The Exeter Times, 1918-12-12, Page 67MW R f MY KI ME NGS'111 LSO: IN NM oSTORI'Ef�'SON T11 IS, u T TO, TRWPS, FO SEV rs store Fort Ni- instice a$ (1,W nd11poll r, and � ip,( -4 -1 -A, �, C , , B0 oV d A to Mai jall the C, the reats a- Life jes, Of the" c� 2 Ands," he 'i I C , NY, ed must ,e y coide4m, Northern oceall, cor, M- Roald' A It Sir rthux Al CO drifting in, AL, itk cii�d(:r of the day tc, to be, oat ate, jan b6, V ce eastw,4, M Storkersorli Atli po the rtiN b 0 1 Olt Per '10 4�6ut A 1 n r , I sto NV Cal 11 tot dian ex0orL be, I ice gra 411 Iof frow tile n'No a -villa c L, d- a- of Whi ,,gar' 2 do., have lrewly corn- -le atv 0 q to $2� 01 It-ou Itoo, $2_(r2 to S2., oililth rctl l -,r ill 0'der to,: -, 11.170 I ' a �,� tiof', tjjt� 4Z,� r t 1,.S of tl) kret lail re(l NY uld �Le i)l 6 14 -ear, 13,� g�j; ty live,- ld be for 6, A0 ly ,text l101e to explorers are atxoci- 21, �i _0 ought, ,,ery like!y ArcLic erop' set at, r, other bas the not hain well -as QU nil foi- s1l ki, ft-ct pro- bMy per -an, s coi�rse, per oiP1 llx, a, for", A Of c -,r 47 lO-Z it arl, For E Wt t") t ie)It of 6 �1- S"% TJ* ;U 750, Moor— 4 t to GO oY, Iax -7 - r to Mq W ttIto, �,tj IIV Ito pen V, WWI 90M 4 ro" Icar tMIP?* IA t lit One of ill of the jo ", 'Iv livinir ice 111"Ist ba, M f era oillC. to 011. U0 per On, Car lots, 1�1,� , f'!l I over It tist, llls, it. T1* t, On tile loted, tbo In hear froyn bi-n. U yo 51 to 52e. Egg, —Sele -Ira O el Itehar tbin it Nvai, e � powel"Fal oil ti) S24.0 to lardea its tj ad 'hop' AbattOii* hiell b. at' nc] aor. lei). t ill tile rm I S25.00,- Lard—Pure, NvOod palls, 20 cTO �� " �.o , (A e I Irlot, 'not ar, it is tgo 'k co til,ifts 04 This currvnt� eit yet, the popli allon Of tocic of pexli�, Nvill be xo�,Peetcrl. You will 11- TO a t Toronto, Dec. 104—ChOice t -ou so lin, octob,�r lie lion � I o0 c you 'al)6ut 200 miles due liorth f tie.2, dof square .0e, told tl nd"4- Iell. r Isla �e ).15 to �11.25; do., inedium, V"I'llOt IfTATd to f 11 sit r t f)' "h "' rid. off e 'I, man being nd to bid, u �a - , , is nevor Se do. ConlTon., $7.75 to entile, count , ie, r1a of tile Naw Icon � bills, choice, .",10.25Ao ght to 1110 iell neets Sib 11 Stefansson's fir"4 boat� Thty !,,a, eurnAV itest under- i do t ca His the gre-t edium bulls. $9.75 to $9.�25, do, feel bitter. -waq los WlZ ciarri&i ritsting Oil tile P the crinles avement. -world. The is in the rough bulls, $7.50 to $9.00- butch6rs', thfrom off Alaska. NNIllen it in of 1, i - - he'00- do,' 'n the ice it Off Wrangel iafe,%- tl I , of G w. Ptro- i -C t,-tilee it co�,ev from 'cow,-, choice, S16.25 to $il have recovered a rich coll ostock 6,521 11 ishinent. -p be StOrIcer$On xpe gb ho cted to call t in tin, to tgood-SO-25 to $9.50; do. ' medium, ts, br �s,8.00,'to -,,8.25; do. common, S7.00 p 11 I Quell , , d books, 1, �rjr, 5,91�3 Miles. propaganda o laerrilanY nd fron-1 , 1, , tile same current and go on, beyom tterad ran,, to d, Port A -t -oz.s a fanious etchel�. S chief cities to S7.7.5; stocki�rs, $7.75 to $10-50; maile by insidi A j)e_.Qrtl e - Of your �Vigllg()l to the Siberian them Lack to % 0� t in. by ith, one Of the feeders,,S10.25 to 1$11.25 eralill the SMrCL to 'he coninaDies vr f tjle� seven wond- ers, und I 'u, tile soldier citiz us arilrl tile riluseum 'At anR.E.'s with cable for of is one o S5.50; yo ,5_1: Z,iu ; �to milkers, to strength, but e 3, s, m an good Co . %f the finest anit most adv'anced dento. z "j, line d ers of the -it has a frozen �jlolce, $90.00 ito $160.00; do. , m I[As DWN, 4 -Ile, - ell .nnes. ije val o of the r telopnone �oy be-, t: I -no one has been able,,� - cracy in the world, �will treat � such 1 led is eAiretlted at -�vander �,bout, casting of Whic" - and. Tried., $C)5.00 to $75,00; spring 'lie nece, t`,lr3 bon M. In 1829 ers, $90-.00 to $16MO; light e,wes, �aLtLmpt. wil-li the contenlipt tbey de- e t f -- f tile slori ,elds, to find the tto Contribution in1l glances, over d the depth,, of �$9.50 to $10.50; yearlings, $13i.00,to �serve. You RrI Freedom. merchant tried to -rin knoNv that self-imposed,i R toward8 Fritz"s balloops Justice 1 IS B�'PECTED toppjn� t e disiallt sc rp. the 'but -thirty feet $13,Z10; 'spring-, lambs, � $13.50 �to; stern ..d ZZ 0,- 4 the i-scipline,has made You thel ' 4 11 q the $14.75., c ces '� 0a - contributed - over 4" ships at 'The Zilves, ood to choice,315-00 uada has, viyo down IIQ- - jedL ,hardest, mos' er soldie�s f Me task. '50; ogs, and. watered;, 00o men tothe war, and It lie Brit Triumh of Advlice, Science took.up to $17. bDanzig, West Fnissi, -whichl Russian Academy of from London says— Later the digging, I but at 392 fe arth $187.25; do, -weighed,, off ars, $18.50. ince Febfuary, 1915, Cross llad frolt tile -exhilarated soldiers sit along et the e the Immortal- s a 'At the so ond bat- p, lava een, s� A despatch ;tind e' ' Montreal Dec 10.—Steers, $7.00 the forefront Cif. the struggle. At ier the purpose a+-* bouz,11-- adside, like free' y as aTock. Ittingly closed by to be on- the roa as Picic- J,,�vas still,�rozen �as,,hard UO to $11.00; but&rs' �co­ws, $7 -ft to tle of- Ypres 'YOU bof are 295,000',C dialls Tvo cities ns, understood an, pp2�ent ther6 1he capture, 0 Alons yoiir "ItIg t � , _,IL 1;clI he Ot. er $10..00; grase calves, $5.00 to $7,,00; the .!U lanticr, the minds. of the , Premiers llickers, for both sides are mov- i the, gelentists we�e puzzled Natural yo 1 on ing their gqjmi tile, atmosphere is 1 cold, they urged could never pene- v side of especially -are the freedom a, the ses milk ­f ed stock, $14. 00 to, 00. record, in � -kvl e er battle u under " the comni,,�-nd of Sir Arthur S Of 911017Y Saddle Hor i t,,, ears -free, and tinged with, the trate to su explanatimi ogs, $J which they to arrive an, cjui�e ell 0 foght is a TesplendL to �L burr, _ed thousar�d Or Bri 1,600 in I on Cux.ric. Or a_-Tcliment,'for presentation at ver� trimph of, our advance. of. ya-kutsicts frozen well has yet been I trust' Y&I and i'lle,nienlory' of Yo�"*, I ­ 11 � I e, , I I . are marchi)4g the Rhlf­,�- illes, antiijaly's eivints art the Adr; The untidy road _ undulates over iound. yo"I to, oVer, do it says— Id oni r a d eS del -A has established. a flect of A, ITO-,,' , Lan rnt; hutments and that gloious pure� 1 Canada ng -.new- ugo-Slav ridges between bu atic,' affect,l the 5 622. ees. lerr signs�"Ach- In with scis- 9 patrol v6ssels,,aud ail aiy horses'brought satiq tricken y -rtanding st V nd MTIS�Illlied to Canada." ts, under oi State, on IvIlid'a an und;6 istru,ctiah. - A large t a sale here. The jil "Beo'bachtingst6lle "Gas- sors. it is almost ithPoss I 'to Cut leguarding Italy*s, position- withqut turi of the financial resou aninials berilight double th r it clear ght. -Just rub the mprolllisim �fi a stral, SUNK e -7, the Jugo-$lays' ter'ri- gefa ty, c., sterIcIlled'black ontill been ralsed in_ arice -paid 314�lld cO ,up b ' the bank of it ail old 6lotb. required for, war have nte d stick- y rt !at and ethnological rigbAs is being pal 8'; bur'ned_pa Masli., N�oluntary con 'I'll(, Canaian teams,were Irl 'tor X `Mary011iu onlinion, the the D -T 0711 worked alit. h 'se, Sent ­ to Bottom "ence : is , inaking rapid 1 bution. for, the Nvattamounting to �0. and ro ' ed and Avere at the top, i ly a. -ill though every 2 475, of &I Lo Inarket. _X pair Of] 1 'ndred million dolars. t it seems -u -tile nd With Their Crews I tsr!,Ae8 thal -nt' need of ships brought 115.0-53,789 GROSS TONS goldiligs was sold to a Lo don car' ge -will have son, e 1 -urge before'loll-9 _SUNK DY SUM b1gliction v;hlle It pment,in building,_ d 20 s 'S1,500, W omo§t (lev6lQ- remedy. ,, One ti . _. are now being con-tructe6,' &I.Ith ven ic,Ws roni -Lonon says�— -160 A despatch �f 'ce. of recent ir. is a, irom Lon6ri says:—, 9 A�(5' hicli kv .1 tonnage: lau The,'worldls tqtaljosses of mere t D­irin- the a mask `Y'S FIRST PAT benbath the q beL tonEage i'rom the bcginniug'Of- 11ol6!45.0;000,`dea& eight callacitY '-,them,, "and ' 147, vessels, -were 'T k OF OCCUP C Mall Wai. tr to the end oil Octol�er, 11)18,. ne is� at able. nur,�es its S��' emy olie, r 'and their -erews left ..... ....... . jP civerseas, and "0,000 -wolen ell .-to a statement�b-,,, �'py4sent limit Id t7o i o�jL.dr'6f the in is played in munitions. —She Du-scldorf First, I oft. com�oilq h� lip - bee l.d mall is CON" -I's and 18,000 t 7 ic _q -n recelv ',a- f,,a f,und I ,a blip 'I'he I ace o Parts and 100 000,00a potilld ill supnort, 6 ecntedS1109 - If -I ID 'rnpire oxplosives have been British mercb boy at W is teach� scq� a I t 'Ili the -it us cor fall, men. Ishing vesse s; to the ai 116me At Las eK, ep oked rol n6pei S'hall nen com�,, es'd Eea 'a all an 11�1,1 aey, t til To