HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-11-7, Page 2°tai€:. t1'ti✓... ='cost eceit 3 at strength, bu. reTu have aliei us qualities as well. e Ask youk Grocer.. -'FTER TIS. GIN "I gather you're. 3c0 £3i:2,; here,v g c, E dL heti, are ei ea ed accot . V e gave i^: asks, 0 o "a pati or ray sis"., a E visit -et' me she; .S E""` sa• Roo By' Et v5"i n Baird, 1 an men 11. w, r, Bi,?t I'M he went. on, vsgorouS No She' e bail 1` bare to L° Item :1P.,2".%, WomanWoman'1��1a..26 � 2°L*'Y1 1�` 1`om b r n tc 5s.eItr1ie o:tr3i o 1tt 1I-.;ls.Ea:n c, alyd 't his ty= ate sa, ttAra a the „.ename's y .Tlr 41 w .F' '\ Who �� eC "ass f Fwith itcy i a{ r v i;taer. t ,. , `'1}ea,:'s. er •e -f --t" 1. i ,n the s :--e to 'Gate every' °unties's steps e clay, a'tiong 1 L. .1 receitsi trela-4ee5e11 f2"en hours that,' a week he-, cause shores ,t: he Way of E l i llitag one 11 gulatrity even on, SUR1t data. The nig t Vets _d I Icas ,, tiaasa1A z' c have a a deadly re -N r as 'il•Id hell' olid bl'01 e 1) l n, one, v q0 rxYri st 0) on^ In 'From PantrY to kitchen- teen steps From kitchen ten st er From kitchen '1 40111; it +, et OS, C;ik3` ..3 f 1 {'G,,i ga.-Sail 3.31, ,.a=irs t counting the steps T myself: on the tol..ye and erica eo hard that she was alarmed. q� A few tags s t ter there came from her a,paukage. diad letter. I opened the letter first, ester baecj .mid .fo.r'th :ta$dstrati+ a'. roses, and oSti.', with heels run down, S,^.ceS; rias y"ri'>, ai ,12-1.1 "Iv .rigs rati"nl < cdarlle. a d *.t'11 k:e?, fee y rd none 'too w 1t bat`Tiedx nags: i ot; a3 •aYs trammed. But the Erne!' Row. id time for f'aSSirtg aver my feet? kslabels in4„sttent y nnrwered ii?ed how T had, been f014;. e&%ak of My strength '4 El ” Dear Sant r; For the first tonne dice }rti,a w ere 4B g Sister' and 1 was ugging 1Ws' 7a1 r . kirts I fin „ and owri as to ceur ev;dedis�t#li at--'he)1 as to 0 Solved, i ypit errtea 3t 1011+ CAPTIVE BUNS 11'ts2tp laa`.s of Home Amid the foT is of c!riretl ("mufti', The excellent tre..tole:.it i • received , by ya-. German 'Ga' prisoners of 'Sic.? ins�k„li„n cot'apd, cart 15i gleaned true z,r 11 e columns of the $tol.=stade, a l;ttle.Peri- odical issued in the prison camp 17i.} their is Q1+.1? l 1nf lfi�;'e. ; 3recent issue china has arrived ; helve tells of tilea- �'-'zeal perforMances in the camp. ;.thea- ; of concerts, cklncing nod laughter. i1i?t now and then the mertitment "'yes way to stsdness and melancholy, 5.. the oldol.ing extract shilltis:. "Despite all our comforts a vemeeces'here, thoughts of home r:ow anm. then over'whe'lm us. ire 170 to j 'remain here f000700? Yonderis a a. pl'isoner standing on the hill, calmly 111; r_ king alpipe.. Tie :s nkn ?aukses ase^andis ani the Sista.thibefoieg, hiilere arti he sees the Mouses 'with the red j eofs in the valley. Then he thinks I. cat ,,,of Wife and children: Those n xOafs remind him of little hooses n: out the Rhine. Yet how long that asondroa,:s happy time now e is y? His ileaa ' 4 S1zt�C ails$ he tul°Ii hint. 3°' be ek memories: ALL ' J Af *"'- -ilii fx xeT- .t°ii and walks down' i 3 inking." eCerstlCIL "-What so t of <a p vrnt 1s "lin' lfe'S the kind that will' 'cheer t 'b{1y•r'1 4/, Ilia;,' of;' to liar, and then fzUnable about halto !pay an • 'l. amu« T111ii : to do the cit:-. pY. e 114 good as pQt ,qt;*;; st r express Sf hold c11aperie a`tbrie's. e pgy- . get eeu, 0 R, A Par Ry Yon rgOtteY to -flay. to t lk Slnttel or,'; IY , and coatc4t: g ve:;25. Aburin 3ai:. `led a Iran lit -1 vast a pale g Y 2 d3 Si% s1tl iz2 blackened ;raY:l r: .incl they 1 arc it d that its lag. 1`10111a e a .:dw d to figure fait .:,. queer little .thn-.--se i u.. e ;, to seen/ :2apparition—coming ,.ol sward them along the hall Eiftiti2 ae.l precariously atop his ins.a31 arae, sz girl's flam'''s:to an --t picture 1 't each no one $Sight '.Tat' at a bargain sale'Yr ;flop -ailment store, and .ie c r 10 h1iS flr1Tla a huge, :misshapen handl,. :loosely tied la 14. ' wdslieet. When `1 ie -rt- feet away, iir =i eel 125. bu3.3lan and gaped. at his -f . tedc-rimrctl� ,straddled the tip of his a q xiS 1- ;TIO Theaz to 1,1 eholaghslight,,..ledge i 'us feminine headgear, and It feel to the floor, unheeded Ho .wan totally-„. glaringly-, ; funnily bald. His dome. Slot only was quite devoid of hair, it 'was ,polished to:1 it shone• lilt all ostrat11 egg arid he was Chid in clerical Baro, dear:” laid he h1 omi'jSTi.:iii" ly mien ;Stole., andmucked a Iaa2ge white handl r.chief from 1123 minis- terial coat tails. "Dear . file!" he re- peated, applying- g: tau li ncikerehief to 'lit her pirin azo.... u t's. in is'I What's til.is ? '1.'o1n, Staring a It au_3,- at 0110 Odd ss little "man acutely tiavraile n€ - an iia - ,fres erng 211yoterz , Inenta:liyeenoodd. the question, • If Packing-tow_ry was, a strange place in which to sprout the :seedl of rom- ance, hew ranch ..stranger . tisia- to find as rein ls ,r a sl 1 like list=kalcl no ordinary minister, either, t.`ut a bald-headed 'minister 3,,rearing -a.;.girl's' anddecamping. r.4 L] vI' , with a Inert to n Jt Jn 1 ! d1arlei r thingts, i. i.uy, were hap -I r a leg 33. L IS :iS2�>"lxer's. „ 1111 garb of the mystery,at an ..t as e, avid 111p ii,tl 0-:i:Cwti I1 insl1., •arc �1 'a a ft all a Ira r B,n1115 wehl . o 1' '-hadt assn ued colli vT 0± aIle of r Good taepe t sio]"_ for- 'LT a1s Girl ss. a siva, z:'it on�t,l,�`�:�d ,;,'� loat r lag 11 UI eta 1S r„., Lite tF�?iR o t2ri se told ', -o that v w els, al7d xaaolx= odd ,; a, 5 7r.N of She was 11 `p 0' lie,err'111^ a g ti tae S a 1*L$111i xt. 1'21„ t rt, ata: h-1,1003` sST( l.0;.t: i hta; wZti we ve no!,. preteg4'ed leu-, 1 Ci9l:i . 11 YOu will come Wittt ti. is ate t+9 .xi,_. -1-10" Y leaked! tint a.' .rriz`i wi.w o{' $:,1 ` x, G'3. want me to come? hay,j-ever, sicin nothing; r 115! she 1 011. at 1 21,.he. was gazing ofa. dawn Lite tree an that 'wistful way c.: hers,, and apparently ently she had for'".. i'i ten the =nee of both the *"len.. The minister c,i_,`inue-1, looking d<r r'_y et foni amamilous as you t a r; 't -at wo-o k we're doing' Do please came. Are you to 1 out-ofto -a mail?". Torn„, who:had .dread;µ decided. to —v: gorl her rather than hem,---. murriuredl 00 acquiescence, i.3,nd the three Set of, together. (To 1> continued.) .) 11 71 st 0 0 0 El fdno; X11, 8411 11 charge cl' itis 3i y 11110 .a4Y2Vo AVZi lx --t tE, 1Lu-'-t ,. i � d ti11 L.StI 1111 w121t-< 'Efts id.11, l.tau;•y ux" 1)10, n t31f fitrrl l,ul,ti. Ilou,'.p,Slt. 1110 pi:ace and 4 i1hula kl, 110,31 it is You ally: tX tau c ately rte c4 si ccr ho crrlaa.r.s«if1 11 ily s2rt tl ,mk1n, ,Jost epply* 5t 1(1;111 xdt�b'rzdtsl's Vetw'td11st5p tretrtlz o s 1 di'er. 11 la o. d text f;;ltltt e -o e:rin c 1 ir4:Cll'r' a e It and' t itit le tiny blemishes fitldi give omplexton a smooth,a1lpeaar- . It adheres until washed off ouoat gh the skin bccornes moist #coact ilirtltion 50o. ]tngrlm'a TdIIIItreotl Cteti.ral is au Meal preparation' for,softamnEt and cleansing the'!il',ln and l<:teping the complexion Clear And youthful looking. It halo itpro- nounced therapeutic quality ehot"tones up" 11peeornplezion. Twasltes,SOFni,dil.tLere in it Complete line ofIntretti's toilet u1d,i, In- elddindltsdcuta for the teeth (25c),:kt roar drutCitnt'r. Co.Windsor, Ontario' t1 y, C` best nc� 411. 1 site. l.lr a,1�11r1 led the loeafinn We had valuable t Fa lixs tvnS i1d1151" whole X' i1c.e :i:d1 e1"ai lar' vela beet dgs 1ry1: dads ru11, tthe ::nee Ei. l` . zit rl"�' flash U.. "tiUall 1;�1i<"1�Cji;S, at) g-, in flesh 15 .ii 'Lt7 4faa1:a4�'t11„ .Ili" gain , e es in . I:ny ternlper. T S"h1 still, the Wolin Yl initpositig air Walks an S my husband SO4:s 3: t the Woman-tfbo-Sniffer. 11;1i1'i,t +;o lild31 1 11 �It' �1, z,y i 1C 1 Il td, e �1t 0 Wi 34111 '.011 121- - S,"t'r;Safi mr�+ e S c 1 ago, 5 But S' A Picture x i k Each Pure e 1.114ls';t ne you buy a patkege af' ingraxn'r Toilet adds or Par- fusreo l our druggist will glee you, t<lit oat Cr1Art e, si LIMO pertna!i o£ a fotId-famed motion picture nctres6, .iiach time you get.. a .. differ erlt Portrait ca yountr;,t0.c collection foryour borne. Ask yruur druggist. eg anizze o;: a ;i e i1T thu Food 13t1a1 cl.' titlti, 1� lisle a `:sa i better under - ha question is the moat .frecjueTiu 1St taitding, a11101 lI re eorresoontience with which. 115 wave, Coils�equcntay, a far g encs .entral staff at Ottawa anti the Protiii obligation. , The work :muss be 'caa- 1 coal Cor,Ynitees of the Food Board tied on. 11 e deal. It is an expression 11o. mete* ; you 511001 11ati0 net e: of individual good will, but of. lin tie le., tri eat an ,Sour, bread? Yet it underlying desire; a 1 enziess acplra ' has reduced our Canadian consumption -UNSINKABLE" Siflp :SLEW' tion,, telt it a far wider circle tnns:n by 2h00,000 barrels 'a month, 4wr 12,000,- those who say it, to do something '`iso 000 bushels 0 year, wards bringing the ,far to ' n... olxly 3 'We sent 125 000;0001-o:rhtla ;712ar8 13ePoyalac y Boxes Fail When Torpedo Hits the Lucia.!'rle " 1 Shill able" .American cargo stearnsliip Lucia has been scar: to the bottom by a TT -boat in mid-Atlantic, She -Weis equipped with buoyancy ; boxes and was supposed to be iuyctl- i me -cable to torpedoes. I The Lucia ;las ±ornler'.y under. Aus- trian registry under the strait; riamc. She was at Aleltile, Ala.,«'finis the;j United ' States entered the war andj wb taken o er iry tiie Government I. and eguilipea d atcost of Bron. -snarl 133200,000. with the ui siillsalale' device. it tools several months to line 1:ei holds and c tains yith air-filled o- -- e'y The invontot claimed the' `' il,t-oal1 fir' 1 tate, a,lip afloai, no matte, ho10 ;;:11c11 0ic3._ umc into. Ile.: hold fls a result a torpedo attack or shell e. I The Luca had ma -le sater'al voy- ages Without. cident, and the attack which sank,il'," `tta0 the first one at - z ilipieti. ;she.,*jt�"ef 0,744 gross 3333, tons andWas bulls in,i.istr;ia 01 1.912. Before the ,waur, she was in the cotton trade between Gulf and Austl;ian. „iroiilt end we dare cantemplate. I I poll,- and 75,000,000 pouni. -more beef Beyond question, the most pressing! - combating of- the- inisconception that I things -for which the Board mow can j ask the aid of outside -workers is the! we:may rest.oli oar oar,. Fut e. clearer one secs the ,world's iltseds, the ;(inuoirle.3.0e,„., methodic saving scem re - Tension in the food s tuation in Europe, le1: it boorcpcsa'ted, has been; eased. l'ha acute shortage of last ; I- "--3 not 1-eialleti a particle of 'their j starvat-j.pn or mainuitrition through ignore 0 deetritatain which wenn! total Fond' -Workers '01:', the' lidgihning oIl the Winter season can do nOtbing ter, nothing mole patiaotio tnan,10 ter, ;Of ilood,War Just bein- and ygtig 0 $100 •Subseribe ' for Canada's ,War Loan—The: Very- best. security -we. can, offer. can s IrS r e' for any amount of 1..onds and pay , 'for them. ont of. earnings: - 0 11 11101 MONTREA t M 13,15-6 cI's eljel-s et ai Edge Were Po Yho Escaped o Trench 'Tl: .r io dig; 5 ! :zSsv43 t_arQii�"�, Serum .aa 4th :. U ,i. < .Zti I12�'anV d, ''it It'h 'tll ,. 14, zi rel ,z:recE e51dlenlces of, the Ger.nan oe.-' a -/ 1, says a war cor1'espon nt. The'cirilians contributed a strango n r.: the picture. t iS. someu33;:1g of is Shock, after din-- through miles of deserted, de - t, -ted country to suddenly come 00 RI red cottages and see tj•wil12a '}Gk S washing clothes end children .y iag 5 ;i d . ='l»_T' ,Ca iel- 2ts of SeraY'ithril,log old siic-;es wome 3 llaabit zhi.dlren, remained in their liora:es to rcet the British, ad to idsay they going about their- usual acs apatid d as though they had not been through battle and seen men killed in tile kit- chen gardens... There were S8'.'erat,i. I u,a.?re peep still pt Sel; i Tl;; a::i th0v had no <de'si e io. ieaa ,^ 3thougb hey could hearthe `t ]11 [ of tee 8 'a. 1 s :vis+ b a; t der" 4:4:41d' t4l'fakrTn_ arors4t'. €: d'oa4 and ttd,eeknge of %:ttUe. o dent or Tirutrs1 Tewin, Ps. YX crim GPM • 10 a 10 140 sin ien 1." 11,,,t been (IpplizNst.iolt oho; sminple, develop e 011100031 bcfore the war, ta•Igin, or of the trivial purt played by war, or 1110 anticipation of `ar, in the tlevelolirnent of its principles. The ,problein o naerhanital flight appears' to liave • the first tirree competently satirically appreacitcd bets I.corm Vinci, who, besides e lug one of the greatest p-tiaters, of the greatest sculptors, one of r catest architects and one of the g,reittest, anatomists et las epocit, was one ot the greatest engineers which his century produced. It was he v,-Tio first pointed out the importanee of the angle ef the -wing or plano in de- teimining the direction of motion. Practical application of the theor- etical principles which, he discovered was of course irapmJisible at that timc for lack of mectiranical motive power. The next and final fundamental step in the solution of the problem was taken by Langley, late secretary of the Smithsonian Institute, .who was the first to discover tile depericience of the buoyancy of the air upon the F,peed with which the ,planes' move thzeugh it. The fundamental ' laws. having been elucidated, and adequate motive-pow-cr 1 -mattered a:mild:hie by the cle-ttelopment of the automobile in- dustry, the neroplanewas not Inereiy logical but 0 in:testacy outcome. As a matter of fact, the first aeroplane was built; by Lant,-,ley in 1903 and suc- cessfully flown by Curtiss in 191,1. blethers nad -built and ildwit aero- planes constritcted hi accordance -vvith the fundetineLal princinlee laid down by ,Itan,gloy.—Prof. -T. Btitiisford. Tor October. Iris lies for Eyes. e her----Wliat the Ch of the alphabet, Tomany Toachur-='!V hat do yen la