HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-9-5, Page 1IM. on prier fas wholesalerices. This1P€ies uaxtac.ai4:rly to gotten Stool s such ns' lirt. fi ams, Tickings, Ga€aegis;Prints, ;Giza„harus, Flannelette nnelette T31 kn , # heet;k e ete., also Dress ,£roads and ;,h €aeil nearly -everg-thing 3n otar store. We �c .id ,strongly °advise early fall bush, as 'Present stocks will Yam sell xra t at the apriceas owe are 0iterarag- PHONE 32 :;A* 1.4 i e:ar5 i,L':a;S v'fl >lactcr, that,' 9 9 in JaTlieo St ? ltarcl next Sux1'd;ay evening the Pastor will give the first sf <t series of sermons on "Bife's «per•° cls" ub,}cet, The termiaaal of ill., r Dying as, a Dai;. Dies", fir. ! d-- Ll 0 .3 4o Se+Ct nd 4lc tic ed .d: In Pito of -3•he fact t . l; n r-handise has greatlyand& - 1 ;purioa ing dtlzc last few mor t, 4, Nee are able 'to offer many-linca.? afoioate wore ' sold at in dh�tri 1-g', This is "only- Bi eble " k use t titin :,rs izg� �� t that we, bought very heavily :i year and ,i half ago 'atter:" u Ps a� held ��� �s t' ds av sur- sr --vat ri.<.s on r_I_�._� 1 _w ;�' Note our Prices on th+ `14) ' ()1aing to his a,dvaktl�a x; , tors sQfl'4.l .a.. i au open afar a a . tisk, only ,�r o be taken as la - 'r 1 *£ize, i;ati nt #a lir ttt ttopro i der=.clod to hang= an tti ,tis€nx ;Was fJitter Tegagting. , Ia:rar •d zo. 4$t riaz. tuagfu P tadlned for 'hp, ;ret r^^( the relatiive4""trt oily away - The deer -----r F n ;1; ran, in rtF 4 17. Years of :a lett. che a "o' to Xttg ", for LL -bo .4. lfir�k taS.41. M. Anda 1 shortly 'hoaao;i. 1' ERCHAN G ngha � s pt a at 25q d .:v: striped Fiana< � old English (unlit y 3O yd wavy wit lro 23 to 35: drive eTIS at 750 d J 7 yl + d quality batting per 1 lb roll 35c ,dies1 Heavy black cotton Hosiery 25: pair .re line crash "towelling at 30c yd Table clot s a ad bleached quality of damask atfrom $2,03 to $3,75 �n . goad s b r Brand new Stock of`dinner sets w4ich ha 'List arrived TER of -k FALL Vii. Our sti Ladies' & M s.. DI EL .AT TOLITYt.: Rev. a €es Foote I ndhct haven Presbyterian a" tensed or very grated: in as{n on Monday, "Caere was little or no =5t'-1` on ,the streets. A number io L in :the ragas at Stratford_ The 3a; was rine .tor motoring and thou t'. U1 tears made case of them. lifiltS'-WEEK, 7'lais is Sa ions' S'eek througho "be4r1 a c� x l � taint .d n? +C}at V �� Anneal .k�" ,'IW: svidOV.. game o1ftiaaas Oi sailora ge lost their fives at sea- The i L.. one /mi oa,. dollars, tso nvas for sabscraptioss i l c a,1a E eter hut subseri€"tions rteniv°ed at hath the C radiav ra'F 'of ;Commeaee and ,MoY.sox.s Salol -. '..t e3 Of the domini Will bc 1' dged ;scat, week. Tic cause :It 11 of an appeal to the goroir- o ;c of '.the €zs,orie, of this _corn mon- rego y gen 7ay ;kill'- IL -anti" r 3. 'holarrh onlly a reR - ort time ri!en ds, iCi l6'Clllt;p $ rid little, eklilalre and to love the pride tied delight isaaidh afforded him relse and t*u3ca; all -sitPP'4�"st; of his life,'. ci741'4 .10n1 wtnih pact'" nd in 1- erste3e l fata4o"s„. I'1 ar zanfavo:'ab1,: weat'u,;r lay season 'When ninny Fr + own Coven Presbyterian c lusts it,"€ ftltea on t aa_sda3* a{ter oa of a.!a t ti; 4 1- t1t the Iervice5 In ennuer'tion wit -ft: 1Lie ii)'1I tto a: of tlac.. ne <1'tsfor,, Rt v_ J n s ,i'o, . ; < The • 4i tderabar of l 1 011 t;s, lattery, l�,ay. `R. . Ak1"I?'rasaid", of oder'C'1 Ih ,si oIa k ,• of t't '."'vices err:d .o11 the plat from with hirer s rhe )iodera tor of the Ge rat As sem MS'i v 'ry- Dr. 1e'€,laai 1 tF^#cst i', nt fY 3Y a". iak h'\��r`,,'Y.".t i. v:. ,, S) .... of . mon d C. i;'',, eon(' d cte{.- @c hc ,seIs a�addasd ,Ir.i- aduteronal :fel: powerful �ro an fihs oh<! ,4Cthf'Cir .nda s ,iaaa�e 11a Milton. €3,.i_, of L"s t b iro liver, r, ti lite address tlaf1 a€ n'a:te3 rstsnister, 'avh leto J , ; ak%..r txarid I3t nc3 ke' £the tion The ,choir was geskstt= £ fr' ttaA camas ou by Miss Nliahlo .1•Ton:el, vet t cr rextd4reL a .s'i- o, At tL glow ere tlir� achurch !i the cr pc.h st 1 cr' s n h.=1d is 4ir tai,.ity ter; R 0 b rA Tkle c, hear tit 9nl t t�aa .i,>r. rl-. t tL 4t_ latlre.h tier '1 thS,' Iii tt" GC•11 j..t fL i41=f) ,gk:ak„L irl e Y. pJ, o 1y, ra, BUY .,EAR Seal Plush Coati; Velours, etc. etc til; „lain. rovn Grcys1 Navy, Green, B rgaw.i lsa' i?QD MAIM 1,1 4. s a1 moi. afternoon int Ali fantt,A. C. T. Brooks:, ill' :� groA3aq�y t"r, " b4* 6d * .W. cis'-dtryRes". 44. 1,1 it ti sin l'11.i'IT' or;70; etc AND a�- 'e► hase -the -,� Nornin6 Chill 0 E"tai' �at<<iv�+�-1' • %11- f' °IriL'S t*nt�rinl c1Gti It 1F'c�r fit cd#i4 1 i4 serrod Iasi In -i v •r1' 1'1w`4"d .1,• tiota..1. fiar�il fi s•4€Ic `ileiti4V# ft Int13ns th4 nntfiatll4F1`i€a or the IiarL'€ 7:' al the-corgrna tion 11ft ter' stn i'itsanit't,- diving to ,rh, ,Tteavet.ly Fath,'r .tor Ins{ Lxtnnti!'ktlprovision -tstrl ' prota eiingi The ch,.rch 4. P1 lierititif.tliv de It;.. - t rate?tl"t with Eton, r' nnosi..I11i•nsili to, alae kYvr. 4Lttile fire monis of thteol.as ° 4��hicIt tvas of highorder. thrilled tc.:e y coati as, only -34411(1 Inno,,ic tit. Th., sand Bend rt of GF cl Rea() Red Creg,. 1 •c: eiist: 54l C1' . -: •44:�"g'9!J. .1st 1.i . dland Iola: 1 ,t S ti.'Ftr crm Step?loCouncil ounc:il '1t121r09 8l £'rain '-zstt hoof; 28.0' a ,;roto Etnntar 1;.0 nY proeneds" S1,15 :, Sed Cro.-co7.e:tion 11' .i voices 27,51 r.iLices -ihrona;liou,. tvere braurttaill;" C it}1aTV FOR, ra*nde,red by the Uecf(tr, "tee. 1 A. ,AIR DAYRACES `1'rnnitner. The -.rmotta ccolr, preach - z,.. ,, ;101,, zren-,,,serer Ph. 1)- ille-race Crank at the fa rowno▪ s of 1)isprese of Texa..4:. enlisted Expenditure On, Tuesday 1:'..vening there AltilS a big. tiOilnOtt roght teas 11111.1cullrly ,morning, .11oly 't.,",,onitnunitin was ton 'brother of Mrs N .3 Dore ....4thcr was visiting in town, assisted the 4111011111111111 THIS is the heater you need to guard baby . against cold during the morning bath an.d frolic. Can be carried upstairs and down -to drive the chili from bathroom or breakfast room. Light; strong; handsome; furnishes ten hours of heat on a gallon of Kerosene. lieaman's ,Hardware 0 -Cedar Polish is the right polish for all woods and finishes -for floors, furniture, lino - leums. 25c. tn$3.00 sizes. O -Cedar Polish Mop -two styles -priced at $1.50 each. rowd of nth -rested spectators.. NITTAL SERMON AS PASTOR Rev. James :Foote, :preached Presbyterian church Sabbat : cothr and an excelleot voice sang w rimming ',last to a very representative singing 0 Aloanderi.„.,.. audience. dlis diSeolarse WaS 11-11" in the morning ono in nil, enniii,,g predated. The Service Mlle evening 41.'y the moiter,s of snb3oon oat ten$ withdrawn owing 10 anniversars down clod wept." The offerings for services in Trivitt Memorial church. klay amounted. to $2013. , , Wednesday after-1.one or last week •,4IP was the last of 4the weekly hair.' som0L, 113-1,0,/,,ENs holidaY in town for this summer. The little break in the labors of ea.sh week during the :hot season .was most wel- Dresed tin 'dean jdonse and f'70.!•k c.,ome both to employer and employee with faces shining a lld hair brushed and as far as we have beard there and combed the yout,h c4f the cam - was very little inconvenience ito any- triunity started off' for the halls of ers were on hand ,to \welcome VIE* seholars. With the promotions pupils started into new classes. It is the be- ginning :of another year or schooling. make 'it a year of learning, ohile no doubt others tvill treat the thing lightly and waste a polder. oppor tin- alized it. He -"Pointed out that costs t- - The 'advice 't° tih° Y.°11-th t°"daY of Aoing business in the big nitiesimd from the leaders of ,state as toredncate tilemselves to t Ike Their onace in mak- mounted so ,high during the 1109.6 brie years that the , departmental • , , BORN a el) Lighter. AIARRIED :tnING---SKINNER--At the Methodist Darseniage, Crediton, by Rev. V. 'W. to Mr. ;Ifirank King, Of S141101: LIED TO Clinton, on August ,24t1i, atilottti'Watson, widow of the late 413ayfield Aug. td, ears and 3 mon0s. fa Casualty List Killed in Astioa Earl J. Bead:house, of tisborne .T. C. Looktvood, of Clinton,. A. Osman, ,Goderich Wounded of Dlyth. I. Pocock, of NAT,ingliarn Snider, of _Itrvisse142.', Mr. 'Michael Fletche purChased from-. south, the price pai TOWN MERCHANTS' OPPORTUNITY 'In conversation with a weekly news- pa.pernaan a few days ago the repre, sentative of a Toronto firm expressed the o inion that the day of the town. stores non1d, no longer afford to give * real !barg,ains any more, but .tioat the c AN 'ALL''TOIT conntry merchant whose costs, have Mot risen in ,proportio.n, icould Under- It woold be a thousand 'pities to sell the lalicg ellown,on almosEany ao-,, produce vegetables or fruit in re - tide. ' to tin'. ,W,ar Garden 'appeal and then KTRKTON d30"Y 'KILLED ' have illore on hand than could he hollse, of Kirkton, was official -1Y Ire- ned. dried and stoired away, for ts-in- norted killed in. -notion oil August 10t ter Will :follow a sea,son ,o1 .Toeiity and his mother •rereiving word to that cc- all the world will be short oP food. , -feet on 'Tuesday of last week. He en- listed Nvi t: h the 110th Perth Battalion on March nad,, 1916, and /has been ill Ffallee El1L,Cd" the sniring of 1917. Be- fore enlisting lie worked on the home_ ,A. "ttniet wedding •took place Satur- Pte. '11. 'Truman Roadhouse is in Eng- odist parsonage. Crediton, o -hen Bev. trenches Once: August, 1916. Besides ria,ge, nliss Theltri,a, 1Anaud Skinner, his 'mother ,three sistors and three daughter of Mrs. Samuel ',Skinner, 01' brothe,rs survive, , namely : Vera, 10\vn, :and )1r:"Frank Ring: of Ste'Phen teac-her tit ,Wingha,m; Ethel, of -Wing- Township. The bride 'It -as dreSsed in ham; :Alnaa at home; Ellis and Wil.. navy blue ,silic with black victnre that, liam of 11-irkton, and Pte, Truma.n in Mr. and Mrs."King )1,111 reside en the Engloon.„ , , • ,i I). groom's fine !Ear al 'IL Stephen. 1311 olt nand A box onion 1' lerich 1tliss Grace a wood School S. Tiowaod '11144,124 1, liss P. Ti 4 'visitors, ill $ 547,46 spent the 1 ready for shipment to Mr- and 2 day sI45td,s, :in pr. looks. Centralia r Tabor Day. Wilbor Smith, of Toronto, -.pen ar Day -with -his faioily here. .1),nna. Davey spent- the week -end vith her sister -Flossie Centralia. The Indies' ndd %vitt meet ot Mrs. John Essery's, to -day, Thursday, 5th. Miss Weston, teacber, :returned to her ‘vo,rk tarter holidaYs and sawed started Tuesday. Don't fail ,to hear Bev. Grigg; nex-t Sunday eve,nitoo August Sib,. Sun- day 8ollool wail meet at 11 oclock,a. Mr. and niks. Corbett from the west were visitors for a short ingot with their uncle ,and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John 13roelc. home here; Parsons with s bro- thc.r ; Blair Is -lib friends.. nIrs. john Paisley left •lor her spent a cohnle. of weeks twith "Mr. and `1N1r.S. iflicks .and other friends around V'entralia. 13uswell, two -western.' teachers, after suiendirig- their' vocolioca at their homes 'here left on Wednesday or last, weelc for'their schools:. They went by boat companied them- os far CIS the Soo The tormercrus 14 lo,ge left for their h Ittr, 3). :Tiernan nod tended the exhibition ter elt. farm at Kia-kton. ',Another 'mother, day evening, August 3Ist at tha Meth - Jared on ,sick leave having been innthe C. '31aker, A., united. in inar- Crotnarty inr. D. _McConnell is g-iving up will have a clearing sale of his endire stock of general dry goods, groceries boots.' shoes, etc. Every article niust big nargains await :purchasers. nie na. line Kind loaine quick and share in the •clearing out sale. Strat food pard s. 11 1 Zod oiadon Salida tethe a Or ea ses Olive arid 'Noorti speot the holiday in, the ter, )1rs. Johnston, of Blake, on Mon "..\tiss 'Clarice Hector r. of near 3.4'neter spert Sunday with Miss- Eva Guen- Mrs. E. Gabel and ebildiren visited with relatives in Sha.kespeare last ad with relatives in town a els' days Miss Marguerite Carrier, of Grand Pond. is ottendint-r, Continuation School here. 1"tr. Edgar AVuerth, Kitchener, N",;ieseitkideriadt. his :home herr co th e INfes-srs.-Alax and, 'Wm. Zimmer tended tim fonerol of a. sister 1311 f ralo this week. ,Pte. 'N. S. a3TGWill and sister of London, visite,d with their inother Mr. Oscar n riay for Elinira Aviv. tend ;Digit School., Sarnia, fire visiting tvith 31r. raid of D3trodt, visited at tilt.. home or Mr. Jack Eidr felv days last week. 11. nIablas and ntrs, G. llobbs, or raruhaorn3::%si.e, j.soels::::ieSguern:a0: visited with ltr. and nnrs. E. G, Klart Sunday anti Aforiday. Dr. J. 134notled,ge and daught 3taida. ,spent itilooday at :Bryn., ond Mon turnied from T01:011 t.11,1 etiihibiitOrt. Miss Ella Beaver and Master Iier- bie, Neh9 have been visiting iri Toronto have returned home. Miss Julia Hooch left 'Monday in assame her duties as ptoilic teacher Shakespeare, Ont. Senator and Mrs. Rata,. NeW flambliro. :Mos. Tdallman. of 'Toronto. and ittr.'darob RatZt of the west spent- 'ikatrf.etvnddayisir,slasol. izoNe‘eilrekteirt. he home :a Thames oad ntitchell, visited. with relatives over the weeknend. Snaforth, spent Sunday will' Ifir. ifs. ranci 11,c,bert Passmore, who vois s acir5itohn elcsel us,124,1ei:4 stecessful sale on Tuesday. The consistitg or fitcy acres, sold to Miss Eileen \t"ere Iveek„ 4.11 Exeter nrie,nds. klIglf,j, 450.S