. the ;corm n st`1 had *At"acien fro , en. from various war services., : again°comman4eerinjj,^, 0 per cent. of. • • i W. A. TURNBULL, l?o� • .. Y i• _ — m r i e - , p $3AY, f911�,+ li fi• •;x ;` ,l iff sieift came Field - rahal aig and space, bee forced td let theta B,Q }� `' th1� #3ani[ it 8hot11±� , be .*:.. Sec1r--Treas. Far uhar Tfil ".. _ „' n f3LADMAN 8c STANBIIRY Ar-^ ' 14iOlYUA,Y. '„w his staff, lead in3 .S,t) bits lx'oa�N 'tiffany casaeg to United States cam- I �,.�.�,a t mei a erected for the Oil= ” of 'every liratnch of the service. Maj.- I •panies,who arra in a. position, backed " 1 rayls College of Pharmacy- Cobalt ruiners voted to .sf' a ah b fr membered that. you are deals, ,,.�, �-.—_- -- - ^-- WeTues Gen. Salmond led this oval, Air's 3' their $o+"Ser>ameat to et ''transt- h, Seslisl8eri> Kenneth Patterson, eight years The Khaki'College personnel, sail- ],Force contingent. All the o•miniof j portatio9, old, was drowned at Brockville. - had fa in line'. It had bee* feared ( rile, s>,meriezu business invasion ' • - ed far Canada. - ing with an institution that Thg Briti3ta Government is coa- that Canada: would not be repre- I seems to be yery well planned. Great �B. G. P. IiOaTLSTON, L.D.3., P.P.s f)ntario celebrated whole -hearted! p zidering fhe queotion of withdrawing rented, because so few Canadian i advertising, schemes are now under DENTIST the Peace holiday. troops were left in London. At the way in connection with it, Not only has gr6wn to be ne of the Its gnvoy ficin the jlaticar[. � 10ormer donman dye stuff agents 7Louiz'AnlrersoW bf. Toronto, was! Q flrasVtislt'i •"a,t'�ew Beach !asst moment; however, a detachment do its agents expect to dispose lm - office over I. R. Carling's Law are seeking to re-establish their con- t was collected -and it took part in the mediately of their: wares here, but �.'at Banks of the world. trot of the Ari erieau ma,,1'ket p Cornwall, Ont., woman and her ^ he Australian tennis tealidias aG- two children were burned to death. �!ide are looking forvrard three, four, and Marshal Haig was taken ill dur- Generals Currie and Turner both fire years, with ' a view to making: gllosLed every Wednesday afternoon, eepted the invitation of the Toronto Ing the great Peace procession in headed the; Canadian contingent; their conquest of the British market Tennis Club to play in Toronto. London. numbering' about 200 men drawn Permanent and abiding. - Four definite measures intended to mainly from' Witley Camp, in the The :lesson of it all for Canada is ; Canadian soldiers Beaded the over- Peace procession', The Canadians Tuner �1��� R� 'il��a:0 IS .1Tl,HND? xeduce the cost of living have been seas troops in the Peace parade in that something will have to be done THE �A�1 t'-liJ, , LJ 7 Will every person who reads this decided upon by the French Cabinet. were foremost in the Dominions sec- to solve the shipping situation, and autice, and knows a blind man in.. It is officially announced that the England. tions of the procession, and received It will have to be done soon. axtada, kindly send the name and Prince of Wales will embark on the Pte. James Borland, a returned a very hearty reception along the en- �.i //�" �/`, D address of that blind one to the Can- battleship Renown for Canada on soldier, was drowned in the Humber tire route. Generals Currie and Tur- Refuses to Piny lmiern"Ry" O "OM - E CE aadian National Institute for the August S. river at Woodbridge, i Rev. Manley Benson, D.D., suet- per with other'renerals subsequently BERLIN, July 2]. —The Gex'man •'' Blind 36 Icing St. East, Toronto. Chatham Board of Education rail- eran preacher of the Methodist lunched with the King. It vias noted Government, replying' to the French The Institute is conducting work ed the salaries of teacbers and voted Church, is deaf$ at Toronto. that whereas all military bodies, ex- note demanding reparation for the 4smx the blind along the most modern a bonus of $50 a month for four A Greek restaurant.at 294 College cept the Imperial home forces, •.vent, murder of Sergt.-Major Mannheim at r abci.entifi , lines and desires that each months. street, Toronto, wase stoned by by in alphabetical order, the Cana- .Berlin, on July 1a, and an additional CAPdAL, PAID UP $15,000,000 blind resident of Canada should have The Government of Great Britain dians were placed at the head of the r the opportunity of availing himself last night gave a dinner fix honor of youths early Sunday *Horning. sum for Mannheims family-, says than RESERVE FUND 15 000 000 Dominion forces. The evening papers • • r r r ase• herself of the benefits represent Gen. Pershing. It was essentially a New York market speculators dry, o the apology made before receipt Friday night•gare considerable prom- of the French coin uiunfcatian Ger- � r Ger- ed by this work. military function. labor troubles as only temporary, inence to the, threatened absence of and bid stocks to higher' 1'evels. many agreed to recompense the Earn- ` The immense task of registering A general strike, accompanied by the_Canadiank, the entire tone of ily of the murdered soldier. EXETER BRANCH + . . A, E. KUHN, Manager t every case of blindness can only be rioting, has started at Stillin, t-apital Mrs. Bowlby, widow of Major G. 1 comment being one of extreme re- J. A. McDONALD, Manager dccomplished successfully by the of the Province of Pomerania. The Herbert jured i, a Kitchener, was Germany refuses, however,. to par DASH'cUIJ $RANCH + gree and the Dist remark heard on the 1,000 000 cranes indemnity de- �A5HWOOp BRANCH � P. S. KENT, fatally injured in a motor smash. Manager +aatiixaest co-operation of the pulAic strike involves all, trades. street cars expressed satisfaction that marded on the ground that there is ,generally. This is why we ask you to Maimed. soldiers are eligible for The Cedric and the Royal George after all they were to appitr, As a • arrived at Halifax Saturday and Sun- � no foundation for the demand in >• solid names and addresses of blind Masonic membership, provided they day with troops, and the Melita... at matter of fact, notification to this ntcrnational la v. It Fra.nee does not - people you may know. can master the art of Masonry, t effect was issued so late Friday night, agree to this, Germany is willing to The following departments of Grand Lodge of Ontario decided. Quebec yesterday. that it failed to appear in some morn- Cl. W. �OBINSON i Sister St: Prudence was killed in- leave the matter to a mixed arbttra. I. B. CABLING, M. A. Work are being actively )prosecuted A general strike may be calked by stantly in Beauport Asylum when ing papers. tion court, LICENSED A:UCTIONE gn AND' Icy the Inastftute, organized labor an the border muni- , Notary , , lightning struck the building, caus- VALUATOR for Counties of Huron,- IaAdatstrial Department for Niers. Cipaliti.es in sympathy with the strsk- representation was that while Aux- , Ing a Chimney 150 feet. in height .to Another feature of the Canadian A .seventh incendiary barn the Commissioner, Solicitor for the Perth and Middlesex. Farnn Stoc •• Industrial Department for women, ing carmen of the S., W. & A Ry. traisa, South Africa and New Zea- within three months in the township Molsons Bank, etc. sales a Specialty. Uflice at Grasp down through et. Q Department of field Work. Col. R, G, Davis, C.M.G„ M.D., Bass a Carpentier, the great land commanders rode in Marshal of Gleneig occurred yesterday. Mone" to los p Y next door to thq` Department of: Home Teaching. , been appointed Acting Director of y Georges P Haig's immediate vicinity, Generals , • Y n at lowest rates of Ce tt l Hotowti, I+rencri boxer, nxade his first public Five oil barrels containing liquor Interest. Central Hotel, Ntafn 9t. 77xetor . JUepartxtteut of Prevention of Medical Services, Department a Sot • since 1914 at Currie and Turner took their places were seised by license inspectors in irtd ego a s' Civil Re-establishment, sue- appearance in the ting s c, M the head of their own !nen, both OFFICI7--MAIN ST, EXETER, ONT. Charges moderate and 8ati Cactioilt ?fl;l n 4 . ai r. C Paris o0 Sunday, defeating Dick Toronto as they were unloaded at the guaranteed, Library Department. reeding I,t.-Cal, F. McKelvey Bell, riding abreast, Turner on the right Wharf. Smith, former English champion, by ..•� Department of After Care. resig ed. y i and Currie on the left, ' The Cana- d knockout. ou 1 Mathew' Dahea ty; an orderly -1h .- Xesxdence and Vocd Training soldiers who ]have violated the On later of Mr. and dian contingent mustered r gh y The little chug _ Qualicutxx Military Hospital, near- PE]IIRY II'. 7DOUI'�!7; Y.ieeinsod Auc- '' - 'atati^e for i3Xiitdecl soldiers. tarso Temperance Act were liberated about 200 men, being iirough,t UP. Nana Ito Ii.C. Was shot and kills 11t. TJ►.s 1MI• S• �°•t Mrs. J. Powless, of Wilsonville, was _ d, tioneer, Salots conduerted In any 1oC. •J. W. e; `7F'o siwnd Inf'orruation or to obtain ' jail t London and at Kingston, , front Witley Camp • In, , the night. • #torn �a a t5 killed b a lady's motor car rurtaintl Y it .is aklegdd, by J. G. Duggan;. an-. txlitY, Terme booderat© Orders! left r stet 'Victoria U'nrverBitY nCosrn'iation addross ,n , n e with instructions front �' The had no calors. Gen. MacBriea O G ado t in accordance w her when she . darted out of a y , other orderly, in, is quarrel +aver at de os Office will be promptly - nee polniniota ,the Gerieralf secreta" hat h tea artici ate ifs over and Col, Morrison marthed vVitlx fife i � 6 p Yat Lahr and ftet e , ;�' r'Y,,. xoronto, t t ey' y p % getting an ice cream done money rnattera. ., , • tended to. 1E'}aoae 16 _ � .. for group ficin g g 1 , Iirktaft, LabratorYr rlxeter, ixn¢Ldatin T�atxonal Lnstxtute x Ce oelebtation on Saturday. foo a, Cielleral Cat#rle and TUX 0At..:. -'' - d Trs..rs,._ , .�. l tltPJ v .n ler en Bt"dtl fon ><- 1J. ra iron. .. ��..._ . , • .: .. _.�_ lrnm a srtfeeEt_ _ ,,. ._ _. _�.-,� _ _._._ _. .... .. A,7sinF,iry4d .t+nrnner. bf_