HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-4-17, Page 8Phone 16 Jo A. STEWART Phone Black Corded Bilk Coats We are offering two very meat styles in Black Moire and Corded Silk Coats, The first we have been able to procure for several ...... ...... .... .. « ... , ..... .. $23.00 and $25.00. seasons New Voile Waists Showing the very new- est Styles for Spring. You will like the new designs Priced at ;2.25; $2.75; $3.50; $4,00 Kayser Silk Gloves They give satisfaction. Look well, fit well and wear well. In white, black, grey and tans at per pair $1.00; $1.25; $1.50. New Styles in Crepe Kimonas Never have we had such an assortment of pretty Kimonas. The Patterns are varied and the styles will please you while the prices are low ........................4.50; $5.00; $5.50, Beautiful Rugs at $15.50 These Rugs are 6ft. Sins. by eft. and we can show you ten different designs. They are very suitable for Bed- rooms and small Parlors and are great value at.. $13.50. Scotch Linoleums We have them and our prices are lower than mill prices today. The patterns too are very neat. Ask to see then the next time you are in the store. Newest Styles in Oxfords for Spring Oxfords will be very popular this Season. We are showing a splendid range of splendid styles in patent leather and vici kid. The prices range from.... .... ...... $3.00; $4.50; $5.00; to $6.50. J.A. STEWART Plume 16 k EXETER TIMES Market Report—The following IS the report of tbe Exeter llf'wrkwt corrected to April the 16th. Barley 90c Oats 70c Marquis Wheat $2.06 Winter wheat $2.11 Peas $1.75 . Family Flour $5.70 Eggs 42c. Dairy butter 52c. Creamery butter 65c. Potatoes $1.40. Lard 35c. Hogs $20.25. THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE Easte r Suggestions Fashion dictates Oxfords for Spring, most effective in appearance is the long slender vamp model with the popular Louis heel. as with all our models, our oxfords combine with correct style a capacity for service, and an assurance of comfort to the feet. The popular colours are black, patent, brown and gra y Mens shoes in brown on the narrow toe, Neolin or leather soles, also in black. We handle the Slater shoe for men and women a little higher priced but worth it. See our special order samples for a new spring suit or overcoat. B. W. F. BEAVERS ,••••••••••••••••••••••••444, • LOCAL • • •.4040•••• **•••4041. Clinton tax rate has been struck at 29 i/z miIls. Mrs. Ed. Howald is visiting in Ailsa Craig. Clinton tax rate has been struck at 29% mills. Miss Stella Gillies is visiting her brother in Sarnia. Miss Ethel Day of London, is vis - ting her parents in town. Mr. Percy Gillies of Sarnia, visit- ed in town this week. Mr. Hy. Smith was judge of the cattle at the Clinton Spring Show. Miss Nettie Keddy of Hurondale, 's visiting for a couple of weeks in Detroit. Mrs. Westlake and daughter Mrs. White visited a few days at Centra- lia last week. Next Friday will be Good Friday and a public holiday when all stores will he closed. This vicinity was visited with colder weather and a slight fall of snow on Tuesday. Mr. Wright, of Collingwood, will preside at the organ in James St. Church next Sabbath. Miss Marie Hodgins of Centralia visited over the week end with her cousin Miss Viola Hodgert. Miss Alma Roadhouse of I(irkton has been visiting the Misses Woods and other friends in town. Mrs. J. H. Grieve is in London this week visiting her son, Latimer, who is somewhat indisposed. Mrs. J. W. Baird has returned home after visiting her mother near Ridgetown for several days. Little Miss Ila White Centralia spent the week end at the home of her grandmother Mrs. J. Westlake. Mrs. A. Nash of Sarnia, is in atten- dance upon her daughter Mrs. J. W. Powell who we are glad to report is improving. Miss Verna L. Vance, Graduate Nurse of London, visited over the week end at the home of Mrs. J. Westlake the guest of Mrs. White. Undertaking Funeral Director 84 Embalmer M. E. Gardiner Phone 74J 'Flight? COM BP And Furniture OPERA HOUSE BLOCK SALE OF HOME-MADE COOKING The Lades of the W.M.S. of Main. St. !Methodist Church will hold a sale of home-made cooking in the, bundling north of Mrs,. Yea's store, all Satur- day afternoon, April14th. Plan your plu- mbing now Let us quote you prices Prices on plumbing material have dropped and we are prepared to quote you special prices on your plumb= ing work Arrangements may be made to hnve the work done later on complete hotwater outfits or fixtures seperately. Chas. West 244 Queens Ave. London GETTING READY FOR NEW LOAN News from Ottawa forshadows the flotation 4f another large federal loan during the coming autunn. Such loan will probably be necessary to assist the Finance Minister in meeting the heavy expenditures im- posed upon the public excheecluer. In view of this prospect It is pleasing tet note that the people continue tp show tangible signs of thrift—this despite 'the persistent extravagance evinced by certain proportions of the popula- tion. The bank deposit by the public payable after notice, amount to $1,000,000,000,are much greater than a year ago, although in the meantime investors have absorved a- bout $7000,000,000 in Dominion and Provincial Government Bonds. A SUPERFLUITY "I'll give that fellow Bragson a blowing up when I see him." "Don't do it; hes all wind now. Returned Soldiers Learn tailoring and Steady employment We will pay you $16.00 per week While teaching you Cutting Pressing Operating Tailoring On Mens fine clothing Apply at once, E. G. Hachborn & CO., 50 York Street, Toronto. Mr. and M'•^. Chas. Spencer and babe, of the West, are the guests of the formers brother Mr. A. Spence of town. Anyone wishing to contribute a blue Amberola record to the Soldiers' Aid record shower for the G. W. V. A. may leave the same at Martin's store. obtain Wanted—A maid for general house work, small family, good wages. Apply to T. S. Woods at the Molsons Bank. Have unloaded a car of Asphalt Slab Slate and Prepared Roofing bought at car lot prices. See us if you require anything in this line. Wanted —An Apprentice to learn the trade. ROSS TAYLOR CO. CARD OF THANKS Mr. H. H. Brown desires to express his grateful appreciation to the many neighbors and friends for their kindness and sympathy during his re- cent bereavement. Girls De you want to learn a trade and have steady employment? We will pay Inexperienced girls $14.00 per week While learning Operating Hand. Sewing Basting Tailoring On Mens fine clothing Apply at once, E. G. Hachborn & CO., 50 York Street, Toronto. Wanted—Caretker for -the Exeter School. Apply in writing stating sal- ary. , jror information regarding dut- ies see Miss K. McFalls, Secty. For Sale—A Calf for sale. Apply to Thos. Lang, Exeter. Mr. Robt. Rowcliffe who for some time has been engaged with Mr. J. J. Merner at Seaforth, has returned and is visiting friends in this com- munity. Next Sunday being Easter spec- ial services will be held in the dif- ferent churches of town. Sermons and music will be in harmony' with the occasion. Rev. A. E. Doan of Hensall. oc- cupied the pulpit in James St. church last Sabbath morning and preached a very acceptable sermon. Rev. Dr. Medd was in Hensall. Messrs. Ernest Armstrong of Tavistock, and Howard Taylor of London, are engaged with Mr. W. G. Medd at the Exeter Cceamery. The former recently returned from over- seas. Mr. R. T. Lucker atended the Clin- ton Spring Show with his driver la t week and was awarded first prize for single roadster and third for lady 'driver Miss Green of Hensall was the driver, Rev. J. W. Baird is in London this week assisting at the annual meeting of the Board of Examiners for the London Conference examin- ing candidates for probation for the Methodist ministry. Maj. W. J. Heaman was in. Clinton last week attending a meeting of the officers of the old 33rd. Regiment. He also took in the Spring Show and attended a Banquet of the citizens in the evening and replied to a toast on "The Veterans." A treat in store for. this communi- ty when Mather Hilburn will appear in the Exeter Opera House, next Wednesday evening under the aus- pices of the Soldiers' did• Society. He is a entertainer of marked abil- ity. Hear him. Tickets 25 & 35c. Mr. Marvin Vincent returned home from London on Saturday last having received his discharge front the army. He has spent the past ten months with the W. O. R. most of the time being a member of the band. He has resumed his position on the staff of the Exeter Times. Dr. W. E. Browning of Caledonia, Minn., visited his father, Dr. J. W. Browning in town for a few days and while here assisted with an op- peration on Mr. Steinhagen, whet had one of his toes removed owing to gangerine. The operation was suc- cessful and Mr. Steinhagen is im- proving nicely. Another very enjoyable evening was spent by some of the returned men on Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Treihner. Two or three car loads went out from town. In spite of the unfavorable weather Mr. Treibner's house was pretty well 'occupied. The boys were well entertained with music and gam- es. The boys also appreciated the outcome of an idea to increase the treasury of tbe G. W. V. A. The girls present brought boxes with good things to eat, these were auc- tioned off and the proceeds handed to the secretary of the Association. TU'URSI) Y, APlltl•1C4 17th., 1919...1 OPERA HOUSE, EXETER Matinee and Night Only SATURDAY, APRIL 19th The Greatest Photoplay of the Day By Capt. Bairnsfather and Arthur Elliot.,„ RESULT OF MISTAKES. - When a doctor makes a mistake he buries it. When a plumber makes a mistake he charges twice for it. When a carpenter makes a mistake it's just what he expected. When a judge makes a mistake it becomes the law of the land. When a preacher makes a mistake nobody knows the difference. When an electrician makes a mis- take he blames it on induction; and nobody knows what that means. When a lawyer makes a mistake, it is just what he wanted for he has a chance to try it over again. But when an editor happens to make a mistake—Good night! !I , An All P g R REt3J� T� I I' S I H� BORN Heywood—In ,Basham Alberta, on March 10th., to Rev. and Mrs. Alonzo Heywood a daughter. HUNTER—In Usborne on April 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hunter, a son. HODGSON—In Stephen, on April lath to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodg- son, a son. HEYWOOD—In Usborne, on April 11th., to Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hey- wood, a daughter. DIED Brown—On the Tames Rd. Usborne, on April 9th. Mary Jane Delbridge beloved wife of Mr. H. H. Brown, aged 43 years and 11 months. Steady Work, At highest wages for experienced Operators, Tailors, Pressers. On rnens fine clothing E. G. Hachborn & CO., 50 York Street, Toronto. TEICK, GLOSSY HAIR FM.EE FROM DANDRVP Girls! Try it! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful—Get a small bottle of Danderine. If you care for heavy hair that glis- tens with beauty and is radiant with Iife; has an incomparable softness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Just one application doubles The beauty of your hair, besides it imme- diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if cry have dandruff. This destructive sew- robs the hair of its lustre, its stre:• .t and its very life, and if not over, ,e it produces a fever- ishness and itr '. g of the scalp; the hair roots lane loosen and. die; then the hair fall;. fast. Surely get small bottle o nowlton's Danderine from any drug s. • and just zry li Matinee • Price 25c and 50c, (War Tax) Evening Price, 50, 45, and 95cts. Seats on Sale now at Howey's Drug Store. Dr. A. M. Vining, V. S., baa to In- form the 'public that he has opened, an office in McDonell's barn on John street. .Prompt attention paid to day or niglht calls. Plume 120. • MARY 1-1ERN. Teacher of . Singing, Piano, Theory. Pupils prepared dor examinations of Ponservatory of Musio, London. Ont. &,p1y for ,par- ticulars. Address R. R. No. 3, Exeter, Phone 44-5, Kirkton. 1-30,8w.p BEANS WANTED We are in the market for a car or two of Canadian white pea beans, bring or mail us sample, and we in return will quote you prices. COOK BROS. MILLING CO. •ol.L uo `Ilesua{ Dr. Henry A. iCorsaut has trurchaa- ed the Veterinary gsraetise of Drs. Sweet & Reid and have already takes possession, occupying the same office Calfs promptly attended, night and day. Phone 8. Flax hand Wanted 400 aeras for Growing Flax. Apply to. ONTARIO FLAX 'CO. Jos Davis, Exeter N. Phone 13 R 12 Vulcanizing All kinds of Tires. All work guaranteed. Cash for old Tires. Taylor's Tire Shop EXETER, ONT. Furniture and Undertaking R. N ROWE THE FUNURAL DCR.RCTOR AND FUUWIt(s0E ii RALEA ..a MASSEYARR18 FARM IMPLEMENTS 1 7 -ft. McCormick binder, carrier and truck; two good steel ralrenl Binders and Mowers. These are only a few of our second-hand Good•g 1 13 tooth cultivator, nearly new. 2 Corn Cultivators, nearly new. Monarch and Safe Lock Fencing, 7 ware 55c a rod; S wire Ole per rodfs Call in and see us. We always have something you need. flOW ABOUT YOUR REPAIRS? . Help us give you good service bpl- ordering your repairs early. Always bring in broken part when possible* —thus saving time and mistakes. We specialize in repair work, carrVo ing a full line of Massey -Harris, also Connor Machine repairs. Come in and see our 13ugb es, Fence, Gates, Twine, Roofing, Etc.. ; B. M. FRANCIS Honesty is our Policy. Live and Let Live our Motto Prepare for Easter Easter is drawing near and the demand this year for nw clothing of all kinds is on 1sl�e increasment. The well dressed man wants something new for the Spring Season and we are well stock- ed with an up-to-date line in Spring fiats and Caps In the latest -styles and new shades. We have one of the finest lines of Spring Raincoats and Overcoats we have handled in many years. See our new Shirts and Neckwear that will satisfy all well dressed men. Mens' Caps in the latest shade and shapes. Leave your order for a new • Spring Suit and reap the advantage of our close buying W. W. T A M A N PKONE