HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-9-5, Page 4F SE of Id tb ea ERINtill TRiltitcRey'sTEANT Excursions arvest licit) TO AN an eltfit; Ti.fa , zpore an £4iO1S 1,44kix-,0 execni siat1oi waseta end Innen Isetneese Sfolie .. 'notaseiie. ile h,".3vati n between _ ada- cl iaselusive and ad North ray ukirs' T▪ 'asser.vcer Lithuanians EnSiaved By Prussian Warlords Make Vigorous Protest is reeenc utterances about tile initiation, 'that is to say, the Ger- en Situation, Dr. von Kuehl - mann, tne former German For. ign Secretary, tuadea 1;1 -tie! allusion o the subjeec of the Baltic provinces which have been anneed by "O.er- niart,3- as 'the lost Provinees." He O'ffered a kind of lame apology for his country's departure from tile original agreement with Russia concerning delimitation Of the frontier _in the le region, het be protested. that he German Government still eon- , sidered it desienble to come to an t understanding with the Russian Gov- ernment as to the recognition of new states that Severed themselves from Ithe former RUSSZTL Empire, The protest itself was surely suPerfillows, Knowing the character of the Ger- man PolieY in general, and that of Dr. von inuehimanu in particular, the reasonable interpretation to be upon stteh a etatement is that .anie. is emetemplating adjust- -s that afford eppOrttlInities .for erricorial acquisitictus. Con - the recent protest of the people against the al- fl4y of Germanizatioa 95- i e FALL TER Hom SEPT 3rd CS F WEEK frnportant Events Which Have Occalnned Dui ing thWeek The lattsy World's Happenings care- ifliy and Put into Handy and Attrartive Shape tor the Readers of (nu' Paper — A Solid Hour's Enjoyinent. TUESDAY. Coal may advance another 00 n sPrice September 1. Railway freight rates on sugar aVe been anedified. Henry T. Bunten aged 47, was found dead in laia 1-00m, Two Allied air squaarorts attacked Constantinople on Wednesday night. The Municipal Council of Paris bas agreed te present a Sword. Of Ho -nor to Marshal Foch. 'Mrs. George Terry died of a rac aired skull, the result of falling dowr the cellar stairs at r borne Chatham. Seven Usti:Mg -boats have inat been nk by one submarine, near the oast of Holland. Three of them were of Dutch registry. John Mi1ler, a returned soldier, was snot by his wife in a tMPQraTY fit of insanity and may lose hie sight; his wife drowned nerse/f. It seenis likely that the Congress ef the United States Wil/ Pass a na- awide prohibition measitve to take Qii July 1 of lalte, tef Cenadiae silver eoin, sit Intl due eilver bars is pro- ercept 114,4er license iseued by th inister tatiFirtarice. Jatpe'hiet engrie, ant' .;SS'IlIltAlliernit41r170 years c for the 3hlnd at Brantford, cited a eiic day's illness of appendicitis. The attendance for the oPenin day ef the Exhibition at Torontoavfo, '3,490. Lord Simile/messy be beiton that started tiso taig alr Dr. W. G. laloCerntack, Toronto, is d by the ponce, on a charge o riminal negligeuce. His Meter ca. uek and bila11)inrsSUred Dorothy d2ea Eine, nta) tone, has e s aerl: iore tenor Pwri !sr\ u sentbb' e eon to the bottom rd and fourth asualties estintated ween Aug, 21 and ne period thej risoners alone U the bat VI et • .4. and Jtt e r▪ bthunnhu Tit pia.' nt a 'llee'f4a.tie: bed In Stock- enot Q1113, tor 5eP9 ,-):.... r ttqe P O. d a e lktiania. 'They,' tl:Ist,2 I ), r 9, h : : 0, ." n.011''''''. T. ' : ''',1j' , ir.°:,..'":1' j'e. A. :cR:14 , , ,' '. --e, , , :sr si,.:::::::11G-:: 1:7,‘ :93'1; ,,, 0 eountT a ' about 4 ,ay4,. k.,,...... ,. ;Ian Lithuanian OtX 'le, Itassi4as. Telfr., be population for sbould make 4 to Vilan Is ,.-ec,,o,,r.g:41,E.,* ,101t. zid,cfourat lnerana ania, urin Gerivau nesse eve arnotrnted be east of tbe s tve zany thousands vtieret reale c ' the men Gerntat 110en1110 Sayny nuderth d. son. 4Wurtteniberg and bracn prices, et. Let ds ur a and les. Place ti b'erttilittert. 1hon 12, A J. C ATVVORTHI ,ANTON„ Red Heir 020: .110 US FS' STALLION .T.R and C.N.R) MITOBELL duringtand bis season at tbe ETROPOLITAN HOTEL STABLE EXETER Red Heir bas been enrolied itt ac- cordance with olanter 67 of the Stat- utes of °titan.° 2 Geo. V. , You have two ehances when you tweed to a horse like Red Heir (50201) It you do not gel extreme speed you are sure oi a higb "class harness or shovai horse. ' BED HEIR is a beautiful seal - brown eolt. Be is one of the nand - looniest horses m the world, a fault- less mdividual, a, pure gaited trotter and one of the nest bred ones. Haa Sire is Red Badge 36808, grand-, iitna of Red,A,Valkes, whose son, sired John le. 'Gentry 2.00 3-1 and many ethers. , Has Dam is Daisy -at -Law, b necond 2.15 3-1. To insure a foal $15, ,payable Feb. Int. fk19.' a Tbe Pure -Bred Imported Clydesdale Stallion S,COTTISH GEM 12560, 16260 ,FORM.' Al, Szottesh Gem, Imp. Registered in he Canadian Citscieedale Stud Book O. Slo. 12560. Owned by Jelan J., tiler of -Bay. Foaled in, 19,09, has teen enrolted under the. Ontario Stal- nin Act. 1-„nterneted on the 4th day December, 1017 and found to be wadi of good 'conformation and an faitual typical of the breed. The celebrated Station will stand 'Ite season of 1918- at his own 'enter. North. JOHLN MILLEP , , ONT by qaXOPY ibis,ing under 40 Duko "illaain LIthunalane, a Letts, have refused to bear either an annexation or ef a pohtkal, tary, and econouiic linklng.up et heir territory with Gerrnany, Ti aperial German procbuuatlon that annoar2ced the "restoration of Lithw- nia an independent state allied to the German empire by an eternal, eadfast alliance," raised a universal protest among the Lithuanians. It s pointed out by those protesting if the inhabitants of Lithurtuia had accepted an offer of tile Germans to "protect" them, the neonsent" bad been obtained as the result tat a cam- paign. of "frightfulness," or, to use the language of the objectors, '"the terms of protectien were offered, with the left hand while a spiked club was brandished over Lithuania's head with the right," The reason for the "spiked club" is obvious when one examines closely the terms of alte Imperial proclamation of Lithuania's "independence." nLith iiania," It naively assumes, "vvill participate in the war burdens of Germany whieh secured her liberation." Whether or not the proposed in- tervention of the Allies to save Rus- sia. from, Germaa domination, and time to tree demeeracy from a great menace, is intimately bound up with the freedom of Lithearda., is perhaps a moot point. Lithuania, as consti- tuting a free and 'Independent state of the future, is apparently irt the same political position as Poland, and like that country, with parts oftwhich it is often confused, it may work out its own salvation as a consequence of the inevitable defeat of the Central Empires on the Western and, Italian fronts. The Allies will demand, as an irrevocable condition of peace, the release of the Baltic provinces from the clutch of Germany, who, as Mr. Lloyd George put it, intends to rule them "by the Pritssian sword in the interests of Prussian autocracy.' Allied policy will never tolerate their being left to the mercy of a military despotism that can enslave aught but Baruch, .the Polite.. In his story of Bernard Baruch, Mr, Richard Washburn Childs says: "Baruch's is a tall, slender, graceful figure, and it and its motions express a certain confidence and ease ,and poise and -absence of affectation, and presence of friendliness which gives to his personality the flanor of invi- tation rather than tbat of challenge. He is not of the bull -dog type. If he has vanity one would say it was of that glad and innocuous kind which never takes on the tiresome affecta- tion of square-jawness so tiresome and common among financiers and industrial kings, There is firmness in his faee, but one does not feel that he put it on, after shaving as so many of our two-fisted' captains do. There are none of theadaman- tine, -hewn-from-the-granite clap traps in Ids manner. The truth of the matter is that Baruch appears leas of the industrial tyrant than of the temperamentalist. "If he had; to cut off a head, he would be pplite." EDNESDXf. Yeeterday was Children's Day itt Toronto Exhibition. York Township tax de and is the lowes FirIntr. 0 Chiefs for Canada opened their annual convention itt tite E. ibition grounds, Sir John Baton started the "Sal - ors' Week" campaign with a sub- cription for 50,000. A double drowning Is feared to bave taken place in the St. Lawrenee river, near Brockville. First Assistant Secretary of War Crowell has been made United States Director of niunitions. The safe arrival in the United Kingdom of it large number of Cana- dian troops is announced. Tnree arrests were made in con- nection with the attempted robberY of the Spadina Cafe, Toronto, Lt. -Col. John White, of Woodstock, it prominent merchant and former mayor, died on his way down town. Immigration to the 'United States during the past year was less than during any year since the Civil War, Hon, Dr. Beland was given a great 'welcome at Sherbrooke, where he gave three addresses at the Exhibi- tion, A conference was held at Halifax by the Premier and members of 'the Governments of the Maritime Pro- vinces. An official statement issued in To- kio attributes the rice riots to anger of the people at the extravagance of the rich. The first hospital special train, conveying thirty-three invalid sol- diers to their homes, is to leave Kingston toonorrow. License Inspector Fisher seized a still, in operation on a kitchen stove, in a Gra,venhurst house, together with a quantity of whiskey. John -11IcKishnie, father of Mrs. Jean Blewetteand of Archie P. Mc- Kishnie, died at Chathamwithin a few weeks of ninety ',years �f age. The Fuel -Administration' in the United States has 'called upon the publie" east of the Mississippi to, stop using gasoline for passenger automo- biles, motorcycles and motorboats on Sundays until further notice. TH'URSDAY. Yesterday was Women's Day at the Toronto. Exhibition; to -day is Allies' Day. Joseph Deacon, K.C., nonce magis- trate of Brockville since 1871, died at the age of 78. - Stationary -engineers „will protest to the Government againat legislation grading. engineers. Toronto telephone girls will apply to the Department of Labor for a I3oard of Conciliation. Coroner Winnett, Toronto, at an inquest commented strongly on the practice of children playing on the streets. An immense deposit of potash so- ditun sulphate, of many millions of tens, has been discovered north of Maple Creek, Sask. In Military-neistriet No. 3 (Ottawa and Kingston), 766 men took advan- tage of the opportunity given. to de- faulters and absentees to report 'foi service. The C.P.R. commercial telegraph- ers at Montreal decided to defer the proposed strike forsthe present, and; se eseeseet, their case to the Federal' rurnnt r' owman was nominate., Fanners,' of °titan. ,Tt e Conserva,tive, canal'? Varner, in thenevinal anitOu In, Isla Jon, 4 IVAat's 0 eminent has purehased 33,004) acres, casting nearly $2,000000, for sol- dierssettlement, The Federal Gov- ernment has established a directorate of educational waripropaganda. The British Board of Agriculture states that the arable area in Eng- land and Wales amounts to 12,400,- 090 acres, an increase of 1,152,000, compared with 1917 -The wheat acre- age has Mereased by 638,000 acres. A beautiful woodland lot a forty acres at the`confluence of the Grand Conestoge) riaers, was handed Om by Mr. Waltee T. Stainer tta‘ Hon. ay Macd armd rpflg the tare°. Government t pa icy of conservation 41), titan. FRIDA,Y. The annual conference or th A. M. E. is in Session. Vancouver has been made a basic or in the grain business. About 70,000 people attended the National Exhibition on Allies' Day. Bessie Heastie, 16 years of age, was drowned while bathing at Co- burg. Tnome$ Tressan, a Toronto musi- cian, dropped dead when leaving the Exhibition grounds. Ten thousand people beard Hon. Dr. 13eland's open-air address at the Exhibition at 'Toronto. Vladimlr Bourtsoff, the Russian • volutionist, says he has eecelved ad- -s from Russia that Gen. Korniloft Is ILving. The South African Government is drafting fitlilna:e4re theenuiations to prevent th use of German language in pub - There is a rush on New York among the dews to Join tbe Jewish battalion et the British army serving in Palestine, The chief eities and towns of' the Rhine distriet have formed n Pernm- ient corrunittee to deal with the in- reasian menace,of Allied air raids. The DePainion' Government is op - Per" nr hefOre the InternatiOnal Joint atereSaiyg Qmb SSiO at Montreal he appronal of pietas to dam the Long Sault near Maesena, N.Y. Reginald A. Fowler, a Conserve - tine farmer, of Amheret Island, was elected by acclamation to tile Legis- lature as member for Lennox, insue- ces:St s, Thomas busine.s$ mesa will pro - teats• onotrontlylt. erl o ate T. G. Carscallen. to tile Dominion Power Control - Sir enry Deayion, againrsotwtehre t cut in the 'iearagua have averteij their agreeingarus by e it ltdiraas1-1 v.a°1f1 m their a dere and aut.- eir eontrovesy to the United. Tho total registration In Canada showed 2,572,754 men and 2,471,2$0 women, or 5,044,034 in all, not equntthg some 115,000 cards since received or expected through the post offices. Win. Sclater, a prominent business man, of Seaforth, is dead. Serious strikes, involving 200,000 have broken out in West- phalia. Press Day at the Toronto Exhibi- tion had an increased attendenee iiver 191.7. Roy }ester. aged four, was hurt by a motor ear near his latiate itt Toronto. No extension Is to be made of the amnesty to defaulters under the Military Service not. Jas. D. Cameron, for 33 years U. S. Senator, and at one time Secretary of War,' is dead at Harrisburg Pa The registration of man" and wo- man power ;in the Yukon is to be made on the 30th of September. Saskatchewan's wheat and oats rops have improved by at least fifty per cent. during the peat month, The Ontario Railway Board has re- laxed. the regulations regarding the sale of natural gas trona Kent County fields. Doctor, the Hon. H. S. Deland ad- dressed the Canadian. Club and vi5it- ed parents of soldiers imprisoned in. Germany. ..., Gerald McGowen, 12 years old, was electrocuted by coming in con- tact with a fallen light wire in the town park at Perth. The Dominion Government is con- sidering fixing the prices of oats, bar- ley and rye and of wheat flour sub- stitutes made from these 'grains. n The Federal executive in Australia has empowered any competent mill- tary authority to prohibit aliens page ticipating in meetings or propaganda work.. . , '- MajorW. J. H. Sharp, CasUalties Officer of M. D, No, 3, whoeinyster- musty disappeared an Aug. 2, and was thought drowned has been lo- cated in the UnitedeStates. - Canadian aran Anierican 'Govern- ment representatives will meet at Lake Champlain on Sept, 4 for a fur- ther conference on drafting uniform fishing laws for the two countries, in international water. Canadians III -Fight,. LONDON, Aug. 31. -- A message from Reuter's correspondent at Brit- ish headquarters says that one of the features of Thursday's fighting was the clearing of Jigsaw Wood, east- ward, of Monthy, by the Canadians. The German's strongly' resisted, but the Canadians swept forward in grand style, and by :three in the afternoon, after beginning operations In the morningethey had naopped up the wood. The \Canadians claim to have captured sixty guns since Monday. An officer of the .214th di.vision was tak-en with, his arms folded and an autoniatic in his hand. He said his men were hopeless poltroons and squealed that they were not going to face the Canadians. - The Germane -in many places are blowing up supplies. The Britian are now within ,. two.hundred yards of the .Drocourt-Queantline. - Quick Shipbuilding. n LONDON, 'Aug Ano 'World's„ record has beensmail Bel aSto Snip b nil dingh4 tdar4110411 '7 „cam le 6* a,' g ROMANCE OF S saoeing the Ships .Sunic Ry tb. Pirates. lniand undulations termed a bet of curing green above the ellen, cliffs, and, at their foot, bright- trocked Children played on -the pee ble shore.- Sea and aka' competed t reveal the richest shade of blue; for all the world was bathed in cop- ious sunsitine. And, against that tranquil enackground we formd...L. stranget'pathetic eitip„ foundered eine half -submerged, and painted , bright- colors,- though not by mall Also did we note annoise, a smell, and another Ship --- sister vessel to our, own.and anchored alongside tbE fantastic wreck. The noiee was Strong pulsations ot pumping machinery, talienee sPreuted great auction tubes, from whose raised extremities fountains oi water gushed into the sea., We were viewing salvage operations of the Admiralty. Salvage Section — a war ereated department which, by restor- ing to Britain some 400 large cargo ships that had been sent to the bot- tom of the sea, has assisted invalu- ably to circtunvent Hun piracy and maintain our food supply. As a first inetaltnent of the as- tounding story of that wreck, let me mention that for many hourshe drifted as a floating furnace aflame from bow to stern. Thus. all protec- tive paint was burnt off, and thapak- ed metal left to be coated, cntielti With marinrgrioe faeaeli rust aswtures :timtthletii leleitliqr ot tile:: at cloae quarters. To peer down the mainIdwas to see a Wank eonfuslon of twisted girders, charred casks and burat bales, all involved in a. sort of car- bon slime. The euction tubes de-' et -ended into that pit, and so they were drawing up, not merely a dou- ble deluge of foul water, but 050 (and thi$ accounted for the smell) such noisome gas as is generated by 'rotting portions of a submerged cargo. And now note another facter in these strange proceedings TwO Alen slowly tented a kind or doqble- bandied windlass -a pump forsend- ing air along a tubber tube, tglitien could be traced thrmagb the '4,naps diansbip of three men, and so, e side and down into the wat Hard by was a duplicate ot that palestina, with its entailer crew. each case the live men ministered t a diner at work below OA the ship's hull. Not while I looked On did eitber appear. However, before consing, to the rusty wreck, we bad visited sev- eral other Veseels stricken by tit Ilunt and at One, going close in it pinnance, I had seen a pair of divers come up from the water,. 'In their time-honored costume and helmet, they looked like ponderous human monsters with hard heads of it par- ticularly swollen order; and thus it was ClIriOUll, on peering into their great eyes, to see the sma/1 pink reties of young nten eniGing self-con- sciously on beholding visitors. Among those other vessels waa huge oiler, which also had wavy decks and much crinkled plating is story was tangled with the story of the rusty and barnacled wreck. Denied navigation lights, they col- lided in dark and thick weather, whereupon the oiler burst into flames and her burning benzine swept across the other craft, whose, crew* penned in by fire, were heard utter- ing loud cries for three minutes. Eight succeeded in jumping over- board, and were afterwards rescued by a destroyer; but 32, including the master, perished. The oiler, emitting columns of smoke and fire, was towed into shal- low water, there to be scuttled and afterwards salved, with some 8,000 tons of her inflammable cargo. The smaller .vessel, canopied with roaring flame, blundered through a cbapter of catastrophes. To begin with, her magazine blew up. But soon a tug's intrepid com- mander had fastened his hawser to the burning ship's starboard stern bollards. Then' a mine was- struck and that hawser parted in the ex- plosion. To the port stern bollards, another tug fastened its towing gear. So once more the ship of tragedy voyaged slowly sternforeraost to- wards the shore. Allort., however, she struck another raine, and injuries were sustained on her quarter. Still the salvage people persisted in -their efforts, and a little More progress was made, after which another mine was struck and another battering was sustained by the hull. It was a, contest inetween the colossal and apparently endless bad luck of that floating furnace and the dogged patience and pluck of H. M. Salvage Scetion. The rescue crews gritted their teeth and went on with the job. At last shallow water was reached. Then came the task of ex- tinguishing the flames. A destroyer - was directed to scuttle the unfortun- ate vessel. Only afterreceiving some shots'bn her water line did she be- gin to settle; her actual foundering - being delayed until the following morning. And salvage operations, as we have „seen, a.ret still proceeding on that wreck of 'rust, seaweed and barnacles.—The London Chronicle, A Hint. I ,sowed too early, and 1 lost ,aly work of conservation— There „came a most untimelyifrost And stepped the germination, ' But soon I went to work again At patient reclamation; If all will, do the same, why then We'll stop the German nation! viting a friend. dinner? asked Mr. "Have you any objection t� nay in - Entertainment. Meekton. 'NomeIv• r,"th ereet?PIted Itoairrie Children Cr f r Fletcherrs The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been PI use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of: and*has been, made under his per-- sonal supervision since its infancy.. 'r-444ive74' Allow no one to deceive you in this.. All' Counterfeits., Imitations and " just -as -good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health crE.1 Infants and Children—Ex erience against Experiment. to What is - ASTOR! Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregori Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contain. neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Iti age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it bas; beenin constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,. Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness asising- therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aid the assimilation of Food* giving healthy and natural dee,' The Children's Panacea—The Mother'a Friend. CASTORIA ALWAYS the ature n Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bo n TAUR OMPfr,N'..K, 55 CAPITAL AND RESERVE $8 SOC,000 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CtILOUL.AR LETTERSOP REDVI JIANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Iritercet allowed st blgbest urrent ra Di ()LARKe 1 G TER BRANOI .0 0 &&&&& *** ra•ItOd.••••4 * * 104/pi/ars 110G PRODUCTION Et is a matter of the greatest importance' that Canada should increase her produc- tion a BACON HOGS and other live stock, as there is at present a world-wide short- age of meat. Good markets for some time, to come -are assured. TILE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE will .gladly make loans to assist farmers in, good standing to acquire live stock. 361 „s EXETER ISRA.NOH-A, E. KORN, MOUSER 4-T'111 Crediton Branch -J. Ai Me Donald Manager. PERRY4'. DOUPE, Licensed 'Ana- tioncer., Sales' conducted ha any lo - minty. Terms, moderate, Orders left at Time Office will be promptly' at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton, Ad- dress. Inirkten, P. 0. BAN, ROBINSON 1 LICENSED A.UOTIONEER AND. I ;VALUATOR /fir Cnunties of Hainan Perth and Middlesex, Earna-Stock Sales a -Specialty. Office at Coekshutt fWererooms, tnext door to the !Central Hetet, Main St. Exeter. ;Charges mod- erate and satisfaction guaranteed, 3, fWy IIIROWNING„Itl., D., M, B Pe S. Graduate ,Victoria University„ Office and Residence, Dominion Labratory, Exeter. aasociate Coroner of Huron I, R. iOARLIG, - Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publia, ConrmIssiorier, Solicitor for the Molsons ank, etc,„ Money to Loan at lowest rates of, Interest. f f " OFFICE-MAIbT ST EXETER 611T, MONEY TO ROAN We ,bave a large amount of private Salida' to loan on farm and village rtiea at lowest rate n of int - THE USSORrNE ec RIBRERT FARMER'S [fiApTuAT,. FIRE INS1113t+- ANSE DOXCP,ANYi tijig Had Offtoo, Farquhar, Oats. President, ROT. NORRIfp Viee-Preeident, THOS., BY.AN4- t ROOK. , 'lW. Rini - J. L, RIJOU.L11, I J. T. ALLIflOhf. ; AGRYIYIL LU 1L JOHN. ESRERY. Exeter,' Agent 131111"! -- borne, and Biddulph. OLIVER, HA:RBIS, Mtinio,Agent fog- Aibbert, ,Fullartmx and Logna, , Mr, A. TURNBIlLL., 114;1 .Seety,Treas, Farquhar,1_, 1LADIII1A.N & STANSURY, r1. olicitors, .Exeter,; VI DR. G. F. ItoU'LVINDN. L. D. S„ne- DENTIST , Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer-4- eity„ Office over Dickson & 0arlo, - ing's law Officie., Closed Weilnesdy*,.. nfternoons. Phone- Office 5a and, Residence 5b. _ 1110.001•00100.01 DR, A. R. KINSMAN, L. L. D,; Sit - Honor Graduate -of Toronto Univaro aitYt DENTIST, Teeth extra° In. :aDyf Ve a tet