HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-8-8, Page 3'7 oshQ; .9 het i i ssible to Flo nr, T1. f t of doars ,Y be C U IR ES eA 'A YA1, UE OF POTATOES. nf �IF NT about 'PYSr. ERY, PIAN Ti,, j,place, ul-� our, permanent hog pastu,re trowh (�le�or arond, a--),( o e COLIC est;oll is, what is the valtie of equal si-ty rounds of grp, ­1� ill feed- Ing, and fo� our feed, fix e d pe the ceatre. his t on oTte side, S( tsnFo that there wil" be twer pottoe's or f ljiirpozei whell lbc-refore, "Vhcu is, trciurhs ortil �,,50 a ton� potatoes may be fi- -�A NICRRUS th-0 h Tr t 1)o, r 4 w, off' 'A C od'*� by marij:et T)j of could not ony be corn, bd6: slo I free7-ing in winter and' ad �s m In .va; . 1) )L�, Q C 0� b, A INFANTUNI W"ed fo,r feeding purposei,,� at f rom letier. Write on eroaloo ii;r#ct It feed stuffs, First, let us consider o d s of heavy raills mu�lled up �Q� : to AND ALL f cent. per the lig there also, we found, that du6rg per-' 'file a IRM I 'lit Of the findin'n of, loss tile e -N Address z,� pen'se an trouble oil to Mr*� the that it was e, SPITIMER )iFt, Rotatoes about 'hem, "Mis is h rpil, i floor to not 4 very lar�e, where inte-- d d. In fact, it water, to w � I . . .I e one I would plt� P, 4Q,( or but it opens tile ------ got so muddy tbat. the hogs ould Reader:—!. if t1je Way to dis2)ose of a lot of small ones right or to of is ',)adly ficlent, Tapl,=i, QVCT �gcaveely. glet, to g heir � , I � L I , x I the tr, b.; to eat t in theni re�j , si), It is o doubt the sa f, e s t :i4d urennd in cases where thf, cron mtxs1­bq t es 14r o r o n e r t ;so rket and the - nor, e and so it was ee sary 'to dt`4cs, one-t,,�ntli fat, nd drawn a lon- Way to Ma -'re are very lov, 'it malkes fr t a cernput feedin- flocir. In o,,ir ca, s -arm waler 6, pro- a r., that will- be even'l for 72 xvl -' j 0941, feedng , lnd Yr larger �tse of hwe built -q I ". 0 Do not, ,a- Farn-1 I"5in A,c ne�lr a f his Iong and sixteen feet wide frmer a way ut o' nColl- metl p u 5 h with en e, to') PIA ;V 117 it w; tov, Its effc(��s re instaneous and it does 1 otatoes'are of less v'a,e when fed to mop � . cei t trough' alonf-, not a 0 e pro, b ;n'; Pe t c M- Cows, providing ep I , - p e 1, o;c4nl th eWit -ing doo, I a Lb we have sw on to, of the sto'"� If tot Ioauthe form, but in cases� where the de n rX ror is no ensiiac, O flour A g., iv'hl �'O the s can be sh,.it out of the tro-,, go inay be f d in j �aal whltile slop fed fron, th V1, i, face of t -�ist on gef�illg 'and 3 0 ur ell you, a5�c tor Uzi -NII " 6 i Nvotild be: Prote�j), eteven it of reur tre cb ilva% pat oil a lay- o ron C. side. The size shape, however, off some DO -Du lydrates, severty-five This the b)��rub a I Don't Q �N.Auent I r, er r two inclies thick. cl th e soap a cloth �vrL;iz %,n th a ;*o e From fifteen to twe-qy ourds 9�, thc, cenient oi-called A-rawberr� ope per izent.. and b PA run, no' on aw d as per day will answer very� it is to be located and the ;e el ation 0, 5, It is safe to - efore, that r ifit, do -tty ea&)F a sn al] Ra to SO say, th�-r; matte some prlia piece es cont , a wplety � of dry rqugbage.t, ani i� " require more than five pounds,, Coming pebles, It ught tx> be;' bef ore yGu of bc, tp be" fed Eacli for back again to the discussion ' , will reguate Qj' 'ng to' is- 35c. Per bottio, pQtZtoe* to eflual in Rptri live value f7irl", Y one Part r -f CO�-,Ient to 9F, to tile, 4�ext, t is -1&� iof potatoes as -a f9odjq his nccezS2 Y. hu 'kjour Of gravel, and this should be Inix- for 4 to or sible io t i 't only by T. of 1&at ij all save 1, their libleoll be e-' ft is better to r faci Co., Liivitcd, Toiollto, Out- tile perm-, it ed rather et a eplal-aged in e, a a. NVe !so al;d Polilrod, 9.4 gn h n e in it to A� no" ever nert job leel not safe to that while iand a Off ­w*Ah a stggight-t should b e t he �e a v; e y much w* e, post lVe trencei should b e wil ark' �in years ago I had diarr- veof and io "t, 1, 'Uniption Of hma ur can be work the 6qts;de of f4�' ,e I doc�orcd ,%ding floor and 're. With a e .woodc the chenist, alone. fur *,p gj�t m, e ivy pr* ji44 be 06tor but as soon, as 1, potatoes might b in the ne- q,, ch rathe lctaves, 41 a to fine P sto e * In tile feeding of isj-' has been Program of s trL Vp L On, deep, This hoii�d be, fiBed W� 'd in celi s bad eve-,ecai It I coula parts f Candor c ore sth,44 *he I �d f �41 that five n thq ;qt& r ompel& us to say t' wshall' t so wea nent, or elce, w, th pure cor, "en" - -- llPotatoes reqired to equal one'proha1bly save no rr n6r bV the u gar, ewi er Vdtj,* LO. se, of 00", herdk frien(l if I n IrCt had expPrIerce I wlers E, x t ra c t of grl L es in bread the potatoes are rger ammnt of cc �rne jpd go ob would be incii e to t i ill� that I, wo ed thrL to fo It f -we shall save fiour. If t, e ma less than t Th,,- ur pfiqnds but 1 think Pre equal j j- I't be D, vahze to a r MW OUR Tf W, untrou Igraini list 4's, we'l p T t opty per f V.11ce 9, r propor- e. for point erabl Ois to build it 41 the po YoU IitA The feedinjq�floor Aw-ld be entit-PN 4 negof ePO Cull 4aDs well valu, -*� above the gFound so that, wben h cooked pota This aciii of te, feeding lost f M4 4 r, 4 1, Q AA p Of us 'r lq�t irplql, toes. It 1Va5 foupd: by wor own cN- floor ouj�iit. to be three or ot, ir go, an i in a I pi Inished tile surf - f 50 Ic, P f � the oliu- Pit's growing iIael' 1.4 a ,F, p� 5 and above the 84r:llourding �he g4,S fail, on, which he wuji, the abutdaj�#Injir I n0T, it gocitl C Ater ruppip dold v had Ili, not had a that, pi d, Me tTrqw1l in e pro, -gs 4��f V 1 ta) fl� "� , ­ ­ 4, se in f at, of , pound of live to, go. rox, 'to' sorgans, and lay an fm Plenty of b thvin� le So sVsture, or the one I lace cfti�s feedng l corzr .114 gontl 0;W If of or �our pquud,:; of (Is are so the waler wil drain off atein tile ration but to get to tile fed for,�. p I P - . goofi 4�t. rteri are all very 'if -q ".1 d "' I I.... j "Wo, ,-tell Pour' Of and O,f the 5% riecessary if file p i gr is to be both r will be very just ogtie. of a ard allik ha . ...... or tht� flao the, pldy here be. dkor$ ashoul sl P.0, safe to say, that f th, e if both are well cooked, r, V .. tl irf ty itable rom, three and a be appy. Again, t' I ridge, of cement around the nob, if to hewill 11 be ke- the fee,ling two to aR corr, Th 9ga It of ti obeap t14 nl n 0 C4=0 �No (1vg;*WWa f T XUU " lPoor W14sted. Tl�ls Ili a,snoui4t i�f gr. -It or Over by .... .. any A I'F� I t N; II 0 N A I I natkrel. The door, 1 g g, Ity fLuluan rt� tor of or fce1 q, of men Mak" it porske Or C(Ao ittle� 11 , , .i, �, I , 1P r s lto h -.3, and the thile, even those Profes at whicli to tr.urk,e Christ to fall into sin, Whtn th Is et Lm�oll V1. ("Itristin Ilelpf the case, what -are -we to thenj Af er 04, I' mnYe who sstilw" prjV*W s10. 24 or lift them up? Ile, We resto Pot re. sare run (.in tile, lost, N 7OWN 6, 2. e�sewhere exhorts tile church to, ''ad- ri, con(titi A � t�,J P h I . inonish the'disorilerly, tile Olw of the big eZt in nnIK- rIsupport the NveEtik, be ing a horse poni , 11 a ndanethe pig,; will gain Well Ol a )ne, to t%vo be in r, v The and proteutior. from heat Per gr, ition, and om,kevere Q Vs A re-, llr��t. t IV n WN ing me0wif f�ir cbeap and rapid is that lie was a Jew. Fromrstortl, a sinning- brother I-,; to convert tori in .4umnior, paddoe r gains. re In le on Is to Jericho --Ono of the "a sinner froi the error of. his pasture with -a it Oied is j)r -towl tht sto, from the and "cover n eating or Iis At- tile method is b ultitude, for idle, holae.4� The b r le propor per- aV are tl TOO, ope, ctter, 13Y Jordan, il do,im steep descent who are spiritu. AND A DIFFICULT FEAT. t' to diet, of rich -?o a day in the early even sand fee mfvy be use alsbut it at "ill doz,t drInk wIfflo, at too i and �7toring, of four thou, t in eighteen to undertake this �estoratlon. noe, and Nvell Ing, pig,� t, w. through a wild region o� beetling cliffi, Lookin��, to thyself, :lest thou also be times be free from draft-, A drill sergeant Nva,; tit work black � the graze during ar ventilated. and (balky Canyons. Fell among Aed—The possibility of I tem! in a p 01 WAMI In !oil a squad, of the coo.1 of the worning r ofterfioon. robb-orsTesus A box stall is always be�it, but it is Is calling attention 6. temptation and a similar fail may Nvell i " CORIP41IF!" crops, a a C net always pralotical. But a horse ' f , clean drinking wat,er ift experience Of the temper the �udgment with criiy, Ition! Rveryone, lift up your loft lct; To tilis aolu6on add, cim, glElss` sqi;ash be ahould,piways be available. er of that (lay on this lonely road Bear ye one another's burdens, should always have stall to itself, front of of warn or perhap,s 'tint wilter. , proof � 4 stall should be large enough' this wash ill lightly on -with Deceniber ---- Tak,� nqt(,� of faPLire.j oil Tia'sture usually get; enough The same thing has occurred ii� rece'nV ax4 so� fulfil the law of Cbrit—It is, and thi, and hold It ,straight out Ili -ere!,, They should have a clean babited by Arab the law of love whicli should regulate 3, that the horse can lie down in coin. ex 4.e. years in thi region, in s youl" tribe-, to obtain, protection froni whoin the relations of Christin discipj one of the siq Ight cheesecloth.) Do not rub. Usut'lly anning, o' T .5ome of your dry, well -ventilated she' , vad held up, hia i Iter to guard es- fort. to a 0 lee ust e paid for the pri-;We that are strong *tight to, bear I repetition of thi.4 every evening Is, uf- dried against e,%ptmure to storms and H le� by mistake, That brought his Vil'o , of' a sing un armed through the infirmities of the ,veak, and not ave the hames at the right-hpild companion's left leg and aupply shade. A concrete wallow will t1jej, t6, It they are buckled, too ti r irritor 'h6ir do not to -da t� please is,the Injunction tOP, right I�g close togetbor. The Whrm the ehinllney not draw a layer hie ow. ad to thu conitort, eat traveler but con, tit themselves g 4. 15), they illpinth the neck. and encourti-De, . iven in the Roman letter (Ror offleor, as ho gLxneed down the live, wtW 11dows in, the of oil 01) the "Nraterwill keep down lice, with stripping hm?f he ideal church is where mlitual help an open sore, If, necessary, use I Clean bedding also helps to kee and robbin, is the Pre 11 , roorn for a ow' mlntit4�i beforei tart - t observed this fact. an exclallned IP 31. A certain priest was going:down, vailing spir.it, shorter hames �o that they will no all grlly 'file, fire�, und see 'if will not away lice as wan oiled sack on a that NvaN—The force of priests 9. Let us not be weary in Nvell-do- need to be tightemee at the top to fit one of ou bloolutng ga. draught. crude oi many of hoill. resided continue as long'as life its rubbing post, orsprink e the pigs -witil tering aj, tile, ten1ple must he, 6ollar. It is good plan to clip .1 sev­ ing—The spirit of helpiulli,ess for s the niane. -from under the collar,dur- erIbere"Is holdlIng tip both of I e-ery t,��,O weeks. erallhousand * elf, i�.ning, 16119"IS NYC live we sabe related to hs The,Sctfest In"atment Ili 3'ericlio. his niall W114 ing Two Girls of Bli of the perennial plants ' those' about n and shall ]lave obl'gn-, bomf�. nswas the 1 if Tivo sisters live in Binb­ury town. wounded traveler, just as in our ordin- tions Of ervice and merey. in It is importnt Ili profitable horse, I started now from. seeds, sown in care- ary eLomings and goings appearnfort-1 season we shall rep,,if we faint not— production to take good care of the I As I will tell to you, I fully pr(,�pftd beds, willproduce good umlite claimants upon our sympathy Sometimes in unexpected the horses' feet. The coles hoofs musti Why He Was, Thankful. &A of A N A D A Dorothy Ross, with ev sized, piants by au,tumn, These can and help. We nee )iit of our harvest comes. It may be years be- be given contant attention from the � Tv.o Tommles had their dig -out brown, d, not o W ain way to reach them, They lie before'fore the fruitage appears., It is our time the colt is foaled until it reaches 0 be thinned out and allo ed to rem blown in o yes of 5. il top of them. At fIrst it And Alice, with e,,l, blue. us. He passed by oil he other side -,business to sow the seeds of love. and where they were started' or they ean maturity. looked as It they must been These girla am as PrettY I y and kindness. Igirls c.an as soon as they, ire —A wounded mn.. all covered with more Even then it needs consid,,rable qt- but Nye vvor)i:,�.d like demons to be; e -land blood. rouses in the 10. So then . . . let us work that. .large irli to handle. They should grim tention. Often the feet Of colts are d1g, them out in the hopia of ftton,r B rk �,xhicb is good toward ll nion—As we "ways trim and 'have suffricient time to become OR_ pries", afraid of, defilement, for themselves. This t Inding They are a, neat %P not pity but. disgust. Ile passel by have opportunity. And, every'dy asleft to care hem alive. Aft a quarter of And tiiey are a piir to see I . 'or as many nother passes by, the OpDor- Its opporullity. Silecil s tabliFlied before f rost.,� As soon s t1j6 I jjme' or neglect results in later life in many hour we mal to drag them, out! they go Oovrn the, Due 1922, 1927, 1937 ground freezes they hould 1) nlarge the 6�pportunit­ N�, e of the unsoundness common to te feet,' msclous, ,I pof lovin.- service to .1 suffer-ing Crisis e 0 covered with brutzes and on(,,( teirted -with marsh ']lay 01' str1W cOV- broiiier. Tho' Priest does not even A!e not merely to Wait Until the acca- and Ieg,s of horses but whole, We tried ardflelal ro,,pl,-- j, Now all of the folks out Binbury way f PRICE 99M2 AND ered to a depth of three ir,tches. � Re- come over to look t him, f siort e are to ee occazion, . The unsoundnesses cause- by tile tiov, brandy, nd all sorts of tliings, no Alice nd Dorothy well. Anove Vie covering at the first i Idjen 22, In like n ann' e—A er-!to do good. i lack of care -wheu Yo " 9 At last they came round. and one of "The Red Cross girls are, "ming,"', I er Levit the horse is un tion of growth in the Aci5ile- vant of The official religion, ho with' are sidebones, ringbones, splints, bolle them' we,had alway tought him a they Say� coreopsis, delplihieums cold curiosity, loolcs upon him and eOn- 1 The poultry horse should be built' siiavins. bo- spavin5, and corns. bit of a weed before—turn,ed round kaillardia, Iceland Lpoppy, py):(Ahrum' tinues,his journey with no as low its possMci w;tho,,it of, to the other where lie lay and gasped; And this is the 'tale thr-,y tell- ' tion of interest. The, Priest and the i Iy Miss Dorothy Ro—., -Mhase eyes are �weet william, pansies and the- mail yoWs gran,' Ye ken. e'l-e brown, Investment Banker�, 71T,evite considerekl that they had done the ttendnts bumping their heads 61her perennials can be started in this against the ceiling. A low house Isi escapit th' after gue." their part, in the day's religious life in And Alice, with eyes Of er -it y ercantile Trust Bldg. I-Tainilton to their round of off icial tem- mor a high one. I -lave set an to the wn 222 St. James Stre� a�riiann e 6sil wanned than to ple duties, and were now j�oing home. Montreal- omething fine to do Of q But outside of prescribed duties lie the FA(�E COVErt 1 countless Providential opportun I-jints on Goose Culture. They spend no morein a foolish -way or brotherly r7ronl danadian Armiy and R.N.W.M. They save -tile cents and dinies; RAI P L E S 3, 84. A, corinin Smaritin-1 While g,eese liveto a great age the CURED By THE USE OF i l6f Weak Heart. llRundly hted by the Jew as the Oe- t Volgce on Accoun anders are usually unrelib ey eat not, of the vreets to -i votee of a religrion; a heretic! breeders afluer'aboilt nine years old.1 R1 , I L B U,ri N'S Tht they ate in f OrMerL timeS; Farmers who shit) their Wool ASHAMED TO G OU7. of the. worst hey rarely visit shows; directv to, us get letter prices' kind, who had defiled the Mr� Victor A. Tatton, Indian Head, Fe=les, however, he n 1 LAXA-UVER PILLS. ass the b -v; than,farmera w4 sell''to the temple, and whose tesdinon They P ) fifteen to ci-Iteen. Years of age. 1i pleasure I ain fr( in --- I . y 9ask:, writes: "It is wit', For there is a lot give you 'not be accepted it, a Jewish court. I years is an ge-neral'store, qt- Caine where no 'saw him writing to lot you know thn t I have been indication of advanced Constipation is o'ne of the nlost Pre- hnorw, cured of weal� heart bv usin� Milburn's abdoin-Inal pouch cf consicIri-rable size. ARMER 11 ssadly marred by un�ightly . . . with conipssion came to til vlent troubles the huni7lrt race is subjeot T P who has 8OIA bfs� wool' boE botches, flesh axi- hh A u' his wo nd - Heart Phd iNerve Pills. a I -elyvi art note w, At'he 1?a7p— r . . . bounC P Geese do not rem�h ina',urity uri to, and is -the greatest of many of eople re Ily t�y. d s I had aufferer for nearl tNvo theii, � secorcl or third year,. and their Ti� US for On.- fts Ot er blood diseases. set,him oil bis own, b,east, our aliments. If the' bow -Is cease to And all of the money they isave'that y(mrs with beart trouble and could get brought him to an irin--Left uri one egg's do not, how strong tertilitY-"' orl� p arly all the Other Organs prfcqs ; the will Ajoj�y6n rt Many a, clieek nd broiv in tbf� -elief"bylisf I I ng other kinds of medicine. way, OV that cornpassion Pnd brother nol 13��jng natm-ally a grazing animal, become 01y'ansect yoli lose,by,iselllng to -the uty have been sdly &- Canadi,au rr for ly kiiid-ness could do. "We iny I had been in 'the ny , . -hat Our Alice and Dorothy Ross, t activeness lost. nd theh. nearly ten r rnonthS snd Nv�ls 1, e J�rov Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pill,,� Nvork on te th idcd with a,bill anThey reckon carefully day by day V70 Toy tb 0 WA 'III ou-t the picture in any -way� NvO, dise vels gently nd Or(" appy for years, i;hiirp interlocking errted edges, bm ro -hat,tl�e ve to the good R�d C, �-1 I serv6d in the Royal N gned to Cut and divide vep 121 cftnadm. d ullb, pwase, remembering t �ed of my hathe Nvorst, cages,of n�d gi are" til't litrgest �mo I orth-West' desi eta 151 es Get rid of these obno�i- tan went the a a cK ty, o rd a n theY s�et t, sy lie n 1017, and as also and t0ngue� at the And tat's the exampi, ous skin tro bles by uing ounfed Police, 1 u pthy; self-denial, halpfulne8s, "I hv, 60 to *wvral be 10rablv discba,ged on the, amo ic till is cove,rcd with hard hair-like pro-' Q. atA with sick ad anco Of som ffiie to do toward thl6 throat, Qz1a U5, 2 Per— 36�, Which now of t thi friond of,minc mo, to try' Of c'O(,- 01i Tb ofit.i "T my,face thinkest thou, proved nei-hbor9—The" xp ook! �s I erve to con­vcy bits 6 F ass your pills. After takin, three ho to The 1twyer cu7ed. ou please s -ly and sine-�itable. ill to the, quick fi (Is Self 11)L .1 -mod 1eme 'lled! fo go wit. ive - an' e this �Lq you see vials I 6w nd H. WA sl:,rely. �1 I fola, of no Use, A and only, one an bo� there fire, peo - I `suffering a and bwo !jrj a V r -hat zo on-' egys 'being very oln that. Age.cl Have Set -chom o s .,r sU I bho� can find no v hers dine, lini—The is viitii C61,ced dy that, will do so niu1 t .1 -a or, 'lie se. t! oi: liree old residentg of �,ho Vfflau,� Tl fer,tflp, qpite number can x ak It was ged (t0LlId:S0L4 'a oll I liby-de-Ile- roinhim.- Weimay lnla�11'1110 ts haand restore i�:to ed tolles! as he sj�'S, ",;I lie that normal and healthy condition,as qil be htched each year. of" near As� Pills xo 25a itheni piw gone, I showed It, a ionth, to. batch Zouen, brHert . 11�erve Pill 8 � daeandd ift! Sold by 75 nd lipleted 1 can e P ro nd ncubation is er- l6oi Y his Lips by sayll1q. Tft�A', T�, ill be-, atall do: r goose egg . c`-4'td'*0,'ji; ot p Ju b up hy,,The l'ht; '(3 The T. b v either, n 0 1�tlli- dlgf�lng a4 plant"ng Of 90"i ya�,d a.bot tie. I ti 0 cipt of b he 1i a goose e to hi 'ha o Co.j Idnifted) To Ve a�-,d'do thou lik roil,6, Ont.