HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-2-13, Page 8M�1j. Ak, STEWART Ph o line'! Our Big Annual February rv 21 Day Sale From February 3rd to February 22nd The Sale Event of the Season All ladles' Cloth aknets to be cleared at big Induotioas. Ibex Flannellette Blankets 11-4 Regular 0.75 sale :price 1.35 12-4 regular 3.95 sale price $0.65 30c Prints good patterns Sale !Sloe M,.., .. ,...,. ...... Torelhleon !aces Sale price , 2$c Roller towing Sola: ............................2o ego 30c Plaid and Meek &itehams Exoaptional values in Boys' and Men's Clothing 12.50 Dlen's Sweater coats 150 Sale (price 350 Fiannellettes 36 inches wide eee Sale price , .•••.•••.• 25o 30e Factory Cottons 40 inches wide„ ...5o Sale price ... 190 90o Bleached Table Linen Sale price 4"•; BoOt Fast Slhirtings Sale price ..i ... afic Sale price . ......... ,......... 20e 4.50 Ladies' belted sweatier coats Bale price , $2.65 Money Saving Opportunities Will Greet You Here 65c 85o Values in Ladies' Cosy Slip- pers Sale price . ,50e Men's Fur 'Coats at big discount in pricers 3.00 &, 4,00Ladies' Oxfords Sate (price ,, =..i.... 1.49 Odd cops (scarcg goods) Sale !prier .....< ,•;...9e ,Wall Paper enough for a room at hall price $2.00 Fanoy Table Lamps, Sale (price 4.,, $1.50 Money Savers Rellog's Toasted Corn Flakes , 2 fort 25,o Shredded Wheat . ...2 for 25o Cihoioe Table Syrup, per alb. 8c 4 bars Richard's Pure Soap for 25c 70c Red Rose and Salads Mea, par lb. ,,..., .. 60c Forest City Baking Powder , qt. sealer, ,.. ...320 Good pink Salmon, regular 300 tin for 25c Canned Peas and Corn, regular td0cfor . ,, 15c Beautiful Room Rugs at old, (prices Misses' and Ladies' Fur sets at money saving prices. 35c Children's Winter Underwear Sale price ...20c 50e China Cups and Saucers Sale price . , ' 25o 40o Ribbed Cotton Hosiery Sade Price .,, 25o in Groceries 3 boxes 150 matches .for s.,... 40o Jelly Powders and Jello,, ..,100 Lux, regular 12 1-2c .for .,.10c 2 lbs. good Raisins ,for •.,. 25s Extracts, 10e bottles, for 8c Yeast Cakes i,er pkge., .5o 11c 15c pkooa s of Ammonia 4 lbs. Oatmeal • .25c 350 pkga Quaker Oats for • 28e Come as Early in the Month as Possible J .A. STEWART Phone 16 THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE Clearing lines of Winter Goods The balance of our overcoats are marked down to less than present wholesale price. Only a few Men's suits left. Cleaiing odd lines of sweater C oats. Close prices on underwear, gloves, Mitts, sox shirts etc Rubbers in all kinks. Boots & Shoes -We have a big Stock and our as - sortment gives you plenty of choice. If you want a nice Made -to -Measure suit see our samples B. W. F. BEAVERS itellart-Thill l0 tie `report qt the ter "war*, correotesi iu to. Fe y, . lath •Barley 6.50 !cute "55 Y Fondly 'Flour $5.70 i• Dairy butter 45o 'to .4ae Creamery"butter 57o Lard 3e, 33ai. Potatoes 1.35 to 1.75 New laid eggs 55o. ,slogs $1,6. . 1 , , •" a"Vi---.....'1 Q..411P'llt 10111111111111111 IIS I llfl aii IgiihiIltIlal91 x11.1111111 UUU•'lil0 FIRST SERIES sCkiri� (1919) -' QOSTDURING -191.9 - JAN.$ 4.00 FEB. '• 4.01 MAR.$ 4.02 APR. $ 4.03 MAY $ 4.04 JUNE $4.0 Read --WriEN 'AFFIXED Tiff A WAR !` ,SAVINGS CERTIFICATE -AND SUBJECT TO THE CONWT10NS PRINTED THEREON FIVE DOLLARS I 1 ' WILL BE IPAYAULE i :d1WHYfldp111111igU1111111111111111111 i11110111111111pf1pplp11111‘.1Tr11K11111111110 110 11,1111114 the Figures Notice how the cost -and the cash value -of the stamp ad- vances each month until, on the 1st day of January, 1924, the Dominion of Canada is pledged to pay $5.00 for each W -SS. •,O,♦O♦O.O4•••••►r�rw000...••♦ • •LOCAL • Ooo•N. rosi��yo • The Anniveesary Services of the Thames Road Presbyterian I'Churca will 'be held on Senday Feb. 16tlh Services at 11 a.m. and 7,30 !phi. will be conducted by Professor David- son of Knox College, Toronto. Spec- ial mesio will be !furnished at each Service. S1ver*oods Ise Cream At WILSON'S Orders taken for Parties Phone 56 Concert in Opera iFrouse on Friday) Miss B. Comsat, of Ilderton, visit - auspices brother ,for eral evening, Feb. 28th under auspices o[ 1 ed her ro er in town o eev Ladies' Aid of Main St. Church. Full days, • irticulars later. Mr. and Mrs. Herb ,Phillips _ T , Saskatoon, are visiting relatives this community. Harvey's flour is good flour. Mies M. Broderick spent the week- end in London. Mrs. J. W. Powell is visiting her parents at Sarnia. Mr. A. F. Oehn of Shakespeare is visit- ing at Mr. A. Etheringtons. Miss Jessie Creech visited inc Lon - 'don during the past week. Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Stewart visited in London over the;,week-end Miss Nortlhoott, of Exeter North, spent the week -end in London. Mr. Peter Bowden visited 'with his sister, Mrs. Dart, at :Cobdhester. Mr. J. G. Dow shipped a carload of 'horses to Montreal on Monday. Mr. and Mss. Hopkins of Kirkton also spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Parsons. Mrs. Salkeld, of Goderichis visit- ing tor a. few days .with Mr. Wm. Bawden of town. Mrs. 'W. Bowden. of Stephen, is in 'London visiting her mother Mrs. Boyle. who is !quite Ill. Miss Lula Martin returned ulomc' Friday agter visiting Miss Lillian Boy:e of London for a week. Mrs. Feed Bowden left last week to visit relatives in 'Detroit, Frank- enmutth, Mich., and Sarnia. Mies Elizabeth Hamilton who has been witlh her iplarren'ts for a we'ek has returned to "Cromarty. Mr. and Mos Arthur Dune in. o: London, spent Monday and Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mantle. Mr. and Mrs. Fred May, of town were called to Ingersoll owing to the' death of the former's uncle, Mr. T. E. ITI•andford. Rev. Dr. Medd expects to go to Full- erton on Sunday to preach in the morning, and in the afternoon preach anniversary services in Mt Pleasant church Pte. M. ,Hopkins of the A. M. C. London„ visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Parsons over Oahe week- end. Mrs. tA. Hastings returned, on Fri- day evening after attending ft con- vention og the Women's Institute held in Toronto. Mr. 'Melville Gladman, w!io recon by returned from overseas was ton on Tuesday and. made a ments'to go '.back to school: Miss M. Wood (has resume position as teller at the Bank of Commerce after bein a couple of weeks with influenza. Mies Morton of London, I the •fuest of Miss Gladys 1Biss cn Monday evening Miss B ssett en - en a number of friends honor. Mrs J. S. McIlraitlh of Dualham • to �lin- rrange- d' 'her K�anad:an g ill for has been eft and .in her is vi•vtinlg With her father. Mr. F. R. Hamilton. Mr. Hamilton who has been confined 'to his bed for some weeks is improv.ng nicely. The Young Men's Bible (!Chris and the Young Ladies Bible Class of James SLr.et Sunday Sdhool are plan - int, for their annual tbantquet and plans were laid on Tuesday even- ing. Next Sunday evening in the Trivitt Memorial Chnrch Rev. A. A, Trumper will preach a special sermon his subject to be the attitude of the Church to returned soldiers. All returned soldiers are cord- ially invited to attend. Mrs. Rev. W. H. Graham of Stratford superintendent of Mission. Circle Work will preach on Sunday evening in Main St. Church in the interest of Missionary Work. Mrs Rev. Graham will preach at Bethney in the afterncon. The cervices in James street church next Sunday will be conducted as the anniversary of. the W.M.S. with spec- ial sermons by the Pastor and music ampropriate by the choir. At the evening service a clho:r of ladies wilt Lead in the service of song. Also lady ushers. , Mr. Joe. Davis who dor several months Sva,s-a•ttached to the 63rd bat- tery. and wllio 'previous to his enlist- ment was teller at the Molsons Bank of town. last week returned to the. staff and has been 'transferred to the branch at Morrisbnrtg, leaving for that ,plat Tuesday evening. Rev. J. H. Dyke the Field Secret- ary of the National aSenitanuen As- sociation, will give a lecture in the Town ;1 ell on Sunday evening Feb. 16. at 8:20 o'clock. after dhurc'i ser- vines on the subject of Tubercnlos's its nature, treatment and .prevention illustrated with instructive , lantern vi w,s. You will f nd this lecture bot'e interesting and instructive. Not only thoee :afflicted wigs th s dread disease mill learn how tb heLp themselves bat the in'orm !tion g.uned may be the means of preventing you , yourself from contracting the disease. Only a collection taken for the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. of in Mrs. S. A. Follicle has been in In- gersoll ofr over a week cohere she went owing to the illness and subse- quent Ideatlh of Mr. T. E. Handford. Mrs. D. Ross and two children,' of Sarnia, are visiting the former's (par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. •Wm. Rivers. MiwhoIrene Rivers who was visiting in Sar- nia (has also returned. VICTORY Gilt from the carnage of conflict, Rack front the fields we have sown (hick with our sons and our brothers, The dearest -the best of our own; Staggering, mangled and bleeding, exhausted, yet holding erect The head of a conqueror, claiming Victory Britons expect; Turn we to. God of our fathers, Humble as thankful, to give Praise that He deemed us still worthy As Britons like Britons to live; To stand in the van of the nations, Respected and honoured by all; To succour the helpless and punish The despot who would us enthral. Victory! Godi-it is priceless, Weighed in the balance with what Defeat by the Hun meant Britain - To mankind: to fester and rot With Germans in Prussian corruption; To kneel to a tyrant and crave The dregs of a semblance of freedom, And cringe as a rancorous slave! Corp. Will Jeffrey, M. .M., son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jeffrey, of Usbornc who has been with ,the third division in 'Germany is reported ill. Miss Mabel Henry daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Henry, about two miles south of Mitchell, died from pneumonia following a severe attack of influenza. The deceased was in her 24th year. Besides her parents she is survived by one sister, Mrs. Thomas Stnith. The auxiliary of the W.M.S.,of Co- ven Presbyterian church met at the tome of Mrs. J. A. Stewart on Tues- day afternoon when a splendid ad- dress was given by Mrs. (Rev.) Tram- per on the Mission work of the Angli- can church. The regular quarterly tea was served and a sociable time en- joyed. PATRIOTIC LEAGUE NOTES Shipped to Hyman Rall, London, for the month of January, garsients val- ued at $111.50. Hnrondale elhi.pped through Exeter Patriotic Leag•ie gar- ments valued at $117.75. The League still have a quantity of yarn on hand and as wa ,will rnak.• mu I.,,. Ih.. went the Last w eek in March we would like to have it 'allknit uprrmtes socks or sweaters. Yarn will be giv- en out Saturday afternoons at the A well-known business man of Lucan in the person of Mr. Richard H. Hod- gins, died at his home there on Satur- day last at the age of 35.years. Mr.' Hodgins, who was known to his host of friends as "Dick" Was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Hodlgins. For some years he travelled for• Line, Mc- Donald & Co., of London and two years ago he opened a hardware store in Lucan. About this time -he was operated upon at the Mayo Brothers Hospital, at Rochester, Mimi., .for sar- coma. Recently his trouble recurred and death resulted. Mr. Hodgins leaves besides his parents, a widow and five small children. His widow . was the youngest daughter of the late James Sutton, of Lucan. Also one brother, John, a traveller. The funeral was held Tuesday to St. James cemetery, Claude- boye. We have a good stock of WHITE FLOUR, some wiheatlets, oatmeal, oat flour and corn flour. HARVEY BRO,S. BOOZE On Monday Last constabre ,fellow- was ;making a trip to iSeaforth, when at Clinton he noticed a hotel keeper of that town making for the strain with a grip wh:eb looked something like a whisky gr:p. Making a shrewd guess as to the hotel keepers destination, the officer decided to re- main in Clinton and await this return Atter 'consulting Con. Wali.s, they decided that in view of the fine rainy and snowy night it would be a night wall spent to lay out A- long about 2 a.m. 'they noticed an long about 2 a.m. they noticed au auto equipped with ropes leave the town, indicating trouble . down the line. About 5 a.m. where was a,por- cession down Main street sons:sting, of four men and a large team of horses towing two broken downautaes As the procession pulled up at the hotel 'Constable Fellow said to the other officer of the law, `•You had better eea.rsh one car and I witt search the other." All was quiet till suddenly Bellow heard a loud cry "That's my grip; leave it alone," and some other strong language. Nine bottels of whisky was ttho treasure for which all the labor of the 'Clin- ton 'hotel keeper and those who came to his assistance- was expended, and, hi 'CUt at he aid not succeed in eekoe g it. Leave 'that to 'the officers. ,Sev- eral changes under the C. T, A. are to ,follow.--Goderidh Star. A Happy and Prosperous 1919 is the wish of R. N. ROTE THE FUNERAL DIR.& OR AND FURNITURE DFiALER Price! Was there ever a purchase That wrung such exorbitant toll? Yet still for her liberty Britain Would pay with her life; but her soul? Never! How sorely we suffered! - Shall suffer for centuries yet! Though Victory nestled in Britain, it puts us forever in debt. Money but burdens the future: Our dead is the debt we regret. a William T. James. ANNUAL MEETING OF USBORNE & HIBBERT FIRE INSURANCE CO. 1No `11QI v9. a lt%e t!a: WANTED...„/I, cod, mark ed "the Veterinary 'practise of Dns, plumbani0 trade. enc ns lETdwe., Sweet 4 Reid and Wave atready takers .r possession, occupying title same p[flioe.. Oaths promptly attended,. night and FOR SALE t • t ,say. Phone 8. p 1. t. 1 , One good eecond-hand lOh.tp. ;g�- _,llt . �?�r, Ileipiry A. 1Coroau�t lhosl pui'ahael. boy. to 1Marn, kue ttllli$rri�Alilsi,g' a,, , The 43rd anualmeeting of the Us- borne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held in the public hall, Farquhar, on Monday, February 3rd. There was a good meeting. The Pres- ident, Thos, Ryan, occupied the chair. The report shows the company to be making a splendid progres on a sub- stantial basis. Ther was an increase along the line of risks and assets and the company now have very close to six and a third millions at risk, the correct amount being $6,321,730,00. The assets are $177,638.59. The losses during the year were quite heavy showed that during the year 735 policies had been issued. covering an insurance of $2,021,930.00. All claims were promptly paid as soon as satisfactory proof had been establish- ed! The company have on hand 'a cash balance amounting to $9,783.61. The two retiring directors, Robt.Norris and J. T. Allison were re-elected and John Kay and J. S. Ballantyne were re- elected auditors. At the close of the annual meeting the directors met when the president, Wm. Roy; Secy-Treas., Win. Turnbull. The agents of the company are John Essery and Oliver Harris. 150 Acre Farm for Sale -All clear. well 'drained and fenced, and in fine condition. 2 1-2 males from Exeter, Good (community and good. roads. Pos- session 'to plow after harvest. If not sold in reasonable time will be rent- ed. Apply to S. Martin, Exeter, Ont According to reports, you will need a big oven to make room for the loac-cc il you use our flour. HARVEY ,BROS. FARMERS ATTENTION Mr. John Beer, 36 St. Joseph St., Toronto is buying a new ditching ma-. chine and will have it shipped direct to Exeter if he carts be assured of a s'eason's work. The Exeter Canneng Co. wall have. over 1000 rads to dig as a start, but he would li,ike rnorre work to follow. Farmers wanting ditching dome are asked to write Mr. Beer at above address at once, mak- hg apnlicatioa for his services for work to be done during the summer! It will be •necelsslary to apply at once to secure his services in this section: Exeter Canning Co. Dr. A. M. Vining, V. S., begs to'n- form tie amble that he has opened, an office in McDonell's barn on John street. Prompt attention paid to day or night calls. Phone 120. FOR SALE Two good Durham grade cows, splendid milkers, S and 10 years old due first of March and middle of March: two Tam- worth sows; 1 filly rising 3 years old ,by Ascot's Heir; 1 Ellie and 1 gelding ris- ing 2 years sire BlythBen. Apply to John Leary, Lot 13, Con. 13 Hibbert, Phone 5 -44 on the Hibbert Line. COAL FOR PALE We 'have in the (neighborhood of 150 (tons of soft coal 'for sale, Wad as long no it lasts we will sell it for $8.00 per ton cash. For further in- formation phone No. n'14, GOOK BROS. MILLING CO. MARY STERN. Teacher of Singing, Piano, Theory. Pupils prepared for examinations of Conservatory of Music, London, Ont. .Apply for ,par- ticulars. Address B. It. No. 3, Exeter, Phone 44-5, Kirkton, 1-30,8wp SOUR, ACiD' STOMACHS, e. GASES OH INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at, once. Sales of Buttermilk EXET::.R Mr. C. W. Robinson, Auctioneer will sell the butter milk .ol the` Exeter Creamery AT THE CREAMERY on Thursday, February 13th, 1919 , at three o'clock lene engine at an easy price. Vero. useful for running grinder or enanl- age Tiller; also one 12nd (hand Melotte cream separator grad one 12nd !hark stiff tooth cultivator all in good roe pair. ,W112. WARD WIINIC,IIELSRA Mr. R. S. !Brown, Auctioneer _ will sell the butter milk of the Winchelsea Creamery AT THE CRE AME1'tY on Saturday, February 15th, 1919 at three o'clock. Term's made known on day of sale 0 Time it! In five minutes all stom- ach distress, clue to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or eructations of undi- gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. . Pape's Diapepsin in noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quiekest stomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach distress at once by getting a large fifty- eent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from indi- gestion, dyspepsia or any stomach dis- order caused by fermentation due too. excessive acids in stomach. Undertaking Funeral Director & Embalmer M. E. Gardiner Phone 74J' Night' call BP And Furniture OPERA HOUSE BLOCK A Song for Every Mood Music gives expression to every human emotion. All that is happy and beauti€u1 in life, has been expressed in music. - When things seem bright and cheerful because a ray of happiness•has come into your life, you need an outlet to give vent to your feelings. When sorrow or depression comes, the need of consolation is even greater. It is at such times that you derive the greatest comfort from Tize NEW EDISON "The Phonograph with a Soul" Then one sweet note of the voice of Anna Case, or one ripple of melody from the bow of Albert Spalding, puts your soul in. harmony with the world. Music -real music -is one of life's greatest boons. Edison music is real music because the New Edison does not merely imitate, it re-creates. tires of the New Edison, the novelty off, because there is no novelty to wear off. It is not just another "talking machine". It is decidedly different. To appreciate the difference you must hear it. We will gladly submit the New Edison to your musical judgment either here or in your own home. J. WILLIS POW LL, _ One never never wears 273 EXETER, Ont. W. NV, P To Be Dressed Here is to he Well Dressed at a price that means Money to You We are showing attractive lines for fall and winter and o' .r advance buy, tang means money -saving values. Many sf our lines are selling at less than :rholesale cost to -day. Come In and select a Suit from some of the oldi all - wool stocks and if you do not want it made up now we will set it aside for you. 'Come In and look over oar stock of NIFTY SUITINGS OVEIIICOATINGS I' PANT. INGS READY -Mona CLOTHING • SHIRTS ' COLLARS TIES CAPS UNDERWit L R - Combination and two piece -all wool YOUTH'S OVERCOATS A M . I