HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-7-4, Page 5,r1+► ly. Crediton , and Mrs. Thos. Travethick spent he week -end la London, 7tliss Ttloran has lift for 'her horne sai Seaforth for the holidays, 111r, Wm. Brown is ,on the sick' list.. We wish him a speedy recovery. ISEigq Julia Hatch spent ,a fess days last week with friends iii 1)astlwood, Mrs, Saxreuei Brosvn, of Kitchener, called or, friends in the village Tues- . .3- r a S4` nor. .�. airs and family spent s visiting friends in Kitts Several from the village cook in he races at Goderic1 on' Dominion rk s Stool;. who bas had charge of i?iira4ry departtoerit at. C, Zwick - store : left for, h, her home at Tools, Mr. :Aril _firs untied to, theist a few etrao ger a good trope. ,111 [SS Earo, " :ted pit tt ieke Miss Fie been re cltir,g at Slt her 'holidays t.xarler t Mr. Lansing oe LL vz tee has been, ±ran Haat„ to relieve for - l it }iris Ina ve omc nrz Aigon o! j Axxltay t Il }fisc ria ne tillage took arid report: :don,; vis - 31 -r. wito tha is sp:�"rsding Hk areas€al roof, .Frank of Coin. rrvd,to arrsie. o weeks" lits, vi --:ted b rt Llforlock �4. n 0 former's parekpts, _ Ir,, anal Mrs, iv.A. Sambrook The boys conference to be held in the local churches is well under way and all nreo interested in boys' work and all `boys av-.i 15 years M age aro xetpatested to register early, Dr, and Mrs, Orme 'and daughter Helen, left Eriday by motor for Tor- onto andxkffalo. t31r. Chris. Beaver' aceornpanled then. as Lar as ;Buffalo returning Monday, (Children's Day Will be observed in Zion .Evangelical church on Sunday text. A fine program is being aro: rangtd, C '.4 special missionary offering trill be 'taken up, The annual 'picnic of ,Zion Bvangel- teal Sunday 'School will be 'Tells at Grand Bend 'park on Tuesday, July 9th, A long list; of !sports that are ffererlt are being prepared. txitelacted, or Iasi week 3Ix. Itusstel Clark and Mr, Lansing ptdak at Exeter,'. zttlnllaer oP ;soldier boys tilday 'atr their 'domes fere, Iic id Mi s, '31.cDonald have x borne from their holidays; Sirs Aldsavorth, of Kitchener°, s; tail at fie ::souse. of' Mrs. Ed,. Bear rat tv zek, iss Violet renkale sp °rtt 1 r;t! ty at the 1hotA t,,%r. Clarke. i.'aud31±a.vr.L. eotpttr tat. Park are visit n s xn 't ie vi4l;, ce, lfliit tN"a4a is lie 5 n Rl isep, who has t: ekingschool xt t%ornbra la s nasi boTaie for't,'he holidays, Tr, Iv),re otters 'hay: g .orxsed, pia .Condon, vt.hpre fAakr d(r1v rA 'er ssful operation for rentoval 22.,4 is town WS eyes, Children Ory. FOR FLET: CHE 'S .,ASTORI ee Greenway •B. English was in Lcjndou las! .Mitss "Nellie iUudson is holidaying horrie, dtss' Adah 3.1ePhersotl is hoiue the ;holidays, •- :a, Al Edwards has to. ed fro visit' in •A.rkona. with rAoriey a as •P A. tl dS sir Cie.' lits Annie Belt ar: OAS are visiting at Misses 3 ere holt`.! -`, tI tt rite and a d 3, visitors a holidsy visito tilt', Of 3 . o. .FIeIt,. rion ;Sher 1`i tit Morn?th, Pato aerton has ar brother, Alr,' T A M. t,1S,S. societies at i ilk'anci Zioti' this week The Mosses Switzer spent' the week -end nk^n,th a'heir sisbei Jlrs, A. J. S.herrxtt, xx oar raxatif, l Mr, and Mss Geo,' £ 5l<.rvs.,- Jlr, '1'l os, Stewardapn' lfc ibbon, alt Isrcaclt on. Grant*, ',Bend ` circ k Sunday as thCiflP4tOri Bev. will coadriet anniversary- se at 'cod/male Oliver ane issuing ;;al , clu entnp at n l pros nted 11. dative ra„ tfWA of pies 'resAcenij o; tike cl m will he missed very tuueb i. Y:�Itl,orliootZ. nd 20 Years of A Leave. mind of `Extren� a Procedure to Obtain Leave o2 A s nce Leave of Absence on len Nineteen and Twenty Years of Age. It has Borne to the attention of the Govrnm.ent that there is a widespread ilrlpieion that young. men of nineteen vents, and those who became twenty �irice October 13, 1917, as well as those who may. become nineteen from time to and who have been. or will be called upon to register under the Military Service Act, are to be immediately calledtothe colours. This impression is quite incorrect. No date has yet been fixed for calling upon such men to so report for duty, nor has the question been brought before ;he Cabinet for decision. In view, of the need of labour on♦ r the falni,,�t is .most unlikely consideration, kel that given � will be to the matter until after,, e theharvest is over,although. ` ofcourse the Government's T1TT ..°,or ieuts actionInust be� determined Trim -primarily drily by the military situation. There is no further obligation inclimrient upon young men of the ages above mentioned who have registered or who do so hereafter, until they receivenotice from the Registrars. harvest Leave. Some enquiries have: been received as to the possibility y of granting harvest leave to such troops , p as may be in the country at that time. ' No definite assur- ance ance can beslur b vers on this point as advantage must be: taken , of ships as they become a 1 va !able. On the` other hand, harvestbe - e. . leave w>11 iveu possible. .if at' all Leave of Abse ce on Grounds of Extreme xtre me HaTdShlp, C ItRegulations , desired l is t C_ I8 d thatleave the I�:e fila tion s respecting of absence inhard- ship casesof „_hard. shi should be widelyknown' andleave fully understand. ' Such _1 ear e gill be granted in two cases:- (a) where extreme hardship arises by reason of the fact that the an concerned is eithr he and sop capable of earning a livelihood, of a father or disabled onse service or presently in service overseas, or zn6 - trainln for 5 uchservice or , , under treatment after retuznl`ng from overseas;or the only remainingof two or more brothers capable of earning a, livelihood /the other brother or brothers having been killed or; disabled bled on'or beintr .service, �, presently in service overseas,trainingor or ,ln, fUr, overseas under treatment aft .after his or their r i e return brothers -aunt! led before :4th. August, overseas); 1914, liven in 5 separate establishments and having a' child ,or children ` notbe . to counted, in determining the fact that the man is' the "only" remaining b son o;' brother (b)where e•xtreme trent c hardshiparises b > reason of exceptional-: �circumstances such as the fact that the man concerned Y s the sole support of aw:sowed mother. , an invalid father oz other helpless .. , ie! less'de e, noents. oe -It istobenotedthat in all these cases the governing factor not hardship, loss or su-erinm r ff to the individual u l �, d a co_.cezlrt,d but to others, that is members of his fanily of those depending ZLpon, him. Procedure Obtain . leave of , absence. ,,Wlr�, I iia , , p•d A,_, simple system for dealingwith these eases has been ado ted. I oL ms of application have been suppli✓dto everyDepot Battalion and an officer of each battalion has been detailed whose duty it is to give them immediate attention, The .t' r an concerned should on reporting till to his unit state that, he desires T l n Cl�wrr.,�„ ` €ia ,i'a for leave of absence on �more oft l i l?I' one or t11G grounds mentioned ,� 1 and his a �Ieatioi2 c rm will then be filled out n aPly d t and forwarded to Militia Headquarters, iead uartes Ottawa. In eantime,if the casea�e�CaISSCritoi_ 1s the man will be givenprovisional 3w :ole Mr )f. absence for.thirty dasaothathe, ...mayreturn . � home and, continue his t:. occupato belefinally disposed oz s 05 :'V. ILITfl jN17 :; 1)E; viators o please help the Royal Air Fo ceby You may work in the fields 'rght near your w The local . and bring you home each day ,.without cost w branch of active service is hero if ce so marked as among ,our aria splendid spirit is F to his parents written by a days before heiade the supr o death; the o l the elfc ave. go the u ia? you get going, s l?'tungd'i'e 3u" passI oyes, o if l wa ,don't iet dear wear l la k, and all t nonsense. Dad, don't upset. Keep the le and carry on , tM oin , senanerr � , !any boys arcds egirls 00 Yo cart work for the c I ea oenlist `lceep the show g but an of portututi is offering to be eieo snow; the flax -growers and the Organization of Resources CCM. irittee are behind a movement to save the g the cloth for aeroplane:. o eb the allied need. enlist their seri{ convenience o will be provided and back. Si sti° to the pork shay an c ag hoy d be cap ax a day, and as the 0 an acre which 1 I , from $ pitllittg flax. eons a BOY p . e address of which is glen HeIp Is Wanted At Once these reasons Flax is used ilanes. The nsal lake the aero- ade o da depends upon eing pulled at the right til ax is over ripe its quality dete orates. OItG TION 017 RESOURCES ' COMMITTEE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORO Apply, at once, for employment in tJaas ;fzeigbborhood to O. Geiger; Zurich, A. Heldman, F Kaibfleish; Exeter, Flax Mill; Dashwood, ax Co.; . Crediton, Nicholson & Hodgins; Shipka, Flax Das LDOd M:Itss, Isabel Cainleron, o£ Stria is visiting at her 'home at irreser Afzsa g r s Julia Haugh, of Crediton redito n t> zit; re x, few days , Wit. a�. iwith friends in to �^ as. Dr. 3itzd \fr3 l;..1, l,rottghton, Is'. Broughton and Mrs. Broil g'Lton, of Whitby are visitors at the, :bons: or ofMr. J. 'Ircilernup at present. • l �,crtt, over the week -end. lifias A. B. 3fc"t)onald, of Bl tk-t., 'sited her cousin \li.s E. :llowa.rd Mr, and Mrs P, Schroeder, o£ Mitchell, X11 spent ' the ha Iida tt` tih friends it t town. /qr., ` Tits, Turman and: fanmiiv Of Stratford spent a few ;baps to town visiting .friends. N Miss ?Clatra Grvait ner who !has p , been in Monroe. Mich., for some time, (has returned home. Aliss Euloeen Guenther %oho 'attend- ed Normal. School at London, is home for her vacation. 11.rs. R. finance and children. _of :Exeter, visited' with Dr. and Mr- iioutledge last: week. The Alisses A. and M. :Ebbers. of Kitchener, spent the the at 1 e horue of Mr. J. K. Ehlers. Mrs. v Ir, 1 up. ii.Iorcuz . of. Aliso Craig. spent a few 'day's with her parents, Jl r. and 'Mrs, 'Andrew ., dttisser, { Mr. 0, S. 'Howard lett for Guelph t.'uesdaY morning whero' be willp t take a cot rse at the cone g,c- Mr, and Airs, Noll, of 13Iiive,r tor, titre visitors with Mr. out], 'Mrs. L. .Eli.enstiver over Sunday. Pte. . Louis A' _.i.ori.nz of It arnilt: oat and Mr Ed. Morenz, of 'Detroit, arc vise iting the.tr parents at present. Our town was !.testy well fc1:F:-poP.... ul•. "First.: att.d on the Sonia spent the they"nt the .Basis; fsoane at Godrrich. Ptes.:'W. Musser, G. Cables;: W. Goc,anie n and 31". flarr;gh, of London, visited at their homes over the First. { st. Al, . .fS. R., Siebert' a:nd. son Jack returned, to their, homein Detroit tt Otter a �lileasant 'visit with- relatives. J Mrs. ,rho sins of St.,Thomas _ Ip is vis- iting with relaatives' in this vicinity.� Mrs. Geo. I?arn.harn, o.0 ,:Detroit, is rade r. The Sale of the estate of the >, la to Fried (acsin to u•,s held fon Saturday. Everything fwas ldisrosed: of a:.c1 good uric, , realized: Mt.'and,iViars. Jack :Dal a•.oc3 ' 4I , . :..11 Cort? Koch,'o*"tiVelton;Gro)t,anc1Slurs Albite Of' Midair 1 spelt r1 1, t ,4 •i ! 1 Y... 1V '- � li.li A11 f♦ , a xlx L ?��,w. , S Cx _ 00 Ofr. rang yet, ;a; Centralia NOTICE -- Owing to the Weekly half holiday 'takcrl: other, places, we the. i di r,-rg nad rur•rGhants, have de- cided to c loss at 7 it. m. on Monday ars' 'Wednesday evening � n::r�ch week. �4 Wit ask our patrons to kindly reutern-, bar this •change. P. ITANON & SON E. COIW'LL Ptes, Mervyn Elston and AV. Baker of London, o don, spent the First in ,Can- tra 12a. Pte. te. _ It n, e nt.tlr Oaks hot. of Toronto. ro to♦ is spending his holidays a George' a t Flscks. Mrs. Pugh, of London, visited, .spent the First here renewing old. acquaintances,. r^ g Mrs. Thrplan a P ndl °son 'Austin, of lt. demon, and Harold, oLI,oidoil, spent � 1.nt the-holday here. Mos. (Rev.) T. W. Blatchford, and son to as spent the 1st there at- tending the st.racvberr - festival. y fe.tival. Mrs. Price. who is 'home from. 'gjapan is the` tp 'guest of Air. and Mrs.Jrrht Essery. Mr. and Mrs, Pre intend returning to ;Copan . in ,August. The farm 'property, of the late Handford was offered for 'sale by, ,iublbc auction on June 25th, but was not sold owing to the antounif bid not reaching the reserved pt -ice !pink- ed on it. hhis is a good property: well situated' near station, school. church, ' etc,, and should ,find ready' sane. :Airs., .Toi �'- t I who v his been A� u .d�n,�o 'hospitals ru treatment , at one ,, of thehos';t'�� pit <1� in London r. turned home' recently a ' ba we a.rc, starry to rrl)ort: that heT condition. bas not mudlt improved. Ircr sister, 3.'Crs. Ryan, accotnparied lox here and will'reinail- for a time. The °holiday visitors from' the city here for the is,t lof July were <a .A. Par-: sons and Leto Abbott at W. J. Par- sons.; Wu -mid and Fred Lssery of their 'home here ; W. ;Blair and Jas. Lx cdsa.vc vt,th friends; A'r. r and _d A'Irs; John Hepburn' also Florence ascii Marjorie He �pbt.irli with 'relatives: } r; gburaa monest t:hei ttlYes. stival held- on the, nd a AJer,tor,e. ai li Irut i verythut, passed. oti succusefulty: The sports 1program was very nxacit enjoyed yc,d by ail present. There was am abundance of strawberries and Bream tht supper , p I 1 cr gain., served .,sit the base. rnent; of the church. The patriotic concert to the evening was well at- iendid and greatly enjoyed. The Harmonic male, quartette, of 1. ottclon, £urnishcd the mnsio and, delighted the audience with their various selections, Pio. Geo. E. Yorke, reader of London, , gave several sc er.At selections which 'added to the entertainment. Pte, Yorke , Ile hila !nary: was elle guest of Mr.. and Mrs: G. G. Essery. Prom Saturday evenhrg 011 Tuesday morning The :following is title list of prize- winners in the different events:, Race for boys unds r• 6 yrs., all received a prize; boys under 9, ,Jack Isaac; girls under 9 Leda. AlcFalis; boys ,under 12 Harry ' B olv;dcrt, Harold Hill, L. Ab- bott; igrnls "tinder 12. K. :flicks, Alma White, I. Davey; boys under 16, C. MIcO ardy, ''red 'Bowden, Guy Jacobs girls under 16, K. Hicks, R. IIedden, Pearl Sanders; ladies race, Irene Es- sery, E. Abbott, F. Tic' burn; Elton P special. K. Tricks, II. s73ottdert; married men, 31. Elliott, 'Win. EsserY, J. White; married r omen, Mrs. r 3V Webber, Mrs. L. Hodgson, A:Irs, J. V,lute; leap 'frog race F. Bowden &- J. J, Davey.. L. Abbott S;. G. Hanlon; L. i1i Its, & U. McCurdy; 'biscuit race, C. McCurdy, ' 1,. Abbott, ; Hodgson wheelbarrow 'race, L. Abbott G. Manion, J. White & It. Hill, B. Mc- Curc'�,v, L. Hicks; needle and thread race,- C AicCurdy & 5/ Esser), ; :T hicks 4C, 1', .Davey, T. Davey & K. limits three-legged 'race,: boys,, I:, Abbott i`t 'G. kIaznlon, .0, Bowden '4& L, L 7 Davey, J. '4� 3 , . It Ate & At. Elliott; tllrec- leggecl race girls, F. Davey & Irene Essery�; it,cRicks & M. Hodgins` boot and :shoe ',race, boy=s; F. Bowden, 0, Hanlon, L. Abbott; boot'and shoe race. girls, 'K. 'flicks,A. albite, :1:I, Hoc -loins potato race; C, 3Tc'Curdy,''L, Davey, C Isaac; ladies sack race, F. Davey. In. Hicks, I, iEssery . ;its, Ilodgins ; boys sack race, G', Hanlon, B. IMdLur�d,y, Fred: "0%, cirri. !sl iaanrl ti,A tttts'resling, a'rlt t ,tsnu e -the Iitt,hi so t o Mr, aims: ' 1tr:. ns was was b;tptrzcd lry Dr. Fletcher. _li�s. Johns g,ire a s pknd:d address- on Ib t Bonn .Life of! the. Chanes kn,c irr Johns ;spoke on "Oilstones and Superstitions o the C11ni +r," Iyoth addresses rt ceived ex good hea.ring.: One of the Itleas;ita. fen t iret.sg. t of the etAnixl� was the dress and ,presentation to Mrs. Tahns of a lif4 membership certificate rhs 'Ei 31.5, of Bethany froth r,hac soctc.ty, ria, address was read by, ,V _T,,�, vilrn. ",i'1it3oek and darescsteci" :t' Mtss EIia Robinson. Roo, ' Johns tans also presented with the evening's collection. amounting to : 30.5'1 to , aid in the constauction of a school in b `vl.rest Chutta, the funds for which are, being raisers be the Methodist Dist- riot. Mr. Johns made a vary suit" .t .,dile and tueltr.�g x4.1,1.: for laot.t, thanking tlhe people for"their kind,, thoughtfulness and good -won which would mean much to .them on their return to Chinni Be.vS. A.V. 'Mux - worthy and Rev, 0.tA, Barnard were also present and av • gave short iuidris.°��. `> Tho music for the oveuing was very, choice consisting of or� a �,�hc sir iuu5i�. Y of 3 c Margaret , 1 r c ti by I , E. ?t,hr.,stAc, and Miss Blau �are,t AIuxworthy, of :Exeter; ',quartette by, Mr. and 'Mrs: John Ratcliffe, 'Mir, Airib and Miss '.Jean;Allison,' a song in ;Chinese by Masters Martin and Harold Johns, solos by Mrs. Geo. .is liams and A7 A. Vera MI -Ix -wort, cc��s'.11 -. it Tdl li es- tor. A. C. Whitlock, lotr. anOE Airs. P. Whitlock: and' daughter Evelyn, O �, motored to Nlanaxat'Valls last week, Theey called on, :relatives at bratttford. .andOpt. :Colborne garroute Mr. A. C. ttlock rnotored9 fn am six this el o ttk,:and �vul'1 t 14tu thJ.iri!t.lt1 Win Iii ss Scars Villard is visiting at her 'home :in Lsi:t:er, Ilos spent last St Sunda under the .pax°cn(;a1 ,roof. A. fess' farmers havebbe �•i til �,.ha.vit., and reportca very good crop. b i It , R. A. ! IIx. i. .IcCse spent 1•, n er, art Suit- � P .°Y day ata ixgs Heights, 'London, friAends,IJ. akiC .tlze h ._ n ,s r has\ fine, s barn almost • completed and 'tv>ti,l sooty be ready for ',see., Quite a number' from here took is t)t• t o trip to Grand Bend on July 1st wh.h s -; _o rnu,_t ha re bi.eh yi.r,tr pleasant considering 'the. titic itlhc c• S n. u h e. l,. in �unc♦ S t successful 'picnic ofa~�m'� ,.. . Mr. M. tioutley r;port:'h v' i a ,nom a very S Tito ?�p 8C�1: 'Ol. lr er, other 4 cr a°' an dr ms's held ,Mudd and: X Je to tiAexri�i t d� Igro b ' r �f