HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1919-1-23, Page 1•ESY- '' ZCO)ID TEAR -No: 2243 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY HORNING JANUARY 23rd 1919
_:. _......% EXETER SCHOOL BOARD. Back from the War; Whalen
The School Board, et t flee. Leon Treble and ,Gordon a:i,00rp-
Monday everting and' were met at t1r
Se � Av
Men's Mad.i.4o-
Before buying your New Spring Suit come in and inspect our
big range of Blue, Black, and tweed Suitings. We can save you doll-
ars on every Suit. We bought the entire stock some time ago of Mr.
Sheere, and d
he is in
charge a of this -de
departmeut pte mut of our store.
Already we have made a good number of these Suits and have yet
to have a single complaint from any, customer. We positively guar-
antee a perfect fit, and cut in any style Suit you wish. Be convinced
by looking over our Cloths inquire our prices, and have a suit made
right up to the minute in Style.
Men's Tailored Odd Pants
We have about 50 length of Best English Worsted Pantings and
we are selling these at close prices. If you want a better Pant then a
ready -to wear pair, Come in and inquire our prices on tailored Pants.
More Specials
Men's Heavy Overcoats, Men's Fur -Coats, Men's Suits, Boy's
Suits and Overcoats'at great reductions.
Yarn at 29c Skein
We place on sale this week '75 lbs -of good quality Canadian yarn
in 2 and 3 ply in mottled, black, grey, and white at the greatly red-
uced of 29c per 1-41b skein.
Special Cotton Values
10 webs Fine even weave factory cotton for early spring selling
at 20c yd.
10 webs l�eaeleiM cotton ---,,exceptional value at 25c yd
Great values in Silk Poplins
Silk Poplins 36in. wide all colors including black, our
January .Sale price only $1.50 yd.
-- - -• -` - ``•• CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE 1b 8-48 f 11
Jones AND
•_' nr`r' •
•3•++.H i••2 +•i +.i +++++++$, : ....§»§•o�•''tip•i••i••II••I•++++++++•�+3+•14++'l.+++'6 +++++++++++++++++++++++44+
m according a
• etatute on January 15th in the office!
• of the eecret!ary, with all present c
• cept E. M. Degnan, The newly elect -
ed Trustees subscribed to the oathof
office, R. N. Creech, Jos. Tlarv,eyr J.
H Greive,and Rev. .t1. •A; T rumper,.
.! I On, motion of Creech and Grelv'e,.
• F. W. Gladman was elected chaa,rarl'a,n.
' : Miss
IC. Maclau1 was re_tip,a l
a. Secretary -Treasurer, with the Moa,oe,
Bank custadiyain, of the funds.
,▪ • The following committees were duly
elected, -Insurance, Dignan arid
• Greive;• Fuel, Dignan. and Harvey i'
4. Teachers sapaly and other supply,
• G1adnan and Creech. • Grounds hind
Sanitary, Harvey, 'Pamper end
Grieve;; Special, Gladman, Creech:
and Trumper. `
4. Mr. J. G. Stanbury was apoourtted
representative to the Library Boltrd
j for 1919-20-21.; and Mr. G. '!llawaoa
4. auditor for 1919.
+1 The chairman and' Secretary Creae-
e:re: were empowe•re•d to sign ,orders, •
and borrow money when needed. r
The 'leachers Supply Co
• reported that Mass Ross ,af the High
• School staff had ,resigned, and Miss
« ± Gregory had been engaged as supply
• :F. ! at $100 per inanth, awaiting a Derr lrn-
•i• ent appointment of a teacher;. : also
4• that Miss Dow had been engaged to
ea I teach the Primary Room at $525 per
+ I year. Both are nowt ,on duty.
4' Irr view of the fact that Miss Clara
aVosper resigned, bad taught most
successfully an the Exeter school for
thirty -sit years, .and after censultatvon
+l• with the 1918 Board, a!t wa.s hovel by
F. W. Gladmam, and seconded by. R.
4• N. Creech, that her fa,ithful senates
a. be recognized by an. hon4ra:r4um of
4• $200.00. The motion carried
+ The Board decided to inspect .the
at school at 10.30 Friday mtarneri .
Tee 'following accounts ware paesed
4. Miss Martin $18;; S. Martin. ,& Son,
a1.50; W. S. Howey 4.80; Mr. Maw -
sort $5.00..
The third Wednesday of the month
wa; chosen, as the night of reg,elar
4+ meeting
Januar 13th, 1919
• The Council elect for the Township
t , of Usborne for 1919 met at the Town-
;.} ' ship Hall on above date pursuant to
41' Statute: All the members were pre -
:4 sent, made and subscribed as to their
+1 qualification and Declaration of Office
'gyp, "C
, and took their places at the-ouncil
4. Board Reeve A. Mitchell, Councillors -
• C• William Coates, John T. Morgan, John
Hanna, Fred C. Stewart.
Resolutions were passed tlhatrrr esar=
aries for the year and the appointnrent
of the various Officers be asfollows:-
Reeve $60.00; Councillors, each to
$85.00; Collector, Wm. Brock $75.00;
Assessor, Thos. Hunkin, $90.00; Audi-
be Road Comisioner of their own Sub
Div. at $50.00 per year. CIerk, Henry
Strang $200.00; Treasurer, P. Coates,
4. • tors -William Johns,, and E. N. Shear
•!r each $10.00; Caretaker of Hall, Geo.
•••••••••••••••••••••••••• BORN
-4M 1•
• Rill -In Steplhe•n, oJan. 1th, to
& Wringers . .•..
Examine our variety of guaranteed wash day labor •
• Savers. •
Hobbs Gold Medal Washer,
The 1900 Gravi t
� „��� y Washer,
', Ho:assoto iEof`r: 1 The Canada First Washer
Skates of quality for all
Wringers from $5.50 to $7.50 2
Folding wash bench to set tubs on
price $3. 25
Clothes Baskets $1.40 to $1.75 ;
Girls skates $1.25 to 3.25
• Ladie's Auto Skate --4.00
Boys & Men's skates
$1.25 $6.50
• Steel ankle suppoits $1.
1 Hockey sticks 20c to 75c
Eveready flashlights
will•guide you safely
on dark nights, price
$1.25 to $2.50
We have a complete line of driving and working
rnitts and gloves at exceptionally reasonable -rices..
.'� p
A full line of Stock and poultry Foods etc.
27a Phones 27b
•, „.,,,,,,us li it
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield , Hill, a
Gooding -In Stephen on Jan. , 16th, i
Patrick Gooding.
Brown -At `Corton, on Jan. 18, John
Brown, formerly of Stephen, aged
61 (years, 11 months and 27 days.
Fat sson-In Manitc.u, Man., on Dec. s
30te, Norman .B. Fanson, aged 411
Kerslake -In Usborne, on Jan. 1.4th, i
Editlh Mary, infant daughter of p
Mr. and lens. 'Charles Kerslake, t
BELLMORE-Died in Brandon on j
January 18tih. liars, Adolph •Bell-
more, in her 49th year.
Mailott-In Clieton on Jan. , 20bh,
John Mellott, aged 78 years.
DAUNCEY-in Exeter, on January 17th,
,;:,John Dauncey, aged 75 years and 5
Kellett, $i 0.00.
Board of Health, H. K. Hyndman,
M. O. H.; A. Mitchell; Reeve, Chair-
man; John Delbudge, Geo. Kellett, San.
Inspector; H. Strang, Secty. Board of
Fence Viewers for 1919 Frank Down
W. Kerslake, Fred Delbridge, Amos
Douple, Jas. Hazelwood.
Poundkeepers:-Jno. Luxton, Sam
Hunter, 'Chas. Keddy, P. M. Moir. H.
N. Taylor, W. Hazelwood, Thos. Allen,
John Shute, and that the Clerk notify
said parties of their appointment.
Coates -Hannan. That a Bylaw be
drafted confirming the foregoing reso-
utions as to officers. Salaries &c., Car,
Coates, Morgan. That a copy of the
Municipal World be supplied the Coun-
cil and Officers for the year. By re-
olution the Engineers Report on the
Winchelsea Creek Drain Improvement
will be considered of the next regular
neeting of Council. Clerk to notify
artier assessed under the scheme of
he Council's intention. Council ad-
ourned to meet Feb. 1st at 1 p. m.
Henry Strang, Clerk
Marshall -In loving memory of Pte.
Jas. R. Marshall, beloved son of
Marshall, killed in action at
Lens on Jany. 21, 1918..
• SIJ" lit3tle ,tihonght on leaving home
That the would never more return;
• But now the lies in a 'lonely grave,
• ;
• r
• '
• r
And we are left to moan].
TI5•s :cteery way, his smiling face,
Are a 'pleasure to recall; ,
There is nothing left to answer,
But This photo on the wall.
Sleep an dear son in a soldier's grave
Your fife for your country you no-
bly gave;
No friends stood bear you to day
,But safe in God's .keeping now you. lie..
Mother., Sister and Brother.
The 'Board of ,Management of Jaynes
Street 'Sunday School held a ba.c.quet
n 'connection withtheir annual meet -
ng on Monday evening. Over ,tarty
8addown to the tables and the young
ladies of tike ',1Willing Workers" class
•the serving, After a most sung •
ptuous repeet a number of toasts
were ,given after w(hieh the business
of The evening was ,Iaroceeded with,
The occasion was a .host etjoyablc
rid profitable affair,;
a meal iabaa edi ....ogliatif4,01400440404V
Mr. N. D. Burdon recently 're-
eer.tly received a souvenir from this
son, Pte. Eric •Hurdon, it being a
German bugle. The bugle was paint-
ed grey, the German war color, and
has on it the ;German coat of arms
and the year 1917. Pte. (Hcrdota. is
expected Ihome at any time.
A real estate 'change has been !pat'
through wbereby Mr. S. Pla'rsons of
town, gets (possessioni of tfhe 150 acre
farm of Mr. George Williams, o8
Usborne. Mr. Williams gets posses-
sion of Mr. 0. B. Sno11's house in !o'wnt;
on Jolhn St., bmtely vacated by 't�tr.
Fred May. Mr. Snell gees tpossession.
of Mr. .1?!areons grass farm in Ste-
elier, townsbip.
er 'arrived borne ,froom ,ovextseae
The following is ;a letter received
°* from Newton Millson on his return to
station by a large number of citizeas
who gave them awwarmweLcom
borne. r
Pte. Treble is a son of odea aundeairs
lied.r b
'1' a le of
lend before (hts, e
listment was a member of..:i1he Times
staff. He signed uIs wit* ,it,he 33r
Battalion in :August, 1915 and ,after
training in London the. . followin
winter, he left for overseas inn May
On June latih, 1916, after being i
the front•line trenches only tti
days ;he was wounded iia the toot b
eshrepnel. It was at tate 3rd battle o
Mrs. John Wright -
Dear Sister; --
Just a few lines to "let you know
that I ant well and expect to go back
to Canada before very long, and Y la I
' will be very glad to get there. I am
di not very enthusiastic about England or
the people. Of course I admit that
alone probably misses seeing some of
the best people and their courtesies
which is unavoidable avoidable
vo under military
conditions, but dear old Canada is
f good enough for me. We are not do-
Y,pres, ,just before illi.0 Hid that Pte
• ing very much now except picket and
in•a 'his stay i
gleno!• ttad amp..
opportunity ,"to visit the important
centres of Ireland and ,Scotland and
take in itlhb historical scenes. Ho
camel home on the Olympio and al-
though the boat' was well filled Pte.
Treble 'had no complaint ,with,the
treatment he received. The trip
across tlhe water was quite rovilh.
s guard duty. When we arc not on that
!why mischievousness is our our chief
pastime and as is the case we get into
• trouble occasionally. i must tell you
®r I got two very nice boxes from your
Patriotic society of Whalen- district.
It 1
w s very kind and thoughtful of
I them to remember us boys over here.
II have had about fifteen boxes in the
«last month from Windsor and else-
I} where so my chums and I fared pretty
fair. While away on holidays I visit-
ed at Edinburgh, Scotland and old Lon-
' don; was at Buckingham palace and
enjoyed the old historic scenes very
Well, Ada, I must close and wish
Treble was wounded and the consider
4ime'lf a mighty lucky boy. ale was
sent 'back to England and for eleven
montihs was in, hospital when lie was
attached ito a reserve Battalion. Fo
monthsmonths,he has been serving
in the dental corps. Pte. Treble dun-�
Pte. Gordon Hooper is a son, of Mr.
and Mrs. A. Hooper of the Lake Road.
Pte. Hooper was wounded en the 19
of August and escaped with his life
by the narrowest margin. •Although
badly disfigured in the face he main-
tains this jovial disposition and says
there are lots woree than he. Pte.
Hooper had been in the front lines
only a short time when the word
came they were to prepare to gd over
the top. He advanced a short dis-
tance and hie knew nothing more un-
til five days later other he regained
consciousness in a (hospital in Eng-
land. A,bul1et entered his riaght cheek
crossed to elle left taking away past
of the jaw ar.d plowing its way up
;razing the skull. It was a miracul-
ous escape from death. The sight of
tine left eye has beer. affected. Pte.
Hooper enlisted at Toronto. He ea --
rived in Toronto on January 12(tih and
on Monday in company with alas.
Hooper he arrived in town to visit
,his parents.
Rev. Dr. Eletdher, Moderator of the
General Assembly of the Presbyter-
ian ChurchC,ana.da Left on Monday
.for the eoast where he is extpect-
ed"' h' ape* Tait. Victoria on._ 1±'eby. and•
On 'his return: trilp he will 'make 'a
tour of a_Ll !the 'larger teenttres., in the,
Wept. Wlhile in Regina Dr. Fletcher
will be tlhe guest of Premier W. M.
Martin, of Saskatchewan. letee
young man Premier Martin came in
frequent 'touch with the present head
of the Presbyterian I(Xhureh in Can-
ada through the intimacy of Dr.
Fletcher and his father, Rev. W. M.
Martin, of London, and a former pas-
tor of leaven Presbyterian shuiroh.
Council elect met in accordance with
the Municipal Act, when the following
subscribed to the Statutory Declaration
of office and property qualification;
John Laporte, Reeve; Casper Walper
Samuel Dietz, John Campbell and Wm.
E. Turnbull, cguncillors. The Reeve
took the chair and the Council becam
The Reeve gave a short address to
the other members of the Board. The
minutes of the meeting held on Dec.
14th, 1918 were read and adopted.
Mr. Andrew F. Hess was appointed
as Clerk of the Township for 1919 at
a salary of $200.00 and clerk of the
telephone system at a salary of $90.00.
The following officials; for the Town-
ship for the year 1919 be appointed, at
the salaries as stated; John Preeter,
Treasurer, salary $1.10.00; E. F. Klopp,
Assessor, salary, x+95.00; R. F. Stade,
Collector, salary, $95.00; Donald
Burns and Jacob Haberer, Auditors, sal-
ary, $3.00 each; Mrs."1;. Rupp, Caretak
er, salary, $30.00; A. Heideman, mem-
ber of Board of Health,salary $2.00 per
day; C. Eilber, Inspector for Western
Divison and Wm. Dougall, Jr., inspec-
tor for Eastern Division.
The Clerk was ordered to order one
copy of the Municipal World for each
member of the Council,•also the clerk,
treasurer and assessor.
The reeve was authorized to look
after all lands subject to sale for taxes,
and see that that the Township secures
proper titles of same.
The following accounts were order-
ed to be paid.
Hospital for Sick Children grant
$5.00; Children's Aid Society grant
10.00; Clerk,election expenses, 9.00
Freight and exp. tel supp. 2.35; lights,
January 1.00; express, Municipal sup-
plies .45; Bert O'Brien repairing road,
McDonald bridge, 5.00; Harry G. Hess
repairing telephone lines 3.00; Muni-
cipal World supplies 11.80; North Elec-
ric C., supplies, 163.34; Bell tel Co.
L. D. tolls 51.12; ditto switching charg-
s, '25.00e L. Foster gravel 4.50 L
Prang account 14.30 Can. Ind. tel to.supplies 2.53, P. Mcisaac acc. 15.37;
ditt salary to Dec. 31st 1913 234.00;
ditto labor re cable work at Sarepta
27.50; ditto cone onL. D. T. to Dec.
21 33,20; T. Johnson, expenses to
Goderich 5.00; H. G. Hess, 3 months
salary 300.00; Municipal World, 3 sub-
scriptions 8.00.
The.,treasurer was instructed to fur -
r ish bonds for 15000.E , subject to
he approval of the Council.
The council adjourned to meet again
on Saturday, Feb. lst, at p. ns.
A. F. Hess, Clerk
An Exeter Old ,Boy died in Mani-
toba on Dec, 3911h in the person of t
air. Norman B. Fanson, of Manitou,
The deceased was born in Exeter and e
'passed away in the prime of life being'
only 41 years old. Ilse had not en-
joyed good health for some years. His
early life was spent in, Exeter where
he learned the harness -making with
Mr. 1'. F•rayne and at elhe time of :his'
death she ,con,duoted ,the same line of
business in that town. He leaves a
wife and four children, Albert, Fella
Earnest and Mary. The deceased was
a Son of tihe late James and Mary
Ann: Fanson, of Exeter. t1T visited
Exeter two years ago and,renewed. ae- t
quaintances where he had epenit all
his years .u;p to the :ting- lie weir
all my old friends over there a happy
and prosperous New Year. Yours most
Your brother
Newton G. Millson
No. 3132062, 4th Reserve Batt.
Co. Army Post Office, Whitley Camp
Surrey, England.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sutherby, of
London, spent Sunday here with his
One of the old res delial of, Exeter
primed away at Clinton'.on •Monday!
in the (person of Mr. Dolan Mellott,'
aged 78 years. The deceaeed head been
ailing for some time. He was one oils
the old residents of Exeter having!
come to Canada from England. He l:
survived by one son, John W. o1
town, recently returned atom ,over.
seas. The funeral Tuesday owes held
from the undertaking tparfore of Re
N. Rowe, interment in Exeter come.
^' '11he. annual •meeting of ieaven Pres
byterian'March was held on. Monday;
evening last. A most excellent .fin,
andel statement was ,presented, . deal
treasurer's statement showing a good
surplus. The reports ,from (the ,dif-
ferent societies slhowed them to be t
a flourishing condition. The congre-
gation exceeded tine amount allotted
to it for missions, The Board o,Q.
Managers elected for the ensuing
year are Messrs. J. licLacglhlin, E.
J. iO.hristie and W, ,Smitlh. At the
close ad the business .(nneeting .Baha
refreshments were served by the la-
dies and a most sociable gime enjoyed.«
The annual business meeting of the
Huron Presbyterial Society was held;.
on Tuesday, January. 14th, in Willis
church, Clinton. There was a good
attendance Of delegates. The reports
from the Auxiliaries, Circle and Mise
sion Bands were very encouraging, this
being the most prosperous year in the
history of the Society.
The Huron Presbyterial comprises;
22 auxiliaries, 5 Circles and 1 associ-
ated society, with a total menibersip
of 690, contributing $4120.61, and. 11
.Mission Bands with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gould, of Lon- 409, contributing f a membership o.
don, spent Sunday here with the lat- total contributioo 3$4451.43, a an ad-
ter's sister', Mrs. Sutherby, who at vance of $441 over the previous year.
the time of writing remains very ill. Fifteen life members have been added
during the year and 635 copies of the
Messenger have been subscribed for.;
There are 232 Home Helpers, who have
Mr. Jas. Swallow has rented the I contributed $247.64. Seventeen bales
farm he recently bought from Clarence
Gunning to John Webb, who starts
there in March.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wright visited
on Wednesday last with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Neil near Lucan,
Miss Harriet Kirk, who has been out
West all summer, returned to her
home at Kirkton last week.
of comfortable clothing valued at
8961.62 were shipped to File Hills In-
dian School. The Strangers' Secretary
is encouraged to find that the Auxiliar-
ies are beginning to understand the
work of this department better and
take more- in it. The Press
Services was held here on Sunday and Librarynterest departments also show
after being closed for a month owing signs of progress.
to the -flu and death of Mrs. Wm. It is the i tention of the Presbyterial
Brooks. _ .. to publish a brief nnemoir of our late
beloved President, • Mrs. 'Colihh Flet
cher, of Thames Road, wife of Dr.
Fletcher, Moderator of the General
Assembly, who was called home two
years ago, as an affectionate tribute
to her memory and the high quality
of her life character and attainments.
Special reference was made to the
great loss sustained by. the Society,
through the removal by death of Miss
Kate McTaggart, of Clinton, who for
many years, so capably and concien-
iously filled the position of Supply Sec-
retary and also Mrs. William Sproat, of
Kippen, who acted as Home Helpers
Secretary for one year.
The following resolution prep area
by Mrs. Hunte, of Goderich, was read, ,„,
and transferred to the minute book:
"Since our last meeting together as a
Presbyterial the great war has been won
It is fitting that we place on record our
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgson, of
Granton, spent Sunday with the for-
mer's parents, here.
The weather is exceptionally fine for
January. The roads in this part are
as good in the month of May and
autos are running as in the summer
The funeral of Mrs. Wm. Shoe -
bottom took place on Thursday to Birr
cemetery. The deceased was only
44 years of age and leaves a husband
and two children. Their youngest son
died last summer from sunstroke,
31r. and ,Mrs. 'Chas. .Kerslake, of
the London Road south, have the
sympathy .of many friends in the loss
of their inia t daughter, Edith Mary
who idied on Tuesay of last week.
O.ontin.aed on §rage 5.
To Be Dressed Here
is to he Well Dressed
at a price that means
Money to You
We are showing attractive lines for
rail land winter and o• ,r advance buy.
'ng means money -saving vaines. Many
,f our ,lines one selling at less than
.wholesale cost to -day. Come to and
select a Suit from some csf the oIdJ al1-
wool stocks and if you do not/ want it
made up now we will set it aside ,tor
Come :rn and look eve: oar stock of
UNl)EtiWEAit -• Combination
and two piece -a11 wool