HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-1-30, Page 6GROWING FOOD
British Financier Urges Four Burn People Alive During War
Years of; increased Food and Tear Flesh OW With
-• • - Production. Pinchers.
Lovaot, says:.- A deeIatth from Loj.i ys:--
. "The two countries in the world: 'whieh lb is now agreed that • probably no
• 1 .'imele to -recovermost qtreekly •frem. Mame during elm war exceeded the
Lheleaseem mmemen ve meeena ;led; thelemele cruelty 1.1-,d horror ct 1.1tee,
• 13.:,.17;11." Thiz; (minion was expreseed' eemmitted by Belgerhine ageoInet the
14' Sir George releli the Blithe!' Greeknd Sereinine. Renter's
Govermempee financial advisers, to , 'learns from .offichel Serbian sources,
Mersre.:-HarMs Lied Lin1.e,revive. ! that the Commis:lon which has been
entieg the Treed:, teireennelen, eidia!inveeeigating outrg rd Whiali
eden eeeereeee to etie: Imeralit to light appall:lig arel
oepeets for ,Carm..fne teele, pal ree;t: uaheilerable atroeities has in
etelerely in the Ilinear, Regarding, nemy cuere scoured the ramthe
tredeen to 7:lee letece, eh:ore:me oireem aetealey rcememildee.
Pelee advieed teat Ce -nada simull mad Among eneee llie'eedehne ememente
*er wee. emeee.eeeteeeeReerereepree.....*.
eee. . e ,fteeeeee, e. peweeeeee
litkennaelon bone lee emem. vg k •cti'
Sir (c ie ellen leis ma -de u menu: Seinieeetenazie Peilmv es havhig. in AN,,,,,P.AV.Wa/e .,,,,'
td C:311i.E. 0 OD3 eidseieg theme - ; %demo ep-evillea'ey raentione a eeetainViANtk ,...,
.... s„..,
t1;`VeL'. Itfi'W• emeeee. .,ffieee
frierie of ai.m.al and ie.: widely kiemern! the Oneelea ef Viereetime IrarmQ pee- ...
U.R.D. Pidncees Patride of ComeaUght tend Cenimander Th.4. Hon
en The .Ammicali Cont'nere, eel) piled ple reiee, Moeeovee, in tbie eom-
.., ... lme....C..e. memos , R . N ., D.S.O. ft am photemr mho jteet re:eive6: .fron.
to the (,. (smells -51m :2ers ; Caned:de I. a mei v e ly emell .C.:,,t Met 110 TUI ell ere, Ere ' , a se -
greatemt contribe!eca to On:: world at .235 ease.' of fiogning, 51 of tortairc, 21mmehee eh e . .. _ .. . e .• -
.tieatieteri to herdedte will be to devote; emon 'have teen. In oreti . o'eeleer til° Plark.eis of the. 'PION 23 to 20c lb.• 10-4b. tins, 27 to 28c;
Honey -Extracted clover: 5 -lb. this
her energies to the - pradentlon ef! Bulgerian reeuration.
60 -lb, tine, 26'to Wee; buckwheat,
food, the range of which leet be liege! In anether nee:Mint it INS '4kV11 711'.0V -
this time, as well lts the greatest eon- of rano. -487 a teemicniten and 816 et
00 lb tin 21 ' 2,... `,111.73. : i -J.,5.,
tor it r toer eeme re %amt." ! c 1 teet wrAnAt lent theie Nell c' 11 iereadetuff $4.50 to 85,00.doza 12 -oze $2.50 to
De reeo reemel teem tome ee re. 011 it peate e 7.'1,.. 01:..;:r Of a caetain m„eemaed Jem. mempimppemeeg anmat n4.00, doz.
----- .
r„..the em..ert.,,, c...,, 1,$:__.;. .]:,,... M.,.6.,)1, I(] 0\ .a.1.1.1 1.i17.,!.:.:1.' 1.11,1 super- ___Ne, 1 - Northern, 12 211 No. 2
Vii,:g.rtlt ',DP , frd-hrseeer the, pemae gee:nee! edein or a ceetant Serge:tot Vasil, leomeeee, $2.211,e; No. 3 l‘fortbere, Pmerieione-Wholeeale
meet aed the met:op:Man e,e, seateley wid3e in ye'., ahetiree e.: !.:.-he 500 men $2.171,e; No. 4 -h .r $2,117:, in Smeleed ,megte.--Ilmins, medium, :36
in Br7„ente ael leere,po. A re...me.. m er !. itemen twit el:flame), hy : rear of ston• Pert WI7elaen, not including. tax. to 38e; heavy SO to 32e; cooked, 50 to
rin'tailt uerene ee mes.i,ailt. staidi.tiodd wede _elememea, oat -No 2 C.W.. (18,e;. 52e, retls, 32 to e3e; breakfast bacon,
mom, Seelem leen! er h-,ag.:, w:t.:1 1,„ ,,......z.1.;?a, aeon em... ea ema eayatemee O. 2 V.W.,. 65c..; extra No, 1 fee -a, 41 to 45e; •Lac) km plein, 45 to 46e;
ereueed efriciency reechniery ,I..,.,,,,1 im,. i 17.,, $1.,, .., i Wile rt, fl 111 ,-.. et: t !A i •:, elduede 65e: No, 1 feed, 6314.c, in sem.° Port herielees, 50 to 53e.
' ' Wilveim. I. Cured rmeate--Long (deem Imeen, 30
Alum -hem eern-No. 3 yellow, $1,60; to 81e; clear belliez, 21, to 30e.
eele in fee.-er peepee Imerg (-me:eyed' No. 4 yellow, $1.55. January ehip- I:era-Fare, tiercee, 28 io 28;ne;
and in a meep'ms oe peold'.0 \elm would. '111REE BRITISH DIVISIONS moat. tubs, 281,e, to 29c; p1111 2S to 29.1,9!,(.::
nae.e. te migrate to th,.. new earno!ee.i DISBANDING IN ITALY Ontan:o rate. new crop -No, 2 liednten h'0 to 201,,ec; ow - mound, tierces,
lie nmemeted thet Caen -dime Feemai: - white 6$ to 71.c; No. :3 white, 67 to 252.4.; to 2491e; tubs, 25M to ettene:
and Beeinee',e1 11' 9u1 and reiim -.A deep LI f 7 1 • 70c, aecoeding te freights outside. . Petiis, 26 to 2619ec; peirta. 27‘e to
.a. e 1 . rom -ore ea ette s:-
waye ,:il.",....i ,.•).-LTenr..:.' ill a net'eey of The Britieh lame theee divisions in Oreario evheat-Ne. 1. Winter, per 27.2,4e. ..
ear let, $2.14 to $2.22;
-•• mo- --ate e oe mt-e! Italy -edaieli te.e being redueed by de- $2.1.1 to $2.19; No. 3. do., $2.07 to ed:nter.1 Marliats -
imenliemi ef peerez. eaha are neand to: mobilization. Probably only a frac- $2.11. No. 1 Sprirg $9.00 to $2.17; Montreal, jam 28. ---Ottee --Exera.
J.Vo ro. tj-,e il,m1.:..r.,70n ;n the rext terml - • • f •-,
t ;On of this -force -will be retained ko. :.:- Spring $2.06 to $2.14; No. 3
i No. 1 feed; 8Floar--New s Laud-
........____em-........... !eained after me:1mm' demobilisation to Spellig. $2.02 ta $2.10 f,ob., skipping, ai i - • • e. • grade, $11.25 to el.1 .35. Rolled
SAYS -.COLSHEVIKI HAVE WON ! eured,len in Avetrie, ie ammrdance
1 form part of the 111 e4 army of oc- , rants, ae.:71.-cling to fregeneen,
Peas -No. 2, e2.00. 1 oate-Baem, 90 lbs. $1.00 to $4.40.
La 01._'7t nen- creep, 78 to, Pran' $37'25' Silica'''.
t $42.25. Mouil-
GRE..ATEST 'VICTORY TN PARIS With the wish or Field AI:reel-ell Foch. .. , • liej $C8.00. Hay-e:ere, 2,, per ton,
I mee: am...cm:nag to remegote eammee,
A deeeata. from Peens same -I °VIM 3,5110 INDIANS Buckwheate-No. 2, $1 .15. nomenal.leaca'Fr iie't:t" Ll.ti'e01.0Th.,t72.,t2t1,:-.; 0A,, (112t.le:;8_,.
$1.40, mrmiral.
Prirme Le -off. former Russian Pre -1 ENLISTED r OR WAR ' reel -Choictest creanemy, rin .to 54c, Eggt;
Menitoba. flour- Ohi trop,
mier, in a statement on Thursday : que.dety, $11.33, Torcatto. t'd I -,Sele,ctedn 5:te ;gin.: No. .1 stock,
-- --
153 to 54c. Pota•toes--Per "rag ear
strongly deprecated ti ea decieion of ; A despatch from Ottawa saye:em 0nbario flour --War qualitY, old lots, $1.70. Dreesed leap.-.Ab,a'ttoir
• elm eznpreme Couneil regaieling R1AS- A report issued by the Department erop, $10.00, !in bags. Montreal and' Milled, $95.00 t 4i.)r. r
0 Lxd-Pare
aa. lee neve. thote:hte' s.ala Prince ' of IrsthEn Affairs shows to what ex- Terme°, prompt ethimanent. ! wood pales, 20 Iles. net, 31 to 3:Mee.
Lye'. dthet eue Confereece would ; tent men of Indian blood enlisted in ! Malfeed-Car lots). cledivered Mont- i
1 freights. liag-s =laded. Bran,1 Live Stock Markets
eoramence it t peace v. ork 1.y renew- I the Canadian forees. The report says Isc-1- .-
I $87.2o per ton. therte, $42.25 per :
leg relations with our tyraute. . . . i that more than 2.500 enlistments were Ito ' i Toronto„Tan. , 28.-Choine heavy
The Bolehx.diel have won their great- I recorded by the department. This i `1lay-No. 1, $23 to $24 per ton; cattle, &glee, $12 . 00 to $12. 50; do.
!steers, $13.00 to $13.50; bu.echers'
est victory in Paris . . . the de- i number Preaents approximately 35 !mixed, $21 to $22 per ton, track Tore:
rision of the Council not only is of i per cent. of the Indian male popiala- I onto. •- I gooel, $11.00 to. $11.50; do, eneditm,
1$10. 00 to $10 . 25; • de common $8.2.5
0anger to es but to the whole world.' tion of military age resident in the ! Straw -Car lots, $10 to $11, track to 8.50; buffs, ohOice, $10'.25 to
It giege new impulse to anarchee" !nine provinces of the Dor.ninion. It is ToiNanto. . $11.00; do, meeleann bulls, $9.00 to
--- ---4---- pointed out further that many Indians !• - $9.50; do, rough - buels, $7 - 0 to
Great Krupp Plant at Essen i enlisted of whom the department has I Country • Producea-Wholeeale ! $8.00; butethees' mews, theice, $10 25
Working for U. S. Government • no record. i Butter -Dairy, tubs and rolls, 38 to ' to $10.75; do, good, $9.50 to $10.00;
. a--- i ._... __ ••••••••• 4.1...........• ...........•
• ; 39e• -prints, 40 to 41e. Crearneiy,; do, medium, $8.50 to $8.75; db, •ccan-
ifrel made, .solids, 51c; p,rints, 52c. ,mon, $7.00 to $7.75; stackers, $8.00
A despeteh from Coblenz says:- PETROGRAD EVACUATED I Egge-New laid, 58 to 60c. i to $10. 00; feeders, $10.50 to $11.50;
The Krum) plant at Essen began! BY BOLSHEVIKI TROOPS i Drcesed poultry -Spring chickens !caimere, $5.50 to $6.00; mlikere, good
worbeemr. -foe the teniterl State' Gov- ' 26 to 32c; roosters-, 25c; fowl, 27 toi , to choice, $90.00 to $130.00; dm oDITI.
ernment Tuesdaa. The task under- i A despatch from Copenhagen ',30e; ducklngs, 32c; 'turkeys, 40c; ;and ined., $65.00 to $75.00; ,springers,
..,...aen In the Krupps consists of mak- ! ams. -The Bohlievik forces are evac- 'squabs dos $4 50l; geese 25s , $90 00 to $130 00' li 'it 9 00
timehe teleich emeheivaldy ontdei tee u11.11 1)*1":'1-
I. • , • • • • ; g ewes' $
- It 10 00.
ing parts for 72 invomplete eannon, • uating Petrograd. and removing all „Lave poultry -Roosters, 20e; -LOW I $ . , yearlings, $12.25 to
stores, acording to a despatch to the
Berlinske Tidendcm from Helsingfors.
The despatch adds that Leon Trot-
7ky. the Bolshevik Minister of War,
is transferring his headquarters to
Nizini-Novgorod, and that the anti-
eejected by the American authorities
as part of the war material offered;
by the Germans ender the terms of
the armistire. With the delivery of ;
the parts for the 72 cannon the de- •
livery of 152 pieces of heavy artillery ;
to the Arnerica'ns will have been com- 1 Bolshevik movement is growing
mi to 30c; ducklings, lb.; 35c; turkey'
135c; Spring chickens, 25c; geese, 180.
Wholesalers are sewing to the re-
tail trade at the :following. paces:
•' Butter-Fresii dairy, choice, 46 to!
48c; creamery, solids, 51 to 53e; ;
plants, 52t to 54c
1 Margarme--32 to 34c.
Toronto, ear lots, 95 cents.
Beans - Oanadean, • hand-picked
CHINA WILL REPATRIATE i FIX NATIONAL DAY bushel, $5 .75 . to $6.00; imported !
1 OF INTERCESSION handepicked, Burma em Indian, $4.75
...m. to $5.00; Limas, 15 to 16e.
PotatoDS-Ontaelos, f.ob., track
A despatch from Pekin says: -The
Chinese Government has decided to
sequestrate all enemy property in
China on February 12. The law call-
ing for the repatriation of enemey
citizens will become effective March
1. The only exceptions will be doc-
tors, invalids and all persons over 60
years of age.
A despatch from Berlin says: -The
former National Liberal Party was
the only party which elected no wo-
men delegates to the National As-
sembly. The Majority Socialists elec-
ted 15 women, the Independents three,
the Democrats five, the Clericals
seven, and the Conservatives four.
The advent of women to the legisla-
tive deliberations of the incoming
German Republic is generally ap-
• A despatch from Ottawa says:-
! Sunday, February 16, has been fixed
by the Government as a national day
of intercession that the deliberations
of the Peace Conference may result
"in the establishment of a world-wide
peace on a just and permanent foun-
A Cockney Test, Too.
A Frenchman., boasting in company
that he had thoroughly mastered'
; the English language, was asked to
write the following from dictation:
"A.s Hugh Hughes was hewing a
yule -log from a yew -tree, a man
; dressed in clothes of a dark hue came
!up to Hugh and said: 'Have you seen
; my ewes?"If you will wait until I
hew this yew, I will go with you any -
i where in Europe to look for your
I ewes,' said Hugh."
During the last year British trade
union membership has increased over
erf 1014:y• OR
5ANFE-r( 1 tiAZ
5E E rr FM OF
T1 -1%'b W‘cSE., bete.
1`414HT 1',3T eetedmiev
HOME Akt\l' titT
$13.00; spring lambs, $13.75 to
$14.25; eaves, good to choice, $15.50
to $16.50; hogs, fed and watered,
$15.00 to $17.00.
Montreal, Jan. 28.-0h/eke steers,
$12.00 to $13.00; good', $10.00 to
$11.50; medeurn, $8.50 to $9.50; bulls
$8.50 to $10.00; good, $8.00 to $8,50.
medmen, $7.00 to $7.50; COW% $9.00
to $10 . 90; good, $8.50 to $9.00;
medeurn, 7.00 to $8.00; canners,
$5.00 to 06.50; calves, raillded,
$12,00 to $15.00; sheep, $9.50 to
$10.50; lambs, $11.00 to $13 . 00.
Where C-anacliane Are -Thi is a picture, of the Univereity :at Bonn,
Germany, which is the heal -quarters of the Canadian forte on the theme.
Many ,of our offecers are demicened in this building which faces the public
KILLS 500,000
ARE Doom.
Official German Report Gives
• Figures. 011 Malnutrition
• Due to Blockade,
A despateh from Be/Ca says:a-Tt.
is announced' officialny by Inc German
Government that O. fUrtalter' inveetega-
tion of mortality, due to the Medea:dm
from the Autumn of 19.16until the
end of 1918, shows. that Atte figures
were remelohighee than were first elm,
posed. More than 500,000 deettle:4,
it is e:aid, were eaused by MaIneeri-
tion or. tualernuttretleme Oaly ,eeefearers
are included in the Vet, which, saye
the .announecenent, "If it eri at e1 it
is. by .gielInee. too lei; figaree."
Only each easee aleere ::.add, it is
deviarmi, tee we deareeely catablish-
ed ae. being due to the coomee named.
The •offieiale. intend to puteish the
ccmplete nietotial on ,which the tin-
* , c Lame-
! strate that this ree not propaganda, lint
striotly for elle purpe.:mi of eetablish.
!lire; the feats."
Irree'rese of tho Great West Told
fai a Few l'olnied
1110 Navy League Leboe Bukcate, in
Victoria,. is finding jobs fur many de
mobilized eailore. •
Struck 4 a motel' cur, Willie Bigg*,
aged seven, was almost instantly kil-
led at Vancouver.
An impressive ceremony marked
the unveiling. of South Vaueouverh.4
. Vietory Loan flag.
The establishment of a free port
:lone within Vancouver Harbor is be-
ing gerongly advocanid.
! Apparently °vete:erne by heart-
! failure, Ben Thomee Griffithe a re-
turned soldier, fell dead at Vieteria.
Emery M. Prouty., who has been en-
gaged in the sprunc induetry in B.C.
i.Vied recently of pneumonat at Port
II. B.t.ody. nf Fiudfay, Deeham
I • ' •
tied Brodie, Vieteria, died suddenle
near his borne at Londom Ile lef
r'nictoria in law,
(Meonee Jeffe of Vancouver, score(
1the city for benne laxity, -which he
believed wee ibe mem: o1 a number o
auto accident.
Samuel' Glaziere of Victoria, was
arrested, chaeged with carrying on a
i trading buslues,4 and not keeping
books of aecotret.
1 -
! An English Writer Quote e Prices in
the Reign of Richard I.
Eight bushels of Wane for a bob!
Thirty-two pecks for a shilling!
Where? In Chearside. When? In
1191, In that year twenty seams of
beans were bought for twenty shil-
lings, says an English welter. A seam
was a load for a pack -home, and con-
sisted of eight. bushels. Those beans
were bought for the soldierho.
. went with King Richard the First to
:Jerusalem on the Third Crusade. I
And what did . Richard the Lion-
Heart and his courageous Crusaders
have toeat with their beans during 1
the voyage? Why pork, of course! i
Pork and beans. What price. the
pork? Ix:ell, eight hundred hogs
were bought, to be carried to .Terra -
10111 with the King, for $289. That
works out to a fraction over 33 cents'
per hog. So that in 1191 you could
"go the whole hog" for less than the
present price of one pound of bacon!
That wouldn't be buyiug "a Pig in a
poke," would it?
Meat at half a cent a pound, horse-
shoes at half a cant each, boots at 50
cents a pair. an acre of arable land
at a yearly rent of 12 eente, and a
ship for $180, were alio current prices
at that period. • •
But what about incomes? A cap -.t
tain of' a ship received $30 a year;
a sailor meactly half that amount; a
carpenter earned 6 cents a day: a
laboer got 4 cents a day; a woman 2
cents. and a boy 1 cent. .
So that half the Meekly wage of a
laborer would pay the year's rent of
an acre of ground. He could easily i
afford a pound -of meat a day. Ono
and a half week's wages would buy
a pig. Four week's wage% would buy
a pair of boots.
Let us now see how the king was
fixed financially. He wanted all the
money he could get to enable him
to join the Third.Crusade. He sold to
William the Lion his -Richard's -
right of superiority over the Crown
.of Scotland for $33,330. He sold the
Earldom of Durham to the Bishop of
Durham- for the same sum. He sold
the Chancellorship of England to the
Bishop of Ely for $15,000. And in
similar ways he made up a total of
On his way home from the war
Richard became a prisoner of the
Emperor of Germany, who demanded
a ransom of $500,000. To pay this
every man in England had to give a
quarter of his income.
Some income-tax that! But it was
paid. And Richard returned home.
Occurrencea in the Lund That Reigns
6411renta131 1119 comfier.
tin! wotia. •
Lieutenant E. C. Hocking, R.A.F.,
son of Joseph Hocking, the novelist,
was , killed in action.
The Corporation of Sunderland fit
paying 6378,000 per aneum 131 'woe,
One of the newest war industries is
the manufacture of dog woe" mto
wearing garments.
There has been a redeetion •1 ever
fifty thousand paupere
during the past year.
Nineteen Staffordshire inhere were
ordered to pay fin, uu't damages
foe negleet of work.
The Actors' .A.i3oeituifel has &aided
to go into liquidation aml beceme re-
eenetructed as a tradce
A matinee and auction sale at Men -
erestee realized over ,t3,000 for the
t King's Punt' for the Dleabled.
Foueteen 'hundred British eoldiers
1 expressed their intention or becoming
clergymen after the war.
South IUc.,3VY Old i( VS' and
Sailors' MaillPi'A 1110 Wires Aseoeia-
tion gave n Cireistmas tree to the
widows and chili -leen or soldiers.
The forty-sixth anneal report of
'the B.C.
of management of the
B.C. Protestant. Orphane' Home
read. at Victoria City Huli,
A megnifieent officiel reception nas
held at Vancouver 10, home of Ilme
John Oliver upon his meminement ue
Minister of the Crown.
A move:non: is 0,1 fad_ at Prince
Rupert to tithe over the Prince Rupee!:
Hospital by the cite,- and eppoint a
board of Ilia direetors.
Mr. George Easterbrook, manager
of the Easterbrook Milling Company,
dig:Akin his 77th year from plicumoniq
after an illness of live months.
Lieutenant ;fames E. Stephene.
son of •Col, Stephene, et' the Imperial
army, who enlisted Tem Prince
Rupert in 1915, is reported killed in
action. •
.A.11 expert in Vaneouver estimates
that three years will he the M.:reboil
of the shipbuildiate indeetey on the
Pacific coast. Atte/. that, 13) says,
the world's demean .tor ships will be
greatly reduced.
Nanahno will have a memorise
monument ei ected to the memory of
the Nanahno bop: fallen in aetion.
Four captured eammy guile hams been
requested from the lliel,tce rf 11'141a
and Defence.
Midnight, the time of the anneal at
Vancouvee !lepot of the first party of
returned men to ceach the city after
the signing of the armistice, Ray- a
large crowd assembled at the C.P.R.
station to greet the heroce witIl ring.
ing (dicers.
The death took place ea:wetly of
3,37 R, 'Walker, who gave the King, es
eadel, hie that lessou 10 diving.
Major 3, Mackenzie Rogan, ihe
:remote; army bandmneter, has beze
admitted to the •Creedcm of the Vali-
clam' Company.
Sir William Pick!7or.l, the nem
presilent of the Admiralty and- Di-
voree Courts, has beett made a peer
• of the United Kingdom.
It is hoped to raise .2100,000 tor the
Therrove Memorial School, and of thie
amount £42,000 has already bean 5331) -
$8,000,000,000 P011
A despatch from London says: -
The subscriptions to the National War
Bonds reached and passed a total of
£1,600,000,000 before the close of
Saturday last, it is learned. The
Bank of England figures now available
show that during the final week of
the issue applications were made for
£102,980,202, making the grand total
for the Bank of England issue of ap-
plications of £1,549,605,815. To this
has been added £50,986,240 subscribed
through the post office. The amount
therefore so far realized by the Na-
tional War Bonds is £1,600,592,055.
. .
The 31achester eotton employers
have offered their earil,,Ts and
• ners SlLfl-
312. merceme of forty imr rent.
(Wel! Pr:4-V.1111 wages.
• Sir Charles Wakefield hes made a
gift of X500 a year for live years to
the British Academy to c.i.,tabliSk •
Raleigh Hiztory Fund.
• The Loudon Chamber of Conn -neve,.
• has reaffirmed Hz, previous decision
agai1i4 the nationalizing of railways,
At a sale of 113 lots belonf:mg, to
I the Alton Estate, Staffordshire, the
sum of ,%88,500 022,000) was real-
0. Edwaree, headmaster of the.
! Sydenham Church of Eaglaud
!! tee
:mired after forty-six yea's'sen.
I Sarah Ball= wae finetl
monton for sending a bai: O±1.0fmIlatr'l
hy it..
t hich exploded inh
ti• post
Sir Alfred Mond, M.P.. ha:: centri-
i buted 225,000 to the Jewish Nationsl
Fund foe the porchatm of land in
d.ee nested six yeers ago at
, Dommama Calmer 1)0711. Ireland, has
• md -n eieetirM-Hn • Wilme-
just lead .at
law. Cheeiiiie.
Yoltime.niani is threatened with n
stoppage of the lace industry owing
to the demand of the workers for in-
, creased pay.
The late Colonel Roosevelt. enrot?ci
fifty guineas from the Nobel Pea!,
Prize awarded him to the Klee s Fund
for the Disabled. .
Admiralty Reveals Details of Craft
Equipped for 3,000 Mile Cruises.
The Admiralty has just permitted
to be made public the real story of
the submarine cruisers the British
successfully constructed at the time
the Germans were boasting of their
The British craft have two funnels
and make twenty-four knots on the
surface under steam power. They
carry from eight to ten. torpedoe
tubes, two or three 4-inc11 guns, and
are. equipped also with internal com-
bustion motors for surface creasing.
The batteries for the under-ealkeiver
can be charged frem both the'etearn
and combustion engiees, and tin in-
genious scheme has beea devised for
dismantling the furred- quickly for
submhsielig:11:ogand 2,700 tone submerged.
Is displace 2,000 tons on
The'sI• are 340 feet long, have a beam
of 26 feet and a cruising radius of
3,000 miles. They are designed to be
a match even for toepedo-boat des-
troyers in surface fighting.
It is known also that the British
have built succepsfully a submarine
carrying a 12 -inch gun, although the
details of this craft have not' been,,,
made public. The new ideas embraced
In the construction of the craft include
the "Cushioning" of the boat to with-
stand the terrible concussion of the
gun. This idea is represented unoffi-
cially as balling been successful. So
Car as is known, the neev craft never
was employed against any enemy
Something In One Lesson, '
"Do you think you could learn to
love nee?" asked the young man.
"Well -I don't -know," replied fin
sweet young thing, thoughtfully.
"I have $5,000 in Victory Bonds,
$)10,000 invested in good -paying stock,
"Gon on; I'M learning."
"And $50,000 in well -paying real
c'a.Arright, dear; I've learupd. Be -
neve me, you're some teachert"
Curious Bequests Left by Well -Mean-
ing Patriots.
A lieutenant who was lately killed'
in France, and had been a lawyer in
civil life, left £300 to the King,
"hunibiy requesting his Majesty to
apply the same to the reduction of
the national debt."
An Irishman who left over a hun-
dred thousand pounds to pay off the
town's debt had better hick, but as
he expressed absolute conviction of
the incapacity and idiocy of the pre-
sent town council he made it opera-
tive in 21 years!
Queen Victoria had some large lega-
des left to her for her private use, I
but the funniest was a "pet parrot"
by an old lady with 100 guineas per
annum for its keep! She made the
amusing condition that "Her Majesty
publicly exhibit it before the court
twice a year. to prove that the per-
son entrusted with its care has not
wrung its neck."
The Ie .of Pines promisee to be-
come en ,important producer ocf iron,
copper, and other ores; .as eleven Mints
have been located.
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