HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-11-7, Page 8tit Phone s dew Coats! w 00 :.E NVART At Popular Price Pho l€ Pr es snan3 o the i; lafeet materials Pn. Salts Plsh f°I lb, Velours, 0 will be pleased to t� view of War time. G heavetos~ )ling arid linen. linen. �a welling, Excel 'r Yard e vy ribbed r Boy=s S's r= ' v i s tare Lit for ys IC 555' fleavf CCd Uderwr for m R 9r'ar ft -Teed sh 1 teed i ti ttt9_ ttlt fo be Root d 'erweat Reid for Ik a x .x lad r€* hIA beau, Our Al wool serges Goods that :ire very 'scarce. to id kirteree. will be higher, have 9teiel!c nt values in oil., es in the staple Blades p;td $2 50; c2 75, ' sand!Wi.s' overcoats >2'he e ry YAee' b$S leq uia helked effects ,l114411L rhe .materialTrig s. ilttliXt�3a2c3tag►tv Sweat r Co a s ste '31>o5S � i 11 a�'a i Un e \ Victi) for Usbonn4 owi g to Ili SCamera. Delbrk. Y art =sial canvassers Petr is unable to h out this w 'eek s , his rie Ids illy, ase ea ll up Th lbert Hastings or 3. Stanbury, any 4l and get your ao„) )cano< or 'u bank, n.lea�re It a an, Don't swiss bUyi Bonds per cent and the strongest: mem; for Ushorne and; xe1 Help . your l*imit curity in t:he World 05000, it up B. E Plumbing rket repe3 eted' \)nester z,hiat '�,I1 Sering; wheat $`2,06. Virley 950 (tor 1.00 Oats 75c Family Flour $5.90., Eggs' 54o tol 56e Dairy "butter 45,. Creamery butter 55o Lard 370 Potatoes $+1,35. Bogs s 515.15, lowing " in, 444/14444 •44.444444414144 4 LOCAL Ila • Vaf► 44+r • Qld Photogeaph Plates I3tfore de,tro3`gng 'Thos' Old fates :made 20, ;30 grad 4tl v ars� a life, offer '.to the pa lida� th !`iiia cAl portusrity ttx §nos rsetimit, front ORTRAIT8 If you ' are thinking of installinga bath out- fit for the coming win- ter or of making any improvement or alter- ation your present plumbing call us up and let us give you an estimate. Phone us atour expense F Charles IC.2e.West 244 QueensAv. London Phone No. 3255 Furniture AND Undertaking ROTE 'lffE FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALEB e; with Victor? Foods nd IIORSES WANTED—I want an on. Rented number oat :horsea in good *on. ditaon. Geldings from five years old and up weighing from 1500 pounds up. (hares from 4 yearsold tin "and weighing from 1300` pounds "-up, Paratel havingrequired stuff -to dispose of would find a ready market by writ- ing me or calling up on phone ;Nei 83. Exeter. G. 3. DOW. Save to buy Victory ,Bonds CASTOR IA For Infants and Children er3O ears ersel tl i?<Z Order a your FP'4'R",1'c' l: xe se £i,e€ltltaas have med5... kl e a raniiit nt `"fist' q®e Miss r.) uoota ii ':Dt Li R'r 1hFi or, th„ \ �r c 31,a?aain^ea 1. 3 t.eis gei. '.. Lo ii1 1!C k=,atatfiarll. :rct:A=.sal l��Iflri ,', la«la }`.tar€iat ail&= 3rtti. Iti ac iT, a, a�,r€rsnx, tad R, arn+ari«, 1're3 nt -af tltc. i o ion f orifi rcn��o, ri al. a 2tii ;lr: unt1 „"lr, ,E,,cxo1 r Tee ,vai nt;'1st. Glar4 tet 1 t,t,•41 tris€ilrlia'ic ovs �zlrirnilel 1114 tos=s arth d it'iauhin 't at f io c3 ar,9 i . t.' tea re acl; t:lzc ong t sir use 41 ,t:hr fain of var ' last \I" aw 7fre:, Norm m , Tas. iiie don Tl ��atztra 1%14"..:V11, tAl At.air?11,40 rte 1st smart Sl a n}", \l x who tlyd� le gest, ,n tleasc lax tha' �rotl -ua3 Smart Alex -Ofhv tiln Ire 1s1. 811111.1 't10X--Ntw, fellow siIt.at iii des i n tvi i7z. :r end won't buy .A-ictory Ilo Signature o s ls".s of The loci) •l'o;rid of ill`so;altli meet` ,on aatlnesd;ty morning and thecid,•ai .flrt:l halia r cr7x,Ytirs,r Pi Ire', 1ialI case oai to remelt timed until teeth et . This n1eat.e (bet thert nil b. no service., in the elietre•lrs next Sunday :'1Erw. Geo. Cr;tiel;siraenk,:ol Vrinielran rnil Miss 'Minnie Rogers, of Toronto aeepan,, ani'1d the. remains of the lei 3Lrs. itodg yrs to .Fairfield re 111 on Tn slay and lmnt Tuesday river -1 -es with Mr. and :. iris- II. E. hies o: of tatrn. The. Special Corzrinittee of the Lim- on Conference of the Method=s' c°sureit meets in Ion loo on Thertsdaay at this week. Revs T. W. Baird, as Chairman of Exeter District ,: is a member of the Committee. Among other important matters the big mil- lion Dollar Drive for _i}IIssions will be discussed. I:Eallott 'en pessed off fo rly quiet ly in town on: ffhursday eveninglant A feiv parties were out and severa depredations committed but a5 far as we hare learned no serious offence were ,committed. Anout-building: was .placed in front of one of 13re. business 1plares of. town but was re moved ,early in .the morning. A num- ber of boys a'alsnd quite a racket in the north end. 10 GENT "CASCARETV FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, -Constlpatlon,. Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Sad Breath—Candy Cathartic -1 No odds how had your, rivet, stomach or bowels;: how much your head wakes, how miserable you are from constipa tion, indigestion, biliousness and slug- psi; lug- gish bowels—you ;always get relief with Casearets. ,; They immediately cleanse and, regulate the' stomach, "removve . the our, fermenting food and foul gases; take the excess bile from. the liver and carryoff the constipated ::waste matter and oa .,fro ;,the mte�twesf and bowels. Ai` 1! 4''ei l da : fro/IV/AOh':drug_ gist will keep 'your• liver and bowels clean; stomach sweet and head' clear for months They work while you eleep. The Victory Loan is 'a bridge over which the farmers of Can ada drive their hogs,their cattle, their grain and all their surplus crops to the profitable British market. For, the money raised by the Victory Loan enables Canada to give credit to Great Britain. And only by means of that cred- it can Great Britain buy the products of Canada's farms. Therefore, when you come.ior- ward at your country's call and loyally lend your money that Canada may continue her vig- orous prosecution ig-orousprosecution of the war, you are also benefitting your - It is the duty o every earnest anadian not only to invest heavily in Victory Bonds' 1918, but to work among,his neigh - hors to make the loan a success. Before the subscription lists' close, everyman should realize` the sterling : character of the investment; the good interest return of 51%; the undoubted security offered in the Bonds of this wealthy nation; and the vital importance to all classes of people, particularly to the farm- ers, of the Victory Loan 1918. Issued by, Canada's Victory Loan Committee in co-operation with the Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada. Pte. Will Manson, of London'," it rep rt.ed.iI1 in the (hospital with in- fluenza, 1 : i Q. 1., =-t , 1E11.11 Mr. send Mrs.` Ned. Dyer, of Brant- ford, tattended the funeral of the lake. Alfred Waller, on Wedt.esday.. BANKS WILL LEND. In order to help out small sub- scribers to the -Victory Loan the banks will lend subscribers, on the probable certainty of repayment with- in a year, up to 90 per cent. of the amount of the investment in the Loan. The rate of interest charged by the banks is 5 ih' per cent. Repay- ment is to be made monthly and quarterly. These are- much better terms than were granted last year. There are over 425,000 Canadians overseas who .will have to be kepi, for at least a year, even if peace were to come this month. No one who Looks at the casualty lists can do otherwise than subscribe' every dollar . possible to the 'Victory Loan. The Canadians in France have set a high standard for those at home• to reach in the Victory Lokk campaign Canada must put eves xowncc., of effort into the Victory "l; thrive. i ,.M ..... Oversnbscr bin Loanw e o �- q"a wo on the would rte,, ry:F'^�d tem The Times is always pleased to re ceive news items from the public 1 you have a visitoror if you are ge ing away on a visit let_ us know bouts it. We do not knory everythire that goes on and the co-operation.- the. `readers of the paper is a valuablt aid in getting the news. SOUR, ACID •STOMACHS, (- GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin” neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at,. once, Time it•i In five minutes all stom- ach distress,; due to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn, 'sourness or belching of gas or eroetations of undi- gested food,no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickesetstomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach distress at once by getting a'large fifty- eenetease of Pape's Diarepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suffer from muds gestion, dyspepsia or any stemach is - order= caused' by fermentation excessive acids in stomach.. Canada needs your money Buy Victory 'Bonds. ,FOR SALE The Metropolitan 33ote1, _Exeter, i being oefered for sale. Terms reesot. able. Apply to W. Mitchell, Prop. The boys are giving -you are onl asked to lend. Buy a bond. , CALVES, FOR SALE 15 Eierefosd" and Durham • sprit 1 Jes Cors e.-E.arniD Thompson, E. No. 8,--Parlehill; tel. ,on line. rill 'Exeter have an t1Eoi.or .Flag? -s FUEIJ CONTROLLER a. epecial meeting of the Connci' am Saturday night, Oct. 5th,' 1918:_ ,c ic1Eor Day ;was placed in full rot of the Fuel situation=, for the ;e. All' part,'es deserving 'a-suit e. Hard Goal' should" at once see Day, and Leave their: order with Apnlicatioa forrns'witll lie in hi.: ,ess.ion' and the Controller irate:: forma, giving:'4tlie dealer Cdelydeliver only ';suds ua.nti-i e q_. be'minay d=irect. 3onds! 1'teadb1 l3an r Buy Victory .=,,.rel, ar•,rI help 3,3u,r eel f. DEIIRING G 1 a , ' Elavin.g resign d ,aG gent far the Massey-rraeris Cn. 1 Hairs,= taken •the agency for the 3),usine ell.arm ter machinery and: ii i.1 be =found" at `he.- old stand with a f :.;11 line. We ills' to thank all oer stnmees for .alt favors" and so'ir e ccntinuat,c: of your.,patrona et';: 'ill. still' b '.d'.e''. repairs for Mee, Terris lines' did_ Murphy. Funet 'hone e,. tf sr