HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-2-6, Page 8j. A.S WART P`hon�el
Our Big Annual February 21 Day Sale
From February 3rd to February 22nd
The Sale went of the Season
,All Cradles' Cloth Coats to be
cieured ut big' i7reduotions,
• Ibex Flannellettte Blankets
11-4 Regular 8,75 sale price 3.35
12-4 regular 3,95 sale price :3.65
300 Prints good rpatte.rsit
Sark mita ,. 20e
8o Torcboon Japes
Sale price , ,..50
28o Roller towling
Sale price , ...... ... ... 22e
30c Plaid and Check Giog*hams
Sale price ,..... ... .. , ........... 206
,Exceptional values in Boas'
Men's Clothing
2.50 lyeenine Sweater colts
Sae Orrice 1.50
35,e Flannellettes 36 inches
Sale prioo
30e Factory (Cottons 40,ipclhes wide
Sale price ...,,.,,. , ... 190
90o '•ZBLeocihed Table Linen
Saleprice ..... ............. ... 65o
41c Bock Fast Sairtings
Sal. price . ..... .., a5c
4.511 Ladies' belted sweater coats 85e Valuee in Ladies' Cosy Slip -
4.50 Sale price . ,500
Sale price ... $2.65
Money Saving Opportunities Will Greet You Here
Men's Fur Coats at big discount •Beautiful Room Rugsat old, 'prices
in prices
3,00 & 4.00Ladiee' Oxfords
Sale (price 4 ...C..... 1,49
Odd cups (scarce goods)
Sale (price .....� 9e
,Wail Paper enough fora room
at half prig
$200 Fancy Table Lamps,
Sale )price , $1,50
Misses' and Ladies' Fur sets at
money raving prices.
350 Children's Winter Underwear
Sale price 4 ,. ...200
50o Caine Cups and Saucers
Sale price , ' 25e
400 Ribbed Cotton Hosiery
Sale Price ,....K ' ..... ... 25e
Money Savers in Groceries
g's Toasted. Corn Flakes
2 for; 26c
'Shredded ,Wheat , ...2 for ,250
Melee Table Syrup, per 11b....... 8c
4 bars Richard's Pure Soap For 250
70o Red Rose and Salada
tree, par lb. ....., .. 60o
Forest City Baking Powder ,
tat. +sealer, ... ..3`3,,0
Good pink Salmon, regular
30e tin for ,. ... 25e
Canned Peas and Corn, regular
200 for. , 15c
'3 boxes 15e matches ,for • ... 400
Jelly Powders and Jello ........100
Lux, regular 12 1-2c for . ...10c
2 lbs. good, Raisins for •... 25s
Extra te, 10e bottles, for .,,. 8e,
Yeast Cakes ,,er pkge., .5c
15c n>kges of ammonia , llc
4 1bs. Oatmeal
35,0 ipkge Quaker Oats for • 28e
Come as I arIy in the Month as Possible
J A. STEWART Phone 16
Clearing lines of
Winter Goods
The balance of our overcoats are marked down to
less than present wholesale price.
Only a few Men's suits left.
Cleaiing odd lines of swe ater C oats.
Close prices on underwear, gloves, Mitts, sox shirts etc
Rubbers in all kinks.
Boots & Shoes—We have a big Stock and our as -
sortment gives you plenty of choice.
If you want a nice Made -to -Measure suit see our
13,m W. F. BEAVERS
$5. for $4. !
And Every Dollar
Worth More.
Small savings novo
share in the high
interest on Govern.
relent Securities.
War -Savings Stamps
tet ''' itn matt,tlllllnlllutinnitlnpllp.0 ince
31 ,SIl27 SC91>{ ��AtY�bb
y�� lfp, ? t�
tC a �A' .4.
Cost $4.00 this month
Redeemed in 1924 for
$5.00. Sold atMoney-
Order Post Offices,
Banks and wherever
the Triangle and
Beaver sign is dis-
trnti0,nunn t
Market Report—The Pollotvind Lr
the reporto e Exeter Market
th 1` #h E t M k rb •
corrected to FebrEElry 5t1b, Silverwoods
Barley 654 *"
Eggs 45e.
Family Flour $5.80
Dairy butter 45
Creamery 'butter 68
Lard 350
Potato,:; 1.35 to 1.75 ,
New laid eggs 55e.
Slogs ".15.50
ar♦•••••••••••••• Ors••*•# •♦
All those Interested in the organ-
ization of a Turf Club in Exeter will
please attend a meeting for that pur-
pose in the Town Hall„ Exeter, on,
Friday, Feb. 7th, at 8 o'clock pm,
Dr. A. M. Vining*, V. S., begs toln-
form the 'public that lie has opened)
an office in alcDonell's barn on John
street. Prompt attention paid to day
or' nigibt calls. Phone 1120.
'Harvey's .Flour is good flour.
Miss Irene Rivers is visiting ther
sister, Mrs, D. Ross, ..f )Sarnia.
Mr. A. Towers s'pente,a few days
lately visiting friends in .Hersall.
Mr. iCla•ir nndt Mics 'Margaret Pick-
ard were in Landon on Saturday.
Miss Luta Martin is visiting for a
few )days with Miss Lillian Boyle, of
Mr. Jack (Burdon, of ;Buffalo, is
visiting (his father, ,t4Lr. N. D. iHurdon
of town.
Mlle Torn Marks O,pern Co. played to
a fair ,crowd, in the Opera arouse last
Wednesday evening.
Mr. M. E. 'Gardiner is •moving into
tthe'reeidence on Main street recently
vacated byMr.P. 'Gillies.
P. flies.
Mrs. W. ,Amy and two ohiidren, of
Burford, are vi.it:ng the former's par-
ents Mr. and doers. E. Tory.
The anniversary of the , : Thames
Road Presbyterian church willbe
theld on Sunday, February 1Gth,
Mrs. A, Hastings is in Toronto this
week attending a convention in con-
nection with the Women's Institute.
Mrs. Edwards and two children. of
London, )have been visiting with Mrs.
A SSheere and other relatives in this
Mr. and Mos. A. Grigg and little son
of Pembrooke, spent tthe forepart of
the week visit:ng Miss Grigg and Miss
McFaul of town.
Sailor Herbert }Teddy, of Fenton,
Mich., returned to anis home last week
after si=lting for a coutp1e of weeks
w'i L•.i Mr. )Chas. Ke ddy.
Mr. Wm. Gardiner has had the
misfortune to lose his fast road horse.
It sli•ppad on tibe ice, fell and broke
its leg and thad to be killed.
Mr. Chester Harvey returned home
from London last week having receiv-
ed :his discharge from .the army. :Pie.
Ere. Harvey was up ,from London
over tthe week -end.
Mr. and !Mrs. T. A. Terry and Mrs.
&mgt. E. Taylor and A. E. Davis, all
of London. visited Mr. and Mrs. M.
E. Gardiner and Mrs. Wm. Davis over
the week -end.
Mrs. F. ,Adley, of Straffordville, and
Mrs. Hoose, of Sc'hncetady, N.Y., have
returned' to their homes 'after attend-
ing the f 'neral of their mother, the
late Mrs. Heaman.
'Mr. Fred Ellerington (has sold his
splendid roan team of .horses to Mr.
Ohria, Wein. '(Yelton, fpr $500. Mr.
Wein (had 'previously sold a very fine
team to Jas. Norris. of Munro for a
fancy (price.
The Thames Road Farmers' IClab
wish to inform tura (public •that the
"United Farmer" ipaper has no con-
nection with 'rue United Farmers of
Ontario. The official organ has not
been ipublishe•d yet.
Main St. !Church; Rev. Da. Medd,
minister. Serviuce .next Sunday as
usual. Theme for forenoon : The work
of the 53ibld Society. S. S. at 3 ;p.m.
The evening theme is `Foretokens of
Doom, or to 13141 and stay." Good
music, all invited. The minister will
Mr. Jas. afaantdford was in Ingersoll
this week visiting his brother, Mr.
T. E. (Handford who is confined to his
bed land wtoze condition is considered
quite. serious. The latest report re-
caive•d was the was ,holding his own
Mr. rH,andford has many friends in
thio community who will wish for him
a speedy recovery.
Sunday was ICandlamas Day •wiha:n
it is supposed old Bruin comes out
from his winter quartetrs to look
around for the prospects of spring.
The 'bear would; have no difficulty in
seeing 'his shadow as Sunday was a
grand and glorious day The sun
shone 'brightly, the atmosphere was
exceedingly 'pleasant anal the roads in
good condition. At the time of writ-
ing there is very little snow to he
seen anywth oo. The weather has been
like spring. . ,According to the old
saw we; are due for six weeks more
winter but if the next six weeks are
anything like the past six about the
only d.iea'ppointed ones will be those
de,pen•ding on an ice )harvest for next
summer's needs.
Mrs. M. ,1,Y. F. Beavers lett on: Tues-
day of Last week with Mrs. Gordon
Murray, of Hamilton,• wtho was mak-
ing a tour tihrougrh Huron County,
speaking at Clinton, Godeer',c'h, Sca-
forth, Wing/ham end 33russels on
'tlCitiotaneh'p" in the interests of the
W. C. T. U., of wlhich; organizat'on
Mrs. Beavers is county ;prceident. Mrs.
Gordon Murray was granted by large
gatherings of men. and women at
these meetings and es a. result large
numbers of 'members 'have been added
to the W. C. T. i7. afre. Gordon,'XvI}tr-
ray was very favorably . anti -teased
with Sduron Co., and Chas been invited
back 'to 'Godericth in two weeks to' ad-
dress the Women's ;Patriotie Society
there. Mos. 'Beavers also gave short
addresses at these meetings.
W' have a good stock of W,l1.1Tb
FLOUR, nolne wtheattetra, oatmeal, oat
flour and corn flour.
([7iABt VBT` )OROS.
Ice Crearn
Orders taken for
Phone 56
HOUSE TO RENT—Frame cottage
on Elizabeth Street, apply to Mrs.
E. A. 'Birk.
Miss earl Gidley and .Miss Mil-
dred Brown of Blyth were lila
town last w•e.ek attending the music -
at exams wihich were held here. ,
According to reports, you will
need a big oven to make room for
tthe loaves ti yea use our flour. •
Mr, John Beer, 36 St. Joseph St.
Toronto; is buying a new ditching ma-
chine and wail have it shipped direct
to Exeter if he can be assured of a
season's work;, The Exeter Carolling
Co. wall have over 1000 rods to dig
as a start, but he would liike rnorre
work to tallow,: Farmers wanting
ditching done are asked to write Mr.
Beer at above address at once, mak-
ing application for his services for
work to be done during the summeat
It will be avecelsislary to apply at once
to secure his services in this section:
Exeter Canning Co.
New Liquor Rule, May 1st.
Details of the plan under which the
Government will carry on the sale of
liquor for medicial and other neces-
sary purposes, when it takesover com-
plete control of the business, have not
yet been completed by the Cabinet.
Consequently there is much specula-
tion as to the course to be pursued,
not only in Government circles, but
also in the minds of the public gener-
ally. It is considered likely that the
change from private vendors to com-
plete Government control will go in-
to effect on May t, the beginning of
the license year. It is doubtful whe-
ther, as has been suggested, several
more liquor. stores will be opened in
the province in addition to those al-
ready in existence. At present there
are seven vendors. Some of these
men may be retained on salary by the
Government to manage the stores. If
more than seven stores are opened the
increase will be only a small one.
Reid—At Dashwood on Jan. 31st to
Mr. and Mins. J. l0. Beid a daugh-
Jennings—In Exeter on Feb. 5th to
Mr. and Mrs. diarry Jennings s
1Vitliamson—fit •Burhu'gton on Tues-
day, Feby. 40h, 1919, Adelene Mor-
lock. beloved wife of Edgar William-
son, aged 44 years.
Colwell—In Winnipeg, M•an., Saran
Sweet, relict of the late John Col-
well, formerly of Exter, pied 83
years and 5 months.
tlea.man—Irl Exeter on January 29th,
Jane Sperling, relict of the late
Wm. 'Beaman, aged 94 years.
Bowerman—At Kirkton, on Feby ;1st
John 'Bowerman. aged 65 years.
It is unpleasant to be poor when cold
winds sweep across the moor, fresh
from the Artic pole; and honest prov-
erty looks stale when it involves the
lack of kale to buy a ton of coal. On
summer days we sit around the drug
store or the vilage pound, and jeer at
heaped up wealth; why should a person
lust for gold, for bonds and stocks and
jems untold, if he has strength and
health. We do not envy any gent who
is beneath the burden bent that rich
men always bear; while we have roofs
above our heads, and frugal meals and
truckle beds, for wealth we do not
care. Oh, thus we spiel when days are
warm, and there's no symptom of a
storm, we hand our just such rot; we
think we mean the things we say, we
shoo the plutocrat away, and boost our
humble lot. But when the snow whirls
by like smoke it's blamed unpleasant to
be broke—it jars the honest soul to eat
the last remaining prune, and feed the
furnace with a spoon, a -husbanding the
coal. Oh, then one longs for precious
stones and diadems and silver bones,
and buiian bars that clank; one winds
the clock and fires the cat and yearns
to be a plutocrat with plunder in the
bank —By Wat Meson.
A Happy and -
is the wish of
AND LNutabineuaE pBA.1za
When Ma h Sidle
When Ma is sick, she pegs away;
She's quiet, though, not much to say.
She goes right on a-doin' things,
An' sometimes laughs, or even sings
She says she don't feel extra well,
But then it's just a kind o' spell
She'll be all right to -morrow, sure,
A good old sleep will be the cure.
An' .Pa he sniffs an' makes no kick,
For women folk is always sick,
An' Ma, she smiles, let's on she's
When Ma, is sick it ain't so bad.
When Pa Is Sick
When Pa is sick he's scared to death
And does all kinds of crazy stunts.
An' Ma, an' us just holds our breath
He crawls in bed, an' puffs and
He wants "Doc" Brown an' mighty
For when Pa's ill he's awful sick.
He gasps and groans, an' sort o'
He talks so queer, an' rolls his eyes,
Ma jumps an' runs, an' all of us,
An' all the house is in a fuss.
An' peace an' joy is mighty sheerce.
When Pa is sick it's something
The following. pupila entered by Mrs.
Gatnbrill at the February examination
held by the London Goilege of Music
(Eng.) were eminently successful,.
Miss May Clarke of Eiim,vilbe secur-
ed a ,first-class Honors certificate. Ad-
vanced Senior Vocal; Miss Gladys
Harvey, a First, Advamaed Senior;
Mats Lula Sanders, a First Sen'ibu ;
Miss Evelyn. Canon of Hensall, First-
class, Adv. Int. Piano; Grant Sand--
ea Tau t, orale a bt �anlbi
u r11
ass boys of only ten ain,d nvine res-
Y Yt l s
pectively. The tests requiired are rear-
ticularly sevlereb cothequently all the
pupils are to be coniaratutatt'ed upon
the brig )narks obtatined.
The annual mcetirg of the Ladies'
Aid Society of 'Coven Presbyterian.
•ahurait was held' at the home of Mrs
E. a'..iOhristie on Tuesday afte•n.00n.
'Dhe following officers were elected
for tthe e>;suuig term President, M'rs,
N. W.Gladman; Vic. -Pres., Mrs. 3.
McLaughlin; rS.>oy. 'Mrs. iHnetings;
Tre•as., Mrs. E. 3. 'Christie.
At the regular meeting of Exeter
Eneamp•ment, I.0.0.F, on Monday
evening the following officers werre
elected for the ensuing term: C. P.
Bro. .A. E. Fuke; 'H.lP., Bro. R. N.
Rowe; Sr. War., Bro. E. M. Dignan;
Jr. :War., Bro. J. M. Soutthcott; Rae.
SScriba, Bro. J. G. Stanbury; Fin.
Scribe, Bro. J. H. Greive; Treas., Bro.
W. Jothns.
One good second-hand 10h.'p. ;gaso-
lene engine at an easy price. Very
useful for running grinder or ensil-
a•ge filler; also one and [hand Melotte
cre•arn separator and one 2nd 'hand
stiff tooth cultivator all en good re-
WM. 1'Sr,Ali.D
This dept. of our store is growing,
fast. We are turning out iperfect-
fitting suits at reasonable ,prices. Cut
in any style you wisih. Ask Mr.
Shecre to tsbow you ,our cloths and
styles, JONES & MAY
Sales of Buttermilk
Mr. U. W. Robinson, Auctioneer ,will
s 11 tike butter milk •oi the Exeter
Thursday, February '13th, 1919 , at
three o'eelock
11r. R. S. )Brown, •Auctioneer , will
sell the butter milk of the Win•eheisca
Creamery AT TTHR 'CBE AM ER Y on
Saturday, February 15th, 1919 at
tanree o'clock. Terms••made known on
day of sale 0
Funeral Director & Embalmer
M. E. Gardiner
Phone 74J Night calt 83
And Furniture
Look, Mctherl If tongue Is coated,
cleanse little bowels with "Cali-:
fornix Syrup of Figs."
Mothers can rest easy after giving
"California 'Syrup ot: Figs," because in
a few hour all the clogged -up waste,
sour bile and fermenting food gently
tnovea out of the bowels, and you have
a 'well, playful child again.
Sick children needn't be coaxed to
take 'thisharmless . "fruit, la tative."
.Million's of :mothers keep it handy be-
cause they know its itetion-on the stom-
towateh, liver and bowels is prompt and sure.
Ask your druggist for a bottle of
"Galifornaa Syrup of Figs," wirier eon-
tains directions for babies, eh ldre;Ir, of
all aged ¢nix lo; growwl-upn.
day, Feb nary 6th, 1919.
Wanted -4. to work .on farm
by the )7ear, married ,or single, Free
house if necenri.ty and other eon-
veniexoes, Apply 'i1,3ox M, Exeter
Two good Durham gradecows, splendid
milkers, 8 and 10 years old due first of
March and middle of Maroh; two Tarn -
worth sows; 1 filly rising 3 years old by
Ascot's Heir; 1 fillie and 1 gelding ris.
ing 2 years sire Blyth Ben, Apply to John
Leary, Lot 13, Con. 13 Hibbert, Phone
5-44 on the Hibbert Line.
MARY BERN. Teacher of , 5imginr,
Piano, Theory. Pupils prepared for
examinations of :I Conservatory of
DZusio, London, Ont. .Apply for ,par-
ticulars. Address R. 11, No 3, Exeter,
Phone 44-5, Kirkton, 1-30,8wpt
Mian and wife to take charge of
the .Huron 'County House of Refuge
and, Farm in; connection therewith
afso ran Assistant Matron. Duties
to eommenoe as soon n as possible.
Applications lin writing or a person -
at )application to the ua.dersitgned es
soon as possible preferred.
John Torrartoe,
Clinton January Slattp ctor of
WANTED—A go, mart, n at
boy to learn tike ttinsu':tbing Salt:
Plumbing ;!'rade.--Slew »corns F4dwe,
Notice to Contractors
'renders will be .received ,by the
undersigned until noon alonday, Feb-
ruary 10th, 1919, tor the construction
of alae 'Anderson, Drain in the Town-
sihips of Fullerton, „a3tanshard and
Usborne. A marked rtvhegne repave,
senting ten per leant of the contract
price 'to accompany each tender. Ti.
lowest or any tender not neeessarillr
aceepted. Plans, specifications, eta.
may be seen at tthe Clerk's office,
Fullerton, or at Jelhr Rover's, en-
gineer's office, .Mitchell,
B. H. ,POME1tOT, Clerk
Fullerton, Jac. 13, '191¢9 , 164t
- r
Dr. Henry A. 1Corsaut has tpuroh.sx-
ed the Veterinary practise of Due..
Sweet 8c Reid and !have already takaii
possession, occupying the same offices,
W a 'have in ,the loeighborhood of
150 'tons of eoft coal for sale., and as
long as it lents we wilt sell it 'for,
f8,00 ormatfurther
ion photo No. 24, ;Hensel'.
•••• & Wringers•
Examine our variety of guaranteed wash day labor
Hobbs Gold Medal Washer,
The 1900 Gravity Washer,
The Canada First Washer •
Wringers from $5.50 to $7.50
Folding wash bench to set tubs on
price $3. 25
Clothes Baskets $1.40 to $1.75
Skates of quality for all
Girls skates $1.25 to 3.25
Ladie's Auto Skate — 4.00
Boys & Men's skates
$1.25 $6.50
Steel ankle suppoits $1.
Hockey sticks 20c to 75c
Eveready flashlights
will guide you safely
on dark nights, price
$1.25 to $2.50
[APO p
We have a complete line of driving and working
mitts and gloves at exceptionally reasonable prices.
A full line of Stock and poultry Foods etc.
Heaman's Hardware
27a Phones 27b
To Be Dressed Here
is to be Well Dressed
at a price that means
Money to You
We 'are showing attractive lines for
fall and winter and o•.'r advance buy-.
ing means money -saving values, Mariy
:>f our lines are selling at less than
'wholesale cost to -day. Come In and
seieet a Suit from some of the oldlall-
wool stocks and if you do aaot/ want it
made up now the will set it aside dor
you, -
Come in tend look oven our stock at
UNDERWEAR Combination
and two piece --all wool
' a T A : N