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The Exeter Times, 1919-7-17, Page 8
IMA▪ YMYY yommsawit S P▪ OON gows 4111▪ 111110.111 6111011110. MIMS alm▪ mem MOWN 1111.110 .101110.0 MINIM AININeird Jo A. STEWART PHONE 10 Pace Day Saturday, July 19th has been proclaimed a public holiday for the purpose of celebrating Peace. This store will be closed all day Saturday taut will remain open Friday evening. A Few Hot Weather Suggestions If you arta considering having one more summer dress we would advise you to see our pretty plaid Princely Silk Tisue; it is ab- solutely new and distinctive The width is 32 inches and the price is $1.00 per yard. We are putting on our counter this week a range of gingham which. should certainly interest the thrif- ty housewife. They are pric- ed for quick selling at 30e per yard. We are showing a nice range of ladies white skirts in plain and corded cloths These are tailored in the very latest styles and are priced at $2.50 and $3.50 We have in stock a most complete range of corsets, in the new and staple mod- els. The prices range from $1.00 to $4.50. BOY'S CLOTHING Does that boy of yours need a new suit? Perhaps not but he will in the course of a few weeks. We have a nifty range of boy's suits in the better grades of cloth on which we can save you several dollars a suit, as the prospects for fall are higher prices on all kinds of clothing. BOY'S KHAKI BLOOMERS We recently had a Iarge quantity of boys bloomers made to our own order. These were cut from a very heavy khaki denim which we had in stock and you will find them just what you need for that boy of yours. They are priced ac- cording to size. ye have received another shipment of young men's suits. These suits are semi -ready and are tailored in the newest waist line models, The cloths will surely please you. Comein and look them over. J.A. STEWART Phone 16 Electric Beater For Summer Use Heat Your Water By Hydro at Little Expense During the hot heather the prob- lem of heating water is easily solved by the neW electric heater. Easily attached and costs little to operate Electric pump and Hand Pressure Systems also installed. Phone No. 3255 at our expense. Chas. West 244 Queens Ave., London, Ont. T E r�L CULES � �UMA1 I� FOR TjCA APS R MATTE U,RALGIp G©U ETC' SURER LIEF FORTHENiORSTKADA ASURE RELIEF PisH �°O�dZ lfu+°Ss•NITcg`.` 1fI4PI ETCNs �" M'..'"" s 1 5 qatcRESis A Scientific preparation which eradicates every trace of Rheumatic Troubles. Stay young! Keep your best years free from pain. T. R. C.'s will do it. I3RO'WNING'S DRUG STORE Optical Rooms and Stationery. Sole Mail $1.04 to this addressAgent orto Templet Exeter. s 142 King St. W., Toron to and T. R. C's will be sent postpaid. Mrs. ]Milton Bedford visited Mrs. WEINER ROAST. C. Harness over the 12th. Dr. Rollins, of London, attended the races in town last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred May have re- '.orhed after a motor trip to Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Dew of Manitoba vis - ted at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Greenlee. iiiiss Vera Mux -worthy of Forest, renewed acquaintances in town dur- ;ig the week. Mr. 'Homer Hassell of near Ed- 1lonton, Alta., is visiting his father :'fir. Wm. Russell of town. Mr. and Mrs. John Mallett children of London, were up for the 12th. Mr. Mallett assisted band. Mr. Robt. N. Moir, of Lamond, Alta., is visiting his 'nether, Mrs. John Moir of town.. Mr. Moir states that the crops around LaMond are a complete failure, On some farms not a blade or spear of grain could be seen, and over the CA STC) RIA► For infants and Children In Use Por Over 30 Years Alw ihebeare Rkionettre• On Tuesday evening eight au`o' loads of young people motored out, to Grand Bend and enjoyed a pleas- ant evening. A big bonfire was kind- led on the beach and weiners and marshmallows were roasted. BOOST THE I3Ai' 1). A large number of citizens found their way to Victoria Park Sunday evening and listened to a splendid program by the Exeter band. A num- ber of boys and girls made consider- able disturbance around the band stand. This should be stopped as it not only is an annoyance to the band but to the listeners also_ The band have a lot of battered and worn out old instruments that sound like an old Ford" 4v'nen they are played and would like to raise about $200 to buy some decent instrn.ments. The 'oli.ection you give next Saturday will "nip to buy these instruments, so lv'erybo(iy turn out and help the land. The band is the life of a town without One a town: is dead. Exeteri knows from experience. The baud is 1, `rying'to become a better band every' day. They cannot do it on poor in- struments. So come to these concerts} and the band Will give;vran your money's wzirtli. THc EXETER TIMES Machine Shop for Exeter Market Report - -The 'tonoCeti:4 is the report Oe the Exeter Market corrected up to July 16th, 1919. Barley $1,10 Bran $42 per ton in buyers bags, Shorts $46. Oats 75c. Marquis Wheat $2.06 'Winter wheat $2.11 Peas $1.75 .Family Flour $5.70 Eggs 42c. Dairy Butter 42c to 44e.. Creamery Butter 57c. New Potatoes 75c a peck. Potatoes $1.75 to $2.25. Lard 38c Hogs 22c. 4111.1114411og11eP1111a►1111 • m®1111®1 41111110 Mr. Will Amos is visiting'with rel- atives in McGillivray. Mr. and Mrs. H. Doerr are visiting this week in Detroit. J. G. Stanbury was in London on Tuesday on legal business. Mrs. Ritchie of Preston, is visiting her cousin, Mr. Robt. Gillies. Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Dore are holi- daying this week in Hamilton. Miss Olive Prior of London, visit- ed with relatives in town for a few days. Mrs. Tetlock of Sarnia is visiting her brother-in-law, Mr. Sam Basker- ville. Miss Agnes Fenwick attended the Summer School at Goderich last week. Mrs. Johnston, who has been the guest of Mrs. Amos has returned to Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Kohler of Zurich visited Mr. and Mrs. Witwer over the 12th. Mrs. Wm. Hawkshaw has returned home after visiting relatives in Windsor. Sergeant Charlie Dunsford return- ed home from overseas on Monday morning. Mr. Leon Treble of London, visit- ed his parents for the 12th and over the week -end. The Exeter Junior ball team ex- pect to play a game of ball in Craig next Saturday evening..s Mr. Gerald Fitton, of London, was up over Saturday and Sunday visit- ing his parents. 14Irs. D. Ross and children of Sar- nia are visiting the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rivers. Miss Hattie Handford and friend Miss Smith of Toronto are visiting Mr. James Handford of town. Major Heaman and family leave this week for Grand Bend where they will spend their holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Deibridge and babe left this week for the west. Miss .Mary Andrews accompanied them. Thomas Barton returned to Lon- don on Saturday evening after a two weeks. holiday with friends in town, Dr. and Mrs. Harrison and two l sons of Detroit, are visiting the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Harrison of town. Mr. and Mrs. Dummart and fam- ily of Kitchener motored over and spent the 12th with Mr, and Mrs. S. Hardy. Mrs. Ferguson and Miss Cameron of Winnipeg are visiting the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Birney. Mr. William Stanbury and two children of Stanley visited with his cousin, Mr. J. G. Stanbury over the holiday. The Main St. Methodist Sunday school will hold their annual picnic at Grand Bend on Wednesday, July the 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis Dickson of of Chatham and Mrs. E. Taylor of London visited Mrs. le. E. Gardiner over the week -end. Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Renshaw, Mr. Norman Ford and Mr.David Hall of Detroit motored over and visited friends in town over the 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Spackman and. three children and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Spackman and babe are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Spackman of town. LOCAL Dr. A. Ramsay, and family left Saturday for their new home in Ed- monton. Mrs. S. Campbell and Miss M. Ramsay accompanied them as far as London. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dignan, Mas- ter,Allan and Miss Helen will arrive in Exeter from Toronto this week- end eekend and will visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Janes Dignan. Misses Asny E. Johns, Dorothy D. Kuntz, f,eila B. Sanders, Rita H. Rowe are receiving the congratula- tions of their friends on passing their Normal school examinations. Mr. Frank Taylor arrived in town Saturday and is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor. Mr. Tay- lor has spent a number of years with the 17. S. Marine Corps. He has just returned from Cuba.. Mrs. W. H. Wood, cf Santa Bar- bara, Calf., is visiting her daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Doupe of Upsala, Minn. Mrs. Donpe .and, children intend to. return with, her mother to California. to spend the winter. Rev. A. it. Tramper and family are holidaying for a couple of weeks 'n London and during the next two Sundays Rev. Tramper will have ',,barge of the services at St. Paul's Cathedral. Mr. kleatherrte, a lay reader from St. Paul's will conduct the services in the Trivitt church for the next two Sundays. Corporn7 'Milton Pfaff, son of Mr. Wn7, Pfaff of Hay township who was severely wounded in France attend- ed the races, the guest of his cousin Mrs. J. O. eftanlntry and received a hearty -welcome home from Ills many lid friends of Exeter, Corporal Pfaff was on the staff of Mr. Cole's drug store When the war broke out ,and et Ji. G, COCHRANE (Returned) Has taken over the Connor Machine Shop and is installing the latest machinery. Prompt attention given to all re- pairs. Mr. and Mrs, 4y,in May and little son are holidaying in Mitchell. Mr. Cliff Davis is having his holi- days this week. Beverley Acheson left Monday for London on a visit, Mrs. Thomas Oke. of London, vis- ited in town over the 12th. Mr. Ed Vesper, of Toronto, is vis- iting his aunt, Miss Vosper. Mr, F. Boyle spent Monday in London visiting his mother. Mrs. Mara of Lucan is visiting her delighted, Mrs. W. S. Cole. Mies'Mary Stevenson of Listowel, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. William Ward. Mr, Harry Gould, of Windsor, vis- ited his mother in town the forepart of the week. Mr. Harry Sweet of Windsor is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweet. Miss Elizabeth Hamilton and Miss Jean Watson of Carthage visited for a week with Mrs. F. R. Hamilton. Miss Annie Day, or 7 oronto, is holidaying with her parents, Coun- cillor and Mrs. Day. Dr. H. A. Corsaut has purchased the Drew residence on the corner of Huron and Elizabeth streets. Miss Gertie Short, has returned home after attending the Missionary Exposition at Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Geo. Mawson left last week to attend the 0. A. C. Guelph to complete the course in Agriculture. Mrs. Wm. Waas and two daugh- ters of St. Marys, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. C. F. Hooper. Miss Fern Short of London, spent the Twelfth and the week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Short. Pte. Fred Hopkins who enlisted with the 161st battalion, arrived in town on Wednesday morning from overseas. Mrs. Wm. Davis and Miss 17. Fish- er, of Hamilton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates and other relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. He Levett, of London, visited for several days with Mr. 'and Mrs. W. T. Acheson at the Central Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. O. Becker and two children of New Hamburg motored overand spent a few days with Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Browning. ,,. Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson of Toronto, spent a few days in town renewing acquaintances, returning to Toronto Saturday evening. Mr. Thos. Yelland of Port Perry, has returned home after visiting for a couple of weeks with his parents Rev. J. G. and Mrs. Yelland. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher and little son, of Montreal are holiday- ing for a couple of weeks "with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher. Mrs. Issard, of Sarnia, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell for a few days leaving on Tuesday to visit with relatives in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Crockett and Mr. and Mrs. Hal Crockett and two children of Loudon, motored up and spent Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. S. Martin. Misses Amy Shapton and Lila San- ders have returned home after spend- ing a week at the Methodist Sum- mer School at Alma College, St. Thomas. The examinations which have been held at the school will be wound up to -day (Thursday). ,Mr. W. H. Johnston of Kippen has been presiding. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sm.allacombe, and son and daughter and son-in- law of Stratford, motored up and spent the 12th of July renewf.ng ac- quaintances in town. We are pleased to note, Mrs. Bus- sell Redden is improving after an operation in Victoria Hospital and is at present the guest of her sister, Mrs. Win. Greenlee. Rev. M. -J. Wilson, pastor of James SL will take for his subject next Sabbath morning "A Night of Strug- gling Towards the Light" and in the evening "He came to Himself." Islr. and Mrs. W. J. Beer left the beginning of the week for a motor trip to Toronto. They were accom- panied by Miss Olive Quance, who visited in town for a few days. Miss Lena Pym the youngest date- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Pym of Elimviiie wa.s successeal in passing the Elementary Grade piano at the recent musical exam held at the Exeter c'iCentre July the 9th. She was prepared and enterer) by Miss Annie Elford. (, In spite of the large crowd that visited Exeter on the 12th and the numerous autos onthe street only one accident is reported. A young lad. from near. Cromarty on a bi- cycle was run down by an ante. The boy was only slightly hurt, but the wheel was somewhat smashed, Pte. Will Davis arrived Koine from overseas Monday morning. Pte. Dardis is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis. He enlierted with. the .6'3rd Bat- tery of London. He went overseas with the 64th Battery and vrent to France with the nth Canadian Div- ision being attached to the 51st. bate tery. Later he was transferred to the mechanical transports., His only brother Archie is also a war -veteran having returned 1Year after r "lest y f e being wounded. Pte, Davis came in on •sun- rise and his• many 1'xienlis N e.glad wetr i ,threrseas win.) ,tht: 61st, ft. o .sae .Kinn bads.. - THURSDAY. 31,TL' l7tli, 19111 LI11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ff O 0/0/0 MOWN .11111.11110 MINSIMIK 011001.04 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 MOMS MMINIS ONI▪ MMINO MO▪ MS MOM M▪ I▪ NIM AMMO SOUTHCOTT BROS. Special Clean -Up Sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday Stock -taking is over. We have had our opening day and it was a big day for us. This week we are putting some lines on sale that Should make this store a busy place during the remainder of this week. While stock -taking we set aside several lines which we are placing on sale at prices that should appeal to the thrifty. 3 THREE SPECIAL LINES GREATLY REDUCED MEN'S RAIN COATS We have six only Men's Rain Coats that have to be cleared out. They are easily worth to- day $8.00 to $10.00. If we have your size our Sale Price is $6.00. OXFORDS ee SHOES. About 50 pairs of odd sizes. Conte in and see if we have your size. Values $2.00 to $3,00. Take your pick. Sale Price $1.48. SHOES! SHOES! PRINTS These prints sold for 25c a yard. We want to clear the lot and for quick sell- ing we have reduced them to, Sale Price per yd. 18c. SHOES! SHOES! .:v. aminale INOWYNO OlOMMIL M▪ EW We know something about shoes. We knew Mr. Beavers carried a large stock, but this stock was a surprise to us. It will be to you. Shoes for the ladies, the gents, the kiddies, and babies. We can shoe .11115 the whole family. Shoes we are selling now cannot be replaced and sold for the same money. Come in. We believe we can save you money. By saving you money, and giving you satisfaction we make you a customer and we are .both benefitted. 11• 11.) AMMO B 111111111111111111IIII111111111111111111111111111111111111A 111111i1I11111I1111111111 I I11111111I I I lII IIIIIIIII 11111111111111111I1111111111111Ilillii SOUTHCOTT BROS. NOTICE • Old clothes made new. Ladies and Gents. By T. H. ELLIOTT. The cleaner and presser. Shop North of Mrs. Yeo's Store. TEACHERS WANTED. Two teachers for Exeter Public School -far Primary and Second Grade Rooms. A.pely Miss: K. McFau1, Sec., Exeter. DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Dr. Henry A. Corsaut wishes to announce that he has moved his office to Baker's Livery, James St., next door to Overland Garage and appreciates the patronage he has re- ceived in the old stand and, hopes for a continuance of the same in his new office. Calls promptly attended to, day of night. Phone 8. 1, Daniel Shaver, 'wisp to make l known that I will not be responsible for debts, or will not pay any loan granted to my wife ufiless first con- sulted. 7-17-2tp Dashwood, Ont., July 16,'19 - NOTICE ANNOUNCEMEN T Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hill announce the engagement of their eldest dau- ghter, Gleetis Orea to Rev. Earle H. Walker, son of Mrs. Gertrude Wal- ker of Toronto.. The marriage to take place the latter part of this month. ANN oU NCE:WENT. Miss Leavett 'wishes to announce that she will give violin lessons to pupils desiring same, during the summer months. ORS. SWEET & "FINNING • Veterinary Surgeons All calls promptly attended to day or night. OFFICE Dr. Sweet's old office Phone 120 H.00'SE FOR SALE -Two story brick house on Main St. six rooms electric light and water, every con- venience. Apply to Mrs. Gambrill. FOR :SAL -755 White and. Brown Leghorn chicks, seven and nine weeks old. l3red from heavy laying strain to clear at 50c each. Quance, William St. How many parents know or care where their children spend their ev- enings? Many who used to bburn the midnight oil are now burning the midnight gasoline.. A. child in bed at nine o'clock.. is worth a 1ozen young- asters -running loose on the streets. This very"wise and timely advice is offered by the Owen Sound Times_ Don't scold your wife if she stands half the forenoon talking with her neighbors over -the back fence. She is merely getting the news. Have the Home Paper sant to her regular- Iy and her hunger for news will be satisfied. Then she'll have dinner on time and your hunger will 3 :I3e satis- ker3.. tnd2rtaking Funeral Director & Embalmer M. E. Gardiner L'froae 7€5 Night call Be And Fug. niture OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Furniture and Undertaking R. Ne ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRE:CTOR. AND FURNITURE DEALER GRAND BEND SUMMER RESORT Bring your picnic parties to the Pavilion on the Beach. Special attention is being paid to picnic parties. Free tables and free hot water supplied. Enjoy the behezes right off the water. Prop us a card. Vulcanizing All kinds of Tires. All work guaranteed. Cash for old Tires. Taylor's Tire. Shop EXETER, ONT. FOR SALE Residence of the Iate Joseph Peart, corner -Albert and Huron, streets. France house and outhouse. New Furnace and in good state of repairs. Good Stable, Drive Houses and fine Garden. If not sold will rent. Apply to J. Peart or S. 11L. Martin, Executors. THE WATKINS AGENT handles✓ all kinds of spring tonics for both man and beast; also toilet articles_ Their spices and flavorings are the purest on the market. Coaly sold by their agents to the consumer. WUL Andrew, Agent, Exeter Phone 43 HALF HOLIDAY We the undersigned merchants of this town, agree to close our places. of business on Wednesday at 12.34 o'clock curing the months of June, July and August, with the exception that when a holiday comes during the week stores will remain open. S M. Martin and Son. J. A. Stewart ®aenen.:„.`� Jones & May. w J. Heaman H. Spae1tfllati - H. S. Walters G. A. Hawkins W. W. Taman F. M. Boyle W. J. Beer. P. Frayne Wm. Grigg Stationery Co. R. N. Rowe. - .,Y B. W. F. Beavers. M. E. Gardiner, s: Fitton, J. Lawson. (Telephone Office Open,j` Exeter Times Exeter .Advocate If cur • NV. W. P Why ' .1 o1 Yourself? r Olaf , eople are .rsaking money by h. '•" ase, the public but you eannot save money by fooling yourself.. When quality, fit and wear are cone sidered we are offering values that mean both money and satisfaction to you. We have on hand a good stock of suitings of old dye and quality. Come in and let was show you and quote you prices. The well dressed man wants something new for the spring Season and we are well stock- ed with an up-to-date line in Spring Hats and Caps In the latest stye and neva, shades. We have ale of the finest lines of Spring Rairiaoats and Overcoats we have handled in many years. See our new Shirts and Neckwear that will satisfy all well dressed men. JVIcns' C p's in the latest shade and Shapes. Leave your order for a new Spring .Suit and reap the advantage of our close buying. TAMAN A a 1