HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-3-27, Page 8s tone E'i"AE.° Phone1 NEW STYLES In Ladies' and Misses' Coats in Serges, Coverts, and Fancy Tweeds. They have the Style, the cloths are good and the prices ` range from $17.50 to $32.00, All Wool Serges for Ladies' Coats and Suits These serges are all wool and old dyes and are very suitable for Odd Coats and Tailored Suits, We know our prices are very low, as they were bought many months ago. Miner Rubbers, and Rubber Boots You will need a pair for the wet sloppy weather ask any man who wears them he will tell you they are the best, Every pair is guaranteed. New Designs In Wall Papers Brighten up the interior of your home this Spring Splendid designs for any room in your is what we have to show you. The prices range from 8c to 50c a roll, Bring in the size of your room and get an estimate of what it will cost you. Merket EepOrt—The following Is the Polon of tht Exeter )ldsrket corrected up to March 26th,. Barley 90e Oats 700 M'ania's Wheat $2,06 Winter wheat $2,11 14 M $1.75 Fatuity Flour $$.5,70 Potatoes $1.50 to $1.06. Eggs 38c Wry butter 45e to 480 Creamery butter 57o Lard 32, au Hogs $18,00 edpath Granulated Sugar Buy your Sugar Now. We have just ' received a car of Redpath Sugar. Our price.. is right STEWA T Phone 16 +r►..•.....i .e4• +•4.11... LOCAL SAWING MATCH AT FARQUHAR On Friday, March 28th, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon a, Sawing Match will be conducted at ,Farquhar.: Open to all comers. Five prices offeitetd-520 $15, $10, $7, $5. E ierance flee $1. Presbyterian church in connection Each pair to snake a cut off each end with the Forward Movement were of the log. A great conttest of saw- brought to a close last. Sabbath the Me' ability, and loads of fun for every -'closing services being conductedh by EXET R TIME Auction Sale 25 COWS AND 24 EWES tet Central Hotted,,Exeter, on SATURDAY, MAR.CII 29, 1919 at 1 o'clock, the folUaVuing,-- 25 First Class Durham Grade Cows all springers, 24 Leie!eater Ewes all lamb or with lamb at Is:ide. These cows zee aLI selected and par- ties \vent,in first-class cows should attend this sale. Terms ---1 inonths' credit on aipo rov- ed joint ndtes teeth 6 per cent. ALF PAUL C. W. ROBINSON() Proprietor Auclthenleer. The special services In Caven THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE Shoe Sale We offer the following clearing lines during March Ladies' low shoes, pumps, slippers $ 1.45 Pair Ladies' High Shoes at $1:,95, 2.89, 3.49, 3.65, 3.95 4.49, per pair. Men's Shoes $3.25, 3.$5, 4.85, 5.65 per pair Children's does $1.95, 2.45 2.95 per pair. These are all 'clearing lines and are offered at much less than present wholesale price. Wes F. BEAVERS body, Sharpen J'‘our saw and come along. Harvey's Flour is good flour.. Mr. Earl Parsons was in London on Monday. Mr. Julius Sokolof arrived hone from Toronto this week. Mr, Alex Dow leaves to -day (Thursday) for the west. Miss Carrie Dyer left Tuesday to visit relatives in Brantford. Mrs, P. Hern is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. R. Peart, of Rockwood. Mrs. Leach, of Chesley, is visit ing her brother, Mr. W. D. Clarke. Mrs. Jas. Jewell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. Bradt, of London. Mr. Jack Hurdon, of Buffalo, is visiting his father, Mr. N. D. Hur- don. Mr. Dave Mawhinney has gone to London where he has secured a posi- tion. Mrs. Gale, and children, of Lon- don, are visiting the former's moth- er, Mrs Piper Miss L. Johns returned to Sarnia Tuesday after spending the week- end in town. • Izk Gt!; 1 I tft1'arniiil1ft1Clil,lHI1Ih1 utniannflyUi}!{1111.fs'RIV'lfirGiPdlili{llflt!`•j-- FIRST SERIES (1919) COST DURING --1919— MAAR. $ 4.02 APR. $ 4.03 JULY$ -4 'SAY NAirrsre T xstiFicA EANiti SulialECT TI .THE'GU1$liitirIaNS TH narwrERt�r,rw .[.1 Wii;L tic PAvAULE anat. a vanes, ee {,mY^19m .�elimeeernme IOIIIIDiItlIU(liennl1lDDtIIttflDeUi"IIIUlllinmlI(11IIalleIlpf41 Read004,/,•,7, 41 " the Figures te .Notice how the cost—and the cash value—of the stamp ad- vances each month until, on the list day of January, 1924, the Dominion of Canada is pledged to pay $5.00 for each W.S.S Rev. Henry Dickie, D. D. of a ham, who preached two most inspir- ing sermons. On Thursday and Fri- day riday evenings Rev. S. Banks Nelson, D.D., of Hamilton, gave two addres- ses touching on the labor and capi- tal problemin a manner that created considerable comment. He is a most forceful and eloquent speaker. Mr. Bruce Medd moved his house- hold effects to a farm near Seaforth on Wednesday. Mr. Lloyd Rivers started on his new job with the Harris Abattoir Co., of Toronto. Mr, Luther Penhale returned Saturday after spending several days in Niagara Falls. Mrs. W. McAllister and two child- ren, of London, are visiting the for- mer's father, Mr. Jas. Jewell. Mr. H. T. Rowe is this week mov- future. A snap shot of the class ing into the residence on Andrew was taken which the young- lately vacated by Mr. R. Squires. stern were after ed with goodies Mr. Melville Gladman was in Tor- which they much enjoyed. After supper Mrs- Andrews was present- ed presented with an address and hymn book. She was conipleteight:aken by sur- prise but expresed Iieg deep appre- ciation to both scholars'and parents. diner. Following was the' address: Pte. Earl Guenther, of Dashwood, Dear Mrs. Andrew has arrived at Halifax from over- seas and is expected home this It is with sincere regret that we week. learn that you are soon to leave our Mrs. P. C. Gillies and two chile neighborhood and,: -therefore our dren, Maxie and Bobbie, of Sarnia, are visiting at the home of Mr. Robt, Gillies. Mr. Jas. Ross leaves the begin- ning of next week for Belleville where he has accepted a position in a creamery. The fine weather of the past few days have done much to dry the roads and dust has been flying on our Main St. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart were you here, no doubt you will find in Toronto for several days to meet your place in the Exeter Sunday their son, Corp. Stewart on his re- School, and we are sure will be of turn from overseas. benefit to . it. We assure you that Two military service evaders were you have our very best wishes for fined $260 each in London on Sat urday and were given six months in which to pay the fine. Zion Mr. Geo. Linguard is on. . the sick list again. Some of the farmers in the com- munity have started to plow. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Hern visited the latter's mother in Blanshard over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Trathan, and child, of Detroit, are visiting with friends in the -neighborhood. Syrup making has been the or- der with a number of farmers. There was a splendid flow of sap both Sat- urday and Sunday. Services next Sabbath will be in the interests of the W.M.S. when the ill speak Pastor, Rev. Mr. Parnaby, w from the subject, "Make the men sit down." Mr. Ted Poole has purchased the farm of the late Thornton Smale and gets possession the first of April. Mr. Wm. Hern, who is at present on the farm. moves to the one he pur- chased from Mr. John Andrew, Mr. Andrew moving to Exeter. The Primary Glass of the Zion Sunday School met:' at the home of Mrs. Herman Kyle;', associate tea- cher, last Thursday; afternoon and spent a most enjoyable time along with their i'eacliet Mrs. J. Andrews. who is moving to; Exeter In the near ONTARIO Phone.. 38, r2, Crediton: Crediton Chick Hatchery • + Capaoity 2000 Eggs The Ontario Rail- white Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Day Old Chicks for sale $16 to $20 way. and Municipal I per 700. Place your order now for' FARM IMPLEMENTS .1 future delivery. Board CiL$toxn 'latching 10 doz, lots and over 45e doz,; less than 10 doz. TURSDAX, 1VIAuCH '27th, 1010 MASSEYW HARRIS (P. P. 5207). JOE CLIFFORD et al. Applicants --dud— THE ST. MARY'S, MEDINA AND KIRKTON TELEPHOND COM- PANY, OMPANY, LIMITED Respondent. (1) (Complaint. as to 'Service). (2) For the rescinding of the Board's Order of December 23rd, A.D. 1918 approving the agreement dated December 13th, A. D. 1918, between the Respondent and The Bell Telephone Company of Canada Limited, and requiring additional Clauses (F), (G), (H), (J) and (IC) to be amended so far as such clauses provide for a toll charge of Five Cents per conversation be- tween subscribers of the telephone system of the Respondent and The Bell Telephone Coinpany's Ex- changes at St. Marys and Exeter. onto over the week -end meeting the boys who arrived home from over- seas. Mr. R. T. Luker has purchased the house of Mr. A. Dow on Main St, at present occupied by Mr. M. E. Gar - Appointment for Hearing lots 50o' doz. Older your space now stating number oe eggs von We are open to supply you want sett and date you want reserved with a full lice of Massey, non- 1 Aprilter y 0 p sam brio in o d cee link f'ot� lets Affor salaiostl1�Roeks, l have ba few rise/ repairs.gWhen cal Wyandottes. Strawberry and Raspberry Setts for sale. Vire also have some second-hand Write or phone Mowers, ` Binders, Disc-Tlarrow, app 'Vi'. A. SAMBROOK, Prop, I Rakes in good condition. l The Ontario. Railway and Muni- cipal Board hereby appoints Thurs- day, the Third day of April, A. D. 1919, at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon, at the Town Hall in the Town of St. Marys, for the Hearing herein. Dated at Toronto this Seventeenth day of March, A.D, 1919. IL C. SMALL Secretary. Sunday School. We have enjoyed. your teaching from Sunday to Sunday and we hope that the lessons .yoxt have taught and thoughts imparted not only in spoken words but also through your example you have set in your every- day life may be so impressed upon our minds that we shall not soon for- get them. We feel that in you we are losing a real friend, but while we shall miss (Seal) FOR SALE -4 horse power Con- nor gasoline engine, new, Apply td S. Martin & Son, Exeter. — ease— --- Money will net buy better flour than we can supply. It makes excel lent bread.—Harvey Bros. MARY '(HERN. Teacher of , Singing, Piano, Theory. Pupils prepared for examinations of 'Conservatory of Music, London, Ont. .A'ppty for ,par- tioulare. ,Address R. R, No. 3, Exeter WANTED— Organist and Choir - Master for James Street Methodist Church. Apply' to Mr. S. Martin Secy. Eleven new members were receiv- ed by the Main St. League Tuesday evening. The Pastor, Dr. Medd, gave an excellent address on "Friend- ship." Mr. R. E. Southcott was in Tor- onto during the past week to meet the boys of the 58th Batt., the unit with which he served while over- seas. Farewell Concert of W. M. Clarke Organist and Choirmaster James St. Church, on Monday, March 31st. Admission 25e; children under 12 15c, programme at 8.00. Mrs. F. A. May was in London last week attending the funeral of her uncle, Very Rev. Dean Davis, which took place on Thursday. She also remained a few days. Mr. Jas. Gould, of Sexsmith, had a successful auction sale of his farm stock and implements on Thursday of last week, good prices being real- ized. One mare was sold for $275. and a gelding for $225. Mr. Madden, who has been mana- ger of the Molsons Bank at Bruce- field for some time, has been pro- moted to a similar position at High- gate. Mr,. Harn, of Fergus, takes Mr. Madden's position at Brucefieid.. Sergt. Oliver Hodgert, of the' Can- adian Field Artillery, an Exeter Old Boy and son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hodgert, of Regina, Sask., visited in town last week on his way home from overseas where he spent three and a half years. Mr. hr. H. Passmore received word last week of the death of his daugh- ter Mrs. Peter Duiguid, which took place in Vancouver hospital on Mar. 19tbi. Her maiden name was Eliza - 'beth 'Passmore. 'Besides her hus- band a little son two days old sur- wives. In James Street Methodist church next Sunday morning the Pastor will preach the first in a series of sermons on "The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit." In the. Sunday Sell o at titre p,m, a lantern re- vteyi' of the last'quarter s lessons trill. be conducted: a bright and happpy future in your new home. We wish you to ac- cept this hymn book as a slight token. of our sincere appreciation `of your services as teacher of, the Primary Class of Zion Sunday School. Signed Assistant Teacher and Class. CARD OF THANKS The family eS the late Mrs. Wm. Davis desire to express their deep appreciation to the many neighbors and friends for their kindness and death of their mother, and espec- ially to the Pastor, Rev. '(Dr.) Medd for his kindly words and to Miss Edna Follick who sang so sweetly. Call in and see our stock. B. M. Francis )Agent{ Exeter , ' Old Commercial ,}'House Corn. Contract The Exeter Canning Company is: ready to cot iji tct with farmers tsr' grow Conn for cann'ingl' $10.00 per ton wjtl be palid same as last yeare re - Phone i14-5, Birktoo, 1-30 8wp Seed conn of the finest quality et re- duced price, 15c. Der lb., to grower$ on contract: 27th -4t. Exeter Cantniaig Go. Dr. A. M. Vining, V. S., ,bags to in- form the )public that he has opened) an office in SieeDonell's barn on John street. Peomlpt attention 'paid to day ori nigiht calls. Phone 120. PRESENTATION .The following communication was handed in last week but not being able to handle it at the time it was held over until this week. "A pleas- ing event took place at the home of Mr. Geo. Connor when "The Clan" presented Mrs..Connor with a beaut- iful serving tray. . Frequently, during_ a _number of past years, several ladies having Mc- Taggart blood in their veins fret and spent many. enjoyable hours to- gether. The club has become known among the members as "The Clan". Mrs. Connor, inheriting Scottish blood from her mother, whose maid- en name was McTaggart, and from• her father, who was a native of Scotland, retains in her heart a warm love for the tertan and clan. The writer understands that years ago in bonnie Scotland the McTag- gart forbears were part of a -High- land clan, whose chieftan, as other chieftans did on special occasions, sent forth trusted followers on horseback in all directions carrying the symbol in fiery colors, with an invitation to meet at a certain place •tor a certain purpose. Last week, through, perhaps •a sub -consciousness of clannish cus- toms, the chieftainess of "The Clan" sent forth a message to the other clanswomen, and although the mes- sage was not sent forth by fiery cross, as messages were in times past sent in the Highlands, yet it prov- ed just as potent for at 4 p.m. on Wednesday of last we find Mrs. Downie with her clanswomen assem- bled at the home of Mrs. Connor. Flitting from place to place and ex- pressing her pleasure at the pres- ence of The Clan. again in her home Mrs. Connor was taken possession of by a clanswoman ,and given the seat of honor in their midst when a few words were read by one of the mem- bers expressing sorrow at her de- parture; best wishes for the future, and continued friendship of the kith and kin of the Clan. Then the Chieftainess• presented the article of remembrance. To this the hostess replied in a. pleasing, appreciative and affectionate manner. Early in the evening after • having enjoyed the bountiful hospitality of Mrs. Connor, the clanswomen with sorrow and regret for the coming separation, bade good-bye feeling that in the capacity of hostess, clanswomen and friend she is true blue. BORN Peart—At Rockwood, on March 7th to lair. and Mrs. Russel Peart, a daughter, Godspeed.—At Exeter, Ont., March 22nd to Mary Godspeed (Mary Love) and the late James B. God- speed, of Rutland, Sask., a son, Donald James. MARRIED McKellar Sco••t—In Exeter on Mar. 26th, Miss Francis Scott, daughter of Mr. Jas. Scott, of town, to Mr. Kenneth Melzellar, of Cromarty, by Rev. Jas. Foote. DIED Snell—In Exeter, on March 22nd, Fanny Dinney, beloved wife of Me. Eli Snell, aged. 64 years, 1 month and 9 days. Dr. rfanry A. iCorsant has purchas- ed the Veterinary practise of Drs. Sweet & Reid and have siready takes possession; occupying tete same office - Calls promptly attended, .night and. day. Phone 8. Furniture and Undertaking R. 11. ROWE 'EOE F iNE'ftAL DIRECTOR Aso B'II' 3ll;i"yrunE nrci i'ar1 Flax Land Wanted. '400 acres for Growing Flax,. Apply to. SOU%, ACM' STOMACHS, et. GASES OR INDIGES1ION 'Tape's Diapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving. dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at,. once. Time it=s In five minutes all stom- aeh distrees, due to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or eructations of undi- gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin id noted .for its speed eed in re Latin upset stomachs. It is the, surest, quickse test stomach 'sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it is harmless. • Put an end to stomach distress at once by getting a large fifty- 'ecnt case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drag store, Yott:realize in five whittles hots needless it is to sutler from indi-; gestion, dyspepsia or any stomach dis- order caused by fermentation due tti►' exCessive acids iiy!t tit Mack, ONTARIO FLAX CO. Jos Davis, Exeter N. Phone 13 R 12 • Undertaking Funeral Director & Embalmer M. E. Gardiner Phone 743 Nighl Dalt 130 And Furniture OPERA HOUSE BLOCK 4, To Be Dressed Here is to be Well , Dressed at a price that means Money to You We are showing attractive lines for fall and winter and ce.r advance buys ing means money -saving values. Many of our lines Imre selling at less than wholesale Dost to -day. Come to and select a Suit from some of the oldiall- wool stooks and if you do nota want it made up now we will set it aside for you. r Come in and look pyre_ our stock of NIFTY SUITIITS OVERICOATINGS ' 1 PLANTINGS ' )BEADY -MADE CLOT -LING SHIRTS COLLARS TIES CAPS UNDERWEAR — Combinati and two ipieee-email wool YOUTtEPS OVERCOATS W. T A M A N PHONE 8ll a Edison Facts A Few Facts for Intending Pur- chasers of Phonographs to Think out. During the past few weeks, statements have reached me that certain 'Talking machine dealers, in discusing the EDISON DIA- MOND POINT are using an argument that a "Diamond will cut glass an d if that be so,the Edisto Diamond will in short, destroy the EDISON Record.,, The above manufactured argument does not hold good. Do you suppose. tor• a moment that after Mr. Edison had worked since 1379, perfecting the Edison Diamond Disc Phono- graph and Record, that he would rut in a diamond that would un. - do that on which lie had spent so much tune? Is it reasonable? The NEW EDISON is the ,ortliaplionograpk that is different ; to all other sound; producing devices. Mr. Edison invented and per feeted the NEW EDISON,•and etands back of every.instrtiment ante record his: Labaratories produce. 'Come in and see the different models. ivo trouble to demonstrate. y PO `ELL'S' I3AZAAR £ Will Powel l'llQtlaeh,