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The Exeter Times, 1919-5-22, Page 4
9 ACr 1 •STOMACHS, GASES OR WDRGS1 inti pea Dlapepsin„ neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at, once. Time etc? In eve miritcs null etem- xeit distress, due to acidity, will' gc, :Ne indigestion, heartburn, eeurxness or belching of Bete or erac+tntione of untie. ;;salsa- food, no dizziness, bloating. foul breath or headee lie. Tape's .Diaepepsin 'it; noted for its, slpr cl ie regulative Tet stomachs. 1t is the, eturest, quickie" tomaeh sweet- ener la the whole world, and ei•sides it is lturx?xle:s. Put an end 6o stomach distress at once by getting a large fifty- eent ecsee of Pape's Dtatiepsin from any drug store. Yon realize hi five minutes Iaowv needless it is to suffer from indi- gestion, dyspepsia er any stomach dis- order caused by fermentation due to melte:eye acids in zit:mach. - Farmers Attention Mae money in your spare time during the fait and winter osoatyuc by malting , 6 I HARDY "CANADIAN NURSERY STOOK Beritieh and European nxerkieta wilt be open again for ,Is;i adiaa lirnit and now is 'that ime to order tor spring Pi1aatbeg Largest Fiat a Fruit and Ornamental Stack, Hied Potatoes, etc., grov-n tri tg ada zbe Write far Particulars STONE c`s WELLINGTON Old Reliable Fonthili Nurseries Establiehad 1837 TORONTO, ONT. kitOrsT01,4 A. e Table Changes change of thee will be trade on Mayotli, 1919 Information now in Agent's lands. Full information from any Grand Truuk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning :District Passenger Agent, Torronto. 1..Y. DORE, Agent, Exeter. Phone 4Sw. S!t$44b1.4940 .40*i ••411-4 4 1=s-17 a. a* • : T AL,,�t' ;;/".• , 4,7 We :nage IELLeGRAPIII, COADIE RCI a L and SHORT- HAND Departments. We give individual instruction. Students are entering each week. Our graduates se--• ? cute positions of trust.. •4 • 4 13. A. McLACHLAN, • • • 4 O • • e A 4 i 4 a Get our free catalogue now it may interest you, Principal Farmers Attention NEWS TQPIMS OF WEEK €rnportart Events Which Have Occurred ©w ing the Week. The Betsy .'yoreirs Happenings Care- fully Oosuiptled and Put into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers o3 Our Paper - A Solid ilions's Enjoyment.. neUFSD ly. The Mefita docked at Quebec Dion - day at 3.3e, and the Cassandra will likely reach Montreal to -night. A further strike of employes at the Union Stock Yards, Toronto, was averted by Senator Robertson. Hydro rates for power, and dor do- mestic and commercial lighting, in Barrie, have been considerably re- duced. Gen. Pershing will be the guest of Great Britain, while in London, and will Make investiture at Buckingham Palace. The Hiawatha Indians at Rice Lake present each returned veteran with ten acres of land hi the coni- terms to the Austrians. =unity. ' The tariff question had right of Trading on the Standard Alining way at the annual meeting of the Exchange was the heaviest in years,. Toronto branch of the Canadian 444,6.21 shares changing' hands, ail- Manufacturers' Association. W. ver stociss -:,sing especially active and Rev- (Capt.) TR • A. Cameron, ad - strong. dressing St. Andrew's Society, To - Albert Lefler, of Orangevile, prom- ronto, declared that Bolshevism was -anent in church and Sunday School the only alternative to the League of work, and an extensive money lender,. Nations. is dead. The creation of a separate Depart - A petition from the Korean people meat of Fisheries, with a Deputy and nation asking for liberation from Minister in charge, was urged upon Japan was submitted to the Peace Hon. Mr. Ballantyne by members of Conference. the Dominion Fisheries Association. Pte. John Cook, charged with inure Five thousand scholars in proces- der, was found not guilty by a To- Sion and nearly as many adults par- ronto jury, and his plea of insanity ticipated in a tribute at Sault Ste. was sustained. Marie to the memory of Edith Ca - The German -Austrian Government yell, many memorial trees being is about to alter the Austrian planted. escutcheon by making the eagle The golfers ranking from one to single -headed. six in the records of the United The Celtic is to arrive at Halifax States Golf Association will come to -with 2,675 Canadian troops on board Canada in. June to assist in a cam - en Wednesday, and the Orduna, with palgn to raise funds for the Red 976, on Thursday. Cross. Miss Ellice McKinnon, a school SATURDAY. teacher, whilevisiting her cousin, Yesterday was sentence day in Mrs. A. McLennan, at Glencoe, the Assize Court. drowned herself in the well. Seven hundred men off the Scotian The first contingent of the volun- arrived at Exhibition Camp, Toronto, teer army raised to relieve the men last night. eg,httng in North Russia left blew- All the Allied representatives have castle. Monday •Jeox -Archangel. left Budapest and Red Guards are St. Thomas citizens are invited to digging trenches about the city. buy coal at $10.25 through the city's If the peace terms are signed by Coal Purchasing; . Comuuittsefle,,, the the Germans celebrations willbe held dealers' charge being elk at present. In Great Britain on Aug. 3, 4 and 5, WEDNESDAY. Dr. W. A. Ross, a prominent phy- The A.ustrian chief delegates will sician of Barrie, died after an illness arrive at St. Germain this evening. of several months, in his Cifty-eighth The Bolshevists on the Archangel year. front are active, but are silenced by If present plans materialize inter - Allied fire, national soccer matches will be play - Guelph Labor School trustees fail- ed annually between Canada and the ed to carry a motion to abolish mill- United States. tary training. The strike of the bank employes Women were admitted to member- in Paris is virtually over, the direc- ship in the vestry of St. George's tors having promised an increase in Church, Montreal. pay and shorter hours. The Canada, bringing a thousand More than 100 members were sign - Royal Air Force ofecers, is expected ed in Toronto for the Ward Two sec - to arrive about Thursday. tion of the Personal Liberty League, Fifty London mothers were enroII- opposed to prohibition. ed in the International Order of Al- The steamer D. R. Hanna was sunk lied Mothers in Sacrifice. in collision with the Quincy A. Shaw The steamer Montcalne, the fifth ofoff Thunder Bay Island. The crew the thirty wooden ships building at of thirty-one were all saved. Vancouver, was launched. The Newfoundland $5,000,000 The Trades Council has authorised bond issue was bought by Wood, a rote of all the city unions on the Gandy E Co, Toronto, at 100.71, or question of a general strike. on. s basis of about 6.45 per cent. Canadian sear heroes were decor- The eity of Metz has sent an in- ated by the Governor-General at the "'Ration to Premier Clernenceau to Parliament Buildings yesterday, stand as a candidate there in the Three children were almost ig- election to the Chamber of Deputies. stantly killed by motor vehicles in The Ontario G.W.V.A. convention the east end of Toronto Inst night. at Windsor signally defeated a mo - Sir Robert Borden is returning to tion to strike out of the constitution Canada. Sir George Foster probable tie non-sectarian and non-political will take Sir Robert's place as head The useBrayer of Toledo izas endorsed o f the Canadian delegation. The executive of the Dominion the action of the Ohio State Boxing Alliance issued a strong: protest Commission in sanctioning the Wil - against the Federal Government's lard -Dempsey bout, and has so in- eroposal to drop prohibition legisia- formed the Toledo Ministerial Asso- tion. elation. Lt. -Col. Wilson of the British staff The Online docked at Halifax in Mesopotamia flew from. Mosul to Thursday night, the Scotian at Mont- England ontEngland in one week. He crossed the treat yesterday morning, the Canada desert from Mosul toward Cairo in at Quebec yesterday afternoon, and one day, the Olympic at Halifax yesterday A. new two -million -dollar building afternoon. THE EXET.19R laJt1 cense, is being held Ayt3tpof con e, charge of having lost one of the babies entrusted to her care. British Minister of Food stated in the House of Cormona that It was not the intention of the Ministry to purchase the exportable supply of Canadian cheese in the present sea - SOU. FRWAAY•. Marshal Haig has been installed as Rector of St. Andrew's University. Approximately 27,000 unionists 'went on strike in Winnipeg at 11 a.m. Tlxe troops of Admiral Eolcbak have captured the city of Samara, on the Volga river. • The Russian Soviet Government has advised the population of Petro- grad to leave without delay. Prof. Maenaughton, in speaking at the Empire Club, Toronto, warned Canadians against false pride in vic- tory, Fort Erie Council has passed a re- solution offering free water and no taxes far a term of years to indus- tries locating there. The failure of the Hungarian Gov- ernment to send delegates to Paris may cause delay in presenting peace e is to be erected by the Dotninion GOT- MOLdDA'Y- ernment in Toronto. It will be cap- Armed robbers operated in the vi- cinity of Thorold and St. Catharines. Thomas. L Thompson, aged 11, of Toronto, was drowned in Ashbridge`s Bay. Wm. Hurley, a Hydro employe of Simcoe, was electrocuted at Amherst burg. A movement to unionize all un- skilled labor is in progress in Toronto. The steamer City of Meaford was burned at Calling -wood, the result of incendiarism. The Minister of Militia gave notice in the House of intention to revise the Pensions Act. The Brantford lodges of the Cana- dian Order of Foresters, 600 strong, paraded to church. The Toronto Bureau of Municipal Research has urged speed and a clear track for the civic housing scheme. Returning members of the Royal Air Force gave Argyll House credit for expediting their return to Canada. India's wheat crops, just harvested, is given as 278,623,000 bushels, corn - pared with 379,850,000 bushels in 1918. Vice -President W. D. Ross of Nova Scotia Steel & Coal Co. says coal areas bill in Nova Scotia Legislature is fair and reasonable. Developments in the Toronto labor situation during the week -end indi- cate that the city may be plunged in- to the throes of a general strike. Rev. R. J. M. Perkins of St. James' Church, Ingersoll, announced his re- signatlon to accept the appoint intent of, rector of Christ's Church, Chatham, Mrs. John Rush, of Ve'oodst,ock, died Saturday night. Earlier in the day she sustained a fracture of the skull when she fell from the front steps of her home to the pavement. Sanguinary encounters have occur- red at Sofia between the garrison and. revolutionaries, who demanded the resignation of the Government and the establishment of a soviet. AlI Bulgaria is reported to nun la an up- roar. able of housing every civil servant 4'`vow is your time to put in your in Toronto. Gen. Allenby is on his way to Sy - Supply of both 1L.'tllD AND SOFT: ria. Maj, -Gen. Sir L. O. F. Stack has taken charge as Sirdar of the Egyp- tfAOL.. I am selling Large Lump, tian army and as Governor-General of the Soudan. J3rcght•, ('lean 'Threshing Coal at S7 per ton. :Very, low prices on the Blest Farm Fence (Frost „Fence.) ,All kinds of Lumber in stock, also Shingles and Cedar Posts, Sft„ eeft., nttd 10ft.long. Cement sold in large lots at a very close price. PI t'ir :dee of Paroid hoofing. Phone 1it, . n.. - A. J. CLATWORTHY GRANT©N A7 "SYRUP OF FIGS'1 70 CONSTIPATED pimp clous "Fruit Laxative" can't harm ender little Stomach, Liver, and Sowers. THURSDAY. Premier Borden has Left Paris for London en route to Canada. Poland is laying claim to some of the warships surrendered by Ger- many. The Ontario Provincial Great War Veterans' Association is meeting at. Windsor, James Patterson, editor and pro- prietor of the Meaford Mirror, died in his 37th year. Several Canadian soldier -boxers have qualified for the Imperial Ser- vice Tournament finals. Walkerville's tax rate is 27 ;:Hills, 3% mills more than last year, and the highest in the town's history. Thomas Ojick, an Indian, 44 years old, killed his wife at their home in Ottawa and then blew nus brains out. Russian Bolshe ik forces have•met with new defeats y forces under the Ukrainian peasant leader, Petlura. The students of St. Thomas Col- legiate Institute have adopted four French children made fatherless by the war. The trades unions of Toronto wore divided yesterday on the question of u 0OflC a the aongue, Mother! If a general stripe, aithough no vote ,mated, your little ene's stomach, liver has yet been taken. land bowels need cleansing at Once. An issue of $1,000,000 three-year When peevish, cross, listless, doesn't notes of the Province of New Bruns- vioep, eat or act naturally, or is fever. wick was bought by United Financial lelx. stemtis&h sour, breath bad; Sias sore Corporation, of Montreal. throat, diarrltoa, full of cold, give a The Grand Jury at the Toronto- tt,aspnanful F : r,f "iliforni,s, syrtip of Assizes strongly recommends among ,rigs," and in a few Leers ail the foul, : other things in its presentment the fro sti atcil wa to tucdi •este+- fixed and d,•piett.1th n of undesirable aliens. e it bilc gentlw move:. Out 01 i'ia little Sir Barton, Commander J. K. L. emir n iou h:i,.,, treat horse, which won the i cs�els lplayful iii l.xni and ; Az -.tyle a Rent ate: kyr Derby last Saturday, cap- well, ear zi.siintfio;au►t i.1 ;: your tinted the famous Preakness Stakes,. „3r'r1c I t ear :o. rlts tIe t t:lifarnt l at 13;.`411'1u14',esterday. au^oke of 7'=`ira' -.hath contaci� fully sitrt.:t,ir furo-a,,tedy L>i idle u ui w T a ge$ NV. Gill, a baby , Qnt)r pe °af > Without aecivic 1L• To - sail krRrowxx ups• By=Law No. Village of Exeter A BY-LAW to provide far bor- rowing !the surto iof .525,000.00 to pay' for the oonstructienn of a certain: Cbtn- crate Pavcnteat in the Vilttrge of Ex- eter, and to authorize the issue of debentures therefor.-- WHE1wEAS, the Municipal Council of the Corporation of Exeter and pursuaat to a request of rateo,ayev.s that it is cT Werable and in the inter- est of the Corporation of the Village el Exeter to .construct a concrete pavement an the Main Street, begin- ning ett the limits of the southern boundary, to and including the south of the Lake and Thames Road, with- in the Village of Exeter. AND WHEREAS,. under an Act of Parliament, and as provided by the, Provincial Highways Act, and arty other act for the construction, ac- e.uisition for improvement of Public .Highways, power is given to Local municipalities through the County Councils while carrying ,out a plata of highway improvement under the act by by-law to make grants to Villages or Towne not separated 'from the County for the purpose of im- proving Such portiicns of highways in such village or tow -as may be desig- nated in such by! -law. AND WHEREAS, the Highways improvement Act and its amend- ments thereto have established a plan w'her'eby in the construction of a highway improvement, and under the statement of a Gouty Engineer to the Department of Public Works, and on •the receipt of such statement and certificate by the .Treasurer of On- tario 40 per cent. of the total costs of the construction will be assumed and paid for by the Treasury De- partment of the Ontario Government, The width of pavement to be ap- proved by the Prov m. al Highways Department, AND WHEREAS, it has been es- tablished that it will require the sum of $37,000.00 to prepare the roadbed and to construct a pavement thereon" AND WHEREAS, undertnstruc- tiont of the Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter, estimates of cost of the construction. of a concrete pavement have beest submitted, and in said estimates the sum of $25,000,011 _: placed as the sum necessary to complete the corporation': share of said concrete' pavement construction. AND WHEREAS, it is necessary for the said ,purpose for the said cor- porlation of the sili:_ee of Exeter to borrow upon 'the credit of the said Municipality the sum of `}25,000.00. AND WHEREAS, for the purposes aforesaid it well be necessary to issue debentures of the said Municipality_ 01 the Village of Elie:rer for the said sunt of $25,000.00 and interest as here- in. after provided, which is to the amount of the debt intended to be :seated by this by-law the proceeds' of the said debentures to be applied in the preparatirozi of the road bed and in -the constrturtaon of the cor-- cnete pavement •ars:: the said Main Street of Exeter, and for no other purpose. AND WHEREAS, it is desirable to make the principal of the said debt repayable by annual instalments dur- ine the period of fifteen rears next after the issue of the debentuees therefor AND WHEREAS it will be neces- sary to raise annually for the period of fifteen years during the currency of the debentures to be issued here- under by a special rate sufficient therefor on all the rateable property within the Munijclipality the sum of $2,490.64 far the paying of the sev- eral instalments of principal and in- terest thereon at ,the mite of five and one half per cent, per annum. AND WHEREAS, the amount of the whole rateable ,property of the said Village of Exeter' according to the last 'revised assessment roll is the aunt. of ,$729,790..00. • AND WHEREAS, the existing dee heznture debt of the said Village of Exeter, exclusive of katal improvet- me,nt debenture debt secured by special assessweats therefor amounts to the sum of 138,003.72 and to no part of the principal tor interest there- of is en aerears, Therefore the Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter enacts as fol- lows It shall be lawful for, the Reeve of the said Village of Exeter to borrow on the credit of the said corporation the stun of $25,000.00 for the pur- poses herein before ,set forth and for, that purrtos;e to issue '.debentures of thesaid Municipality • to the amount of $25,000.00 in sums of not less than $100 each, and such debentures shall be signed by the Reeve of the said Corporation far the time being and couritea-signed by the Treasurer for the time being of the said cor-porateen and duly sealed with the corporation seal thereof, which seal the clerk for the time being es hereby authorised and directed to attach to each of said debentures. The said debentures shall be ,dated upon the date of the issue thereof, and :shall bear interest at the rate of five and one half per cent. per anrturn and the said interest shall be.payabic yearly on the day of the month one which said debentures are heeled end as to both principal and Interest he said d=ebentures shall be payable to annual instalments within fifteen years, such inztalr Yntt lo b of `:ue'h amounts that the aggregai-e amount payable for principal and intertest l,it any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to what i.s, payable for l• wire the cipal and interest during. eaco other years of ouch p`-ried of :':Eto=n years as hereinafter set forth. In the Total Year Principal Interest Amount 1921 $1115,64 $1375.00 $2490.64 1922 1177.00 1313.64 2490,64: 1923 1241.74 1248.90 2490.64 1924 1310.04 1180.60 2490.64 1925 1382.08 1108.56 2490.04 1926 1458.10 1032.54 2490.04 1927 1538.25 952.35 2490.64 19e8 16/2.90 867.74 2490,64 Thou turas by-law alma come itutee force and take ei'feet on the day of the anal passim thesTe04.. That the votes of the Electors of the said Village of Exeter entitled to vote on thia by-law be taken on. Mon- day the 2nd.. day of June, 1919 com- mencing at nine o'clock in the fore - soon and continuing until ave o'clock in the afternoon of the same day at the following places, 'within the said Village of Exeter and by the follow - !leg Deputy Returning Officers. Polling sub -division No. 1, at Silas Handfords, residence, Main Street. EdwardeTreble, D.. R. O. , Sidney Davis. Poll Clerk. Polling sub -division. No. 2, at the Town Hall, Main Street. Welling- ton Johns, D. R.. O. James H. Grieve, Toll Clerk. Polling sub -division No, 3, at Mrs. Mitchell's office building corner of Alalp and Wellington streets. H. E. HeOton, D. R. O. W. F. Abbott, Poll Clerk. Palling sub -division No. 4, at the North End Fire HaII, Frederick Wit- wer, D. R. O. William Bricicvvood, PoII Clerk. That Friday the 30th. day of May 1919, at seven thirty o'clock in the afternoon, shall be the day and the clerks office in the Library building in the Village of Exeter shall be the place where the Reeve shall attend to appoint persons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid and at the final summing up of the votes by the clerk on behalf of persons in- terested in 'promoting or opppsing this by-law respectfully. ' That the clerk of the corporation of the said village of Exeter shall attend at his office in the said village of Exeter at eleven o,clocls in the forenoon on Tuesday the 3rd. day of June 1919, to sum up the number of votes given for and against this by-law. NOTICE The above is a true copy of the proposed by-law which has been taken into consideration and which will be finally passed by the Council of the Corporation of the village of Exeter, in the event of the assent of the electors being obtained the thereto after one month from the first publications in the Exeter Times and the Exeter Advocate newspapers, which first publication was on the 15th. day of May 1919, and at the hour, day, and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the Electors a poll will be held. Every Iease holder entitled by law to vote on the proposed by-Iaw shall at least ten days next proceed- ing the day of polling file in the office of the clerk of the Municipality a statutory declaration stating that his lease meets the requirements Ivy law entitling him to vote on such a by-law, And the names of lease holders neglecting to file such a declaration shall not be placed on the voters list for such voting. Dated at Exeter this 12th. day of May, 1919. Jos. Senior, Clerk of the Corporation of the Village of Exeter. 3AMDEIND WITH DEATH &rostrariart Aviator Starts Across AtIan& Ocean. Harry G. Hawker Left Newfoundland Sunday Afternoon to Make Haa- rerdotss Flight - Raynha-m Also Essayed to Start, But Axle of the Machine Broke and Machine Was Wrecked. ST. JOHN'S Nfid_, May 19. -Harry G. Hawker, Australian aviator, and Commander Mackenzie Grieve, his navigator, are winging their way across the Atlantic to -day on the most perilous airplane.- Sight in history., They took the air at 5.55 p.m. Sunday, Greenwich time (1.55 p.m., Toronto tine), and expect to reaeh the Irish coast in 24 hours unless some accident forces them to plunge into the sea. When the Sopwith. biplane passed. from view beyond the lxilIs to the northeast, headed for the open sea, it left behind with shattered hopes Hawker's English rival, Frederick P. Raynhane who had hailed to be first across in a Itlartinsyde plane to win glory and the $50,000 prize. Raynham was tuning up the en- gine of his machine when Hawker flashed over the Englishman's air- drome, dropping as he went the un- der -carriage of his Sopwith to Iighten the load lie must carry. Flay nham and his navigator, Charles k. W. Morgan, realized then that the Australian was en his way, Instantly they determin- ed to follow, for all their prepara- tions Jxad been made weeks ago. But misfortune intervened. As the, Mar- linsyde "taxied"' along the uneven surface of the runway preparatory to the take -of(, a reser sale broke: under itt; heavy load and the nia.chine ploughed into ilio ground, Pilot, and ua.vigal or were jammed In the wreck- age, but appar,enfly ttt;ither was ser- ioudly hurt. Wail. )ay,tlxatu's lielti ies were being treated /Meeker was = welt on. his way. Sunday s ieliteeels Jit t1esaly watefiiug wheat thesy ruhposed was to be a trial 11Igh1 of 1be Nepwit.lx, were alms: si when t.lt+-ey traw Ifie under - c! nip nder- shop like a plummet xtear the Murtineydte aieframie. '1'hcy ice tee it meant. Jlatwkex bad d,e1,,1rtnlnete to tarry .no longerx', for if Jeff filen with.. out. [sliding equipment, but hemmed hitt craft for it.tt Ii,tgardout:i voyage, If the during Aiirttrltlfauti want, hie gamble, witti de,a,ti' itwilt trri=rip :situ era l►ozxore in t1ti uiixi'•:tup fraps3- Atlantie Vace, u.ndylug• fame ape a villa prJz'e. J'lar d!..teida(i to rleic every- thing w}iexi Ito heard of the arrival of 111e r31jJte4 1ttttuti nal.vy w .sr,,Irlrir,r, Nee 4 east Ravine and i 'llent'Ittd i{i: 1929 1712,16 778.4.8 2490.6418tatrrttet'nt deal Ii< would 'lent the 3 06't" 68431 2490 641Y<cnlct,rr.' <ietua,s, libh'lul,it tett vara• 19 a 18 r.,., , 84.9 T 20).0,64 fuse of 1litt auivy 1t1t'1aft Maar, no twat . Ui 19©.,.s7 5 193 r t. r. art o{iii ti rr ',' Xaj t1 t r r,, t1 } ,� it t•r 1 F' f. t .E i1,� 11 t 1931 2010.43 480.15 7,490,•64 y t, 1933 2121.06 369.58 2490.64 /In, tut4 '1"er latt;ultt u. xtuta•astup 1934 2237.72' 2.52.92 2490.64 ig,t, i93§ pox, j[29.1,4 2490.04 nn mmmmu ammo mm uQ�42Wu1u11I1 - ,ThePropliet�orratentlieditineli is AVregetablePreparationfor similatingthelbodandRego a . 1 ting the Stomachs and Bowels of INFANTS asCN Promote• DS Ds igeslion,Cheerf' ness and RestContainsnelUur Opium, Morphine nor Mineral., :NOT NARCUTC legxio OELP j � sxve fig S�, saSalci • P wt Wong &rte , Aperfect y �anslipk .tion. Sour Stomach, Worms,Feverishness and 1 LOSSOFSi r Signature sf � �+ Facsimile Sign THE CENTAUR Cortrionr .I= & NEt'tYORR .`' MONTREAL Atb months oiii 5„ .'5 Doss. --:.--L---;3 - L' --T .t Exact Copy of Wrapper. 4.1 CASTO RIA For Infants and Children. th Mo er s Knorr That Genuine Castors a Always Bears the Signature of rt use For Oveii Thirty Years, ASTORIA TNC C.NTAU,. COMPANY. NEW YCKK CITTii INCORPORATED 185 _.., r •s�H�.9a. CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,80C,OCO Over 100 Branches scattered throughout Canada. A General Banking Business Transacted OIR9ULAB LETTERS OF OREDI'B BANS MONEY ORDERS , SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT interest allowed at highest •urrent rates T. S. WOODS, Manager, Exeter Blanch. banking Service YOUR banking requirements may be entrusted to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our facilities are entirely at your disposal. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE IA EXETER BRANCH• • CREDITON BRANCH DASHWOOD BRANCH A. E. KUHN, Manager J. A. McDONALD, Manager • . F. S. KENT, Manager 1 1 C. W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR for Counties of Huron, Perth and Middlesex. Farm Stock sales a. Specialty. Office at Cock- shutt Warerooms, next door to the Central Hotel„ Main St. Exeter. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. J. W. BROWING, M. D., M. S. I'.. S. Graduate Victoria University Office and Residence, Dominion Labratory, Exeter. Associate Coroner of Huron. CARLING, M. A. Ba or, Solicitor, Notary Public, Crytrunienioner, Solicitor, for the Moutons Dank, etc. )Money to loan at lowest rates of futereet. O6'1?'ICJii,--MA,IN ST. EXETER, ONT. PERRY Jif'.. DOUPE, Licensed Auc- tioneer, Salm conducstcd in any loc- ality. Terme moderate, Orders left cat 'fillies Office will bo promptly tat- teteitcei to. Phone 116, 1Cirkton, /t ldreee Kirk ton F. O. Mt. A. ;It, .iblNiiMItN, Honor Graduate of Torofito Uni.ver- Sit.Y. I);i1:N'r'lif4T •ac'.tro rrrctratted without plain of any brut itffe rut, (1Jiiee over (1liultnan H., tvtztubtar,Y">t U1Ueo. iItsixt St, ;Niuetar,, THE usnoRNE ANDm1iBER% FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSU i, ANCE COMPANY, Head Office, President, Vice President, Farquhar, Onto THOS, RYAN: WM. RQY DIRECTORS I WM. BROCK, J. T. ALLISON J. L. RUSSELL, ROBT. NORRI` •'• AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent foe" Usborne and Hibbert. ' OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent fol Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. e. W. A. TURNBULL, ' i ,l }f,,<: Secy.-Treas., Farpuhaaj. GLADMAN & STANBURY f Solicitors, Exeter. 4'1 DR. G. F. ROULSTON, L.D.S., D.1).$1 DE.N7TIST 11 Honrfr Graduate of sity. Office over Ings Law Ornce. day afternoons. and residence 5b, Toronto Vnivere Dickson & Carl-! Closed Wednese Phone Office 51 -`i CASTOR IA AIwaysForbearItltaitnts and Children l UIQ Foal~Over 30 Ys ars r" , tlao .� i at �C�G`' n arm. •r