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The Exeter Times, 1919-1-30, Page 4
IISf °ll' UNIT IIf' Y aria 2914! rlIE "'EXETER MIMI Farmers 1tte Itio Attention u c O H I'S TOPICS • WEEK °llerecfi Jess 'CV1#llard $101,000 ivr match 'with Jack Dempsey. #lra Auction Sale time ......m.. declined on the ground that he might gh OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS �1�`, �♦n m -i, , Make money your apace Auxin ghe &all ansa wiutex pazontInki ling 1 nailing ., ,; UPi911AY� IC1AN91iIAN �lU1RS. boishevild Reject Offer of Joint inference. important Events Which Halve tacctxrred ©eosin the \IVeek.i g get hurt, FRIiDAY. The Board of Trade held its annual meeting.1. On Lot 25 and 26, Lake Road, Hay l Mile West of Dashwood, on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4,1919 �' �k �' r ` � I 1111 CASTORut r I I 14`OtC1K i ----+ They Deefare that princes este ads a World's Ha rein s CarerF Busy ppe l5 full pand Put Into Compiledr Bolshevik forces are evacuating Petrogzad. ' The Niagara river bridge project At, 1 o'clock the following property horse .ill I i G ' '' For Infants `end Children. F wria sh '! European n markets will �a open • 'for „Oa di,an 1N'xuit stn$ saw ,is ,blast ime ± to wreak tor �`s�'gn planting Are Too Demote and They Desire to Spread Propaganda — internalyrs. Situation of iRttssita Is Already Settled,1Decla r s the Forel stor. y Bandy and Attractive Shape for ;the Readers of Our Paper -- A Solid Hour'seat. has been revived. Thirty-four women have been elected to the National Assembly of German 7'• The ileal report of the Victory Loan Committee places . total. sub- ar les -Horse 8 , rus. old; ah 'aw! old; horse 12 ,yus: old, Caddie --.Cory 4 Yrs..011,•fresh cow 5 yrs. old, ansa ,time= °f safe;',caw 7 9 d; yrs. due nn' May,; cow an fall cow 5 rs. farrow; yrs. Dear' due year old es fes; year old steer 6 sprirt�g calves u�;,u j�I 1 t4 it "°I It r! I ,.IJlalll r s' e 00 �� OPS wla alllaall a �lw�lall s 8 : IIINIJ. t a Mthere Know► Tho '°'„ Genuine Caston ----‘ ma cat lit of iElnuat nnd Ozmamental" Stook, Ia ell Patatces, etc. grows : -_- z r • Yrx tta ,Ear Particulars , I • 1 neeolgE & ,WTLLIN,OTON , Aso Old Reliable Ponthill "ISluaseiriee llstnablitsiia�'$ 183.7 ' TORONTO, ONT,Several PARIS, Jan. 27.—M. Tchitcherin, the Bolshevik Foreign Minister, has sent a wireless message to the Soviet representative in Sweden asking con- firtnation of the decision of the Su- preme Council of the Peace Confer- ence to send a mission to confer with representatives of the different fac- talons in Russia on Princes Islands, > M. Tchittherin s message declares that Princes Islands are too remote for such a meeting. - He objects to the isolation of the islands as tending to surround the Edon �Pestman has been appoint- ed deputy postmaster of Toronto. Gustave Adat, President of Swit- zerland, will arrive in Paris to -day. A recount has been ordered of the Woodstock mayoralty election gal- lots. White Russia has proclaimed its anion with the Russian Soviet Re- public. A big seizure of liquor was made from a car on the Duffer siding of the C.P.R. in Toronto. Hamilton churches increas- ed their pastors stipends and voted them bonuses in addition. scriptions at 695 millions. Portuguese warships are reported ti be bombarding Oporto, which is is the hands of the Monarchists. The annual statement of the Dom- inion Bank shows considerable ex- pension in both assets and deposits. The public burning of opium stocks in Shanghai has begun and on the first day $2,000,000 worth was de- strayed. Mrs. C. D. Gilman, the noted so-�•e ciologist, at meeting last night in Toronto, derided the term "domestic economy." ca cabs 2 months old. Sow due hi April; about 10 hens: Intplemonts-Defensng biauder, Mc- Cormick mower, new disc harrow; bobsleighs, drill, ttleiv; cultivator, hay bobsleighs, rake walking plow,2-furrow gin •- gang- plow,set diamond fnarrows, land roll- er 2 wagons, 1' new double 'wagoq.1'40'10/ip.tinglheStomac6sandRuwelsa. box, top buggy, fannin mill, rutiin g g box, turnip pulper, scuffler, hay rack set work eye andss„ sluing ropes, 125 ft. rope, Pulleys carriage; ivates- p gh, zendstone, stoneboat, whiffle- g trees, forks, shovels, quant- trees, lumber; International ate' lumber; twindows,Daisy I � l: t1,1 ' I t �;; ; a4 60 ' „ it IGv '; �C i y g tia� i°Itp h ° I '' ql ,l .4 C 1 r _- 9 UUUIIINUIUIII,IIIIII---UilpluiUup;;,uiuipuuwu,Wullaafwui ;�I, N�ax Th �_.._- elite ttelaraceY_____edtc►rAs PS p araUonforub ` AVe elablePrep ;�simtheSgtheFoodandikeula r =GHILABh�,, INFANTS>� XI --` tPromotesDigestionCheer. l f.nessandRest.ContainMinera'. Opium,Morp hies norPiinc►�.. SNOT NABC Oma_ if Always Bears the Signature , •. of f conference with secrecy, and also to Victory bonds sold in 1918 are now Dr. G. E. Morrison, adviser to theI arator, 3 storm chuzp7t '� •°.,I to --- ti ggee �� Si dale' + `�, RRR�A� 'r� � � SWAY ,'' 'S�X T, M leaving to the Entente the choice f o participants.yesterday This of the Supreme listed on the Toronto and Montreal Stock Exchanges for open trading. Chinese Government, was in Toronto en route to the Peace Con- ference. box -stove and many, other articles too numerous to meuttiiari; also a Collie and under cash; over ; }l,'l I1'?l • ,etc ria 1 sen• I Ti me T a bl e i proposition Council, the message says, is made at a time when the Bolsheviki are vie- a time over their opponents and the internal situation of Russia has been interna but the Soviet Government upon receipt confirmation re- quested will of theIly consider the The anti -loafing regulations of, April last have been rescinded, ow- ing to altered industrial conditions. A movement is on foot among French Deputies to make Versailles the permanent seat of the League of Nations, decorated While on a brief visit to London to secure his discharge, Pte. Norrisnis McAteer of Detroit contracted "flu" and died. The New York Legislative Assem- bly has ratified the federal prohibi- tion amendment. The measurawaits Terms -110 that amount 10 mont s credit on fur- ," ,nt, approved joint elates. 4 per cent off for cash. an, credit amounts FRANK TAYLOR, SAM'L BAKER Auctioneer Proprietor =.0•"4�� ° {1 y�r i}�;� 1 i . I q l�I I � l �I� l I ,11 le einete „ ' I �s ` 1 Thiene' a -- fO far ll' ecieetRemedy �' Ap ch•gs�' ;:tion. SOur Sloma Worm5,FevertShnessand k p U c V , e? Cba. II ges .A Cha a of tens ,will be made or. a7 19 January 5th 1919 proposal. The general opinion expressed was that the wireless message sent by M. Tchitcherin, Minister of Foreign Af- fairs of the Soviet Government in Russia, is the only direct expression provoked thus far by the Peace Con- ference's wireless invitation to the Russian factions, and that this fact must be taken as indicating that the final attitude of the Bolsheviki Gov - ernment is hostile to a meeting under the King George yesterday Frigate Thomas Ricketts, first New- foundland Regiment, with the Vic- toria Cross. Ex -President W. H. Taft declared',�'I in Toronto that ii he were Britain he would not reduce the navy by one torpedo boat. The nuns of the Catholic Lyceum in Lindenstrasse, Berlin, marched to the polling booth on Sunday in a group and voted. The Austrian Government has in- action by the Senate. In a rough, fast game at Ottawa last night the Arenas of Toronto were defeated 3 to 2, the Senators tieing the score is the third period and winning toward the close. Dr. J. J. Bedard of North Bap was fined $200 and$80 costs for a breach of the Ontario emperance Act; he issued 390 liquor prescriptions in 21�;M days, in some cases ordering 16 ounces instead of 6. Miss Ines Honey of Port Hope, em- _ a AllCtIOII Sale jQ,sj Oh FARM rSTOICK IMPLEMENTS, U3'AY AND RO0113 Thos. ICanaeron has received ,metric- tions sell by ;public auotio'n on Lot 30 'Con. I2, Towacs!ltip of IIibbert, on • ' r c THURSDAY, Tow slh ii So 13th, 1919 j II l �,.� i,tig;; . y, p o �D` �f� ' CliaIl ;,, Ili , +-� a•1 � VI �n i ! o I II;a ,� f i �, �, t loss OF SLEET 3 �- — ,, -� -" ' = ature of Facsimile 51St' lcsy _ ._--- -• THE CENTAURCoY„nK -; & NEf )►cOt 'fll b ea months old TS CDpSEs ",35LEx �5 -. -=' � } :For Over ,. - r 3 Thirty Yearsa C AsTo ',+ 9 Information Now: in +Agent$ hands conditions proposed. It is regardedformed possible that a more formal reply will be received from former Emperor Rarl that unless Monarchist movements cease pl°yea in Toronto, while home on ag week -end• visit to her parents and at 12.30 o'clock Shaaiip the foPoii•in •+ Exact Co of Wrapper. ,N� Q COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY' the Boisheviki, but the dissatisfac- he must leave Vienna. Several group games in the On- her brother just arrived from over- 1 mare Ines) driver; ” " '`' N4 J. Agent, Exeter, ; tion expressed by the Soviet commis- sinner is considered as amounting to a rejection of the invitation. It was tario Tankard were postponed yes- terday in various parts of the pro- because lack ice. seas, was taken ill with Su on Sun- day and died yesterday. Rev. Father Joseph Kennedy, Teo- purpos4 e, 1fa, erio.; neral I urpose; 1 farmer's 2 Icons, mare and �eldirg; 3 yeas old g.enenal ,purpose. Rhone 40w indicated by Stephen Pichon, the French Foreign Minister, in an inter- vince of of Rev. John , C mmin s, •pastor_of n- the Walkerton' Roman Catholic tor of ..,,St. Mary's Roman Catholiclinen Church in London, died from peen - ,CATTLE-1 cow slue March tat; 'i cow Idue in IA�pril, ,1 cow due l a51ay; view Sunday, that it rests with the Church, died Hamilton monis, of which the curate of the 5 beifei� 2 years old; 2 steers 2 years 1855 •. Supreme Council to decide upon the at as a result injuries in train same church, Rev. Father Richards, 4 calves. INCORPORATED _.• ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ � tib,- i e�p x e >,, , H ;^ ,,, ll- ;' t s' �„ ,,,• ''' .s �'sgY'rd, j;�4 . ,s� T p :?, rr?rz.. '5)_ ?;,st.,;•�:. winter Term from January. 6th ♦ ♦ Is recognized as one ,log the ♦ mast 'reliable lCommereial♦I • Schools in {Canada. The instrnc- ♦ ® e a �T? ,psis riemced .sand , the ♦ ',Downes are up-to-date. Gradu ♦ rites rare placed in",positions and ® Stu.- ♦ course. to be followed in case the Princes Island meeting is abandoned. It is declared that the Supreme Council will not consent to hold the meeting anywhere where the Bolshe- viki will have an opportunity to in- dulge in speeches calculated to spread their doctrine. The 'ouncil of the National and Democ" .laic bloc of Russian political organi.ations abroad has sent a strongly worded protest to Premier Clem nceau against the decision of the Supreme Council to call a con- ference of the Russian factions. "We would be men without honor and courage if we accepted for aein- gle moment a truce such as proposed ao n, wane all that are dear are.iii 1 danger -of' death—violent death by execution or assassination, or slow death through hunger," the protest says in part. "The interest humanity in of received wreck near Harrisburg 'ten days ago. • ''" WEDNESDAY. The German National Assembly is to meet at Weimar. The ex -gainer's birthday is to be celebrated at Amerongen Castle. Counter-revolutionary demonstra- tions are reported from Budapest. Burlington's new nominations for the council will be held Monday. The first day of the Salvation Army drive in Toronto yielded over $33,000. The War Badger was launched at Welland by the British American Shipbuilding Co. There is now an ample supply of sugar available in Canada and a''con- siderable quantity for export. The military mission sent to Estho Swedisha advises that troops be sent there against the Bolsheviki. Hon. George , s a victim a few weeks ago. SATURDAY• The resignation of Norway's Cabi- net is imminent+ Two new railroads will shortly be built into Ungava Territory. The steamer Belida brought a num- ger of military and civilian passen- gess to St." John. The wholesale lumber trade ex- pects advances of from 20 to 30 Iter cent, in all kinds of lumber, Over 2,000 bottles of whiskey la- belled as window glass were seized by the police in.a freight car. 'nI The army in arelai ts,Portugal w le the side of the Monarghists, while• the 'navy is loyal to the ,Government. President Wilson is likely to be offered the Presidency of the Com- mission of the League of Nations. Fireo t mysterious worth of property ed about $Sof old, BOGS 1AND FOWL -2 shoots; a number Of diems and (pullets. IMPLEMENTS -Lumber wagon new; 'democrat wagon, top buggy; pr. bob sleighs new ; butter, nearly new; wagon box; spring seats, stook rack, binder, mower, steel eats, rake spring tooth cultivator, seeder and drill; '4 s, ction icon• harrows; -furrow; riding plow, walking plow, 'sniffler, steel land roller, tanning mill, set of double team harness; -1 set working. harness 1 single set working bar- Cess, set buggy Thar forwhks Cietrces, double neck -yokes, ails, chains and ne, horse , blankets grain bags, grindstone, oar, {rapes and sling. Twenty tons first-class timothyoahay .e. quantity of barley and oats mixed• grains, wheat and barley ; barley and oats. A toes, a of maooklds, turnips and 'potatoes, a good cook stove and T����0�BA A - I 'SAVINGS • i CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8,80C,000 97 Branches in Canada General Banking Business Transactec CIRCULAR LETTERS OF OREDI4p 'BANK MONEY ORDERS I SANK DEPARTMENT Interest allowed at highest current rate, W, D, OLABKE, MANAGER, EXETER BRANCH ': { } ' `K �' they meet with success. ♦ of gen- Graham says that Sir the A Blair A. Blair & ,� �, era) and democracy in particular,"Wilfrid Laurier is anxious to have a at plant of Co.,Wood- C., Wood- pipes. t dents may enter at any time. ♦ '♦'• for O the protest adds, "requires the estab- reunion of all Liberals in Canada. stock' An unsuccessful attempt was made TERMS OF SALE �� ; Write at once ,free rata- �► Zggue> I 1 I',.;� _ ,�, !_ l- ♦et •on lishment in Russia of a regime based the sovereignty of the people free- Iy The University of Toronto Senate has cancelled militarydrill for the Thursday night to blow upthe Mon- tarn street bridge of thC.P.R. at $10 and under easel, over that amount 1`L 'months' credit on furnish- ' President ♦ expressed. An improvised meeting students for the remainder of this Montreal. ing )approved joint notes ora diacourlt ing We F. ELLIOTT 4 : D. �. hlaLAiTRLAN, Principal, ♦ ♦�♦O♦♦♦@♦�♦♦♦��♦6���0���♦♦ at the Princes Islands cannot be an expression of this sort. Russia has long clamored for the free election of a constituent assembly. The at- tempt was stifled by the Bolsheviki session. Louis and Saulte Agnolezzi of Ap- pleby were fined in all some $800 for distilling liquor and their outfit was confiscated. British and Canadian authors will attend the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of James Rassell Lowell. Thirtye the American of live ex cent off on1 credit mounts. ,wM. MOONEY, Pr THOS. (CAMERON, Auct. "s "- o ice 3! anking Service 31 1 ` Y+ F War Time by force of arms, and they are to -day asked to make the voice of Russia heard." The Lion Brewing Co. of Kitcit- crier was fined $200 and costs at Guelph for selling beer over 2 per states of Union yesterday certified to the State Department ratification of the Fed- era) prohibition amendment. e Auction Sale - IPOI�R banking requirements may : 5 FJ rices TROUBLE IN PORTUGAL. cent. alcohol. Kitchener is to adopt the two- platoon system in its fire department The monthly bank statement shows an enormous expansion in deposits in December, the increase being; CLEARING SALE OF FARM STOCK ' be entrusted to this Bank with everyconfidence that careful and q 11 On W ire FenClc B strand few 45 cults Peg" i ?, mtrwd ezt� 43 pante 8 strand Mese s 55 'tents Pee Steel gates, barb wire and brace wire, wieder ,wase posts at low prices, Also 9 and 10. foot As»hos posts. Let kinds King i1tannel Attempts to Regain His Throne. LISB' �N, Jan. 27.—The Royalist in the north, which was restricted to Oporto and Braga, is now being put down by the concen- tration of Republican troops. The movement has been completely stamped out in Lisbon, where somegot infantry, cavalry and artillery occu- pied the two forts of Monsanto Hili and Duque and hoisted the Royalist flag last Wednesday. These forces on March 1. St. Thomas firemen are asking for it. Ottawa merchants registered a pro- test against the proposed absorption of of the Bank of .Ottawa by the Bank of Nova Scotia. The The Central Ontario Liberal As- sociation was formed at a meeting in St. Georges Hall Toronto, with Mr. W E. N. Sinclair of Oshawa as presi- dent. Leslie, son of Thomas West, whose barn on the Cannock farm, near Woodstock, was burned, was arrest- $63,811,987 over the previous month. Federation and co-ordination o! charitable and social organizations were urged by Rev. Peter Bryce in an address to social service workers. ill A stormy mass meeting called by the Toronto carpenters. condemned orders -in -Council and it was only with difficulty that Mr. Tom Moore a hearing. g• Neil McDonald, a respected young farmer of PricevilZie, near Flesher- ton, was found dead, his throat cut IMPLEMENTS, HAY AND ROOTS. Mr. Thos. Cameron has received in-" struetions to sell by public auction on Lot 15, Con. i, Hay, Louden Road, souoHensallTUESDAYFEB- south on , - RUARY 11th, 1919, at 12:3.0 sharp the following property: g p p Y° HORSES — 2 general purpose, 5 Years; 1 Agris, rising 5 years; 1 Agris. filly rising 4 years; 1 Agris filly rising 3 years; 1 foal; 1 aged mare, 1 driv- ing mare. �� efficient service will be rendered.. Our facilities are entire) at Our y y disposal. ANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE IA l e : , ;. me lgu©te you my, prion on all ed and, it is alleged, confessed to with a, razor, the only reason that of lumber and shingles, Place your order,, new for what F'ertiliaeir you meed, UTILIZER a •0_II1I " I . surrendered Saturday night. Troops from Lisbon are now proceeding to the north. A despatch from Lisbon reports that Ayres Orneilas, former King Manuel's representative, wasToronto killed in the fighting on Montsanto setting fire to it, but could give no reason, • THURSDAY. Hon. Dr. Cody addressed the To- Tonto teachers. can be assigned being despondency following influenza. MONDAY. machinists decided upon a 33 -hour week. CATTLE —i cow freshened in Jane nary; 2 cows to freshen'in March; 1 cow to . freshen in April; 2 cows due later; 5 2 -year-old steers and heifers; ' 5 calves. EXETER 'MANOR -A., KURE, MANAGER Crediton Branch -J. A. Mo Donald Manager. r . Daslhwood legarsoh -• F. S. Kent, Mianager z ' 1 t ' Xk ' ; {7i" Phone 12, V.A. J.5 ��Jn LA �l LI T Q -r A �'O Elul,' Former King Manuel is reported to have entered Portugal at 6 o'clockMilk Sunday having crossed the Minho river at morning, having. The Cabinet has resigned. In an official note, the Government explains that although the Monarchist move- The Legislature has been called to meet February 25. nig Theepresentation once aree demaneague d Nations. fawn bowlers of the Tillsonburg. club engaged in a game at that town on Monday.t,l• Spring lambs arrived last week on a Kent countyfarm. retail price drops from 14c to 12c to -day in Chatham. Ex -Crown Princess Cecilia voted at Potsdam in the German elections. Judge William McKay Reade, sen- ,for judge of Waterloo county, is dead. Three gunmen in New York were HOGS AND FOWL: -1 sow to litter in April, p 9 store hogs; 50 hens and pullets. IMPLEMENTS—Lumber wagon, bob sleighs road cart cutter binder near- g ly new, mower, seeddrill, disc, walk- ung plows, single furrow sulky plow, 2 furrow plow, steel land roller, steel i, IW. ROBINSON 1 ' LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR r Counties of Huron Perth and Middlesex., Farm Stock sales a Dila! Office at Coekshutt Warerooms, next door to the Central fT um DEMO'RN.I9 7v. B,IRR'ERT FARMER'S @IIITIILIL FIRE IN�1J AMIE COMPANY Ofllce, Farquhar, Pre�s4ent,• ROBE. NORRIe` Vice -President Q'. AlOSa .11 rpt Oaf EtY A � l,+j ? GLOSSYa places ment n Gra been za, Liisb nn and Cher er oth- Miss Emily Wickens was killed by street car when she tried to cross sentenced on Saturday to the electric chair. horse rake, set harrows, scufflesstock rack,gravel box turnipseed drill, Rotel, 'Maifit. Exeter. Chargers mod= crate and ssttusfaction assent guaranteed, DIT TO :' l 'REE FROM DANDRUFF er districts the military and civil elements are seeking to revive quay-Temiskemiug in front of it, in Hamilton.' Mrs. C. Fidler of London while' Mining Company's pul- per, fanning mill, 2000 lbs. scales, 1 WM. BROIIIK.. 'WM. refs amongthe Republicans. Where- stooping to stroke a pet dog had the. annual statement shows assets of Cream Separator, stone boat, set of .' 3, L, lRUS LD', ' J. T. A!LLICOB IRini b0 Girls! Try it? Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautiful—Get a small bottle of Danderiae. fore the Ministers, not desiring to weaken the Republican forces in the present grave hour, have decided to resign. lobe of her ear bitten off byit. Sunday, Feb. 16, has beenfixed by the Government as a day of national intercession for the Peace Confer- $•870;114: panya naegam t rni gs •Pulpk i 1918 show Corn- big increase. Augustus Thompson, fifteen years team harness ,set work harness, num- ger of horse collars, 2 sugar kettles, sap pails and spiles, cedar posts, lad- dens, forks, shovels chains and other J, rySr� ■ROWNING, :M., D.,, M. El, Al - S. Graduate Yarstoria University., OPliee •and tResidearo Dominica o' I ' ' , . AGES I 1 I I. JOHN Exeter Agent �; L�? U If you care for heavy hair that glis- 'lens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an incomparable Soldiers Complain of Food. VICTORIA, B.C., Jan. 27.—Sol- diers the Empress encs. The Empress of Britain docked at Halifax and seven trains carried its to their home old, was drowned while skating on $ Kingston Bay. The Czechs have captured Oder- Oder - articles too numerous to mention; A quantity of timothy hay, sane clover hay, some turnips zn pit, some household Labr�atory, Exeter, Associvate Coroner of Enron ,andMISERY. borne, said Velem 1ph, OLIVER,fIARRIB Munro A , ge+aba Hihbert Fullerton and Lo + g W. A. ' nw. ' "41 softness and is fluffy and lustrous, try Danderine. Hai one application doubles -the )resit ofyour hair, besides it imine- y dpately dissolves every particle of returning on of Asia made many complaints against the commissary department aboard the liner. Some said there was not enough to eat, others said the cook- ing was bad, and while in the tropics soldier passengers dis- tricts, A strike by the electrical workers in Berlin, Germany, has left the city in darkness during the past two berg city from the Poles after son- guinary fighting. Pte. M. P. Gerrold was run over and killed by a train at Exhibition Camp, Toronto, effects. TERMS OF SALE:—A11 sums of ($10.00 and under cash, over that a- , u"raunt 9 months credit •ou furnishing I. R. i3AALINGt, p.. A. Canister, Solicitor, Notary Public, IOlonrre a3ioner, So1roitor far the MO Wank, etc, ot3'R'reesF l Betty -Treats, Farquh t[iLAD licit & f3TAter, Solicitors, Exeter, . , 4 dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, Healthy hair if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre,its strength and its verylife g, meat was served too often. There were several raids on the canteen, where the men broke in and took pans of biscuits, bottles of pop, eights, The Berlin police have surrounded the hiding place of former Chief of Police Eichhorn and expect to cap- ture him, The bodies of Dr. Karl LZebknecht and 33 other Spartacans were buried at Berlin on Saturday. • Er President Taft was an advocate for League ` approved joint notes ora discount of 4 per cent off for cash on credit a- mounts. Positively no reserve as the Pro- Pro - Money to Loan at lowest rates of Interest. OFFICE -MAIN BT, EXETER, ONT. DR, G. F. AOIILBTON, L. D, B„ t . ` ' 1 DENTIST i • �• , Anil • ..,. �,,,'Iu1 and, if not overcome it produces a fever- iehness and itching of the scalp; the hair roots famish, loos�:ai and die; then the hair falls, out fast, Surely get a bottle KKnowltoii's and whatever else they could seize. On one occasion a court of inquiry was held but nothing resulted. The officers aboard admitted that the men The body of an American military policeman has been found in Paris suburbs with wounds indicating that he had been murdered. a of Nations in an ad- dress in Massey Hail, Toronto. Hon. Nicholas put foricles of the Greek Parliament put forth the claim osmall• Greece for Dalmatia and Asia has sold his farm. prietorHonor Joha Patterson,Thos. Cameron Proprietor Auctioneer PERRY P. DOUPE, Licensed Aue- y It timneer. sales conducted im re eality, Terms moderates Orders left at Times Office will be promptly at- Graduate of Toronto IIniver. mi %• Office over Diolason & ifte• Law Orrice. Closed Wedrcte afternoons, •Phone Office 5a Carl+ ' • Nl saki of Danderine from anydrugstore and 'net t it. have just cause for complaints. Eight Sydney, N.S., housemaids m Minot: tended to. Phone 116, Kirktan, Ad- Resi ee Bb, i+ii 3 have formed a union, aiming to Have Ottawa surprised Montrealers on dress. Kirkton P 0 ; 'I , l ...._.. Kaiser May Return. their wages increased from. $12 to a Saturday night by beating Canadiens .-----.. , ,• •• CAST• Ft, IY • For Infants and Children - In Use orOver3 Years • Always beats ys LONDON', Jan. 27.•--•-A Berlin de- spatch to the Daily Mail under Pre. clay s date says: "A sensational special edition, selling rapidly on the streets here, maintains that the ex -Kaiser and his fatally intend to return to Germany as soon as the National Assembly has minimum of $20 a month. Frank McCullough was found guilty of the murder of Acting De- tective Williams in Toronto, and sen- tenced to be hanged on May 2. Ottawa business men. propose to buy up the stock of the Bank of Ottawa to prevent its being amalga- In Montreal in an N. H. L. match by 1 to 0.� One French-Canadian was fatally and another seriously stabbed in an affray with Italians at Niagara Falls bridge. St. Thomas Great War 'Veteranes T For Infants and Children 1111 Use ForOver 30°Years Alwa bears the ,..-..,,..sr "•, DR. A. $, KINSMAN, L. 7,,D. , 1D•RE Honor Graduate of ToPonto 'U,rivelr• �ltr{ ' ; ' I i ' DENTIST '. ; ' , "7 . Teeth Teat For Infants Mn Use For Over QJWaye Naas al and Children 30 Years , '' the 5 tt'a�ture o ' 4 Ado f;iVeit the country a legal contstitu- tion,,,, _ - __..,.. - .. mated with the Bank of Nova Scotia. %1'0 Publisher of the Denver Post eMesider the vocational train courses for returned sOldl�ca t G )Tart to he :Ade ax .., . .. atm s . Signature of >gn - _ _., �, - _.. ; . (*tirueted Without I 1nI rs sly bed effente r°Mee over 0 • masks & fibard1t trete Aret;•.. "i r, . sig ""' 9 ltatuze of /'�