The Exeter Times, 1919-1-16, Page 1Wesr'r-SECOND Eooxn YEAR--- No; 2243 ORTYEXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MO1 NIN;fir�4 ,�.111Lf,Ai�.X lith 1919 JONES & 1'1A'Y PHONE 32 Great Clearing Saleof Furs All our Ladies' Fur Coats and sets musto regard.. Bard.' less of price Although we have had a splendid Season's business in furs, we do not wish to carry over a single garment to next fall,so thisis the reason for our big reductions, Of course at these reduced prices they must be sold for strictly cash. It is impossible togive a cot and description of our fur P complete Liss stock so we will only mention a few lines to give you an idea of our prices. 1 only lady's Hudson Seal Coat, beautiful quality of Skins, Our ose Purple lined, in very latest styles, was $240,00 Januaary sale price $200.00 1 only lady's select Canadian Muskrat coat lengt 42 in was $125.00 for $100,00 2 only Muskrat coats same as above only 45in long were $140. for $110.00. 1 only Mink Marmot coat was $110 for $85.00 Setts -Scarf and Muff 2 Natural Wolf Sets were $22.50 for..... 1 'Natural ;Wolf Sat .was $30.041 for 1 Natural ,Wolf Stet was $32.501 ;for ; ' 1 Natural Lynx net was $313.00 ifoi ... ....... 1 Red Fox Set was $43.00 for ,,... 1 Patagoma Fox Set was $27,00 ion.. ` , . ( ' 1 (Brack Fox Sat was $36.00 for ! ...G.... 1 Natural. (Wolf Set was $25.50 for F,, „ ..• 1 'Natuna, ;Wolf Set was $23.50 for 2 Badger Sets were $28.50 for ,... 1. !Columbia Sable 45et \vas $3,3.50 for s• Extra special black Russian Wolf muffs and neck Furs to clear at each $5.00 Men's Fur Coats Men's best quality Wallaby Tasmania Coon Coats regularly $75.00 for $60.00 Men's black dog coats to clear at $35.00 {{hen's {Heavy Ulster Overcoats at, 513.00 and $15,00. t Big Bargains in Boys' •Overcoats. ' t Boys' Hockey Shoes, all sizes in stook. Young Men's *Betted. Overcoats in tiheNetvest_ Styles ; ' ' ' , ' i• .t - , •e Great !Clearing Sale still ,continues on 'Ladies' .Pduslh and (Cloth • Coats, Pres ses and Suits, 1 ti Y CANADA FOOD BOARD LIUENI3E Joiles D May t4+ ++++++ ++++++++++++*++++++44444+4+x€.+:14+ 4414*+ BORN • McEwen -In Exeter, on Jan. 84th, to Wasliing noZr,nanet,a n e •Kt:retake-I r, Usborne, on Saturday, & Wringers January 11,.Ih, to Mr. and { Mrs. Charles Kerslake, a daughter. trang-Ln 'Usborne, on January .7, toj Mr. and ales.1Hjy. ,Strang, twins eons. Examine our variety of guaranteed wash day labor savers. Hobbs Gold Medal Washer, The 1900 Gravity Washer, The Canada First Washer Wringers from $5.50 to $7.50 Folding wash bench to set tubs on price $3. 25 Clothes Baskets $1.40 to $1,7 5 Skates of quality for all Gi rls skates $L25 to 3.25 Ladle's Auto Skate -4.00 Boys & Men's skates $1.25 $6.50 Steel ankle suppoits $1. Hockey sticks 20c to 75c SKA TLS OUNCES LIGHTER & STRONGg,R Eveready flashlights will guide you safely on dark nights, price $1.25 to $2.50 We have a complete line of driv`ti andworking' n �' g mitts and gloves at exceptionally reasonable prices. A full Zine of Stock and paultrq` r" t Foods etc. Heaman's Har ware 27a Phones Munn -In• (Bay to 1Mr, and Mus. Rd. Munn a son. DIED , t Dow -Near (Cromarty on Dee. 1atih,, Gertie Dow, daughter of Mr. ,Wm.; Dow. Kuntz -In Bay tp., on Jan. 8101, Ja-� cob "Kuntz, aged 87 years and 1 mortal'. Gler.L-At llhedford on Jan. 12th, Harold 'Glenn, formerly of ,Hensel* aged 25 years. Brooks -In Usborne on January .10, ,Bella Park, beloved wife of ,Wm Brooks, aged 44 years. Breehour At ,Woodham on January 101:11, Mrs. {Michael Beethoud aged, 35 years. ( Strang -In Usborne, ozi January 13 one of the +twin sons of Mr. and Sirs. Jay, Strang. Gibson -,At Granton on Jerry 121b, ,Artinux Gibson. _ ' I t i IN MEMOR1 In. Loving Memory of Mrs. Harvey Perkins, who passed away lust one year ago, Jamluary, 13. Although a year has~ gonne Since last we saw your face, The memory of le etill hails dear, Far naught cafe, take its place; 'Ti^ only those, who have lost can, tell The painof pateflon without farewell i We mass thee and mou,rar, thee In silence unseen, And dwell on the memory Of days that have been VF'e tliiatk of h er out silenced,am And her name we oft recall, ago But there is nothing left to answer num For we did our best for all. in ,a ing Some day we hop,to meet her, e, Some day, we know not when. To clasp her hated ,in a better land; of M °e Never to part again. SheShesaid good bye to none, villa The Heathen gates were Opened SMnda afternoon. A lasing voice said come, Blues Cromarty Miss 'Norma ,'Willson very nieely en- tertained n ,few of ther young friends a .few evenings ago Our ,tele,pihone line between !Cr•oni- ,arty and Dublin, which was badly aged by the storm, ,about a month' lime been undergoing ,repairs. ,A. bet of new .*roles ;have been put nd the ,time ,;its now in good [work ort Exeter Council Stephen Council Council *;leer for the 'year met The GotwnciJ of the Township 0 The of ,ca the C unci* Chambers, M4ud.iy Jan„ Stephen convened in tate Town Hall, 13th, kook and subscribed Wale nee- Crediton, on • Monday, January 13th, assary oath of ;office, as f'ollaws'- 1919 at 11 aim. Aly members were For *reeve, M. B. W, F, I3eavers , present After each member had sub - Councillors, Messrs. , Louils Day, Yil- scribed to his declarations of office tion .Pernhal,e, Charles 13. Snell and and property qualification, the minutes Jesse Elston, Commissioner Hind of the previous tn,e(eting were tread was abnen.t _ adapted, Oa invitation of the Reeve Rev. Dr. Neeb-Penhale- That Joseph. Guiaeen Medd was present and led in devote be ap,boanted assessor and school Lanai exercises. + enumerator and sheep valuator. - Councillor Elston, seconded by Carried, Councillor Penihrale that a r vote of Neeb-1faytes-That Alonzo Hod - thanks be tendered Dr, Medd for be_ gins be appointed member of the ing with us and in, opening this our. Board of Health and William Lewis .inaugural meeting of 1.919. All the Lotus Adams and W. B. 0.:....,.., sass- members of the councils speaking to itar}> inspectors. Carried. to m•at on, and thanks Uesalg extend -I Hayes-Neeb-That James Hod >'tms ed to Dr. Medd by the Reeve., Dr, be appointed caretaker of the '1 awn i1Ie:dd extended e•ostgratulancip,s and Hall. Calrried. a cordial goad -weal to ens' and all, Webb-Pemliale-That H. F. Eilberj The Reeve congratulated the mem- be appointed Truant officer. Carried. bers of the Council and expressed •the Penhale-Ha es -That Thomas Tre- Id�esire that the 'best ea speet would vethick and Charles Zwicker be ap- be maintained throughout. tib, • year. pointed Auditors.* Carried. Referring to the most 1rressittg Neeb-,Iixayes That by-law' No. 253 that of by-laws being revised.; better to ,appoint Tow nhip officers baying reports on the Water works 'system; • been `read three times ,be passed and The Memonuai for the, Returned sol- signed 'by the reeve rand clerk and the client, and better load-makeag system.. seat of tike (Corporation attached Per Elston: rm.-Snell-That the: follow thereto.HQarried, ing members compose the Striking 'llhe ;following orders Were ipassede Committee -Councillors Day, Pearha1e ,HospitalTor Sick aehildsren, grant, $101 and the Reeve -Carried. A_bert Pollock, statute labor 3.00; Per Day -Snell -That regular meet-!Can.Express ings of the. Couaci,l' be held 'on the • and and 4th Mondays of the month:- Carried Adjou,nnment until 7.30 p.m .to= . night. -Carried. The Counrcil met as per adjourn- -1. 4' meet from the morning session„ Mon- �. day evening, Jan, 13, with all tae mem- s bers present. '1' Communications were read as fol - 4. lows :-Acknowledgements frorii the e following Soldier Boys, re. Christmas d, ▪ dinner 'donations :-•Sergt. H. Horton, + Sap: e.- W. Crew•es, Gerald Titto.n, et Hubert Jones, R. H. Willis, John Wil- as, Sani er W. A. Clarke, Pte. Fred McPherson, L. E. Day. Whored Mick. A letter from J. H. Dyke; Field Secretary of the National Sanitarium Toronto,. asking for the use of the ITown Hall far an illustrated lecture to be given on Sunday everana, Feb, 16, 1919, at 8.30= Gtia! nited`. Clerk to make reply. Circular.jetter from office el, Ca'n- adiau Reconstruction Assonietion, Toronto;, re IV>;wnicip :l Public a lese� s. .e�uteri re'tut from ofm r J d the welfax e (an�b •overfeeaee-Filled. Letter from the Dominion Road Machinery Co, Godersch.-Filed, The following a,p:Peals were made and granted :-Sick„ thitldren's Hospit- al, Toronto, $5.00; Ch4jlidrenls •Aid and Humane Society. of Hurn Coun- ty $10.00. Mr. E. A. Pollick ,addressed tthe Co..neil r...gardina a ,drain ;along HILL ,street and {north of liars. Follick's .property, claiming that last spring the water backed up along said street filling' the 'cellar and destroying the furnace. Now asking damages ,to the amount of 'bills as ,laid on the table. Held over. The report of the 'S'triking Com: was laid on: the 'table. and is as'ifol- lotv.s : Roads and Bridges, Cooncil- lors Day'and ,PenOrale • Finance, Coun- cillors, Elston aeid Snell; property. Snell !and Day ; VSpeeial and Cemetery, peethale a'n'd Elston. The Reeve is a member of gall committeess. After iscussion ,tlhe report was adopted on motion of Elston' tend Day. Mr. J. A. Stewart 'was re -appointed a member of the ,Library J3oa�rd for he years '19, '20, and '21. Messrs. F. W. 'Gladman aid James Weekes were re -appointed rmembera' of {the {Cemetery ;Board ,on 'motion of Elston end Penlheale. Mr. H. E. 'Huston was appointed a member of the local ,Board of ,Health.) on 'motion of Benib,ale and Day. Messrs. Jos. H(awk&ns, Geo. ,An- drew and W. J. CBisse•tt were appoint- ed es 'members of lute fence viewers committee ,for 1919. Motion by 'Et- c° and. ,Penlhale. Per Penlaale and Elston 'that ,the officers of 1918 be ire-ailypointed and by-laws 'confirming ;Cha same ,'be pre- tiared.-iCaarried. • : Per Pen',hale and Elston that W. ,7. rilissett'ssalary 'be. ;fixed at $700.00 for the year.-ICarlriedl. Per 'Elston and Day that {the ,C:lerk and Tr,easurer's s&atry be !fixed. at $000.00 'for the year.-,C(arried. The following accounts were read and {passed on motion of Pen1hale and Elston Fred Kerr, tile I3 & IB., $60.87.. brick. cemetery, 120.25. total 181.12; Dr. J. W. Browning, ;patriotic ac., 2,25; R. N. Rowe, ,Earneral expenses, *Miss 'Gillis, 53.50; T. OE1eaman, wood Library 'ac.. 16, 3125; Jonas & May, 5.93; R G. S,eldon, coal, Town Hall, 29.50; .Bell Teleplhone Co., cemetery Atone rent. 3.75; Mrs. ,Fred East, cleaniarg Library 2.50; J. A. Stewart, cemetery ae., 2.20, patriotic 445e, 2,05.. Ad j. by Day. J. ,Senior, Clerk, lar. • e regret to announce the death lists G,ertie Dow, daughter of 'wm. Dow, !two miles east of ttihe gc, whose death, 'took {place oat t nn. y tit on last, ,a6ter a ileo;{ Miss Dow had snot been in And with farewell unspakef, She gently eat.teijed haine, Father mother and Brothers --Mrs, Jaid{ •Stelae"On. Eaton Yiv Co. and others, Lag. ' etc., 9.00; Alonzo ,Hodgins, salary as lector, 87.00; Fred Kerr„lumber, Alex Zimmer, rep. grader 2.85; Dagh- wood' Planing Mill cedar (posts, 7.60; Fred'Gratton, dog 'tax, 2.00; David Tiernan, !fencing, 11.45; ¢Sundry ,lpex sons, townsthip ,election and supplies 139.70; Sundry persons re Smite,, 35.95; Jos. Lawson, statute labor, 8.00 The council adjourned to ,meet again in the Town ,Ba11, Crediton, on Mon- day the. 3rd of eli'aroh, 1919, at one ,u. m. Crediton Rev. M. SEflaue1ti ,left lv+7ednesday for Kitethener to attend the funeral of 1%fiss f'Cien1mas Who died tat Boston on 'Mot:Idea, I The ,Metbodiat Sunday School ,will hold their entertainment on Friday evening, January 214t(h at ,8 o',elock.Tart . of Zion n�Eventertainmenttponied Xmas.. angelical Sunday chool will be given Friday +night, A. oantata ,entitled `"VVjhite Gifts for the King" will be rendered, ;receded- by a mix- ed ,program. Everybody welcome. A *quiet 'wedding took siplace alt the* Evangelical *parsonage, lOrediton, on, Saturday evening 'last when Rev. S. M. Handl united tun .,marriage Mrts; Lucy, Farrel and err. Ferd&nand Des - Sardine of (near Grand ;Bend. Mr. Win. {Brown, who has bween vis- iting under the paren.tai roof far a few {days, (after recelvand Ibis dis- etharge ;from tie army) returned ,to Zurirah on Saturday last wthere he has secured a good position at his trade. t. --- er Whalen The !sympathy of the •community goes out to the bereaved family of Bella rviho (d d1 ondFr%day evening of heart failure following a two weeks' i%lsess of iinflueanza. Lt an t2noug+ht slie was col-' improving a1zd while in tithe act of 1.121 dressing Ito stay up for a short ,time 1 oho was tak°n worse and only lived two !hours. The kind mother was conscious utp uritil the bast and' at - though iso illi*, she, bid her :Family e•ood-bye: and eeihorted them to live good Christian lives. Deceased ,was only '44 years old some mon,tlhs ago. She was a 'woman who endeared Ler- self to all who knew her and her ,place in d•ic.:. _t al. .EII,BER, ;Clerk. Synopsis of Division -registrar's re- port for (quarter ending {Dee. 31st, 1918e-19 births, 7 mate 12 ,female 9 marriages; 19 deaths, 10 male and 9 I'emale; 8 died. of .*pneumonia land influenza. Dashwood ;hiss Ella. 'Zimna,er left for 'Detroit on Friday. Mr. J. Kellerman .was a visitor in Toronto this week. Mr. Jacob (Brenner is .tihis week visiting in Stratford. Mr. Lorne Taylor, of London, vis- ited with Dr. Taylor this week. Mr. Sam. !Baker lbas distposed of his farm to ,Dir. Robt, ,Iilay,ter, of Green- way. • Mr. Russel {Clarke, of Crediton, seas relieving tat tlbe Bank of Commerce a few :days last week. The Misses Mildred and Cora Seh- roeder (have returned to London af- ter visiting their !parents. A. special service was. !held in the Ecar.gelical (March, Sunday evening when the new officers of the Y.F.A. for the. 'year 1919 ,were installed, Fol- lowing tnzsponsivd reading, by the pas- tor and the officests, the pastor ad- dressed tine officers pointing ,. out. their various duties. The following officers were installed: Pres., ,l}Lrs. Aaron Oestreieher;,Vice Pres., ,,Eul- oun Guenther; Rec. Sec., Peare Tie - man; (Corr. Secy., ,Beatrice tGtray,biet Miss. Secy., Leonard ,Birk; , Treas., Aaror_ Oestreiclher; Organist, Cora Gauge; ;Asst. Organist, Manta Hoff:- man; off-man; Librarians, Laura Musser and Clayton . ,Wildforg; • *Convener. of Plower ;Committee, Pearl Krkabt:. This week we again report the death of one in this community, be- ing Jacob Kuntz, an old settler of the township of ,Ray. Mr. Kuntz was born in Alsace Loraine , and thad readhed .the age of 87 years 1 month. Hte ;has ,lived in ,this vicinity for ;the past 60 years and was a highly re- speeted resident. Besides Ih.s aged widow the leaves two daughters and three sons, Mrs. C. L. W,aLper, of town. Mrs. *Geo. (Staub, of Buffalo; Jean an.; the homestead; .William of Exeter. and Louis, of Buffalo The funeral took {place to the Lutheran cemetery on Friday afternoon, Rev. P. Graup- nor officiating. ; (' I 1 (elti Elirnville A special colleotion Will be taken, in Sabbatlh 5,ehool {;next ,Sunday in aid of ,Arsn,enian and .Syrian relief, A liberal offering is looked for The Elimville ,,Farmers are to meet an ttihe 1st land 3rd ,Wednesday even ing of each month in `the O.O.C.F. ,HialL Some (Pew in our ',neighborhood are sontew,hat :in:distposed this week. air. Wesley Jdhns who has been confined to (the ',house .for nearly two weeks is i,ti,peoving. !Leine ',family is also ,get- ting better. Owing to 'tile sltormy weather of last week the prayer ,meeting etas not very well 'a,ttended. The illustrated story of two Golden Lilties wlhieh was to 'have peen given he 't'ha antral last Friday evening Was (postponed , on itecount of the !storm aid will be given ,react i'riday evening. t Owing to eick,ness rand other meet. in,ga the {Elimv?ilie Caudell ,No. 98 of Chosen Friends have not heat their annual meeting and election of olffi- cern. It is aeq,uested that the titin .. z best of heath for some bine, bars (come out an .F,riday evening sand, She elect like officers for ;roil yeah` and. !had a shigtht attack on influenza and her teondition woo tbougih,t ,to •be not leeaes cam • matters of .meeting ,{li Very !serious when elle ottade,tly pus- is to come before .fibs s meeting, A ed iaw,ay atter la fele day's Bailees, full atttar&dsance is xek1t eatedq urea circle will be hard Ito ,fill. Tee funeral took place on (Sunday afternoon and tike remains by were follow ed Ion concoa se of for in sorso•m bt a large friends. Slhe 'leaves a family of five ehildren, the youngest a baby of three and a {half months Aid. Two deaths occurred recently , at Granton. Elhe one was Mary ,Webb a 'maid, a lady, wiho came to Granton to nurse cher .caster, SSranw, Fgst .r When she contracted influenza. She was e•t B' ting better and Thad got up and started. rto dress shies~ he was stricken with {heart ,failure and died in a new minutes, The other , was Arthur Gibson, a young man oho died on Sunday. He contracted in- fluenza welch developed iz.to pneu- monia, and was ill only about two weeks. Be Leaves a wife and ,child; ensa& On Saturday afternoons Lest as Mr and Mrs. {Jean. (hfouss° of the tawn- slhip of !Hay, were driving into Hensall the horse began to ,Irick furiously„ badly damaging the cutter, but Mr. Mousso managed to Mead it ,frons get- ting away, and fortunately neither of 'teem were injured. In 'the same afternoon but towards evening, Robe SIekrteur, one of ,the pioneer retired forrrrte.ns of ,tags sec- tion, was ,delivering a load of tray When in turning in at the premises the load upset, the hay going; in one direction, while ,Mi-. Me rteur ,was {thrown or iuthlped the opposite side, but unfortunately suffered (painful in- F'Or Infants and Children juries, this nose be:erg nearly complete- In Use ForOver3O 1y %severed, besides deep cuts on ottherE`Sc parts of the face by falling on the Alwaysbears runnel' or .1htarTg pa*t of the ThamesRoad Report of {the Thames (Road Be4 (Cross Society from October let, 1917. until Din. 31st, 1918: We received! from the Township couneit $530,00, from koncert 31.75; eines stinks given% by Rev. Fred( Johns sold for $8,20; box social 124.51; atetogralptle t quilt, 77.70; received from peel .ring 5,00; monthly (ns'm.bershilp fees 168.68; bat- ante ,tram 7a,s.i year ,80.50; Total, $1,- 02,0.37. ,W,z sent to :help keep pris- oners in Germany 20.00; ,Belgiuba Re- lief Fundi 5.00; Preach {Bed { xone 5.00; Silver tdhimble and trinket fund{ 10.00; for isening material and, yarn 891.79; for postage and express aedy other expenses 33,15; total 4965,64. Work Mone by our society 211 flannels rehires, 603 ors. day ,sock, 102 suits' of pyjamas, 4 clot& quilts; 30 stretcher caps and a *quantity of old linen fort bandages; total value of same $1324,- 50. We ,contributed for the ,I3elgialni relief 27 articles of c'hiidren's ,cloth ing, 2 mote quilts, 4 women's winter coats, {total value 3116.45. ,We sent to our boys overseas 28 ipareels vai.ued at 69.00; 18 pr. of socks valued ab 22.50; total value 91.50; ita,tal valuer of work done; $1,45,2.45; total valuer of work done and {money received $`2478.82. 'Mrs. Wm. Turnbull, President Ethel McDonald, Secretary. Pointers The January thaw started in. Dee °ember and since then it has been one January thaw after another. r * * * Goof roads was perlhaps rthe :°hie.' topic in the U,sborr e nonihinetions and was mueh discussed at the Exeter nominations. With 'the good roads scheme ,adopted by the county and the councils baying{ received their authority to carr; on ,the work ;pro- rly to ac ur fbalt available infornnatteem, it is not Ito i „ and lay {plans tor .the improve .ne-nt ow roads. The roads in Usborne, as a: wrhole, care as good if eat a little bet- ter than the majority of like zrrurea- jjj,palities, 'but progress is Abe key -note of the ratepayers. ,A permanent tread( for :Exeter is what ;the +rte jositee ,f• citizens are agreed. we ,ghoul!. have, Is {the time not now oppohtune2 . 'To: encourage 'town buildings assist laboring men of a and to means to own moderate. government will loan orto n homes .the, i. ties, incorporated companiesmnni'cio u .person wiho owns his iand land erects a amuse thereon for his own occupation, !from 85 to -,91) per cent .al the ,cost of construction of {houses not to 'exceed the cost of $3000 al a rate of five per cent ,payable in twenty, ( years. This aright be an oppq,rtuni,ty for some (person or persons ,to erect some 'moderately {priced !homes in .Exe,. ter as there is a good demand for convenient and comfortable !homes' that tare not tigh,-,prieed. There have been more enquiries for {houses in Exeter !during the east ,few weeks' than there were in many months pre- vious. I l CASTOR IA turned tsleigth, ovine Signature of a To Be Dressed Here is to be Well Dressed at a price that means Money to Yon We are showing attractive lines for 1a11 and winter and re .,r advance buy-, nn means moneysaving values. Many 1 our dines are selling at less than eholesale east to -day. Come in reed aele;ct a Suit from some of .the olditaat- ,vool stacks and if you do nob want it made up now we will set it aside for you. ,Come in and look over our stook of NIFTY SUITIhGS 0VDRICOA'TINGS sPANTINGS • ' READY-MADE CLOTHING SHIRTS COLLARS TIES CAPS UNDERWEAR -•, .Combination and two pieete--,'til wool, YOUTH'S 0172,114 A.9 W. rff1N't.