HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-8-1, Page 2TUAIM
It Has
-To Millions of Te -a' Drinklers
VM 11��o you wen�,
Inch in, Flavor solut in
'I was hurt a d Vii
$ealed Pack�,,ts OnTy, Axty
TRY ITT :li� 1
Vi -W all
s4z�a of vic"'I
;T1 , 1, :,:,!, This
little nlore
i �7 �', k'� �11' 7 !777'7717-7,11,,�
Pete --you're sure or! that
A ",Sbe told me so licrself---less t1nin, rh
kre. a an ier
an fed', Food Co tr6l. Cori'
hour ago,"
"That's impogs 1 ble. Why, she list- ztre t4
tite xnav,,et for cream all
ened t-,) me when_ -21 throug1t, t!4(� year. e pav the 11101jr'�T The Gariada.Food Board has been,
prtee- ()a,,, Oa;lt i" right up-to-
-vihat?" lie, cut in. datf,�, In buslp�-sL Is'ince 1906. Drop ll.N in�ormed that certain persons, repre-
(To be cQninucd). a 1joKt(,iirk1 f )r iil�rtict,iittrq, sentitlg themselves as Food BQard In-
Ual It- spectors,, hrv,,,o visiV homes In
-5 lZmg St., West
ntarlo. and Quebec,
a '6 `ikfrom tho househa�der
nd 46
'nf 'at fine'.-, for alle
I', Continues, to �e' Acute, Wit, have �eczl institu
_13d"�6�, on
e week ged
n Very Sm��q Ratio Vednosdays,. Thu Fr e M
People 0 days the Foorl Boarrd"_'l regulations.
I, bf
klggal' 11 Inspectors w
The people yt, , 4, ii, � i*
of Italy live, largely on A orking under
bread and Gr b f,,Cailada road Po4 rf
es Qlagut,4ifor I
-Q, ma cai oni
M.1 t � 1, .4
-ied on, Out Of fact, they have redlic o has
but despite this I rise thorfty Or th
uxi, The pric
ed the r c-opsurrip be able to produce off!041 ce
cu e 't ei
tiaa of grain by 25 per cent. during Min -,Yllich must be pres' t a when'' 'r
of lle1:,;.,)y ously, and now beef sells f ,
.-IJ d W�4�u him t* 9i '2 to Sq conts per poui,-d, and Veal froln
on, ve the imst vear. The graizi situation
authoriiy is, qitestioned. I�he , VQod,
6 Ive �o right to, ask. I'd �O to 9 eeuts 11cr pound.
a Mos dllllcul� o, e and w 13 o 4, r(J has )lot i1ppointed apy inspee
On t�ptoe froto on, co-.
atip"'E, SOI Szlfar is scarce and i i u, 'Or$ to viz,,Iit private hopries, and' any
to t,14� nexL I'd
tte wa ni 0 asee a 'r sons claiming to have such author-,
ry uli, te liess, cati be la re. fu a -
e J, C� are two. stones we In, not per
jd _,vint hm Consumption will be dare to eas+' ilw -,bould, be, reported at once, to the,
al- her reduction In
I e ]a lot' Ill sUgal' In The �stone of sttumbljn�,, in our bro- ilearest, police 'Juit'noril'Ies,
taly during
M# was only three ther's -way,
'Unce-, per poisou. mr week and the The of judg-ment, �It, our bo�, , kn itivest'g.1tor just Completed by
iptiez- i-wion was two ounces per per -i iber's past; t.he Canjda food Board shows that fi�
on, per week. ses fisherMe", 1,71
AVe, who oursedves, like shQep liave "me ea
ll� order to, Cope )'Vith the A ('ara4lffi have been shippin,,fi�h, wh`elt
)eat, gon(� astray.", J4
h(,,r-1a9P, 14-ee, meatless days every i have d!maged in the catch or for
Other reaisons are not in proper cordi-
tion, for shipp'n,7- Closer inspection
at. tbe stij),�iTj points woWd reduce
at mar-keting cientres and the
Bonrd is appealing ta the fishermen to,
avoldl lo�zs of this '-ind,
Th- q-tTesnor, was taken up In eqn-,
R, of q�_,artjties,
fish "I M
writreal. Two shipmerts
la from L,- Reine, P� Q,, to -Mor.-
" eaT, w re Partial loss and, inspec-
" J7,
-ep ap ae
J tot Viz I or�.i;� to 13 , clana la lwo�od
'b 04
that ' 0-o-po HO
oq h2 ash par
��nel �Initc of
'F'HE bxarnpla of t1je, 14tf�
Q�;een victorl-1 In &tl� V e, be Q 1 010 orme.
lectIng the VAIllarns, New
$cqle Plano has beort fol- ijte lo�itliirur.-�ti,,M of 0he Con -
lowed, by many of the ser
of and Trnn�,Porite, the ariny
worlds MQ4-,t, ronoxytied
tjo!led or i�j g in Cailajid�,i, lt,as
niuslcl�ms, This flict bats,
a aa�', bee, ,]Vizelli war 4ofte, ".vi"Ottly.
caused It to be 1�noiw n or�
the Choice of thei Great 1p tile ten� in;
hN. Of" sqbstitution of Ash, WQ liim-
dre of Were
Loul� %V- ti, SiSMOO J fho.nl��, 0
5aved ifn thc:i month of 41-d 01),
THE 1VILLIAMS PIANO CO., LMIU% OSHAWA ONL, =1�tellv Lbe same, in "Ito
Cana4als Oldest and Larse,5t Piano. t4laker;-
"S 1'ecil:11ts have bevu 4 1 �ri tile r-
MiIII, !'I I, �i: le4 co
sey-Vatigon, of fo�)4
'stj4as OF all Mmds, 4�s
Thp i n
in iza,opeTatic the Gm
s;n�,o Fobnmr,4 kVJt0JJ 4
ppq in "the Ca ku A m
and awwahut
'I Rudi; b1M %yere AMA-Umted 14
44trie� thol'so being
is,rvturneA, men NN4 perlorw�
-on aotiva ser%`
Or warix
Id The Taoin sasdug in foo&tuffs hms
tbo vontfbloftbe issue. TW
�th� amg,biwat n TOO
is uro
pound! vin
vvog�jjod, In bard: IaUr.. I., A
big fteld for 0i1twervatiou -Nsnisi fb=d in,
tbo mnrgin between tbo, ma%imum
rc,-,r 01r.1r,"n pf Ozr nng-� and fpxrhtn,,4 Irr con"Ilig"eimr and tbe, nftual require -
Ir -W r 44 -a'g Velve 11'a 8,14w r A, in�,Iftcdi TIQ w dit'r.
It to go rin�, And in ttX%,ktVa ThfA �cw mentcifromi 44�r to day. Dr*�id waitA
a��t�,,Ct it yet it at*yq ��n A�,4 in (Xnadi�a viilupi and in, all plAim
k �,, 1 tht
A 'WJJQT4 �'t"
.00PS arj� fea in C'An%�'Jfi
t1lat Governiioit, contnins 20"per er-ant.
414"Wituto of whvat flrilzrt t0ila all
IM A Picture *0 floor itf elf Is Q�, thf�, stanolarzi re -
with Each Purchase quired 'by order Lof t1le el I Food
Tj�tot 044 or pe;rlitttla rour &UQU14t wi;l
WiPiclw 1R. Q1VC tyou,wItheut ahcirae,a Iurgg! rilrtriottof&
Solng'A Wttl[6 'HO.Mily 'For War-TIM6
(94) Workom
ir, an ox-
11ort 011 raPid, lkko. 110, j�an fl�i`e Ills
the 11144MU* AUMbor of tIMcs a
11111-11ae n64 Ito"it of lit$ ihots will be -*e
orlitc, cilu groupblti Alois Oil
cl)oelfiod r0ilitn (if tho targi)t with '110
0(111, N"'hon lie
fiteos It'll ttd�'auclllg, o'lleniv ho Nvats"tos
a:1d vilth priiaiMoll lw sends tl�toh bull-
lict Ilito ittil livilig, Inovint, "billot", lie
ha8 coiifiih�neo �,%nt I talf-asstirance, bo-
.11tac Im 1:11ows what to do Emil 110V
tra. ie. tO U0 it, 1, V10 4%110 110i M :11 it% UM
a;�� Vle. VvW11t1q -.", COP— lied ati 150 demc,�� F,
tnker feared that."
_ awny "Good Lori,. yoa call man Cov- Vilifly held,Jio eoo�4 not got an attavlz
lartn�ly- In
tlti�; eorezi, and dii_rec�_ -,t' h, closed ir, ingtnn?" exela_ cd. (if "itt-rves," bta anplieu himself with.
Te�st, ��* h a od in
Zm�icr e,�e Any Sweet ii'lle 4'r of -7 �iad. R. shou"d stay --inst Manto aTJ even jgri%ter lutolr4iy to Ilia (troli: of
M, 1Dry
Tli(�� D Oicoiting to hit, if his rillo "Jams" he
be uz�,A for J�tirra 0.�J_-r if It �bev�,-=es limp, dry tile. 'VeVed (Juleklv. "It't; jnsll Vfl,� out-
'dio� of him. The man v a Cell Cnv-
r! el C,_ i t 4
s f,%,) t Ory, a-; f ain. 'Other, but lie oces not
Pi ood over ag, v tal,,�ev, tit) an
�!Qugo�'b �A aoid natuc% nhe Lon-ibard
ai i :i,, n, er , p niall insi&-is anoViiar aglug hiq
Dry food is le, e I is 1� lultithig, or of ong,
ts,i think of t
inakc- a gi-�od -am Q 0, 1 all dMeA foods "tt- least six
b , neighbor Ili passlintstle talk.
'W , 4r, hoine, must follow� it.s ex -
0 ion of sugar pres�cr` ed i hours before ushl- and cook in the! Al
th e pron rtl cii s ',lie real marn;*' JjeeLred pej�er. J
"Yes " �hc nodded� v.th a cateli 0
o ve
v in he Cie. `-That`_�, the mam B,,i'-
an We cannot stand on -1he
water in %- bich they were soak �d* r vol' A
to retain all the valuable min
Pid3n J_m�s lbz. plu,�,�
6 !,bs. su- order _don,t you. underst-and it wasr'
-g "firing -step", to clleok the Rulls, ad -
Put tile, plums and su -ax to- eral s -Its. i ffiat man who married m3. It wa Ll vance. The enernfes.wo fght are less
gether in a proserving kettle over ,]� e K6ep dry foods in jars that ivauld Monte who married me bo eseape
tang1ble and perbaps nioro insidious.
fire. vizil. just sufficient water to' not do for Canning or in empty Carl GOVi'19,6011. He t-usted, me not tO %T�--x 6� -�ss
.1�4 MOR'll
s ta, r - the cookir= Boil gently until: a real mar, just as I tnasted %1 is one Of tlient* Idle, deprt -
is another, Seemid
V� h� removable top"', which have been
,rb the real me
fn 0 -uit is thoroughly cooked. Stir, boiled in. -%.-ashing soda and water to m no' to
Only Ill 411portance to lieeping tile
Peter leaned forward with a new T�
as lfitl5c, as passible. remove any strong odor.
hone in his eyes. army at full strength is tilat. of pro
of �,Ivery ounce of food which a woman,
ducing and conserving food,
c didn't"ket.to the re -al you.'
not A
B';ack Currazi' Jam. -For I lb�^ Then,",he said, "poi�haps, aft all _T
g'ar", k". Put 'the currants in a granite; amount for the warnar. -who has e simply she teplied:- Ore being called frora fa�rui-s �ts Ny-oll aa
from every Other T)roduclnz �iiduE�try,
w �Yj lb. of �lj conserves releases P_ Corresponding'
fruit not over ripe, allo:
an _-nd wash to allow the juice i the opportialuity, to store away food. did Peter Ila does
_10 ; ri
Our reserves are being Inoved into the
a�u c ep not
know It, bu$1 he
frol'It 1111e, But, evel, if the Hne is'get-
"You are sure?" ting thinner, do not get an attack of
STOPPING ANOTHER WASTE. lambs' torigmtes, pickled pi.gs� tongues,
1 :1 Sfi- 15nepr the �ain she was- causing' "nerves" and think of up
i - byain, croquet es h `ireserv'
p ck�ed ox-tangup Lt I "Safetyr First" I
hil, buf. she ins'weied:
By-Prod'dets of Packing Plants Which iamd sweet -bread rissoles. "Yes. I couldn't admit that to -any e yom- hands or of r4alling aAl�ay, Try
- -a�- -es -ves, '�,(nue rapid f1pe in
1)on`t� talze chanaes with y r p), � ei T:I�rotect the 11rc-trucing li I.-, a
Are Splendid Food is estimated that sufhciept pigs? , one else in the world b ut you -and �Iaenn Ift-orn mold and fc-r,-trientationi "with '_F-Lar�wa%, t1w
I IiVL,,-s are thrown into the waste tanks 1hurts you. Peller." Show your sidil ill
m na da, acting an I "It afr-tight seal, _�rcllplur yoUr
Packing hiouses ' Ca of ',be packing plants of Canada every hurts like the devil," lie said. shots oil the most darg-proiis target�,
the request of the, �Canada Food Boardli week to supply all the families Ill the 11 She placed her hand upon h' Parowax oil preserving day �:nearts happiness oil If your impleaie
are "jarnni.ed
ejmg day., 'fhe preserves come out 'With all their 11), join lip with your
are qudeavouring to papulariz "Poor, Peter, she said, gently. DA from wallt of lie
Q`r- Dominion with meat for one day. 'i -e the,devil
-products, particularly parts o -f nt time a' It hurts lik but it's no- -tay be -it a similar
tain 137 ortginal favor and fresl neighbor who ri
At tbe presel -1 these pr, Alling for you to pity -me f or," lie put
the hog not gen�rajly used for general du c t's Q f C;
�J�,Ited P�,rowax poured,i�fij;tily ou the j;elly glasses Plight, :. Such pia,,", keep
"I'd rather have the;
anadian, packing houses are, in quickly� , V
consumption in Canad disposed of in tha U 6�O "I'llfs troll, belug ilelers in he
a. These include -h tr;, ei;�,e
Qlt er nitsd States hurt T�rom you than nothing," Ill 3 MINTES does, th Ick. Ail,�,&an't r�, On ftUit'Jars, adjust
pigs� feet, pigs? brains, calves' bralins, iy
cover and d fight for, -Inale labor
or tbrGyvil into the -waste tanks. ou feel like that" she ashod i milatcs .1" : ip in the mielted JiqukL I ; . Or If
llogs' livers, neclh-bou�es,and neck rios'. Fe I j5 Out G.f Jklxlei q1tc-stto'a, e��,Uqt t11 wo�-
earnestly. Paro-wax �is odorles,%,, tasteless� an(� absolutely
71, 1, INY.rk. M. . I e
These parts of the animal, while zoo ' :, , 1, , puye T�
"Yes �holtoorrte bread, -pejasive 4 pey,., nou-&aiids of Brhi,�Ju wornen
for human food, have be-ein Lftherto Fares Paid for Farm Help. '.Then," she said, "'you must under- tells, c1c., without ill n2ex 1, lb. and f,,2 lb. caru0n,-,. Your hav-e beau oil iarms dul-in - , t�lle
'q provide . help il' h stand hovi, evicna with me. the joy and grocer:or druggist ha's it,
at pop, ular in t1is country amon, con- t.110 Y'k� I'S aild S i
aying and Ie ne��d ar se�, can't -
9p ers, although they are p(�rfec the grief are olle" F_ rR I A: L 0 1- E D au.u.tiess,
M �07 harveE�, the Trades at' Labor Branch Nht�on'sfo6a L L 1: M, I qlall wolue'll- will be no less (A,
41aftihful and nutritious an�j tile. "Yes 'I understand thvjL Only if he 1, !i. �?, ,
ae- t4p oiata,rio Government will paY UPP Branches in ;%JI `CitloGio �Jaodt quicd,oy,; shoot �to'hit a��O, kce
Coa�enieiri(j quick
iaand fa:r exceeds 'the �uippiy in the k ind clez6-hanjs
the railway fare of person-, who to me, yo On sho-otlng.--A,D�
e'd conle Lack
TJnited States. agteq to Nvork on a farm for at least n. And I tell V do .0t touch doutih.
rng To say , a,gai : 1� I FIT
lall The, work ha , however, to G
iecent dl or giyea fot Q- eek er s -e Ck �11 ch.racz
pay lr� 6 'have a pine floqK 0 A,�
v; s. a&ln, I won't ha,,' im come, b
)nstratfaii parrpaqoz� Pt, iho, ALM' return lare� The maximum ldrld and gentle and smiling% 4 If 11 Y�ou.re it you d t weat
Cover it- i�;,,��"."'2!",
r w ee transpor. e Jou� your 11 e scrubbing, v�,,. r, I
the came back 'now, -if it_were possibl
for' hi'm really to come to rne'-I'd with good, linoleum, IT, ,arnished
PlAn pitanc6 fo
11 1 r I hich this, fr
d `Wli� t4() is, given is 106 miles. 10arA; $�.25,
16.., 1 �_, _ - or tw"
-Is V I a
j;tii, Up PVi4 Y Ant him to. che. yvith love. I'd w ii Once ce a year It will
fc§l �s underswod. u1so unal, the Que-
1, , T W�tGHTCO. 0,0.:t oI
$2.76,, ive ten year
g, s arranged -with e ' S lv�q
F�U�ys, � fl , She was talking.. fiercel -,, w; 41 41 �
46 Gqvexnment ha. to be hurt with love." th good 4N.
F'e* am'' o'cl If �W�4mlplrea s�I 'or red If rugs�'aria 'kept W;heje,
passion It as
uce fayes for faxrn y uIrrestraired stle,
Peter had never seen in any
r M, XtSflft MM
MIT, ,4
M, 'X*100'