HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-3-27, Page 4M II 9f� 7ItIE lEXET'P,3R i%14;L Farmers Attention Make money in your i.pa ' time *ening ttlhe loll and wi.eter /mon t lse IseUieg r BELABDY CIANADI.A.N '14 lel S1 R'SC. Seh end aEurolpr:aa markets wall ee epee again for ICanadiaf Tanta area snow ,is ithet ime to enter for axing leleating J,ritgeat lit sf 1Flea hand Onatimentat Stock, Peedstat�s etc., grown Canada , • ' Write (for Particui, , altiaN.E & .00L LINaTO$ , Ales Halal 'Reliable ,!?onthill asluneeriee Este,biiohed 1837 , TORONTO, ONT. Time Table Cliaiiges cabere e of time will be made or. January 5th 1919 .'information Ne':a sn ,Agents" hands N. j. agent, E eter. Phone 46w 4 eelea'egiaeTtAtefee 4... -4/C4 - Winter' Term iron] January 6th ge,aegnizeil at one PI the I most tellable Commercial. $czhoofs ba Canada. The intro c- i tors are experienoed and the Se Pommes are up-to-date. "Gradu: etas are lrfored In,positions and alley meet with success. Stu- 4 dents may enter at ,any time. Write at once for gree rata- Iogue. t, g,, ia;a T,I_4T11 President D. MaLASIHLAN,, Prinei zit ttiefeseettafeetaaafeletalteuaalleekketktete F:':'rniers net- e,--euereeneepern-meeess 1Atteutioii Et Wire Fence 45c per rod ra 6 Wire Fence 50c pes rod . 8 Wire Fence 57c per rod Lots aa£ Cedar Posts and anchor Posts 9 and 10 ft, long on hand. Best Grade of XwXXx Shingles e1.35 per bunch. Hemlock lumber from e35.00 to ;42.00 per M. Let me quote you on your cement either in carload lots or small tots. Phone 12, .:,-� : : etei A. CLATWORTHY GRANTON MAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS -FALLING eeeve yetis Mair? Get a small bottle of Danderine right now—Also stops itching scalp. This, brittle, eolorlese and scraggy luair bs mute ,evidence of a neglected escaip; of dandruff—that ,awful scurf. There is nothing; so destructive to elle hair as dandruff, It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a eeveriele mess and Willing of the scalp, which ii sot remedied causes the hair roots tc shrink; looses and die=then the .hair :falls vat fast. A little Danclerine to- aught—naw--any time—will surely save your Lair. Get a stall bottle of Knowlton'e IDander Sue from any drug store. You eurely •stn .have beautifulhair and lots of it if you will just tri' a little Dan- derine Save your hairi Try it! 4 C<t STORM Po.' infants and Chadreri Irk Use irulr Over 50 Years ,t #(ways bears FRANCE CAUSES DEW Objects to Pian for Rationing Germany. Pace 'f:oogrese Takes Step. _pock, wartl'ari 'the Situation fir,;.,'taria €1onits'rerices to Look Sexism—Ili is Feared That Unless Obntlitions Are improved In the Near Future Chaos. May Itesfnit vin Europe. P.ARIB, March 24.—With irrta- tion over delay manifesting itself more plainly every hour, with the news of Bolshevist success in Hun- gary pointing a direct moral, with unrest throughout the world growing in intensity the Peace Conference took a step backward Sunday when it be- came known that the French had formulated new objections to the execution of the British agreement whereby Germany was to be rationed. As a result the flow of food into that country had been held up, and, if conditions are not cured immediately, serious results are feared. The matter has been thrown back to the Supreme War Council for con- sideration. France's reluctance to go- ing further at this time arises through her insistence that exports from Germany should be limited and priority of delivery should be accord- ed the Allies, who should have the right to Ex the prices they are to pay for such exports as they take. There is a further question of payment in francs and tires which would compel Germany to make good the loss in exchange or throw the loss upon the American purveyors. A member of the commission who is a shrewd observer said that he believes France has come to the con- clusion that her safety rests in per- mitting the disintegration of Ger- Many, and that she is pursuing that policy by delays and objections. He differs from the wisdom of this view and fears that, with Germany in chaos, the rest of the world, and par- ticularly France, will travel the same road. The general situation is serious, and it would be foolish to attempt to disguise the fact, One member of the conference said that the attitude in Parte was having its reflex in Germany, and that the German signature to a peace treaty was growing less probable each daybecause,if she signed, she gn , would be, in her people's eyes, ac- cepting slavery, which would bring on Bolshevism; and if she did not sign she would be thrown into Bol- shevism anyway. It may be that, after all, the military terms will be submitted to the Germans secretly before further delays in other phases are encountered. There is a leek of unison and ahseaee of progress that has become marked in the last three days, and it is reacting gravely upon the whole body of the Paris proceedings. A shake-up is needed in the opinion of all who are conversant with the situ- ation here. - MUST GUARD EX -KAISER. Weta. Hohenzollern Receives Two Threatening Letters. AMERONGEN; March 24.—There was is state of extreme alertness around the von Bentinck Castle throughout Friday night and Satur- day in consequence of the former German Emperor having received on Friday two violently threatening let- ters, one emanating from Amsterdam and the other from the Belgian fron- tier, and also a telegram from a friend warning him of menacing peril. All the Dutch gendarmes watch- ing over the ex -emperor's welfare were kept on duty, instead of half their number being allowed their accustomed rest. Saturday morning all the garden paths in the neighbor- hood of the shed where William Hohenzollern was engaged in sawing wood were constantly patrolled by armed guards, while even outside the walls of the castle gendarmes were carrying loaded carbines. One man was watching each of the four.. sides of the castle, and other precautions were taken to en- sure safety,. Over 8,000 Jews Massacred. NEW YORK, March 24. The Bol- sheviki invasion of the Ukraine has resulted in pogroms in which thou- sands of Jews were massacred, .5,000 being killed or wounded in Prosku- row, according to cable messages from the Copenhagen Zionist bureau made public here by the Zionist of America. Hundreds of Jews were killed in Berdichee, Zhitomir and other places, said the message, which declared the pogroms were Instigat- ed by Polish anti-Semites. Trotsky Mobilizes Force, PARIS, March 24.—The Esthon- lan-Lettish offensive against the Bol- sheviki is menacing Petrograd so seriously that Leon Trotsky, the Bol- shevik Minister of War and Marine, has ordered the general mobilization of all men up to the age of forty- six, according to a Zurich despatch to the Matin. Portugal Asks Large Indemnity. PARIS, March 24. — The Portu- guese delegation at the Peace Con- ference has transmitted to Lisbon more than two dozen reports drafted by the various conference commis- sions, according to a telegram from Lisbon. One of these reports, the message adds, demands for Portugal a war indemnity of £120,000,000. Premier petted Borne. OTTAWA, March 24.—Sir Robert Borden is expected to return to Can- ada about (;aster time, although the date of his arrival may be later. There is said to be no truth in the report that it is not the Prime Minis- ter's Intention to again assume the 'duties of his Wet office in Canada. Two Hundred persons are reported SENATOR TAYLOR ILL Was Wen Xnow,an as Former Con- ser'vative Whip. • OTTAWA, March 24. -- Bon. George Taylor, of Gananoque, mem- ber of the Senate, since 1911, for the district Of, Leeds, Eastern Ontario, and for twenty-five years previously chief whip of the Conservative party, is dangerously iII, as the result of a stroke of paralysis, and is not ex- pected to recover. The Senator was stricken on Saturday, and has not since regained consciousness. Sen- ator, Taylor , T 5•lor w as barn March 31, 1840, and is therefore almost 79 years of age. During the long period he was whip of the Conservative par- ty he was one of the best known fig- ures in the House of Commons, and enjoyed the confidence of Sir John Macdonald and the several Conser- vative Prime Ministers who succeed- ed him before the Liberals came into power, in 1896, Senator Taylor continued in his post as apposition whip under Sir Charles Tupper and Mr. R. L. Bor- den, throughout the greater part of the fifteen -year period the Laurier Government was in power. While always a strong party man, he com- manded the respect and warm per- sonal friendship of the late Sir Wil- frdi Laurier and other Liberal lead- ers in the House of Commons. His retirement from the Commons to the Upper Chamber was due to the circumstances that after the gen- eral election of 1911 he resigned his seat for the constituency of Leeds, to provide a seat for Hon. T. W. White, now Sir Thomas White, who had been named Minister of Finance by Sir Robert Borden. Senator Taylor has been coming to Ottawa continu- ously during the session for the last thirty-seven years, having first been elected to represent Leeds in the Commons at the general election of 1882. ANXIETY OVER POLAND.. Disposal of Danzig May Cause Difficulties. PARIS, March 24.—Poland's prob- lem remains unsolved. It is under- stood that Premier Lloyd George is opposed to giving Danzig to the new Polsh state, although the Polish com- mission unanimously recommended it, and that the Premier rather fav- ors the internationalization of the place or its transformation into a free port. He also objects to the cessation on the ground of self-determination, of which he is an enthusiastic chair:' pion. He holds that in the corridor proposed between the Polish frontier and Danzig too many Germans would be taken under Polish rule. There would be 1,800,000 of them. The scheme of the commission would af- fect altogether about 2,200,000 Gee - mans. The Polish commission was asked to reconsider its report. Having done so, it has presented the same report again. Danzig serves the most ex- tensive cotton manufacturing district in the world. Lancashire has a big trade with Lodz, which might be af- fected by the new Poland's fiscal policy. The difficulty in dealing with the Germans over Poland is that they consider themselves victorious in the east, and they have no armistice with Russia to hamper their freedom of movement in that direction. Gen, von Hindenburg's headquarters are at Kolberg, on the Baltic southwest of Danzig, and the Germans undoubted- ly appear to be preparing for a move against Poland. They are still refus- ing facilities for the landing of Gen. Haller's Polish divisions et Danzig. FARMERS ARE UNITED. Will Break Away From Old Political Parties. OTTAWA, March 24. --- Even in New Brunswick, which has been dominated by partyism for years, the farmers are beginning to break away from the old political parties. This is the opinion of Mr. John Ken- nedy, vice-president of the United Grain Growers, Limited, and - a member of the "Canadian Council of Agriculture; who returned' to.Ottawa Sunday from Woodstock N.B., where he has been attending` the first an- nual convention of the United Farm- ers of New Brunswick. M. Kennedy says they had an exceedingly enthus- iastic convention, and that the farm- ers of New Brunswick are strongly in favor of a substantial all-round reduction in the tariff. They organiz- ed only a year ago and are low -tariff men rather than out-and-out free traders. They regard the farmers' platform, as framed at Winnipeg by the Canadian Council of Agriculture, as the only national platform now before the people of Canada. "There were 300 delegates present from all parts of the province," add- ed Mr. Kennedy, "and enthusiasm was very marked, particularly in re- gard to independent political action. They are very anxious to co-operate with the United Farmers of Ontario and the organized farmers of the West, and I believe that direct taxa- tion andindependent political action are going to bring the farmers of Canada together more quickly than anything else." Mr. Kennedy is a native of Beaver- ton, Ont., and went out to Manitoba forty years ago. His headquarters are at Winnipeg. Bedouins Attack British. LONDON, March 24. —• Reuter's Agency says it learns that telegrams received up to Sunday evening show a continued improvement in the sit- uation in Egypt, but that the Delta region is still disturbed. Bedouins attacked a detachment of British troops in the Province of Fayum, middle Egypt, but were repulsed With losses. A movement has been started• to erect a monument to Sir Wilfrid Laurier on Jacques Cartier Square, i .` , Tiela he. heart of Quebec7�t wl Notice to Creditors In ibe matter of the estate of Thomas Elston of the Township of Biddulph, County ' of Middlesex, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all cred- itors and others having claims a- gainst the estate of the said Thomas Elston, who died on or about March 1st, 1919, are required on or before the 7th day of April, 1919, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury, of the Village, of Exetee, Solicitors for the Execu- tors of the h ' said. deceased, their c - rrs tian and surnames, addresses and de- scriptions, the full particulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the secur- ities, if any, held by them. And fur- ther take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall have notice and that the Executors will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons o'faiali`ose claims notice shall not have' been 'received by them at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STANBURY Soiicitors, for Executors Dated at , Exeter this • 1 5th day of March, 1.91e • CLEARING Auction Sale OF VILLAGE PROPERTY AND HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, Exeter Thomas Cameron has received in- structions to sell by public auction on Lot 16 west Main St., Exeter, on SATURDAY, APRIL 5th, 1919, at two o'clock sharp the following: 2 Jersey.eows, some fowl, 1 truck wagon (new wooded) ; 2 light wag- ons,, -buggies, cutters; all kinds of tools: used by blacksmith and wagon maker; 3 vices, some new woodwork not made up, a lot of old iron, stuff in shop; plush parlor suite, 3 hang- ing lamps, 2 cases stuffed birds, 6 dining chairs, 6 cane bottom chairs 2 rocking chairs and seat, kitchen chairs, pictures, base burner stove, 2 sewing ng ni a ;hines one for leather; extension tables, small tables, bed- steads, bed springs, stands,,and oth- er articles tocenumerous to mention, • REAL ESTATE` consisting of Lot 14, 15, 16 and 17, ,on West Main Street, and Lots 35,36 and 37, Market Street. On this prop- erty is a large 2 -story brick dwelling I large 2 -stogy,.+ brick blacksmith shop, , with paint shop en 2nid story, also , a frame store xootn. A beautiful resid once and good stand for general black smith. Also lots 19,aiad,.20 West Main Street. , On this property is a com- fortable frame . cottage, hard and soft water and stable; also Lots 23, 24, 25 West Main .St. - TERMS OF CHATTELS .— All sums of e5.00 and under -cash, over that amount six months' credit will be given on furnishing - approved joint notes, or a discount of three per cent off for cash on credit a- mounts. Terms ofte Real .. Estate made known on 'dayof sale or on appli- cation to the auctioneer. Positively no reserve as the pro- prietors are. too old to manage the business, MR. & MRS. D. BRAUND, Props. THOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer, Auction Sale; OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS ole Lot 11, C',qn. 1, B,iddulph To., 2 1-2 miles south of Centralia, on THURS- DAY, MARCH 27th, 1919, at 12 p.m, sharp, the following? Horlsies-1.gelding, rising 6 years;. 1 gelding risjng 4; 1 mare risi idg 5; 1 driving mare,. 11 years; 1 driving mare 20 years; 1 driving colt, rising 4 years; 1 draft colt rising 3 ytears • Cattle --1 Durham cow, 5 years,' due• May est; 1 Durham cow, 7 years, due May 20; 1 new mach cow; la cattle coming 3; 14 cattle coming 2; 16 cat- tle coming ane year; 1' calf. Also 100 chicken and hens. Implements — Massey -Harris binder 7 ft. cut, nearly new; Maseeyt-llarris fertilizer drill, 11 hoe; Mass,ey, liairris spring tooth cultivator, Complete; 1 Brantford ,mower, 5 -ft. cut; Maxwell hay loader, Deering bey rake; Planet Jr. corn and bean cultiviator; disk harrow, wooden roller, set iron har- rows; Noxon grain drill 10 hoe; Maple Leaf 2 -furrow plow, nearly new, rol- ling collets ; Wilkinson walking plow Z1 ; Verity walking plow 13; an extra tongue for Massey Harris drill,; lawn mower good wagon, good wagon box double; hay rack, good shape; set of sling ropes; gravel box, light wagon, pole and shaft complete; set sleighs; Brantford cutter; ball-bearing rubber tire buggy; good top buggy; good double harness; set 'double driving harness, nearly newt; 3 set light single harness; extra bridle and collars; 50 grain bags; set bag trucks; sugar ket- tle; Chatham ettle;Chatham' f2,nningmill; 100 sap nails and spites ; 4 'oak bnrne(ls; 3 whe.elbar- rels; Pren-der cream separator, size 2; forks, shovels, chains, pulleys, lumber etc. Household Effects -Home Comfort range wood or coal; McGtary coal heater, large size; 4 bedroom suites, 2 iron beds oak sideboard, pat'lor suite 4 rocking chairs, dining room table and chairs, 3 smell tables, hang- ing lamp dishes kitchen utensils, kit- chen table and chairs, washing maele i .e, nearly new) 'churn, flour and sub - ser lei:T, tub, palls, etc. 'Perms•- 410' and. Linder, cash., over that amount i months' credit on an proved joint notes, or a discount of 4 per cent per annum off for cash on credit amoebas, W. ARTHUR O'NEIL, Prop. Notice to Creditors lin tee Mattes o .the, Estate of Thornton Smote of 'the Township of 4Usborne, County of Huron Tareseir, k>leased, Notio3 is hereby 'given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf thee all cred- itors land others thieving claims gainst the estate of the said Thorn- ton Smale, who died on or about Feb- ruary ,6tth 1919, are (required on or before the lit fdaly of April IOEie to send by dost prepaid 'or de- liver to Messrs. Gladman &, Stanbury of the Viliaig'e of Exeter, Solicitors for, Ghe:Cxeautore of the said deceas- ,ed (their ,christian and surnames, ad- dresses end descriptions, 'She full pare ticultirs of their claims, the state- ment of their accounts and the na- ture of the (securities if any held by them. And further take notice Chat after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to 'distribute elhe assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto having (regard only to the 'claims of wihioh they ahali then have notice and that tire Executors will not be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any }person: or persons of whose )(claims notice shall not have been 'received by them, at the time of such distribution. GLADMAN & STAN -MIRY Solicitors for Executors Dated at Exeter' tais 10th 'qday March, 1919. Notice to Creditors of In the neither of the Estate of Fanny Wilson of the Township of Stephen, County of /Huron, 'married woman deceased. Notice, is thereby [given pursuant to Statutes in that behalf that all creel; itors and others 4raving claims a- gainst the estate of the said Fanny Wilson, who died on or about Feb- ruary 18th 1915, are required on or before the 31st day of March, 1919. to send by post prepaid 'or de- liver to Messrs. Gladman & Stanbury of bk-a Village of Exeter, Solicitors for (the Executors of the said deceas- ed their Christian and surnames, ad- dresses and descriptions, the full pare titulars of their claims, the state- ment of their accounts and the na- ture of tele securities if any held by them. /And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to listribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto Sieving regard only to the claims of which they shall 'then have notice .and that the Executors will not be, liable for said assets or any part thereof to any (Neeson or persons of Nvlbose ,claims notice .shall mot have been ;received by them, at the time of suele distribution.' (GLADMAN & STAN,BITRY . Solicitors for Executors Dated at Exeter this 10th day of Marek, -1919. (; ; Auction Sale. FARM, FARM STOCK AND IM- PLEM ENTrS' The 'undersigned has been instruct- ed -to eel' by( publio auction on Parti Lot 17, /Con. 1, Stephen, one -Staff mile following (property REAL IESTATiE—(.'art of Lot , 17 Con. 1, Stea'hen -Tee /containing( twenty -i five acres of lanmore or less. Op the (property is a comfortable brick ,house and a good barn small orchard The soil is ,First class and fencing and draining are in /good, condition. This is a well located and desirables farm. HORSES -1 horse rising 8 years, general ' purpose ; 1 driving !horse 9 yrs. old' quiet and ',reliable. COWS -1 cow due (Apple 121st; t1 cow (due June 1)2; cow witch calf at foot ; 1 steer sisinag 1 ,year �heifela! iris- lng 1 year. (HOGS -1 brood sow. : I IMPLEMENTS—Binder 6 ft. cut Massey!- Harris; mower, 5 .foot -.cut Daassey-Paarris; ,hay ,1-alce, iroller,'cul- tivator; disc seed drill,' set 4 section ,harrows; walking plow; riding plow two ,furrow plow scuffler;' 3-4• wagon truck wagon; sleigh; light sleigh; hay rack; wagon box; gravei box.; vpig rack; 'top 'buggy ; buggy poke ; ; slitter fanning ,mill; ipulper; iwlbeelbarrow ; set double (harness; set single har- ness; collars; watertrouh; dream separator; 'bag track; lgjrain : bags ; 1,adders; extension ladder; oak bar- rel, wihiffletrees, neckyokest • ; ieant- hook, ihayknife, scoop shovel; 'pick; shovel; spade; crowbar ; chains; fork hoes, a quantity of bay and, oat sheav es; a quantity of seed potatoes. iHOITSEIIOLD FURNITURE— washing machine; Rome (Comfort range; ,coal (beater with oven; box stove; extension table; lounge; "flour bin, and other articles too numerous tomention. , TERMS OF SALE REAL 'E'„STA'11E-20 /per scent. web on day of sale and tbalance r within 30 days. Possession upon completion of payment. CHATTELS -$10 land, under each over that amount 8 months credit onfur- nishing approved joint -notes, A discount of 4 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. Pay, oat Sheaves .and potatoes to be 'cash. Further particulars and conditions of /sale made known on day of sale or may be had •upon( applying to under- signed. C. W. 'Robinson Au•ct:oneer Gladman & Stanbury, Solicitors for the estate of ,Fanny Wilson, and the estate of Wm, ill. Wood Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C Yiimo m1ioNinNnmm�iiliimmimum� iinminnniun„mnnonmm, 1I eproprietareve YorYa nlakdicitek Th-_-__ ,. AVe ctablePreparationforrAs , r' Similatingtherood and Regal It ting the Stomachs andIIalWels of; INFANTSetut,perN- Promotgesti C eerFof• tress and ResiContainsnelttcer” ' 0pium,Morphine nor Mineral., 'NOT NAICOTIC �n ,jl�yirofOldJJY.Sh'1!/F�'d'f� r' ,R r? �frn SM'd • ALxSrr�a t /Paid Sa(li 'i ik,wingist 1-2 Y. r_y . f ConshPa lA n. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea; • 1' Worms, Feverishness and Loss O SLEEP. fa. 1 Facsimile $ � �. DIE CENTAUR C YN .. - MONTREAL Exact Copy of Wrapper. O i CASI r or -.nS. fnts and Children. Mothers Know That: ens Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of IrE Use3 For Over ThirtyYears„ CASTO3 TAC CENTAL,.. COMPANY. NEW PONE C.Tra MIAINANANOVA .INCORPORATED 1855. • • • • MOLSONS HE NK CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,80C,000 97 Branches in Canada A:General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTERS OF OREDFE ,, .. (BANS MONEY ORDERS .1 . SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at higke.t •urrent rate, WA D, CLAR:KB, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH t atele EXETER BRANCH . CREDITON BRANCH • DASHWOOD BRANCH - pis . :a :1 A. E. KUHN, Manager J. A. McDONALD, ager F. S. KENT, t.•tiger 1 '�inerr+' PEP O,Ni R,OBINSON' (-i r LICENSED AUCTIONEER, AND VALUATOR fear iFSo nntiea of 'Huron Paleal awl hLioldlleloe-si Farm Stock Sales a ppeciolty., Office at Ieookshutt Waz'earooms, nest door to the Central Onto', 'Main St. Exeter. Vhafgee mod- erate and satisfaction guaranteed J. WM &aao'WNING, IM, D,, Ari, Si Pr S. Graduate ;VIstoria Univelietty., Office and F,eaidense, Dominion Labratory, Exeter, , .r ociate Coroner of B(airdn I. R. CARLING, N,..3, Navistar, Solicitor, Notary' Pubil., Comms sioner, Solicitor foie the DIolsons Rank, eta Money to Loan at lowest ratans of , OFFICE -'MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT Interest. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Aus- tioneer.. Sales conducted in any lo- cality, Terms moderate, Orders left at Times Officio will be promptly at- tended to, Phone 116, Kirktona Ad- dress. Kirkton, ' P. O. DR. A. 11. KINSMAN, L. L, D., D.13 f Honor Grsdeiate of Toronto Univur +ity, DENTIST Teeth extracted Without pain, 01 any bed effect's, Office ov r Glad Ac tltannbnr 'a Offtice. htaianP1t TEE USNioiRNB at RIDER= it FARMER'S iB1RE naitork ''ANNE 111031PANZ Plead Office, Farquhar, O»i President, ' � ROOT. NOR Vice -President, ! mos, ET *' DIBESITORN , • • .010 NM, CROOK. Kb J, L, RUSiS,ELE, !_ ` J., 9t ALLI8OJl'- I mu=(.t(-L,d JOboHrne,ESSEnd(RLIYidd:'Epehte. r, Agent U i LaIt(VER `i H RRS, Munro, Agent 14 libberb, Fullerton and Logna. , Wa,ATURNIBULL. °t Beaty -Trees, FarffablCi, lOL'ADM'AN & STANMU'R2, Solicitors, Exeter, I r�. DR. 0, F. ,}iOULSTON. 'L. D. S.. D.110. (DENTIST I , , it Honor Graduate of Toronto Vetiver* pity, Office over Dickson & Glare' ing's La* Office. ([hosed Wednesdyll afternoons. Phone Office Fla and Residence tib. e 1 R I A‘ For Infants and Childrein in Use0477' . 0 Years'' Always tears �'it+3jfi 4 trrt o �` 4 e li Banking Service 'yOUR banking requirements may . be entrusted to this Bank with every confidence that careful and efficient service will be rendered. Our facilities are entirely at your disposal. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 3A EXETER BRANCH . CREDITON BRANCH • DASHWOOD BRANCH - pis . :a :1 A. E. KUHN, Manager J. A. McDONALD, ager F. S. KENT, t.•tiger 1 '�inerr+' PEP O,Ni R,OBINSON' (-i r LICENSED AUCTIONEER, AND VALUATOR fear iFSo nntiea of 'Huron Paleal awl hLioldlleloe-si Farm Stock Sales a ppeciolty., Office at Ieookshutt Waz'earooms, nest door to the Central Onto', 'Main St. Exeter. Vhafgee mod- erate and satisfaction guaranteed J. WM &aao'WNING, IM, D,, Ari, Si Pr S. Graduate ;VIstoria Univelietty., Office and F,eaidense, Dominion Labratory, Exeter, , .r ociate Coroner of B(airdn I. R. CARLING, N,..3, Navistar, Solicitor, Notary' Pubil., Comms sioner, Solicitor foie the DIolsons Rank, eta Money to Loan at lowest ratans of , OFFICE -'MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT Interest. PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Aus- tioneer.. Sales conducted in any lo- cality, Terms moderate, Orders left at Times Officio will be promptly at- tended to, Phone 116, Kirktona Ad- dress. Kirkton, ' P. O. DR. A. 11. KINSMAN, L. L, D., D.13 f Honor Grsdeiate of Toronto Univur +ity, DENTIST Teeth extracted Without pain, 01 any bed effect's, Office ov r Glad Ac tltannbnr 'a Offtice. htaianP1t TEE USNioiRNB at RIDER= it FARMER'S iB1RE naitork ''ANNE 111031PANZ Plead Office, Farquhar, O»i President, ' � ROOT. NOR Vice -President, ! mos, ET *' DIBESITORN , • • .010 NM, CROOK. Kb J, L, RUSiS,ELE, !_ ` J., 9t ALLI8OJl'- I mu=(.t(-L,d JOboHrne,ESSEnd(RLIYidd:'Epehte. r, Agent U i LaIt(VER `i H RRS, Munro, Agent 14 libberb, Fullerton and Logna. , Wa,ATURNIBULL. °t Beaty -Trees, FarffablCi, lOL'ADM'AN & STANMU'R2, Solicitors, Exeter, I r�. DR. 0, F. ,}iOULSTON. 'L. D. S.. D.110. (DENTIST I , , it Honor Graduate of Toronto Vetiver* pity, Office over Dickson & Glare' ing's La* Office. ([hosed Wednesdyll afternoons. Phone Office Fla and Residence tib. e 1 R I A‘ For Infants and Childrein in Use0477' . 0 Years'' Always tears �'it+3jfi 4 trrt o �`