HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-10-3, Page 7I'MiTS ABOUT, THE • ISLAND EU A„ OF PI1Tl
mom' ,i,ee, cel
ers ut IT a
cured to coxa, sin of the so
ES1I- 'satisfactory, the most digreeab"
a S kti '* ,it3rttis ,y;
approaching- The
xicli blue paint, polished bans and
white.flag, 'with a red St. `taeoige'sI}
Cross neatly painted on the bzws,i
speaks the word,: "Admiral."
As it nears the chosen destroyer
the bowman springs up smartly with
laoathhy-a all, s sn
A. burlyook pettinofccr, stThisiationeadigrearal,
the ladder, with a shrill pipe calls all
hands on upper deck to attention. Thet
officers also assume the same atttitude
A few moments later the barge is
alongside, and the admiral mounting!
clic ladder, stepsQ.a hoard, izlazitealia;te-.
followed, by hie 'nag -lieutenant, The
'-officer age$„pipes x oc„, all
Slicers sanartl1 s :?tate sr,d: the haze
T1s ,Possession Would Have Serve€I Civilians; Including Woolen, `clrced tP
Us No Useful I'nriaoseTia De .41i Sorts of fiaborBoLi,s
Present Struggle.
There i an enormous amount o$ T'Qr three and one-half ears: 1 Waas,
s n 3'
nonsense talked about lleligolapd, a, prisoner in za il'German prison.
especially by people who, even if thew At the end of that time I was foe -
can locate the island en the map, timate enough to escape. Although I
would Lind soma difficulty in explain- am ,a Russian, the peace of Brest -Lit -
Ing what useful ,purpose its posses-, ovsk did not give ane my freedom
Slots ,roup have served no in th r `tke the ene.ay,,saablects who were in;.
present struggle, ,same cava I had to wait my
S4rF cr rif9 says Oi:ISP , L� c, " ° F
writer. ?' chance to make a dash for liberty
Its liisteei,7 as soon to+ti Heligoland. i' °,!. lthen211 l;anohi has .=elready, ' been.
was captured by Great Britainin, ekeilieen in the press of all co mtr=es
Septen;her, 180 7, from Denmark, dur- `i bout the treattsnent of war Prisoners
ing the Napoleonic a our re- in Gern any, 3, believe 1 have' had ex -
wars, am'Af.. ,
, x 8 a i& t aerie 'es 5 arer g
carat o . a�'� gas alactio x a; by the , 11±! worth relating.
Tre..t3' of Meir betw,'een Great -Bit- ., The can i ' eh I ayes coy =.cal is
fain, Sweden; t and: Denrark, ill 1814. Gu °nu .11 ;o?i the "% peers. At
A Second Gibraltar, yuaayxt a IZ1A
$@tiered re
things always haPpeaed. email was
frequently t}e1'l of retail:.
tioia far elle es3 Ft T eeS3 Itilail
iiot allowedbeyond
gays, alta of a postaean, i eider than
that was found upon the person, of a
prisoner he was rigorously punished.
(There was not enough clothing to
make Dawe comfortable, As,we had, to
or"_, out-of-doorsregard esu - f wea-
word; regardless � o
they or season, our defiling was often
ket through, and the next morn*
we 'had to, p^at, it on, while :t was a ".
damp. Colds were unavoidable. The;
medie;l attention given to us was
acstnrd. The colonel made a aoiail,
of being Present at almost all neer
eaal examinations az;t3 couiiametely 4
tna`riC: the $)13 *, a:S°4at9.?, who Ci'0i;,9,�;
before birli. He was fend or sa ,
that only the...„ones pretended
-past sanatorium and h,rd -wort the
nor asf eivinaap : mqa ilala
ax ri=ipated. - -
Edi eel ii
a^i£.. IRe bas, as
„4tlig peaaot.K _i t, ,1,*1 on,
ro,eec ra.
fea �ta!t eelFnetit n
txyhaw 4 £I r11 an
;lid, `ituu ‘,FBe"Witt Dei
by which, wit s
- dile a" mere
rulershi5 of
the 4Biosi atie
inse %lelst�gftPP tar AAfI
Jelii?,'att do i. a 1J nilE ., i. Nr
ttte sten eight?
wl itla. the (ormtinerd. Kin
oaf tlue war,
1t r»ailefe' to Gertn,�
t, tis, close of the
a, ile?rgo'iat,ai' TA p tci3 to
tatrartt \\•lAtr tax�Q
from tItttt t; tdc
fnet, tit isli1;3il
r£a'tane �tfa°toms Cti
1 xt»tI as»°s
tela' an iSe!.t, a=ae
cups n "f -Telae ki4liYitit
Caen, number
ducat of whose
lauded at Ilnranlan
ciTant•'stic'P or, lobe
to the London to
The island was, ve", beci
n fttsliionnhle Gorman sea -b itliitn
If We
sty a
This€ g?!;
C '..9'e'�1"
orWrr , th
el itis ` thel
was ect"a!,t
te. tn,4w fly ii lacy
talane 2,000, the taro•.:
iflolstt w;as atostiy
tfi'x llotri¢ln
ers f+Dtttn£i thin , way
So far, indeed, as tarezai
wis concerned, it pad �eztn
by a;uceessive Government as
Siainvestment b to
" owing
g' ,
"W ast-
on. The idea of converting it into
It "little flibreiter,” for tnse as a base'
of operations :tennis'. Germany, had
lever entered their heads. a
The mere suggestion of such a
maeasure, ; any time these past fifty
years, wa ehave been. received in
Parliament: with derisive laughter,
and the -proposer shouted down,' as an --
inciter of war, an encourager of nlili-
teuism, a provoker of international.
ill -feelings, or something, equally re-
prehensible For was not the German
a person of culture and 'a lover of
But even if we had of retained the
island of Heligoland, and it had been
converted at vast expense into a
"Iittle Gibraltar," it would have been
useless to us under modern conditions
of war.
aa17Qyyp��kp 4c4
Cates, thatd bins=
eealrrl iia es cabin
'le:i)?t z'egtine at
sero. l,rlt
titti"ii p Uw ttD9
i' fats tan d \4
trkt'ard viIpn.
0 401004A•
Ik iK
eT. R.. �. S •..,:..:St.,.
n\'c h;. -i
tecl, To :nuihe t1no ; tanaais rinraxu
?t:e:aleue in their wor; , Colonel Gtnllus
itnfora:ned' tla a m that gill of tc ohe
Inas isicstl£a:rated at li'alrraniatd&ti sere
pirate i, aand crimiai;ds deserving' taf
the most violent treataaaetnfi, There-
cult is inevitable. There 'veru alznozbt
daily cn:es of pbyeical nisireatmenta
A Dreary Day.
The day, ro °axis v s
� :� It t, \t,.. a cTrraT„,
one. We were ii\vultne£i at 13.9(1.
ti we went to work. Gtftenn we could
not return tis the barracks sat aaoon.
beemusc w'o were working far away
from the camp and we were obliged
to remain out -of -doers in the wet and
the rain until 7.130 in the evening.
At :3 p.ni. we were locked up in the
barracks. We had not sufficient time
for sleep, rest or even for meals.
A Little Prayer.
Al here'er"thou be,
Ori land or sea,
Or in the air,
This little prayer
I prayfor thee,-
God keep thee ever,
Day and night,-
Face to the light,—
Thine armor bright,—
Thy 'scutcheon white,-
That no " despite
Thine honor smitel--
Wlth infinite
Sweet oversight,
God keep thee ever,
Heart's delight!
And guard thee whole,
Sweet body, soul,, .
And spirit high;
That, live or die,
Thou glorify
His Majesty;
And ever , be,
Within His sight,.'=
His truei,and . upright,;
Sweet and stainless,
Pure and sinless,
Perfect Knight!
Seine barrels in timelnay save
agile apples in then prime, so be sure
o! Jet your harrelsupply early'
always'Efoes with
heat:and health
alsir;td is the bid
reason for
eljcious food,
�r the vital
at an enjoy it
o the last atom.
health rnakin6,
Cenacie Food fiaerd License t192 026
chem. :Tl
C l u Cmtn:; wa ild nude:r
a't nti"wenaeleriuI work ea
�atl it" they a Laanld Qlatain th
i t:tae: e \\posh;,' innocent
vy lauttint, the rootter ltel'nr
r :ttztlterities,
O IS : "n".ilaia4 Ia3}T''s T int?]
1iniidr„c Is 'l' al£ini S
weed lrlto Considerltion.,
fcos a nnatteia oi~
dee, Seotlnnd. has had ixtt
direattett to the value as <t' to
carrageen or Irish Moss, and it' 3aus n ''
brought -'the matter to the attention 'Cc
air? tzcre• Pr,
to ,tt
A ' xi
s sitatry 6s 5Pencilai0 tate ia�
t c tmntr; Qli lea zi cep Great
L' a,acanee? Tiete
2 tmint \a I in "Ger-
G r
wa'ltOrq,, tt table- is tilvcn, trigs
lye o1 iendtttire during the
C g`ett
of wrar"fare, Cir=;.;Et
latdi heed of pope t,iutn
satllIo perloal: France e 10es ►i wxt,
nest, with..;
%;2 .
flcTz'nataaiei A ;
!, i S^slick e3 hti.= til bear lee,
d 'bur-
(ir, a 1, lkratY
'i eut.ary
fliurr s L ,licks or i
Uncatim; tea that,, if clip
- ,
\te ev1.'a'y eeut. raf
atioeal Debt, It
eta longest: time
could require
of .h British goo 1 rola A , .l tear to do it in.
the . i is Food ,i i 4try, �. nota
is considering what any be done to- r c'\'er two Years,
ward popularizing this sea`Iwced as an " take Just ander tw
article of diet. , states could settle ti
food , three months!
�sibl tzy este*ilate-
hes been recognized by .scotch and , it is iml o. e a
Irish people for generations and untiltian's inroi::ci with ally degree of exact-
p- P
a Compuratively recent period it oe niers, but the following :my
be taken.
eupled a prominent'' position in the as approximately' correct. tinriteti
daily rood supply of clic poorer States' income, $40,0G0,000;e00; Great
classes. Of Tate it has gained factor Britain's theme, 212,100,000,000; Ger-
among the better off middle +classes, t nnnny's inctame, $11,000,000.000; and
Carrageen is known in various France's income, e0,000,000,000,
parts of Scotland as hen's dulse„ its a lC pelt we- consider the cost of the
scientific name is Chondrus.erispus. war in the bulk, Anil coulpare it with
It grows abundantly on roeks and the above incomes, we enter truly be.
stones within the Iittoral zone, flour- 'ilclereig realms. During the first
ishing in salt water which has a "dash three years of the war, the Central
of fresh in it. Empires spent roughly6:380,0,0
In its'natural state it has the ap-or an average of $12 6,000 odd a
pearance o£ dwarf dulse, the small year. The Allies ----excluding the' war
flag being soft''and cartilaginous, and oatlliy of Serbia, Roumania, Greece,
in color ranges from a greenish yet- Japan, and the United States -spent
low to a purplish brown. $66,850,000,000, averaging $22,250,000,
Among the poorer' classes of Scot- 000 odd a year!
land it is boiled in water until it as- The belligerents have a credit as.
sumes the consistency of porridge and well as a debit account, and Germany
is served in a; like manner with milk. has temporarily gained a great deal of
It forms a jelly in from twenty to potential wealth.
thirty times -its weight In water, but Besides "movable booty," of which
ds more commonly used, in making there is a vast quantity, she has .se -
various kinds of puddings.. It has 65 cured possession of 212,000 square
per cent. of mucilaginous matter, 10 miles of territory in France, Belgium,
per cent. of albuminoids and 15 ' per Italy, , Russia; Roumania, - Serbia, ` - and
cent. of minerals, being rich in iodine Mointenegro Before; the weer the fable
and sulphur. of these vast tracts was estimated at
This£ seg weed is often confused
with 'several- others which have been
used as food by the Scottish people,
but. neither Inits natural nor its pre-
pared state has it • any resemblance ;to
them. ' Little doubt is felt that car-
rageen, if methodically collected and compare commercially with the gains
properly Bused; would help in augment- of the enemy
ing the national food :supply. '>
In the bays and creeks on ;the west Must Not Burn Straw Stacks._
writing in
u£:, carries these
\'C7 furlhnr, Ile es
!Arles could de -
their Income to the
\could take France
Cn taay it tall. She
rte anne3 +.mne.third
Gernaaiiay \rc,uld take
tyrant i3ritain would
The United
Job in t\~ o or
The value of carrageen
about $32,000,000,000, but probably this
coast ofeScotland It grows profusely
but the labor of cdollecting it in naark-
etable quantities , is great. On the
east coast it can be found in -any of
the' inland bays and on the, coast gen,
erally. It can be picIted up onoboth
sides of the Tay.
Day War Savings Certificates. --
Because of the serious situation de-
veloping in Alberta; and Saskatchew-
an so far as feed for live stock is
concerned, particularly for next win-
ter, at order in council has been pas-
sed prohibiting the burning, of all
straw stacks remaining over
last year in the three prairie in ov-
itn I°kG" 3 lief'
to tI 0a"o+, j0
-�.0--^6'@Gro -fay... QF t3.TM-0
Aresi `' ;' in righteorss .. tvrat hb h
treaty to maintain,
Arose an righteouse wrath, he
treaty to maintain,
O'orth went the zizandate, the mast
dzate that sh ill stand,
And guardian angels sang chip
Rune Britannia, lrztaa^ni
icons evermore on wznt;s sl sll
The spacious firmament in azure
Shall yield new paths o`f gior
her saris to Share,
Shall yield ew paths of to r f
share; her sons to
Tn .zeerig natiortsn, the: '�'aar Lore .earl'
Then sing right ra�'si;y, the truth '
zap I31 itaxaania r*ale the
ore eaa w'Ongs shall da rn° ,
5,o 41
zza.s n aye t 'i
I0p4¢1 IRIS '�v
it;"s i,..itt tap t"*s. 4it+I"'+
ll etid0nt1 1, Intk t:
far went
eta SV., Tora-
:iz aMd;'s Ltut,
Wt'I'ILOh3'i` AN i't1:
{ D- 0— ,—o --0---a- o--•c-...,O...q _:r. -err- -O
Sere corns, tl rarIms soft eons or
, , l is r
with ere if you iln'
a a
nny kind or a cern c ;iortlAbe lift-
yeti right out v vn ng
will apply oil the corn ft few drops of
freezone. 4 `.a .s a Ginctnnuti anzthvrits.
At little const one can get a small
bottle of freezone at any drug store,
vwhiali will positively rid: one's feet of
every cern or callus githout pain or
sot'cneset or the +lenger.of infection.
'i'his new drug Is an ether cane -
pound, and dries the moment it as ap-
plied and does not inflame or even ir-
ritate the surrounding tissue. dust
think: You can lift off your corns and
calluses now wl^fthout a bit of pain or
soreness. if your druggist hasn'ty
freezone be can easily get a small bot-
tie for you from his wholesale drug
Possible Diving Depth.
The fact that oxygen when sub-
jected to sufficient pressure, laecomes
poisonous to breathe, limits the
depth to which a diver can go with
safety. It has been found that 297
ft. below the surface of the water
there le real danger for the diver
from oxygen pressure. if ne remains
at that depth long. Investigation
also shows that lee cubit ft. of air
per minute is the minimum supply
with which a man ean breathe and
This is to certify that 1 have used
MINARD'S tiNIMENT 'in nay family
tor years and constder it the best lini-
ment on the market. I have found it
If examined Under a' ease , the
thread of a Piece of khaki will be
hairs, of bronze, light olive green,
Dialraent for sale ev
ices Gt, it c , cyte ,ti t ]tizti r•l
in��iw, lace t hn itt °, s � th- t
Ir tiaAt!
,•�°i',an,e, es •.. r. s:-.
'fre$h and
au that
e'i ilii any outer.
ane and address
Royal Yeast
at+'es Spas'
are alv
imnt, Lin
;Jed, Thera
aly;ti i',e.T.
It t.a IS
ei x ie *lsatle° rte
# d ,
eat°i z
flrf'F n C
Psi:rm.ea;a ;Via ° la s°cal`£�iveil zlzr,ia-'
Dupla m101 r-merehensi c £Slur iioaz,',
spud aTs t1,ie t ueear i a great arliever
ii lunatics al lenaawietit e dome.stnc, a €s
rc r,ist neglected,
l ,t,rt the lt.ana.xtss was only tia.is,
t.all child 5110 waa taught how to
rew, and she :; n
c [n lisped
Iite aecoin P
recuries nnYtuu a li, too, finds
place in her :audios, and the personala
interest she take in it was shown
by her naive reply to this que'ation as
to what she liked cooking best. "Oh,
something that: 1 tiara eat myself
:fts;vands," she sail.
(ler, VA.Te payable everywhere:.
The Ravages of Peach canker.
In passing through the peach orch-
ards of Niagara Penirisola, or else-
where in Ontario where peaches are
grown, one constantly meets with
large, dark. gummy lesions on the
trunks or limbe of the trees. This
diseased condition of the branches
was formerly given the name of
"gurnrnosis" on account of the gum ,
exudations which are so regularly- as-
sociated with it, but a closer study
of its nature indicntes that this dis-
ease clearly belongs to the type of
affection known as canker, for which
reason the, latter name is now adopt-
ed, according to Mr. W. A. McCubbire,
M.A., Assistant in charge of -Fruit
Diseases of the Dominihn Plant Path-
ologieal Laboratory, St. Catharinee,
Ont., in bulletin No. 87, second ser-
ies, entitled "Peach Canker," that can
be had free on applicatiort to the
Publications 13ranch, Department of
Agriculture, Ottawa. Mr. McCubbia
proceeds to give a description of the
disease, some account of the eXten-
sive damage caused by it, its preval-
ence in the Niagara Peninsula, Lamb -
ton, Essex, and Kent, Ont., the nature
of the trouble, and steps that should
be taken to control and remedy the
evil. The bulletin, which Is both
timely and exhaustive, contains six
full pages of plates, ehowing exact -
1y the progress of the canker, with
explanatory notes of each stege.
WInard°a X.1.32,thaert Cures Dandruff.
The latest coal -field disCovereil
011 OX -81.000 SHOES
„ol'Asc14 CANADA
Comforting relief from pain
makes Sloan's the
World's Liniment,
This famous reliever of rheumatic
aches, soreness, stiffness.
sprains, neuralgic pains, and mos
other external twinges that hinnanity
suffers from, enjoys its great saleg
because it practically never fails to
bring speedy, comforting relief.
Always ready for use, it takes littlee
to eenetrate 'without rubbing and pro--;
duce results. Clean, refreshing. Made
in Canada. At all drug stores.
large bottle means economy,