HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-8-1, Page 3By qhas. E. Every diairymqn th, �,i: not remember. of ever finding a was, 11 of the ksfine points about Over ten,, or twelve yea 5,old th. for sale. Af e- that age it seems to Could,Scar ely Po WaYk. -7 t jud rig cattle. be easy for the owner to forget, 'Un- That %, 'the large
isted milk large udder -wifn less one has a particular reason, it is, IATURINQ LATE �i,ATCRED "I'MCKS. well placed teats, wedge shape body well not to buy if IOnt.., vri te., �Irs. 0. Pritchard, B16 Youn� cow is bought end does not s "About ago I �Va nd Q�her markings go to'show N s troubled very 1,,t, hatchet! chclis ire frequently every bird th�at will not, stand I Mothers ap,;t dapShte al't, ages ar q h for a whole week wih. dirrhoea] the mer f I be' ublisho,
mile sadauthat I cow is z. good, animal for it is ruch easier to, -et rid -of her pusiasm and well bal- show of laying fly the firs-, of depart It, wis so bad sonle days I he summe IThere is,ro money ill which one wants her for, But, art Ore. &is a means of" f on Ch
r passes UT Till't 9 I rF41 Ido my housevvork,. I took two or three, anced, raions. As n de 0 a er t no' more and more car�,Iessness 'is size pullets, over vdater when they are there are other things which are nec- If one can buy a cow just before she lettor. write 6 ,on,. si III n�w rs W 11, allo If
different kind,-, of medicine, but go ary to know when one has to buy a "cornes is a better chance thell 4tamPed, and addr�r ea un,�Oopc ip enclosed, rellef, and was just It, th�� point of going i,nto thellr management and finally they physleally 'unable to lay until we lce for thi 6 Mrs �-1 t -a
il I to get some money �aek tllat hass been Address all cbrrespondes 'a en W, hQr, Pexplained my �o i to the Nvi ter bout halmatur- into the rlex'� sp `g to see the doctor iv n irt -A cow- t tal _J�n, ddbine Ave Torqnto, M90 to , frieri'd! �d nd with ht�le opportnnity of bein rnca in a lay, ThQre is tile risk one mus ke�1uvested; he calf. is worth somet- P. pullet' 'sho Ing -when gcttin- al::�tuber- And then, again he can 'be t re he Put of age and the a strange �trl= a profita ble� When chicks'co, 8 half bottle of Dr. Fow late idiion at s� re ii n To reni've freekles. Euro her los s. : There a ot, to the orin- of and one ca ge, rie full L1 C, C courtt��Aes Extract. of Wild Strawberry in. my'liand are to Ile, ralsed tq�jykiiturit.y, every et- heavier should lay �, eight cu, try the following 'otior_ bisiniuth sub,'anim- re Concern (1, to is no use in tryi ary purchaser at aany from b,) herds, a d �Iqp, t# I'll, ev� non th There to' it te, u ams, , nguenEu-'a sirliplex, I cc�qntry she assI e an have f(iropped peed any -aptied " " ff in her and Said: y"Qli take this "And - n u A si-ns wich would ive hirn a clew on � i n: f efore I ba'�l en a beiore that -they I � 2 ounces Mrix a d apply to ekin hog-, in Ge, They 'her, being Of course '11 Il f enough so to get h tot b.- nlw 0W th em I ay,
the bottle I cured, and never t much t;Ple to re" t, nremove in tile- aorr , As a e I tell their best, one III returri of, ti, -ouble. I call otshe -was ;o bad that A her tq we r, Ang� fourtee. ti h. P seldorn til t1w d e V e O, rby tht ge, tbi�r X ve ever used for MI, be r -he a
trUly that 'Dr. is tit(, it If they do previous to h a litfle otr\ lie bc, e is , he,, ;a1i tle 110 V,,il�ke Or,# I something ie� withi xr, S", 91- am, When troubl�d with chroni�,.gajnst Ger jtnyls sixteen anti, 'IS Id they Ill c6st their owner moT0i -with the feeding 01, ille gen-' L might be, sorne col,� hat, Powler's Extract of VOld Straw, ever be W e r'- a-, w a s- i o 1� all right. -"?Ut a 4, �About� to f reshen sISJ1eeP-Ta-U31r- CnUlltrY wlorth. It, -ied Ternedy, as ar,d coffee� To c-ae a a�s litiOn would not be u pay b, r to s 11 half a f' between six and seve' that cQaU berry not a uev or untl i4' ICr A to th -th tb e 1, ii, ffty-tAvc;, it has a record of 72 of cures to its t he r th It the that is appare, sof J� onP11 Ind, be reay to fill ti ly %N Still has tu'.9r4q, i t, nd is recognized on all hn "I rts alLe -ell, a n b Kii"irl , 4 _y
L�j i , . , 'y to n t, fr V P P'l v, r milk an imp ctor �11 lie win tile hite in has and o�rt�in 6'Ire for iles T. - 9, balanced dry masn' Qhick,s 'keep them -_4 to make
yo dyS��' _Y� h. i get irt o"It. li liUote to grovy I The proble wy that et h1w a 4 T s 'to be un3y on:� ais to radyA -bus it, o, utull, beff a� t l'apidly with just the rill Inount of One call protect * I 11 " 4; 1 wi,�Jr- y �a -a y an�, no move, It ng strange coAvs; rhat s - In n e alalof They forci hard to'buyi 10 O _, It s�omp Mes tal, chat the cow has bpen tout Or a herd� Of cc), -er of cl -oust that words, but the dren orad bo Is, hil, tilts. i:i of and soon one is a co'kv very bul rom f� ly. ed to of, good for teedung be P, �i pu�let lieeds eheap it W take A are 'te-scned, but, g tsun, oa great righ 0,-- 'It the w.d. the cold t al a X to-, fr MW car"Tu price of Dr. SINnep over ,, Boiled o?t5 ire strangers. B ot kpher Pted co cow is t) T all I11 do,, ig), too ehapl +IwL. ae Ib �ae* we would n 3,041 in I -we rA yo nand it PI�ct that �tllcre itsu bs, if ul Man oc 4 e��' lnq e IAt (1, e w! n- or , ld so protction rthe cheall, dep 0'"" of �ar- consumers, ke er, es
yoarl'-fe o, take t! T4 6 eaft�, e I)iri., ehngtat I Ien T YD',J nohThe, loo ;irl er T. M` bil 3 I t is, t -o fee, er 0 e r e �� broil, A hro T tile appe�ite, 40u�ht IcOW QoCe thilt I neglected to ��P "5 to M, se:6 R, to Ole are to e�At I geeRt CJO that to, aMl af ter gettir;- her horn(, -erelS Tu'lki! ZInd cock - I e, pro
deal there 11'Imps in ler f d tu�e vigorous breed; orl't get andi A Zr � a er Art, a Punever ba-�,e had any do; P IM ',krt ed
to -pecially if they are out f�,, s;be )out the, t�On to frorn them, I o not thinlc Pw, T aya-, well to buy of P fS
$Nl I b7 JL 4 ill - "'. , � - � A IThat is e th44 I illt�g in �Iyldp to seusII iAs eg, Wc (I not li IL t IlOvel for tle ;itle do cockerels into not remi�,rtib��,,r of evpr x I cow is it; to�llq3y, ieOf the t 'y d�� Tile u ri lJuy boQ-k aboq� �Q, and r a IttI-,O,5e are ovAr of tile by tile Ohrist_ i's, it �sbe InJIs lea� The late 00"I Prof' Y, L to cut �1s, to h jr W ne Tiley leriied tr to a h4rd let Ovetly 4qt already. er, is oil natienee, so I thoug 04
t e _iII111 *�*Z
X,e ,I�*u
;e$. Ill Y,5
o f _. Ways h '11, , PuIlles need S teat to see if t try isare wh,- over l;he 'er O*W to 0ieot ire ea- get mil� out er prices y to irect to U% gl�t bett 0 ne suppo. sea topo T d4# C t than 01 tq t cour wol -boy, llot alConceit' to elhow 041 n m,v is by bi
or the oil bat anThe, b, it, to iW21 ASK ANY FARWRI , C"Intodo Th nt6 'eep 0 for
WON 0 to, ',ej Ipriecs; Vhev in lie s r = st be, al IQ l-ept b", 0#1 NAL iore, more or 11 e gs r re -1 fou ter tile rs son tile Itl4o' Seller Vll Its t, 0 P37 ll u�nder,4, lot, Then il , of ith()Ut k, - 1101%, 0 T, IAr, t 6 Nli tour. 9 imen44S e 41"a' 'er of6r a, $" % nI would be more apt t feel that, for a g0*4, Prov. . in vir-1 2 your L 7e dcl fro%ri us, not vo*, 0111, 0'(1 I may got, on ibe as all Lvititude of the sornet, 3t aTe er tof hae eth 1,115 thaw -U1,40 4816 Ce SHOW.
Verse 4� elenlents , I
Strei�f, 0 off, or Ilroken. BuIt with ll have uccee4ed rges lit pt, the Prgressive w 1711 oh ways to '01, ve Do one, most Toronto 1-1. V, ANDREWS ld-we in, hof te (1c, a, lot of ting n eirilroals this Th
NTO tile life of 3"-ui from lare 13 CHURCH $T� TORO ,vor ,izing tip" ilso, one old far er told I ouid rather pay moro and'be sam wevivi literalb. any'�,t, m At tile age Of Ior qui me he h(,,ows. (10 tha-4, Son ot� ),o�ir ro
)y was called suscd of God 'to de-� the Jewish Ili, In5tr uiton it the uctior lit Irlcad
poor h�A Which to . Nyipe Poti i�tn nd nimal is s"urely ythe lwx in the is wied also to set tied the liorns can be talml off bY tthe It tbereCore qui in
that L forth tile splendor - glory of God means of a special, horn, clipper, or likink, free from soup and Wn g t 11 to r Q'J, i"s
cattle continue ace he. now should 9C means Stitti(I, of 0ghNvays kpplied to mW it arp saw, In or( or off with rL shz to, hold Alp w, doing for the great foilst of the Wkx, For,tho dw�ty jol's 01 his parent's to r nd tbo 'Ar, priee Passover, Nkillic), N�Ils one of tile tllT" ruoral �smch s purity,mod, to geta wo�ll-shaped poll and to insure. I
Inontll it should pay tile, esty. 'Vito torm is thus , " : prize .41 ue-,8 would
in festivals enjoined by the against t1te, born groxving gain, olle�j Ttft n e wdcioll tia rt
,the P, Good roads boe twice aved llranw been, That, oof is(I 1)�l the old philosopher',i to de-, it Rever do you hin,
feeder to ;%,ld a small amount Q�' Rrl %hould so cut the horn ile, had a da� feed even at 'note fl;� (&, Will 1 in the lyresent -war. Had' it not Inv to other It Ws the hae rin r the radiating rolad ystem cles being, the 'efr g of bair when it is re�,10� maill -ect, Lot your The bard feed is eduentiolial effeet of these festiV31s" oble qul-� mond, tabled by the the Rarely CIO you see him cost of aith he with n d to offset�. the laxative effect of 'tile N&thich was so important to tile ities of,T.nin(I and heart. Should the animal bleed too freely, Ie IZVrLet" follow their y, for in them Wero Germans wo4ld have won, the batt'10 Of Where the other b a y,, and if tile ing boN -This signifies in general intelligence this can generally be s�ueee`Ssfully Marne and Parts, ThO of Othei. years the cattle are M�cll ;fthe Of tfie ng but here sstopped by using had calculated oflonly thme On the ball grourd you Will IInd tllc�- ismthe if,a,, � -�L ! Ined
7t: ,lud pille tal. -and cotton, of helore, Anigust. The aitb. After the cutom o tyI �,ed h1,101,411 wisdom Which i.5 seen orn Ili the early spring being sertt outfrom Paris to hem, better d -Meanig that they folla" , It is best to (]ell BlIt Ile doe% not st.,em to niiid A I noll, characteriitic� ' Lc�'- late stra�,v i� more his I or, lte fall, thus avoiding the danger: top the Instead, "he I of the annual ttendance u,, Inan wbo is fKom. a. bardoner for the NV(ffl_fiIlc,d animals, cUstOn 01: a cellent sys In of lethi feast. had the airposo and his loy'alty to, that flies Ditty cause to open woll to When the others talk of tramping,
fed T, When ore simple and method, to t 1nto voods renlote for lid 1yould givo be , ttt,r if 13. Piety even by the greatest, .4, In intem-d over. aceortling to S,od, "I'd to t Int is to reverent' is to 1611 the borns Oil tile Young ea, f .ont. C, to this fl .6 shall �et eat 12. 15. attitude toward God And a life con-' by means of Potash or enust There re few in which y,, ,Id I -e t The Safest Invest,ment
il, 0 oThe boy Jesus tar-' de'Brotherly This 'will also give Vne catt e'roads will will, military work, and -.mu8t 6-vt formed to div 11w
rd behind n JLclu� I
and his par- ClIriS
kindness -Ther "Nlleh ti$,tIlS a Lb etter shaped bead. In using t s But, there tire ninny p Pictue of nces Ili hiell, knew it a cherish for olle another, as brethren; method the calves must, be treated they Wlwin great victorie in timal A N A' D A'S
a tho of traveling to tile the social bond C()llneet s "IS "' before they are two woOcs old, or at henever crisis-mili-I Ind of pece W Pr Z es childr-en of the hevenly Father anti _)o you think him odd and friends moving freely back and forth, Love leasi While the little button -like tar, economic, or social-oceurs in" Then vou wrong your brother B11IN1. ie amilv �f God. 0 -- TO, mr to- of tI t�bab y getti condition,
m p 'Llted gi are very �small and soft. I
and the childrL tile life of a community, tile 0 g 'their tely t)"all: of the roads is -a factor in i It is not that 'he, despises gethor Ili tb While' tives, as hey travel cl� hus, as Luke in the Au arized Versio,*, I e community r to have regard -for lSport�: and games nd 0.0r& parent I V'0t0ryB;DD ds
us, th pposed their we , "brethren," boy wits somewhLre ill the cravan 'he the characteristic of� will go up,or forward or bck- IT a mark our relations with Ward. The, community, Nvith good, 0 R N T condition"s not and, did ot worry ;kbout him. 1 love is the com-munity that Wde ' ' I ro S is -!It is imp at he s
erusalern, seekig mankind; n attitude of good wilU d Due 1922, 1927, 1937 FAT T Ka t� J-1 OV)f 45. Returned to J ly th
nd kid consider-' e goods when the necossity
for him --A las'. child -was a serious and bonevol "cc Chic�kens of a size should flock- to- PRICE 991 r A.NN D INT.
generally. I' thee 1'2 1
at this ell tion for 'lie" , e - affair, sPeeialh time, NN'b ethe:r, else th larger nd stronger"COMes nd yonder?- will thj�, year of-Fer lar.ge pre- a d -abound-An idle g july it iquite a waderl city� It Ithim-s yo n giet croWds ihronged th the e%peftse of the weak, t! �T me or life iq impossible if these thrive t e while miums for Cla,�;ses of 3 stL and sorrc , f e I e After corits luive been Us Ilti at qualitivs, mark your Christin is because the 0 t fitt 'Led n-IneY &L for the parents, who doubtless, pietur- frre 'I I - bo I ttle knd it's -giving him a -IY ti
niust be ys by [ley iuevit�ably indl-! is a law, whir they solnetimes become -so compressed lie began it in the MaYtime,
be�' character, for operates mong chick-, H8411, cd t1le dissters ich might have that the co, tients of the ' enS 4 him. Cate tile pirit,of Christ and that along in the summer, when! be, remedied by put- List redy Aligt-f-st allenlays Accordill- to'ill- knowledge of him out. This may Premium 46. After three d I . I young stock- has bben a considerable Land I Investment Bankers, this pro-, 2 ot a single weed is shovin- the J�wlsh mode of speaking 11 period on free range, the poultry -keep- ting the corks in boiling 'water N
it- 11 out tile small inferio, avthem there unti I the ivater� d a -eantile Trust B
write bably means oil 'the third day. S' er should (al Where -the corn an beans Mg. Hamilton
For further particulLars cools. They will then be as good 181 111g; treet )1lontreal
U i011 of any size.
t' of Ile 'It' gh n Stock t'ng 2q-� 01" , - unthrifty birds. There are always 222 St. James S
n the midst of the tec-- I , -y, q/0 the fee w- and fit ti- tlY,
the Secretai We may eonccl� at sucli in a flock I -71 I I sitting III their cir-, Ot tin iris t ing, leprin-
Yards, Torprnto,. Deliorning Calves. should give them a coop,and. run by i ec erawl a teaching r, object to the, horns, here the little vines are creepingy t to eonoep,re o: U RF 'AC eie. B.' f hini, a-, n elv a them fairIv. ITOPA , - Y7
"Julity with the teachers is not' llin accordance with 'he I,c%t, since the oi� dairy cati-le, art.d practice deborn- I It is not likely that any of thcse,� -crels will be Specks Before the EYOS. E very bed is kept in order, 70 YEARS 'eLD ND r I Lport would ,lot limited the x- ing tlie cattl� tlicy are to keep in their" either pull0ts or cock d raded at tile bdrder. AFTER and' 112' Late in life the is t'show
tion of the child the "hearing ds. The horns are of no value, � sultal:0 to keep for laying or breed-, i Trimmed, all
t I, but they will '0111 I Soul, stoulacl, and biliouSlIeSS Lrt�� ' i " ea fhe hida6-* the
The questionin.g, here is of I and m_ be source of in*ury to the, ing purposes, esst d by it sluggish liver, for -when the, signs of Of -i'
Cause ay is dark and =111Y, first organs to ThaCs 'Why
qnd -to ow under the treatment ben the d
BE- Rio, 0 8 0I PL�' RAT�PjN;. the pure Lind holy desire for k1lo",pattie, �IlernSCIVCS the care' diseased, .r liverjs not ymrking properly, itholds back !AV
in ich' is's' to Promote 1 Billy rievrar gets comPlaiDY- many elaf,riv from bark.,Obe,
I suggested and call be marketed Pro- i the bile, wh 0 1
ledae not that of a lame back,' poor guest joining hrhelumiia '
J Ili the case of pure-bred cttle in--'fitably for meat. ment of bowels Ind the, pair tile conversatio. is, gr-uvl, d,ropy aiId inbility to S derstanding -it, con -ct� into the blood ii sted. of Passing ,It is t d After any sorious or Alckw Amazed t hi un I 1 tended for purposes it is advis-, Cullin-1- ShouldL be a persistei - bile g , I . rot the urine.
the riervoussystem is left anti his answers -They were the re- i Under-! throagh the usual channel, thus ca aging r, 01, the onion bed I seeded!" Cont fable to well -shaped horns oil tilluous proc "�s the first year. D ill an extremolv conditio�, and of ail unusual "son of stomach and bowel troubles. as indictilnP� the nimals, s the borns a 3, misshapen, and crippled chick- leg is asfor thousands of old
dd to the size( Floating sk)cc" before tile c � vis a couro of i'vfilburn's Ileart nd Nerve in i I r heads. '11, some, ens shollf(I be for mrket as the _ry sunny day lhe'-s workill- �oll,�s as they stinlul,ate the kidcoys and
Pills ill do rilorc, towards buildihg it, up intion and spirltu�al perce I h tell
p,Lioii for a' appoarence of tl ei Ioug t of shirk te '116 h( bility for the per- er has a tl than Inythil3r, elge S of qLIJirn,.JIS inight depend. soon as t slugish nd requires stirring into ction, Nev to allevi, ache, itn&too frequent uriii.ation, boy. )led hens best do by taki 11 urn's )avertport �18. 'Were, astonished "Sonj upon whether or not they have horns. 'I inarient flock is notLd. GriPl' Thisyou call ll Mr. W, E. 44 E i T-ILre and there you'll see bii past middle age if is &,good plaR to use,�
e they do not They St" `P Read, Toronto, Ont, "MY hst thou thus dealt -with us?- Ili dehornin.- dairy animals the de-'Iua-ke poor layers LD Pills. 1. -
thinning, hoeing, s Ridney Pills ltion'th 'at -,�It be I -Old ,low is not so great s -,ot enoug 1,o oat in coin etition ish liver, clean the f_�Qaled "11 l, , t , tlie'i�daeys midcrivent a A rchLike tll crease in milk h till I el)
tile and do -o w i E� h 6o remaill commonly beli case of! the rest' f the flock. Ui-idersized � sweeten lyllis- ing sometimes Tipperary, Mr. John Baldwin, Oat':," eved. In the After leaving tli(,, Toroill. r, I!- 0 Ul I qI -wasin a w k, n(�r- ' picture, of bsorbing '6 cows ill rall whiell hens -mq '.g -'s antl fey,r� stoul"Ich ills. rou. _1, She c� anti also -I, Zivor Solyletimes write: "I w�, t. with
Illune;101113 lie discussions one herd of 2 Usually lay ohn R, d 3 , Quite C,ontrary; -ad tried sever�l 11aving intel ot thein -they ha- a 4
condltion,�L tricti :est the boy had in t, \,e not c PacitY t N S laoilt-lis itgq i for three years.a
were dehorned, the milk. flow lit Lie
fyur� which she roceived 1 ovcl. -c enough quanti-, Itrouble ftch And his ey�, are brij�btu nd sriappy, I got better for a ,)lit, tile"
ered for three (lays, but iTter this Teed in larg 11 I , d with a som stot, , ssraLe uecame back. A'iriorid I df�cidecl to try 1.9. ye not that 1, must be Ili pen birds USU,,�Ily be' 'es, tically Ilo FOr 'his heart As -�:ery I I m "ill thel time �ecme and t the end ties. d to got a'box Of IIZidney nd 11�7 sfyl,o -,-I, lily js of i tiler ? "hy did of the ors wSafe s, PTO_"_cd ve Fa after dell suspected, OF, deficiencies i --not '17I .1 felt th of in -y ise he is, I hold, il qrld before T bad t"�n tl
Sit', 1; all to -litly �han the previous' prucluctive, Gulls of thpsoi Pills which curc vou troal)lc in finding 8lig - , � I told my 'I P t r i 0 ti on until I had takeri box . . . . . . . . before a 6entled b -themselves I fur, seventy yetirs old, Rudbad, given ali,
,6 be 'L�he PI -10,0 to -,v,,I- b e length of t B +her Bill I
Ift-t coll( ition i3iprove qhowu by the daC a ct ny' help 1k)r me bift`�
'I. " or I ere was al tleeLl Th Plays a .11 I Illy. I have aIV17 _Y9 'C4t e citte-st'd`,Mc-ulty in than
1,9 tip! Uf3eill Cl fit d then'i Ve too, ffi-ld the I thanks to I have beea '-6o not the rngis: -ettin tbIe I roc -31111 jr,te-liect hi the happiiie,ss of Iiie, air Price 5'(10 a box, at 'dI IV t.;L 'bV d -su ,oil)t of priA
6d Vtion o�L`,he unselfish paxt, of, A direct on r( t tne; Old SOC, 7
Ci rs, icc olle to Pills 25
ap -,frai t F or thi -ong Orl OIL tl T -t 1,T, 4 i T6 ori the 01 at all clea�ers or oo�ts -wil! enri�,h th e's o i I as orl....our nature is not only One le fl Mil?urn Co., Lim It is 'I il Our tcade . 44 ttle stocks: shoud bo e d. appliod 1� . s would nj� t, the, Opric-, b� The P. N, I Dul: o, !nor
box �4 a I1 0, t 0 st not �,to deb orn co -c -'s _t, acre n 0, Oro "IT I