HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-2-27, Page 8f-rr X Yl. Thursday,' February 7tat, 191g J. A. STE WART Phonel New Spring Suits We are showing a range of beautiful Tweed Coats for Misses & Women. We invite you to Call and see them The materials are good and the styles right up to the minute, Prices range from $17.50 to $35.00 New Prints and Ginghams You will do well to get your supply of Prints & Ginghams early, as tins season we can buy only limited quantities. We have a range of good patterns. Prints at per yard 25c 30c & 35c Ginghams at 25c 30c 45c Linoleums Canadian and Scotch Linoleums in many neat designs We are fortunate to have these on hand, And Can quote you old prices Bring in the size of your room and get our prices. Room Rugs In all the best Selling sizes. in Tapestries, Brussels, Velvets, Wiltons. These are old stock, and are much superior in quality to what the new ones willl be, If you are not ready for one for a few weeks, Make your selection now and we will keep it for you. Wail Papers The new papers for 1919 are now ready :for your inspection Beautiful designs suitable for any room in your home is what we have to show you. The prices range from 8c a roll to 50c J.A. STEWART Phone 16 THE EXETER BARGAXN STORE Shoe Clearance Sale Begins Saturday March 1st and continues through the month. This will be a genuine clearance of all odd lines Shoes regardless of price. We must clear out all lines where we have only a few pairs and make room for our new stock. Come and get prices for yourself W. F. BEAVERS FiRST SERIES (1919 ) COST DURiNG —1919 — JAN.4 4.00 !IPPA 111911111 811! pxlq 7l l f Ir il;I3 s(li1101D i;IC II +.NEN ArrIVIEUVO"'A W R' SAVING'S C•EIRTIFIGATE ANN SUBJECT 1171M ICUNDITIONS PRINTED THEREON 1DOLLARS W1611i EIE PAYABLE/ -i .JAldrIv11924, F-. 1,,,I,!,11111.111.1101,..10.1111.11111{;ll f n "U III 1111 ,...,I ,P buy ••-53 Where You SeeThis Sign ,Notice how the cost—and the cash value—of the stamp ad- vances each month until, on the 1st day/ of January, '1924, the Dominion of Canada is pledged `to pay $5:00 for each W S.S. itommilonmelswinsusimammarkomommim Market Bepert--The fo11twiOg ilpY the report or the ' xetear Mer. kart connected up to Seebrunt'y 191#gt, Barley 70e i l ( [ Oats 55 r Peas $1.75• ' • 1 it I 11 E r Family Flour $5.71 Potatoes $1.50 to $1.75. Eggs 40c a doz. Dairy batter 45,o to 480 Creamery 23utter 58o 1 . Lard 32, 33o ,Bogs $17 •+•G++$44m444c. v►444444• LOCAL • • +,0444+► . rrsa►+sa+ Don't miss the Concert in the Op- era House, Ereeiter, an Friday evg., Feb 28th. Mrs. Maybelle Templinof Kinc.t*'d:ne +'ill sing.t. Ain amusing detente In oho act, also a comedy will be given. Ad,missi'on 25c.; reserved Mutts 35c: Pruni of Hall at Mr. B. W. F. Beavers' Store. ";SPECIAL SALE" On Saturday'] March lst and following week of Lane 'Curtains, (Caps and Scarfs ,Em_a broideries and Laces and odd lines too numerous to mentions A call solic- ited. Mrs. ,:W. 1). Yeo Mr. Alex. Stewart, of London, spent', the week -end in town. Mr. Phan. Milker of Sarnia, visited in town • oveie ,weeks -end, Miss Fanny Lowey, of London, visit- ed at her home here over the week- end. Mr. Ed. Tis for is learning, the hardware business with. ,AV, J. Bea- man. Mi s Jessie and Mr. ,Will Manson, of London, spent 'the week -end at their home here. Mr4 Jothn Forst of Exeter North gift Monday morning to visit ha Detroit, Mr. Leonard Abbott, of 'Centralia, has taken a position at T. Nelson's garage. Mrs • T. J. Thompson and son, of London, are visiting Mrs • Wm. Flet- cher of town, The household effects of Mrs. T. Prior will be sold by (pu'bl:c auction on Saturday March 8th, see gage four. Mrs. Fred Brooks, of Detroit, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. North- cott and Miss Mabl^ Brooks, of town. Miss E. Sweet has been 'attending the millinery openings in Toronto be- fore opening her store ,in Tillson.burg. Mrs. Fred Tem,plin of Kincardine a neice of Dr. and Mrs. Medd of the Main St. Parsonagee is their guest over the week -end. Mr. Ern. Tllarvey, of London, visit- ed at his home here the latter (part of the week el o spending the week- end in London. Rev. Geo. W. Dew,ery of Stratford will preach in Main St ; church next Sunday. swill speak in the inter- est of the Educational ,Fund. About thirty from town motored to Seafort'h on Friday to see the Sea - forth -London hockey game The score was 7 to 4 in favor of Seaforth, Misses Lilian and Winifred !Hus- ton left last week for Toronto to attend the •millinery openings ,before leaving for Dunville for the 'season. Miss Fern S'hortt. of London. spent' Sunday with her parents in town. Miss Kathleen Inwood, of .London, visited Miss Sanders during the week. Dlisa ICurliss has returned to town after attending the millinery open- ings in Toronto and Inas started: to work on the new spring hats for ladies. • / l i • Mr. Wilbur .Martin- suffered ea sev- ere attack of acute indigestion on Monday. He was confined •to , his home for a couple of days in con- sequence but is again able 'to be out. Lieut. Ern. Rivers who has been visiting 'his :parents Mr. and Mrs. W. Rivers, left last week on his return trip 'to Vancouver, B.C. His sister Mrs. D. Ross and •,children of Sarnia have also returned to 't,, ;eir home after'visit:ng Mr., and ,Mrs. Rivers. Mrs. W. S. Thompson Aand sister,. Mi s Lill:an L'oyle, of .London, visited, friends in town tih:s ,week. Miss Doyle returned to London en Tues- day and 'on. Tuesday evening Miss Kathleen Stewart entertained a few friends in honor of Mrs. Thompson. The third Division of the /Canadian army are expected to sail from Eng - lend in the course of a few days. Most of the boys ,from this district who are at (present overseas and who have been to France are with the third •div:sion. Sergt. Lloyd Rivers end. Pte. IR. r.arla ,Soutlhcott left Wednesday for London where they expect to get their. discharge their furlough having ex- pired. ,Sergt Rivers (has been with the (Canadian forces a little over three years while Pte Southcott enlisted 3 years ago the first of March. Miss Della Oke who has been in London a couple of (weeks owing to 'the illness of her aunt Miss Lizzie Frayne, returned home on ,Tuesday Miss Frayne who has been ill s'.nce before Christmas is lm.lproving and was able to take a short walk out on Monday dor the first time th:s year. year. CENTRALIA ,Just :arriv, d last word ,in Ladies' and Girls' alltdd,,en, Little c dresses and Summer Undarwe,ar Stockings, ,etc. At i,a.irlhnllFs. STOP THAT DRAUGHT Mr. G. Green for the past year has been installing Metal Weather Strip in inborn., Township. All orders land, irtquir'ea will be attended to by J. W. Hern Exeter. This Weather Strip is cheaper and far superior to storm sashand storm doors, es it keeps out draught more strictly, and once installed is always in place. Saves more than it costs in fuel and is installed by the undersigned. En- sures an even temperature and does- n't limit ventilation in any way, ---G. Green Woodstock. Phone Your orders to C. L. Wilson's for Redpaths Granulated Sugar Put up in 10, 20 and 100 lb bags Phone 56 Undertaking Funeral Director. & Embalmer M. F. Gardiner Phone 74T Niga►t ca'/1 811 And Furniture OP ERA HOUSE BLOCK S. S. ANNIVERSARY .Anniversary services in connection with James Street Sunday ,School will be 'held next Sabbath: ''Rev, IJ. E. Holmes. President of d (Conference, will be the. speaker £on:the day. Spec- ial music. A \mass meeting will be held in 'the 'afternoon when diplomas and seals 'will be,aivarded the scholars wino were (present each Sunday dur- ing the year. Flax Land Wanted 400 acres for ,Growing ,Flax. Apply to. • ONTARIO FLAX iCO. Jos Davis, E;ter N. Plhone 1,3 R 12 NOTICE TO FARMERS. At a meeting of the Executive Com- mittee of the Exeter Branch o: the United Farmers' :Association it was decided to call a mass meeting of the farmers and those interested in the United Farmers' Movement to be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on February 08th, 1919, at 1.30 p.m. to discuss the advisability of selecting United Farmer Candidates for the Federal and Provincial Legislatures at the next elections. Do not fail to attend. J. N. RATCLIFFE Secy. of Exec. Committee NOTLCE TO AUTOISTS We pay castle for old 'auto tires no matter thaw badly 'worn. Tires ,and: auto accessories of all kinds carried in stock. Leave your tires' for ,vulcan- izing or double tre.ading..W. J. BEER. Lost—Between the Exeter' station and Mrs.* ..Wm.' Fletdler's a !pair of ,eye -,glasses in case. Finder rewarded by leaving same at Mrs Fletcher's or Times Office WALL PAPERS Beautiful new 'designs • in Tar'tlesiry Papers for living -rooms • and halls also neat 10hintz patterns ifor,.bed- rooms. Prices moderate. Jones ,& May Corn Contract The Exeter Canning Company r., ready to coat/Oct with farmers to grow Cornfor cairn"nigh. $10.00 per ton x'/;11 be, paled same as last year: Seed coni of the finest quality at re- duced price, 15c. ,per lb., to growers on. contract. 27th -4t. Exeter' Canning Co. , Liberals Attention A. meeting of the Liberals of Exeter will be ,held in the Town Hall on Monday, 'March 3r4 at 8 p,,m. for the purpose of selecting delegates to at- tend the convention of Liberals of South Huron to be held In Ilensa ll on March 5the. All interested please attend,, Ladies cordially invited. Chas, Harvey Chairman A Happy and Prosperous 1919 is the wish of R. N. ROWE THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND IrtARNITURE DI4AJAR , 4l . a , "—I 1 There's a NEW EDISON William & Mary Walnut Case 6 double Recreations $444.20 Adam Oak or Mahogany 6 double Recreations $345.50 for .Every Home It will delight your ears to hear the New Edison It will delight us to give you the opportunity. You can pay a visit to our store without being urged to buy. Mr. Edison's latest and greatest ' invention is the New Edison, the Phon- ograph "with a Soul". Wont you take us at our word, pay us a visit; we will guarantee you a good musical treat. Look over the different Edisons here illustrated then come and see them. If you are considering the pur- chase of music in your home it will pay you to call and talk it oyer with us, We- sell on easy payments Sherator $278.20 EDISON R %pCRIE1v ONS Modem $195 20 elkor Recreations $1.80 $2.60 to $6.50 Edisons play 4 to 5 minutes Diamond Point Jo Willis Powell Amberola No 75 12 Records $161,80 Amberola No. 12 Records $112,:,1 Amberola No. 30 I2 Records $72.80 Blue Amberolas 90c $1.10 $1.50 No Needles to change EDISON -Dealer Exeter, Ontario FOR SALE I ' I I I ,We. (have on band 10 in. Block Wood to burn; $5.00 per load, phone 95 R. GILLIES FOR SALE BY A.1.1=ION , Dir: I. Armstrong will offer for sate at tla.a Auction Sale of Mrs„ T. G. Creeeih on Saturday, March let, I cow, 0 year sold and 1•2 -yeas' -old heifer both due to calve in March; six young sows in :pig_ NOTLC(E TO PUBLIC Dr. Henry A. Coi'saut has purchas- ed the Veterinary practise of Drs, Sweet &e Reid and 'have already takoc possession, occupying the same offlee. Valls promptly attended, night and day. Phone 8. CALVES 'AND HEIFERS FOR SALE Any one desiring good Dunham calves at $10 to $15 'or ,II&stein (hei- fers at $3 can get them by express to Exeter by corresconding with FEEI) HOOPER, Salford, Ont. Dr. A. M. Vining, V. S., begs to lra- form"tlhe pubic that he has opened, an office. in McDonell's barn .on John street. Prompt attention 'paid to day or night cal'.s. Phone 129_ TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HMR STOPS FALLING Save your flair! Get a small bottle of Danderine right now -Also stops itching scalp. Thier, brittle, colorless and scraggy deair is mute evidence of a. neglected scalp; of rlandruf.—that awful scurf. There is ,nothires so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish- ness rand itching of the scalp, which it not remedied causes the hair roots to /shrink, loosen aid die --then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine to- night—now—any time—will surely save your hair.. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Dancerine from any drug store. You surely ' et have beautiful hair and lots of it if you. will just try a little Dan Serine. fine liner hair! Trp MARY IF[ERN. Teacher of , (Singing, Piano, Theory. Pupils prepared for examinations of Conservatory of Music, London. Ont: ,Aeply for ,par- ticulars. Address R. R, No. 3, Exeter, Phone 44-5, Kirkton, 1_30,8wn COAL FOR teaLE We have in the neighborhood IA 150 tons of soft coal 'for sale, and ea long as it lasts we will sell it ,toll $8,00 per ton cash. For further itu- formation pho:.,e No. 214, ,Hensel/. COOK ,EROS. VILLIN.# CO. W. To Be Dressed Here is to he ' Well Dressed .at a price that means. Money to Yon We are showing attractive lines for fall and winter and o''r advance bay. ing means money -saving values. Many If our lines are selling at less than wholesale cost to -day. Come Inand select a Suit from some of the oldia►'lf- wool stocks and if you do riot/ want Iit made up now 's -a will set it aside for you. 'Come in and look over our stock of NIETY SUIT.INGS • OVERICOATINGS I' PPA \ TINGT5 -RJ. • i)Y-MAl)1i CLOTIHING Shc nein; UNiDEIRWEAR — Combination i end two piece—ail wool YO! is OVERCOATS +I o A P E L n: