The Exeter Times, 1918-7-18, Page 4RAinTRliiRA'vAvtUtSYSM g ands Ontario o cm ani au L Outting of your life 'Af_,GONQUIN PA 1I.ISE'01(A LAly GEORGIAN BX TAKEOF TI.IACA:1) tiTammis pletYground3 itotilf4'44 EztEN ;many prefer rolire iitem,or abiu YOULr 011034e at roe...satiable Sziorize r Parlor tiedvs-ne0- 411, oa »Agee:, te ene ette. SPRIN6 TER51, FROM APRIL 2ND Cfxrialerqtlott.1 ilfe offers the eaioppertenitieta Bent; gratiaatea oZ tataa acacial. • higa as SAM) p.e.r , tiaptate! eau we • t luet be Broken and Burnt in ItS Own Furnace, Oyd Ceoi ge rin z.T1t the Overs the British Et Yofre In Deteri mihg the Teams National Para uship Bus l3een Estab1isheJ. ,LONDON, July —The coieri- ments of the British dominions will have a yoice in determining; tile terms of peace,. aecording to Mr. I.loYd George., The Prime Minister made thi,,,,,:*WiTagait iu a SPCCCI1 at a dinneren in'henor of the Cana- dian editors who are visiting Eng- land, at which Lord Beaverbrook was the nest. `iThis is a war ed the Empire" said tlie Premier -when, we had no time to conull. the dominions as to Polley, and it 15 Per- ec tly true that the PobeY Which We adopted to protect small aationain Europe was a policy embarked upon, without any conSultatiea with the dominions, Bin you approved of it. Heaceforati you have the right to be ltoasulted as to the policy before- hand, and this is the chari-e whiei has been effected as a resnIt tit the as omittio o .ire WW e, , war, "The eatarrii wade to e gvenyou.,1 tio add for pertalleear Cabinet ts a reality. ; "Auotliaa paint in -whichyou must have a ,V6100 is the settlement of the titaiditiOns Of ftedee, We 'have diel useed war ah113 .aati the condition der: which we ave lirePared tto .ke peaee 'at the War Ca.bidet- at an agreement: Qa the enbe yeae —wnh tho repreeentne elea, and we Qua aaMeePr011eal$ ens welek leave oeeurt apal we shatatecousider the le oe" these problatles, 1 larva AO daub in Ma coarse o 1ieaext, few teas -which you reetheee treaties ndeRtedble eight nig' What Dray bat re41301.1 an si oifice ;eine, wee`- - oft:ere:4*k " s:s0 per an „zenea, cneer etie c1 11,4 T E're Lt; e price re Fence t. c od, bab and brae low prices, cox Let z'mon all kinds andshiegles. Place your r what Fertilizer you t ILIZER $30,00 now. ra j.1 AlWOR71-1 GRANTON It or pea and Auetralia and Nw $0vanumiTuud— ontributed. 'Weir ebare they are eutitieci to Kh the eePreseuta- futile vill deter - to laelleste we n .pretty Weil on thUimhin rthe wo mugger nv Wet sale 9 but or the lud dur- d 'We in this eoontry, wile have (1St bu lreds et tboteianda and have ad Mil OM; tuatnied. and you in Canada, wheee tsunities have atetotented to scoree of Thousulds. ntd•Austra;ut. wilo bas ale° pleeed er Share in these things—we are t making these .sacrifiees in or- ' to eetablisit a fraud on thee earth, arni anything leee than a real peace be defrauding, not this gener- , but the net genermlon; it will be matting humanity. ermany has waged three wars. and each ;tine she has added through those wars to her strength, to her power, to her guidance, to her ireluenee, and each successive war he has Waged has inevitably encour- aged her on to the next. If sbe had had one cheek you would not have had this war. If this war succeeds adding one square yard to her ter- ritory, of adding one cubit to her sta- ture, of adding a single iota to her streugth, it will simply raise her idea of militarism „tor which the world Is being sacrificed at the present mo- ment 'The god or brute force must this timeeorever be broken and burnt an its own furnace." 50201EA. fTHE PAINIOES WILKES' STALLION • (Registered la ek,T.R and Gal. OWNED I3Y WM. MITCHELL ,WiJ1 stand daring this season at tae .ETROPOLITAN HOTEL STABLE EXETER Red Heir bas been enrolled in ac- tz,ortdance with clhapter 67 of the Stat- utes or Ontario 2 Cleo. V. You have two chances when you breed to a horse like Red Heir (50201) If. you do not get extreme speed you are oure ol a high alass harness or allow ,harse. BED HEIR is a bea.utifui seal - *mown -colt. He is one of the hand- aomest 'horses tre the world'a fault- less individual, a pure gaited trotter and one of the ,beat bred ones. Ara Sire is Red :Badge 36808, grand - on of Red Wilkes'whose. son sired John R. Gentry 2.00 3-1 and. many others. His Dam is Daisy -at -Lea. anaord 2.15 3-1, To LI-Thu.1*e a foal $15 payable Feb. fist. fele. • Tbe re -Bred Imparted Olact.esdale Stallion SCOTTISH GEM Imp, 12560, 16266 FORM Al. , a.tisb, 'Gem, Imp. Registered in e Canadian Clyeleedale , Sled 'Book as No. 12560. Owned by John , J. alitier of Hay. Foaled in: 1999, has aaen enrolled , ander the °alarm Stal- pen Act. Inspected .an the. 4th day airaa,eceinher, 1917 rand ,found to ,be of &pd, atatiermatioa and -a nitil' firee& e'e ee et stand Socialists Want Action. AMSTERDAM, July 15. —It was flounced at Vienna yesterday with reterence to the impending sessions of the Austrian and Rungarian Par- liaments, according to a telegram from the Austrian capital, that "im- portant statements regarding the foreign policy will be made by the Governnaent." The Arbeiter Zeitung, of Vienna, the official orga.n of the Austrian So- cial Democracy, demands, according to a despatch received by the lia.vas Agency, that the Austrian Govern- ment come to an agreement with President Wilson. The German Imperial Chancellor announced in the Reichstag last month that the Arbeiter Zeitung, of Vienna, had been barred, in Germany by the Government in full accord with the Goverianeent at Vienna be- cause the paper was "considered every day more and more a perverted newspaper." Meat Ration Is Reduced: AMSTERDAM, July 15. ---Accord- ing. to a Berlin despatch printed in the Frankfurter Zeitung, the present meat ration of 250 grammes will be distributed only until the middle of August when it will be reduced to 200 grammes for all German towns having a population of more than 100,000. Smaller towns which are as- sumed to receive plenty of supplies of vegetables ,from surrounding dis- tricts will be allowed even a smaller meat ration. Fly el's* lunge Into , BEAMSVILIrE, July 15,—A flight - lieutenant and a cadet narrowly es- caped drowning near here, Saturday, when the machine in which they were flying went ,to the bottom. of Lake Ontario. The officer and oadeta'who were Irene the Bearnsville camp were rescued by a passing boat. Are Recruitioot Russians eeAMSTERDAM, July 15. n at - of the Gernaans to recruit sol- iers from conquered Itussian terri- tory is indicated in the Libau Zei- tung, which states officially: "'Youths from tee Baltic Peovences, are:new, ible for officerala \"Oeieneetiti , "ernianeeemrnl rmportant Events Whch Flay Occurred Dalt ing the Busy )rttl's tully pile(and Lut In 1.11penings and ae thet'dtuu of Our Solid 1 onr's Ejoyrneu. TUESD\. Tiiere was a net Ram of 1L772 b lio CRnadian Expeditionary Forces lurin Ju Most ol Toronto al warned to get Tbe busineas see of Grabane, Ont., fire, doing dantiai.-„ea ealienatea at a70 0 000 Tae Fetal Board Teas arranged for a supply of fat'ime for feeding aeara, children durina the hot 4-tanitta•-:' months. Toronto Board of (loatrol vod a e9 war bonus ta receiving $1,250, and the grade /hertz. An eptdemie o anis9 griie has r vade wi ei'%l, nd is apreata ing,rapit4 utti partieularly he infantrY units in the ' District aave been 'dy for oveze,"eas, lon of the tetar wiped out al) Persalla al, "4 'lite era ion, mot er d hbte Ro h, wilt be dcRierred . Educational ion tete tee roesions, -aceordiug to Ro Code'. Mrs. Letitia Leyland, wife soldier, was drowned at Centre lei yttile.t ateeteptipe to reseae bar to Chinn ter, Who was 1 a tee- cula ario sider , Dr, Henry usoit and Robert Robin- a, colored eoldiers front New York, ve been cited for erevery while "ng with their ueits in a sector flee, from. niter Lloyd George, in movie in the lloese or corn- latine the le`ilig end een en their silver weddfleg- paid ;varieritt whien the ancl its rwriis, ri .in ,5 l'HE EXETER Vali ahter with the fa till a at °mobile accident that occur- red :recently on Danforth avenue, To- ; ronto, in the yen -dice brought by !Coroner iileCollum's jury. Siuplcipali- geaion at V tet 1 Orla. 21e -e1lairius of uaiI bails is new initusiry o. kiagstcn Peniten Diroetor of Public Safe- ty, with police co-operation, conduct- ed rwo big raids or, gambling hottOes., J. W. Robertson cables to4 Minister of Agriculture an 0PtIthAtie iew of the food situation in Geeet 114' .Lamsav, a former Toron- ..,,*, now Lytag itt Set/Hand, has do fd ni-operty valued at $600,000 'onto charities. bnut 60,090 birth and, jnarriage certideares have been issued this year from the Regiestrar-Geaerala Dead! la in larimaneet Baildirega Anehtieei 'AG elitist colored soldier- -my bus beea rec d by and Canadian re- cruiting tp4n in Gte 'Gaited States; Newrotia ' is 'eatened wUh year filial for an ladetinite Per- iod owing to eattcellation f ba Y na t o Rai come (list Church of Canada lo ISIS? n fund of I0.- utiasius within the next omarate Ole een-- „ s eadielaver- . �ll4itattOr id U ttfthutsters reinnetT d d0t .itiLlybonus he ein- tiltort z: tires he z Provincial(ioyern- td I and emii10-er. e housing prol/- aledittal f labot' to 5011 ette reported Dr, 'eel, of Health. Presentatiyas t of the 'teeth, Government leave s tesI to Germitee ageitst lupation poliey and 0 L tat Bettie provine. P, Dupont, ae Mortereal. atade hor four children, it is said, drink javelle water, ',heti. fitstenieg -up the doors and windows, opened the gas reege eocke, peered oil on tee aoor and set it alight. ell tive perishing, SX1:1:111)Ae°,, ny is ,rOpOlcal to be ciaim- retablen indemnity nutwas tione to tile b prOvinee by the moiltered to dOn, whiett rodg, lun- e1U1111 ate, 3$"1ttn. ta 'Ul ud 10,000,- ty the tell anthrax germs itt mw wool pan be diecoterea. %emy Rev, Dean OeMailer. of Bare eelebrated the silver jubilee of ltl rdination into the priesthood, unies in the prineipelships of tbo Toronto and Loudon Normal hoots e ere announced by Ron, L 3, Cody, Minister of Education. The G.N.W, telegrephers` dispute is still pending and a Until effort is being meths to effect a settlement, A party of 175 disabled soldiers bound for the TorOnto Military Dis- trict has arrived at the seaboard. Twenty-seven proprietors or res- taurants in Windsor are summoned. on charges or violating food regula- tions. The Goverament has decided that the next Victory Loan shall, like all previoue war loan issues, be free of Dominion taxation. , A number of drafts of various branches of the service are Included in troops reported to bay° landed safely in the United Kingdom. Tweuty-three ships of 12771 dead-weight tons reached completion ander direction of the lie S. Shipping Board during the first week of July. Workman, Clark & Co., Belfast, have achieved a world's record in tompleting an 8,000 -ton standard ship in fifteen days alter she was launched. A despatch to Washington from the American Legation at Teheran, Persia, states that owing to food riots the city has been placed under martial law. TH1JESDAY. Was found suspended by a rope in his The Canada Food Board ordered brother's barn in East Zorra. Cadets 3. F. Buchanan and .T. C. White, R.A.P., collided in the air near Picton and. both were killed. Many naen in various parts of the province are making application for writs of habeas corpus to avoid mili- tary service. Damage estimated at $125,000 was done by a fire which destroyed the Sanderson Pearcy & Co., Ltd., build- ing in l'orontoa" Water was turned on in York township, half a rnilion dollars hav- ing been invested, and thirty thou - satin people benefiting. Judge Coatsworth was chosen by the city and civic employes" represen- tatives of the Board of Arbitration, as the fifth member and chairman of the board. The Toronto jury inquiring into the death of the three Mimico boys who lost their lives en the lake found that the life-saving equipment should be imprOved. Two men ware killed when the third floor in a munitions building in Montreal collapsed under the weight of shells and crashed through to the cella -3i. Five men in Montreal were in.- s, tartly killed being burned to a , crips, by a live power wire falling upon them when broken by a derrick swinging against it. A memorial service for the medi- cal officers and nursing sisters who went down On the Canadian hospital ship, Llandovery Castle, was held ill New Si. Andrew's Church. The Railway War Board has told the; slionnier that it cannot go be- at tire adjourned inquest into the , , nu the offer of the "McAdoo death of the three Mimino boye. • f d avlard," which they have re use , Sir Adam Beck announced, Several and a strike is imniinent on Tuesday. new dev-elopmenia of Hydro, one be - Prominent neembers'of the Trades ing inStallation. to be made at Nepigon witliiew to develop „. alLtA. Labor Council and the Board of -Gteitha viaa, onineralyre'Seurces ot NorthA' Va couver have formed a _ tatee as a Court. at. Aapeal and 'Ontario. ,Peaes,all ;teae charged veld inc The Seel V Commission is urging tho I government to adopt pe;* others. The. PEW/rift Qa.rd, of Ilealelt all demand r prove e, measures to Meet the eyeeigli f babies. Toronto poetmen may go on etteke if the Government does not hurry up with the bonus voted by Perliament. Russian railway men are on strike in several districts, and the strike, it reported, is likely to become gen- eral, Only two Essex farmers have re. plied to a thousand questionnaires sent out by the Resourees Commit- tee offering help. Wm. Raukin, or Belleville, thirtle one years old, was fatally burned at Trenton when a pot of acid boiled over on his back. The United States Federal 'Trade Commission will reopen the print pa- per ease on Ju2e. at e request of tho manufacturers. The Canadian War Museum, eon - allied in seven large freight ears, reached Quebec from niontreal, where it had arrived front England. Snow In. Southern Brazil has dam- aged the coffee crop and curtailed the prodnetion for two years, as thousands of plants have been de- stroyed. Wesley Martin of the Si e Nations fined Reserve was $100 or three months in jail, at Brantford, for not - having a registration card; it is a test case. The Attorney -General's Depart- ment notified the Solicitor for To- ronto that no action could be taken on the ferry by-law until...it has been revised by the city. MONDAY. Caley "Cannell, 29 years old, re a number of business, places closed for violating its regulations. The Pan -German party is agitat- ing a tax on Jews, according to in- formation reaching The Hague, Capt. G. D. Hunt, late of the 49th Battalion, has been appointed Food Controller for the Province of Al- berta. Natural gas was shut off from some of the industries in Chatham, and a bread famine was nearly caused. All the wheat mills in the liomin- ion are to be closed. for the greater part of August, and possibly till the new crop collies in.. A new disease, called tricofita"; has appeared in Gerroa.n.i.'. It is caused by a lack of soap and insanitary con- ditions resulting from it. Sunday, the evangelist, has been operated on, successfully, it is said, for hernia. His proposed trip to Europe as been cancelled, President Wilson has signed the 11 2,00 0,00 0,0 00 army appropriation bill, to meet expenses of the army program for the next fiscal year. The Food Board has promulgated. additional regulations 10 conserve wheat, requiring the use of substi- tutes in the manufacture of break- , fast foods. ' About half the constituencies beard Ilona, show that on the 22n5 of lune 2,349.015 Canadian non and i-onien registered, the limner being slightly fewer than lite latter, Friction between the captain anti mate of the Toronto lifesaving crew was alleged by a -member ol 1 -he Crew ie..e'een. Board to It.f,ekes if Gangs Available This Relieve Situation rolltl,5ed Platt Of Orgatnizaliaz How ast Overcame the DiSienitis to 110 Eitett Once. 45g1 Dant. lbuted Ont n le De —3PPlief444.91,tti Ag,rieutture, 'reroute.) an untried esperinaeuL Ontario, i,u certaia OOUir ties Lamle:dot tor iiisiloce, uployed and ' es 3 have beeu proven very •Suct-esSfail. Nett»; thresliermen ilor the fa ene) hese eases care to return ,to znethods Gt.' changing help wit hors where men for Gte 11 nags eun he secured.. "The ,01::::Pl;alrrittoo:eTncd:oa_d°0epste;ta ar abor te it: 510.1 i rangenients to ellSk 'e an ample s'vP of labor for as many threshing nas ugpg;,:nstgt, e5111a111.peilla'F'02d'( slikely -;11! t„..„ of organize organizatio »il3cuttes OV11 urly pgrtha s ade an tmoeu tbresbed, Gte Uuesnel oL g U11 e etolIlOys a gang itis expepses Ui be ich heavier, s cbarges boterore Innat- be high enciugh hat latet- in the season he may re - e is lost at this Ltd at any time during tho thresbing aQiison there may be ton- siderable idleness dur'rg the fre- qnent ehangee from t put to fa.ren eatiSed by the cantpaeateyely small amount of grain to /Pe ItfreStieti no tbe avemage farm, _By good organte,„ ation thie lnst time may be limited e mum, however, by haying oriLy of the changes made at Gds. ' Ontario, pethaps, thresher IQa cacti fatmer to pr the thresh 0 lhle for 'etdont way ht would be for de me to pay 4.) it would eeern neeeseary for eali thresher to provide e sleepin n for his gang and the men to pro- vide blenkets, as is tione in the North- west. Tiles° vans are homeetmeit and one cart be eonstrueted for the average Outario gang for but. elite, if the thresher does Ida own building, Nothing ornate is required. A ;Artie. Imre 10 feet wide by 12 feet long, built on truel:s. Wind -proof and rain. proof and with two tiere of ',untie on each side would afford ample sleeping accomntodation for an On - earl° gang. (5.) As several men constitute a gang the reeitly wage sheet would ran fairly high. This would involve it considerable regular expenditure on the part of the thresher, whieb In turn would necessitate prompt pay- ment by farmers. Where gangs are employed it is necessary for larmees to give cash or 30 -day notes Imme- diately the job is done. (6.) Probably the most Important factor of all is the rates which the thresher will charge. These must, or course, be rauch higher than those charged formerly. This would make the threshing bill a fairly large sum. Yet the farmer could still make a profit by- the transaction. lf, by cm.- ploying a gang, he were enabled in the two weeks thus saved to prepare an additional 10 acres, say for wheat, he would have froni 250 to 350 extra bushels of this crop to sell in 1919. Size of the Gangs, (7.) The last problem Is that of securing men. The average gang would probably consist of eight men as follows: Engineer, blower man, feeder, graintaan and four mow or stackmen, This would leave the farmer to take coae of his straw and Lo supply another man to carry grain if one were not sufficient. A team of his horses would also be required to draw water. He would supply fUel, of course, as is now done. Itt organizing a gang of this na- ture possibly not more than two or three could be secured in the local- ity- where it was desired to operate. The Ontario Trades and Labor Brarich will undertake to supply as many men as can be secured for this purpose, It is thought there will be no insuperable difficulty in securing sufficient men for this purpose at rea- sonable wages during the threshing months. Where the silos are to be filled the same gangs, or as many men as are required, may be utilized for this purpose. Organize a Gang In Your District. It is suggested that farmers' clubs, other farmers' organizations, or groups of farmers without definite organization, consider at once the advisability of employing a threshing gang this fall. Call the local 'thresher to the meeting and confer with him regarding ways and means. Then, having reached a definite agreement, write Dr. W. A, Riddell, Superinten- dent Ontario Trades and Labor Branch, 15 Queen's Park, Toronto. Inversely any thresher who wishes to organize a gang should write Dr. Itiddell also. In every case it will be neetissa,ry for a thorougheuriderstand- ing to exist b,etat een the thresher and bis patrons. When such is the case erything possible will be done to supply sufficient menfor all thresh- ing gangs required this year in Ontario. Apply to Dr. W. A. Riddell . later than July 1013.-- Justus Assistant Conim1sstonia 01, agriculture. sosommommasonsuswismumisim" Childress Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been. i.a use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of and has been made under bis sonal supervision Since its infancy._ ow no one to deceive you in th All Ceunterfeits, US and "Just -as -good" are Experiments that trifle with and endanger the be 7111.fantn „lnd Children—Ex erience against Experimen Wtat g° ASTOR!. Castoria is a barmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregori0 1 Drops and Soothing yjs. It is pleasant. It containst,' neither Opium, MorphInaNnor other narcotic substance. Its!. 4 age is its guarantee, For more tb. • be -t ittCoaStant use for the relief of Cou patj a4e*cy, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Fey ess arising therefrom, and by regutating the Stomach 0 - the assimilation of Food; giving healthy atie The Children's Panacea—The ?4oth.er's, Friend. NU CASTO ALWAYS Jn Use For Over The Kind You Have Aiwa me V o g % 1St WV** Si 4 14,64 d SISSIS4 S allowed at highest curment ratee 141,NAGER, 1ITER 31RANCIII OF"*C(D » E C EDMUND WALKER. C.V,O., LLD.. DC.L PretdeAt CAPITALPAID UP„ $15,000,000 II sEvE FUND, JOHNR. ajo NA:sp. A. c:L .41, e:Amn:1:u,„ 13,500100cr, ,FARMERS' BUSINESS ,Farmers find th&servi ofh1 Bink-efEden and satis4- factory in the disciiuntinrand -Collection of sales notes.. Blank sales notes supplied free of charge: 79 EX114TER IIIRANCIEI-A, E. KUM% MA.NAGER ITI fay Drediton Branch -.L A, Me Donald Manager. fiLLF.J.krista.) • PERRY P. DOUPE, Licensed Atm- tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate. Orders left at Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton, Ad- dress. Kirkton, P, 0, F), W. pounstsoN upENSED AUCTIONEER AND NALUAT'OR ikor Counties of Huron Perth and Middlesex, Perm Stock Bales a i3pecia1ty. Office at Cockshutt Warerooms tnext door to the 1Central Rotel, Alain St Exeter. 1Chafges mod- erate and satisfaction guarantee& 3, W, BROWNI-NG, M„ D., M. El, Graduate Yletoria University., Office and Iteeideeee, Donainion Labratory, Exeter, desseciate Coroner of Rueon , I. R. .CARLING, A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Diana Cemlnisaioner, Solicaor for the Molsons Bank, eta. Money to Loan at lowest 15108 of Interest, OFFICE -MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT. MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount or private funds to loarron farm and, villake .propereees, at lowest ;rates of. int- estrreriaIAD 'ro',,aNT sif9Alioitor!,.mAla9:7: lelaLY t plaBORNE & HIBBERT Atlia-E-III8 MUTUAL FIRE INS,Ilach ANE 0011IPANY Read Office, President, Vice,-P.resident, Farquhar, Ont-,, - BORT. NORL114&- THOS. RYA . _ DIREPTORS WM. BROOK. 3, L. lituss,grav, 3, W., ALLISON, AGENTS, LL: e ete JOHN ES,SERY.' Exeter, Agent 1311 -- borne, and Illiddulph. ' PLIYER RABBIS, Munro, Agent fog'" Hibbert, Fullarton and Eogna. W3 A. TURNBULL te_LI .1_, LL„, gepty -Treas. Farquhar, GLADMAN & STANEURT Solipitors, Exeter, letalor WM. DR. „G. F. ROULSTON, L. I). S., D. 3)..!- 1 DENTIST t Honor Graduate of Toxorito sity. Office over Dickson & earl' ing's Law Office. Cloaed Weductidyra afternoons. Phone Office fia aad Itasid.ence 5b. , DR. A. 11, KINSMAN, L.E. IHDD Honor !Graduate of Toronto Thant alaia , DENTIST Teeth, extracted Without pain, ago any bad effects. Office over Camie roan & Stanbilines. Office. Mala S. Exeter, a 14 11 ;at:*