HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-12-18, Page 8INFIT li?,b�
777 2
pg% q.,
X "'"'d up to 77;
1-g. 1-F1
T" %� X.,
R -heat, �P211
M- gh
44 IT5c. to 1.09
....... ..... ,
st 17 Sh
Hogs $17.75:
N��%v laia e4gns� not ever one week
4P vvl �'stw� A
' t . ... ..
S ock",
or leld eg,�,-,Uo d
1 1-11- O'U
-0z. 0m,
P1 U1, be pleas "d with and *lAt will. be both useful and
That- t4 0, reci ien't, W101
t tio this Chr*
;� wv,
1 1 s' Cloth Coats,
T Ire RINI-ays ii t's o' MAPL 11- b g the, 0 $01
LOCAL WX rin M.S C it
zie, alee our ��,howiuk to,,
Ueautiful �-1 At clearing
X=V!, Bellirig.
10hristmas will be W.'er b�,Iore an -
Crepe & Silk Waists Men"s Nobby of Tho Timesbud wc�taki-, 0(
pportimity ito wish our many No' More Ideal 6*ft Could That Boy your's is Sure to
r,?,ldera and friends a tver�v Merry
'pXio"r. o-�e low for rsuch An Elecfric Fixture W!
Overcoats 1,Q - p"..,
-be pleased'with a Flaflilight
Every coat a bargain. $20'01 Xisse)�lla Z, rink, Be7hought
bom�? for ibe holidaivs.
V,21,00� $2. 27.010. Brighten Your Home
Silks jDhrlstmas is Only a few days a . way,
no xegrets, Than spnig-iing in, the Electrical We have a large assortment at'' special
No 1)"tter gift for =other, All Wool Sweater Ea r i We have a grand new assort-
s7�,Aer` or wife. No better time Xrs, 111, �A- Ro�,s Uas b�-eu vis!Vng line. pricesfor Xmas.
to bily td�an �aow. for, a wee�,- with Xr:3, �NVM, Dissett,
coats ment just arrived.
NJ -;Ss I)orot, y Kul tz, of Hamilton'. Vaccum Cleaners,Electrie Toast- TVIA-e it- a, fixture thi Xmas,
Silk Ilosiery for Bi� 4 �rauge of to 'gaalilton uIvix1g, to lie Normal &
m.- $2.00 to b��ing ers, IronsGrills, Heaters, etc. What Is Nicer Thaa a.
to $25
'e4006`e fro
Men & Women Evertln:,T, Dee, 27, I�Neter
eproof Hosiery, �'he 'Line, 'Cosy felt Slippers Suitcase Or Travelling
fhat'lopk,- R�eve, Beavers, N 1 1,41- in 'Clinton on In t $s carry ell"Iew-
For every member of the, he hame line we
Tt i
;,a,�.jao g a meeiin 'Bag How wo Id -yoii like a nice, robe, or
� � of Me u
in, blanket. NATe have some excellent
thing yQpq need 'an ize
d. speciah
Xmas Neckwear x, thoI4 in, '-famea, SL� stew , t
'bie[ $�"rlj" L st,
'Fancy Hanker C�burclv -rexr Suna'Ay tiotli MOMCUPPeFSml t, glovesand Either would be highly ap- values and a full stock. A few Plash
All t 5,tSleS C04(4
orning, nn4 o�v4nliug. gatuitiaMid, single harness,
i5e and
tulludw-ds to ouo;6,se �.rqm, lec, Soldiers' AR Poll 10o ,I -Oralv 0 preciated , and always come in robes at the old price,
5e Qj%, 25c., 15c to 750. L. i 0
k We grind, horse c4p, r plates at
4raw to be handy. VVellave a big vadty at
es and' ti A -
Fancy Toqu a d e o!,4 A 1,;
'R�,�V. J. IV, a set and those buyW-Aipop from us Give Dad a -set of tire cbains*
B, �l 4as
Scarfs 6loyes 1-3 be price. prices from $2 up.
fim!d 10 b A1;0 111ness is ble we resharpen plates a
t Ulf and i 'aproving i0wely,
to "p, We have them at a, bargain 83,50
Tihey are 11%vays -welcome,
Tu'rill=y ;StylA�s and zombina- Mijstmg I New Year.,A corning
-�5 aAc
tiona, of on. V�4w-�5,1,qs, 91he Times il�,
sii�d ',fhi� day tollolving- 4A eacu mse�
Hang-lng Lamps o e
f Jondon and D4 In The Auto Accessory Lin
Collars & Boudoir CL Mrl;-ioli, , the
I�Lany :ww idec4grA for X-raaa. late 11r. Aeid on� �Jirpu,:, We Carry a full stock foeyour car, among which. are the famous "Zit" Dry Wash, Tire, carriers,, Dash and Tal
Caps $4.25 4as. lamps, Shqckobsorbers, Tire c'overs, Pumps, Jacks, etc. etc.
I jw�t Opened up for
b,�d 'V4(,h VltV-sA Sbe IN,', -
We carry, ne'vIl, tires and also hav
New Dinnerware **,r I , e the agency of one of best vulcanizing and double tread' firms, in Londm
ipg"'J'a, %% 'Oea dition at Ing
ry tLon
Brass Jardineres U vi� 9,f N� , 11tog, Whig your tires, in now and we'lill get them fixed and store them free for you till needed ia the Spring 111he,
Ore. of wir beaqtifud a wes You
V ry
a mo��- acoeptable
eed auother �et Of d cells try a of our "Reliabl s They have inore ldck than the others. We lh IaMPS of
and Fancy Trays gift� $t6.0 to M)M. ave
�,t,5;2 propervoltage for your car, Doift experiment its expensive. DoWt run car with the celluoi:d out of bacil�, sides. Wvi
11� mnzy di�,4gnp wad slze,5. nd it, will �-pw'arr, in T%w. Timea
id and proper equipment
have the celluoi for putting thern in.
FOOD BOA.RD N1:1113F-ft 8-71�12117 1"jo�kjrd,
movirbei in Toronto wib
For the little things you find so hard to get just ask us for them.
"11-1 i,4 V;S11'!T1 khis
A. STE"WAVART Phone 16 )TrR,41. F. P'i'ckard�
a114 t w
of 4t tbe, ��-oop" over S0i;.1
A wan&�ring 1"'Jil �;tnuk town
day. rV, 'Ifon'lly was 'IL-1kna, to,
n Isu-
Co 4�tb In, tt.
S,!rvilze his vsival in 71,0f) W, AT�,tfti-
-t , a -on SALE- Viorougbbr-�d �hort-
offist 0iurch uv,k sund, y, The, min NOTED ARTIST CO�IING, r NOTWE
ist�-,r, llt,�v, Dr�, 1�.. 1MAd, will pril born 11oll, 17 montha 614, The lxst
TUB EXETER BARGAIN STORE . 1-0 . were Royo Don, imp.; Owing to u�l prouilite fexto4a fteA
for�,nuon nwetiu-7 nt it W�zlork, even-
inz at 7. 0ood mus�Ac, M) t r, Herman J, 11romver of Qiicag, Undertaking Ioe,,dr PcrZart:,l, , hip.; Wince of Ravatf,""Ituation taxe Fue4i Commimiozers of
invitA. Baritone. ?%lr� Bromver I= served ,n scotti'd -tip. -r0wrilighlP Of Usliorne have Qrd�r-
'IV , x 46�,ro, i. There art�vhi�,'
the American Army for ten month!) awtbr,�e or1our inqvrtart cto%,sesoi roiir cairialoads of mrooned soft
of N"i the inavitpr and previon, to chlistment %-as sol Funer2l Director & Embalmer through WdigrVe.- j6hu �Chanibera M11 01rough,11wir dealer, ill M�d&
-1 ' �V that there is
usuful Honat, Gifts production inoving picture bY Grit- ist M tue, Church bf the cove3tiat,
Cromariy, 1�. b. NJ. '19 �in 147, &A lit If 0
fith xva� shown ii� thi�r aiiera alouse Ehimvgv� M-- his toured the fortih,
to be a r no haA moi
on forthe
of last sveeL' to -State, arid has �met 'wifth �great suc-
a full llowse and was greatly Jappre- plac",
Make your selection from our K. E. G'ardi thV4=w4th ita& the
extensive range. ciat'i"d, cess. Iiis interpielations are atil uer VOR SAL0-T*woolve young hengMW-Ve or arly of ,the Couucillors t&
viial and cluvrge4 with dramatic 341- lill Wyandottes. thorou�hbreds. sMure fteir neeAsi,,
Owing to othtr meefin;zq tbe lerest. He. wins his. audience froin his phone ?4J
Hadkerchiefs 1,, r Night c4f)'86 Apl)lY10 Win. Mrickubod, tBay pi�.O.
towels, gloves, scarfs, mitts, ties, coll Thz�fn�ei'Road Club taeeting IS been first ap.neirance mA Mica he HENRY STRANG, 10&,rk
are shirts, braces, caps, sweaters, suits,, ove 'Ki, 3r them
Te 4, n sda. Di, c. 2 hold
rcoats hmtl)o edko Tut y mieJrt, spellbound.
All firjn-�nq in t�he rurroandirtq dii- Assisting'Xin1i Mrs. Gladys Sbau; And, ]Purniture
Rubbers 'to fit everyone triet L,4hoald. at0nd this imietln-- to Bromver sopram rid A I JiSS OliVe
ilit-ir �reports front 011'r dehW-1te-li 10 Robinson, remler,
th� U� V,. 0. monvention and 4, t "r H E! M Ic
Mrs. BTOMver bas, been beard in E-- OPERA HOUSE BLOCX
our"forganimtiun off, to a.good stort eter on different occa'slo6i and Auts
SHOES Here is where we shine; Our stock i COMP- for anobh-.,r vtar.
S I alwayi deliglitedaher audience witb BEAUTY sic
On john ber charming
lete comprising all the new lastsand shades. A pair of .Nfonday. �:vening pef�oxxqity, and her WAS NEVEIUMMORE EVE
�d woia�derful voicet,
AV. liilhlli�tt an4 iA. S.,13olt Jill
makes an admirable gift C,hristlmas gift. home.Axorn oveme.ts and were, met- at This 4s a mr1table treat and 'the IN TflE ROME TW 5
th argL -rowd, of cit!-; VeD.n.1e. ara promilisgo an ieve4iAg of
a depot by a 1. c THIS C ISFIM
e have a bi range of cosyslippers. z�ns wcho gave fliem a wnrin .velcome,
W 9 rare enjoymont
home. The, v;jage over from london, ENcter Opera. House. fii y Ey -n.-
Engf.-ind ito London. Qinad-a, -wts mad" ing. D&em�er 27.th� Admission 35c.,
Spats $2.00 to $3.00 pe Rie-�u.,hwd Seats 50c.
r pair'. irtmin��days. Xr.Cloffot(li'Mallettla
compank�d 'his father uj� from Lon- Mail Contract
don. CARD�W T0f.,%.NK6 SEALED Tr�NDERS. addressed to
Come ill and look 4round we can- please
SALE POSTPONED n,-, Postmaster General, Nvill be rL-
The undersigned desire Ito express o6ved 4t Ottawa until n
their graAeful ;iippre�-=Uon oon, on Fri -
YOU O%ving to th--a HWss of 2i1r. D. to"' tht' day, fle 82.1th day, of Sanaary, 1919. W
auction, sale, ndvertised many friends 'for the kindness and conveyance of Jlis Majoi
sympathy ishown during ta"ir rcvmt for At-
Maits, on a Vroposied Contract forl
so to� tihose who
for �P�xt Saiurday &as lbeen inde&- berpavement iaad�,JaL
nately q)ostpoied. ek over
so kindly imntribuled flowers. ix imes per we
four rltl*
't"t, tral Route, from tilte
ILL 1AVlTJT VNEV31ONNIA. Mrs. (Dr.f.41eid' Postmaster Gen
B* 0 F0 B E. A V ER S Dr. kindt A&is. Win- S''Weet..
'Ur.rMhos-1-aing x4eceived word.,that Printed hotices conta;ning , lurther
hiz-s6u, Pt-�. Jack laing '-wbo went information as to conditions of prdmw
overseas When cloud -banks blot the sky
*10 +I.e '161st att., is ill, d Cont"ot may be seen -ink dull zercy, or
Pol- an4 U
livith �pneamonia. ill`,s many friends forms'of T,�ndcx may be obtained at, whistling wihds'make outdoors disagreeabYe, how
Mill ''Feed
will wish for him a spiedy trell the Post Offices of, Exeter"Ray, "Elim- cheery arid' exhilarating are bright lights ,ana
ville, alensall amd Creditorl, ttnd ia�6
�t6 Itbe
sp�&kling" fiies.-
HUTQJl1,NiSON-13lCE Owl J&1aitr -�Vedre rurt-, -office of tbhe Post Office Inabec,
ning,!4ur allill night and day.,ir4&ave
tor London.
Mr. Harry Butdhini of XcGilli- ia! 1ar , kluantity of feed for sale at,
ge And in these soul-try'ing days how Welco
ay T
ej of Loba Vbe' following ipiirc :: Shorts �at $36 CHIA49. 2J3. 1L FISHER, me
.0.,, and, Elsie �Bip es P
Post —thiii soothing,care
Special Town.,§hip, iv,�re. recently united in and fBra, at $31)6er'ton., 'Bring your Office Yns�rcctor is the cheery brightness ss—the
-in inans&, Bags rest Office Inhipeci Office
marxiage at 11ir Presbl
After the 9187 soul -satisfying incssagc—of the music. you
Xairn,'�y Ttay. A.,,Rintoul. London, 13tih love.
ceremony t1he happy couple Arove to 'So this Chri
tbi-ir 'home. n(.-ar Park -bill wlexL thtt stmas you,nee& music more than
Ae n Whlbat-Vanted
-rous young far-n2r.
For Xmas W ek. 0 1 1. 1
''y groam is a prusp� —good mu
ever sic, that brings the spirit of Chri
FO11 SALE 'Nordheimer' Tiano stmas
AWARDIED JiD, BAR Bring us. your� *he-af; either fall Louis, XV §,tyle,, 'a bargain for spot to everyone, young and
old. 'Such is' ihe music 'of
Mvi. S. Flttoii has zeceiveU' orispring %vii ue 'will pay you, the ca,§b�' For furthei pdrticulars; write
What about la'nicle roast of fat' a' leVer very %ightst'Ap.X11ces. 'At Pres"t we Box 616. Nxeter, Ont.,
from �Gmpt. W. �J. Knig1t, R.A.M.C.. are-Pla-Ving 75 centsfor'W)ts, and!$1.03
an wthich, 4he SaYs ipi3r bus. s
b be has been aivarded a -
e a xoter Old �Boy,dn, spr*nd bar for Barley- Grain price
choice e -d subject f6 tihaIlge.
by iB ef for.Xhi t'F 7fw NEW '"D
y �STRAYEI)--Qnto,,Lat�7, cor ]� I I � k" ON
to the 31ilitari, X, --s ,he uian Eome�i 6,�fffty Tp.,L a �earljnd heifer. -, O�Vn' 41
g tim3 ago, and. Chat be also nowi,ivears, :BR0$. MfjL1]NG'� 1i . - 'r 'The 'Phonogrqp� wit 4 �Ulll
I Can 1havo. isame by proving pro ere
n� ne NV - bul P, ty 'This wo'n&rful instrument brings the 4eautiful
Andy Hick Centralia, 1914 aind '16'15 war imedafs,
ing IaNp !s. Apply -to Alex.
an � pap � �.ns(
ra:,ls, con. 3. �lot 1�, orLe.
t1ha red white -and, blue. Wr
Ale, I �—RF-7
usicintoyo6r home CREATIONS'
t)h !,arrny and'bi,iticularly �5f his men:
he rsays ihe 'coliziders the --------- ofthe art.. fthe world's,,greatest, art' ts. The New
he world �to-day is ItW
boal -in t
EdisonAoes not merel.k. i 'itat lually RE-
rn e it ac
ry is
one was an 1 r-vn]An.
itu , t he Canjniiig Facto Es' -with such'utter fi,delity -that the human
Iso, a1ull'line of fresh a A'- e
' I Tbe� silo -at,
A n u ed' 'Z"i ;t At,
V apei 'aal' Wered at $3.0,0 ''Car7:X gingh bctw6 th artl§j, and,, :i�
wa s on on Tumday, De
t oWs scal`6s 3t
-Th' �'Ki,
tom Pu'rclia,�,er to�,Da� 16r e
qui, t Nve!Mirg,� took, placc in St. Pe
al ha'iid and he, R" G 5 Id
:y Q61frupgo -F '61
the -�horw� of the: bp�llf- inf,,, Mrs.r Mristmasiilf, ir,,yin�the'-souf-6 �:m
IV, Svh-m
John Do Mm"'A# gV� 1:!roW I", R.
r ping,
e -IT
InK r
q, �1�
A N..
tanaz T
X Rik
1117�- m!!Q �iL.07 AWN
31a�,Ad t 0 "RIM
7 V "Abe
.�A &
1) r I upe aw"I