HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-8-1, Page 1R%'I'VV-SECOI D X
1],.E1E t, ONT.
4444+4 44+ ++ + 44 44,444.4i4A .+4&+1t4+±"
Dont 'forget us for Kool Goods
hite Waists
sr t atxes tit \\4ta3 SHk, atr ped
i11 Et rep ad
,t'rtor eitt itt alt
er Dress
11 Ladies '> Girl and 0
Dxk'sses tc+ cl:atr our regar
price. Come and get a suaP
s Hot Surnmei
$sv�ti`zr of
e Dresses.
Qty Tt
Tl akin
*g Clearing
Vas foods
.tl's Straw Ua
;ler 11at tri xeduced
your I3CW .Pkinarzi; .
s e
d-^ ti0stia; , a azo 4„►Fe?t'a
il1:sure "eryc
he high.
Boys Suits
Some t xtra good winos hi Boy&
3ioonter $ixmty. A dpi t3took toshow'
old t
a f ftliP, c d ,t+ ij}
Soinv i.trand Salt
stock, t, tol >sCA,dt`y 1 01
The t-ntott one9 151.11 ,.01)::1"
Chtldrens Shoes
niil ,
" bin tl.
childrenmore „Pq`
ft3 prlce4; ThiS i,
4A�z in buying youp
�a 51u Q1'
,S1 or
A dandy assortment of young Men's 'Belted Tweed
Rain, Coats.
Jones AND
4+ 4+
e. procialtn
no the
tntod and
l'ht' trip
made a
oed and
1t. '4'30• fi 1.3.' tt
431)+"t1 ;it
(1017. °11
Pyilnary twit
Frank BrOel°
Boys 10 'and t -Harold
13 and onider—I)orothy Bed.
Ilraby Creech, Ina ll'orditnr,.
arold IN Frank Parons.
Bons' 17; and under --Cecil NV:ellter
Lloyd ParsonF.
Young ladies' rntee— Elva ITarroyn
SOntheOtt, Geraldine 'Trodden.
Younst mores race—Gordon. Hey-
wood, Wilfred Sbapton, Herb. 'Sooth-
Three-lt.2ved rant., boys — Lloyd
Parsons and ,)1.atriv,,., Coans; Cecil
:-lhapton awl Re:r. Parsons.
rind Anna "Dell; Elva Harvey anal S.
ti cott
Girls 15 and ur.der--Groba Hedden,
'earl Sanders. Florence Norry,
:Married ladies' -moo—Mrs. Georize
iNtarrieti noon's race—Gordor. Hey-
wood, Frank 'Boyle. Ed. Westcott.
Coates, ;Maurice t'o,4tes. ,Lloyd ParS0118
Parons Prank Boyle. Maurice Coat,s
13lowing out candle, girls ,--
Keep out the fly Pests
Insure your family against 'the
flies by equipping your house with new
'Screen doors and screen windows.
Screen Doors $2.00 to $3.50
Screen Windows 35c to 60c
Screen Door Springs 10c
Sareen: :wire for repairing doors and
windows, all widths from 18in. to 36in.
Oil Stoves that give perman-
Either the New Process or the New
Perfection \will comply with above.
New Process stoves $22.00 to
New Perfection '15 .50 to $32.
gives best results
Gold Medal, 650 ft to pound.
Silver Sheaf 600 ft to pound.
All sizes rope in stock: for
harvest requirements.
be Pleal
3 r. and Mr.s. John Hind and eon
t mann of 'Exeter, were (visitors over
Sunday with the former's .sister, Mrs.
Georv Pollen, East 'Ward.—St.t3lanYa
John Wanarnaker, the naercbant
has been celebrating this ,8Oth birtbr
day at his country' lhorne near Phikt-
dolphin. Wanamaker began his
business career at the age of 1 44, and
with a salary of $J.25 41 week. Today
Now York give employment to twelve
thonsand persons.
Don't Miss This Series of High -Gla s
The 'Chautauqua is a. selles of ele-
Teachers' or Sunday School conven-
tion, as some people ,are led to be-
lieve it Is. 'Those entertairinients are
held for a week. commencing, , on
Auomst 5th and ending ion the even -
mg of August 10tb. There .are eleven
distinct en,terfainments, five after-
noor.s and :six evening,s. To take
these in separately the ,total cost
would be $6.75, but by getting mink of
the course tickets. wIhich Admits you
tO everything, it will cost you only
$2.00; Children six to fourteen years,
ticket $1. This ticket taltes ,the child
to the Junior Ohatitaucitia in he
naornings from '3 to 12, Also the after-
noon and ,evening, 'The finst lhour
the morning Is taken top with story
tolling. The second hour is ,Janior
cipal !government. They Ihave* their
o\vn co;locil, clerk and other officers,
and it is real ;good fun, besidesi teach-
ing the children how Ito\on affairs ,are
resnagen. The third hdur is g iv
to IDes of all kinds for boys alio,
"iris, 13y corning to Godericli you
have I:tie advantage of a nice, cool
ces, the tent is pitched 'on, the
bank cv-rionitia.g Lake Huron, which
noon and e Veiling performances you
can IA voi a picnic at the lake
'dollar ticket !send to 'Chas, C. if..ee
God.•riela and, he mill hold it for
COTISidcrably ahead, by .hav-
recieve renewals
tons are now past ing this ticket, ,
, , - This a good time to visit Gode-
rich and visit Hotel Sunset. NV:Fite
%tett At
or tin- c
following. ritfiql 'Lot
hunt. After being'
t lacv. they were se
Some bo Allied autos
couldn't rile on followed
r,srohtt. of
ialiy winding. up
r.1.1 gToup ;zanies were p1ave..(1
her t
Wen tV
[larding, Elva Harvey, Dorothy ;Bed.;
Armstrong, Beg. 1?arson,s.
higkh jump—Herb 'Ford,
Standing broad jump — 'Wilfred
Shapton, Mos. Creech, Herb. POrd.
Road north. had a valuable sheep
killed by being, run over by an onto.
'rhe gate to nis farm had been left
open and some of the Jheep got out
onto the road, An auto was noticeti.
corning 'd.0‘1111 the 'road at a fast rate
and 1,V2S secil/ to „coast near the spot
but nothing was thought, of it until
the sheep was found in. tile ditch
with it,s ba.ck broken.
113h, e OttherS nave recently paid
in full their pledge of $10.00 to Vila
Y..31.C.A. "Earn & Give" lurid. This
makes ,Six. 'boys, Avho,thave already paid
up, those not previously ,mentioned
Lvle Statham, I3everley Ache-
son and Laverne Mari -lass. , A con-
tribution of ten dollars on the part
of the Isoys is a ,00tcovortihy sacrifice
but beli,ive in ,fhe ccise of the
mentiei.. Laverne 'Harness, fourtceo
Years .age is :the son of a Nvidolv ed
mother. Two ',sons hav,4 already ,dor..e
their "bit". and have ,b5nni iortunate
enough to Ire turn. to Canada but will
always 13: handicapped through life
lo,icause of .wounds received ori
Ciring line. One 1,,s, at. aireeen. t
cullerating at ti military hospital in
London. A third E011 is op the firing
lino France. Such h record is a
e arid the contribution GI.
th.i soldiers is a fur,t her ,evidence of
il to one i ittql Dr, and Mrs. Or
to othe.rs,'Sannday.
,thosn 'n/10.. 111r- Ira 11110S111 ;411(1 f
11 foot anti .cborn,r. oretarod ort.‘t,r an
;paid our
y on bast -
are in
of tozeter.
The, conft.r.9.ce then adjourned to 1-'311e' :Ykt
dios had spread a sumptootns :vat' ban- Arr. ;Lnti
quer, which wilt long be remembered pil,kboin,r, Fr,
by the btrvs, who ,with their songs and Slonik nictiore(1. 1
lis made things interesting for tire boys off 1Vh0
Son1o." The ladies deserve great verseas.
Elliott welcomed the boys was -1 14)rne-CGraer SUllesP-Y 'tn: the lEvau-
sniniossful en
.*th, last tone
of 1
o this
It it b Arr.
:Ars. G.rayilb.111i;„
ea tored to the boys, Warden R. Surlda.27., 7:1);:::v1;111;-74""rs1 ''(':).111111$0: t:\11:";.:3-7°81.1rillare sr.
100,1 bpeci. 11
la dies.
A 'public' ,meeting, vvas held in the
Evangelical church in the everting at Constable Whitesides of liens It
which ntr. IT. C. Hudson, of the de- paid our village h flying visit on. Toes-
partnient of Trade and 11-.Abor, Toronto day. It would be a splendid thiag if
presented forty-two badges to vat- N1, hitesodes would visit our toNN n
riolic 'Soldiers of the Soil" All'. Rd. more frequently, t'sPeciallY on Sun.-
Siclonius, of Galt, and Rev. P. Flet- day evening and. check up the fast
cher, of Toronto, gave two inspira-• mita driving- and horse racing beinj
On Sunday morniner the S. 'S. les- grace tile way this thino- iq allowed. to
sou was 'demonstrated by groups. go on. Our town fathers should. take
Conference leaders took cli,arge. of the the matter up and put ti stop to
;egular morning sex -vices. In the iaf- this Izind of thing.
er000rt an older boys' MOSS mee ting
was held in the (Evangelical church
and an older ,eirls' land niothers' mass ,
was held in the Evangelical church.
- pi G, le ot weather lairgc
al ts-ricled all. the senvices.
S,verol officers, gisottp. leaders
ond S. 'i•eliresentatives „spoke brief-
tly; live wire of ithe 0',101$'1011, and bis
Secretary. L
Ir. addition, to the above tin men',
tnalte it ti slICCCSS 1,yurc the pastors,
Ci Raker anti. _Elev. ritlr.
ed Ford tourittg cars-, from Cook Bros,
Sandy 'Swan, Chiselhurst: A. NoakL.ss,
Kipper; ; Oscar 3.)illing, „Exeter; ;Toe
iltay,man Molten. C. Campbell Hen -
salt Eclighof ter, Zurich; W. Chalt-
Zurich; S. -..,,TcQuecn, llensall; Oliver
Horton, Roust -ill: AArni. Leitch. 'Ohisel-
thirst; Kay, Cron/arty; Gl:0
few :holidays. ,
'Miss Matilda 31..111,1', of Toronto, I
spending vacation at, her heate.
with relatives in. Hyde Park over die.
tlie 'home of. :qr. Nadiger.
.31r. P. Gooding continues ,very
at his home here.
Mr. 'Geo. AVilsor notoret1 to L mien!
Miss Lily Dell, De.r,.cn
da y lag here.
OvL,.riand car.
In'ivin 13211 loft
n a naval camp,
ought a
last ,iFriday
near Chicago,
sit -
of Detroit, are visiting Iter father,
71,7"7. England ar.d.,Ntiss. Fern.
.0 -ill of Grand 'Bond. .,.c.ver,e, ,London
last Nvek.
f tin, t a rra 13,oy nierft4r, 'Zurich.. '1‘,„:,'1„1\elT,NIllilsIt.'(::"!-it:3h,1::''oa-15:1;:1,,,,,,Eir:thek',911:03'1u1:
11, re it