The Exeter Times, 1919-1-9, Page 4Farmers Attention
Melee Money ado noun Vere Vane
itTfarla8 the dull end wintea' moan*
IV tearing ,
I D1Y eCANADIAN zmusaavr.
Aritisth aEurce eau, eaarkete. wi4I
t ane Open OlgOtai ISor ,ffiarsteclian
6E',ruit and now ,is thet hue
Ile i
to eta for peening '
Pniagataaeg , 1 1.
ilherneet til t of ;Fruit and Ornartientat
Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc., grows
( i
f i .; ; (Write for Partkntlars I
nitro Old Reliable S`onthill r,Nurselriee
restabilehed 1187
R/1F! i.)1V AV'
SYS"!" CM.
Time Table
id; change of time will be minder et
January 5th 1919
Information Now in Agents' ligands
N4 Jt I> ,
'Agent, Exeter
Phone tifiw
to + lei!ti o►oi♦1♦o...ta9ea0 Peeves
9.8-1RAM9en sem,
ikr Term from
Januai , 6th
iWe place graduates in tonal- s
term' ere now earning es 'high ;.
as $15 an even VD per week
white 'boys are earning dzigher
salaries. (9de have }Commercial
Shorthand and Teiegranh/ De- ♦
erartmerts. Write for free cata ;
Ue- '
W, et, anndOTT t President
De ;a neclea reHLANe Pantie/nil,
War Time prices®
on Wire Fence
(h strand (Bennet 46 esters lees' cede
I led 49 .salsas titeg 104
1, .9rotraud please) SS mantle rood;
&eel gates, barb wire and brace
wire, *tear brace poste at low prieee,
�1ao 9 taxed 1Q ova IAnvhoo Inostet Let
gas 4note you my prises on all kinds
ea !amber and shingles. Plage your,
order, now sitar what i6'.ertilizetr ,yoa
Phone 1'3,
A. J.1
Jsave your Hair! Get a small bottle
of Danderine right now --Also
stops itching scalp.
The Kaiser as 1 Knew
For Fourteen Years
Thin, brittle, colorless and Sar
Lair es mute evidence of a neglected
acalpp; of dandruff—that awful scurf.
Where is nothing so destructive to
Bee hair as dandruff!. It robs the hair
of its lustre, ,its strength and its very
life; eventually producing a. feverish-
mess and itcthiug of the scalp, which if
not remedied clauses the hair roots to
shrink, loosen and die—then the Bair
falls out fast. A little Danderine to-
might—now—any y %zme--wI1 surel
y save
your hair.
Geta small bottle of Knowlton, s
Danderine from any drug store. You
surely '+an leave beautiful hair and lots
,of it if you will just try a little Dan-
tterrne. Save your hair! Try, iti
For Infants and. Children.
� er3OYears
In UseForC1v
Always ears
fa`ignatttte of
Br Arthur N. Davis D, D. Sc,
Imus each ween
"'Mat we -should do at tiie very first
available opportunity;" she declared.
"is to destroy every single work of art
In Italy- Not a atingle one of their
tnndtnarks or art treasures shooed bet
:eft standing. Then when the war is
over and Italy no longer derives the
enormous revenue she has been col-
lecting for years from toerists, she will
be sorry for what she has done to
Germany r
Did the Herman people countenance
the sobmurine warfare and the slaugh-
ter of tanocent women and children, in
defiance of all =Tee of in1erntzttonal
law and the dictates of conrmon hu-
manity? They had only one criticism
to make of ft—ft was not comprehen-
sive enough 1 It was absolate folly, if
not a crime, they said, for Germany
to prescribe safety lanes for neutral
vessels to use. The whole world should
have been declared a war zone, that
death and destruction might be dealt
wherever and whenever the opportun-
ity offered. Every ship that sailed
should be stunk, and every American
who ventured within range of a Ger-
man gun, on sea or land, should be
shot. That was the universal senti-
The suggestion that a continuation
of the submarine warfare would in-
evitably bring America into the war
did not perturb the people in the
"How can America d6 us more harm
than she Is now doing?" they asked.
American :bullets are shooting aibwta
bur men, American food is sustaining
our enemies. American dollars are
working against us he every possible
a.4 Atcr$t1 reale fete the war
and give us a chance to pay her back
for what she has done to ns. fie
couldn't Intern ne any more if she were
a belligerent. Why allow her to re-
main neutral and go unseathedl"
The jubilation with which the news
of the sinking of the Lusitania was re-
ceived by the German people was gen-
eraI. It was so significant that I be-
lieve Aznerica would have declared war
immediately had it been known. I
have felled to tend a single German
who did not exult over the dastardly
crime, and the activity of the - Zep-
pelins in their raids on open towns
evoked similar demonstrations.
That the views which the people
held regarding the conduct of the war
were strongly influenced by tbe public
press, which was absolutely controlled
by the government, was only to be ex-
pected. The fact that in peace time the
press of Germany was perhaps the
most reliable in the world, made of it
a particularly valuable tool in the
hands o2 the government in time of
The German newspaper is gospel to
the people. The last word in any argu-
ment was always furnished by proof
supplied by some newspaper article.
"Es steht in der zeitung," liberally
translated, "The paper says so," was
always final and conelusive. Nothing
the papers declared was too prepoater-
ous to be believed.
The press was used to excellent ad-
vantage to conceal reverses and to
make the utmost capital out of suc-
cesses. Bight from the start the news-
papers declared that Germany was
fighting a defensive war; that the na-
tions of the world had Jumped on
Germany's neck because they were
jealous of her growing power,
The importance which the kaiser
and his leaders placed in public opin-
ion among the German people is clear-
ly illustrated by the announcements
they made and the measures they re-
sorted to from time to time, for home
When in December, 1916, for In-
stance, the kaiser realized that the re-
sumption of unrestricted submarine
warfare, which he haci determined
upon, might bring neutral nations, in-
cluding the United States, into. the
war, he felt that it was necessary to
do something to uphold the spirit of
his people. It took the form of a pro-
posal of peace to the allies,
This proposal was designed to ac-
complish'two distinct purposes: First,
It was to convince the German people
that their kaiser was really the peace -
loving monarch he had always pro-
fessed to be; second, it was to demor-
tbe allies . by, dividing them
against themselves.
This much is certain: The kaiser
never intended the allies to accept the
proposal he made. He admitted that.
much to me, as did also the
Prince von Mesta his . most intimate
advisor, It was termed in such a way
that the allies could not possibly ac-
cept it. But it Served one of the pur-
poses which it was intended to achieve,
and nearly accomplished the other.
Germany in Wartinse.
While. the German people nage al-
ways been in thorough accord with the
halter's ambitious project 'ethic)). s de
signideailtit described : c6to 9Rttlfilr
slagaa " 5eutsehlend ober "Vete?
wheal tate great war, which was to 1
achieve' Qermaree s dunk commenced,
it came almost as much, as a surprise:
to the Germans as it was to the rest e,
the world. They knew it was hied-
ne 1 -table Glad they looked forward eagerly
to "Der Tag," but when It arrived the
bustle and excitement, notto say
pante, which developed throughout
Germany was so pronounced that in
some eases it approached the ludicrous.
Obviously the people were kept in
ignorance of the plans of their war
barons in order that hostilities might
Come as a complete surprise to them.
and give color to the government's
contention that the war was forced'
upon Germany.
So little thought dfd we give to the
complexities of the political situation
that on Friday, July 31, 1914, my wife
and I started off on a motor trip. We
had heard so many rumors of war
within the previous ten years that we
Saw no reason why an amicable solu-
tion should not again be found as !1
had always been before.
On our way out the Charlottenburgez
Maumee we passed the kaiser and the
kaiserin driving to Berlin from Pots
darn at about silty miles an hour, and
there were other indications of ao•
tivity, but we attached little !raper
tance to them.
When we reached Potsdam, bow•
ever, and saw thousands of tons of
coal heaped up between the railroad
tracks which were ordinarily kept
clear, we realized that preparations for
war were being made in earnest and
we stopped to consider whether it
would not be better after all to return
home. Such was our ignorance of war
that we decided that, even though it
were not advisable to motor in Bel-
gium and France, where we were
bound, we might safely plan a tour in
the Black forest in Germany.
We had left Berlin late in the after
noon. 1n the evening, when we arrived
at Gotha, we found that the younger
waiters in the restaurants and hotels
had already left and that the older re.
serves expected a general call tbe.aext
The next morning we started for
Frankfort. As we passed through vil-
lage after village, war preparations be-
eame more and more evident. Measures
were being taken everywhere to arouse
enthusiasm --young men gathered en
school steps were singing patriotic
songs, students were marching and
Speeches were being reade in the mar-
arkat places.
About five o'clock that afternoon we
at raved in Frankfort. The whole place
was 1n a fever of excitement over the
mobilization posters end their resent-
ment against the French was being
aroused by "extras," which were
handed out without charge, announc-
iag that the French bad air ady
dropped bombs on the railroad at
Nurnberg and that French officers in
autos had over-ridden the borders.
The ridiculous statements about
French flyer" dropping bombs on the
saiiroad at Nurnberg had not the
slightest foundation, of course.
The older people who had lived
through the war of 18TO had interested
audiences for ones while they related
past experiences and gave advice as to
what preparations to make. A pout -
Witty of food shortage seemed to be
uppermost in aff minds, and the gro-
ceries were stormed with eager buy-
ers. Salt suddenly jumped to 75 Beats
a pound and other things in propor-
On Sunday, Angast 2, all the pee -
line in the country was commandeered,
and we heard of many American tour-
ists being put out of their cars In the
cities and even on country roads, no
matter how inaccessible to trains they
rmlght be. We accordingly decided to
stow our car away 1n an old wagon
shed attached to a hotel and sought to
return to Berlin by train.
At the railway station there was
such a ` tremendous crowd that it was
quite impossible to get anywhere near
the ticket office, and anyway 110 prom-
ise could be given as to trains to Ber-
Trunks and bags were piled high in
`very available space and it was
months before that enormous pile of
baggage was finally sorted out.
We decided to defer our effort to
beach Berlin until Monday, since there
Seemed no hope of getting away that
Oa Monday morning, the streets
were filled with excited crowds de-
stroying every sign with a French
word on it and looking for spies. The
papers had announced that the coun-
try was full of French spies, women
as well as men. I saw the crowd stop
an automobile, take a woman out and
literally tear her clothes to Shreds be-
fore the police succeeded in rescuing
her from the mob and: took her to the
police station. The general supposi-
tion was that all the man spies were
masquerading as women and the first
thing the mob did was to pull out hair
pins to see whether the hair was real..
On Monday evening, we managed to
ledge our way. into the last through
train to Berlin. We were side-tracked
Innumerable times to allow troop
trains to pass through, and we were re-
quired to keep our windows closed so
that no enemy passenger coulddrop
bombs on the bridges we crossed. it
Was a hot August night and the lack
of ventilation was most oppressive.
Our compartment WAS crowded with
ofecers on their way to join their regi-
ments and very grand and important
they felt in their new 1eld-gray uni-
forms wbich may have long been put
away in moth balls for just this oppor-
tunity, but which took the German peo-
ple as well stn the allies eoMpleteiy by
rrtsr�i�.e: .
y_ f arelbe . which In absSt hat.
Wily betweeae i'ranhtort and Berlin, a
telnpany of soldiers 'boarded the train
MI guarded the corridors while a, non,
• ndesIonned offiQu
cer estioned the
My wife, who was asleep In at+ ear*
nerr of the coupe i, was the only worse
an be the compartment. Believing that
her deep might be feigned and eke.
might, he fact, be a man is woman's
clothing, the officer yelped at ber:
"'Where are your goingr Uer Ameri-
can accent, revealed when she alt•
rwered frim, incensed Idin the mox+e
and he demanded angrily: "What right
have you to use this train? Where is
your passport'!"
By thee time ?^ had produced all the
papers of identification I could find and
tried to tell Min that my wife and I
were returning to our bore in Berlin,
but he was too excited to listen and
would have dragged us off the tralg
had not an officer, with whom 1 had
been talking en route, intervened and
said: "I dell make myself personalty
responsible for these people." I wait
glad I bad admired his new uniform.
From the coupe next to ours I saw
soldiers drag efx Russians.• throw them
down sad kick them in the facet and
one was a woman! The trate pulled
out es tate crowd dosed in on them so
that I was unable to ascertain the fate
of those Innocent but helpless passen-
When ' we finally reached Berlin.
about fire the next morning, it seeded
like ea% dead city. There was not
droschke, a taxi or a tram is sight.
Every available means of locomotion
had been mobilised for the time being.
As we had heavy bap, we simply
had to find something to take us home
and after half an hour's search far
from the station I found an old cab
driver who thought he could take us
forthe liberal bonus I agreed to .pay
him. We hid hardly got seated when
an officer tried to force ns out, and
'only nay wife's quick plea of illness
saved him a black eye and me iron
bus or a large fine;
After England declared war, the ef-
torts: to capture spies were doubled,
and the inob had a new lot of signs t•
tear down. We were forbidden to talk
Englitebt, on the telephone or on the
Street. We kept to our homes rather
Closely. Most of the buses, taxIced
and horses had been commandeered.
and the only signs of life in Berlin
were furnished by the officers driving
]sadly about In high-powered can
which exceeded all speed limits and
ether traffic regulations.
After a few days, things began to re•
turn to normal again. The food sup•
ply seemed ample and the headlines is
the newspapers were so encouraging
and the reports of victories upon vice
tories so convincing that every one ex-
pected the war to be over within a
eery short time and they began to eat
up the stores they had so excitedly
Bread cards were initiated, it Is true,
but the amount allowed was more than
adequate for all except, perhaps, the
Very poor who depend altruist entirely
upon bread.
The press began advising the pee.
pie to conserve food • but at the same
time said that if care was taken there
was no danger of there not being
enough for all. School teachers gave
daily talks to the children to eat every-
thing on their plates. Ona went so far
as to announce: "I always lick my
plate, children, and you should do the
same 1"
The result hi these warnings wait
merely to increase hoarding and buy-
ing from food speealators. I never
knew of a single German who volute.
tartly deprived himself of a single
article of food out of patriotic mo-
tives. The only sacrifice a German is
willing to make for his country -is the
One he cannot escape.
As time went on Weld Englabd's
blockade became increasingly effective,
the internal condition of Germane
went from bad to worse, and long be-
fore I left Berlin, on January 22, 1918,
conditions had become well-nigh un-
The Economic Situation in Germany.
By the spring of 1916, butter and
meat had become extremely scarce in
Berlin. My wife had remained in
America, where she had accompanied
me in the summer of 1915, and during
her absence I dined at hotels and res-
tanrants where the food was stili
rather good. In June, 1918, I left for
America again and just as I was leav-
easing meat cards were Issued for the
Ann time.
I returned to Berlin with my family
in October, 1916. Conditions had.
changed considerably for the worse
during the summer. I found that
every one who had the money had
bought up every available pound of
food and soap which had not already
been commandeered by the govern-
ment. flutter, potatoes, eggs, milk,
flour, 'sugar, soap, bread and meat and
dry groceries were all rationed and it
was now no longer necessary for wom-
en to stand in line in front of the
shops, sometimes all night, to await
the morning opening,
Shopping by the card system was
very complicated and the quantities
permitted by the ration cards so small
that a well-balanced meal was an im-
possibility. To dine in a restaurant it
was necessary to take a whole pocket-
ful of cards and, make a careful analy-
bis of them before ordering the mea-
ger meal which the law allowed.
Empty boxes were used to decorate
the depleted show windows of the
tehops. The fact that they were empty
was not known to theublic and
p very
often the windows would be broken by
hungry 'mobs who couldn't resist the
Sight of What appeared to be so much
food. This led the government to or-
4ex the wboatteeners to. -tine boxes,;
Most Economical Ratwwn,in View
of Conditions, Discussed.
Contagious Abortion Matter Tem&
sary the Sale of Valuable Animals
at a 8aerffice —. The Disease,.
However, Will Weld' to the Trade
meat as Explained..
leentributed by Ontario Department et
Apiculture. 'Toronto)
PULLET requires more feed
than a hen, ff it fs .Intended
that the pullet produce epi.
A bird to lay well must have
a surplus of feed over and above
body maintenance.: The excess of
feed above body maintenance geao
either towards growth fat, or egg
Poultry feeds are divided Into twat
elasses; one, whole or cracked grains,
commonly called scratch feel. and
the other; ground grains, commonly
called mash.
Scratch feeds are generally fed
night and morning and are scattered
in straw in order to induce the birdie
to scratch or take exercise. A nets.
ture of two or more kinds of grabs
usually gives better results than one.
singfe grain, largely because inda.
vidual birds' appetites vary from day,
to day. A good mixture for the win-
ter months might contain as much
as fifty per cent. good corn, either.
whole or cracked; if corn eould not
be had and the birds were aceaS-
tomed to eating buekwheat. the
buckwheat would answer nearly as
well, or one could use twenty -ire pea
sent. buckwheat and twenty-five per
cent. corn. To the corn or buckwheat
could be added twenty -Ave per sent.
of barley, ten per cent. of wheat
sereenings, and fifteen per tent. of
good oats. If one was obliged to de'
so, almost any of the grains could
be fed alone with the exception of
oats. There is too much hall or husk
on oats to use entirely as a single
At present for a mash feed we
are urGng the standard hog feed. H
the ground grains are to be fed
moist or mixed with cooked house.
hold refuse then the mixture should
be one that will Mix to a crumbly
state, but if fed dry in an open bolo
Per the above is not so important.
The mash feed is the one where
the animal meals are generally gives.
The amounts vary from ten to tweet.
ty per cent. of the mixture. The We
mal meals used are commonly higbi
grade tankage and beef scrap.
Where one has plenty of skim milk
or buttermilk the other animal feed*
are unnecessary. Some use green cut
bone; cooked refuse meat, such as
livers, lights, beef heads. eto.
A eery good mash can be made
of one part each by measure at
shorts, barley meal, and ground oats.
Corn meal could be used in the plate
of the barley or with it. if one is
short of green feed or roots, it would
be well to add one part of bran. Per-
haps the simplest mash to feed from
an open hopper is rolled or crushed -
oats.. We have used this, when the
birds had milk to drink, fqr a num-
ber of years with excellent results.
greefhens require plenty ce
eed. Cabbage le one 01
the best green feeds. Roots are very
good, but clover leaves should be
within reach as well as the roots.
Sprouted oats are used to a large
extent on poultry farms. When the
birds get accustomed to a green and
succulent food it is generally wise
to give them all they will eat. A pea
of fifteen pullets will eat a fair -wised
head of cabbage almost every day
or one hundred hens will eat a peck
of sprouted oats day after day.
Grit and shell should always be
within easy access.—Prof. W. Pe
Graham, O. A. College, Guelph.
Abortion Should Not Be Neglected.
Some cases of abortion are the re-
sult of injury to the dam due to se*
nasty fall or bad kick. In such cases
the trouble is not likely to spread to
other members of the herd. With the
majority of abortion cases, howevver,
the trouble is due to an infections
disease which is very readily spread
to other members of the herd.
The disease apparently is localised
almost entirely to the uterus. Here
an inflammation is produced which
may result in the expulsion of the
foetus, dead or alive, at any period
of gestation. In most cases of infer.
tious abortion, however, the foetus is
expelled dead. A frequent complica-
tion of such a case is the retention
of the foetal membranes by the darn.
If these are not removed after a few
hours, death front blood poisoning is
almost sure to occur.
The bacilli which cause the disease
are present in large numbers in the
fluids, foetal membranes and foetus.
Consequently, every care is necessary
to prevent these from contaminating
anything with which other stock is
likely to come in contact, either di-
rectly or indirectly. A11 should be
gathered tip carefully and burned or
else buried deeply in quick lime.
Then the hands and clothes of those
in attendance should be thoroughly
wash 'with a e disinfectant, and a
strong disinfectant used freely all
around the stall, particularly on the
The dam should be kept in. a stall
by herself, as there will be a field
discharge from the vulva which may
last_ for weeks. Disiefeutants
should be freely Used in the
stalls, and the external genitals,
thighs, tail and back of udder
should be washed daily with
factory disinfectant solution. For
this purpose a two -per cent. solution
of lysol is strongly recommended.
Strict attention Should be paid by
the attendant to the thorough dig-
infection of his hands or other parte
of his person or clothes after ham,'
filing the patient.
The dam should not be bred again C
until twine weeks after all disebarae,
from the vulva has stopped. ---Prof.
D. Ii', ,tones, Ontario ,&.gricultuatJ
College, Guelah. .
Children Cry for Fletcher's
thNthena'en. etth tesh `tenet et ht.. tent.
;aeteWeeennee an\ N
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beery
in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his. per
stinal sit envision since its inions
. 44:4'; ,Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All "'Counterfeits, Imitations and tiJust-as-good." are but:
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of,
Infants and Children --Experience a ainst Experiment.
What is AS eO RLA
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric;.
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency;
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and. Bowels, aidso
the assimilation of Food; giving.healthy and natural, sleep:)
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought
98 Branches in Canada
A:General Banking Business Transacted
Interest allowed at' highest 'anent rate,
OF CO .1, ,
� SIR JOHN G►neral Ma eager
C.W.O. LLD., D,C.L, President E" VA) H. V. F. JONES, Au't Gm'L Manapse6
CAPITAL PAID UP, X1 ,000,000 RESERVE FUND, • $13,500,00G
A good banking connection is an essential to this:
success of the merchant. The officers of this
Bank are prepared to consult with you
regarding current acccounts, loans
and collections.
®BRT,:R NRANQH-A. B. KUB2f, MANAGERfg - ' fif
Urediton Brants-J. A, Mo Donald Manager. ' rtrh. Weed
is J
Dashwneid Bnanah holy, 4iraRer.It under enharge of [Exeter , Eteanch, ' 1 I
1, Bois NBON
VALUATOR fpr unties of Huron
Perth and Middlemen Farm Stook
Sales a Sweatt,. Office at Llockshutt
WareroomiS, next doer to the Central
Hotel, Main St. Exeter. Charges mod-
erate and eat'rerraation guaranteed.`
L W. BROWNING,, M. D., Ide bl.. P•
S. Graduate Vietorba Univereit►.,
Office ` and IBeddelw°, Dominion
Lebratory, Eaetele,
Aseeoiatae Coroner of Brawn .'.
Barrister, Solicitor,Notary Public,
Comte esioner, Solicitor for the
Moison+s Sank, eto.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of
lntereat. • . ,
PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auc-
tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo-
Dalyty. Terme moderate. Orders left
at TimesOftioO will be promptly at-
tended. ` to. Phone 116, 'Kirkton, Ad-
dress. Kirkton, P. 0, t t
Honor Graduate of
Teeth attracted wi` .bo
any- had effects. Of lee
mon & Bt*nbery's O.C,41
Head Diable, Farquhar, Caine.
President, ROOT. NORRIle
V ioe-President, THiO8, 1%YA.*
D1BEbiToRa i J
JOHN ESSERY. Exeter, Agent the
• borne, and Biddulph. '
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent tigeto
Hibbert, FaiIarton and Logna. . ea,
J Seety-Treaaa, Farquha ,.
Solieitore, Exeter, '
DR. O. ,tl'. $OULBTON. L. D. 8., ADP'
Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer-
sity. Office over Diokson & Carla
ing's Law Office. Closed Wedneidyllele
afternoons, Phone Office 6a meg'
Residence 5b.
tato `Untvt t• P Children
For Infante and Child
In Use For Over 30 Year -
wlwujrr hears.•
at pain. or 019
Glad- aai- a
iiato re b� /
co. Alain $t