The Exeter Times, 1918-9-12, Page 4, laV ada 14=1 De EASONS vember 5 Novenber Novembor , clot -awe, Inttome or Northern laistrieta DE Ontario tn- 1dg aral the aextritory rth and south or ,the Canadian eminent, Railway facial the Que- be to alanitaha Boaadary _open, eca..7 Eon far MXt s arom Ootaber as "i.ct November tigth a -- Write for caley "'Playgrounsis— the Hatanta cif ailatt and Game" g'ilvina- , eine Laws, iientiog regulations, eto to 43J alarnio,a, Distriot Passenger Ageat, Union 4:3teiu'ea, Toabato, Ont. N, e 41. A rnow tttaa of iates ; We po litorest ave in -ea eter befc ape auiittg 1 A ettli Ends ot Hh- Une. F 1 In Position to At p Other Monster Stroke---Practi- Ily All German Gains Made on estern Front Ietween March d July of This ear Le Been Obliteratede NOON, SeP • ---- Mamba Foch 's auccession 9 er blows along the German lines from Rheims te rras since July 18 now lien well- nigh completely fiattened out thitt German bulges created by the Ger- man oirensiv'es of the spring and ear- ly aummer. " Further still, the well co-ordinated progress of his attack has brought him to a paint here he may well he able to strike a still more disastrous blew to the German defensive system in the we.st. From Leon to Cambrai the nburg line stood all iast year in „e way of the Allied armies seeking to drive baek the enemy from Noth- er and Flanders, Little ira- tasitea was made in that Ulm excePt emperailly in Gen. Byng'a drive be - ow last fall. Already in thie sftrnmers campaign, however, the has been piercecl on a wide !rout zion its ,northerly stretches by the within the past ,few hours elltelletrated in its aouthern- by the lareneh. is that Marsha iv Els g o Carnbral an e n, tn the British tav bem or S$ Position to deliverw easilyprove a vftal strok, af enthral, where they bit at the Canal do Nord and move toward driving home the tap - , „_.. IV131013 the Mote of the situation poin to as, inevitable. Itt the south the Petain have fought their way to P°- hetethe left flank of tbe line a. and the edges of 0deiti0ns are beginning ot be poendinge rstera outskirts ef the SI obtn I. 6 d Time prices Wfre Fence rod, d brace o you aty roes en aLt Iduds u.talaer and ab. Placa your er whit rtilazer you TILIZER 0.0D ' one 12. A J. CLATWORTIIY ANTON US WILKES' STALLION d in A.T.R zutd C.N.E) WNED BY Wnl. MITCIIELL o at tbe tann u .218Tit PC)LITAN HOTEL STBLE EXETER lked Heir has been enrolled in ao- rtae wt.th rill -talker 67 of the Stet- Chitaric 2 Geo. V. have two iffia.nces when you d to a horse line Red Heir (50201) if you do not get extreme spend you ere sure or. a high class harness or show horse. RED HEIR is a beautiful seal - brown eolt. Be IS one of the ',hand- somest horses in the world, a fault- less mffividual, a pure gaited ,trotter and one of the tbest bred ones. , His Sire is Red Badge 36808, grand - of Rad 'Wakes, whose son sired john R. 'Clentry 2..00 6-4 art n many others. nits Dam is Daisy -at -Law, arecord 2,35 8-4. To insure a foal $15, payable Feb. Ist fal9, Tbe Pure -Bred 'Imported 01.ydesdale Stalliou - • SCOTTISH GED& mp. lasso, 16260 FORM Al. , So-tett:is:a' Gem, Imp. Registered in e ,,Ganadian ,Clydesdale eStud 'Book No. 12-566- Owned by John j„ War or Ray. Foaled in 1999, has een enrolled ander the Ontario Stat- ion aket. Inspected on the 4thdaa Decerriber, 1911 and found to be of, good conformation and an xi:eat:typical of the breed., , •Staleon will stand lie season - of 1918 at his own Fainter North. 013,7°1 t. Ell totin tflied h ortit whence an carry thea maseif, Trn. Fr med at astly ate enah in ba. • ding itt -tif. wbkthappar- ozu re trorn it erns 11eIy to prove Uie objective o an enoireling nevenient Tbis. howeer, may hiwe to await the urtlier retiree Oerrnans ttorthwartt foti the Aisne to tbe a Such a retirent no itable beantee af the AUicd Poe ttn the tertnas left flank, from the Aisne at Comlo to Valls:an- ion, and tbcrenot wanting min- tary critics who argue that the Ger- moas -here will not be permitted to bitIt even at the Chet -ant -des -Dames position but that the enemy will be °reed to retreat still further north, thus additionally exposing Laon on the east. The Allied united command rnaloes certain that the expected drives at the vital points on both, the north in the Carabrai sector'and in the outh, around the Laort positions, ill be so co-ordinated as to inure e maarimum resulte, The process of closing itt towards the Hindenburg line at the points where it had not yet been reached was continued rapidly Saturday and Sunday by both the French and the British. The British moved forward at an accelerated paee below the Cambrai-Peronne front, and an that front itself tbey already are close to the line. South of he Somme the French pressed on beyond Tergnier and moved up speedily along all the line opposite the front between La Fere and St. Quentin. On the Aisne there was little • change toward the western part of the front, where the Americans and Frencli are on. the rivera facing the Germans entrenched along the, canal which parallels the stream_ Farther • east the Germans are 'giving up grudgingly the angle formed by the line trending off southeastward to Franco -American forces near Roman, between Revillon and ItIontigny-sur- Vesle. lir Flanders the British made some further headway, but found the Ger- mans stiffening around La Bassee. The Germans apparently do not in-, tend to give up Armentieresin the sector, but are reported hurriedly fortifying the region defending it. Lost With All Hands. HALIFAX, N.S., Sept. 9.----Sambro Ledges has claimed_ another victim. The Bell of Burge° was in the big tropical storra which swept the coast on Friday night. None of the crew of five men survived to tell the tale. Searchers found part .of the vessel, enough to identify her,„ but that was all. Cotton Spinners to Strike. LONDON, Sept: 9. -- The Amalga- mated Association of Cotton Spin- ners, with a neembership of 20,000, has, decided to strike on Saturday next for the abolition of the rota system. . • indirectly the strike nill affect 200,000 operatives in the Lancashire cotton industry. „ Ferocious Dogs' inseal. Dritisk _Headquarters, Sept. 9. - ,-The latest Hoehn dodge is to use ferocious dogs with sentries and pa- trols. A captured order pays tribute to the tacitarnity, of British prison- erseeiatpf London regi - so enta ce,4 tfdir give, the clev- ;et est. 'et4-ans. • iperlan't Events Which Hay Occurred Dui in The Week. 1us Vor1ds Happenings Care- fully Compiled nod Pot Into Bandy and Attractive Shape or the -s of Our paper• -- A e bd flotus actioym B, Nevitt died in England. COktrity Court, judges met at the Queen's Hotel, Torontet. The export of CaSeill, trinn Canada bas beep prohibited. • Capital and Labor joined hands iv Guelph to make the days ceiebratien big access. Twelve Halifax aiderm en esianed, on Saturday, and aremore ae said to have quit eince, Sir Robert Borden made n haPor- tant 4M101,10CeMellt respecting corn- ing railway legisiatien. A battalioa of United States troops e,re at the Exhibition grasind* to re- tuaiu omit Thursday Labor Day attendance at the Ex- hibition, ahieh was 114,500, broke all previous records by OVCT 20,00(). Arthur Parkes, Hamilton, was drowned in he bay at Burlington Beacn while teaeldng ltia wife to xloat. The fishing schooners Elsie Porter of lamenburg, N•Se and Potentate o La Have, N.S., have been sunk by German submarine. Attaciet Girard and Mme, drowned when a Motor Ca erry as t was 1eavin e Tbiee Bivere. Que Two boadred and t) bins were enternd in the Baby in oonttentinViniln the 1,abr Dai el ebration' at Mani liton, BesypuroteNN I api sacir etissued2,20aYesterdaybus ide the miaimunt Price guaranteed by -errnnertt forlb- 1919 wheat 0-o Pe ,li ,011natiOn4 enWsta hi the+Dontlt4012 Govetnnientt 'to jOi/i:-the'CiVil Service CommiSsion at Otta*a. FR AY. It was 'Manufacturers' and Trans portation Day at the Exhibition. in Toronto. The British Consulate at Moscow. it is stated, has been attacked by the Bolsheviki. • York County captured three first prizes in the farmers' live stock jedga ing competitnpnitt. TOroato. IsTeaka 00411111M railway employes n thaen. States are to ',receive Wage lg. of 625 per Month. Proc:annation has been made by the Lieutenant -Governor of Prince rdward Island making dubs "dry." Lieut. G. S. Toucitard, R.A.F., the well-known lawn, tennis player, died. suddenly iti hospital from an abeess on the brain. Jean, the la -year-old daughter Rev. George 1)anie1s, Chatham, Ont. was killed by a fall from a Metro- politan radial car. A board of conciliatioa has been appointed in the dispute between the Poison and other Toronto Arms, and their blacksmith eraployea and helPers- The CPA, will eiose up the Trans,- eona Terminal till next summer or fall, owing to caneelling of e;tnnsi,- 'ens trout Military set -vice issued te. iployes. Publie ownership and heavy tax- tion of luxuries are recommended theannital meeting of the Metho- Pealed Of Soeial SerVice and egelism, Geerge 1Se Mary Jo Ithitt 44 1300 and a b ther at their home in Chat Tank Rut Lung, e,e Minister of IduaUou, was assassinated, it itt blioved, from political Motives, at Victoria, Bre, by Haw Chew, a bar- ber, who afterwards, when pursued, ewnntitted seiCide. TWeTity-two meinhers A1Gard of the Am ' ' 'Cudahy, repos mt of the loss of their ship bare been trougbt to Athrntio pottsby ely na tbe To - onto the twe engned, anl it itt said the 1 also do so. Mttsitroorntt have appearedwi- preeedented nunbers in Peel County few days. The avbUor earr.ying the aerial il to Ottawa return, failed to Toronto yesterday., L.onden'sitew Tecitnical School, ne af tbe lavgest and moat up-to- date in the tinion, was opened. An ordee-in OltDeil empower; the War Trade Board to co-ordinate the output anti ordera of iron and ulna A drastic reduction in the sugar allowance for public eating -places has been encted hy the Canada Food Board. A new treight yard. constructed by the ' T. H. allway at Victoria, near Sa Thomas, will be operated by the Tbe Germans itt lIertubize have deported fifty worinnen who would not sign a contract to work in the army sone. The great steam shovel, Bucyrus, used in ilte Hydro canal, near Nia- gara Falls, waa broken by a landslide of hundreds of tons of clay, All persons in Petrograd and Mos- cow not actually resident nave been ordered by the Soviet Government to leave within twenty-four hours.o Hon. Dr. Cody is going to England and France to study educational problems in connection with the re- establishment of returned soldiers. With only three places heard from outside of Toronto, the first day of the -"Sailors' Week" canipaign ob- tained nearly three hundred thousand dollars. 11. B. Walker, president of the old -Minix:lion Steamships Line, has been placed by. the 'United States in charge of all coastwise steamships operated by the Railroad' Adaninistration. The New South- Walea Parliament has given first -reading to the anti- • sedition bill, wlaich ditqualifies per- sons convicted of sedition from vot- ing in state or municipal elections or sitting in Parliament for from four to seven years. THURSDAY. The Grain Growers are meeting in Ottawa. It was Farmers' Day at Exbibition yesterday. • Henry Hamilton, the ..dra.matic author, died yesterday in, London. J. H. Davidson, Wellington, Ont., was accidentally shot at the Exhibi- tion grounds. • ° A civic and provincial welcome was extended by the City of Toronto, to the visiting soldiers from the United States. Arab forces 'under the Ring of the Hedjaz continue to make harassing 'raids upon the •railway in the hands of the Turks. The British postmen, it is reported, re about to demand an increase of wages and better arangements of working hours. The Government has assumed coni- piete control of the purchase and sale for -export and of the methods of ex- ot old A enora l has 10CIOSe jts dining -room for two weeks for hay- ing sugar bOwla an its tables, and tt Welland -bakery Arra is shut up for it 'Week for persisting itt making overt 10 bread. Admiral Sir David Beatty itt reply to a Message from the Trades Unlotl Congress said the. Grand Fleet was onviueed complete victory would he continued efforts el the attd the Allies. A.TURDAV't Live Stook aer has he er -4, erowr Ernpi' B sgieles barr seized by Five A ti, uohs y Iz ation. Canada1have d ed not to al1 Vietory Bands after the next. loan itt floitted• Norway lost thirteeu vesse gregatirig 2,2,976 tons, throu eauses in the Month of s ArtdrOW Routledge of Latubetl years of age, was instantly kille the bursting of 14 lly wheel in chino shop O. W. Je'fferys. tho Toronto artist is at Niagara Camp to make sketches for the Canadian War Records Cons - mission, London,, Eng, • Hon, J.1.). Reid, stated that th forests of Sir Williztut Maekonzie Sir Donald Mann were new entire separate from the C.N.11. • The 11. S. Senate yesterday passat tile twelve -million -dollar emergency agricultural appropriation bill with its rider for national prohibition from July 1 next.until j.he II. S. armies are dernobiliz$d after the war. 13. S. Secretary of War Baker has ordered the chief of each bureau ha his department to replace by Dec. 31 all physically fit men 'within the draft ages, who would be in Class 1, by men physically disqualified for mili- tary service. • A one -acre plot at the Ottawa Ex- perimental Farm has produced 84 bushels of oats this year, by far the record for Oats in. the Ottawa dis- triet, and the main oat field of tbe farm beat all past yiplds with an average of 77 bushels to the acre, Campaigr ef TerrQrsni itt Tak- ng New Forms. erlin 'Refuses toattar:Attlee Sateta of Ships Ctaini»g Itepatpiatet • Prisioser et it •Are Ahn Systematically Destl'oring line/ten DistriersFrom Which', 131,ey Art • Being Driven. Sept. 11, The 33ritish dice nneS Jattile rignrsan n has "All0 Pre hat the vessel used for the reoatriation. of British prisoners of war under the Berne agreemeut should not he attacked by their naval forces, hat tbat the German Govern- ment l'efnaed to be goverued by the ante promise, despite repeated • presentations in Berlin and. Constan- tinople. There appears to he no doubt that the Turkish Government was willing to execute an agreement s speedily as possible, but the influ- euce '-of Germany is being used to ob- struct it. This is partly owing to the desire to perpetuate ail tianses of ill - feeling between Turkey and Great Britain and partly owing to the ap- prehension of the effect upon, the Turkish lalalic opinion et rePorte which would be brought by repatri- ated Turkish. prisoners. A semi-official despatch states that te enemy is destroying, everywhere tha most vandal -Nee manner, en be has not time to burn dolkli louses, he removes the forniture ad alma a, great bondre of it, fle Wawa the moat illAPC111411t building a and c everyibiag, removing agri- urid Piachinety anti destroying yrhing else -which he has not time to reutove, Nevertheless. our ad- vance into the forest of Goacy wa$ tto apid that the enemy had to alien don Very large allatititieg ei war BM- terial and laintoriatit autmupition dcitotat The sight of sueli devatitati dered by the leadera Of the Gertatio army kindles in our aiddiera a d termination to portiah auclt erimes TheY UMW no fatigue in PUTZAfil/g. The destruction of -towns anti vil- e- within the zoe Of the receat opCrations has been act coraPlete tia littte litaaiS or Coluparisoas. Spillane, and between tbe he 0/40 the wOrit of dat, n uniformly thine St big and small. `us, hildren Cry for Fletcher% \ OTAWAN...41"ANWO.7•7401WWW.9.74.061%,11:1.,114.11.,11.W.IR,...1.1}., nr The Kind _ You Base AlwaYs Bought, and which has been, b use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of, and has been Made tinder Itis per.- AllSOnoalw 481,110enrviisa toieladeceSitfaiveee yitsouinfinalltir, .4.11 Counterfeits, TatitatiOnS and " just -as -good " are but Experiments that trifle with and entlaoger the health el, infants 4,44 Children—E eriente against Experiment. What is ASTriRIA astona is a harmless substitute for Castor Qh, Pare 'Drops and Soothing Syrups. 'it is pleasant. It Con' angeeitillseriefSi!igttUnlarlMhin atit°ereP.Fenonrr more°tlethr nanarcightiiretyS4;bst4learSCeita it has' been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, 'Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness ait therefrom, and by regniating t4o Stomach -Mid Bowels, aids the assimilation or Food; giving healthy and natuxal. 'The Childrea's Panacea—The Mothet'0 Friend. WNE ASTORIA ALWAYS re n Use For Ove The Kind You Have A ea ough have been deco bnuses, bereft backs uave b NeYen elfer tbo 1vastittlo nort of wheat. Waterloo Council ordered its Town Solicitor to resign, alleglog ieefficient service and not atteudieg all the Council's meetings. A sentence by court-martial at London of five years' penal servitude on a deserter was reduced by the authorities in. Ottawa to 42 days' detention. • The increases recently granted to post'al empletes ut the otteniao ser- viee wilt inVoir.or, it is „petimated tirco 711:i,t/i00116,11,40 244#4‘ •lifONDAY. Natural gas has been discovered in Stirling, Ont, The Exhibition attendance for the two weeks of the fair was 946,400;. Premier Arsenault of Prince Ed- ward Island is in Toronto on eihica- tional mattere. The York 'Pioneers Association opened the Sharon. Temple as miltig- torical- house. - • Provincial trop estimates in Sas- katchewan place the wheat yield at 98,500,000' bushels. The Siberian Expeditionary Force, mobilizing in Canada is to concen- trate at Victoria B.C. Geo. Tonesa.a farmer near Graven- hurst, was killed by lightning on Sat- urday while stacking grain. Dr. Geo. H. Locke has been made Associate Director of Public Inforniz ation at a salary of 61 a year. Visiting bishops from all over Canada officiated at services in vat. -- ions Anglican churches in. Toronto. The Toronto Milk Producers' As- sociation, decided to increase the price of milk"from Oct. 1 30 cents an eight -gallon can. Capt. Alexander )3erthier, Duke of Wagram, a descendant of Napolecin's field marshal, has been killed at the front, a Paris despatch ahnounces. The instruments of ratification or the Russo -German supplementary treaty have been exchanged by re- presentatives of the two Govern- ments. A treaty of alliance has been con- • cluded between Cermany and Finland under which the entire man -power of Finland is put at the disposal of Ger- many. The London, Eng., members.of tbe fire brigade are now discussing the advisability of striking for recogni- tion cif their union and a settlement of their claims respecting wages and pensions. - Rev. tha 0. C. S. Wallace, who visited the chaplains oversedS,in the interests - of the I3apti ItChurch eernmends, ittto • ganizatio Sing` oatpletely fl Tnisewaib urpor OM'S. Fr sir to requ (to OY Parttall diatatt redr le boast town itt IRTUN(1 IN T cis XZeascd er formem COPENHAGEN, $ept, nipt of tbe imperial Gerzuari Ohan cellor, Count von Sealing, to ride two horses simultaneoUslY itt his House of Lords speech, recently ap- pears, •judging' by press comments, to have resulted In Ids railing bar' between them. That portion or the press favoring real 'Prussian frau- sise reform is disappointed and dis- untied by the Chancellor's ambig- uous 'warning that the Lords could avoid too, far-roaclting cOnceasirMS by accepting reforni measures now, and the Conservative press Is up in arras over hia appeal tor acceptance. The agrarian Deutsche Tageszei- ung oalls Itertling "the P1112.4iall IttonarCieft grave digger." The Kreut Zeitung attacks .you Hertling tor minimizing the crown's deserts and esaggera.ting the Social- ists' services, and darkly warts him that nionarcIties-do not crumble be- cause they resist,?the unjustified de- mand' of the Messes, but becauge they *let themselves be forced down to the dangerous level of- - comproz raises." The pan -German Deutsche Zeitung declares that eqttal suffrage would be an undisguised surrender to the". anti -monarchists' vrili, -which would endanger the dynasty Of the crown: So far as has been noted only Geri mania, von Hertling's organ, is setts - fled with his speech oU Japa Take Important Town.. • SHANGHAI, Sept. 9. — Japanese forces have occupied the. town of Khabarovsk, Siberia, according to ad- vices received here from Vladivostok. 'Khabarovsk is the seat of the gen- eral Government of Amur and capital of the Littoral or Maritime Province. It is situated at the junction of the Amur and 13ssuri rivers,. and is on the Ussuri branch of the Trans- Siberian Railway. Germans Lose Warship. AMSTERDAM, Sept. 9.—One of a squadron of , German warships cruis- ing,. off; the coast Of the island of Ameland Friday evening, ran on a mine or was torpedoed. The ship was seen suddenly to heel over and dis- appear. 'Secretary Baker Irt France. , , WASHINGTON, Sept: 9. --The War . Department announces the arrival of Secretary Baker in Frande;'.acconi- panied by an official oart ,queluding John D: Ryan, assista.ne, netatyr . , . charge of aircraft., -Sugar HAVANA a'.Sugar stroyel 'eatitaate` HOG PRODUCTION It is a matter of the greatest importance, that Canada should increase her produc-- tion of BACON HOGS and other live stock as there is at present a world-wide short- age of meat. Good markets for some time to come are assured. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE will gladly make loans to assist farmers in,: good standing to acquire live stock. xxieran eaANoa—s. a. Emmy, MANAGER ZI-JIM tirediton Branch -J. Mo Donald Manager. lef PERRY F. DOGPE. Licen9ed IOW tioneer. Bales oonduoted in any lo - (minty. „Ternats moderate! rdens. left at Ilmea Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Eirkton, Ad- dress. Kirkton, 13, 0. W. laoHINsom )1,10EN8ED AVIOTIONEER AND V.ALTIATOR, ler Counties of Huron Perth and illiddlespx. Form Steck Sales a Opecialty. Office at Goekshutt Warerooms, "next door to the Ventral Kate!, Main St.''Exeter. Charges mod- erate tvad eatisfeation guaranteed. 3, rW, RROWNI,EG, M. D. M._ S. Graduate Vitoria University„ Office and Residence. Dominion Labratory, Exeter. •, Associate Coroner of Huron 1. IB. 'DARLING, gi, 'l)lcairal9311431111.4 etc. Uarristers 23°11e.iturtio'li!itoot:17 • C for th M°18en5t lowest Ionnteeyrestto. 14" e FF10E-M4IN ST, EXETE tea of , ONT. :MONEY TO LOAN, , , We have a large' !amount private funds tojtsan On farm$Uge a 'ertte0, et lewP,st ,Xate itt MAE -114110R13R RIERERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE 1E017E0- AEDE DOMPANY' Read Office, , Farquhar, Oak - President, SORT. NORRISI' Viee-Proside-rit, nt' DIREGTORd . OR.00K.-J mina. say" J. L, J. ALDIROIC, I L it,GENTe 1 U t LI, JOHt/t ESAERY. Exeter,. Agent U* - borne, and. Ridduiph. ouyou, RABBIS, Munro,. Agent liox- - Ribbert,Fallarton* and Luna. . - TURNBULL • Wee, fileety-Trens. Farquhar, OLADuAN & stAmtityar • 1 Solicitors, Exeter, • 1 DR. G. F. POULSTON. L. 1)„.8;, 1.:UNTIE3T • iS Honor Graduate of Toronto Ilniver-- eit„y. Office over Dickson & Garb. - ing's Law Office. Closed Wedneedy*- afternoons. Phone Offiee 5a and- liesidenee 5b. 1 I pit., A. B. ,EINSMA.N, L.,L,D.,,'D.0111,k1, • nor Graduate Of Toronto - ',DENTIST oted fertthOu, feiti: libiiTy'av; 3