HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-1-30, Page 8alb J A. STEWART Phone Our Big Annual February 21 Day Sale From. February 3rd to February 22nd The Sale Event of the Season :ll ?tidies' Cloth Coats Ito be cleared iet lalg Seductions, Ibex Flannellette Blankets ,.11.4 Regular 1,25 sale price '3.35 12-4 'regular 3,95 sale price $3,03 30o Prints good patterns f s1e price ,.. 20c 8c Tordhcon lances Sale price ,..5c 28e Roller towing Stale price ......... ..... 22e 300 Plaid rand Chock GlLghams Sale price . , , . 20c 4.50 Ladies' belted sweater coats Sale. price .. ... ......... $2.65 Exceptional values in Bove' and ilia?Ti'S Clothing 2.50 Men's Sweater coats Sale price • 1.50 15.00 Snsketehewan Robes Sale price 13,00 35e Flannt*llettea 310 inches wide Sale ,prate . .(...... •......... 250 • 30e Factory Cottons 40 .inches wide Sale price ... 19e 90c Bleat(hed Table Linen Sale price ... 05e 4ae Rock Fast Slhirtings Sale price 35c 85a Values in Ladles' Cosy Slip- pers Sale price + ,50o Money Saving Opportunities Will Greet You Here , •Mens FurCoats oats aut big discount in prices 3,00 d: 4,00Lad1•:s Oxfords Sale [price . , ...t..... 1.49 Odd cups (scarce goods) Se le Ipriae ....,. a .9c Wail Paper enough for a room at half price $2.00 Fancy Table Lamps, Sale prise , ...... $1.50 Beautiful Room Rugs at old prices Misses' and Ladies' Fur sets at ,mon:y caving prices. 35c Children's Winter Underwear Sale price . .20c 50c China iqups and Saucers Sale price , ,..,.: 25c 40c Ribbed Cotton Llosiery . Sale Price ..... t• ... 25e Money Savers in Groceries Kellog's Toasted Corn Flakes 2 fair( 25o Shredded Wheat . ,2 for ,256 Molt* Table Syrup, per lb. 8c 4 bans Richard's Pure Soap for 25c 70e Red Rose and Salads Tea, par lb. ... .... 611e Forest City Raking Powder , haler, ... ... 310 Good pink Salman, regular 30c tin for ... 25c Canned Peas and Corn, regular 20c for . , 15e 3 'boxes 150 matches for ....., ...e 40o Jelly Powders and Jello t. • ,..10e- Lux, regular 12 1-2e for ,..10c 2 lbs. good, Ra.isi;,s for .... ...... 25e Extracts, 10c bottles, for . Sc Yeast Cakes ,ter. pkge., 5e 15c shoes of Ammonia . 110 4 lbs. Oatmeal ..25c' 35c pkge Quaker Oats (tor 28e Come as Early in the Month as Possible J.A. STEWART Phone 16 THE EXETER BARGAIN STORE Clearing lines of Winter Goods The balance of our overcoats are marked down to less than present wholesale price. Only a few Men's suits left. Cleaiing odd lines of sweater C oats. Close prices on underwear, gloves, Mitts, sox shirts etc Rubbers in all kinks. Boots & Shoes -We have a big Stock and our as - sortment gives you plenty of choice. If you want a nice Made -to -Measure suit see our samples W. R BEAVERS SOLD WHERE YOU SEE THIS SIGN The Dominion of Canada offers WarSavings Stamps at $4.00 each during this month And will redeem them for $5 each on Jan. 1st, 1924 Every dollar will be worth more. W-S.S. can be registered against loss THRIFT STAMPS 16 THRIFT STAMPS 25 cents each exchangeable for one W-S.S,, 19 THE EXETER TI Market Deport--Tie following to 'l4++++++44++++ • 4+ the report " qrP ° the Exeter *abet . 't' corrected u'p to January 29tat Barley 6$o Oats 65 Eggs 5t2o Family flour 5.90 Dairy butter 45 Creamery butter 58 Lard 37 Potatoes 1.55 to 1.75 New 'laid eggs 550. ,Hogs 1.5e •Thursday, "1fi nuadry '3I .1019 LOCAL • • 0404444. *44.410414146w *44.410414146*44.410414146 TO ORGANIZE TURF CLUB. All those interested in the organ- ization of a Turf Club in Exeter will please attend ameeting for that pur- pose in the Town Half Exeter, or Friday, Feb. 7th, at 8 o'clock p.m. Mutt and Jeff in motion pi,ture at the Dome theatre on Friday and Rat- urday evenings. Miss Hazel Laing visited in London over the week -end. Miss Verna Walker visited in ,Hen - sail over the week -end. IissAgnes Hamilton visited ,in London during the week. Mr. Elmer Tuckey is in Stratfordi attending business college. Mrs. J. Senior, Maurice and Blanche were in London on Saturday. Mr. Thos. Harton visited friends in town the forepart of the week. Miss Ada Johnston, of Buffalo, is the guest of Miss ,Irene Rivers. Pte. Leon Treble visited for sev- eral days with relatives in London. Miss Kathleen Stewart has returned after visiting with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Boyle and son Clarence were in London ,Saturday Mr. iWm. Thomson, of Eden, is tak- ing a course at the Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph. Mr. Jahn Jarrott, who has been ail- ing for some time we regret to state is not improving any. Misses Verne and Susie Jacobs, of Zurich, are visiting with Miss Ila Johnston for a week. Miss Edith Moncur visited her bro- ther, Mr. Coleman Moncur, of Peter- boro, during the past week. Mr. Harold Boyle and Miss Lillian, motored up from London • Monday evening to attend the dance. Deering 'her stay or. town Mrs. Gordon Murray, of Hamilton, . was the guest of Mrs. ,B. W. F. ,Beavers.. Misses Margery and Elenor Rey- nolds, of London, visited with Miss Edna Follicle over the week -end. Mr. L. Day arrived home from; Toronto Saturday evening having re- ceived this discharge from the army. The London ,H'rarpers furnished the music for a successful dance that was held in McDonnel's ,Haid tan Monday evening. ; A number of friends were entertain- ed to a ptesant dance ;at the home of Mr. and MTs. W. Lutnian Tuesday 4. for one week only. 7y .1. •r • .i. 2nd Special Sale On Saturday Feb. 1st we will put on Special Sale Men's Heavy Rib " Winter Underwear. Men's Natural wool "Penmans" Underwear Men's Fine wool Merino Shirts. White Shirts, Print Shirts, Working Shirts Men and Boys Fleeced Lined Uuderwear. Men and Boys, Good assortment Sweater Coats. 100 Pair Light Grey Hose "Penman's" Dark Grey Hose. And Black Hose. 6 Pair of Heavy wool and Union. Blankets greatly reduced Phone 93 Remember the date 4. 4.. +l. •it v 4. Mrs. W. D. Yeo •b ••1••1••I+•3••£•+oL+•+•1••II•$••E-+•1••4•+•4.•1•+•1•-.- Silverwoods Ice Cream t. WILSON'S Orders taken for Parties Phone 56 Organized agriculture has received the unstinted and loyal -support of the Weekly Sun, Toronto, during the 28 years of its existence: it is -today giv- ing generous and hearty support to every' movement calculated to further prompt payment of the insurance and the interests of those` engaged iib ag- death claim of her(late husband. riculture. Those farmers who wish to • keep in touch with the •great co -opera- FOR SALE -One nearly new kitchen range,coal or wood, with reservoir; good baker. Apply to R. B. Quance Andrew St. H.p. W.IC..A. REPORT • Report of the Exeter Branch of the H C. W. C. A. for January :- Gnediton-12 shirts, 23 suits lamas, 45 pair socks. Soldiers' Aid Exeter -21 pair socks, 3 suits pyjamas. • Woman's Institute, Exeteir-19 pair socks • W. C. T. U., Exeter -31 pillow cast es, 14 pair socks, 25 towels, 18 shirts, t wash cloth. Theme; Road -20 shirts;, 2 suits of pyjamas. 14 pair socks:. Total value $350.25. -Vera Essery, 'Sec'y, pY- s MEN'S BLADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS This dept. of our store is growing. East. We are turning out ,Iperfect- fitting suits at reasonable prices. Cut in any style you wisth. Ask Mr. Sheere to nohow you our cloths and styles. JONES & MAY CARD OF THANKS • Mrs. Thos. Creech desires ,to express her appreciation to the iCar_adian Ord- er of Forreste•rs and ,Ito the • Indetpen- dant Order of Oddfellows for the evening. tive movement among agriculturists in Mr. b. T. Brooks 'has retuirned, Ontario should read it 'every week. The from Owosso, Miele, where he has been visiting his brother John who is seriously IlL Pte. and. Mrs. Gordon Hooper re- turned to Toronto Saturday after vis- iting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R'ooper. Miss Vera Rowe was ,in Stratford for a few days during:. the past week. visiting Ther sister, Miss -Beta, and' at- tended the ifAt Home" at the Normal School on Fridayevening. , Reeve B. W. F. Beavers, of town, Reeve 'A.. Mitchell, of Usborne; Reeve W. D. Sanders and Deputy -reeve Alex Neeb, of Stephen, are attending Co. tee 297; L. Stardake 261, S. Box 186. Council at Godericlh this week. ._M• Dearing, E. Dearing, 13. Sand - Mrs. 'Amos was called to Brantford • era.., Na. on roll 24, on Sunday owing to e serious ill- Florence L. Trrebner, teacher th ness of her sister, Mrs. Vanstone. She, was taknre to London :by auto and took the train to ,Brantford ,from there. A large gatheriniig'of worriers greeted Mrs. J. W. Taylor was in Ste Thom- Mrs. Gordon. Murray, on Monday after as for a few days visiting her sister noose ,g.?.James Street Church, when Allison. underwent an operation and who safe spoke in behalf. of the W.C.T.U. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary is lat present getting along as well as ,.Farquhar, January ort �itleushpp ! Canadian -women 21, 1919 can be expected. I have come into a new :responsibility .As we go to Press ewe learn of the as the franchise is a trust charged death of Mrs .Neaman who died at with great possibilities of ekervica'. the horns of her daughter Mrs. A. Mrs. Gordon Murray spoke of the Cottle. Further particulars will • be growth of temperance, and franchise given next week. in Scotland, her native land, The Times appreciates very muo_a and counselled all to ,use honest suds- sentimenta ,;acture post card from Gunner Wil- meat in the use off the ballot far the Funeral Director & Embalmer uplift of h.um,amElty and the bctteir- fred D. Mack wishing us a very Mer- m,ertt of the country, !and to strive to ry (Christmas and a Happy New' Year. secure equal standard for men and Gunner rfack is with ,Canadas vie- women,. She also spoke, in reference torious (armies in Germany and shows to mother's pensilomsj. For years the a view of the place where they C are W,C.T.U. has advocated the need ref stationed. such pensions and now at the dawn i Phone 743 that has come after; the victory of right over might, it is fitting that childhood and dependent motherhood should be considered. -Press Con women of the farm will be 'particularly interest in the Woman's page, specially written for the Sun by a woman living on a farm. SCHOOL REPORT' of S. S. No. 3, Stephen. for the month of January.: 4th Class -G. Frannie: 716; L. Chris-• Lie 6,21; E. Schroeder 602; J. Willis 560; :N. Sanders 465, 3rd Class -R. Jory 519; F. Parsons' 503 ; 1' P resz- catar 459; H. Penhale 456; H. Schroe- der 445; B. Preszcator 420; S. Dear- ing 330; G. Knnvght 102, 2nd Class - F. Schroeder 529; M. Willis 496; M. Jory 468; R. Deari.nig 412; E. Chris - •"`CITIZENSHIP" Wood For Sale --[Cut any . length, hardy maple. Apply to A. W. Ether- ington, B. R. 1, ;Hensail. ANNUAL MEETING USBORNE & HII3BERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Notice is thereby given that the Animal Meeting of the members of tthe Usboree and ,Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance 'Company will be held in the hall. Farquhar, on Monday Feb- ruary 3rd 1919 at 1 p.m. for the pur- pose of receiving the reports of Dir- ectors and Auditors for the past year and for the election of two Directors ar.d two Auditors and ,for other bus- iness. The Directors whose term ,of office expires, but suho are elig.blc for e.e- election are Robt Norris ,and J. T. Undertaking M. E. Gardiner A memori f servi e will he held next Sabbath evening in Caves 'Presbyter- ian church for the Atte Pte. John (D. Laing, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Laing, of town, who ;died in Belgium from ,pneumonia since the signing of th L armistice. We have received word that Miss Dorothy White, •attending Normal at Regina, was aken ill will influenza Fri- day and is being treated at the Grey Nuns' Hospital in that city. Word re- ceived yesterday says she is getting along fine. -The Outlook of Outlook, Sask. Lieut. 'T. M. Thompson, of the Royal Air Force, whose home is at Seafortih, has been, engaged as teach- er of Form I in the Exeter H. a dept. Lieut. 'Thompson returned from, overseas last June and since that time has been acting as instructor at the 'Beamesville aerdrome. One (day last week some of Sher lads playing in the playgrounds of No, 5, Osborne, found two live snakes bask- irg in 'the sun. They were put in a 'box, one of them had been injured in•' some way and died. The other soot.. became very lively and was let go again. 'Phis is the earliest we ever heard of snakes being seen in this part of Ontario, that is real live snakes the mean. d1i,ARRIED Farrell -;bis jardine-At the Eva/legit- cal parsonage, Crediton, on Janu- ary 2Srd, by Rev. S. M. Hauck j Piss Devine I)esjardine to Mr. + Louie Farrell, both of Grand Bend. DIED Jacob 'K. Goetz in Ibis. 59th year. Goetz -.At Dtutwood,. on Jan. 23rd, • A happy and Prosperous 1919. is the wish of N, ROW 9013E FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND ri I:TBNI "c*E DEALER Night call SS And Furniture OPERA HOUSE BLOCK SOUR, ACID: STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn 'and distress at,. once. Time ill In five minutes all stom- ach distress, due to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or belching of gas or eructations of undi- gested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin its noted for its speed in reg rlatinu upset stomachs. It is the surest, qufc :cst4stomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach distress at once by getting a large fifty: cent ease of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from indi- gestion, dyspepsia, or any stomach die- order caused by fermentation due to excessive acids in. stomach. Wsnt :d -A ,unan 'to work ,on tam by the .year; married o'r' single, Free 'house 41. necesary and other con.. venier0es,• Apply `,Box I11, Exeter Times, FOR SALE ' Two good Durham grade cows, splendid milkers, Sand 10 years old due first of March and middle of Mai'oh: two Tam- worth sows; 1 filly rising 3 years old by Ascot's Heir; 1 fillie and 1 gelding .ris- ing 2 years sire l3iyth Ben. Apply to John Leary, Lot 13, Con. 13 Hibbert, Phone 5-44 on the Hibbert Line. MARY 'f TERN, Teecher of , Singing, Piano, Theory. Pupils prepared for examinations of IConserva'tory of Music, London, Ont. A' ply for par- ticulars. Address R. R. No. 3, Exeter, Phone 44-5, Kirkton. 1 -30,8w -p WANTED: 'KEEPER, MATRON AND ASSISTANT MATRON , hfan and wife -to take charge of theHuron County House of Refuge and farm in connectiontherewith also an Assistant Matron. Duties to ,commence ,as soon ,las possible. Applications- in writing or a person- al application to the ui.,dersigned as soon as possible preferred, John Torra'ace, Inspector H. of R. Clinton January 01st Clinton WANTED --A gootl, srnaut:, strogit boy 'to. learn the (tinsiz'ithing an plumbing trade,-,'Heama•ns Iidwe, Notice to Contractors Tenders will be received ,by title undersigned until noon Monday, Feb- ruary 10th, 1919, for the eonahruet%ap of The [Anderson; Drain in the Town chips of Fullerton, iBlansha•rd snit Usborne. A marked cheque relplre- senting ten [per cent of the centraatl price 'to accompany each tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily! accepted. Flans, specifications, etc. may be (seen et atlhe (Clerk's office„ Fullerton, or at John -,Roger's, en- gineer's office. Mitchell. R. al, ,POMEROY, Clerk, Fullarton. Fullerton, Jaz. 13, 11919 , t844l • NOTIic(E TO ,PUBLIO - ' ' ' Dr. Henry A. iCot-saut has yu'rohrios ed the Veterinary praotise of Dro,, Sweet & Reid and have already taksal possession, occupying the same /anioe% COAL FOl; PALE We have in the (neighborhood ol,Z 150 (tons of soft coal •for sale, and as long es it lasts we will sell it blot} $8.00 per ton cash. For further ix formation phone No. 04, ,Ilensall. • COOK .BROS. MILLING CO,. •-.•.....•..•..•..*.••.,..�!e�'*s�os eie�Hs�e�+����e++t WashingMachines Wringers II Examine our variety t guaranteed •. savers. ♦. Hobbs Gold Medal Washer, The 1900 Gravity Washer, The Canada First Washer Wringers from; $5.50 to $7.50 Folding wash bench to set tubs price $3. 25 Clothes Baskets $1.40 to $1.75 Skates of quality for all Girls skates $1.25 to 3.25 Ladle's Auto Skate -4.00 Boys & Men's skates $1.25 $6.50 Steel ankle supports $1. Hockey sticks 20c to 75c •� • • on • • • • • • • •. • • `Y• • • • • •Z • Z • • ••• • • • •• s • • • • • •• • • •• • • • • ••••••e+••••••••6►••O.•.••••••••••••••••••••.•e•••.••.••• SKATES 'OUNCES LIGHTER & STRONGER Eveready flashlights will guide you safely on dark nights, price $1.25 to $2.50 We have a complete line of driving and working mitts and gloves at exceptionally reasonable prices. A full line of Stock and poultry Foods etc. yeoman's Hardware 27a Phones 27b To Be Dressed Here is to he Well Dressed at a_ price that means Money to You We are showing attractive lines for fall and winter and o•.,r advance buy-. in:g means money -saving values. ,Many of our lines are selling at less than wholesale cost to -day. Come la and select a Suit from some of the oidiall- wool stocks and if you do snob want fit made up now we will set it aside for you. Caine in and look over our stock of NIFTY SUITING'S O V ERICO ATINGS PANTINGS READY-MADE CLOTI•LING SHIRTS COLLARS TIES CAPS UNDERWEAR. - Combination and two .piece --gall wool YOUTH'S OVERCOATS A 'NJ