HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-12-12, Page 1TY - S EG J.(:)N .. ONE Ladies s ses' Chitdrens Cloth Coats . > Greatly educed in Price Don't miss this opportunity to get a good Coat at a bargain i price on ..tie anae. c€ our Ladi, Children's colored.8 greatly treed p ars til Fkeis f.sev a a1+ 11+ F I U tweed hr as Shopping erflowin.; se jilt ' aitnin.5 Girt to I,rgtlIe ti c 1'S lata' 1 Neto lI aradlrea axi farcy box". , nls New .Palley Vella. :itte't a Pan -ole, For die's And t irfs Over one hu;m lNd effeeto- riR tJ< of €t plain an's Pusnd' 41eir ' tfi`3 r' Christmas Furs As rme early eFA offer` t1' e For Tk ; Neck Serio, Shoee, ,.ass individual boxes, Initialed Lfn-fir, tlr«�liti�, vire„ all t cfui gifts. d coal' :tl $lilt'$ Our Shoe Departure viand txt valeen in ,7.atdi'es', ,Men' a etncls klhil very .n.liproliritte ;Christman n Giftu. Men's Suits and Overcoats l Velma for the hotidaS seen= in fen'a sex thing. 3 -I3 at tinct Vdaite Seotcsh din ering yank, 4 r tit .`ccltrx-�t cry �aitaci<il vilui'. eliatit orad m,0t yarn, €ill rotors including , d nt f0az akf:in. :.NADA I OOD BOARD' =HM=HMIS nO H -- . 1,13 tie sxc 1 AND Now f or, the gladdest Xmas, The World has ever Known tiift Suggestions Buy Now Kissel Sweepers $4.25 Bissel Vacum Cleaners $10 •5®' Floor Mops, $1:00 up. O'Cedar Oil 25c and 50 ',Flash Lights make:acc- ,.eptao Gifts revery �( dome needs one. Idicedrvice TOY f Hockey Sticks 25c Boys and Girls ; ai vivant . Skates our; price; from $1.25 -up Hockey ; Pucks 10c Look down This List for Gifts ,ALUMINUM WARE :SAD IRONS I , n71 W'AA, i3I G nffeC 3INFIs TAi3LE KNIVES; NLCI LED SPOON 1'.,t SII.VEIt 'SPOONS;: I'D WEAN''i AM D ,3 u JameSt. Al . ; The anniversary sews Street Methodist church eve Sabbath last but owing to. so ntlp prevalent sickness in the conuuuni i q the seevices were not as largely. attend- + ed as they otherwise would h„ve been. • Rev. )r. Medd, pastor:; of Maim street church, occupied the pulpit ` in the morning, and ;delivered a roost do- • fluent and inspiring sermon in the evenfifetev, Jas Pp rte, e A., of Caveat Presyertan ehurc "li#uct • ed the services. This was„, ote.'s .1' first appearance' before; a Ta reel congregation, since cotutra_''" and his discourse was 'gre creating a veryd- ;voreble The music bu' the choir i„ted although it was not "flits o�g»nizaticm had exile” � + wing to the fact that oves ,tbers were ;:'sent< an loess. reek. w' tons. �ATr :islac� dine $20.60 1_ Dunsfoed ,c' djotarn cl to meet again to Iu 1 rtJit,fuittrida,V, Dee, ' 1 f+ nt The, E ,c. t ler. Faturda°, O. -London xt otoe alt regit ,a frz rrlortirP rDw tC g}Ort fou 1-h tau rind ee€in#"}W�.,S itxt2nU31+) .t, �?s Nov.' low of ,1'h. Assoefa Refs rrFinu 5iihwr Fnarliee.. Circular r f titixua,dt Ire n. Torte. .re pr iat%os in k,eping fire fib'ilttiug au- nd lbv rn3a.L Fres? ,f es. iroat. to Compsioper Bi�ss tt. °tropia 6 . q M. Sander's, Exeter Cary Iglg &. Paescrv- 1abo, t n4, material in eOn- d a l tiro k street � of $16.63 for/ Lett a 1''o eFl filed. 1'y ;Efoopital dor1;tllon, £rifer Ston on above. dot doers present, M?, ,1Fe rFtettr he$; .I dconfirttel rid ta1x vis 1i4z1 in fotl1SSr1nt; .0 ,: a nish it otzi h. t,1':: fIltt eers, ror Ltd, filed, : tread Snell Tray: i tai^, h • eed ogd upon ills. amity t of . ixa,1 f tF ttdcsh'ip that aI'l ty, Ills text 6 i<Ge�l„ Ind, ca tear," I1 n exile ^rstten. 1'3 Candi( mei of Rote $t. at `flbrx-i brotbea i)eniei lgidziey S. Siveet, all c1€ priv tea, will be nocsm, irAt?rn'cri'_ :4 u �.s art 1x��rrst .e. one is !Sr ez of es dere W, peen. To ental, Our pric MeV iabx;,tr, was e. the Lycra I ye: upon- .hill said that the the time these They were abserl ed to and, commerce ata h:t lttj: The prt heart ,,. etu., 1.t. ariotin and',t Eley :lilt printi court fees s� 10.00; F53!Y; .,5^itAYin�,,aG,' e ne,v they evere ndertook to i:i: tessage fell on. trek n:tn:l uiota he ,le;,;rsiohads a natiAFraa nded' to the appeal, Tl;sir wealth alright in its pile e l*ttt.t cca id? atFtt procure the way to lite. 5l1i' c114;411 t reful;e they desired. The teat publish ed forth the fnessage that. Cyd was nota in the distance, but was in their midst. -fir lits pardoning grace was within their rasp. The message is as old as the tnariling but with all tli freshness of tfrt <daw' the prophet was sReakiitgnot t the individual alone, blit to lite nation, word r -, to a. Hatton in fetters, alas s e cognize the fact. that 'althesngh God seentf:d far removed, it had not check- ed' Mkt human desire to find God. 'Tile safest attitude of man is upon his knees, isaid the speaker. lie could well under- stand how such a message could leave suclt a profound impression.. Perhaps the speaker was addressing those whose Hearts had been crushed by war. Noth- + ing ever brought creatures so close to tGod as the great war. The boys from ,i, Canada, who never suffered defeat, log+- .it ed the world yet whoever purchased a 3hy. owey''s Drugstore re Christli.a.s once ag'a'te 1 1 f Ivory and onlyo) h- to . nt them, 1'l , , t t1iJt1 i G e loNV be,else We bought early, Use su1s. ',ere yon eider gave a sp assortmezt ui' Ladies or- ntlen)el ,7431,1 tai= rush it 'lij 3rus1.S Combs, Tray icure Pie i Clocks 'acu111 Holds The Soldiers' (Aid have ,tponed their iliazaar until mote ;time in Feby. Mr. Yaeger, of the staff of the''Con aditin Bank of ;Commerce at Stratford is relieving at tlhe local branoh. Mr. Yaea r is beim transferred to the bransih that willshortly he opened at Dashwood. a i BORN tirmik, r-xn Sterpihen, on Dec. 7th to Mr. and Mrs. Peed- Walker, ° a on. Dunn—In tteborne on Mee" Gtih -to Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Dunn, -i eon. Manns -in; Tknsail en Nov. 28th t o Mr, and Mrs. ,Fred ;Manns, ,a son. Staniake-1'n 6tepthen, on Dee.. ID, to Mr. and Mrs. Silas Sta'nlake a son. Manson -In Stanley on Nov. 15th to Mr. and Mgrs. join A. Manson, a daugihter. Forrest—At 'Hensall on Nov. ,13th to -' Mr. end Mrs. S. X13. Forrest, of .;Hay' Township, 'a son. MARRIED richer, purer gospel sacrifice than these boys. It means that we can find new and'absorbing relations with God.Stephen Cannel world in which we live needs S 071 our nspeaker. 1'he humanpatieage isce, onlysaid }retthe Alt its pupil age. The, Council of the Tawnehap o. Ilay—Meyers—At the Manse. Varna, Win. j. My,- of Seeforth, to Miss Myrtle C. Meyers,- of Blake. Regier,—Wilelds—At hhe R. IC. church, e Mt. 'Carmel, on Nov. 28tIti, Miss Mary Wilds, to Mr. ,Alleere Eaglet' both (et Stephen. Bullock --Pickering -- the Grand Bend enanse, on Nov. 30th by Rev. S. A. COrriere, Miss ,E. Pickering • sitikeke, le Mr. Edward 13ullOck. ii, tltrie; arm Olieirm ao tssti or in at t`roT. 1;1,.4a1•funnier r 1.11 taxee, twice, Aiaticsrt lsV C 1'r hurl t'e,r Elston :rnd of $39,00 b', Liven sent tor the year 1918. triad I*tr'eantll end Elston that ;Fuel Cot troller L. Day by paid $54.0e1, time. 'a: bot and ezl)ensis, i3,irria d, Reeve J3ctavers gave his r the recent Electric. ,iiailsr,y ina in Toronto. The same being accept atn 'order was nssed 'for tihc paymc of this expenses. Adjournment be' Day, J`. Senior, Chair, ,S hying a lar r t s of Euro ic Slreri c v Look at tite abdicated kir g pe, p on trued is the Pown Hall, Thousands have been bowing the knee Crediton, On Monday, Dec. 2. All and offering homage. These effigies nvcrttbers -present, with rhe exception that have been putting God Out lie fa- of Reeve .Elliott, The chair was go-- day in the dust while our God has been copied by Deputy -Reeve Love... 1'he. exalted." His sacramental host has.been minutes of the previous meeting were washed white in the blood of sacrifice read and adopted. and God was never as real as he is to -t "Webb—Hays—That th,e ` bond of t of themost 1 Alonzo xodgins, as callectar of tax day We season have -entered one es for the year 1918, be accepted anti acceptable seasons to inquire after God that we have ever bnown The objects filed f• with the Cie fly --Canted . upon which men have doted have van- ed Det -Re The following persons' were appot puyturning officers and x3t fished into thin air. Yet there, are men poll clerks N who refuse to be candid and accept the Na D fl " inevitable result o on ?; They will un Poll Clerk. (. IJenry hills Nelson Baker till their day of grace will slip away and 1-• wee_ Dearing Asa i enlia3ie their day of doom will come. 11' len are 3. Alonzo Hodgins Geo. l3irtzei treacherous and evasive, spurning and despising the ''ineans"'of grace. Men who go down to a self -wrought hell, will' go down thrusting aside every help that would assist them.; Men and women who have forgotten God, will they be different, ivill they be anything else beyond the grave? asked the speaker. Deterioration is linked to retribution. Mei and women who have their to -days will have their to -morrows. There ,are Hien who have trampled every chance on earth and no. logic' can establish •- there is another chance beyond chance beyond the. grave. ' Men see justice falling upon` others but he fails to, see,it failing up- on himself.' Pings and'crowds may go down but' he_ deceives -and deludes himself that' he will neYer go down.. War has brought home witlt terrific power that we can outstrip the dream of death if we call upon Him "Awake' thou that sleepeth and arise from the DIEiD dead, and Christ shall give thee light." avas—In 'Exeter, on December ,10th What if we are aroused by, affliction, J e,ph' Davis. aged 51- Years 1 month .wekene,i by sorrow or' pireced by war,, ael-11 day& Any life is better that that life that is left.,to blast out its existence.in'eter- IN 11iE'17ORIAbi , nal contempt. that drifts along ®n the sea of: life to;:r'lounder in the sloth. few -Irl loving memory of a Ida The world has been 'changed by w,tr. Melia," beloved.tviteero A�Iberit The awful ,lessons e God Sed 11 cwar. nd,rf.ly titlho,pa fierrr e" tu1ly sW y, to us 1'i► deluge of blood. Va' cantto :'-font-x, f5as ,t1' Ir,od f 8 m7, hek' e s devotee 'loathe 'ravtalities ear O. ye been life& abiiVe,our eta' 4. W. H. Wenzel ,Ezra Feist 5. David Leppert Alonzo AlcCann 6. Andrew Musser Ed. G. Kraft 7. Peter McKenzie Thomas Keys The following, orders were passedo Guinan, equalization U. schools, $15; R. G. Seldom, bal. cement ac. $1.55; J. Laoson bal. Lake shone and Keys, bridges, 51.88; Mrs. Nicholson, grant Red Cross. .5100; Mary Ragier, stet. labor, $7; E. Knight, drain, $2; Mrs. N. Baker, Centralia Red Cross, $100; Mrs. ,G. Nicholson, Crediton Red Cross, $100; Miss Gill, G. Bend Red GrosS, $100; Mrs. Nadiger,.Dashwood .S. Brokenshiree and others, con. res. riott, rep, bridge, Si; E. Wilds, dog drain 16 80- E Wild; dam to on Dont Perfumes plendid lot aeee rable y. Boxes all the tae * delicate shay G to $2 00a bo' Y �.3oI'tl'l1 � 11t ipws in cases and Pips watho cases. Cigars and Saftey Razors. Don't maids `o11l ° Displa of Xmas Post Cards and Booklets. all new goods. Would you like your o tvn VPeson li X,11113 tn C e 11xg Booklets. See oar sines and order early. e out Splendid Assortn-itof Toil; Sets in cases $4,00 to $15,00 Howey's Drugstore To Be Dressed Here s to be Well Dressed at a price that means We tare showing att.raotive lines for fall and winter nnd trx advauce buy- ing. means money -,saving values. Many of, oar lines are selling at less than Nvliolesakt cost to -day. Come lin and set/dot a Suit from some of the wool stooks and you do non waot made up now ea -e will set: it'esid.e for es NIFTY SUITINGS OVEROOATINGS PANTINGS READY-MADE CLOT,ElING TIES iCAPS and tWO .r4 YOUTH'S OVERCO ▪ trt Ott etV fie If fin fik