HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-9-12, Page 2Nat rT, .48 Chi ti 1Cl has orntl3."et several el Oe a very saws ' fo,c tlF.,r ia, I.O€Lna,_ l + lk) :tl 1 on., k1I, 4 h01,.c EoP4 3Y k>*. 54 "seS;1ez.. t1.l: lt' •Ixtt :,t1Cy 48, 1£ t3 11,. 4113 4>€4 trc t. t=i r�':�rksna'a a. ttI 1t• air sleitly't 117.tti �11L1 t sleP 1]7 l h I sn1 a and 'a«Pd tY'` n71a12i.' ri',121.11''l He I)ir,' a boy ',Nth c itas 1a0e'Sl i yp r 'A` 1iGin is t T5 o zi a;iY s° 1 a 1ral coffee. k1 She 11x41 1,o a r>etitc tell more tis actio 1 lr. g and in pourf:lb. 11.:: s no?.csw ' -L ger teas n -o tw71 speculations. to Lz .r n.an, ns be did ever r .i:4>~ :n -tercel her 11 tete C { suit, the ,bSe€nie e3' pYe e s �nOt e, S . >a sit al e it «;c rlxtca �A3$ii"1 aka x, kata.l.t l y on tee poo, axed should w ; zzta thue felled ,53,rs, r1..e11h°lzng €� pQ ce 0,4u or i-r(¢0c tier e1 bot i7rter lititlb XA1 lave oat ten z)olaul'`^=' n 71 i1 %L.t,l a C NO Slam 011 ra`C•A�u t 'Ji;'; th s' 14,41 za Yrs j tjl 0 tr 0 renin Cir: e poli ere ILZ 'tk vy pent: hies tea given scab waste. pT . enti li .,s to �cYi,t the <noun l X41) re, �.tidl'eters'I< 15- , s1 kat1$e :i,? L't 2Tt%7 rid e, 1 t exile e e' an t 1,Y .S a- n.fa oe of certain U'"i?tkina'tti 3n-:-.' $ =�2in.-a': v «t i.Cng` :m e ree-s,1ve:. ure sof` <3,.;t '.. 3l'd•FSore. or a'`;£5:: ix leen p$ahna�ite& 1- i" 3i YT a T taf t h s. hee [e€'Od y '€r n anal R gUh1- i zcu t.t)IY int the trad aelaa e "�cloals, tageG�,'cr a !: �J4,,,71 csz;4: e 'to SSk ba+ tiLlire a A A3€$ Le 0r1s1<terabii nP:t o n Of ottler pere.ais- ;iAe 1 or ' hezl A e 1n11 8tS '�.E C'.1,ie of t 2Ea3', l°�fS2 ir4nu _ 4fn �4rci i. i3 a .47. 1t-r� s xaw using 7 der ea ill rams irc ?ev` e *..b • 1s �1 i3+il a 0 t 9 t1 • F1� le tlUi1 ilrt.' U 4dyl is a none ras z+. 'taa.Ll i ztdf o v ip, �v . r At was 1 tt.A{„ {;x.?,�3,# Il.' r3ouei_`1. 1 t311!";`ittingly 1100111. i 0 7:T3`tP 3fi;t.711'17t t."71.Ii'•. i �Iauto L.{vk.°:t, net, pay I 7t1d 7'. en * re " inquirea.'. IttlrJi1 1¢¢cei5 as.5'eritii .Ionto; aiVis'7�hln ly. She ...unhicd bi her ba a1lcl brought it eot---the last she: had,. And Monte, his reckless joy, handed that: ayer also to S,o'uezn. The Than w5ns iG,,o, W�ii1df red. to d0 mere than how as he . L ? etore a prince and princess. Monty :ed her up the incline though 'the 17 leaved olive trees L€t. inrt the `a'7all. It had been made no as ?neatly es in any hotel, with pifrnty of blankets and a pillow: iter head; 4 c 11 tir 341.. al n a V 1L0 l lila 1t"} 1s "i'r:l,E add nn k111': y p 1 A'4�i� of suit to i .. Tit ii't f The tolIla:te Il{Y7S11 team Ing, /Undo ire= :a 7S7 okez1 tu7'1'eto"es #'oohed 'aoat7 4. Souein lent a mattrass, you Wish to retire at once," he arrar,--ged just the other si e of said, "I'll go back to mv side of e t wail. That is your room. Itith wali, plenty bletnitecs• you should be cora- She hesitated, The wall was rnan- fortable enough there," he said. high and so thick that once he was' "Arid you?" she inquired. behind it she woulii feel terribly, 9 am on this side of the wall," h replied gravely. "Or better still," he suggested, "you "What are 'you going o sleep `lie down and let me sit and smolte "A hianket-.11 It was a temptation she would have If it had been pOssible tO do so ' resisted had she not been so ared fir • 1 c t. 'X;arl l^g,t and • ll}t5,a.) nir+,att€sad; ;et the:' 1 a6 as ],„1i Th COAL SITUATION. H.tivi concumer8 May rk :cls venting Coni Shertag ti xceed llu0t: t to meet 1 t11.e nloro #1r a she would have given him the mat- ' physically. As it was,„lialf numb -1 tress and slept upon. the, ground her- ed wi'th fatigue, she removed her hat self, 'That is what s.,ite -¢,vould have' and lay litov,in between the blankets. liked to do. (ro be con,inued.) "It's no more than I have don0 in the woods when I couldn't Inake camp 'Hebrew linlversity , . in time," he explained. "I had hop- , On a site purchased before the war ed to take you some day to my cabin at Mount Scopus, near Jerusalem, the Ilea3: the lake." cerem011Y of laying the -foundation- Sbe could think of nothing better stone of a Hebrew university has than aiiother inane remark:— - "It must Ile beautiful there," taken PlaCe, says the London Times. Ile looked up. The creation of this university is an "It always has been, bat now— Important pait. of the Zionist pro - without you— " gramine. The cerem2ny was attended "You mustn't let rne makte any diff- by General Alletility, officers of tile "Because you mustn't. You must of Palestinian Jews a deputation of go on just as if you had never met e Egyptian Jews, and .,he heads of other e -Why ?,0 He was as direct as a communities. 1-wel‘ e stones, symboll- bOy, cal of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, "Because that's best. Oh, .1t know, were laid, the first by Dr. Weizinann, -Violate. You enlist trust, me to knoW the others by representatives of the 'hat is good for You." slle,...erled. various branches of Jewish in "I don't believe you know 08e_ri Palestine and the Diaspora Chairs i -what is good for yourself," he an.s- , ere.cL will be created for all arts and Jerusalem t to IYl lOn (3t' b iit&ih ern t31 tllv.s5'ar.r 1 OVel', titan, iilelnastrial aUti will have returner to for:sial, the iuel authorities expect mines is to produce a year's,`supplyr twelve months Ii roe •el f 11 that alt 'orders tor; even i 0 per cent. of each consumer's annual supply cannot be ;Illeil at ance,.so early in the season. E-irIy orders will naturally receive precedence however, as we) as tend-; Mg to prevent congestion in transpor- tation, 11 renal pro.” ti nsTimptiOn. a3,lit; Tu'. Or' -1C.8. shipping..,. g c it demands. (, x p ti P11 .44 l Sr's°�. `a1 hito i1rco ia, Tia 101 versit. +or 11.;77F1t1 x:11;, t,55tiG', that I,„c.,01 i'.111 40011 $133.t` ..�. - 1. 1111 1 J 511 t3 e .,Ill ,ii$i 1,11 ,.ik s tt'tla l 011, 1117351; cue ) 11 ix (:t: Stli)b7l1 1.y 110 T1 Qii.ei 4021 10 o 11111 i4af13 ; rea 0p 10 lilIt. [link} ii ;lea a, six 040)0 tvas Par lilt 0- 11 during ti cOuld their radiators attics cut, t as to cense. zs?4 L"Of gely fuel situation has witnessed '1 asp tab 0 :metes or off lagh 11-11 it et 0 e the ro 00 el 01 Cermans 51101 Ce ItSuel %;')4;:t- 1 of star During the spring, the output of the mines in the United States -was not reassuring. This bas been steadily improying, howeN•er, and there is reasonable grounds tor hoping that the supply, foT hon,sehold purposes at , any rate, ina.yhe sufficient for the de- mand. Of Course in war -time things may happen over which even govern - may cause at least a partial falling. off In production, or difficulties in get- ting coal distributed.. Prices too, may he reasonably ex - 'Acted to be higher than in former years, as in the case of practically all Other indispensable commodities. For these roasong, therefore, if for ,no other, consumer. should obt, substitut0s, such as soft coal. wood, peat, etc., to as great an extent as possible. ' At the same :time, efforts shquld be made to cut down actual re0uirements of fuel to a minimum. It is quite needless in many Instances icir -whole houses to be heated tiiroug;11- out the -winter, By comparatively in - 0,,,,„,tiences, and will include olio, fot 'ural Life Problem "Get together" is a useful and ado. Many of the. disadvantages that the past have been the' result largely , assE¢ le 1 Na vrtti tit hadl ere 0 e iles of brass and y for shipment i.o-001001005. , The 0, 41nbled- from other villages and 012 of a lack of co-operation among eluded kitchen uteusils„ faucets a keynote of all co-operatiVe effort, im- possible. Hapiiily, they are now 41"0 many 'agencies at work that are each accomplishing something in changlittet, these conditions Among these the Rural Community Life Institutes in Ontario give prottlise of being great sevice. These are...really ex- tension work of the Department of Rural Sociology of the Ontario Agri- cultural College. A series of tconfer- ences held at strategic points throughout the prep -ince each year at which experts., in agricultural._ ,worlt and conditions discuss with rural min -I, isters, teachers, leading :farmers and: others the methods that experience has shown to be most valuabl'e `, bettering rural conditiOns. The inter -I est shown in these meetings indicates that these community leaders recog- nize. the existence of rural social pleb- lems and arc anxious- to find :the wisest solutions for them. Di will be and for the country generally when \ivaiitt,brnoeurt-s Jic:,), et togeth, er for the veork morth what his are DOB LONG Pantcreo cut Sizes— You are- young but once, but you can be youthful always if you care for your complexion properly. DaiIyuseofIngratrfs bleroishes,overcorres pimples and other eruptions, Since 1885 its distinctive therapeutic quality has been giving health to the skin and youthful color to ,the complexion, It keeps your skin toned up, soft and clean, The refined way to banish oiliness and shininess of nose and foreb ea d induced by perspiration, is to apply a light Souveraine Face poli-vdett, 50c. It alsoconcealstheminorblern-. ishes, Included in the complete .line of Ingram's toilet products at your druggist's is Ingram's Zadenta for the teeth, 25c, A Picture with Each Purchase Each rime you buy a package of lat-.,-tratn's Toilet Aids or Perfume your diuvgist will give you, without famed motion pictut-e actress. Bach Urne you get a different portrait so tre