The Exeter Times, 1919-2-13, Page 7GERMAN LINERS TO
New Armistice Agreement Places
Large German Steamships at
the Disposal of Allies,
All the great German liners and the
more important of the other German
passenger steamships, the list ineluct-
ing the huge Imperator, may be
placed on the Nortlr Atlantic route
to transport Ameriean troops home-
ward, under the agreement for the
extension of the German armistice.
signed ,at Treves, The German mer-
cantile fleet, virtually in its entirety,
is placed at the disposal of the asso-
ciated government to be distributed
among them in acordance with the
needs of the various nations, Only
some of the smaller steamships era
left to the Germans.
The allotment of the steamships
among the associated Powers will be
governed partly by the respective,
needs of the nations and partly by
the suitability of the steamships for
use on particular routes. The giant
liners, like the - Iniperator and: the
other big modern steamships finished
during the war, are too deep in draft
to pass through the Suez Canal. Hence
Great Britain will take the moderate-
sized . steamships for the Australian
service, The smaller steamships that
are left to the Germans are for their
needs in the Baltic coastal traffic.
Food to Pay for Ships.
The money will 13e applied in pay-
ment for the foodstuffs furnished to
Germany under another part of the
Equitable remuneration for the use
of these ships is to be paid to Ger-
many. The supplies to be furnished
include 70,000 tons of pork to satisfy
the rgent need of Germany for fats.
The furnishing of 200,000 tons of
cereals is provided for, but for part
of this amount condensed milk may'
' be substituted.
The meetings at which the shipping
arrangement was elaborated were
held separately from those of the
regular armistice commission and
were the first civilian deliberations
between the Germans and the repre-
esentatives of the associated govern-
'tinents since the`hanclusion of hos-
tilities. They were marked by a less
formal spirit than the strictly military
deliberations of the armistice com-
Germany to Deliver Ships.
Marshal Foch planned to have the
'agreement drafted and signed at one
short meeting, but the shipping ex-
perts found this to be impossible.
Three meetings, lasting over midnight
on Thursday and several hours into
Friday, were necessary for the dis-
cussion of the details. -Another meet-
ing is planned to be held at the end
of the month.
The delegates of the associated gov-
ernments proposed that the Germans
furnish the coal and the ships' stores.
The Germans protested that this was
impossible, specifying the lubricants
particularly as something they were
unable to furnish. It was finally ar-
ranged that the Germans furnish the
coal and the stores, and take the
steamships to ports designated by the
Allies, who will then take film over
,1nd man them.
The Germans stated that the steam-
ships were in shape for immediate
service, having been kept in repair by
the skeleton crews maintained aboard
them during the war.
Europe's Most Corrupt City.
The Prussian capital has been
known for many years as the :-aret
corrupt city in Europe, but few Ger-
man newspapers have spokei so
frankly about it as the Cologne Volks•
zeitung since the censor's ban was
lifted. Here is its latest indictment:
"We should rejoice to see a lire
descend from, Heaven and reduce to
cinders the horrible Babel of Berlin.
"To hell with the Berliners, people
without soul and without heart,' im-
placable foes of all Kultur. In the
great record book of humanity a mon-
.!'skrous debt of blood is inscribed
\ ' hgainst Berlin. He who has not yet
' made himself acquainted with the re-
volting sentiments which have pre-
vailed in. the Prussian capital for
centuries is wilfully blind.
Berlin is an immense moral cess-
pool. We refuse any longer to be
under its sway."
Battlefield Coincidence.
battlefield ocincidence is
related by the lieutenant -colonel of
the 3rd Hussars. He states that in
August, 1914, his regiment, after
having been railed up from Rouen,
got oust of their train at Houtnient,
near Maubeuge, and' rode off to Bel-
gium and the war. On November 11
last, the 3rd Hussars were riding
through the same I•Ioutment in pur-
suit of Germans when the telegram
announcing the signing of the armis-
tice and the cessation of hostilities at
11 a.m. on that day was received.
The Women's sedition of the Mavis
Ube, Grain 'Growers adopted a rase -
intim asking the Dominion Govern -
Meat to create a Federal Health Bur.
OP 191.8.
Wrecked by
the Unyielding Front
!iy British Infantry,
Teuton Ei>pert Aditits.
thmknig of some caged beast tearing
Wellington used to say he had spent
his military life in trying to guess
what was going on on the other side
of the hill,• says a war correspondent.
History has to estimate these stra-
tegic guesses, and already the time
has come when the .pioneers of his-
tory are beginning to reduce the chaos
o1 the war to order. '
I have before me evidence which
shows more clearly than anything yet
published what was happening on the
Germanside of the Bill during those
anxious monthsin the spring of 1918,
Captain von Schwink began the war
as a gunner; then he went into the
air service and worked with artillery
fighting and bombing squadrons. He
received a staff appointment in 1917.
When General von Below was on the
Italian front in 1917, Sehwink served
with him. When the scene of German
activity and German hopes shifted to
France,, von Below was put in com-
mand of the Seventeenth Army, and
Schwink went with him.
The German Object.
The main idea of the great German
offensive in 1918, he says, was to
break through to the sea, cutting the
British army into two parts, one of
which was to be driven back on the
channel ports while the other was to
be thrown southward in disorder upon
the French. All that happened after-
ward was in the nature of attempts
to repair the plan which had gone
awry, or to substitute some other
which had not been originally con-
For the plan, acording to - Von
Schwink, did go awry from the first
day. Even while the Kaiserwas send-
ing about telegrams, while the British
public was reading anxiously of that
hurried retreat upon Amiens, the Ger-
man staff knew that they had failed.
So different are facts from imperial
desires, so different things look on the
other side of the hill.
For in that great offensive of March
21 the main weight of the attack was
to have fallen north of the Somme.
The Germans had no intention of
massing divisions south of a Iine
drawn from St. Quentin to Amiens,
and so the actual results of the severe
check to the northern section of the
offensive and their great advance in
the south were considered by the Ger-
man staff—I borrow the very guard-
ed phrase—"as somewhat in the na-
ture of a failure."
The attack, in fine, did not succeed
as had been expected, except south of
St. Quentin. The swift advance there
was judged to be of merely minor
importance. The Germans had hoped
to gain an equal success all along
the line.
It remained to try again. The next
attempt may be called another version
of the original idea. On March 28
an attack between Oppy and Neuville-
St. Yeast was launched in order to
extend the southern success. The
German staff were confident that they
would recover Vimy Ridge and cap-
ture Arras by the weight of the first
blow. As is known, they failed com-
Unyielding Valor of British.
The reasons for the failure which
appeared on the German side of the
hill were: First, the artillery prepara-
tion was not sufficient, because they
could not bring up enough ammuni-
tion fast enough; and second, the re-
sistance of the British infantry went
beyond all German calculation.
If Coffee
there's an easy
way cut
Eeres no head-
ache, no sleep-
lessness, no ner-
vousness in
a fit,
A pleasant
co .=dee-lice
flavor and
an economy
and ease in
i1nakinsg will
xoom make it
edrink .
here's a Re ser
Again itb(' mo necessary to res
consider the situation, and this time
more profoundly; the resistance had
been so strong, the check co (liscoUr•
aging and the losses so heavy that
the German staff derided to give up
altogether the original plan to break
through to the sea north of Arieir .
They looked for a new scene of ac-
tion in which they could work with
smaller forces and with some chancy
of success, but still the sea was the
Reading this German history of the
campaign of 1918 one finds himself
and biting at the bars that shut him
in, unable to understand how hopeless
l the tfighting ie and yielding only
when battered and, wounded by his
own desperation, he sinks exhausted
still in his cage.
Still trying for the sea the Germans
organized the attack on April 9, south
of Ypres. This, says Schwink, had
Dunkirk and Calais as its objective,
and from the opening of the attack it
was intended to push right through.
Again, it seems, the problem of feed-
ing the guns had not been sufficiently
studied and again this branch of the
service compromised in retreat. The
difficulty of the ground, I am told,
prevented the. heavy artillery and
ammunition being brought up, also
certain German divisions in their ad- '
vance found quantities of wine, put it
to its natural use and got drunk.
Finally and as usual "the resistance
of the English. troops, especially about
Givenchy, led to delay."
i ROYAL ix.t
S1 vie
For Men, Women and Children
4 AtPl4"9A'I'S.,
SENT FREE Write for a copy to
dren pelted us With stones and spit
' at us, but they didn't hurt us much.
j "The first six months I spent in
!Turkey are about us slim as one could
( possibly experience. Generally speak-
ing I think we fared better than the
prisoners An Germany, but for the
first while, it was pretty tough. As.
I say, if we had no money we couldn't
eat and I could not get in touch with
home. Somehow we all managed the,"
Speaking of the.prices charged by
the Turks to the prisoners the ex-
prisoner said: "Tea was $50 a pound,
butter $5 a pound, and bread $2 a
loaf.. So you see, we couldn't manage
long on a five-spot.
"In Gedos we had to provide our
own accommodation and our own food.
The furnishings cost terribly, about
$125 to fix up one small room.
"We were asked to give our parole
but refused. The commandant told us
we would be sent away to another
camp. Rather that have this happen
we promised not to escape. So we
had the run of the village. The com-
mandant was a decent chap and when
we got the prisoners from Kut-el-
Amara.ave had a fine time. We all
worked hard, studied and learned no
end of useful things. We had an 18 -
piece orchestra, a variety company,
and put on some stunt every few days.
"The other camps, however, were
not so well fixed. In a great number
the prisoners were terribly treated.
The Turks, to save themselves at the
armistice, hanged the commandants.
Good job, too, because they were re-
gular devils.".
This officer was in Gedos twelve
months and got to England on De-
cember 16th last. He is at present on
three months' Ieave, which he is
spending at his home in Toronto.
Two Big Miscalculations.
It is curious how closely the story
of this northern offensive resembles
that of the first great attempt to the.
south. Both began with a spectacular
success which the general staff con-
sidered a failure; in both there fel-
lows an attempt to repair the damage,'
to set the plan on its legs again. The
attack of April, 1918, on the Given- +
chy-Merville front was made to open k
out the northern salient and give a
chance of further advance as original-
ly intended. This also failed and then
the German staff threw up the gate
in the north and put aside their hopes
of the sea.
Von Schwink, who may, perhaps,
speak for one school of German mill-'
tary opinion, thinks that this was a I
serious mistake. His view is that if
every man had been thrown into the
offensive on the Bethune -Ypres front
the Germans would "almost . certain-
ly" have reached the channel ports.
In the fighting of the whole cam-
paign of 1918 what most impressed
Schwink was the discrepancy between
the German staff's estimate of the
fighting value of the British divisions
and the actual .value. The German
general staff consistently and con-
siderably underestimated the value of
the British divisions which had been
Last and most irritating of all these
chapters of disillusion must have been
the discovery that, as Schwink puts
it, "the fighting value of the German
divisions was generally overesti-
Canadian Captain of Royal Air Force
Spent Five Days in Filthy
Constantinople Jail.
"Now my name must not be men-
tioned," said a captain of the Royal
Air Force when asked regarding his
experiences as a prisoner for 14.
months in Turkey. "Unless you
promise not to mention my name I
have nothing to say." Upon the
promise being given the captain con-
tinued: "It was about 8 in the even-
ing on the last day of September,
191'7, three of us went up from Mud-
ros in a Handley -Page to bomb Con-
stantinople. We had only been up a
short time when the engines went
`dead' and we had to come down about
tis miles off Sulva Bay. The Turks I
soon saw us and began shelling us!
in earnest. We managed, however, to
get to shore and hid all night in a
cave. In the morning they found us
and we were taken.
"They beat us with their rifles a bit
and generally misused us and sent us
on to the Pasha. Ho was a decent
enough chap and gave us a good time.
But that wasn't to last long. We were
shunted off to Constantinople and put
in the civil jail. Filthy is no word
for it.
The next day an officer came in and
ordered us to give up our uniforms.
refused,and.he went out to return
x n
with two soldiers with fixed bayonets.
So we had to give up our togs. We
complained to everyone, but it was
no good.
"The Dutch Legation fixed us up
with 'eivies' and helped us along. We
were in jail five days and then were
sent off to Gedos. • They made us pay
our passage across the Sea of Mar -
mora ' and 65 miles along the road.
That's the way they did in Turkey all
along; if you didn't have money you
didn't eat or do anything else. Of
course the Turks dant know any bet-
ter, They are pretty much heathens;
they only give their soldiers a loaf
of bread a .
PelteddayWith Stones.
o—o—o—e--o—o-- o--o--o--o--o—o•--o
Sure! High Heels
Cause Cons But
Who Cares Now
n—o--o•—o —c --
Because style decrees that women
crowd and buckle up their tender toes
in high heel footwear they suffer from
corns, then they cut and trim at these
painful pests which merely makes• the
corn' grow hard, This suicidal habit
may cause lockjaw and women are
warned to stop it.
A few drops of a drug called freer-
one applied directly upon a sore corn
gives quick relief and soon the entire
corn, root and all, lifts out without
pain. Ask the drug store man for a
quarter of an ounce of freeeone, which
costs very little but is sufficient to re-
move every hard or soft corn or callus
from one's feet.
This drug is an ether compound and
dries in a moment and simply shrivels
up the corn without inflaming or even
irritating the surrounding tissue or
skin. Clip this out and pin on your
wife's dresser.
Certain Kinds of Business That War
Made Profitable.
Some queer and profitable trades
have come into being since 1914.
Small fortunes appear to be made
in the streets. Hawkers, fined for
profiteering in matches, have been
found recently with large sums in
notes on their persons. A vendor
of camphor in London, who used to
stand on the curb, has decided since
the influenza epidemic to open a shop.
There is a great market for the
teeth of dogs in these days. They
have a commercial value that is not
disclosed by the dealers, but there is
more than one firm in London making
a good thing out of these goods.
Inquiries by a representative bring
to light other queer trades. There is,
for instance, a firm in the Midlands ,
that carries on a secret trade in'
"souvenirs" from France. tI
A hawker, who made a poor living
out of bootlaces and pipe -cleaners
before the war, has retired on his
profits made in the last three years in
a different line of goods. He sold
humorous pictures of Kaisers with
trick moustaches. He. owns a cottage
in Surrey now.
What an abundlance of grace in the
f soft folds of this draped skirt! And
the blouse, too, has all the grace that
simplicity gives to a gown. McCall
Pattern No. 8676, Ladies' Basque. In
6 sizes, 34 to 44 bust. Price, 20 cents.
No, 8677, Ladies' Three -Piece Skirt.
In 6 sizes, 22 to 32 waist. Price, 20
Vests of all lengths are smart, but
this one which hangs below the waist-
line is possessed of an uamusual smart-
ness. McCall Pattern No, 8744,
Misses' Dress. In 3 sizes, 16 to 20,
years. Price, 25 cents.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Field Marshal Haig.
A man of iron hand, but gentle heart
And humble disposition, lent his aid
To 'overthrow the monster that had
Such havoc in the world, whose high-
est art
Was slaughter of the nations, with a
Forged in the depths of hell by one
who strayed
From due devotion, and again essayed
To lure the master from the better
The great man is, indeed, the one
that serves
While in this rugged world, and never
Until the Talent -giver conies to claim
His own with usury, and then bestow
His guerdon on each faithful one
, Surpassing far this transient earthly
It is always safe to send a Dominion
' Express Money Order. Five Dollars
costs three cents.
ate -
"Preside" and Paradise.
The Bulgarian word for "surrender"
is "preside," but when Tommy Atkins
was busy getting ,on with the war he
couldn't be expected to remember a
little thing like that.
One day a soldier was called before
his colonel, and asked if it was true
that he had bayoneted a Bulger who
had surrendered to him.
The soldier denied this hotly, "It
was this way, sit," he explained, "He
come up to roe on outpost as mum
as a hoyster, I says to him: ,Is it
paradise --paradise!' And as he did-
n't answer. I sent him there!"
Sandwiches made of brown breed
filled with honey and chole e..1 v el-
"Inh ll, we got to .Gedos. The, chil- sl2fnarct's nirianont Cures C.::as,
"That's nothing!" Tommy answer-
ed. "At Zeebrugge there were three
German submarines sunk in port."
=nerd's Liniment Ceres Distemper.
A "Yank" and a "Tommy," thrown
together in France, were vying with
each other iii telling tall stories.
Fifty-two returned soldiers .diers a e
tarki'nig a special agricultural course
at Alberta University.
A Quick Relief
for Headache
A headache. i a frequently caused
by badly digested food; the gases
and acids resulting therefrom aro
absorbed by tI:e blood which in
turn imitates the nerves pad
causes painful cy aptoma called
headache, ueur 'gle, rlhcunne,
tisna, etc. 15 to • 30. drops of
Vogler Seigel', Syrup •will correct
fauliye igeetionandaffordeelie0.
k -r t .. ,,.,Met a
ISSUE No. 0.19
Gi cat Britain tit Cb s
the 'World In Air fie
Great Britain was pre-eminent ifs
the air et the close of the war, when
!slid British air force was the largest
nix the world, ofcc.r'ding to a report
made public recently. It fought on
More fronts than the air service of
any other nation and its successes
were proportionately greater, it is
In August, 1914, the British naval
and military air service together
mustered 185 officers and 1,853 men
of other ranks, In November, 1918,
there were 30,000 officers and 204,000 l
men. At the outbreak of the war
Great Britain had 166 airplanes, 45
seaplanes and seven airships, while
at the close of hostilities she had 21,-
000 airplanes, 1,300 seaplanes and 103,;
airships. Besides this there were 25,-
000 airplanes and seaplanes being
built and 55,000 airplane engines
under contract.
The Women's Royal Air Force,
which was not in existence in 1914,
numbered at the close of hostilities,
A Health Saving
Rem Under. Don't Wait
until you get the Spanish Influensa. rut
At the first sign of It. Its Healing
Qualities are amazing.
Yarmouth, N.S.
What They're Getting.
"The Germans for the next genera-
tion," said Mrs. Edith Wharton at a
Y.M.C.A. tea in Paris, "are going to be
pariahs. Wherever they go they're
going to be abused. And it will be
useless for them to complain.
"A German diplomat spent the
Summer at St. Moritz, in the Swiss
Engadiuo. One morning beside the
lake he stopped to talk to some neu-
tral Iadies,and a little girl who was
in the party whispered something to
her mamma.
"The German, smiling and twisting
his Kaiserlike mustache, said jesting-
ly to the little girl:
" 'It's rude to whisper.'
"She looked him straight in the eye
and answered coldly:
" 'But it would have been ruder
still to say it out loud.' "
arina.e's Liniment Cmea Garret :in Cows
Deletion Anticipated.
Aunt Mary—"Did Santa Claus I
bring you everything you asked for
in your letter my dear?"
Little Ethel—"Oh, dear, no! But
before I wrote I heard daddy say that ? •
lots of letters are censored now'days,
so I—well, I got more than I ex-
Conservation of Heat.
Heating a drafty house is like bail-
ing out a leaky boat—for emergency
only. A house properly ventilated
without drafts takes less coal to heat.
Chink all openings, but make proper
provision for ventilation.
Ell',, T QUIPPED NSWtilaAl>]11 7t
andob in Eastern
plantEasternOntario. Isns.urance carried $1,500, Wil!
tee for $1,200 on oulce sale. Iion 64.
Wilson Publishing CO.. Ltd Te onta., •
j W .lilt1,'X Vfl Wiiiverrai• VOR t3 .
n New Ontario. Owner uoinl?t«te
Francrill sell 52,000 'Werth double
A11PZY .1'. 73:, c,oWilson
Publishing Co.. •Limited, Toronto,
e i and light sewing at home, whole or
spare time, good pay, work sent any die*
tfnce, charges paid. Send stamp
Portloulars. National 2,lunuxaeturilrg
Onmpany,.Montreal.- •
N0' . TUhLO1tS, LUMPS, - Tine.,
internal and external. cured with*
out pain by our home treatment. Write
its before too late. Dr. I3ellman ASedipal
Co.. Limited. Collingwootl, Ont,'
tial sx anted
We buy false teeth, old gold, silver,
diamonds, platinum and watches. High-
est prices paid. Send parcels by regis'
tered mall and. receive money order by
return mail,
24 Victoria Street « Toronto
Terre De France.
Close folded to thy valiant breast,
O France, our dead we leave,
Knight-errants of a selfless, quest,
For whom we dare not grieve.
What lend and doth hold so rich a fee
Of hopes in Britain bred?
Our life, our love, our loyalty
Thy fields have harvested.
No thronged street, no village lone
But sends a thought to shrine
Sonic grave our eyes may never own„
Yet pilgrim hearts divine.
O earth thrice hallowed to our race!
Great memories challenge thee—
Truth's liberty, hope's equal grace, •
And love's fraternity.
Pure and Simple.
Percy (after the proposal)—"Have
you ever loved before?"
Edith—"No, Percy! I=shave often
admired men for their strength,
courage, beauty, intelligence or some-
thing like that; you know; but with
you, Percy, it is love—nothing else!"
ttiaa=e's- misdateat Ceres DSniitheris.
A mixture of two or more honeys
always is darker than any of the
original ones.
or write Lyman-Cnax Co., Montreal, P.Q. Pries Sic.
An output of dose on to 225 tons
of 'honey wars the result of the past
year's industry upon the part of the
busy bees of Bethel Columbia, an an6 -
crease over the 1917 crop of abourt 65
You don't have to rub it in
to get quick, comfort-
ing relief
Once you've tried it on that stiff
joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, rhea-
uratic twinge, lame back, you'll find
a warm, soothing "relief you never
thought a liniment could produce.
Won't stain the skin, leaves no
muss, wastes no time in applying sure
to give quick results. A large bottle
means economy. Your own or any
other druggist has it. Made in Can-
ada. Get it today.
80o., '60c., g1.3
a big knee like this, but your horse
may have a bunch or bruise on hie
ankle, hock, stifle, knee or throat:
will clean it off without laying up%
the horse. No blister, no hair.,'
gone. Concentrated—only a retro'
drops required at an application. $2.50 per,
bottle delivered. Describe your case for special instructions.
end Book 8 R free. ABSORDINE. JR., the andel
septic liniment for mankind. reduce, Painful Swellinrad
'Enlarged Glands. Wens. Bruises. _varicose Veins; ailaya
,Pain end inflammation. PtieO 51.25 a bottle at druggists or
delivered. Liberal trial bottle postpaid for Ilk.
W. F. YOUNG. P.D. F.. 516 trains 8l3s. iiasetreal. cap,
.aeweeso ant Months, 3a ira made lfl Cama.,
Face Awful Sight
Healed y Cllticura
Rotsgh d Itchy With Eczema.
Cams in Pimples and Bnlsttesse
Kept From Sleeping.
"My fees got rough and Itchy, and
1 was told I had eczema. It came in
pimplec, then water blisters, and any
akin was sore and red. My face itched
end I had to scratch, and it kept me
from sleeping. The skin was dry and
scaly, and would bleed. My face was
an awful eight.
"I saw an advertisement for Cuticura
Soap and Ointment and I sent fora free
sample. I afterwards bought more, and
It was not over a week when I was corn.
pletely healed." (Signed) Miss Annie
Forgue, Alderson, Alta., Aug. 28,1917.
If your skin is already healthy and
clear keep it so by using Cuticura Soap
for toilet purposes assisted by touches
of Cuticura Ointment to soothe and
heal any tendency to irritation, redness
or roughness of the skin or scalp.
For Free Sample Each by Mail ad-
dress post -card: j'Cuticura, Dept. A,
Boston, U. S. A." Sold everywhere.
Is the best prophylaxis i
Twenty est drops
Sl?OHN'S daily will act as an effective preventative—will
insure your horses and mules against Distemper and In-
fluenza in any form. When there is so much disease, when
your horse is so often exposed, keep your horse on his feet
by starting the use of Sl'O13N'S early.
Your druggist handles It.
and ti swots next let ¢tracks of ncenxnatisnl, Iumbasa, neuralgia,
tootle/rile and earache. &lenity effective far rehevingstecilcnMute,
curxiue eve t' t oat find other Ir irfsd ailments. iceover ee years a
tawny M t'i.. nowt i,u , r.ra• ,-.,-,n
I t .n lin red ter, it rEt« ,bvraTfsh:.aa llaCtloct4
the i en9,3, Ms a It lnrlrr'3 uses,
Arc,rcrI .sera r. s ti I2Ill 'f Marna' CO !L'e a ler, Canadd,
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