The Exeter Times, 1919-3-6, Page 8Phone 16 J. A. STEWART Phone( New Spring Suits We are showing a range of beautiful Tweed Coats for Misses & Women. We invite you to Call and see them The materials are good and the styles right up to the minute. Prices range from $17.50 to $35.00 nts and Ginghams You will do well to get your supply of Prints & Ginghams early, as this season we can buy only limited quantities. We have a range of good patterns. Prints at per yard 25c 30c & 35c Ginghams at 25c 30c 45c Linoleums Canadian and Scotch Linoleums in many neat designs We are fortunate to have these on hand, And Can quote you old prices Bring in the size of your room and get our prices. Room Rugs In all the best Selling sizes. in Tapestries, Brussels, Velvets, Wiltons. These are old stock, and are much superior in quality to what the new ones wilil be, If you are not ready for one for a few weeks, Make your selection. now and we will keep it for you. Wall Papers The new papers for 1919 are now ready for your inspection Beautiful designs suitable for any room in your home is what we have to show you. The prices range from 8c a roll to 50c J .A. STEWART Phone 1e 1 THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE Shoe Clearance Sale Begins Saturday March 1st and continues through the month. This will be a genuine clearance of all odd lines Shoes regardless of price. We must clear out all lines where we have only a few pairs and make room for our new stock. Come and get prices for yourself W. B.W.F. BEAVERS WAR -SAVINGS STAMPS ARE SOLD 1iIi EREVER YOU SEE THIS SIGN Build a $50 g and A Plan For In vestors- Big and Little AWar -Savings Certificate, provided free of charge with your first War -Savings Stamp, has spaces for 10 War -Savings Stamps. A War -Savings Certificate with a W-S.S. in each space is a Dominion of Canada "bond" for the payment of $50 on January lst, 1924. And you invest less than $41 to secure it -paying as it proves convenient to you. War -Savings Stamps cost $4.02 in March, $4.03 in April and $4.04 in May. Fill up your THRIFT Card (16 Thrift Stamps at 25c. each). Thrift Stamps earn no interest, but a filled card represents $4 when you invest in a War -Savings Stamp. 62 AT ALL MONEY -ORDER POST OFFICES, DAMES, ETC., THE XETER Ti ES 7,Thuday. arch itfih. 19111: Market Report --The following lii the report et the Exeter litorket . . corrected 'tup 'to I}l[atreb 5th. • \ Phone Your. • orders. to Barley 700 • Oats 690 Fam$1.75 ily')+lour 1j;5,70 C. L. 1`I i t s n's f a r Fam Potatoes $1.50 to $1,75. ,17ggs 36o Dairy butter 45,o to 48c Creamery butter 57oLard 32, 83c flogs $17.85 tl Gold Fish Fish Grass Fish Food Fish Globes Globes 75c to $1 25 Food 10c to 15c Grass 15c bundle Fish 10 and 10c each Come early for good choice Powell's Bazaar $G••••9•••ti •••••47:• oe•••••• • LOCAL •• • ••••••• o••o••• • Nr. i ercy Gillies of Sarnia was in town this week. 'Captain !Church in James Street church Thursday evening.. i Do not fail to hear shim. .Mr. Lionel 'Howard, of London, vis- ited in town this week. Els Hon. Judge Lewis H. Dickson of Goderich, was in town on Monday. Miss Lillie Mesner of Exeter visited her parents over the week -end at Dashwood. Mrs. Hy. Isaac, of Stephen, suffer:- ed uffer=ed a paralytic stroke last week and (her condition is serious. Mr. and 'Mrs. O. Anderson , and child, of Sarnia, are visiting the. former's (parents,. in (town. Mrs. 1vEcOreatlh, of Lucknow, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. 'Arm- strong, during the week. Tuesday was Pancake day and a ,pancake. supper was given in the School Hall of the Trivitt Memorial church. Mrs. 'Thos. Elliott was called to Marlette, Miclh., last week owing to the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Earl Red mond_ The Exeter Patriotic League would lik all socks in on Friday next at th Public Library as early in thetday as (possible. Nursing Sister Irene Handford, of Ingersoll, who has been overseas for many months arrived home on the S. S. Lapland. A robin was seen on Tuesday morn- ing by Mrs. Jorhn Jarrott. It was flying around the yard ehinping like a good fellow. Miss McDonald has re -opened cher millinery Shop after attending the openings in Toronto, Miss McLean is again with her as assistant. Mrs. Wm. Davis, of Exeter North, suffered a paralytic stroke and is in a very ,critical condition. Her Chil- dren ,have arrived(( at her bedside. Miss M. Armstirong has retuirnedt from the millinery openings in Toron- to and has rob o,penecf ,her shop. Miss Williams, of 'Clinton, is assisting her. In James St. tdhurctih .next Sunday evening the service of song will be led by •a men's :dhoir. Tthe pastor will preadh a special sermon, to 'men Subject 'Righting the Lion." Mr. R. Gillies received word of the death of his brother, Mr. Samuel Gillies, of HHamilton, formerly of Ailsa Craig. Mr. Gillies died in Florida set ire he had been spending the winter months. The many frtende of Mrs. W 'W.. Taman are 'pleased to note she is Taman are (pleased to bote she • is improving. She wes 'able to he out Monday for the first time since her iltn-ss.. , Bliss Mergaret Moody of. Thames Road who was visit'ng Miss Helen Roy;•eliff•e of the London .'Rrpad. sang a solo which was veru mnch apprec- iated by the Carmel .church congregat ion last Sabbath morning. • Mr. end Mfrs. :Albert Hamilton and son, of.. Roland. Men., who have spent fib" i•aast two months vieit'n.q the for- mer's ...Vents. the late Mr. Francis A..!nd Mrs. FTnmiltor.. left for their 'home in the West on Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Dewey necwpied the pul- nit in 1tlh•a Main St. 'church last Sab- bath ,delivering two excellent .ser- mons. The Pastor. Rev. Dr. Medd, was in 'Stratford. Mr. +M:*dd will oc- eupy 'his own (pulpit next Sabbath. Lanae- Corp. Sylvanus :J. V. ICat.nn and Pte. Austin Rice arrived home from overseas during the 'past week receiving a hearty welcome by their many friends. 'Both m"n (en.listedl wish the 161,st S3attalion and spent several months in France. Mr. R. 13. Quancz ;has :Tented the house on William St. in which Mr. T. B. Medd has been living; Mrs.: J. O. Brown will move into the bone in nihich Mr. Quance is living and Mr. Maurice Qu•ance has rented the home to be vacated by Mrs. Drown. James Street Sunday Sdhoel held tth sir anniversary serviees on Sab- bath Inst when Rev. J..13.'TTolmes, of London, President of the Conference was the special preacher for the day and gave excellent service. In the afternoon a mass meeting was th'ld in the auditorium when UM5r. 'Tlolmes gave a very fine object .talk. A duet was sung by' the Misses Ford. Seals and diplomas were given out to those who :had; been regular in their a.tfe,'ndance Dior the year and consist,. led of eilgiht classes, seven (Alumni di- plomas' iplomats' being ;plresented to 'those who have had a perfect record for eight years. Redpaths Granulated. Sugar Put up 1u19, 20 and 100 lb bags Phone 56 Undertaking Funeral Director & Embalmer M. E. -Gardiner Phone 743 Night call 811 And Furniture OP ER A HOU.3 BLOCK Flax Land Wanted 400 acres for Growing ,Flax. Apply to. ONTARIO FLAX CO. Jos Davis, Exeter N. Plhone 13 R 12 CARD OF TIIANRS The son and daughters rd the late Mrs. James Wilson desireto express their sincere thanks to the many neighbors and friends for , their kindness and sym'pat'hy during the illness and death of their mother. MILLINERY OPENINGS' March 15th and following days. Here you will find a superb col- lection of the smartest and, .most ex- clusive creations for the coming season Anyone wanting (hats for immediate war their orders will be promptly attended to. E. G. -V. iCurliss WANTED TO PtIE JJASE-A good 'econd (hand upright piano. State con- dition and least cash price. J3ox 66 Exeter, Ont. HOUSE TO RENT -On Nelson St. frame two-storey house, electric lights enply to Wm. Brickwood, Exeter North. t t ; , I ' A CCIDENT Mr. E. Taylor, of Heaman's hardware, had the misfortune to get his first finger of his left hand in a machine for cutting tin, nearly severing the finger. He now carries it in plaster Paris, W.C.T.U. NOTES •(' ' At the February meeting of the W.C.T.U. it was decided to have a Crusade day for the purpose of se- curing new mcanbers for this Union Mso a school of voting in view of the coming referendum. The women voters of Canada -and that term in- cludes every women twenty-one or over who is a British Subject -should be looking with keen interest for the prohibition plank in the ,platform of the different parties that are' now coming to the surface of political life much depends on the women's votes in the issue. All loyal women are invit ed to join our ranks that (prohibition may be made permanent in Can- ada. STOP THAT DRAUGHT Mr. G. Green for the past year has been installing Metal Weather Strip in Uahorne Township. All orders .rand, inquiries will be attended to by J. W. Hern Exeter. This Weather Strip is cheaper and far superior to storm sash and storm doors, as it keeps out draught more strictly, and once installed is always in place. Saves more than it costs in fuel and is installed by the undersigned. En- sures an even temperature and does- n't limit ventilation in any way. -G. Green Woodstock. A Happy and Prosperous. 1919 is the wish of R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DLE OTOR AND runt 'TUBE W 4ALER There's a NEW EDISON William & Mary Walnut Cese 6 double Recreations $444.20 Adam Oak or Mahogany 6 double Recreations 3345.50 • for Every Home It will delight your ears to hear the New Edison It will delight us to give you the opportunity. You can pay a visit to our store without being urged to buy. Mr. Edison's latest and greatest invention is the New Edison, the Phon- ograph "with a Soul". Wont you take us at our word, pay us a visit; we will guarantee you a good musical treat. Look over the different Edisons here illustrated then come and see them. If you are considering the pur- chase of music in your home it will pay you to call and talk it over with us, We sell on easy payments Sherator $278.20 EDISON REPCR1eBaNS Amberola No 75 12 Records $161.80 Amberola No. 12 Records 3112.80 Amberola No. 30 12 Records 872.80 Modern $195 20 Recreations $1.80 82.60 to $6.50 Edison play 4 to 5 minutes Diamond Point J. WilIis Powell Blue Amberolas 90c $1.10 $1.50 No Needles to change EDISON Dealer Exeter, Ontario NOTICE TO AU'TOISTS We gray each for old auto tires no matter dhow badly worn. Tires ,and auto accessories of all kinds carried in stock. Ieave your .tires for .vulcan- izing or double treading*..W. J. 'BEER. Corn Contract The Exeter Canning Company is ready to conttr¢act with farmers to grow Conn for canniagl'. $10.00 per ton will be p•akd same as last year, Seed coni of the finest quality at re- duced price, 15c. Per ib., to growers on. contract. 27th -4t. Exeter Canning Co. FOR SALE ' 1 r i'• I I We 'have on hand 16 in. Block Wood to burn; $5.00 ,per load, phone 95 R. GILLIES CALVES ANt) H,EII±ERS FOR SALE Any on desiring good Durham calves at $12 to $15 'or Holstein !hei- fers at $3 can get them by express to Exeter by corresponding with FRED HOOPER, Salford, Ont. Dr. A. M. Vining, V. S., begs to In- form the 'pub'ic that he has opened' an office in McDonell's barn on John street. Prompt 'attention paid to day or night calls. Phone 120. THICK, GLOSSY HAIR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls? Try itI Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful -Get a small bottle of ©anderine. If you care for heavy hair that glis- tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an i:comparable softness and is fluffy and" lu:,trous, try Danderine. Just cue application doubles the beauty of your hair, besides it imme- dlhtely dissolves every particle/ of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a. fever- ishness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die;. then the hair fall. out fast. Surely get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store and, just ',ry ik MARY BERN. Teacher of • Singing, Piano, 'Theory. Pupils prepared for examinations of :'Conservatory of Musio, London, Ont. •A,ply for ,par- ticulars. Address 11. 11. No. 3, Exeter, Phone 44-5, Kirkton. 1-30,8wp NOTLCjE TO PUBLIC Dr. Efenry A. Corsaut has purchas- ed the Veterinary (practise of Drs. Sweet & Reid and have already taken. ooesession, occupying the same ;offioe;. Calls promptly attended, night watt day. Phone 8. . . a To Be Dressed Here is to he Well Dressed at a price that means Money to You We are showing attractive lines f4$ fall and winter and o'.tr advance buy, ing means money -saving values. Many '>f our lines selling at less than wholesale cost to -day. Conte In and select a Suit from some of the oldiail- wool stocks and if you do not want it made up now we will set it aside for you. Come in and look over. our stock of NIL'TY SUITINGS O VER1C0 ATINGS PANTINGS 'READY-MADE CLOTHING SHIRTS COLLARS TIES CAPS UNDERWEAR - Combination and two piece -a11 wool. YOUTH'S OVERCOATS W. 4 11AMAN . P 11 0 N 3 8 r a