HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-11-21, Page 1rc irq PHONE 32 Buy your Wittier Requirements early Furs! Furs! Furs!. tVs have witiafout ;doubt fuze largest; Land best se/ected range of 3+ its laud rF'ur Coats, 'Oho- 'Ave. l v vca iotivn, uu''d our stfric s. are decidedly; moderate. - -We have the <very latest 'styteo in' Fur!Seas in i rpopuWA Furs '4s VOlf, Fox, 'ii dsort Seal, .Marmot, Sable, Muskrat, IyTa , Vit. Ladies' rFur" Prong in cf"udecto Eeal, Muskrat and =31 lonot. (!Mite a use �a'mot xreptace 3vholesfale,a.t the _prices, we Pro e11ir1„ sat.) Tarr' `i*ur roots ix man, Black DogoelhinetoeeaVY C!Ot.it i 'ts with Fur is Calk 4zs d ."- sous i z L ia5 . ia3} a1 ru azzrc. Fazayalg, atyouM 0 .,1lQlenn191,ti, 1:te. ala1xstrF o ta3.4a �blr:,• Lade $A dies' and 1 es' iriartex Genote ire ulna tte41" Ve'teem, tztttis, rt000ra, a a4 y, gf . 'a4il?'sa. afro going ;foot „ o ;NOW- ir- ,tiatii!.' there is a IMMO tsthowiug ,to !select 'troln, Ladles, Elack :Coatis in Silk, S.'1, Pludlt sand 011abyv Lamb 'lo. oat's and ter'tz celebrated. makes, also .lark, Cloth Co,atd, #lzaldren's etas :for alt ages, dud ger Coats 1f1 3ik1VE i3 House Forms! °all and aaag ISC:arc , iron maty :!ural % t Plea , ,Curtaaira t ,p t w,"d is lloor9; aired# 3'rc zY :Flannelette Blankets ill-• and big.^Lids i1 !,aro' it?d white 4vith z, ,1.8a lir. Plain Velvets at 90c 3'd Spl ndici tiuoll plaint velvets iau 111 d pilto,r oolovo, s°Yet or tiros s. Our ape %h1 Lez1b pie out.; 96o yd. OANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE NO 8-3620, f�3 Fl+k+i+++F> AND fo ioreci' hoe pop k +++++++++++++++. to+4 >xr1 +ia;a s4 1a + ers ort' t. + Palax�u 0 � �e�3 trier; y of T.l¢iz and Cier; Per Ree',.. Cot4raciilcxr nb 1e. tl. be c3 nisia ;*t.- C tried i Per Cozy =1lars-Mirci:ell- " 9 Tl t I. Senior act as Santer;' 4- 4 a. anges and ; Hewers We invite your inspection of our; most complete time of cook! ,x and heating stoves: Having purchased our stoves previous to the ;several recent advances we are able to offer you money saving stove values. Below are our range Leaders Moffat'sCanada `steel range Banquet Favorite (' 4 ) Brilliant Jewel (cast range) Royal Matron (cast range). Social Jewel, (castrrange:) Heating stoves to burn coal, or coal ,and wood in ' the bas, burner, osk or tortoise styles. All sizes' at different prices. f 'IcClary or Perfectio s,Oil` Heater will add comfort these cool fall days. Remembei we have a 'line of mitts -and suitable for the fall work around the farm. A Stock of St„ove pipes, elbows dam „era,;collas 1ways•in stoc gloves` s;fie: BORN "nsn.a -Tn lllansh:*rd, .,on Nov. 1 S teed, v to Mr. and Ars. John S tr. c4aspti , a Bon. DIED Mornay -In 'Ray Tp., on November i7, W'lresley Jaxnes, infant son ,of Mr. and Mrs, iw;m., Harney, agedfi days. Cave -At 'i3en;ou,11h, Sask., on ,Nov. 12th, Mary Ann rave, beloved wife or'Vt in. iCavei in .her 69th yearr. t'arsons=ln iC,_ntrvnlia on • 'November 18, Elizabetlh `Oliver, .of the late. John Parsons, aged 84 years 4 months a: tl. 14 days. Thomson -10 'flsborrie on November 141h, Earl Edwin Thomsoc_s'son of Mr. and Mks. •Jolno Thomson, aged 15'y':'ars, 11 months. !'EACH ICELEB{RATION The >signis:g .of armistice was cele- brated in James St. , ohuirch last Sabbath and the services (throughout were of a special character and very interestii g. Special music was ren- dered ren-d 'red 'by'.tlhe ,choir and ithediscourses by,the "Pastor, Rev. J :Baird; were masterly and delivered' 4vitlh , great tonna, t t ( (i. -i WON (GOV.-GENERAL'S !FLAG Exeter land TTstiorneconstituted one: ,district in the . receut.,camipaiign for the Vietory Loan. d3'cadgruacrters• al- lotted eadh district P. certain amount arid if this amount was secured the prize Was a.- beautifulsilk ;flag, the , if t of .ohe Governor -Generali. ;The alilotmenit for Exeter t, r. and ,CTsborne was pieced at $265,009,, 'the highest ins,the iCou,nty according qtopopuia•-, Linn. , This was' enough ito daunt' the spirit of =the eanv' ss:ng, ,team but tlicy went at a' hat, seemed' on imipoesibie task with 1n enithusiasni ,thif has apeiledi success.. ;ire learn ,from Mr.', i5itanbuiry, Wlho' 14as aippoin- a. to,aarg'anaze the P Gras 44 u1 exceed ,$!300,000 alt though t --3topt amount ea�nnot',he acseertain-. dM iC/ later phis is . noegni. d mot,�onitii#0164 03bos�e� 1 !�1/ialdQt`1k �S 1yY `fth'ei { t rs ,i l s"elwp4iYu�u 1111.1bi 4 f 44 Baas ti ar: am+xl:.,.,.•�w 1, e eve•-r#(moors, a 2erTs £a!„a.1 t'11 : -'' l�' la p !Plaine of Exeter of Retire Bea -kr- ' RegoO 13 ,rock, C7O7r,ts 4n, nix, asF' Coates �Cc:-rtoi.. 1 X41,, 1?ay sec d zol' sal- I Reel ea.3rac3. C ra�.tew�-- Of, r/�bxszry of erg: fJ '6i3C', 41s 'ho havi 'a it he 1 ',n,►as� roti t - jQ pyy*,ry►� ell, l f a C.+' ' : 'T) 'S4f E i ,h ( "hoot tesdz'[J . i.. �� �F� •>•0y f ity,� , Savin l in 11 60 A,o ry^ 4P Jr l is 4 ?iEic*s all, 15,,„0.,,,,,,::: 5 f. 4 by about 5 ft; in: Iv; 3 [� k.�a ..il V �'3L t ,.,•� �'14?ds."i Ti " ' •� tG � 1 k 1 P. e ase 17 .big wizldo4ss w-t.at ver- an ai i_l eters at .the top t5o fa ale tight' Th, , end ar4v � So �co44rt know E r - iy how I ant situated, 'Oa yeti, �a., hu g4 d, is aaeated, by four .1xag4 firms dad �alcc,s in 4s�hic,x coal burned and they arc lovelyand 3.r:fort, ole, end. 'Mrs- , mother, , you would see tithe lovely home tau a /era is ire t. ref Biz er' VA - !ants Nut'sy peat has. Sae +'.s oiar'1 'Mr, Louis -2 keanz, of matron in this- ward, An elderly Indy . at ipr< sent uaisits=,; Wit 3ai and very 'kind. She iaas ,under herd M' -s. Jon Uo€feean, of three r rtes la ;the dry time an3,-thein'- visited town relatives : .l z.,. 1a 1 ox r of •t `orrx:s e gi w Pon TJs i^3IA an vtolroo 4 '411 et/ a7 fig RF Tom” Yam,,gg ., S2 � n - arlx O cl.d � e;. ;;.i4 Z'.L'ite 1JO1iiix on [atives hot. s'u3i ce: 'o£'r d nastozz, f lluz ores, vot. evot^ orae tozues oia t,naght; T14. ward s Sir. end 14, .fiat -d ,out :tvaei:bk; Suasdayatstean.bat/xreel v'• ,tca lorzsa:s inti tYza skirt aid make it :Ffeel :rat` 31in,a , 3[i Elia Zimmer ix. is Log ;fits- arid 1: th<nk 4 ikl '1, ' fin- Strati r L iytl- zit tL- end cif `ir 4k ar. , 'fins n ole itarasa r r yt., rizer3..:- th� roots ,hire.= elt:c:zr°ic lit ht,- :ands .Seraztrorl. on M"s�sday.. c f>4.m of 1 ¢Peds b sc razxe eau` Ehe' iiia Gln Co.'-:. of eanr:ow, cs 1a • int '.v -r the riezats h d ndimg <and zzzu.e ane ;so I earn rood until ilat4rv'�#Tt �i c : a o � kitii6A aF orgft C' 4sx'i Ifaral Alter, 1. i £124 44 a9x1i1 `aY� .• f'�,-`,$hr�,d dit'2 t'143 '=0,4X1;!./loot ,oaflor are fir 344 taaia to, 'i#t P lr --',a uz ' 3 r - IA1x,asc telt 4lrzvtA N lik.f} 'tEz-sWs �'larxell�rz Varee t and l'l.>f :"to do z.la ar1.. 11.' 1 ?#xk"p tae xnftxer teff o as: hey f 'der' eorazaatxtres :»s Aa+ Q G rr'r/ 4v visiting b co agar Win" 1«?le E"3,etw 1na1 flier oaf i#11itl yar 11.4 a, � iEltatii 1:r k5a ion tow' 4x9a4. T.J. til rt:: ei 4 rner, M. to 'Beer lar tier ti44xr # ,'etaae' �i r, ore nmriaT tfa11 t. A 1 '' t -'r from \V,1-1 Ward re- 9xexrda'rl„ 1+lib' or'e""flo or %va,ter from ame, x'!i * f'4o9a1n11''a.i star 4va;1 i1',- rstrtic ,Led to .t'ak.' e voro ;are eaantioa. Circular 14t ter front S:1nz- t-ariurn Association. socialtiion, Toronto. Ars 'ip- 'a1 .far aid. 111,41. The following :.zt"cena,,t.`a- were tread and wlpprov''1i : Nolo)... Vole, l?abor,. :T s, $3,8:4; John Lit tie, alxilor, a, uitatery. 71ri; wool- Ford, ;/altar ceule- ry, 14 140; 'Phi, Room -Taylor Co., h ran - 3 „q 1 i0 f64" Kai 'i;3 4t.9ne'. 40. "The t a 4a «s clOc"�+ if I :tolal, y 5:ero to artt e nd eat re Ity d tee :e Tlta.'e ltaa offici 1 wlaia1.'.;,. v e as ti «„•4" 11.. 1'44.1',: Ras orcin tRc 4115 1 T@:v1 9x1414 DRi i s 1ti1'C. ;llt4+ larl caat•t ,ants ,.. (0 ,'1' 1(1 i ri t1 t r,. i tock. f11a 1 l7 :ulna , coil otat a S fl ' +SiJt,4x 031 C41ad.E y4°i;`CS+' Lore d, ?4Ts i ar. London tt -d;i5 or tie r4fi',,ti/b; h.ite.r' 1d u 1;0 c,rzais+a adib.ot1/ ill i i;� 19naitgtel to 1 xis, b'itt. r�itltnd: of ri 1a�r 44°a�, k. :Mill: l Tomtit s c ca. or ,44, . '4414 `gen r ,13 1'a rI.. 'Eggs d1a1a'a' rtt Pi ni, t:ar11, J e: ifs. lit w3_.i€: tiro.. -Pio ,'olcr hist:Onut'nnerg Pia -toe. s*c11 warned to 1114+s:' 4I1 ,1,i s ready or l,l:aiae'ht�,.r by` .I an. 25 ao rot xd° ra- t' will be out off ulnen. rd int; .to 4-rsori».•1•�*a1 �I?reSo cor- esponde ret -The ;following.price's pre”- aail d in i1 '14 -sell (li,'lgium) nn O -t.. '(44 4p)444), :cxrnstery, 33ti.>1); 114, lore !7918.1>:1SMn'abt 8. `10 10,5 or .�,�1.92 tittnnr..+, labor, 11.1'f. 11.5ti; T1ao5, 3'),nn 35 .'�nt ;"pr 11x; pt?taa;to s .1is.: tail, or do., "1,50, Johan Piper, do., 1.25; :lno i"i Fn�'nts "per Pia bacon. :{ri s or ;T:3.ti11 .r nlal''ry, do., �1.25 ; �'t'r1tf;r 1n't'titcol t 1 !b, buttes 1,0�: or Vii+~# per ,lh: r t1o., 11:00, John Gillespie. Jr..do, 1.OIQa siz�ei 8s or �'+1.!1�t' per lb or y�i9"a.00. Grig+, Station'ay' Co., s*lpplie3. fuel xt c4n t ; tel, iter �lb.. 130s r ; 1+>,?0; ontroilwr, $'�.85; town hili Lila, to- a-'�' Lz1ch .1'. 3d., :Oitc:hrits ,or S3.G0l 4.50; ,Sill i5; to s, .lathes, •15, t 7r.+'r daz4'n r cda.;3lcs ;d. tach or ii a rs.SS1nt1»rs,and. V.llfooperGl ;nf>s.]7ari'trur:desrlivingint't'rrie4rcdiihcco ar'cilere,tard;14"tlicl na r ad<x ni 1 '.t:ar th* Marin. lfill Strom -et drain slating that if said i u ,Er',�,l rid/ ,toin:'aioes are es drlin' we're lowered a inore csocci ,s- j f•' -r Ih• fir em,yl� Ant -for xhout. tGO tui working drain w-oold le.imarostured i.' liaxianx:as �1 eeneach` rlxtdfor robe future, Tho, <ltoid ti Bridge of}1ai�s. alnata..st rrs .111 o, ;znx ,_ aoofCommittee"toinlestrg.rte. aul1. l'vina ;1tii3i ' �overrlmcr is<' pxensaienIt Auditorgave'cert w'hifor .n1 rot came° ,ot4^n over otic'', { the` month, of . ' ov€'i2ahcr 4vlairli 4v:4 1 it+Bought err Thap ,thw4e figurrisi arc Pted on motion of 1'en:hnle axil naiinht by must No.w erefr. Elston. folks E rnazst brinir Ono scatfercd. By'-L'i vs NTo, G and 7, of 1915,. 4rzir 2liistle 40 iz Lc Igo I fell cxsleep ;yes - read Ln,1 approv�'d the Peeve and ttrdae nf.iernaon z3,ni dreamed I, ywas Clerk signing •the ssanle and the seal rajecied af,le�r ge,ttin, out:of here` and of the +Corporation attached .thereto. Saint back' :to oloInb,ikadax and rima *4'it,1r ,Adjourrunent by Day. y"ou all cagaain, Print t iha it doesn't Jus. Senior, Clerk. cazatn +true ,as 14vant ,,to ;see =F,ranaaei awhile first, Ben wrote a;t:d ,said .Iii1ls `•""„''• y„” "'`� 'true ._,i `.•., '�._ Kern! ckg goes ,to In/lance kany day '<ind made leanada's icons the bray. mels; ;a Letter from England oo-,1 (have pleastise this .week in pub- lishing (portions of ian interesting let- ter written by ,Pte. 'Archie 3Iorgan, to his limn -nits, Mr. andtlIthrs. J. T. hos been travellit.g aarther hard luck since his tanrival 1,11 England and at 'present is oectipera frog front an attack of scarlet fever. - Draft 77, Can. rAsmY E.O. London, Eng., Oct. .27th INFANT CHILD DIRS 15��* i f{. 54 'If raocn •1i`L ay. CTS 1 azYfa �ekai erec#e b?l 11 C'i'l T:OUSFa 1 11I'E Al, 3 ( pea tt `fc 4' 1!; wino n1:; to totor /soot flat heor of t ,toi3,1i'm will follow will ityo oro throne of I. trost ml:ter yea it Vatfiad lot nio3E b„ of r aletto bra nee wool and helpful mood; A sympathy evory r.oble t, and social 'work. "Illy you hear t end of your earthly .pilgsima awl faithrtil. 'servant enter thoo to 'tibe joy of toe Lord.” Signed on beholt of the R.'olva. Id/Shoff "r Pres. oo if t no WOMEN` AND T Ont., mother of IL u ecgrti''''..;:=Ltue' 5 4.2! to 0 11 Ark many fl anoth,r's anxions ./1,14 for 'who heord fonds to 'allot Times" She following have 'made the supr oattrifice, he. and. Charlie go soon and r ‘vioh r woo with ihern instead of r,trangers but we must ,trust ,an overruling ever is is best." I that they are, and offers .tionsola,tion have lost sons Li ;the swar. ' Now itilits is some letter ani Wartt til\:.-1'.11grnal€ISTIlar:'°''trid'ha'svarbeljeltursktn44°111.1 three tan 1 t I unsutspe c tints tvorld, those women , of ver rile. I and enjoying life and When I Love to a I 'front yowr own, boy Archie DearestoMether, Dackly ond Sister- Mr. land Mrs. Win. 'Homey, of Hay • have the Symopol,hy of /many friend's 174i1TY ,collocal condition. The mortikg away over here in the big- f000r,ot was th,,,id ,2,ronlay intextdent it not seem .fuony, yet I never rseem re,alize that ,am 'the heast of DIED IN T,IDE 1WE,ST a great Icily because. it DS tSt). uiterly pnaneful and quiet in, 'the hospital ,NiTord has been received ,that Mrs. ward, and ..o,l000 Callat4?4 in I ,was on, Wm. Caoc, of ,Beng,ough, Sask., died '9s.04.naskloreQ'k'NhN,,,ac:viie '''(61141 bneosdindA;:ellssresthv. •PC: 3'11% 'ar da gf;,, 4mxiOisir3' sAthEN edeoe tns. a stretealea, in n Red cr,,,,,,,,ambtulance on. Nolo. 1244,4:7 in her 69th", 3'earr. The and was )so bloomlog sick I saw moth- deceased tthad been with influenza '.14011 lhave often read ,of 1...00don, =p.assecl atway quite suddenly. OIL% t' to Vo Too or 11114 It crab 0 Mre-LN.tOotCIO'Artayot- Oath], 41.1 Coates,' of -;liri,bostie;.alspOT Owitt, of mind -wore engolgeO the ovorld over in Can 'attempt to worst from mem the right to more participation poli - paint %moll, the. hat chei, and the tise- 01 :tiro yommer women. malty have oiren themselves to the octive -work of , Red ICross. 'Following ,the -ex- ample or Florence Nightir y have 'gone to the very battle oron.T.4 10 141,1inO.lor to the ,welfoire of soldier. It is :another remioder 4 of 1 Ile fact thot they owe their courage, .to Jorge extent' to the le:Icidutos, of their mothers and! and . sweetheart. 31any woolen is thinkittg how of the sonrotv thio war nag/ t her. IL has \made our strength will ma.ke better boys and ci 12ons =than , they otherwise would ..‘byraarnlideviena. oared:: n 1 tpoilithooe din foto: c.,tb-oaati icitl_is, I. aorta: zooliono:::::::,,I3t oltyaihsii..:Nvooelicredealtib,e,orilog: r natr;aiigisitiead.st it is oaf e to say that all their eta- '1 ili'Ligihhttline.s t,htho,:tglit.t oisf isntooriin:L1p1,01"rtt,h1:: a u/'; o ce lo,od ,physioa I f eats befor e t la e , tt,vhoartl d:r a gsoboodou .1 cif oiri vith,:ii,.r oojewnlarol:::::: ed. Woman 4.11'1S played an important' sist,ers tow,ards the. sacrifice required." ,00at the attitude of the mothers and ' ba a ihAter ipiace ,for our el ildrerl,, part in evory ' wor. The women of i r;nildren 'fo :live ir.t. 'Phe tva,r oas Lot, great natioos in tho post have not,' onlY 't.iken attay our dear otos hut. 1 igahil nianral 1,:kta, dte, tIspeodhafalp:71 i., t lats,t1 1, ohr1T,r,s, ih,c, e417, Issa., a ibel: olhaltn ,,Ishe ig, eas ea, let deo tovu`' airein 1111., ari Bdagnoebeuldieg:aree; idnunalm'cibrasaYugaanr, 1 ,aeenpzedrait aleosli:si:::: st ,../17ititii:titox/i t. , nah,lic hkijtt'Ist o. tyja:dtist- iter: ,c,,oi-s.r: i:li ri 01-1:13.01 .1 itklcio.g:rai,a,"1:mtn, Tai. , :, tadtdi it rosbyilce.eclib. ,70,reencr:::s,ob:11,afeti.tgae:, ,:astei:rtib, Irrixhiai°,:gyue atr4g1 ao,,:i xe ;.,,,. :el: tityletehe' (I, E ,1 rui rl ill, artmof, I,: oir.,.,r • 4,0 tho ipa,st. No story olio ever , por- tray and Ihist„or,v will 'never be able to picture the hardships She tvonaco the 'feet of the victorious ,Iluns. ve not: been 'called moon to suffor the bard hatt "e-grOu et