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The Exeter Times, 1918-9-26, Page 8
• A. STEWART Phone 16 Smart styles in Misses and Ladle's Coats the have a full range of stylish +Goats made from good clods, wv models are being added every week. .Come in and see v'dhether you buy or not, Ea''ly eissortne lieu.:, ox Ne rs aytxrs are sure' of a better filioice, of cave .!popular furs for thins season e�rf reasonable. Boy's &Me s, Overcoats e have alp! Our 1rie s, t Nifty styles !' wvhant i; ie boys wva erns in Trow. Rays wit%z i� ,its iEore ,CR'1s Fy's ar.d grey shad bei; Fla note to Blankets aced ewv aide ,poal>. styles t.or men. I3: t tat e<ay .3! iii c he. anoth{tr 1 ,2 4 .siva:' $3.95., ring ante si Zoog 'eh e Tam They cry ^eoi?k.l:tr the Ids This $3-00 (1111 Nelms Scott 1O& rwear Sets to harn„R, 'tq ole a ai Just` near"". r as there azze 4he prie -7427 .A. STEWART rne 0 RE Fall Foot=wear what you want in the new up-to-date Kyles and well be pleased to show you our newest. lines In :,ns Women's and children's shoes. Lots gal° heavy shoes and rubbers to stand the fall mud an wet. 'rl Underwear gee our fleece Ilnedshirlsand drawers for men and boys. Hosiery stock Our ' •iscomplete and comprises somegoods. alues, caps, shirts, gloves, mitts, etc. suit a made -to -measure .. e uii or overcoat for all? See our samples andget our prices. i pri e8« Tire Chains 30 x We have just made a good buy in tire chains; w& are offering], p at the ' old price, even if your old chain are still good it will'P Y a oii to buy pair Y Y a of these because You will never get them again at this price. W. Beer, Exeter urniture AND 1. d rta CORN STALKS'1F0lt,, SALE The Exeter ;Canning Cor offers for sale the corn stalks growing oar the Gidley farm. ,I3elp- )vented husking yarn Ft hen factory starts. Apply at factory. a EXETER, o a.NNING .!CO. HORSES WANTED -I want au un- limited number of horses in; good .' dition. Geldings from five years old anal up weighing from 1500 130,406 res `'ot'`- 4 pearg"old up and rigging fro 00 pounds up, Partlei xng requzrec !btuff .to dispose of ;'rz1W1,11. i.nd a ready market by wait. eel leg up,; on phone New,. THE EXETER TIMES hilt !,26t4,, 9 Market Report -The %!lowing is the. report of the Exeter Market r+rected up to ,September 25th. Wheat $2,10 to $2.15 Oats 73 to l75c • Harley 95 to $1.03, Family Flour $5,9:Q. Eggs t5r Dalry butter 38 to. 44a Creamery butter 490 PotTto,es,*k"'nR • R1/ <A<► �••••••• • ••®Tri *4** LOCAL Bins cespent; a f .�w rl s Lando-: Spilase wvcr y �k Airs.. 1a_ Stan ury'; is vtsiti 4 con Mr. J G. Sta bulrQ, Misses Laura and T1s.: "I3ary y is -1 t d in London ''.Juesdaay, Mr, Drew Knight. of Lonazais i tag this mebhe' in town, it weren't, for the "hard hr there would be fewer home ru 31r. and ;al;rw, Avoi. Elliott, of Kir ton, visited relatives in town ovc �a ndaay. 11 ssAnnie; i)ay, vi o t ag ber }r ar its i; Day, :Rias -Fitton leas are Slat sa t1 frineds is Iuntsvaale 1`Ir, nd w1 r_ Geo. S act zf 'oroina o alt w lair as 11 i n town, alt, `1 N'e*\l ,11 lea l .r:^1kted a1 ewwww~a lI,'> rw* de„„ ou w illi;ata St, n Fill laors,ly move tla, th*�`be s inti klpaki,• rho 'worst' iO,ro n l .ase, lz,ave ?u ad th tistxe e> ast of O tob�r, r 11 ywlyrs ,F. W. Gl)cl 'Y. 4xi . Taman metered ar Rub' the wweek-actin».! io zob.•ixa"> of 'Toronto aind 3 tc tbor`a, ore alar and tNlsrs, v�ya a'`fs9 f Toronto, an Mr, and 'Mos, rand iron .f:aroata? r€= Hct ww to cad M r. Fc?, inane a a „A. t;I Woadato nd let^ v ng .the n- 1 ,lloncur tDr.1 Deinpste ,wSsaa has been visiting of Toronto, a as eturn esl and as making arrangements to move ber hours -.hold offer,ts to Toronto. ti p dlel n Staa 4mr rettzrood on atctrday from Toro lato otter a pleas aa,t three weeks' r, tt Swath Iteo au llr,.w. G'wt _las and 9 r est chat, �Ia 1sataTa Land a ,,l them hoagie dtt wL Ii ed€1 a5 wa,ttaaseg ber atnr, ll ww aataai tI ly akatstcwr d Qv r fro alts , .ndy taviaaualaan- �,la�ait Si.' .7 0aa:w00 l ga> ic, in :;Q R Choir 4.: ?a;. A. "Tromp :r , Mrs. E. A. R x., to is b; en vi iti z e Mos 1) ,Trit►ns, crf town owl ,also with her sen 1a:wvid Iters, of Stroh, lath fuAr her :ltogoe or 'Tan s'd'u of last ww' 11iss LAwtr;;ty was en #lt.e w,ee kt-egad IOW re s ()NOW" to serious brother. 41<}r roo;ax 3 -elos' d Monday in eoXts cIa eoce, iSfr, and 1(rs. J'hos 13rrscid, of nine Mich visited the tat.tcer'i :tar - c nts, '�lr and Mfrs. Thos Elliott, 1rs; Elliott bring ill in baled. lir. 14reva d hos returned to Flint, while Mrs. Grevald will ;ranasin to look after her mother. Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Anderson, cif nnipeg, Man.,arrivod this week and. will visit with lar. and llrs. Saxon Iitton. Mrs. Anderson is attending a'nteeting of the ac.neral board & :talc W. N, S. of the tir,,,tthodist Church wvhinh is meeting in London t1ie week. Five auto loads s;from ,the ,lames street Epworth League at. tended ,the annual War Council of the Leagues on the Exeter District at ;Parkhill on, Thursday of lost week They brought horac with 'there Several Missionary books for having the "largest delega-) taaadati over Suri called_ e s of her wlaooi was Several vcases of black leg are re- ported among the rattle in Stephen or d nay .townships. ` ,Five animals have di'd from the disease. 131;aek leg, is contagious and very fatal. It can ba prevented by vaccination and many of the Farmers areMiaFing 'Lear eu i-� mals vaccinated. Rev, 'Capt, Caswell and ,Prof. Pot- ter. of otter._of Toronto, occupied :the pulpit, James Street Methodist church ,Gast Sabbath morning and evening re- spectively, in ,the interests of Educa- tion and of Victoria College. Toronto, in -particuIar. 13oth 'discourses were much enjoyed by ,the congregations. Subscriptions were token uta there being •a liberal tresponse. Rev. Dr. •1Ledd, 'minister of Main ,St. 3fethodist church, will be in his pulpit next Sunday. Forenoon thence The. S. 6S. and its work." like S. S. meets in its Rally Day service at 3 p.m. Sermon: for the evening "To the Far Country and l3ack,' ,Prelude on current r.:',,nts, 'Are wvo ready for .peace'?" Splendid music. Strangers and anon -church poops invited r and welcome& MEMORIAL SERVICE la`AR1L SOLD t l"1M ',...171.4911110 i Mr. Irwvala Arnkstrong :has !p:a'rvkas- ed: the 50 acre .fturrna of 'lar. i0, aFP. Horney in I;sborns Tp, .Mr Arm- strong has ihad .the- property rented for some years. LONDON 'ROAD APROVINCIAL COUNT COYUNT'k ,I?0:�l) I ice Pro-vinciuvernu eat bas as- Hied the .London Read from the ath boundry of i1ITuron rto ;Winglham aril the 4Iiuroe woad ,from .the east boundry of ellarren as provincial County roads, -thus insuring .to the County grants of 99 (pea pent of cost oaf cansiructioand maintenance,: in- stead of 40 under 0oanty system: The County: Councie in June made Tt sarong ;pied for the grant and a depa- cation headed by tWarden'Elliott was :, ppointed. to wait au, the government.. wv hich wwasdone in duty, CORRECTIONS a li the report of the Exeter• „fair) a.b,azihe;,d last wsae.k thorn wore -ser, oral errors and onamassions. Mr. Wrc G. Meld's special for beat cow any breed was Won by Mr R. D, Hueter and. Johan Ae abridge I'o' ilea eSbort- hornbull elf Oestr,.aober'leyo ,were first and 14 D. illunte>r ire ieb .r Bros. also woo J. A' n 1S, c s.,a eta! an b st ball any age or breed. On ,their calf. "Bockfeller" T# tater won the sweepstakes nhampion.- ship diploma cza best 'Shorthorn on c=xla ba,t with the sante calf. 74,41 ►HINTS -- o o Sir, auat San, 1.1L., -t In ,? 17th C" iw it ao -no, i,1)D Tn ;E l0 scan On &pt al th two' : '1. 'Elliott a ter 3xddulph 0T% , Iu l rsr Oscar el Iodgi; s u t+ta 'Tuesday Rand ,Mrs. 3fithur North. 0n S;wtnr- !'ravate and ;ors, atmrday, st, t n lt,r. cad ars, 1St, -tC F1l�ydd a ;ton.. ANDER S-1 t ?lal< nib;,,r 'J Cs ,'i.. aodnrs, wxoc'zte, (k &ob, ; + SALE 1t EG IST1 r ll: Ota. We d uesday, October 2nd at o'eloeb sharp on lot '9, con ca ssgnn 4 Hibbert, t, r1 a -ring sale of form 6,roek d iaalaataenaaeTtts, grain, hay, eroots and tt, also :bottar3xolc9 Cls:rt Robot as F014 r n. ., et., GROWERS Groww'c rg toc,torw ,air: tar] Iota Bobs to the eflretors, wwh the ww°all 'b.` a d vi -ed when 'tai na;ake do 1iv As food is needed "it as partici larly a.etuested that all deetdopet ohs be brought to 4',atetory bot no that'btask ones:, Exeter f`i3ttlls,iaa}'. to gran Auction Sale Oh 31i0'l'sl: ;AND LOTS tAND lIOt1$l 1-Oh1) E'.3 F11CTS IN EXETER ER The undersigned has been inst./root- ety €llrs. Elton „t ll to offer for stale by .public auctionon ;the premises oto SATURDAY, OCT0131;R 5th, 1918.. sat 'two o'rloch; caeca: the Iollowing. CUAT'f1 .1.S-1 sideboard, 1 extension table, ti chairs, 1 bed, bed ;springs ;tad rn.tttr,ss, :]: dresser, 2 washstands, 1 couch, 1 rocking c!hair, 2. parlor ta- bles, 1 drop leaf ,table, ,1 kitchen ga- ble. b u cut; =white, bureau, ,1 ;ern;;, 1. coal heatyrr, 1 wvoodstove and -pipes; 1 lawnmower, 1 wheel barrow, Lorne ladders, ei ztutnber of garde tools, roltor 'blinds, lace !curtains, chicle, lamb, dishes and otauer articles toe numerous to mention. REAL 'ESTATE -Lots 17, 15 and part .of 34 on the corner of Jaynes and Elizabeth. Streets, Exeter. Oa this 'property is agood frame cottage and a stable. TERMS OF SALE Chattels, ,cavi. Real 1state ten per cent on ,day of sale and balance t. in thirty dans. •Further terms and par- ticulars will be tirade known on day of sale or may be had on application to !the undersigned. C. 'W. ItOW1',dON Auctioneer GLADMON & "STANBUR:i, ,n Vendor's Solicitors NOTICE Take notice that under Mlle Domin- ion. Prohibitory regulations of ' Last December, any liquor found, in any place, that has been ma,nufaatured since April ,lst, 1918, is liable to be confiscated and the owner heavily tined. This reapplies to liquor, 'cider and home-made wine of any kind provided it ,contains more than two and one half' per cent of ,proof 'spirits, Huron County Temperance Alliance. Dr. A. .T. Irwin, President' i A memorial' service for the lal e I A. 'T. }Cooper, Scay.` Pte. J. Earl Roadhouse niho was Idled, in Faction will be hold in Jibe Metho- dist ,church, ''Pirkton, on Sept. 12901 service at 7.30 p.m. CONGBATT?LATIONSS •We "',congratulate our wort,hycon.- tem•pora,ry, Mr. C. (£i. +;Sandlers, of tai Exeter ,Advocate on the arrival of a yot,ng sur,. on Saturday, ;Sept. 4".,1st. fie just missed ` cel bra•ting our birth- day by two days but n-avertheless, Charles ..13 :rden, as the babe is called; was 'born under ,the ';same. sign, and we predict for hie a brilliant, future. KILLED IN DULUTH Word has been ;received by'I�14Ir. !lardy that Mr. Jack '• ,Wont ss, of Duluth, was killed suddenly when a large nahoor fell on them. 31r. ,Wanless has been interested in a salvaging camlpany incl in ,the raising of a large anchor somct•birg gave .way and the anchor fedi on ihi!n Th. 'decease - was about fitly years of lrg-o and wv the broth Ir of a son in-law c,f 141t': llardy's. IIe spent bis boykond day's ut Exeter. , a- CARD OF TRANIKS The undersigned .desires to express her appr,eoiation and thanks to the many friends for ,their kinclress:`and sympathy .during'thc,,,Lanp months of illness and bereavement of both -fa- ther' and .mother. Ih ss in. Sanders FARM FOR 'SALE Being +comprised > of west' *quarter of lot 14 and east half of .Lot 15 in the fitlh concession of the township of ,Hibb,irt .containing 75 .acres. On r,h.: tpremises',ore a good frame house and kitchen, drive :house and bank barn all. in good repair; 6 arrels``of bush .:and,'over 30 acres a;a grass tared 4 acres of fall wheat. Some plough- ing has bbeen do'a.e. 11his farm is all well fenced pw ell drained and in good state of cultivation:. Easy ``terms of t}aytnent. For terms and and asset! ulars apply Ito Wm DOW, on the pre s on IR. b� one x u bLt'13.oho hos.,'B ata +CR Saves Money For The Farmer JCES of farm Froduct have reached a high level. 'he farmer can take fuit ad- vantage of this situation only by adding to his equipment of time and labor-saving ma- chinery. Time and labor are money. When time and lam are saved, money ; is saved; ,Time and labor-saving de- vices for working the land do of roduce compete results ••a themselves. The farmer must have rapid and depend- able means of placing his products on the market. The Ford One -Ton Truck will make. s town so much more quickly than the horse that you will have many extra hours of tune to devote to productive work, A Tar o number of farmers haavproven the Ford nee°ou Truck to be a time and moneyaver have you. nice (chassis only) ANDREW Li foal call rutrlc mtov; "nal, ono rug. Blouse „atwo tear^ raiz poly to Mrs. s. (Or,) hl �aaaleM'i x 3iTi11 rTa Street. The mill Is Ding -ag,ain, an ave pro- mise the, ,soubfle our best sarv1ee. Semite }our flour "from 'us, there Is nore better, Chopping afternoons only. ;Murry ,lards. WOOD ‘FOR SALE -We .h;ave oki hand as quantity of wood which wvi1I he sold for cash only, .1 single *lards to the load; dry beech and maple 1:3 ins. ,Long $0.00 n load; dry `mixed softwood 1:' ins. long, ti 5.00 a load; hardwood s.nba M5 a Iota; softwood; slabs $1 a load, If wood is not: void for when ordered tto nester will carry a raaeeipted bill nod we o'aapectfnlly;' request: that the be .prttd when deliv- yrs Is made. Accounts now due mos" be .paid by October ]st—R. Gillies & Son. The Times is always pleased to re• eeive news itemsfrom the publico 11 you have a visitor or 12 you are go- ing, away on a visit let us know a- bout it. We do not know,, everything that goes on and the ca-operstioa arx the readers o2 the paper is a valuable aid in getting the news. Undertaking Funeral -°Director & Embalmer ISI. E. Gardiner Phone 74J Night 'ealtt 88 And Furniture OPERA HOUSE BLOCK GIV E «SYE p of Fips" TO C®NSTIPATED RILL Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can3t harm tender little Stomach, Liver and Bowels..: Look at the tongue, mother!. 11 coated, your , little one's stomach; liver and bowels need cleansing .at :once. When peevish, ,,cross, Listless, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or, is fever- ish, stomach sour, ,breath bad; has sore throat, diarrho,, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California, ru of Figs" and -in a few hour constipated waste, Tide' sdurw bile gently moves:, bo er7s jthout griping, 'w wb1'I�t"ehihd ag drtl,nat foe+:aJ.9bottle vie mat Sill Ay VS tc An $ Cc u les ,. $ 875 s • - 1075' CAAPBE a1esin:g1 1,1 bing If you are thinking of installing a bath out- fit for the coming win- ter or of making angr improvement` or alter=, ation your present pltnnbing call us and let us give you an. estimate. Phone us atour expense Charles C. West 944 QueensAv. Lond©nl, Phone No. 3255 New Spring Styles In Spring ' ' .._ P � Snitin g � Overcoatings Raincoats and Pantings g We ha,CTe somethingworth' while to showP You at rices especially atrractive. We have received shipments for the New Spring Goods in all lines' of Men's Wear and have some attractive Goods to offer at Worth -while prices, Sce; oar New Spring Hats in all the latest Shades and Shop r s. -Kings nd 'Borcelanos. --We also have some,"exceptional nifty ;ghowings in Neckwear. Cc;liars in the New shapes and Ties in all the latest shades.. cti ilk