HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-9-5, Page 7ALEXAN RA
a.'.F A
!orth Ten Million Dollars,Are
Kept in a Steel-jined Hoorn
in Marlborough House.
The collection cif treasures at Varl-
frOrouglaliouse, in the way of gold and
eilver and. works of art, is one of the
1110St valuable in the world. And,
every artiele at Marlborough, House
Is the personal .possession or Queen
Alexandra, with the exception of the
famous Gobeilit, tapestries, -avhiell be-
long, to the nation.
These were accounted by King Ed-
ward as 'being , among the most valtr‘.
vorks of art in the possession of
za, Royal Family, and they 'were pen -
haps on this account specially prized
y Queen Alexandra. '
'Ile late 'Mr. Pierpont Morgan is
said to have offered $250,000 for them
late reign;hut, of course, the
±as not made 'directly to King-
Fr Sentiment's Sake.
Practicallv all the gold and' silver
reasures 10 posscssioa of the late
King, and which his Majesty bequeath-
ed to Queen ,Alexandra, are, stored
ray in ;past, steel -lined room on the
ground itOor of Ma:adhere:mil House,
The Court jewellers and goldsmiths,
eosio yeera baelt, rellghly fixed the
value of the troasuresaat $10,000,000.
Guests of Queen AI4Xamira, visiting
,lklarlborough frouse foiethe first time,
e elweye shown this Militias Royal
It ie diffieuit to convey in words any
idea ofAlna wealth of treasure revealed
by a sight of the treasure -vault. The
walls are lined with imillenso glass,
b -bomed eases, examined with gold
and vois tre±isuree- huge Pilgrim
bottles, immense gold and efiver drink-
ing-cups, ields el Oriental design,
ornaments of every eerie
in one ceee there w -four
1 ear t ViCCS, • S
Shall I wear mourning for my soider
'I—a believer? Give mcred,
Or give me royal purple for, the King
:At 'whose high court my love is
v S ng
'Daeee me in green for growth, forlite
made new;
1For skies his dear feet march, dress
I me in blueo
.In white for his white soul—robe me
in gold
For all the pride that his new rank
shall hold.
In earth's dim gardens blaorns nla hue
too bright
To dress rite for my love who walks
in light!
Mak is beauty o
and see for yourself
What girl or woman
lemon juice to remo
blemieffies; to white
bring out the roeee, the freshncss and
the hidden beauty? But lemon Julcn
alone is geld, therefore irritating, and
sheuld be mixed with oreliard white
this way. Strain thrbugh a line eloth
thetjuice of two fresh lemons Into a
bottle containing about three ounces
of orchard white, then shake well and
you have a whole quarter pint of ekin
and complexion lotion at about the
cost one usually pays for a small jar
t. heard of
sin and to
s, a ioneau zu of ordinary cold cream. eure to
this (IraN
ef d orwuin
were given to
lends at bonu
In one drwe
box the sides
eln, Arid this is one oi
-. A. large case in
tlio voult Is illed with
g tropli les won by the
underueatb tho ease at
f it Is ep drawer and
1 all manner
hoNes, that
be ring by bis various
and abroad.
there is a solid gold
of which are about a
uarte.r of an fuel: thick. It Is ahou
o foot square and six inches in depth
On tho outside of the cover al'e the
letters It.," eurinounteti by a crown
et in tile rarest jewele. On the inside
of the eover aro earved the words°
'Troll his Mitjeety's devoted and loyal
subject., Alfred de Rothschild." This is
but, one of hundredeeef such:rgifts that
these drawers contain, In one case
Is a small glass, sliver -mounted :salt-
caetoN Intrinsically its value is prob-
ably not more than about $5, but it is
one of the objects among this wealth
of treasure that gliCeil Alexandra nar-
icularly values,
A Tragic History.
It was given to Ring Edwarcl years
ego by a very valued friend, and the
late Ring always regarded this caster
as a sort of mascot,
His Majesty had it sent up every
-morning on his breakfast -tray, and
even when Ite went to the house of a,
friend this mascot was among the ar-
ticles always taken ±ivith.the monarch.
It appeared on his breakfast -tray when
It was sent up to his room on the very
morning of the day he died, and the
dying King said to the servant: "I
am glad you have not forgotten my
mascot. I shall never see it again."
But the treasure -vault contains but
a part of the treasures at Marlborough
House. In the Green Drawing -room
are two carved tapestry -covered
,chairs, given to their Majesties by the
late Sir Richard Wallace, the raan who
beaueathed the Wallace Gallery to the
nation. These chairs are said to be
worth. ten thousand dollars apiece.
Under a glass case in another apart-
ment is a fan of beaten gold, Derma-
naented with a moat delicdte tracery
work. It was despatched as a Christ-
mas present to Queen Alexandra by an
Indian prince some years agO. It was
sent by a servant ot the prince.- The
first part of the servant's journey lay
through a jungle, and here lisn'was at-
tacked and killed by a tiger. The case
--laintaining the -fan was afterwards
found and sent back to the prinCe,
three yearsafter it had been first sent.
Once more it wasaiespatched, and this
time reached Marlborough House in
safety. One of the rooms at IVIarl-
borough House is furnished with- all
the furniture, ornanaents, and pictures
that were .in Ring Edward's writing -
room at Buckingham Palace. -
A Screen Worth a Fortune
Two, objects of art in the -room
specially prized, by Queen Alexandra
are two genuhie Tanagree statuettes,
nurchased in Paris for her by the late
'King during one of their early trips
after they wore married. In this room
Is also a pencil eketch of King Ed-
ward when Prince of Wales, done by,
an artist in a restaurant in Paris at
which his Majesty was dining: and a
screen'completely covered with photo-
graphs of the late Ring's personal
,friends. The 'first photograph was
gsted on it two years after the King's
arriage, and,,the last a year afterlife
strain the lepton juice so no pulp gets
into Lite battle, then this letlem will re-
main pure and fresh for montha.
When applied daily to the face, neeir,
arms and hands it should help to
bleach, clearei000therft and beautify
the skirt.
Any druggl supply three
ounces or orchard white at very little
cost and the grocer has the lernOns,
Wortderfpl 'Way in Which They Gen
erate lIeat in Winter.
The bee upholds his reputation for
industry throughout the winter months
as during the summer, Being suss
ceptible to cold, the bee must have
some means of sepplying warmth.
It was found by experiment that
only the shell of the cluster made tey
the bees' in cold weather is compact.
This is formed by one of several lay-
ers of bees all solidly arranged with
their heads inward, their hairs inter-
lacing. ° a
This arrangement is perfect for
conservation of the heat within. Ex-
cept for an oceasional shift of posi-
tions the bees forming the shell are
quiet. But within the shell strange
things are going on.
It is here that the heat is generated.
And the antics are not alike our own
"when we are cold. ,L
The bees are packed loosely within
the shell so that there is plenty of
space for many bees to be exercising
at a. time. Rapid fanning of the wings,
shaking the body from side to side
rapid breathing and other movement,s1
are all parts of the scheme for raising
the ternperature.
In one particular instance, when a
bee had bee11 rapidly fanning with his
wings for seven and a half minutes,
the thermometer nearest him rose half
a degree Fahrenheit.
Me Wear and
Tear on that boy,
of yours c:lur-inti
the active years
of child hodti and
youth necessitates
ra e u
uelDI rtaets
viESOCOUS minds
d bodies at
any age.
'There's a Resor'
,,rQarS Llae
To thc lriian, may
lore rigid , 4,4
earth, buf. viAll of, ay at
bends ,an(i buckleappeeclably tinder
the pull of the heavenly isodiee.
Observation, has shown that ethe
shores on opposite sides of a tidal
basin approach each other at hieli
tide. The weight of Water in tile Leiaa
Sea, for example is so much greater
at that time that the bed sielts a
trifle, and in consequence pulls the
Iris)), and English coaste nearer ±
ehus the buildings of Liverpool and
Dublin may be fancied as bowing to
one another across the Channel, the
deflection from the perpendicuiar be-
about one incli for every sixteen
miles. It has also been hown that
ordinary valleys widen under the heat±
of the elan and contraet again at
I, YES! LIFT A Conie
Cincinnati man tells how o dry
up a ern or callus so it lifts
oft with fingers,
e o 0-0
You corrapestered men and women
need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes
that nearly killed you before, says this
Ciacinnatt authority, because a few
± O
drone of freezone applied directly on. a ne
tender, aching corn or callus, stops ie Parties'
soreness at once and soon the• e Or they if they m
'Led eft, roetoantall. withoti Nfro0
hardened callus loosens so
eil bottlerotfreezeee costs Si2e5), 2 to 10 yea
anylittl at
tvely keorro4II.‘grels7telrlae,riibtottr Nsto'iflit ic)orn
or callus. This should be tried, as it
is inexpensive and is said not to rri
tete the surrounding skin,
If your druggist hasn't any frezone
to gt e en ell bottle for you
from Me wholesale drug hein5e, It is
stuff mid acte like a ebarni teteey
EEK for every
user of this famous soap.
The week in which you buy a
the regular price and secure ano er u
ized cake absoktely free by presenti
the coupon which appears below.
Every dealer who sells soap acting.
our agent, in this great free oijer
accept the coupon in exchange fora.f Palmolive provided you buy anofbre
cake of Palmolive at the same time.
With all soap
his gift w
now, viiiieb,e. suppiy
the cou flsign it an
dealer at once. Don't
free cake of -
Feed The ees
Now is the tinie to save out the hon-
ey for fall feediag. It la the pooreet
kind of economy tp skimp the bees on
their allowenee of food Be euro to
take honey for feedbag mar frogn
healthy colonies. Examine the 1.11,00a
;boro -re
nest carefully and s
no dead, larvae in
honey is not lit fot
isach e,
front the Boer war i0.7.duLLtvi.1111,111E±±e;er s. vect,o0001:n
ed 'with running foier sorce
legs. I tried wally ealves
mroernttisio; baiolsood, (bioutetegroetdnocoprietri,nalulelealin
relief, till last winter when my mother
got me to try MINARD'S LINIniENT's
The effect of which was almost magi-
cal. Two bottles completely Mired
rue and I have worked every working
day since.
ours gratefully,
CurlY Halt'
Curly hair is flOi. admired in Japan.
There are many people who have cur- :
ly hair, hat it is difficult to say bow
many, for Japanese ladies try as hard I
to straighten their hair as American
ladies do to curl theirs. In these I
modern days various preparations for ;
straightening hair are sold in drug !
stores and there are beauty parlors
In the principal street of Tokio which
advertise to "straighten hair by new
devices for making it lasting straight
—and no injury to tile hair." "
olemish in Japan.
Dominion Express Morioy Orders
are on sale in five thousand offices
throughout Canada,
Lady Kathleen Scott, widow of Cap
Min R. F. Scott, who lost his life in
his effort to discover the South Pole,
is doing her bit by acting as secretary
to the Ministry of Pensions in Eng
7-inard's Xannuatt Cures 1-ddstainnt4r.
Concerning Tile Drains.
It is not enough to think that your
tile -drain outlets are all performing
right. Best go and see. t Muslcrats,'
or boys trappng or hunting rabbits,
may have plugged up the tiles, thus
stopping the free flow of water from!
the outlet. Ita'Ybd a sod from the
bank above has dropped down, ob-
strutting ,'the flow. Caving dirt
from the creek bank will shut off an,
otherwise good outlet. In fact, sof
many things can happen to close these
much-needed drains in spring -time
freshets, that you can do rio better
half -day's work than to take a slia-de
over your shoulder and make an en-
tire round of all these outlets. We
once found a rabbit wedged tightly in-
to one of our farm drains several
yards from the outlet. and we had to
dig out ntiniber of tiles in order to
remove the ,obstruction, which would
have 'made the drain useless for many
months. See to it that all outlets
are kept open.
A basket cradle, for babies, which
can be suspended from an automobile
.seat or felded c'empactly,When not in
use, has been invented for the, use, of
most youthful motorists.. -
Scalloped corn can be .made i
baiting dish, putting the corn on In
lavers and seasoning with pepper,
salt, butter and grated cheese. Bake
till the top is brown.
3.11tad41 Liniment Crazes aoiratt crie.
Cool and dnhity as
This design developed
material maims a charmir r
McCall Pattern No. 8437, Lad
trae,, Negligee or NIghlgowri•
one size, Price, 20 cents.
Transfer Design No, US. Pri
These patterna may b
from your local McCall de '
om the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Tar.
onto, Dept. W.
at war4ime prices,
ciated---: act
nt. Tear out
!eJt to your
rig your
IF If awl Job printing plant In Eastern
Ontario, Insurance crtrrled $1,200. WIII
go for $1,200 an casksale._ Ilos ca.
Wilson Plitlishinn Go.. Ltd., Toronto.
R 1515 D
, x-14 pp4ez,i, inat notne breed now 50
nearly extinct. Wo hs,v0 some very fine
ones. R. A. GIllestdc._Abbotsford. Que.
...M, can matte it In your county tvIth our
fast selling ,CombinatIon 'Cocker.', One
salesman banks t‘288,65 the first month,
1 Another ,agent Cells' 20 in two hours.
Others cleaning uP $10 daily. No eayl....
tal necessary. Goods shipped to rellaole
men on time. Territory going fast
Write gulch to secure YOUr geld. Com-
bination Products Co.. Thomas Bldg,.
Foster. Que.
. ,
,j internal and external, cured with-
out pain by our home treatment. WrIte
as before too late. Dr. Bellman Medical
Co.. Limited, Collingwood Ont.
Et, YO1J„s
-o. ,
- ,,..c•
...., .
t 4141, il
,,, r
:At. i
' .•
Palti?.i 1-lirtit's
11seri f6i,40
Sprains, _Jame
Have a. bottledn
dealers, or . '
. .
tl 11 NSI±'S Family
Jierchnund and
W 'te us.
Pectoral .Syrun
, )
La Or '
will .atoP. It 1, ,
to relieve theta-
nears guy
,, toothache,'
complaints. i
housq. 'All
(SOO. 1.1
of ',......2.,
(3.±30-acr,-- en.,
. .
-- - - ± ---,
No need to tell you how good
Palmolive is. How its smooth,
creamy lather is considered the
greatest of all toilet luxuries.
Make this your introduction to the
luxury you have been. rnissing if you
don't already use Palmolive
or accept this opportunity to enjoy
a cake free il you do.
Palmolive contains Nature's greatest
cleansingagents—the Palm and Olive
Oils prized since history began as the
greatest of all toilet luxuries. Its delicate
Oriental perfume adds to the pleasure
of its use. Its lasting qualities make it
the economy soap.
ou Presenf
'This cenpot, witi be accepted (if presented
itfrin thirty days) as full payment for one cake
of Palmolive Soap when the holder purchases
another cake at the regular price of 15c (two
Only One coupon may be presented by each
family and the name and address of the patty
receiving the free Palmolive Soap must be
rgned in full to the folTowing:
I hereby certify that I have this day pilichaseri
one cake of Palmolive Soap frorn my dealer and
received one cake PaluaoliVe Soap Pres.
A ddretta - --- . . --- -
TO ----------- We will 1-001/1C(4 the soap
ulth tine boatmen only under the fellow.
ngeolubtlanu Ceupentnust be kettir4Vdireet
arid he obyned,by the perti rope vac the...BOara.
Yie pouut,rb, tidif monoto rodoote obonooto-tot tram Mal,th'imonr,
ertaidd demItem. r•L
The average daily expenditure of
mat Britain for the war is now $24,-
ISSUE 35—'18. zuni,,4,0 ziatiment cum coicir.,104
"Truth can' be outraged by silence
I quite 'as „cruelly as by speech," •
4TE:I Plarvcst or Bust," is the wheat
thrift sloson.
In one week in.eattI
were on Calgary roar ek as compare&
with 827 for the same week last year.