HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-1-30, Page 3. I
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I , 4001; OUIVE COMPETITION.' ' 1,
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Mushad's Bronchitis :-�, � 11, I . n_ ,. 1. � 1, . ... I " I I , I I � .1
. . , , . 11 � . Open to. 411� usets of vur well know N 11X 001�� � -1. I
CURIED 13Y , 0 1 1 r.. li ' I �' I � r/1, I I I I t
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. � ,.i;.,; champi0o tva-porator .� .
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DR. W0.00's Conducted by Professor Henry, G. Dell ;;.,.;1 "��., ij.. _. ____.1 1.1
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,i: , .4A .0 ,,,aye de,11ed to on a larger Popular Pr1ro " " 4% .1. 11
'r ;,,�j%,,,., t . t' I 11 I" , , 4 to wirtto. to 0
",�, . tj� r 1913 wid'i, in 4, 'any .;, I yr,
� j,...�i..i;. —.;, . , . ralsilly tnvIt*
;�!jj.,. ":�', , -:f " "'K. Sugar malcers.
The object of this department is to place at the %er, "I"......." �, �,, . - 'i S.".' I =,d X scai I 11 'veld Mothers and daughtem of all ageor Are so
��...,- ,
' ,.,;;�. 1'r. . n"% offer Q th4) Value r of OZjoft.op, 16VO.IDQ of thi fo
NORW . .. �!!!:.,..,�,�,.,i"�'.....�"!;. .:�*,- 0 Con , i2;es. s r . departme, tavh quelitio" and Ili 8116'"t
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Ile advice o,f an acknowledged .,�
AY PINE SYRUP. vice of,our farm readers t ... � '44 W I aoh lir to . .It. lnrtlAls only will be prub"she' with .
authority on all subjects pertaining to ,soils and crops, ..,.;.;
— r G larell in " . t %;�ijij;i�lt' ,.j:�, Syrul) and *409-00 for sugar-PrIzes In, both classes Awa,rded according to, 4sa means of Identification, but tull name anO address; must be given In 40h
Address all -questions to Professor Hour ,":V., . 1po a moored, W41ch are determined by' color and flavor. Conterstants Can Alied olra;t it,
�"��.:,-,* I ". Nj art in Rither the Syrup or Sugar pompetmpa, or both. Full Particulars kft*r, Write on one side ot paillir only, Answers, wIll be on , �
'. .
, : `%li.,0. , r
'*`,��, .��: - 1.,,. * �-111 a lar.yr . i �
� : ";,jr�� g .'.�.
mvc James Mack, Trenton, Ont, care of Tho..Wllson Publish' Company, Limited, Toronto, �, � . - ..... . : r to be had by writing for our sinctal "RrIze Conipet-Itio cirou I stAmped and .addre*sed envelope Is tncloised.
"In ;, �:;%,:;;���:i:;:�:..'�.%:�,�,,�l".i�,�",Wl�r",... :
writes --"I sLiffered for several months and .answers will appear in Is column in 'the order in ,%�� ��:::;"�,,,��,�..-,,,�"4,�,,I�i� S. Hoten Lwoyi '0
,.,: -,:�-x ,,N . L 00XP1aT1TXQN VZOSM91 A114=1 2own, 1919 I Address all corroppondenclo fot, this 4opartniont to Mr -
.J:: . . r
* which they a .ly ',mention ":, ,� ,�R:;,;; �
. with ,,re received. NVhen ,Writing. kind .-::, '-.�-'�iii��i�:,K::,�',�� . �
. � :;: .1-:-1X.;1.-1-;.' I
a bad cold, Some friends told me . I E�- ;� 0 As the. 1101i4midoulm 10vaporator Is the only mMhine cap,;,.ble,of making I Woodlbina Avo., Toronto. L
about Dr. Wood's Norway Iline Syrup, this paper.' As space is limited it is advisable where Im. .:.:,._.... - , .
`%: .:X1., 11 .k� '
,.�.. � .
, . .. . . I the best syrU , owners,ok groves not possesplax one gshou d ge busy and : .1 � I.,
-1 lefoi mediate reply is necessary that a stamped and addressed '..... 9 'atished thrai.q.rh
.. . order one. rig t away, By so doing youtwiii have s, chance of winning a i ' things, and thuis 'he a
andof -lie benefitit was to their. L n I . :: . . . . . .. X I st of 'a k,rd
I had used two bottles I could got some envelope be enclosed with the. 4ueaion, When tl . , . �.:;, .1ii, substantial fIrize, thus reducing cc he machine. 11 Progrelss:-Uhank. you for y* r
lie answer N . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,.. . Ir . 'is departm -%vn ho,0Lh ii liv,
rest, which I could not do before. I had will be ,nalled direetr I I � . � n ot fully i)osted. on this unparalleled Xaple Syrup 1 words. Th -i ent -has been them. Maybe your o
. r . I and Sugar Competition, . . . G w how, by feed -
I . . , 1crowded out for se�iara weeks be- goo*d., You can siba
tri6d c,verTthbig, but I'Dr, Wood's" was ' I I THB GRIMM MANUFACTURINIG COMPANY vJ411drann
, -ibn, I 1, cau-se of lack of eplace, Letters 'have ing ba-la=.ed rations, your
Alte only t iing that gave me any relief, ,. R. G.:_Wjjl you kindly ex 68 WELLINGTON ST. . . . . MONTREAL j
. . , Plain in di'�reejtor of Ohio Experiment Stat . ? gro)y up , to be strong and
. Aly husband suffered terribly front I whiat way muck soil. differs 'from up- who sa,ys a% fo,j,lows:--j 'After more I . I I 1. I - I 11 . . - I . 1. � I., � Veen answered by mail. =3 eath your childran I
bronchitis, and did. not Imow whether , land and the best way to fertilize than twerity ye,ars' wark in the com- 11 !tl __. ___ 1:1_77=.`� 1-1 - .-.---I- - .1_:11%1.! I AN thoughtfW perswall� a -to bl�adlqmg hoa,'Ithy. You M. r t
' __ . � _ . ' " "' "' - _ ... .- .. . - -%:7* 7��= = , " -
be was going to recover or not, At my i muck land? .: . paxison of manure, and chenfleak f erlti- I In 1917-18, , Yie'lds were P?ot high $55,48; co9t 9f Ught,$3.20; Val -ante, ' forward to the comi'vV, of a new era "how'tO tvIM eare of theirlhea,',.-Ai. HaI-e
. druggist's, Mr. J. H. Dickey, I was ad- Answer:Mucl� soill differs from up- Ifters on inany crops, the staltion is I in either caso, and the total difference 1 Ac, I'T mravillil"y
1 $77.64 or a cost of 28.5 ,cents P W . in tile history *'f maxilihad. T'he pai;�t vou. not Pro! -as ill YO I c�D
viaed to try your s i in egg yi6lid in the six months was -by d,oy g jhE4,t you can beqp v.fitb, sach, ,-,s Veit—
nd soil in majiy v14�r andsoll nolt able to oredbt ma ure .'ibh say Ir -Mg
rup, which I did, I la, r -m 'an. o year was thronged with soral-zlbi *
. , s. Th a upl, � - :
-and tau so __ ,5iat I cannot recont- 1 is the p�r,o I du.Q,t,.d we aring, both, the value beyond thait of 'the nitrogen, no me -ins large, but the forty birds, light laild 2242 ! events, Vutt 1919 MEL7 wiitnesa t a ts, ard so
mead it highly enough." ath with Ught gave a better revenue than Those Without eo- M., - 'is
f veigeta- phosphorus, Potassium and lime which . : ou"s c1langes. As you say, fGTVh? i�ZldnIt- th., me -an tavat
.5 '
weathering of rocks aild o " x, 0.01.
Many cople on the first signoi the i ,_ I ml,e, $118.90; coat of To -dy $6 ' u were -helping your clrt'dren to
- When manure cosits Inore, the forty without light. This diff a - _q things can never raturn to yo
slight ocils or cough neglect i thinking, I tton thab has fallen an them, while it carries. balance, $58.94, mw a ,,oat, of one ,dOz._
muck ,sail is contposed ch*,,efly of de- than $2.00 per ton,spread on the Ilaind, ence was .made �Up in the t.me that the I : the ,old p,'.an,-. People are de- I keep tihisIT hea.rts and mIlrids cl ean ?
perhaps, it will disap ear in a �ay or tivo, - use the chenticaT ierbi- eggs, were received. Those With the - eggs, 32.1 cents. �
but the longer it is lat run the worse it i c4VIng Plant matter, whose d,dcay has 6t ie wiser ,be 1) light : ,,I! d , mandiling more of thaiT eorliinlunjtie.�q 1 Suggest horw yiDu can make your home
in ,r Ula
I ows menitioned than to -buy manure. , gave tih4ir hew� lest yields * " For both years, the Ile -lit; pens 1, , nov , n ever before. They wantl atitraGtive tu t1le boys and girl,s, Show
gets until it settles on the lung,; and been greatly btindered, in many cases Ifte F 3476 egr_- , at a market I
serious results ensue. , . I ioult
bly water standing on the soU. On Manun,�o wbich 41s tsupplemented by December and January, while by far'. -a value 01 bettaT schoo'l,is and more eonven, I
� i the Ihoav-`est months for -the Lag -horns' $191.26. The feed and 111011t 00st home,-,. They are aisking? :for sowal! of her hou-se'hold dathes that sLo may
On the fifirst sign of a, cough or,cold, , oxaminAtion, .virg-hi .up,land S -00's wn- , 40 to 50 lb -s. of jacid phoisiphay.tia to ,the I
, I ni to her, dhildren.
5 I ja,,m,jjsam,ent. I be a betuar chit
get rid of it, before it gets settl�d. Tilcea tah,*a medluali�hinauriit Of nitrogen,: ton hais been found to be hi&ly va-lu- without light were March and April � $83.41, Icaving a ba4anm of $107.84, or centre, haNa and, Place's of �
. Wood's Norway Pine I and if clay predoni.inaites, contain a' able, In fact, yard manure which and for the Rockcs Jamia . Vr- : a cost Tor dozen of 28.7 cents. � They are `nASfUng upon better roads � With these few
. few doses of Di ry and F e .' su'ggestions you
i ` .
Syrup and see how quickly it will dis- u -a . The dark pens laid 2878 eggis ,wor-bli s.,Id mairik ve all' can develop a mo-st initerestipg -paper.
medium amount at pl�osphorie acid! would -cor-reispond with that which yo u TY. I . oting fadillt-des. Abe . , I——
. I e os as $ 1 ....... -1. .. I - 1. - _ I I—— _. -.. _... __ . �
�Ljjpcar. 1e oither, duseribe suppItemented with 40 lbs. of! The total figares f.ro-.i the two pens 1, $148,26. Th c t of -feed w, 8 .10. they are Jeamiandling that thedur ,co -m-:--7-' _ _'___-_-
i % I
This sterling remedy has been on the hand, contain a large amount of nitro- I acid phasphabe to the tom of manufre, lv*h the Night were; NumVer of eWgs, i and tlm coi-A of ore dozen vnaa 33.8 m,anity give oL. ,in ,sojr,,e of- the ad-: 11
markc� for the past 30 years, and stands 114e 12470, value, $136.32; % cost a -feed, 'I cents, I I 'Z E 11A A 3 P R E A, 0
g,en in the avaltable form, a simall 1 or 320 ,lbs, of acid phosphate per ac , I t I . I � VantSge.3 Of the city, in order that 11 A I
-!� _______1_____._._. .- 1-1.1--s==�, i ,
head and shoulders overjall other cough su�p nd a very � give 11.64 bushels more corn to the I -_ I _ -.--.----, I - ' farm life may have -a 11ttae less. ,
remedies. . ,ay of phosphoric acid a ! . 6 bushels more �� - I I I to. have Voien, Ithe 1*'Unn, U-111it �'s t! . dru�dgery, and a lit'de more wholesome I U. 00y.
I sma-11 supply Of Pottash, Much soils; aere and almast U, , , . OVER ENTIRE 6
, - 'r, , : ittr, . - Wbat .';,3 your con-'
Put up in a yellow wrapper; three pi wheat per acre ais an.average of 16 , , . . aalrparent, -wa,11ke -gurp or resint �o.jjjoyriv
In' are therefore'bast adapted for gar- I Val ,A in A. I
trees the trade mark; price 25o. and 50c. 1 - ,,��_�, . ' fragrance." The peo- .
I den truck, which is harvest ml when yelax trials at the Obito Experiment ," A.'r. I . �
" _ . u,sdl for ilts , InUftUy,doilrig to meet tile grownig de-�
. Nfanuft a . I I - � . . � nd r-'rol.lnd it in. t,., No rest night or day for. those afflicted
ictured only by The T. Milburi i . � . Ple "gathered it, a ' mands? Hav�e you a sockd cena,
I it -lie plant Itas Made greatest Vegpita- Sitiarfll�on. � . se-th- with that terrible skin disease, eezenta,
"o., Li'mited, Toronto, Ont, !.- '. . 4e in,Usor beat it .111 moit,Ai�, anid _ �
. - tive growth, or for hajy crops. Speak- .S. R.: -Will you please advise me .. ; , . . ..A ...,,� wher". Your psari,,c ma'y go for cl-,t�-- sit is often called saltirlieum. With
�_ __ 2", , " ad it in rots 0.nd made calres of it; .. or, s ,
__.-_1___-_- 1 irtig gmRerally raucle so -5T Is slow in'how to destroy quack grass? - . � i '-a of it was "Iment? Have you a public pla3-- riting, itching, -tortur-
! . . , - as the t -cute tal I its unbearable bu
)-,�....� I dif- I � . and Qe tn�.k � Ter YOUr � ing day and night, relief is glii�IY wel-
�� . grass. is very ped l
I wing'and craps, growing ,on it tendi Answer: -Quack of fresh oll," or oil -cakes (Num. 11: 7 ground sialtalAy equ,lp I
: �. to pro,long their growth and do net, ficult to desta-o7. About � tile Only I INTERNATIONAL , SSON -,- i - it, so they: ch'Adren in asellooll? Do you ever . coined. blessing that there such a
� I � 1 8). They had no name fol ' It is a is s
,THE TRAPPER. .... � 11 riper In sufficient time to escape: sure remed,y is to work the ground FEBRUARY . . saiti, IIVVbat i�, it?" wbi�.h in H,ebxew --have a m=icipal holiday and general � medy as Burdoe-k Blood Bitters
� I the is 'Irian hit" or "ina, n D,s," and 'so' gst-to-g-,Ihex? .If you t.ye ill one of 1: reliable re: -
if rest, If potnsh4oving eTops such iz 1 early in the sipring-, f ollowl-nig i . i I : to relieve the sufferier from the continual
� th . things � ter' ture and -who can get no rell
: . I beets, ots., are grimril, � p1low4ug by d-i-sking -and roilling and I ith-sy cow"I'nued to cadl i� * . ese comn'tunities that 13 doing of from
.. - .1 potatoes, sug,ar "
-_1 I'll- __ aT n .,T.t.r � Lesson V. The Giving of The Manna, ! What is now called manna 13 4; th-3
_. ':���!;,;=�:,:::-,. I after the first. crop or two, there. willl;� keep1mg the ground' f I ow u -til ; ke of the Tar'a I for its poojKe, please write and teU I their misery. I
.. - _ ; Moot iu, , Z, it A
.. __ ..: ____�___ - , dancy for the vegetables to be � Midsummer. Every time the quacki Exodus 16: 1-36. Golden ! species u -s 011 about ,it, You 'ma I pply if externally and it takes out
_. .;i , be a ten - ' ' , y thisreby `
_� ., _�_
'a, __.___:___ __ . .
. �
. �k . _:�,_�_ - .. L4, , - I I of T�ai'�,.;Isk, It exiade, �in summer by. etar� o,therLs &�:ing 'lie xcad to pro- I the fire and itch and aids in the healing
'Aii. poorly filled out, and tho planbs to t -ra,sis gobs, a good start go over the 0 I
__ - bb ��. I . Text, Matt. 6: 11. 'n:,ght. from *to trun all,d branches, .0c -e it internally and it pun-
� "
� � - lk pi ess. Tak
. ,
1,11'�k:_ '4-,.-, : I 1.11 , )IM10 � -1 I be susceptible to disense. in lertal-iz- � gIrtound i0th a horse rake, rialdmg out � and f erms sma.hij i,cund, -vv.lh.;te grains,: ,exess. ' U_ fies the bloc)d of ell those Poisons Which
, 11 - �_ R,! aal the root stalliks afterr they havei 1-10. Hum,gF-.r in the Wildmness Blald 1,12.nion-.-Try the pat- ' i
- Ing for general cro,ps on muck svi I th A a are the source of slart eruptions -
11 .
I , C :1
It Ic A, iu started, and taking these where Ylou'The exact ,location of the "wildeniess � which. paxlt,'y adhare to -a t rig Of:
4. se a feTtildzer with a small amount" , of Sjn�*, -'s unknown, but it must. have � Vnia 11uses, and part:)r drof) to the, beans game saine eveiiing. It is , Mr. Apdrew Bowen, Highland Grove,
, . .
. .... M.- f . ;;; , rderito start the tmpsl can dry and burn thism, Follow . thils t, vaMeys noar; I . ather it, boll � Played thlas �- nt., writes-- I must SAT that MrdOck
Aled, 1, J, - . of nitrogen in o - 1 1- -1,--J, - 11A,ra. d crop 0jj, been a baxren pladn or ground..' The Ara;V_s & i 0
A A it - th-a 1- d like X .1 X1__ 't_.4 Blood Bitters is a wonderful preparation.
. . i p � � ou vig,ormway, a nirge a ounit, 15� 1, Mount Sinai. At the bezit, it was a 1L own, , .... c - . brom tmo 0 OU T 3 ,_ I
� I , . ' 'v&tion wil I . "re 1- ks of Sillai I had a very bad case of enzema.which
I 4,i, _. I , 1i , -- !the land. Consibant culd I ho,ne.y. The G coh raonl 'or the po�-o;I-beans
. 1. -
�, �_ I 1 pillosphoric atid,�-10% -he fugi- � spread almos,
I* __ � to 12%, hungTy land through which t bar of Players f t, over my entire body. � I
- . errent � sell It tO tr-avtIler,s, It `11d 1"�-"" game. Place flity bcsns an the[ eatments and n,)Any
. � and a medium to .abundant supply of � Idli out the weed. tives we're passi.ng, very ffiff tried doctors, home tr
I . . t
Methods of Trapping' Fox. potash, under nonnal conditions ais 1 ' W. F. -�Can you tell ins how to Pre- :however, have selved as food for a
froan the abundance of Egypt. Long, uJiLi-tu,de of peopte, for It cousisia tahle a -ad ea,11 ,it the pot, ArraT119'e other patent medicines, but with no
� of course,! vent silage from spoiling? My sil- years of subjection and sIlavery had'm the DIR around tt ar,d IoLtar thmn results. A friend .advised me to try
l Ali absolute necassfty in tMP-131119 h,til as 3 ,be 5clo. This 1 1 . -ah W � Thi�. . yells '
I fox is a good trall sic-)= which the. shouLd be worked into the soil thor-; age seems to mold and get hot. Do sapped the ma ood of Isirael, and the 1 almost eill"Tely Of s,"Aaal - A, B, 0, D, froni left to nlight. Each B.B.B., and after taking five bottles, I
! s Quighly at the timle, the crop Is baing you think it is a good idea to Put people had no spirit to brave the pri- � Inanna which fed the F�.brems must, -hankful to say the -y cured me com-
b*ppor mulst rub on the sole.% of 111' . I s Of s,Lj,eIj a�have lbeeu of a truly miraOua'0113'Player atakes five bems from the Pot' am t
I shoes 4md on his gloves wiiei-i. N.,mikin-1 water on it? �,aitdons and hardsimp � i character, nillos s we may sum,,p,ose tbat � and puts h:s han6a under the ti,:Vle- pletely."
. Pla"'Led- I s oU if o; xney B.B.B. is manufactured only by The
1 3' � A,b--WL-,- the gavie by c1ning Ya i bum Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
I arourd the t1ups. -The fok i9 per -1 he cash value of Answer:-Slage should I Ot P I i u , Broad from Heaven. "At'the memory if this Tar& Uke was I T. AU
� - - wild amitnals. well rotted manure, by the manure. 4blie silo Is air4ght and Permits of 11-18. a, flesh." The flesh'Prevn-ved and that it g�-aw in tra&-!1'd*. hand and ,bringn-nig it up to the
1, 8 the hawde of all even ye obe'll e - ' --- - ____ . I
to trap and is very su z �If the spreader load, allowing seventy the sillage vatitling evenly. The . to s,-,mzthl1lg very 11111� rlwe *, table in front of B, who gueszses how --------- -- --- -- ----- --- .
W., 'a" st spiciou. , I -to thent in the form of floeks'telOn - --- ..
' re still con. - � - I many b,aan3 it hackle. If B's guesA is Ho 1 v3ill,pa-y Urbeffit
bushels for a load7 This being wc-11 pivaeree of mold shows ithul; either came 1,
human (Ydor. The trEdl scant 1101135, of qua13. These birds a and greater'. I Noll valbue IflA F 3
. rotted sitable manure. the -.411,ag- e is too dry a;nd bulky, Walov, - men In that country. They fly in the! The story has a vory _ Correct, Ila gets all the b,,_ians -111 the I 8 =RZIEot p7tovs tor
to 1,111AYs odor. TrEups 91houl'd be. Ansm-er:-11 is vevy hard spring in great numbers acress, tha'fox -Lis as I -or ancient Iinael' in that It --d- In -A if l0a guess � abova or be- AW U ii ISENG ROOT
� -i -a ' *"" , . ,to state I ing for bi,g air circizintbion between
I SI'T'nkled w4th blood to w1d,ch the I M;0.3t sig,n� �Iwri' -a" I - RAW FURS and GIN
i I j I*w the number in t' 1,ea iland, th*n lie
trvil scent has been addeld. or should the cash value of well -rotted manure, , the spaces of ,out corn or ,the dontent,s Gulf 01 Akabal, and are often so:it il'ustrates tly �and - 22 years fm reliabli� trwling-
f tile srmo 1have not been fitioroughly faitig tied after t1ellir lonj fl-lobt that: beautifully God'e care for His Peop a. I d
by the m=uTe s, _al; tvc i Ruferencev--Union Bk- of Ca -aa a
preader load. If the' o - A ,the differance. Fee ex -
be boiled in hentlook w1altel. I i y be caught �; 'killed. � dompare, belpt. 8: 16, and the poeti P. 17 a '
Traps ,should be set alon - Une f ex. i manure has been exposed, tbe, proba- I packed. The heating of the o3o they can ea.-W� w of tbis story in Psalm ,is:' ssuiple, te A holds threc beaus and B I Write foz- - rive List and Taco
L i I U I
I I gueisss� two, B � I =02:�__
- lsho-ws that a-citive fermentaition is �90- C)Dmpare also Num. 11: 31-34, * vervion I ni,U4_o�ve b=*a_CtrLp- I , ,W._,r_�LV,EP, 220 at. ps'a St. W,
rtin-ways.. or where they awe most 19ce- bility is that it will carry no moral jug on. Of aburse to' quite aii 'ex- "'In the Morning' Y's s"Ll"ila be fliled 19-25. .. Xr Iry 6 Via, h I im 1-v.;j - _ e�tIA-2-11 "... I
� 13, to travL i than 5 to 6 1b. of iQtrogen to tile: 'Itili br, "An on -ter a b ead. �� Conipal- - � hie guessez ave,11 0 1 - b � - _ �
1. The tmps should be s,e it is w, ekad." In the morning they! .
. I ton, probably itot iniore'than 2 or 3 IV. 1 -tionit this should go on, becau pert of- aa s-.ghah would If A h:Ws norie and B guesse�s any -
pet ab -out two :Cast from a fajilly large I pho,sphoric acid, and 4 or 5 lbs, pDt- ferintenta,tion of the slage which pro- f Ound Ila small round thing, small as � 36. The tenth . mnke go-od" I P T
11' coveired and; a.ce -, ground.11 It I ])a about 62A- Pints. � number up to five he mrLst T-1 im)
trea; t0hey .,should be wel _ount the blo.ar fj,ost on the Manna. This I, g_,jeas. If A holds any beans and 1 Tile
ash. It is not- f 94ir ,be value this at dumes the coniffitions -whizh is "like coriander seed, white; and! 31-35. The Pot of .3 I a
7A I I
the surroundings Inade to la'Ok as M-1 the pqka you irould have to paly for far its proservad,jon. However, the the ade: pot of ni-anns, a. p1r_-,)-,Ou,3 memorial Of -toiie, he must glive thel
Wral as poissible. Aboult five feet , tas,te .of it was like wafers m . D guesses i t 8-.w
I '. in f ertilizers fernientatlou should not go on to the with honey" (V, 31), I GoV,!,a,nd"4,'heir siojourn in tim wAdalre3s, WaS, e ha 4 in his, ,&-$,'Z-' I §Re-%
, it in fertilizers, becaiuse i � ' ' the 'a I RAW FU 0
,lp the �L-ree trm* a dozzen th.,Dps of the . -v , � ed � kept In the most h,v-',y place a, W -a's nom a -ad B gao-sises; '90'9-%
'Das,t fo�x bajit thordyl be --prinijed, t1itsisa plalktT .Dds are in a readly extent. of destroying thb enslillage. I seed is a small frubt straw-,calot! I', , tabernacle, in fr - ,jr]�. hai . If Xk hc� -,or wi-tat quantity. Wo
- I . ,' ont of the --acred . I mat ..
g availlable and concentrated form, wouad not eDlislider 6it gv0d to Pour wR- about the size of a poppeT! corn: n � A muet pa -y five to B for ,his 1 to us, no
51)reably al'=, -a i'llo traps. In jum-plil 1: 17 the manna is also --add'Compare Ile,!>. 9: 4. � none, , at ppice. also exPrUs
*. . wheireas lit ms'nure tdie probabdIfty is ter on ,the silPlage. , It would tend to N.,um. I I ---=, .---- _ OcIrr2et gu;aiss. ji 9, Tflayer does no"I pay ifte 1118he - I
I � Ir vcr the bait the Tox velt-11 be cauYnt in that the material, which remains con- make it sloppy ,and. spread the destrue- =:!:-�� - - --- ----- - - � - - - - btavre ci-i,augh beans in his hand to I ch a--. Xes. 21
,� 'gie traps. by washing ,the rls r,.q T4 .rou sze assured 0
. * * .q " m ak e gocki h�'I,s guess, he drav,s five� Try once aad�
of a stake about vIx free:b long 'may tadns a considerable amouint, of puallt- tion of tale sdaig'a .1�
I Well- spores of mold from ona- Part -of the HE - BEEF MAI PIROPE WANTS ;rc"l the pot. Af ter "I'a pay.,. the r'7;a,.-' 5RUSISLetion,
ja giound so t1hat it food in the unavv.11iable form. I T I I , PA
be driven in, to th kept manure is highlInj valuable, but! S11,0 to the other. If 10he silage is I . ". , MMM . . . . . . 1;M` go"ais On ass VejftT_,e�fr-cxa A to B, B CC, M. MY
.�--l��--..,,."-?��,�.4..%�'n;��'. ,, --nw'.',xe,y-w,-=-��. - YMN
libands five ge-et high. A rabbit 4�hedd j F, I I ,�;i.,I��A�,%*�,F�,,"'�,,�'..-,��,.,�'P.,,-*.�xr ............. .� !gm t�D C, and&D on. WHY Hil w"ontreal, P.Q.
III A I I . : ;!: : S10 St. Paul W.
I , -.1hould always be kept in mind the t very moldy you wiM have to MrOw " :!
I , : -2ne layer lies More, tbar-
. :
be ppa-ced, on top of the is,take and a " I
. -fox bait p6acedon -it. quefity of rammire. i1a directly depend- awary the niolldY part on -bop. ", Every V -a p� -aj:lt ag 11,Uehelaza, f3t.
I .:.: I ill, -far- e-. L
row drops of the I - : avc bVa , I R * en'.1
I -:.::::.X�-j;..:': . . A ns ill hils hands, "I's lays the ..
ts istorage, and the han(ITing L.B.:-Will You please give me a ii : �:.:..:::t:j:j .
- Oil either �SaUe at . ,:::;:::;1;i:;;, ; � . , .:.:.: .... 10i . n_,.7y.
out upon i - �%� :�:�:i$ .::,:;,�::::�::�:::�.: -3,
Inaip's '01,0,11W be set . I ":.j;;;:.:.%�.:::-i; � IT U Vag.
of the f arm animalls -from wilmelt it balanced rati�n for a dairy cmv? Also .. AO. ki".�'i��ii:x: .:,;:..i::::i'�:::::�:::::.",:�;i;ii;:;::;7;: �: ,:::,;j.,. I
, :���:��..::::::I���i;ii;,�i::!i��j�ii���i�iiii,:�i . ! extria ones on. the tab3-- Ili frOl,t 01
_'.::���i��i�:i: :,:::j;�:�,:�ij'ij lit businexii 'c 11
. _.1S,.,:j;::;-. - §iij�::�-',,i��,::i,��%, ., ........, ............ a . �- -____�.k.i.;
Lihs baisio of the istake and covered Will lille. 7.'�S--:ii ...-.%iii�i�;i:iii�:ii�:i:: ....... M: `� usied -_
. .'iI.'..'..".'.,':": , � . I -lies
. . . . . *. , , .
Direcbw III. XEX�:-:.;�.:._ :�:i1i:i:;i�iii�:1::i::: .���i�:�ii;�ii.,.,:i:.*.�,il�:�i:�. im a's
was; obtained. Chais. D. for fattelting cattle if a different ra- , , "I' I *�,' - 11, a wily. T as nx,%Y Ytot be '
. 11 .
..1. , . .
..:i ., ��,�,:...:.�k".��,t�:-',��:i:�.,!"- !:ii�i'�::��:�ii�:iii:�. !:1i:::ii:iii!$:�iii*,i�;�, .?.i. a
.: M., ...'. .:,-;.:.X�-::; :j,!.';;;:,:,,�;.:':,1 . -7or
with lemVes ft;ht earth, et -c. TIds , *1,n: � ,
I .." -.*.�%. , '...:.:1::.:;�� j:.. 111, ! aglail.n. in iihe gnime. Wheite Send YOUr
'� * . , �ii!:ii�i,i�:iiil$,ii",.;�iil"",i�i, I
� " Woods of Mains, says as foddows:- tion is needed. 111 .,
. method gi;tractsi foxco from great d,,,s- ,, ,.>'I, - ... i-�*�"i.�ii�,:-,:I�ii:���:'.��ji:;! ::::�:.�:�:jt,:,;j:j:::, % a - of .beans he takes fiVe,
, .. -"-*.. �11.11- .
Riantfood in manuria is nott so quick- Ansmw:_Hzeaker of Minnesolta j:�;,::;�,` . I pa;ajr,_�T is .e.,jill
1, " " .
I 11 , :�;s � I...... " - .%."..�,,�-i��*�.,':i�,':iiii�i:iii i�iiiiii:��i�;��;�!�:i�� :!�i;:�i 1:1;i��
, �. _ ..........
.� t, .,.:..,.,.., '....�...W,
tances. Out 17 1101? so completely avai-labls als in gives &s a raitilon for 1000 pouald cow " " . ..... .... . _ ;; - rb a game con -
.n ",.Z,:;;:T.,.,.,***,.,..,.,.".,.,.::;.". ;*X:Ii:��'-`�'. - :,�: :
�,�,�,,�,:,-:-:-;-: 1-�j;�:j"*-:-:j:::j:j i�.i�:i::�:�Ii�.;:�:�::i: .;;;;; "Ot.
9�;i; *'M1"*i.1K*-�i: it� ...
I shor&tj ilta eased far side ' � I ...... ..,..-� .. - ...., - f...... I
Fox protein, 0.7 lbs.; 1 �' :�� � I raore from the r
,'I in pTe-paxillig far the market. Good tho bsetiber forms oT- chemicaXs, but &s follows: Crude X -�,X:�*i*i: i��i��i�iili�-i;!�i�i��i 6 untilons otf Cho plia-yers has no
. o_lvydr&1ya2r, 7.0 lbs.; fat, 0.1 1000. "' ;f.i�ii?E�i:i �;::::.::::::::5:;:;:;::;:;;:: ........ "..,.,��..-�?�.�,'��.,..........,..,.....-.:,�:. I ` -
. I ;,�,;,i`: =7beans in tr�z ihand and P-1143 'Uh-0
, '. *.
� -::-X.:. 'S .
gtratclvara should, be used 1, stretch- after inueb, ballanciling of pros and cairb-, V !;:K,�:::::::;:;;:: . , .$ �,;A
i t his with eorzider 1� �1:i:iiiiil� ..:.:...:*;.:.:,:::::iii:�:."."i:i!i:i*;:i.":�:i:iz,:i� :i:K�,:.) RAW
P,' Paisirtivetly no "curing prepara- cons, it hais Vevo-ine generally aedept- Hie supplemen ad- t � 1 �.:I�,�..:.::.:.:.:.,:,:.:.:.,.�:.:,.:,,*:*�,:%�::::�.":.,,:,.,�,:",:::�.,.Z;;::Z��: :i!�'il pot empty. I.
� ing. s suggested as an allowance 1`1, :i� 'I'��i�:�i�'��*-",;Ii�l'-'.'.�;�i:��i�i..,?."���*','��-----,,-.,,..-,-,�-,, :�j:§:::: wheal tbAt loccur-3, cach p7ijayerl PU�s
. , , * ......... . -iill.:.
., ,
!i. "i"MiN �, �.*!�
stianewchail value of' the al3le figure , I ..
I.'at the of " 111.
t;jDrsI-1 should be used-Lhe skins &Aed erl td ."".1
11 , provided dhe was .?;..,illii�.1i:ii:i�iii:i..."-.,iiii.��*.
planbfood co-litained is 10he only d,e- few the dailry cow :::,�..',::i,�:i��:;�.R�i:!:i,i:::-.',*:i�l.,::.".,�t*���.i:'I .1 all ithebeanis -he hoMs into Ills tZilly and
�-7..:..;....;....:..;..:..:..;,,�..:..:,.; " :::%'.��.
I in a cool plare, not exposed to G, c/o milk. Fox fat- ;;,:�x .:.;. 01 -iep The person who hais the
, ff counts
firjute thing about a f axin manu,re by gi*W,ug move than 3 Kii*."il4�*x :::;:,:":i.,f."..?X",��..,���..,,":�:.",ii� .�_ V, n.
. '�`:,. ��i`�` i�%-,� -4
un' "i""9
ox"s ., ... ... I.., .... ` YOr
:-Xi`�ii, .:;:!::; -;%X. , �^-,� argIast t-ly ,Rd,ns the game. L a
I f1pe, or ral*h Tile bore in ('"h f - Ty a 5 ,;::::::: 1ffi.'1::ii;: � . FU RS
I t w1ricill 1ye. call �lmsure,jtis agricultural .teining. ster-mrs, at differO -t P 1t0d Of ,,",,"I'll, ,:;j: -%:::::::::::: :;�ir., 1, ,x,
X:?;::-".::,�:,�;:-.::;:;:%: :::::X �%..;::;:;:.:::;:::;:::::1:;:: .� � ".:
.,..,:Iv...:.;.:.-,:.;.:.-�..:.:.i.: ..'....
e tNH ,im ioraad be: -removed to "Word tain, - & 'Bilorrison, in rblieft' 3::�-�:',*,�iii�i�i ........'..'......".. "'�,�:;l":�,.:',Ii�.:�:i:.,!;i:i�i:iii:::i;�:]:j:-�::i"... .,
ii�ii.�.i���Fii:�,�i�i�i��i!�i;i���i�i�:....�i . �Xffi�',N
-'. .
and eouilnerdaif value." . fattening, Henry 'i�i::::*:�.j:j::;j: .;.'.:.:,:�.:.:.;.:,.X" :",.!!.::.!.::.�.:.:.:::.::::�:,::,:.::!;::::::::j �* , , -X- ,,.-� vvL'en to make tho pla,T langer, incl.'a-Ze TO
� ii. � ,eeding" - :1-11, ..... � ..... ... S ..:::it.:�'P�.41"�x:,.:.::.:::...:..:.::.:.:.:.,4�..:. . 1.- ':,:;��":."� ''
i:iii-i�.'��.'*�.,.:":::,.;;;..:::.:::;,;::,4:.::: ,
�iij;!!§�:i:l:!)p ...... . -,X,X ----.,:;.:::-".. `� W. -ins, to s,evenity-five or
.§,;:;:::::!.,-,, - .. '. *:;�,.��*`.-,*N .-*R*,M�-
fis opin0on is supplemented by blitat new book on "Feeds and 11 ��,, �,*�,i�i�i�i��!i ..�..,.-�;;:- ,�;.:�-4'�,:"..:,.,�:",:�:,.:".;..,:.:.:::�i::t;:::i:.::::::i: .;�-��..:.�......�...,:..*"�P.�R t4iie rvailbeT of bei.
� I :�;::;: . 1'...,..1,- "..x", .11, A AV 1
i;i:i:i"::.".,�i::i::i�:i�ii:::��i.".�,!:�.*�',-','I��.,.,.-.,!*.,�i�:�",:::��"%'*�;�.:��:�,�:7:""i::i:�i�;. .., . " -
� or i:i�:::::i�.;:��:,::�j*;*: ill a han(iroa. Colvil, rite, ma,rblea, .
- .,;k. -...-...,,-.-,x;-.%: i t 0 "w
K. iii;.�i-",--il,iY�::;:i::!� !::::::::,:�:.:3�,.:::..!4;:ill,.,:�. �, �
. 2:::;::;:;:::;�'-,; .,.:i:�i:!:I:i:i::::i;,i:i:�'�,::;�:."i�'��;i:!:i:i:i:�:::�::*�;:�'..�.::;;:�,::::::;;!;� , . I �
____.._*%.-_ of Direetor Thorne, f - 25 years give the following:- �ji:i�i�$i�ii:"� .., .,.e -,, , iiii..., .1� , I'
. :�.:.�.:.t.:,.:.;.�::�"4:.,:;.,::::::,;Z::, i
-:;:.,:-:::-x ,i.,: -A '*i� *::i:-.,t!i",�i:!""."��ii�i$ii�i X. I
cost of Other Wars. g�:::: iiii�:�::!i::Ii:i:i:::�i:i7.�.::�l!�i:� ., *i:� ... ar�y d.ther sm-41 objects rd!' n' c,yjrze ,* .0 -
.N. I �0! �'
." 1, I - �
- ,i;i
� Requirements for Given Steers at Different Periods of Fattening. xj,�i�:ii�ii;�iji,*.' -X-:-;,;-:.X-%-�.;.:1-;. 'A�.,:-,N�"2,%, ,.-, X1r.1;;i.�i.1.. 5�4 2 8
. . . . . . . . . . . ,....::,."..i:i:i:!:..,:i.�-,,.'. .. " - s -w ,*_
k.� ij;i�!!j�j�.'*` �.�l":f:::::i::,:,'!;;ii*�,�v;?2..ii..�.!i::i::7�ij:�,..".:,:,i:i::�:��:i:,:;::ii::i�;:: .,:�,%,�
.. .. ..
. I.. 1� ... ....... . I .................... ... . ...;.:. ....."...!���i:i:�:;:i�...".,*,. � .P.-��,�,...-,����?,i.,,iiii�i.-.-�,,'..!�.-.ii���i,� :, . .. serve In the place of b� ,L
i. ,'.�. x1fli St. Paul St.
� F ranco-German war (eight inonffis) Av. Wt. Dry Digeardible Tobal Dig. NVAHCIM . -:��::�:::;�:;:�k::.:�:1.�;:.,.;.":,:..,.11;7.:.: -;.:.:.:.*-f-.',�-VA"��.��.'.*,': ::;:j::::�:i;: :::,-�':'-,
,:::;-'' I ".1, ,'!��:�.,:::.:i:i:.�:�"":!:::i;��::j:iii:�:i; 1,',..:,:i�:,
7� , :�:i:iii;�i�:�i�:fi�i.,�i,��i-.*�i�j���i�.'����!�iii�i�i��i�i,-.-ii..,.i::i.-',*.ii4,:i...,iIiiii�.;i,�.iiii�i:i�iiii�,'*..::;> ;'". .1 ,� 'Wast
, ,; I.. , "' - Patrlot-,-I, UNA first cont, nzer�- I
, . !1,11-- I , �
$2,720,000,000; Germany, . nutrients ratio , Nx ',i� 'iiiii� ,�",i:��l.i�iii:�il.11",�"Il'Il.:�"...",.,.I 1-_'�, 1.
France during nia,tter ca-ude ,�ii�iiiii:!iii.,Ii..�i:�.i�'��i:",.i:i�i.�,.i�.i-',�',-;�� .;.:.:.:,:.:.:.-.:-:.-.-..-,..:.:,.: ..... ... -kil, 'iii',il�:i!iii., §i;."iM'. � i -I., .. .
. . i��i�::::i�: .11.1 I TA EAL
, I -..�i:.,.-.:.;.:�.. z..;.;.,;;-�";.;.;.;!;:;::;::;!,.::::;::.�:.:.:.;�:.:.:..:.,;,:,:.Z�. - I 11 MON
I ,#"�Iiii ,$387,750,000-3,107,750,000. South I protein I—. _... ". . -------- ,:�;,.�- .1 .
� _ perlod -01:�, 1,'�,,,:�S' --, ..";: " . ... . . I that lafft Canatia totalled 33,000 Mon.
x .�K _.;Wi=-�.
.;I ", .�. ,��
_,.;�, g�,.,,'.,�,,;-::'::::::;:."..:;:�.,;,.:.,..:;.:;�::�:;�9.�;1-'Wli�'',� ii�
. :.:!.:.:�;.:.:.�.",.;�>:��-$,;;"r�., etl-tior y5=-j,U,j.g ajjtj, v;r= f.,. Before ,lbs, Y�w Gmat B1111tain bad a
n war (21/a years), $1,085,830,:- I..", ,;:::::�,':!:�:�..,,,��?,�*�,4$"�'r. Being manufwtitywit -d nat buyin-1 to '*'
� Africa I lbe. Th.s. lb -s. - III 9. 1b s. 0'. -A�:i:i:�::',,I��Iii�",."i���:i%-..:�:-.,;.>.,.:��i';i"-�*?,�':�i-�%,>_?�,,.*�-�,'��k". ',% I
:"1'. 8 '. -- i-7,%:,-:-%,g;.K;;x-:-� . �x.- I ... .,. clasz 84 a s gul .se6t grarlina and
000, Russo-Japanese war (eigUean F irz:', 50 days 1.020 22.4-25.5 2.04-2.85 18. 4-40.4 1,7.0-1 - I ,,�� 011amtlion siteer in Grades and Grtoss%eia' peacz ini-my of 162,251 re- ar, r.-il NTe ativityi; Qssure tlr� N
I �,::::;::z-;,-.;:""%::::::::::::, ymlii - ! �61,105 te-nolt. ehjU*,1e3tMar'.-e'.V.-CCi6 QtfCLtettWn51
months), Japan, $1,015,470,000, Rus- S,eond 50 days 1,140 . 23.947.4 2. jj7_9_ 62 19.4-22.2 1:7.0-1:7.9 ,:::;;%:f�,:`.:;1%�,:::, .i .... �:� ol any Dreed, in the Gaviph. ,Show- w-1-a1Z, or- Pax-V.-,� trainodl en
1�1, . sia, $1,500,000,000-$2,515,470,000. Tbird 50 days 1,260 22.7-27,.7 2.27-2.65 20.2-28.3 1:7.0-1:7.8 :k�.;::�:::;;;;"".::.,.;:.::::- - .11-...`.-.-,.:.�N .j� rh _" "a Ii6t is,,u.d blit we guarantea to,
%%::%�;- '?ii`1 II(Xoar the Way 2nd" -was eilred by! trooljyis�. 3. ' a armL407 a V s is No orke
� $ �9:;R-� ."� *i*K*:*,;i::;3�:� , I YOU aczceyl
11 I � _. %��l;l�-'z'i�.,�.iiii�ii:i;�.*"Ii,�.i!:i:�-."�:�,,. i;-�..$ -, -es,t or Com- hold YoUr e-dils separatc und I
—I,'-- �ii;�i��.*i:�i��iii;.::�
,.�i..i�i 1�
11i ___ — - - . %�,. �!J�ili, g Sylvan Powea., ;alid bred by R. 0 Him - 1 signed at Sen, is, gou thn OD
..,*-,-.-.;..... .J I or relect oliro'ven.
4 �-�O:..,,,,��,.;:;:�; -Il'i�i�-'.,�l'.�,:�:����,i:i:i:i:i�l;!;:i:i.�'i.i:� 'X, - -301,
1_.--.'. 11.'.-.11.'.�.:.
rig � Thda galre a ba�lunce oview � $.1'%:�.,r'1.;.;;;:-,-, ... ter of Exeter, On't. lie W&s firdshea! plagne, Friance. 4. NVIlan n in . . ... �
Demand -foil tv-10-Year-old sLocke $21.09. . " 11 -
P. " Od=1jo, ,it dis 5 p
OZ f.:iN,iti*K..1., ;?.01i; K to ,the top 'bloona when shomm. . im. in Iyolidoll, 5-01 —_
Edmonton st, �e ! In 1*�,;05:k;", I 11
. ig reported L The cost Per P P,.'�8,,*§K*i I (A"-%' - -
� /"q2-- x � 'tl �
� -agn at , . , 14, �� I cost of feed of 8,87, .4 ,Z .1 .... - to
�� ., ;%'.',:: ?"�i*i*:,*�.'.*�: pan. in Pwris and 12:15 ax.n. -U
I " � . .. -� ---I
,*.-,-i* - * U1`518, tW ______1 __"�
) Yards. I 0off/fIf bl - 89. 8 centis. k.?;i,.--,-- ,.;:;;;2; �.;-:;,,%.;;!.�,.2 �� "There awe, ,01 CO 0 sides
. doozen. eggs was *i:� .',g� . !� day) dn Peking. 5. Yon are 14911'- -
VOR ,;.,7:.:.! .",�..; X� ,j
, , "" I il 'I
I dp � .... .I.k ,�..
-�,; ..."11 iii..... ;�:.",,$�.�, .,,� - the Ca.-nadlian lfbve stock' itdue,ta,v
". .-
- � !!!�� � " El , �; 'lan re,97hreqt to 11 d � '
"-7-r -'--,� .1 ., ., the first L%na& in
- , 1�1� 7 I ... ;ii gwid h�L% o.wner, Mr. A. T.
_=�� Light in The Poultry House. ,.,
. _ .......:11; R�;A, �j_ -sc,j tile P -icia
li . I A W s- NEVER TROUBLED I �;*,.:i*��.�,.�,.',;.ii�.',.��:�". _ Feriffl, z'
� ,
- ... in Fxisni,ce ,tT, .xii�cea,% PaU A
r� _S For sonis time it ,has been a qUe . ". I I e*,As 1,
klw W "I'' E, A K tion .(A,b,e _ .. .1 11 -o& th
A ,ther. artifloilal Ilglit in the .,� 'i -*,i;, . 1111 . I 4,live stiodl� and dead st ,,-; -at is, Oana&aa Llglh'� InfantfY. 6. ,,Vae
--_`�i:;%!�:;' I breed,ing d1bod,and FftelOaTed tor moat,
gi- � I
I - 'ii?�-',%'ii1-%,iiiii ::;j.;.!. ", 2: _ -y of the War" wbuilu
youltaT WITH CONSO-TIPATION. "'*`:' .' ' oUldreqVis Sitol
, house wao a benefit or 'lot, �:;�.:;.-:- ;j:j:;: k I
- -� ,�_, There never wais a time wilien sio much
I I ..-.1 ... .�`�� *L PAIL" I
�p golve .the problem, the .. .. � ��',� 'I. sing your guirpose adm!ra-V1Y- It is
." dia.
�� ALL RUN, DOWN and to 11 -el SINCE TAKING -`.*,.'.*,::�:.. ". a I
. " I " :
. el'inlental I I "l'I'l"'�����."..*.........."""""..*- _... .,,. aittendon wao befilig ,paid by Ca n, -L� and bouad �rery E,�xpe�,imt,iit,kl,l,cz,A.S!10-.-�-�i�a-. ,
.� .1 "n U . .1a
�� . rod4try Divuskoll ot.tba Exp 1 U pu.ligmd I mnl];,
� :.,,-:!1 " Kyo stcri* men to quaBriby. Frd-extt
� ,4
. . *f FROM, HAARTead NERVES, verins have, tesitad pt; for two seavori%, � MILBURN'S LAXA-LIVER PILM . 2 profiL on Tned,iJocro ankntalls.. xh�raetively Tvi*�tli eXceilealt MIUQI�M, I I crtllimra increase Wheat Yield& I
If"_ 17 wiOl t%V6 I I 10 kill's 'tale tions said anlaps. Up to 1,110 progelit !"411is rVom .V,-r,:JIZ%3 obtsmed ht
. .� . __ duringthe-win'terof 1916- a.r.r)ed Rock Too often one is liable to distniss ,eon- I . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Hpligh gx-.&dB stocic its 1he profitable Nhid d V,Zia' I ,.,X>, imenial Teslv I . I
� . pelio 140 birdis in AN) oT.B' . , .. . -low 09 the ei&ilt V01*1141103 have been ie -me I I P� F -lICr'hAewW
". � . I jh stipation as a trifle. It is not, Wheii - - " . . . . . . . . . . ., ln�>Iim� , � . . . . . ...... forthe en'vovb trade, Ili N . oa�strio sviou'l-curit! TZ'!
� Mro. Porcy G. MoLau 11in, IA-?qence puillst-�s and durring liast wifiteir wil you allovt your bowels to become clogged - - btfal; &a nvizxtive of the -vvar do -mi I L'tilan- � I
t, -,- - . "Vear The Way 211d" European shoirtag-a thea'a IS an QM 03b-.% mg V.-Ijeal.game4l
N . Station XB. wiftes:11farawritingto t,NVo pens of Rock pulifet and two pers to the end of 1,91.7, Probably bwo adl- . 1. . t" 1.
i .,� . art 11A, there'pours a stream of pollut 'd at- ills 1110.11is,e oppoigtunhy for bdL,h bwaichea 6.2 bli;;, Sprigg " ;, �
I ;) i6t �� have used.Nilbunl's He of Ugboxii pldleb.4', (40 b W Ste -into the blood.-instoul of it', being Gran,l Champion Steeir indo-sti.7 in this I kv era� 0: 5 ,,-eqrs, I e5 "
�1 ; tell y,o 0M.- irds of va:oh I a. the dilitional voaumes 'N01.1 cwrtlplete the I '�Orioauw I 1.iation I
[) and Nerve Fill#, and find alitce I c cav'ried off bv nitture's channel, VIruelpl, NViniter jtaqLr, exhibi,bed by Mr, Of the 116ve st"U work. The 11,mice a,t. p.msenLt 4 $1.25 '. ad Is= B;- �
bread). . untry." 1.06 bit �*9*1 I , lid.
I tliem that I feel altogether 00 aluti_ ,� - Itt gct
,,� " gets T. A. Russell of Toronto. i_1164 _
menced jo use ,,lit neat of bwenty bir.ds bowels, and wfien this Waste matt , per vo,j,tjjw. NoLhinig mare ,t _� ie Of 10 vc4i .14t.
- 1.11 each lag � . . . ,.0jeaj: ;the -%faly 2nd" roprooe-al;s I tlig�, , vrik
I a different woman. - I wa,s weak and were int. &I or jrvp:�e valvable, both . 11
� run down from my heart and ner�e and bv-,G tang"aten 40 wa,tc lamps e, tb.'e blood it eauses headaches, jaun- tor I � r'sat,`.r vilitt"t -w1111.1 bt use'i
P. dice, Piles, liver complaint, $our stomach �_--- parf,motioll 1.11 toi.'.W. 60d finU- I fOr I thelo , C,,�Ieoadiuoslit. but
�r, I U oulhl I 40p�,nd upint
i lNi d on at 6 a.ni, - troubles. . Va:s bad. it pe vailh ithat " 'r. 1. �oede b,t n1m,4:7-badIl
was rewmmendta -to try your P a by used, -Thle,-� viere till'118 and many othei - 0116sitl pvo,sieiv� Paid the iature, cou?,d I
� �mos It. Scott who'hai takeh thoma � 1101ciar ,the waiy 2nd" tv tho PP,rfed .ffilan a Iset of these tqlr�ild baok�i, I I* a` "" " `b,.t,,,, (p ,5, ?iDefiff
! Mr. Jc amid lest. 'U11 dayEght, than turned on 13Y takin Milburri's Laxil-Live.r Pills type oet G,teer for beef. Ile we'; prijwa Arrent,ine, beef veachots em U4 0 VIN Pov ,aat 1,02#
. . .
1�11 and says if ib were net f�r 60M he COMI zgul.11 ill ,the q.dteenoort 1.vafore ditisk 9 .t . 0110viren Are derlityltaid w-litik 012111, donowas 0.0 fol."MU11 00 V" I
,you will Put that the bowels will be kep I qua,11ty equal 4w mis", it,hoal-
. . �e-vu,%4s,be-
"I I Brtlt4sll Market I Od U;1%"f110;,d.'.,! .
�. . not live. When .1 gnigh the box I ant U -h). This w1aa alt-axted regular in their action, t -ho poisoning bi awarded d1e. GIUM, I '01vampaonEhip Tor I I - Ired Via Ax. Eval.�Jgmxlaiis vmlites - "I ?hav-e itcy vvri..te � , , z; at'a ilk cly. to runplix Idsh and
I n &,% - a P1,K) , ,C ., r1k j-,).n-CAkq4,. ill
. I mow takini I will be completely cured. and kft Ut 0 v. the blood and encral weakening of ,ay!j cjjjas�sas at til,o Tecejj�� I�ive Canm&aai CtAls-billas, - 81, few olw club on this subject -.1 x ,,,
,, of the site, Ill not raqwrq Mu �
5. in days became th . b ZZ1160 O' - - U -p I -Hd. to pay,01. libc-at ge't-011."'A'
er vi'llen tate P1, all,: 1(�Uslph �a fit .
I wish to t,mak you for puttln4 UP lsild*) NovelAb yotein is recti ed, and the enti�ri body , , Ont, 1W, M-10 gcnjt,,jr0 JUVRit t ,!" I 011 IYU the ,6
1 �. Stock Show . 'emontl * . I .i, -..'1,.M Putdile
will. glad)y C Nra.r.CE-11,- Qlildrell,' . I
coubinu. Until the, middle 0 1* y S I 11011 `INh)1-1' A 'I' "r,%',
derful me&eine, and I sbo;Tt and ed, i.i restored to nort-nal condition. st .810me of ,blis by the 111baral pcg&-y lado'Pted bT tho r �
S won I I 110 canip6ted. 'ag.aan � ou 11,011) ras!" I 11T1i�e.1,4iv,1,Au!AR.
� recol3amend it to one an4 AU." I 0,� ' yowithag the ,bw, -P . I 'JARIP lt,�;ilr &6 ."NIC
. . To all thosewho suffer In any way from ,. M�a;rc,jl, Iphart 11g;ht wa's unnecess'11TY- : N,IissiP,IsicV,itninoxnaa.ii,,riiedfox,(I 0 nt,l best uninials produced in cu -nada, He bread'eals in idn: , U.T.'a Calt y I 0 ") Wit e "k i
I I I 111. j.ho j9jo_,L7 rtest the light Pall writeo:.I't have used yotir Milburn', I thl) bred Olirel Ole, vibirld aftovdi I N, I The Oue a11,.j,ygWU,>1t woulti ibe Rial. you � vrlt�f,s t,ve lugh I �
11 . their heart, OV 'it6rvigs; Milblill's rLoart, W4 11.06 oggts wiJbIl 0, totall v4luei Of I'maAdiver Pills for constipation, and was; sls6 GTqn6l Ohum-01oll at Alow ho,w you "an tvwh yo-ar dbi,ldrell I .
. I - on, Tor- csu%ld 00(ldIt Inkistry, b� i 11'�!!v ,,,,J,,r,,e0 �",',I.nlwr
I ,xhlblhl, lail live r . i
I and Xerve Pills A -ill! ecitilie aa a great be lonail F I to AT';Oj�j jn�JCLj�l"g' LIM' 4"1111('� A1i_'"11`_'4
I They strengthen and stllnillst6 the w'?Ai su"98, Tile cost of., .J�e,-�& -w-as $22,53, hxvc. never found payself troubled since, Cialiadilian Mat . . nilart tu qvauut�r, 1= 6.1 � - own, Soil .111d 6rop,
6ai I , riGh, red 11 --0 ' $2,4,0, a tobok cost I am very glad to have found something orito, and look thdrd priti 'hi. Ithe class SIM119am, atte dr,�V(A�t yml httvt marle i1n, ,yaul. It r�",-' *i;�-,�;. I
I b to pump pilrej . lood i the oon'v- at' li-PIA - to cure ll�e, and will"'llways Wl everyolle for Sh,0Ttji:orn-zixed steera ,91 fl -to FOL 1poirtu4lty notv to he'd 61ta � � .
I i oll parto ot the body, ktonsthou 11,110 o,P $24, U, Thfls gave, a 11'11"11'eG Over about them who is troubled Ili the same i�,,,Zde., Z&O.P,va (I'milng :Ulvo war, pe'j._ YOU 010,11 lim-61b III theni ,�, oir own thlgh I I jjj-,pr0v�ejjjeA)t Bureall
'rig of 430.20 or W Stoelt Show iial Cilliewo, alld weig 0,1110 , -e vrp ,Ulliogg-s tlml 'al.i-�t,ii.tttr,t,�-L�lii,,�,,I�!"�o��lattf,--t
r. - w',Olec
i illitterarl. nerves, Alid'br ng a feell b I 01, tjU.e,.e jalf,ilugs ,,.O,h won 1U,11n rc(�i
I I . " , t. 00120L Iof -Tead and 1101% of was'" : M,Ihl . egi;jy, as, ilit ,pni . 1pal �con-4UAI%g idela.U. 118141'aip, flim.� 1 1 1
I I vOn tankment over the 016 bods - per dooen og*,gs of 26. 8 eonb,s- 71"Xit,611250� avial,tt all desders oripailed of A IIA -rd Iva 'you'vi-s"d imve, lor 41 10 &i),., Yo,-, I I I Temple Bldg.) Toronto -
. a ireet on receipt 0Y P . '-.,a wm&orn- ' .. I � �g j
Jaafetsor In, it") a 604sit . thertt laa Ote bssiL; 31 of Eurl)"� aro deack"it iii OAUI;� ".6 t1le I
:, -. 0 d T. TV01. : a PT, � 'e.o a""..."till 0l,),..,V-
.11500. al)o� .Jj"(Jot). .J�' -� -ylr .1i'l .4i � **At* 40kft *ow* **#M 0*** WAVA ~**)*
.,rice G Re' . o I
I . Nice I ..%�J, L ,.N,agi qi:4�, .3v r !.&c LA1*00A
1. direct on revel -01; of �vjco jjy This �r, Mil- Tho.dak pon laiA. 686 0998 wil�bll a burn Co, ' Imi(ed,M.' ro. io, 0 t. Sired lierd� wo fiogt �o IhAl oxtmlt 0� 28,0 � I ..,
. 1 $.,;,, 9 , , (� reod Ny,as ,, , [a o 'a a � lie vi%% aq . . .1 . I .
I I buni co" 111-131114-4 orouto, Ont. , LARI Willis of " , '01 ,0,,qt a . _ I I ,� I . W.- I � ... L I . . I . �� . . I . I
. ,��,, . I I I . �
I .. I I I . ..'' - . � . I
. , . . . � I I . I .
. I
. I I ,
. � � �
. . I I
. ,
. I .
. �
� 11 . . I . . � I I
. � . I I I -, ",___ _ � I -1 _' _11111,,� .. .1. I.." ... .. � I., _...
. I . I . %,I, .11 ...... L I - . � . � .. -_--.1-1-1---_. .., -.-----1--1 .... 11 I .... 1-1_1-. ..... --.----1- ., -.1. I - �.., I.., 1-1.,
11 I..... L 1 -.1. - .. ..".-,;�---,-,--�-.-��..�.,�.�. .--1..-_. .. ..... . . 4-
1 � ��� . ".. ----.111...,- ..... - � , ,- _. 11 -11. .,�, I - �. 11.
. I .1 I .11. - I � I t----11_,.-- .... ..... . .- __ .... .. _ I .... !�__. .