HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-2-20, Page 8Pit ne 16 J. A. STEW ART P °► Big February Sale Hundreds of people have taken advan: age of our Big February Sale and we have decided to extend the date to the first of March. Just it days left. You will save money money by buying your needs this Ibex Flanneliette Blankets 11-4 Regular 3,75 sale price 3.85 '12-4 regular 3.95 sale .price $3.05 300 Prints good patterns , Sale peace ,. ...... 20o 8o Torekeon laces Sale price ,..5c 28o Roller towling Sale price • 22c 30o Plaid and check Girg;hams Sale price , . 20c 4.50 Ladies' belted sweater coats Sale price ... $2.05 Money Saving Opportunit Men's Fur Coats at big discount in prices 3.00 & 4.00Lad es' Oxfords Sale (price Odd cups (scarce goods) Sale price , ...,...Oc ,'Wail Paper enough, for a room at half pricy. • $2,00 Fancy Table Lamps, Sale Orrice $1.50 Money Savers Eellog's Toasted Corn Flakes 2 fors 25o Shredded Wheat ti .J2 ,for 25o Choice Table Syrup, per ,Ib. 8e 4 bars Richard's Pure Soap for 25o 70o Red Rose and Salada Mee, tear lb. ,..... .... 60c Forest City Baking Powder qt. sealer, ... . , .330 Good pink Salmon, regular 308: tin for ... 250 Canned Peas and Corn, regular 20c for L..... 15e 1.49 2.50 eLen's Sweater coats Sale 'price 1.50 35e Flaneellettes 136 indues wide sal., price 250 30c Factory Cottons 40 inches wide Sate price 9Ue Bleached Table Linen Sale price ... 05o 4'e Bock Fast Sahirtings Saes price 85o Values in Ladies' •Cosy Slip- pers Sale price ,50e ies Will Greet You Here Beautiful Room Rugs at old prices Misses' and Ladies' Fur sets at money saving prices. 35c Children's Winter Underwear Sale price ...20e SOc.Ohina Caps and Saucers Sale price 4 , ......41 25c 40o Bibbed Cotton Hosiery Sale Price s....; ' ...... ... 25c in Groceries 3 boxes 15o matohes ;for , .., 40e Jelly Powders and Julio ,, _.160 Lux, regular 12 1-2c for ...lOc 2 oleos seeded raisins for "5 Extracts, 10e bottles, for 8e Yeast Cakes , er. pkge. ....5c 150 ekges of Ammonia e lie 4 lbs. Oatmeal ..:5c 35o pkge Quaker Oats For , 28c Do not miss this Sale T Phony 16 THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE Prints Just opened a job of Prints 15 pieces all good patterns 29 to 30 in wide in ligh t and dark shades worth 30 c per yd. on sale at 25c per yard. A clearing line of Men's fine shirts $I.48 eaeh Just a few overcoats, boys suits, Men's Suits to clear at extremely low prices. Rubbers, Rubber boots &c. Our spring shoes arriving and we will be pleased to have you look them over, W. F. BEAVERS $4,00 grows to $5,00 And each dollar grows in value. Have Yu yyug Your THw .Stamp TODAY? As means to secure War -Savings Stamps buy THRIFT Stamps REGULARLY. Thrift Stamps cost 25 cents each and 16 on a Thrift Card represent $4.00 in buying al W-S.S, The Dominion of Canada will pay you $5.00 in 1924 for each War -Savings Stamp you buy this month for $4.001 Virift Stamps are sold ly patriotic dealers everyutI ere. War.•Savings Stam;'aaa are sold wherever you see this sign THS EXf T M Thuxsdoy, 1''elbroar/ 120l1X, 1011 Market ,Report -Tete following le the retort of the Exeter Market correseted op to February 19e1b, Barley 05o Oats '55 Eggs. 40c a doz. Fondly Flour $5.70 :Dairy butter 45o to 48o Barley 70o Creamery ry Butter 58o Lard 32 33e Po to . $1.50 to $1.15. ,Hog's $16.75 e••0 +4`• 04aIne•SOlen `v+FbiR ®�a4 LOCAL Concert in Opera House on Friday evening, Feb. 28th under auspices of Ladies' Aid of i'dain St, Ohureb. Full eerticulars later. The Mission Band of Oaven Pres- byterian res- byt•,.rian church will bold a sate of home-made cooking and candy, in leC,ss Grig, s store, on Saturday afternoon February 22nd. Hervey's flour is good flour. Mr -C. V. Pickerd was in London Monday. Sergi. Lloyd Rivers week -end in London. spent' + lhbe Pte. Marvin Vincent of London was home on leave over the week -end. Mr. Geo, Connor, of Windsor, visit- ed with his family in town ,daring the week. Mrs. Albert Ford I visited , in London and Sarnia daring the past week. James Street Sunday School will hold their anniversary on Sunday :\11 reit 2nd. Mrs. Rev. R. J.11. Perkins of Ingersoll has been the guest of Miss E. ,liyndm,an. A. number from town were in flensall last Wednesday evening at- tending a dance. Mrs. Milton Ortwein, and son, of II null, was the guest of Miss A. Dow during the week. Mr. and :Mm. Earl Spackmaln of Owen Sound visited the formers par- ents Mr. and Mrs. H. Spackman. Mr. Thos. Laing has received the contract to deliver the mail on R.R. No. 3 Exeter succeeding Mr. Ed. Maguire. Mr. James Brown, of Loran, died on Feby. 8th aged 83 years. He is survived by his widow and two sons In the west. Mrs. Mhos. Harvey and son, Mr. C. P, Harvey. visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Rowe at Galt for several days. (Clhes- ter oleo visited in Hamilton and In- gersoll. Miss Beta Rowe wiho is attending Normal School at Stratford visited over the week -end at ,her home and attended the H. S. ';At Home" on Friday evening. 'Mrs. Bowden was a visitor in Exeter this week. -Mrs. (Rev. Dr.) Medd. of Exeter spent a. sou ole of days the guest of Mrs. J. G. Medd.- Ciinton New Era. Tba Methodist quarterly board of Dungannon met recently and the pas- tor Rev. T.A. Steadman, was invited back for another year", and the salary raised to $1,350. Workmen have commenced to tear down the old- McTaggart building in Exeter North recently ,purchased by Mr. G. Armstrong. Its disappearance will remove on old landmark from this community. Mises Isabella and Etta Stewardson of Exeter, are spending the week- end with reiatives.-Mr. Geo. Phinn attended 'the funeraa, of the lata Thos. E. Handford at Exeter on Tuesday,' Luoan Sun. Mr. F. Delbridge has . purchased from Mr. M. Elford the residence on Albert street in which he has been living. Mr. Elford recently 'purchas- ed from Mr. W. Martin his ; fire: brick residence on Elizabeth St. Messrs. James and Thos. dialling - wood, and Mr. Thos. Welsh, of Ham- ilton, Mr. and Mrs. John 1Coliingwood and ,family, of Port Huron,visteid� with relatives in town .the forepart of the week. Their brother Pte, Fen •st Colliagwood recently returned from overseas and this was a family re -union. Mr. (G. A. Phillipson, who has been on the Rank of Commerce staff in town than been transferred to the Soo Mr. iii. G. Hazleton, tivlho recently re - tapped from overseas Ihraving served three and ft half years with the "Canadian army, and who previous to 'hie enlistment was with the ,Bank of Commerce has taken Mr. Phillip - son's place here. AWARDED MILITARY MEDAL Sergt. Lloyd Rivers has received word since arriving home from over- seas that he has been awarded the Military Medal for some gallant work performed at the battle of Bourton Wood, on Sept. 27tlh. In speaking to Sergt. Rivers he was very reticent about the part .he bad played in the tight stating it &that amount to any- thing. . In taking the wood Sergt. Rivers and his gun section had to cross a canal. Fritz (had an obser- vation past well fortified on a •coin- manding till; this Sergt. Rivers and his men eapture•d. With one of his companions he set up a Machine gun. and kept the enemy hack. Sergt. .Riv- ers was gassed on east. 29tth and just. returned home last week. STOP THAT DRAUGHT Mr. G. Green for the past year has been installing Metal Weather Strip in Usborne Township and is open for new orders or enquiries, phone or write in care of J. Atkey, Kirkton, phone 34 r 21, or A, Dow, Exeter or Exeter Times office. This Weather Strip is cheaper and far superior to storm sash and stonm doors, as it keeps out draught more. Strictly, and once installed is always in place. Saves more than it Costs in fuel and is installed by the undersigned. En - Sures an even temperature and does- n't limit ventilation in any way. -G, Green Woodstock, Phone Your orders to C. L Wilson's for Redpaths Granulated Sugar Put up in 10, 20 and 100 lb bags Phone 56 Undertaking Funeral Director & Embalmer M. E. Gardiner Phone 74J Night mill El And Furniture OPERA HOUSE BLOCK We have a good stock of WHITE FLOUR, some wiheatiets, oatmeal, oat .flour and corn flour. HARVEY B,ROS. NOTTIQE TO F•ARMEIEtS. At a. meeting of the Executive Com- mittee of the Exeter Branch o: the United Farmers' Associaa.t'on it was decided to call a mass meeting of the farmers and those interested in the United Farmers' Movement to be held in the Town Hall, Exeter, on February 28th, 1919, at 1.30 p.m. to discuss ehe advisability of selecting United Farmer Candidates for the Federal and Provincial Legislatures at the next elections. Do not tail to attend. J. N. RATCLIFFE Secy, of Exec. Committee H.:U. W.C.A. REPORT Report of the Exeter Branch of the H.C.W.C. A. for February: Cen- tralia 26 shirts, 30 pr. socks; Dash- wood, 22 Sheets, 72 ,pillow' cases, 28 towels, 25 pre. sacks; Fareiehar 150 pr. socks; Thames Road. 2 shirts 9 pr. socks; Soldiers' Aid. Exeter 51 pr. socks; total value $715.15. Received the following' for Belgium Relief, Farquhar 41 articles, salve $56.25; Exeter 75 articles` value 68.55; Thames Rd. 268 articles value 18815 Total value $312.95. ;Vena Essery, Secy. Mitchell, with the help of Logan, Hibbert and . Failarton, townships, has decided to erect a 30 -ton mon- ument on the post office. square, in memory of the fallen heroes in that vicinity. The monument will be 17 feet high, and will have a dove of mace on top, and will be erected in the spring. Mr. Theo. Deteriieb sold his 50 -acre term on concession -•1.2, ;Stephen, to Mr. Ed. Wild of IlaShwood. far the handsome figure of $3300. -Mr.. J. G. Quarry dieposed of This 109 -acre farm half mile south of Mt. Carmel to Messrs Smithers Eagleson for the sum of $5600. Mr. Querry also dis- posed of two lots in Mt. Carmel to Air. T. J. 'U all for 'a nine figure. —t= BORN Garbutt -In Fullerton, on Feb 2nd to Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Garbutt a daughter. DIED ' Nigh -In Tuekersmith on Feb . 9th Dennis A. Nigh aged 21 years.. McLinchey-At Stanley Township, on Feb. 8th. David John McLinchey Ballantyne -In Blanchard, on Tuesday February 11th, John Ballantyne aged 53 years. Trick -In Clinton on Thursday, Feb. 5th, Thomas Trick, aged 84 years 1 month and 2 days. Reichert -At Zurich, on Web. 7th. Samuel Reichert, aged 40 years 11 months and 13 days. Evans -At Centralia on Feb 11th Grace Essery„ relict of the late John Evans, aged 63 years. Denomme-At ,S,auble Line, Hay on Feb, 9th, George Denomme, aged 82 years and 2 months. Dale -In Tuckersmith on •Tuesday,. Feb. 11th, William Joseph ,bale, aged 70 years and 6 months. FOR GALE We (have on hand 10 hi. Block Wood to burn; $5.00 per load, pthone 95 R: GILLIES A Happy and Prosperous 1919 is the wish of R. N. R VWf TUE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND SUUNITUDD DEALER there's a NEW EDISON William & Mary Walnut Case 6 double Recreations $444.20 Adam Oak or Mahogany 6 double Recreations $345.50 for Every Home It will delight your ears to hear the New Edison It will delight us to give you the opportunity. You can pay a visit to our store without being urged to buy. Mr. Edison's latest and greatest invention is the New Edison, the Phon- ograph "with a Soul". Wont you take us at our word, pay us a visit; we will guarantee you a good musical treat. Look over the different Edisons here illustrated then come and see them. If you are considering the pur- chase of music in your home it will pay you to call and talk it over with us, We sell on easy payments Sherator 4278 20 EDIISON RE C I'. I NIKONS Amberola Na 75 12 Records $161.80 Amberola No. 5 12 Records $112,80 Amberola No. 30 12 Records $72.50 Modern $195 20 Recreations $1.80 $2.60 to $6.50 Edisons play'4 to 5 minutes Diamond Point J. illis Powell Blue Amberolas 9oc $1.10 $1.50 No Needles to change EDISON Dealer Exeter, Ontario NOT= TO PUBLIC Dr. 1Lenry A. iCorsaut has puahas- ed 'the Veterinary practise of Drs. Sweet & Reid and have already taken eo- session, occupying the same office. 'Calls promptly attended, night and day. Phone 8, CALVES AND BEIFERS FOR SALE Any ore • der iring good Denham calves at $12 to $15 'or Holstein thei- ters at $3 can get them by express to Exeter by corresponding with FRED HOOFER, Salford, Ont: According to reports, you will need a big oven to make room for the loaves at yea use our flour. HARVEY ,IROS. Dr. A, M. Wining, V. i9., beg's to In- form the public that he has opened) an office in McDoncll's barn on John street. Prompt attention paid to day or night calls. Phone 120. FOR SALE Two good Durham grade cows, splendid milkers, 8 and 10 years old due first of March and m'Iddle of Maroh: two Tam- worth sows; 1 filly rising 3 years old by Ascot's Heir; 1 Tillie and I gelding ris- ing 2 years sire Blyth Ben. Apply to John Leary, Lot 13, Con, 13 Hibbert, Phone 5 -44 on the Hibbert Line, 'TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FALLING Save your Flair! Get a small bottle, of Dandorine right now -Also stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and eseraggp hair is mute evidence of a neglected scalpp; of dandruff -that awful seurf 0here is noi'cr ag so destructive to the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish- ness and itcihing of the scalp, which if, not remedied causes the hair roots to shrink, loosen and die ---them the -heir falls out fast. A little Danderine to- night-now-any o-night-now any time. -•-will surely save your hair. Get a. small bottle. of Know1ion's' Tlanderirie from tiny drng store. Yoe surely 'tan have beautiful hair and tots' of it if you will jive try a little Dan j der ne, gime your }latirl Try til MARY t{ERN. Teacher of ,:Singing, Piano, Theory. Pupils prepared .for examinations of conservatory of Music, London. Ont. ,Atepty for par- ticulars. Address R. It. No. 3, Exeter, Bhone 44-5, Kirkton, 1-30,8wp COAL FOB GALE We, have in the neighborhood at 150 'tons of soft coal .for sale, and as long as it leets we will sell it Coe! $8.00 per ton cadh. For further its formation pihor.;e No. 2)4, Sfensall. COOK BROS. MILLING, CO:. To Be Dressed Here is to be Well Dressed at a price that means Money to You We are showing attractive lines for fall and winter and o+.r advance buy.. ing means money -saving values. Many' of our :roes are selling at less than wholesale cost to -day. Come in and select a Suit from some of the oldialt- wool stocks and if you do now) want St made up now we will set it aside for you. Come in and look over our stock of NIFTY SU1TIti G9 O V ERICOATINGS I1ANTINGS READY-MADE CLOTHING SII IRTS COLLARS TIPS CAPS UNDERWEAR Combinatiop• and two piece --all wool YOUTH'S OVERCOATS W. A ' 1'1 Q N