HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-11-21, Page 5hale 4^R,. u Mr its rt? , „ 'ar a1- to oiling f he'" flu. Foe is gettingbo nom -+.his �sevare cat - tot* of ue'lly ta�Ha. l its Blarepp, fiXuaniitg is ;visiting ek tuts sister, tt 4r. • will be zioging hex e aiu, 'clear fritt'we. sblr, and fal(rs. Paulstioates, and lir. and ay atMira. Nat Ogden spent Sun rank Squires. , la1r. rind firs. Fred ,Paster sp;rt Sunda{ at Thomas Gunnings. _Mr. and . ;=furs. 'ai,ster and baby attended the znksgivirg service there in a the for 33a eted Airs, 3ohi Stevenson were ited ' witlh a baby boy on ,Ion- 18th. W. Jaquo.s is imprct Mr E. ,hicks ibusineso la b inI%tolz 4I fir. and alrss, C, 3aajuets were t. z.ats tet l;riotids in Mitcehell , !a week. lilts S. 3ilutit r `1H a alriv,..toe;:d by iputting 3llfi. 7 t hrts, foruzerl, village, is engaged irH ;t crage kir Loudon, a , and Mrs, 51, : s•Vrild wilco have "tn xa ill for some ,time 'with Span'esti 11n are table to be out again. Mr. S. diunter had ePlorol. l Y ilV oai .t"r day ,fast. Time NNW oinoieti lot of eatU and everything; old. sr, Il airs. S Viliscen, t is g,,tti' ftiend,s or, ab of 0 va odor the FISC 3Hse t- .her €a ISL SUR FLEET NEWS TOPICS OF erman NavaE Armnstle Without .Any Delay; and 18 Cruisers, 800.1,99 Are ta,' Orey islands Prettitett of Allies-- Subma; ar' ��o Be Gvera,IIp. votee LONDOl a' Nov. 1B,—Vices dnpira Sir David Be att Y, coiHxmande: of tho Grand Fleet, received Rear Admiral von ilfeurer and the other German nasal; delegates .aboard the flagship Queen Elizabeth in the :Firth of Forth, 'Scotland, Friday evening. The German cruiser 'Koenigsberg, carrying the delegates, haying arriv- ed at the rendezvous selected, la the affternoon. Admiral i!etirer utas tak- en to'the Queen Elizabeth' by a de- stroyer. Tile Gerastan admiral was "piped"' alnoa�rd the flagshis quar- ter=deck where he and the other Germans were received ley Comme- $ore Hubeai�-rand escorted. tSa Admil k� .whew the couiep=te •t• ri the earl,$ fear AdeIn, Beatty, why leihira of the bat ili�fi' .ions,' a etato of hisgsbine ` n the cabin i at. % back 5ne.picture a ,,e Civhiin defe tes'a jrraitsed 8R6 t7j.1' `! and ra4sRnteded Stturda. fie»tu A.lne Admiral Meurer' staff'' were a ZePllelln camtnaander and a submarine cornrander. As the result of the conference the (Ierisme naval envoys" have agreed to surrender tlie. German .Beat, the esti- muted value of which is $350,0Q0,- 000. The German fleet i$ tta be taken to the Orkney Islands, off 'Northern SC+atland, it is understood, ' Tate surface wat•sb1Ds whioh are els be surrendered have to be "ready to leave German ports seven days atter the signing of the armistice." Th is to say on ?Qoaday, Nov.. 18. The etibinarines which are to b, saarreedered must "be prepared to ie Geri iarz port itnetedietely on ceipt of a wilrelaiia order' to said t of sktzr h"dor." and are to over °With foil comple- cined by the .Aillea ales within 14 days ratistice." r • said death' ecce sly ou Oion..' e" u lelix ib tln s- Parl ei to aerious be,rna :eke rzia.lnt lack re For e»irsncts 11;a epposit Oa Stint;l t,` evi'ttina, isis'attPPed nve+r be star- e warsbips battle cruisers, and 50 destroy - os ttsod4 rr1 type are to Hp. Tlaic ten battleships been ,elected are; z Wilhelm and .Bayern. eadilouglats completed and Oroseer ;Nur- nig dreadnought 1914 and 1915. seriin Prince Regent, lel, Keniig Albert and Friedrich ease, all dreadnaughts of the een class, Completed In 1.912-13, ivo battlecruisers, the Dellinger, denxburg, Soyd its, Moltke and Von der Tann, are apparently all that Germany has available so far as the $o-ealled dreadnought battle Cruiser's are concerned. The AVM/Oleo terms stipulate for the surrender of six; Eight of the most recent light cruisers are the i3rummer, Bremen, Karlsruhe, "Pi11au, Frankfurt, Nuern- berg, 1ioelina and Dresden, It is only if neutree ports are not available that the German war ships are to be brought for surrender ,to Allied ports. But there is reason to believe that since the armistice was signed the neutral powers have made it clear that their ports are notelike- ly to be available for this irksome purpose and, there is no doubt that the surrendered Germane warships Will be brought into .Allied ports. Surface warships which are left to Germany will be concentrated in one or more of the German ports. They will be paid off and completely dis- armed and will be under the super- vision • of a ccnnmissian of surveil- iance appointed for the purpose by the associated powers. Regarding the German submarines which fled before the revolutionaries and took refuge in Swedish waters ,there: is• no doubt they will have to be surrendered. Regarding the .BiackeSea, arrange- ments are now being made for the surrender- of all ships in German hands. It seems now to be practical- ly certain they will be surrendered without trouble. tuibsr ens za oil etove _. She et t iit'si fra'sts the a leouse attre'eted Rhe ;rttentiou ,of 51r. ou,az OIis r, ai ho Svitla ,'r aro, Miser ,hurried tis 'cite stew And 'tried to satinguish. the ,1'lsanacs. bett not before, Lbit aged lady VMS rIevereiy : burned. Mee honest b~ad-.ca narrow ' etlee from; being burned to vile e,'�round wend in couple of minutes more would have leen bryoud dcontrol, llre, Pere -one uttered only a,hart=thee when she lapsed into, unconsciousness and ele,pt peacefully away .in tote early hours of 1.Ionda.y morning. Tithe .cic-, dseased was 81 year •4_,ulonn.ths etel 14 days. Skil was hero ,in England her zusiden, name br:iuf; sElizabeth Oliver. She astute to Canada .when a ]Ging rlirl what her the late Jahotnaeond. Elizzabetli Oliver, net,tlingl sat iCeritralia where she spent her cif She was united in ananriage to tilts late John Parsons wino predeceas- ed p edeceas-fid her about r 2 years ago.. The fun- eral, private; WAS ]cell .7.'nera y at- ternoon intesinent in Exeter iceme- etery. Farquhar The I'aaequhar lied Cross , Society eleld .a ,successful chicken pie !social in Farquhar hall on ':.Friday evenbee. east. Tlhere was a big attendance and ttize ladies had ;prepaSred An excellent ,supper for Ithe ,crowd Over taco ihundred'people 'eat down to the tables avihieh were well provisioned. After isupper aihe »tables encase =cleared and nn excellent program was ,given. A fined !Gross guilt was auctioned off and was bougiht by Maj. : W. 3. Leaman sfor $7.50, who again adonated it to iba` Society and le,he second'' time it was boii;giht by ..Mr. Thos. :Cameron ;for $6.00 w',ho :in ,twin gaveit back and it was Isola for tlhe third time. alai. W. J. akaman. }oocupied :tike ar#hair. ',fair ;the evening •fill ng it ir. -very capable manner. The ;program reonsistsd of several •''selections by tube Elimville Quartette.. address by Rev. '>alr,,Garret, of ,ti-lens,a11, are- turned -!hero, who hold :of -his exa-aer'- ierzcais in ',Prat cc; rsolos by 3Iiss Bal dour, Miss .ICLarke }and Miss Moodie, aecitationss tby:.,Mi}ss ;hunka':and .Miss Clarke. '. The iprograln was greatly,en- cloyed. The Secretory gave an excel- Brut report .of the work 'of ` ,the•, •socr arty for Oho yeair, showing that, 110 '`;islaintas, .149 pairs socks: and ,numerous otnher nirticles. had been sent over- zxxa,s, Sine, total receitpts.,being $439.41 the xpenditure $403.64 leaving a ARS:`5 The ]proceeds for ��',°f'-'41.a.77-• u im canted leer :r;100. Hun. Army Broken. PARIS, Nov. 18.—"Field Marshal. von Hindenburg,' in his message' to the German army, said that the. threat of famine caused the accept- ance of -the armistice," says Marcel Hutin of " the .Echo de . Paris. "A1 -fir though food difficulties played a part in the defeat of. Germany, the de- termining cause of the : German col- lapse was, the. fact that the enemy's army was on the brink of disaster. The first .words the German plenipo- tentiaries said to Marshal Foch were,: in substance, 'Germany's army is at your mercy, Marshal. Our reserves: of men and munitions are complete- ly exhausted, making it ii possible for us=to continue the ware': Redeeming Belgium. LONDON, :Nov. 18.. —:,The ;Allied armies have begun their march;; to- wards Germany. The Belgian forces have already occupied Antwerp, which was evacuated by the enemy on Friday and immediately taken over. Brussels was expected tobe free of German soldiers to -day. - The withdrawal from 'Antwerp was' accomplished witliout,uutovard• inci- dent, and when the correspondent visited the city tEe.people' were inithe midst of a celebration for thea `'de- ivorance 4'Burgoinaster Max has Left Bsu}sels ai or, li ra to visit the King; lmportarnt (=V 'tits 'Whack Piave; Occurred ()tit ing the Week The lousy ;World's. Heppe/4n '1y Compiled „ P ty' tho A OM Qr` OA E11111 V11111U1i1lluhI11111111111111J1111U1111l11111 f,W1H11110111II11111ll ',•"•, }y - ` ` , „I �r�r Hyl ` nl� ,, Peale t.. Peace! o'er'`.' J 1QT ous li ht r see, Clap your w Jake - r'" The land of son _ n "one 4 All forms of'sorrow 's a 1 der al t "an oy hence f'ox h shall the c + mire* of Vic. t 'the e t..r... •y. w. Co r°µ as o": # _f IE` All of d .. i -LTn� x�.� . . the crew of Oswald Chas � i�r a d, son a>f J. J. Clark, I,e<1jGnin An, was run over by a heavy' iron roller, which was being drawn in:the parade here Monday night, and instantly killed, Anxiety is felt in London Iest British prisoners in Germany, are left to die- of starvation. A despatch from The Hague ,sounds a grave "„ming in the need of prompt Fiance decorated public buildings and celebrated last night.. The mili- tary authorities fire salvos to inform the populace that the armistice had been signed, and caused all bells to be r 8, a5 •better lighted /as sigh. any time since the first air raid " by the Germans, Coast owns,at the request of the Admir- alty, will , remain in darkness for a ort t e to Iain Qrd in tlae: To- A t olic:a 1 QI t ellowed all l disorda l bp, and nsninor of oo!esterday. "This at art for punishment, atnateaty`' and ,pardon, tae 741.1;e4" }p4 ee, ae4o zeh N1taephers specially de=, to a fqx, Rfl. ork have endeavored d e ..,; o with C S � cope z h the d: arc s�l� p clog of�. eters received at Ottawa request- ing' equest- in ' the immediate return of soldiers'; from the front. A special train was sent from For Arthur to Sioux Outlook with nurses and medical- equipment tel ght in- tluenza, which is very bad tit r . Dr,. Brandon Inas died and Dr,y Is ill, leaving the town without doctors. The Canada Food Board• . has re- pealed all orders and rulings requir- ing the sale, purchase, use or eon- aumption of substitutes for . wheat flour, whether in the trade or era Pri- vate h4raaes, The same regulations e hi# ee L 1; /or udlling 111 but tr said. Street fighting is taping place in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. The railway station there has been cap - red by Polish forces, which have used the German troupe in the city remission to pass through Polish rritorY. Field Marshal von Hindenburg bas bed the. Cologne Soviet, it order to oil chaos," to send delegates tai Maim Headquarters immediately, according to adv'.Ices received here„ Tho delegates started for Headquar- ters Monday morning, it Is said. WE1» FS1a'lrY. Mill rate from the intluenza blob has practically Oat. earonte, vitals 1.647, A. Taylor, former reeve of To'ns'hip, was instinct]$ Ici11 ye returning to his horn - celebration through lard turtle, despatch front Berlin snnys Lha ince Heinrich X,`+:VII. of ileus, of younger line, bas abdicated. ]tense is a principality that has a constitution. The prince had the sole executive and part of tlae legielativo power, Steps looking to dento#aili atlon a?t the forces have already been 'd:akett in Toronto,,Military District and a considerable reduction in staff and Personnel with a view to ecanonny will likely be effected shortly. 4.11.' Gary, head of the 11, S,; Steel Corporation, warned the Atnerican,, People to be on their guard against "economic demoralization, depres- sion and possibly panics" which might accompany readjustments af- ter a world war. The Bishop of the Yukon, Itt.; Rev. L O. Stringer, D.D., is leaving for England and France for special work among the soldiers in connection Svith the Canadian Christian Citizen- ship Campaign inaugurated by tate Young ?den's Christian' ,Association. Protestant clergy took part ' in a service in St. James' Cathedral,- To- ronto, for the first time in the history. of this historic church. It was a ser- vice of Thanksgiving. Rey., It, -J. D. Simpson, a Methodist, read the les- sons and Rev. Prof. Law, a Presby terian,, preached :the "sermon. All approaches to St. Paul's were thronged yesterday morning by thou- -ands 0! people_ eager to witness the arrival of the King and Queen and other royalties at the cathedral for the service of thanksgiving at the victory ,achieved against the Ger- mans. ` With the exception of the seats reserved for the Ambassadors and other notables, the cathedral was quickly filled by those who had waited hours for the doors to open. THURSDAY. enlhezi i,tne; A prion will be issued ons Nov. 25th sumnnoiling :a new Paella- meat, Andre w Bonar Law annotseced les the British 'Commons. Nominations Till be on Dec, 4, and polling will. take place en Dec. 14, Prorogation of Parliament 'will take place on Wednesday or'Thuraday at the lateet, rand Vizier o the Turk - Pasha, for- med T4ersal of Marini', pie, They neat and SATURDAY. Maj. -Gen, Seye. former Governor- General of Finland has been taken from a bospit.al at Kronstadt and' either drowned or shot. A memorial will be erected fn Brantford to the nurses and doctors Svho gave their " lives in the recent epldernic of Spanish hij uenza.: The Social -Democratic party has been specifically excepted from the ban placed by order -in -council on the ,W.W. and certain other organiza- tions. rg niza-tions. ,With the advent of peace it will re- dere the suspense of many people in nada to know that the casualty Col. Gow, Deputy Canadian Over- seas Ministerahas resigned. e Miss Phyllis Thomas of Brantford, died at the Ks W. Hospital at Kitch- ener, after she had taken biehloride of mercury. Leoe Siben, Advocate -General to the Paris Court of Appeals, has been appointed Director of Justice or th Russian Bolshevik forces are marching'on Finland: They are now threatening the Finnish seaport of Viborg 7 2 miles northwest of Petro- grad. - The Allied fleet arrived off Con- sta.ntinople, having passed through the Dardanelles Tuesday. British and -Indian troops occupying tee forts paraded as the ships passed. CaProni. airplanes are being used by the Italian Suprenie Conainand to transport emergencY rations to the famished citizens of the liberated cities of Italy, add also of Pole and The will of Mrs. Margaret Olivia Sage, who was the widow.of Russell Sage, was filed for probate Saturday, , disposing of an estate valued at 000 is bequeathed to her brother, Joseph Slocum. ' . One dollars in cash Will be paid ont by the Dominion Sugar c6. to growers oi sugar beets in. the Chatham district fOr this year's crep. The mammoth plant is turning out hundreds of tons of sugar daily. Deputy Inghels, who was . Geionans, has been free:4100 rived at Rotterdam. The dis released 'from ,ipaprisoarne control of elks St Surgeon erie Ing sto:Geint# Itcale R, Iteelte 0 AMMO Eyetipienacteltlepgereaactelcol Blithe as the air is, and Loud led the be s f ' �'� e ons � �l ��h, � � earth ,.hall ever ccs..eern to` our way, Like strains of martial music, their mighty tongues sugg s For the air shall be filled with rejoicing And the throbs of thine heart shall rest, For the thrice prayed for peace, bath come. Then pealed the bells more loud, still ringing with rebound, And singing on its way, peace on earth good will to men. — The cannon thundered from their mighty mouth And he whose ear is turned aright will hear that joyful sound. M ANEW • fimmif Peace! a wondrous truth, stands a revelation Which is throbbing in brain and hearts of every Nation, Everywhere about us, o'er land and sea the world is fr Peace descended with broad winged flight, Athwart, bell peals forth, Tal e rime of ages aint old themes ty pages. 11.1101140 ace! Peace! to the great army of the dead! And the cheerless, and the dying; Bow down! and hail the grandest news Amid bells and flags flying, These are the three great chords of might _ Peace, justice, and strength of right, All through the worlds great fields of battle "It" arinals, through the long hereafter, 41414.001 ike a beacon light shall ever stand In the great history of the land And the light, its raN shall cast Through closed f the pa, - Copyri 11 OF THE 43rd ffigiland Care Army 0., nd9'n E . A. Duosford 32312•36 Co., 3rd Iri,iesi,•-ert-e Batta Witley Camp, Surrey, noland W Clarke 63604 dian R,C, Broad Oak Slurry, Kent, li:nglan e R. J, Knight 226124, Canadian B.E.F., France. Devonshire, England. Pte er 507520 23rd Reset1/4-e, 3.„ Bramehott, 'tants, Ene 3rd Can. :\eaclit, Gun Corps, France P e, Leoa V. Treble 491114 1 Citestertc>n, Sutton Ave.,, Seaford, Sussex, England. gt, Hillary Horton 654875 105 Coy. C P.C., Wool, poreet, England. Gunner San4ers, 349815 Pte. A. Rice, 654189 4th Can. Reserve Witley Camp, Surrey, England. Pta Jos. Craig 401770, Supplie.s C. Co., 1st Carr Tank 13attrt.C.M.G.S Pie. T. E. 1\loPhenson 269590 15th Canadian Res. Batt. Bramshott, Hants, England. Driver F A,. E. Cook 335041 18th Battery C.F.A. 5th Brigade C.E.F. France. Sig 0. G..McPtheloson, 1251955 Nurse G M. Cooke, V.A.D. Ho.spitali Sapoer Waldron C.PeAVS 696828 B.E.F., France. Pte. Elmo alotvey, No. 528556 31st Batt,ery, NVater Detail, Franc isSut.ton Ave., Seaford, Pte. Bruce Walker, No. ,654778 4176h 03,att:, ,Q. Scout SsO!ction4 B.E.F. Franco Witle.y Camp Surrey Eng. • SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE' FRECKLES Iris! Make this cheap beauty lotion ' to clear and whiten your skin, 'of the best freekle and „very Smell cost. , Mite 'auditnY • 47 nad ick 2!i27535 France j P, Windsor 19022e G. Canadian P. R. offie, quad. C.P set 13ar., Cudruore, 65450 Grenville. Special Hospital, Buxton, Derbyshire, Eagland. How. Batt, I3,E,F. France Sgt W. j. lilselett 654506 109 Co., Canadian Foiesstry Corps leincardine-on-Forth, Scotland Pie C. H. MeAvay 3113425 4th Res. Bien., Witless, Surrey, E Pte. P. E, Dearing 3135623 4th Res. Bn. Witley, Surrey Ene Sergt j. Goldie Cochrane 38th Co., Can. Forest. Corps, 13.E.R France. Spr F. Lee 654122, Signaas 13,, Brig. C F.A. Headquarters, B.A.F. France Pte. H. N. Heywood 654044, 52nd Batt' Canadians, B.E,F., Franco. C. John Pearice 2023733, 82 Draft B.C. Regiment, 7 Platoon, Mk, 34 Bourley Comp, Aldershot care Army P. 0., London, Eng. Private 'A. A. 111allett 880665, 18th Batt. N E. I-lurdon 654695 22 Gen Hospital, Cannier.s. France. Car.. Forestry Corps, B.E.F France Pto Ernest Collingwood 654195 30 Co., 1st District, 13.E.F. France Pte A. S. Bolton 654124 11 Can Gen. Hospital, Monies Bar Shonicliffe, Kent, England Pte 'W G. Birney 654753 57 Torrinton Se., London W.C.I. I England. C.E. Cable Section Can Corps Sig s Sutton !Ave, -Seaford, Sussex, En 89th Field ;Arribulanc, 13.E.1'. Prance Gunner V. JIM No. 2321352 Dvr. E:' Gregory sNo. ,511168 1924 0. Field, Frarte4 Itridgar Soot! iod, • odfo 01 el o, 802202 th Coro ma 11. E. hcott, as4535 Bale, ,0th'eshire, Lieut. !W. E. Ttivers Sussex, ;Eng, Gunr.er Prod BritnatOmbe, No. 331013. Frame Edward G. Anderson, No, 40132,..1 561). Canadians ,Army' P.04 London. Eng. Driver 3. Brown No. 334180 Frante 5th lean. Area, Employment Co, Pte. Douglas Stewart, No. :401641 4th ICau. Batt., C.E.F. Franne Pte. 'Wilfred Stewavt, No. ,654236 Sapper 'A. E. No. 654173 Bte. jack D. Lang, ,No. 651353 Can. Corps Signal Sohool, aNranCe Sid slip, Kent, Fag. ,47th Cart. Int Batt., 13.13.F. Frano4 SOUR, ACIDitSTOMACHS, ash GASES OR INDIGESTIOIW sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and a ec,11:::die:ea, stri t;' :ids. :1",:iii:11:noeefiSiS:te,a0,,:::r:iel:rn,i.undctoiete'Y's , a 711111 i g7g3litee„4.,.. ' e sures IOW IS