HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-7-18, Page 5ti tt ;1I • it t r caTJAX, s twice daub ag: .irewoazfe4sp oacia night RP Mi #' war irk. s' Y,ocess 1BXdYl ng MidwayC31� and Morainic e stint, 134ertr oar. taxa' you registered for the Boys' ox,fereece to be heli there on . utY, 7th and 28t=h: If not, apply at on 4 This promises to be one of the or gest and most profitable times our village Altd township has ever± erienced. Dashwood !{# and I'rs I. -tattoo r .viaited rataord Saturday. 3tiss 'i data is ,sperkddn� w ►,. ; fres i i lye o`at carom r_. / '*come<bser 1 t iotas her arta x de d t'lra ;arita:l at Zaxrich orx, :F`horsday even. arra• a fa .s days iza ttais co . rads. John ettotfna:ara: t 1'ovi en a I- a€flz r. d —.qrs. Jim °S risatin4 with Tf, as d ar-tleibs 31rs. . ch faaitral or f n .Sunday, rgznr ¢atalon, s ^unity top, Sept. 61► Ornohlin erktrrance cora Punda a!arad, Eg.scloo hc4xer* &tiff► and, tdravor,including parking of ca* et,,,Entri Forma, Application for Spectre and raft Information from the Secretary aartsLoren Parstd"stxat e A. M. Hants' and ed t tri R£� '4; c1 rode here, %cGra .ger sp-zit several- day; recenl1Y visiting ter, of utephe ,u. Mics "Hilda Greenivay, o£ AVrinnipeg, 'rt %^s been. t TtiI�.Fti noels, .. Mr, Frank Wicks. ,left on .Monday to visit other Mrs friends. `Webst r a and 'chi ren of Tor_1 onto. s1,4‘111- 0 day with^_ rs. ?;o+a-sr late►; 09 'her; 1V0,5` hQzre ,froom yidting tfi�.:7zd firs" A, of yfaf. '" Sunday 'Snboot � � t ne x. PIP ay sat tit +Cu St° t�,Ylu' he, other s are wit n .] saecoun xS. S• azeri'te�fiy tsz vices a,t �*t''haten. Pte. :Maxwell B•43,=tur41ed to 7aln.... Centralia +az. Sat " ra,rODte turned c,aqr�,:' the 'returned soR brass at,and ov ?u rendeled sera .stai s [ . B. lliott act(' bdsbpea.abe°ihl"f sossf ewlct:rlay e to PteBt; on i"eni lh" flh don4s, Boil gni U4 others svho re 'd grea t to ova teoc ae orext Pile Bey.„ s s.; Pte. £aym xs l l^:4 lib - er, Mrs„1307- 9 0 et s ohah,na d tt{► sp F tall and 5 ss ParltInsot hinda �.1. weal :cocci 'beiog badly hurt s14ft90fihc road to Grslzttoiz. when rev, �l'cl~~lb- bon, f oodh azzr, sv rcollided with th ouggyo.%° '1hr marls d t.`_hrowvzei and the buggy haat" smashed, The ;erlyanIther. rougMy handled veke cue,: 'taud bruised. The tiorsn an the auto 'clime 'off without any dazna.;c it o �R s l4at L eek. rslie ltt ate, a1. i&ta� zit rediton [D 410 t a :n s±, tae mite } to s %d Hof 1.::1 artT tz^tote od3e na^. s, a.�aiE'°Qyl t.9 ar:t434 a, r.4^01.' 9SA a"rAti. S 3t, 11.1. und t Ofrae•aait' kpll«Lu"T5`, u, is Rase tool Art Polka & t<0 of teserelt et ;FT1`gt iRr Zips l9H`91trn"d P40 viator: to °1111 l.A',sw COnfral it :1.4 SL *1.a.&. 4 Fra 41„ irA..'H5I g',at1'Qaa%L,' a:' 1 Rse her Ito 1.R Th `Tali 10005 and Mrs. te8at.� t� fed gar ul 41. oley Ftp her Locals $ I3a'(gtz s 3s ho[Rd of . 4S'7. 43iss4tt: )z.dos. "afro. Thos. cord cn ,Sty radZi' 2' 't h tst A' fan ra 1te rttna�r rQ Oar i vMs- NNr a. ,0 t??; "4 t r: n spt leen 04 rpr 'lr,�, a rtx., >tat 1,333 loa,;, o lease help the Royal Air Force by going out to pull Flax. +e You may work in the fields right near your home own., The local Flax Mill will take you to work . anda�riyou home each ,� no branch of active service is heroic sacrifice so marked as among our aviators. -Their splendid spirit is well revealed in a letter to his parents written by an aviator hive days before he made the supreme sacrifice. It says in part: "If the news ever reaches you, which sooner or later reaches every flyer's parents --don't mourn. We R. F. C. men never think of death; the . only thing we think of is the effect our passing may have on our dear ones. So if I go the usual way, don't let dear niumsy cry, wear black, and all that sort of nonsense. Dad, don't you get all upset. Keep the show going, smile and carry on . " "Keep the show going, smile and carry on," that's the spirit. Many boys and girls are too young to enlist to "keep the show go- ing" but an opportunity is offering to, be of service now: the. flak -growers want help, and the Organization of Resources Com- mittee are behind a movement to save the fibre for making the cloth for aeroplane wings, of which the allied armies are in very urgent need. Boys and girls, young men and women, and; even old men, may enlist their services for this work. For the convenience of the workers, automobiles will be provided to take them to the fields and back. Six strong boys giving attention to the work should be capable of pulling an acre of flax a day, and as the offered wage is $15.00 an acre (which is the recog- nized rate of the Flax -growers' Associa- tion) this means an average of $2.50 a day to the lads. WOMEN GIRLS 4 and Men, youcanearn $4.00 or over 15, you can earn from $1.50 more a day pulling flax. to $3.00 a day pullingflax. BOYS over 15, you can earn from $1.0 to $3.00 a day pulling flax. You can work for ` the Local Flax Mill, the address of which is given below. 1 s Wante At Once for these reaso Flax is used to make the wings of aero- planes. The grade of flax depends upon its being walled at the right time. if the ax is over ripe its quality deteriorates. t ORGANIZATION OF RESOURCES COMMITTEE, PARLIAMENT BI LD1* , TOR,ONT Apply, at once, for employment -in this neighbor food to el en Zurich, :albfleisl ; • cholsz odgns eter _ Fla Mill; Das w'ocd, Flax C to 0 41' f't.titllr 1*r to 4Ar'z�43 eAtet 0 ayt" 43i111wf ltf': Qll� 6;lit 9+ .41t argN.ry"6"$'0 11 10 RL# AND; "a-l�nFiR9' s^ ist°�K a V a 1�l(atlh r' T x01. °aiaF Id ata?f ,Litt c • h. patents c1lltl Slott of t:bt in;lits 1iun, {_rasp thio olaworttaHtii;.1.r e _your viroartitre from tbla Bospitza., for deity overseas, to declare 40 a hutrtbi,• 9lrir< sperI ful wan', our tim- er,: ooprectothin sit' Sour splendid Glx ti:ccts, eittriug Llai short time "Wo have boot blessed by your dutiful ,td xIi iS- 1Yatton among us, and to ottani, ;tat y,1 tt•u calk our gint0ful ackr.o'vledb-, that thank csi task yam. have 5o wag uaeonously chosen of spending your, energy in the core or itl.au sick and svoeluded soldiers. t: t4 beyond our power ,as poor ro44ieh .otibers to couch our ,fanguagr: rn adt.quate teras, that will convey Lo you. our swat Feeetrd as station of your ruble conduct as-hile aamongst Rise but let tt esul.ficc to say, (.agar r°04t have, endeared .,ourself to us all, so that wet vshall always ' .re- member you as long as ,we live, with deepest respect, gratttude and :lova,.. li-e know your nobility of ,charac- ter and purpose and while we realize our inability to suitably acknowledge your tender selt-saerli[cicg devotion ,yet we are cure that ,you sthalt be repaid many times - by our „.iesaveniy Father, God will not be outdone in generassty, and be assured our best wishes and bumble prayers will .ac- company you, wherever you matt. be tn' wh atevei, danger, and a[ways .with you: In a•otxr labor or ,love. May God mess your every effort: may he guide assist and protect you in all your noble work overseas, May he reward you in his goodness for all your kind- ness to us and;to those poor fellows whoeare yet to C01101 under your 'loy- the care, This is ever our ,poor pray- 'We. are indeed sorry to loose you, but wo well not complain sies Itnow there .are many other poor chaps over there need.ng your lender e,olitudd and care much more ,thae. we. Speed therefore to theur with our tilessing arid may God be with you. WU' are Incased t0 offer ,yoti this Itttie purse, we NV i Nve Te. 111 tl ch heavier., ias small but tangible token oC our hold reearcis and ;appreciation. Pease accept) it in •the ,spirit in inihich 1.1 Is offered; simply S a small token of our ,cleep, esincerit, heartfelt grati- tude and appreciation. over von. os then with the best Teucks Yours tritly- Soros. A, Pocock Pte.'A. E. Itole C0111/11 ASTOR For Infants and Childrea tti Use Fee' Over 3-t Always hears the imisture nHiit44 k: t'[aeaneellozMakes tern to the Rei,v`hstta;;. LQNDON, Jtu]y '1`a. — Theodor Wolff', editor-in-chief of the Berliner Tageblatt, condemns the speeeh of Count von Hertling, saying: "The Chancellor is silent about war aims. If Count i -on 1ortliaug epi :1 edg 4lm is: part of the t pea, estiota he nl st remember, that t nobody outside of Germany is 'elgtnin even a ueation of a: � gn ent, , a „"S t ho boglnniug of the Scar t ern app' en l9 amd into very definite obli,.' S�iRtts:',0��tIl Del lnnz, and even i fh fwiai4Fria ilxa,a sd3r not exist the aQst people in., Lin question <1 ent. fit tinea rrl . ello''p r0marks about of powde± �.�ter read-, ling s w aole speeela the 'act . Hxrpr ess o ra ii , , . e of tine egitare S rmieleaed;ye $ting its d eenie4j advis- e11Qr �azrsas no poi- bn ;s nxerely aeie?i ltQats`a Prog lfi ss Over a Score 'cif MU 3n Exten4ive iglatiug :at Every la 15;—rflae.ldl? ca rr� ,* eornt*mass Et} he u U theatre of Vt l"s, leo lis! gains o: 1'tl Tie' a.dVanee, 1114.' xans, avxfFe fife flraill,, h : s reache in depth of ; Lniies 0n 4 ,X 4 t ►t Se, usit ; straightening the Allied line as it Turfs trona tiie Adriatic and 'links ur: wlds '1.412 ae+ 4onaan tai 4iumber of ps1Aoner tak041 by the �ta[Ian's exceeds 1,,vlto, £e0aer s 'e ;erpondear 0n xize l4facedonian. Pit+ Ei l-etegrapli he .heli, 11QOS 4£3 aS"outiseril, Ibanla are ra"� i'; One S50005s after anofu�'' the difficult t?r"Q o� $��°acre ire n31ao: atm? zone a Ld eo- odds In the h -.:AA,e .lt, Pt,. P-RPover 41.14.^ 04 b". 141 tecta:,doos4101a5 1 544 ids fir 444"4 ' go 1.ii:tio 44 Pairing: ARE } IATE [i4ii : tient 'f$es e4 '0 4 551.0(41014 front WPM) 1 dune, 21 nostile xz!'eta -1 oa ed 1t to 7, xri en or, VOL trill. I'471Hr 1 wero d Sf er €t t:t3%r don Hi out r tare miss; reb to June an. Ytx hostile %%tt xd:, stod 15 were e:'oltiroi, Ton o tr sl sttt� , Wad t alt rr.o �l�lxbctt°l "3n;41) tine thQatrett of 1110 fear the British air :tripe;t brit" nrogrc':ssed rapid4.. rtrxd n. zt` R] on ;az ed by Pas. pQi4g941,q trill. gt Onrae of raon s! eza- 4rtellay airplane i1Rztitsbto land sa. the enemy t;itxziZed line, de - !1., Selehani, Hill Totnorie,1, va, The by our The enc* - 11 z1 tl strength nianttnu:ai}-. number o£ From this It is Sails ill a:is111e that when the new factor of America's output, both aircraft and personnel, enters the situation in the fighting zones, the aerial ascendency of tho Entente Allies should giye them, very great adVantages." RAIN STOPPED OFFENSIVE. 0011 WO:tater Ilday Be Signal for New German Attack. LONDON,. July 15.—Rainy weath- er in Northern France has caused thorough soaking of the groand, par- ticularly in low-lying portions of the battie front, and not inconceivably has bad something to do with delay of Germans in renewing their offen- sive. It is a month since the last offen- sive died down, swamped by the tide of French success on the banks of the Matz, nOrth of Compiegne, and there is as yet no sign of the enemy's being ready to strike again, Meanwhile the Allies have been pushing back German lines little by little at various important points, hardly a daY going by without a French or a British attack. These in the aggregate have gained _valuable defensive ground and resulted as well in talting thousands of Germans German raiding troops who Satur- day night attempted to penetrate the British lines east of Locre were re- pulsed with loss, the British War Of- fice announced. The German artilery was active in the regions of Albert, Kemniel Hill and Ypres. Prince Holds Seat. LONDON, July 15.-- At Emperor William's personal request, says a despatch from Amsterdam, to the Exchange Telegraph Co., a majority of the members of the Prussian House of Lords have agreed not to expel Priuce Charles Lichnowsky, the German Ambassadoe at London at the outbreak of the war, who iestied a memorandum last March eriliciz- ing the German foreign policy and blaming the German Clovernment for starting- the war. . Thomas Bradshaw, Commissioner of Finance. Geo. Wright, a Toronto Ilydre Commissioner; Fred Bancroft. and T. A. Stevenson, Labor leaders, will compose the Board of Arbitra- tors. respecting the strike of civic China just tiow is infested with bandits and revolutionary soldiers and travelling is dangerous, accorci- log to a returned missionary, who a tided that conditions in China could troops has ink his retreat." Sunday's read* West o successful raid 1 Bulgarian. eentinued their staccessful advance; they drove the enemy front Hill 500 and from the village of Narta, at the confluence of the Tomorica and De- voli rivers. On the right bank of tho Devon we Occupd Gramshi.” Illness Among- Tenthos. LONDON, July 15. --Gordon in a despatch to tbe Daily News front the French front strys: Any fact that can have possible bearing on the forthcoming offensive is of such. in- terest that the following sta,tements of officers recently made prisoner may be quoted for what theY are worth. One type, speaking of Amer- icans, ,said: "They are young and splendid chaps. Frenchmen are put- ting lots of confidence in them, and unfortunately they are not wrong." Another said; "Our morale has never been as low as it now 18, we are lacking everything and our men will be unable to resist a well - delivered blow..." 1 nave referred, ecently to evidences of sickness in the German army, and, the following order recently taken confirms the fact at any rate so far as one division is concerned. This general's order states: "I hardly think there is any regiment in which at the present mo- ment any single officer is in a per- fect state of health." " Oil Steamer. Explodes - NEW YOIIK, July 15.-- Six per- sons are reported killed and fifteen injured in an explosion, followed by fire, on a Spanish oil steamship an- chored in tbe harbor Saturday. The detonation was heard for miles. Sub- marine -chasers hurried to the scene of the burning vessel and took tine injured men ashore to hospitals. The ship, of 2,156 tons gross, had a cargo of motor trucks and. oil in- tended for use by the American army in France. The explosion damaged buildings alone' the waterfront. 90,000 Americans in Week, WASHING-ToN, July 15.—Ameri- can troops. overseas and on shipboard en route haye •passed the 1,100,000 mark, Gen. INtarch, chief of staff, teld the Senite Military Committee more than h0,009 since last .weelt, 000 to 250,000 men ' tebe