The Exeter Times, 1919-3-13, Page 8ET TIMES j« A.STEW ART Phone' NEW STYLES In Ladies' and Misses' Coats In Serges, Coverts, and Fancy Tweeds. They have the Style, the cloths are good and the prices range from 517.50 to $32.00. All Wool Serges for Ladies' Coats and Suits These serges are all wool and old dyes and are very suitable for Odd Coats and Tailored Suits, We know our prices are very low, as they were bought many months ago. Miner Rubbers, and Rubber Boots You will need a pair for the wet sloppy weather ask any man who wears them he will tell you they are the best, Every pair is guaranteed. New Designs In Wall Papers Brighten up the interior of your home this Spring Splendid designs for any room in your is what we have to show you. The prices range from 8c to 50c a roll, Bring in the size of your room and get an estimate of wha t it will cost you. Redpath Granulated Sugar Buy your Sugar Now. We have just received a car of Redpath Sugar. Our price is right. J. A. STEWART Phone1e THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE Shoe Sale We offer the following clearing lines during March Ladies' low shoes, pumps, slippers $1.45 Pair Ladies' High Shoes at $1.95, 2.89, 3.49, 3.65, 3.95 4.49, per pair. Men' s Shoes $3.25, 3.8 5, 4.85, 5.65 per pair Children's Shoes $1.95, 2.45 2.95 per pair. These are all clearing lines and are offered at much less than present wholesale price. B. W. F. BEAVERS Put your THRIFT STAMPS on an Earning Basis Remember, When you are filling up your Thrift Card that the 25 cent Thrift Stamps, which you can buy wherever you see the above sign, are simply a means to an end. Thrift Stamps earn no interest,. The interest begins when your Thrift Card, filled with 16 Stamps, is taken to the Money. Order Post Office, Bank or other place displaying the Beaver -Triangle sign, and ex- changed as $4,04 in the pur- chase ofaWar-Savings Stamp, which costs $4,02 this month. War -Savings Stamps earn 4 per cent compound interest, being redeemable on January lst, 1924, for $5.00 each. Market Report -The followingkil the report ut the Exeter Efisrhe. corected up to Marc(' 12th. Barley 75e Oate 06e Peas $1,75 Family `Flour $5,70 Potatoes $1.50 to $1,75, , Eggs 36o I I i Dairy 'better 45e to 48c Creamery butter 57e Lard 32, 33c ,Flogs $17,25 Gold Fish Fish Grass Fish Food Fish Globes Globes 75c to $1 25 Food ldc to 15c Grass 15c bundle Fish 10 and 10c each Come early for good choice Powell's Bazaar ••••••••••••....,,,,..••••••• • •LOCAL • 4 Qr®9®le i 00404406. 0 Mr. D. 'Russe i1 (purposes 'taking • o, trip to Scotland (during the Summer. Mr. (R. G. lSeidon .was on a business trip to !Chicago, Cleveland and other places the east week. Mr. and Mrs. Sohn Ifedden have moved -from the 3rd ,concession Steph an to tihe farm of Mr. Wm. Red- den neer (Crediton. The town gathers octave had a .busy time on their 'hands lately selecting a team. They inspected several teams this 'week but thave noteas yet made a selection. Th.' 'result of the recent town can- va r for the Bible Society was $207.25 Orel to . aatetee, gratefully aeknow ledge tlhe 'subscriptions especially( the fai',hful work of fee canvassers ix. y: curing same. The war views entertainment on Tuesday night in the Town Hall was well attended. Rev. `Trumper ;put on the tviews and A. E. D2:11er' of London. explained them. The v;ews were very interesting anti( instructive and were greatly appreciated. The Epworth League of James St. Methodist church will hold their an- niversary services on Sabbath next when Mr. E. B. Hale, of Stratford, President of the Conference League, will preach both morning and even- ing. Mr. 'Kay 'of Farquhar 'has bought ehe (steam/ threshing outfit of T. L. N:doardy. ,We know 'of tno other aection in the County better repres- ented iby threshing outfits 'than Far- quhar there being three in less than a •mile, - bEr. IWm. `Stoneman of Saskatoon was in the village this, week reviewing old acqueintainces. He was a painter in ii3ensaIl',for a namber of years. He bad two (sons overseas; one was sev- erely wounded 'and returned a year ago. Two more, sons were in 'train- ing in `the 'Canadian Air Force. Mr. ,Alvin Ess•ery, (Centralia, dost five (horses and a cow rate]y from spinal (meningitis. lime shad e veter- inary inspector from Toronto and one from 7,ondon but they (could ' not determine (tlhe eaulsel of !the outbreak His 'loss is ;a severe one and we under- stand 'hel has other ;horses sick. Most of the. brininess places which store ice for tlhe summer have now their i:ce all in. There was' some con- cern last on,c• time tor the ice har- vest and while the see this year is not a•a thick as ,spine years it is of (prettn fair rite lity ani the merchants are roe gratu.lattng themselves on getting a supply. Mr. 7.lhoe. &male on Saturday last brought into the free, a smell bou- quet of snowdrops which he had pick- ed ick-.d in his garden. On Monday a flock of wild g,sese, were seen flying west. 'Rh •y were flying puite. low.. A number of crows bee! taiso been reported, during tib.z past week. ,All signs no?nt to the xypeni.ng of spring On (Saturday night and Sunday this section was visited with a fall of snow It was ,possibly tah•a heaviest fall of snow w: thine Red this winter. A. b: autiful blanket eovercd the earth and .cutters and sleighs were ; out taking advantage There has been very, little sleighing to speak of dur- ing the winter and a few days of .load •sttighitig would be greatly ep- r ci':ted Pte, Austin Rice, who arrived ,home last week was a member of the 161st Huron ,Battalion and craw 'service for nearly a year end a (half in France. lie arrived in England in November and twelve days (after arrival was drafted to France. (Eie was attacihed to the 58th (Batt. and went over the top at Oil' '70. Vbmy ;and the other engagements the Battalion was en- gaged in during that time. 7n. March co! last year Pte Ricci was gassed and invalided. back to England Where he 'has been since that 'time. All the boys speak very bighly of the treat- ment they receive 'after arryving in Cans de. Fast time is made. 'by trains Iran tlhe port of debarkation and the ete•ping and eating facilities provided by the ;railroads is excellent the boys receiving regular ,dining -ear service with no distinction between afacers and 'privates. In speaking to Pte. Ric: about the .condition.e et Rhyll. where ,rioting recently tool place his sympathies were with ,the 'boys .Con- ditions there are by no means ideal Owing to recent tstrikee the • camp bad been witlhout ,coal for several week.% and the ,food provided was not tlhe best nor hey to iplenty,ful. The hath- houses had been without hot water for some 'time. The soldiers are' kept in ignoranett ad to the date of aailings and combined with (she desire to get (home the ,boys become imph.tlent. Phone Your orders to C. L. Wilson's for Redpaths Granulated Sugar Put up in 10, 20 and 100 lb bags Phone 56 Undertaking Funeral Director & Embalmer M. E. Gardiner Phone 74J Night Gall 81 And Furniture OPERA HODS BLOCK Flax Land Wanted 400 acres for Growing ,Flax, ,Apply to. , ONTARIO FLAX 1CO. Jos Davis, Exeter N. Phone 13 R 12 MILLINERY OPENINGS March 15th and following days. Here you will find a superb col- lection of the smartest and .most ex- clusive creations for the coming season Anyone wanting (hats for immediate wear tlheir orders will be • promptly attended to. E. G. V. Curtiss WANTED TO PURCHASE -A good secondhand upright piano. State con- dition and least cash price. ,Box 66 Exeter, Ont. • HOUSE TO RENT -On Nelson St. frame two-storey 'house, electric lights Apply to Wm. Brickwood, Exeter Nora.: ;1.! ft • Daylight Saving. Whether daylight saving will again be instituted in Canada this year de- pends on the'action taken by Congress at Washington, according. to announce- ment made at Ottawa. If the United States inaugurate the early hour again, Canada will follow suit to avoid con fusion at the border. MASSEY= HARRIS FARM IMPLEMENTS Second, -Mand Binders and Mowers; a McCormick Clay Loader; a .Maxwell 10 ft. Steel rake. These goods are in good condition and will be sold at a sacrifice %rice. , We also handle Litter ' Corriere, Hay Fork Tracks, Wind Mills, Twine Fencing and Roofing, Agent for the Clay Gatos Drop in and see our )3uggies We specialize in repair work carry- ing a full line of Massey Harris re- pairs, also Connor Machine Tepalyrs. I3,M.Franeis B. M. FRANCIS ,Agent' Exeter , Old 'Commercial ,House Honesty is oue policy, .Live and let live our motto. • A Happy and Prosperous 1919 is the wish of Rai ' Na► ROWE THE B'UNDI L DI .OR AND irEatNITUSUI ..'j Theresa NEW EDISON William & Mary Walnut Case 6 double Recreations $444.20 Adam Oak or Mahogany 6 double Recreations $345.50 for Every Home It will delight your ears to hear the New Edison It will delight us to give you the opportunity. You can pay a visit to our store without being urged to buy. Mr. Edison's latest and greatest invention is the New Edison, the Phon- ograph "with a Soul". Wont you take us at our word, pay us a visit; we will guarantee you a good musical treat. Look over the different Edisons here illustrated then come and see them. If you are considering the pur- chase of music in your home it will pay you to call and talk it over with us, We sell on easy payments Sherator $278.20 �j EDISON SCJ CIR EL-y1T1ONS Amberola No 75 Iv 12 Records $161,80 Amberola No. i.2 Records $112.80 Amberola No. 30 12 Records $72.80 Modern $195 20 Recreations 81.80 $2.60 to 86.50 Edison play 4 to 5 minutes Diamond Point J. Willi Powell Blue Amberolas 90c $1.10 81:50 No Needles to change EDISON Dealer Exeter, Ontario NOTICE TO AUTOISTS We pay casslh for old auto tires no matter how badly worn. Tires ,and auto accessories of all kinds carried in stock. Leave your tires for ,vulcan- izing or double treading, ,W, J. BEER. Corn Contract The Exeter Canning Company is ready to conitrtect with farmers to grow Corn for carmine $10.00 per ton will be paid same as last year, Seed carr of the finest quality at re- duced price, 15c. Der lb., to growers on contract. 27th -4t. Exeter Canning Co. FOR BALE f ' . i • I I .We (have on hand 16 in. Block Wood to burn; $5.00 per load, phone 65 R. GILLIES CALVES 'AND HEIFERS FOR SALE .Any one desiring good Durham eatvns at $12 to $15 'or ,Holstein hei- fers at $3 can get them by express to Exeter by corresponding with FRED HOOPER, Salford, Ont. Dr. A. M. 'Vining, V. S-, .begs to In- form the 'public that he has opened, an office. in McDonell's barn on John. street. Prompt attention 'paid to day or night calls. Plhone 120. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HMR STOPS FALLING Save your Mair! Get a small bottle of Danderine right now -Also. stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair is mute evidence of a neglected re -tip; _ of dandruff -that awful scurf. /There is nothing so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish- ness and itching of the scalp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink;. loosen and die -then, the hair falls out fast, A little Danderine to- night -now ---any time -will surely save your hair. Get a, small bottle of gnowltort's Dandarine from any drug store. You surely have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a :little Dan derine. Bare your hair! Try itl -- MARY IHERN, Tescher of , Singing, Piano, Theory. Pupils prepared for examinations of . (Conservatory of Music, London, Ont. Apply for ,par- ticulars. Address R. R. No. 3, Exeter, Phone 44-5, Kirkton, 1-30,8wp i' OTIgE TO PUBLI(Q Dr. Elenry A. ICorsaut has purchas- ed the Veterinary practise of Drs. Sweet & Reid and have already take possession, occupying the same effiose Palls promptly attended, night and, day. Phone 8. . W. W, t: 1° 11 1, N, To Be Dressed Here is to be Well Dressed ,at a price that means Money to You We are showing attractive lines far fall and wunter and tier advance buy, lag means money -saving values. Many of our lines are selling at less than wholesale cost to -day. Come !n and subset a Suit from some of ,the oldialf- wool stooks and if you do not want it made alp now we will set it aside ton you. is ,Come in and look over our stock of NIFTY SUITINGS O VERICOATINGS .PANTINGS JEB,EADY-MADE CLOT,EUING I `; SHIRTS COLLARS TIES CAPS UNDERWEAR - Combination: and two piece -ail wool YOUTH'S OVERCOATS A . .t !° a