HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-7-4, Page 4fit Soon ;rength 'The measles o appetite, could nd 1 tOok a Severe 0n, lupgst,$0 Wy aboqk d dvisedflf9 take and six hOeties my 1 do aU4ina3t - te I eve e Recor Castle, ind, St rantee'¶S wonderful cod d iron tPrtje. Vino/. for al/ Int tio-win nervoas conditions. GGIST, EXETER. -gist in aU Oxths 611 ,re A .1. On /he inforE uens' P ING TERM OM APRIL 2ND thks at -orla sc a' high as l.0(tfl per last application we • an office man tien>errence offered at salary of. $1800 per an- • al. Students may enter our : ssee at eny time. Graduates• al la positions. Commercial • • Land and Irelegraphy de- mente. Get oar bye cat- • • • ELLIOTT Presidexit L. LACHLAN Principal. • ,41,4 Irne prices fre Felice ntnd deie 45 cents per arm. a 7 etrand fenee 49 cent.s per rod, strand l'enc,..; 55 cents per rod. Steal gates, barb wire and brace otidar fence posts at low ,prices, leas° 9 and 10 'Pot Anchor, posts. Let lute, tquote you my prices on all kinds E lumber and shiegies„ Place your order .0C0S' 1017 what Fertilizer you Peen, seff IZER $30.00 Phone 12, c _ 1,C ',ATV/1010'11Y GRAN T 0 IN LANstuRD MAN DECORATED Ilat. Harvey? G. Young, son or Bar. John '13, Young, Base Line, Bianshard avas recently granted. the D,S.O.while nerving as the, M.O.of an advanced dressing station. The official report eays that, "He established an advanc- fadepest-- .under a heavy barrage and a*,,antoring during two days in ova Over four.it hundred wound- gtapt, took his M.D. at tato' Urasairsity i 19,18aid was erne 'at. the General floapital ngPing ..;•vt-ir6,eas Ate Pan ;I- . n Pei' fltar oz th•e \IfaCLpal ' the Conned Chem t 241i with all the mem- nutee at the 1fleeCingheld were read and approved, 'anon/ were read as rol a fi'r tts,i s -ac ; Special l'apPointsd t con..ider rtt to 'the Assessment Act, rt and Per tale, that the reeve PC er cierlsi,strit Cre5sor he named as a corn- mittee fa, consider and report -Car ' • From 5, 5. Turner anti Sons, Peter- . boroc,s-l• r- lags Ederl From Fred Burnham, ttsq., '.it of rlte Cirandinci War frit:ASTi aid'S.;-,r13.1"4 Montenegro and Mace net with ,rin. appeal for aid. lie "Lae tallow/ref accounts wtre re Finance, conicenfee:-D, Ineaseit, vork 1.23; A VaLer, leather, 50.ci E. iss 'eattlag gr'ass. $3; j. McDonald, lab- or ceineter.Y. 1.-iellman, do. _ in'yeld, do, 4, being aporovetr .c>i- by learn, do, ".s/-sens'i EinzneY ,Sroa., a, in, 'vls, farm tools icianee tvy labor, Sil3,75; 5, Sano G. Creech, teana, "'43.L- ;:ig Co., ;,,22,11?„ S33 '4U. em 551].'; f. - -, . i ,. testi , 't); \V ; 4 tean „ Ntir nd yrs, ar " until pre /iis going winch wOrk tie .$50 The . ottrchase' 150 me department. Snell -That tl nuthorizeil io i by the Lana- erc a'trli:(1,aZd3 Senior, cler ORDes.IN' 4Z, l'egQ; ar" PE 11'i , MRS. HYNDMAN place, on Monday, %lotto Quick', rep - john liyadmaa, her titiet se Deceased bad sta- red from ne partfruiar ailment, but metes the last ten days had become tainer and had pent a portion el' dan' in her bed. 0 Montlay enr •ni usual and ate quite ails:arty 7:rnr. fter' ;he sat at the window for an hour_ Suddenly ;he became tired and after being iielped to bear bed she passed away in a few minutes, she was bright and cheer- fiO, as was ne.r wont, almost to the very last, Deceased was probably the oldest of the native bora residents of the district, and was born in August En leN, on the homestead farm of. her either, the late Isaac Quick, about two 'rules south, of Exeter, After her' ir,arriage to the late Dr. John Hynd- maa ehe came to Exeter and this has beea lier home ever sence. 1 -ler hus- band predeceased her 18 years. Tsvo sons and one daughter survive, Geo. Dr, Hugh K. and Mies Edith, ail of Exeter. The funeral, which was of private nature, took place from her tate residence on Huron Street to the Exeter cemetery on Wednesday af- ernoore The late Mr. Hyridnemt sval a woman of excellen.t qualities, and beloved by all who knew her. She Wa.; a most interesting person to chat with and her recollections oi the early days were vivid and entertain- ing. She loved to talk of the early families, .who were the first settlers. Always cheerful, bright and buoyant ia spirits, she will, even at her great age be much missed in the home. . CONIMITTED SUICIDE. Clarence Levey, aged. 29 years, coin- inittett 8uici,c1,e at: an early hour at his home nit Osborne near Zion, on Weds( nestle) morning of last aweak. ey was apparently in, has usual health on the mollifies in quest:Ion - and nothing unusual had transpired to indicate that he, was going to coinniit the a -ash act upon. himself. got up about sex o'clock in tire, fearaing ancl ss'ent out to the barn, Mrs. Lev- ey aernatiains in. bed fier some little time; later, Mr. Leve,y not returning at the :time she thought he. should be rutu,ien, eiroeeecie,c1 to the barn To see a-I:et was detaining 'him. She searched the pr-emises . conseleratilv but could find no trace ;of her heszt hand ;...s.ne the's went over to Ala (haea-n's, a neighbor, who eeturned steitil her and an further search Solana iele Levey in, the silo, .cold Iti death, bidiet doe itt his foreheael and a theety-two caliber re vo,ive.r close ;it las side 1 is esedent be held the dead- ly sec:aeon. close ;no his head, as a heavy black fring ,of horned powder surrouncl'rd the Wound ' Coroner Dr I -Lynda -rail -was' immediately called, out Ire decided an inquest uralecessary, it being quite evident that it ens a -tear ease of suicide. He leaves a wife and one child, Mrs. Levey bc- int' formerly- a Miss, inarnes, a- daugh- ter of 'the late Isaac I-leen:so of the s ee township, 2str. -,I,eartey and lam- fresicied in Exeter ' '• wiritaf, hays oved-heiner feetaxi „et'Ithet- ie' ntn0",,Y.44 an Events WhiCh Have. red Durin'e the We&j. 1tts-s Works happenings Ca tuih tupiled and Put into arniAttraCtiVe) Shape to e iheittlers ot Ord Paper — A s nj Solid . C. Taylor, it proniipent h of LimisaY, is dead, Meatless weeks for Germany i likelihood Of the bear future. John II. Kerr. secretary of the Ba.iiiiiitilthotini.. Westinghouse CO, died al Bolshevik Commissioner tor t!aii's,was shot dead last Fri- dAre ay luzoteitioirt_e ort)Ridel ztd. i,y,_,,,red lett erb froas Tororo, ilte tri betng made in six hour, with a stow maoliine, A.. ehic and provincial welcoae. has been planned for the hattalioit al United States troops who will visit Toronto on Friday, Te ncinnen formed a tion known as the Toront e 44Sociation, They are asisiitg for a _ .W.gr:raissIllilg!:itt.t\nNa-ee's7ae-itlelgk;ith°Qelff' wUe l'0r.a,1:m/ly eau - cemetery had her leg brjken. by the stone failink,pfa her. The members o d e tive of be Saskateliewa tee have reS en eertnin ref's' nli ood Board. The Roiehstit wiU be asked to pass it new vote 04. Creditwfalrrali55,e- 00 0,0 00,Csi) 0 marks, . Germany's war debt to 20,090,000,- 000 marks, Two of the ?slim Beach, by wilo wevc sWeln• Out intothe lake in au open, boot on Saturday were found dead in tno s4ia Aeitt' N'tagara. Tile titird boy is still a...lasing, Neleon Starr, a young York COUL1- t)' fartner, was fatally injured by a train while drIvin across the rail- way tracks at coldieby lrzurpildni?! with Aurora. A returned aped death t Major W. A. IliSIsop, V,C., D.S. 0 Ita-s brougitt tlowu 72 fs Toronto. whielf. is an 25 e es. isecording to r -.eel). eeliell tt cIsc fomene an'e tote irt-, go- eng Frizaee a month it e. and he bas becn p srtattenjly reeafled to business WEDNESDAY. of I o." eeffte The is a failing oft of one-tittrd 10 onee.haif in Gte loitntex at1i itt ard Islat C�ittpnlory sse of subs:10J s rot, t prescribed by nit order of 1110 Food Board. Kong is manirtg a further tf 250,0 00 to the Imperial Brit - Government towards war e United e 5tat,it Visitors to Canada aro not obliged to re ", nor d ey requite pStsp0rl,5 jwee an- nounced. The C.P.R. niechinists at Wheel:- pog have voted to strike in protest against the continued employment of ion -union man. Dr. 11. H. eloorltouse, Toronto, was convicted on four charges of breaking the Ontario Temperance Aet a.nd fitted .$1,200. Two telegraph offieials and a wo- man wore instantly killed in Mont- real by the collision of it motor ear with a trolley pole. An inspector of the Ontario Li- cense Board at Timmins discovered an attempt to smuggle liquor into tree province within plaster of Paris pedestale. York County Council provided for the extension of the good roads movement in North York to the ex- tent of the 'construction of 100 miles of highway. An investigation being conducted by the Ontario License Board has re- vealed the fact that a number of don- ra tors are issuing a great many pre- pe seriptioes for liquor. yo Germans in the Crimea liaNe Sa ed a revolution, by which the Tartar by Assembly has been dissolved. Gen. ee 1. .44,se 31,te1ae, a ,Younger bro or 0t farmer Enipror 'Nicholas. Is the head of a Inovenlent tit Turke- stan favoring the separation of that torrhorY from Russia. Limit J Da -nes It APwaS inStantly Iiied, and Cadet B.L. Foote slightly injured, RI do airplane Cvash at Callao 'Mohawk, and Pte. . h. Harvey was killed in an air - I accident at Camp Borden, 'R Thotna Fegtson, Tornnto, was fataily njureS n a shiph iDding trd. OileloUi and 1o1euuns have been Paced en the si of restricted ini- ports by the G. S. War Trade Board, dis'Ip'113"t7eNoisvseStet°1(ttitia, Steel 14ne(n‘°3tilecCe°1Ing : inereatses granted, by the coin" t ham ust rini Sebod fst_ year 'Q'Ourse has been so st cesstal that a second year course is now being Planned. st\VA°;,keililaefsti beheolsipteagitl7nolul rtebatIll'Itc t. It will be located at Salishur,,, fllUoa from Southampton. thas. R..11lacklin, a prominen ter lie4r Fenolin. Haldimati evpired suddenly in hi whilehoute conversing witiLdIriend A tin- I, mail circuit betwee I'oron-to, Montea axid Quebec', b ilanse, wll, i is expeetod. be es berore Ute ni thlle of ilex 0 six '71.....wparoanamrawamanamowaraerrwanannamomm, TH.E FARMERS GO TO orrAWA To Ottawa the farmers vivant, To interview the government; They wished their sons at home to keep, Their Textile fields 'to help to re Sir Robert Borden met them then, And listened to their earnest prayer, T '.); told ihun or his promise fair, Ther istalwart sons he said he'd spar ThOnS„,1-tedgr., ed thev should supply the 01 altied countries now who, bleed, And showed their willingness to work, Attd. did not home produotion Sir Robert, honest ,just and plain ToId ow we had ,to face the strain; The Gerejttns forced our arms to meet toward the seas they dtd -- tr a t inc UOt fience we r I ranei And farnier ) You arta - o Food r,tcy,tra reminds elturehes /er organizations iltat the Ons must be strictly o5served socials, public luaylicons, rs, etc, Duke or / open donatetl 10 01, at Sisebt'o tandet' 3. Heise F. Gilteii ItatiO, ula -that 1 ' tile Qneensto titre, Govet-- tlttt band College he., by et,Yal- ef ,N1 kV31. 0, tOtd Niagara Benin, would taki Gtiwahv higli Wqrueudoe in great de tieipal e cain ras: syoutea physi- mit all parts eptintrY 10 tak over the work ef men called tor duly. Acting L'renter Walt of Australie tates that heavy dircet taxation wifl be necessary itt (be near future. e defttxlstye between Atistralia, New Zeithieel and SQ10Q tlio l'aei- ftC slanda issrwouxtbabbleAxii.f.ter the wer, e wo PreSheleriail ceugrega- atford are to be nuited. rs of the past few days crop veoe, n::tioes ideal in ili employes have toon issed by the elontreal City d in r re Commiesiou. daring raids and th ootthg et a manlier of rents tral parts of Quebec arc a e 4't x'eported, Count von Hertling„ German Int portal Chancellor, vieited army head- quarters yesterday to attend an im- POrtant conference. Rumors are in eirculation in Hol- land that an epidemic; or typhus is raging among the German soldierz tn Northern France. Riteild Amundsen's ship. Maude, in which the explOrer will attempt, to oath the North Pole, left Christiania yeaterday for the north. The Ontario Railway and Munici- pal Board took steps to conserve the suPPIY of natural gas by placing re- strictions on large consumers in the Kent district.. The United Farmers of Ontario are appealing against a Police Court de- cision in Dranteord in which one of their number was fined for alleged seditious utterances. The Senate of the linktrersity 'of Toronto changed the emelt:ileum making the study of German option- al in compliance with the request of the Provincial Government. Three daughters of Chas. Gull- bault, formerly of Ottawa, were drowned at Monetteviie, Nipissing, Ont. 'while their Mother and grand- mother had gone to the village to register. Twenty-four of the crew of the rmer Russian steamer Dwinsk, tor- doed 700 miles southeast of New rk on June 18. were landed at ndy Point, near Shelburne, N.S., the fishing schooner James M. arshall. Sulkovitch has been made head of the Government. He is dominated by Atrocities Were Faked, Germany. The fair wage officer of the De- partment of Labor, Ottawa, will_ re- port that the York Knitting „Mills should agree to a board of arbitra- tion with regard to the dispute with its employes. TECUIISDAY. The Salvation Army Hostel for Soldiers at Kingston was opened. Chas. Chase, 77 years of age, an ex -Mayor and ex -Councillor of Essex, is dead, - The first spike was driven in the new street railway over the Bloor street viaduct in Toronto. The York County Council provided for patriotic grants amounting to $403,0 00 for this year. The Minister of Labor deprecates employer's forbidding their employes o join labor organizations, Three-family apartment houses are favored by civic commissioners to solve_ the housing problem in Toronto. - The :Royal Air Force is seeking women for eniployment in the var- ious flying, cantos, who will be treat- ed as CiVilria n labor. The harvest prospects in Bavaria are extremely, had, and the Bavarian Agricultural Council is preparing the population for furiber suffering. The -Municipal Council of Paris has( ratified the Federal prohibition con- stitutional ame,ntiment. Georgia is the twelfth state to ratify the amend- ment. The Canada 1,'ood „Board has lent au order passed giving any authoriz- ed representative of the board the right to enter and searelepreteeises if ere is reaeon to seeped' 'att•dting. British and United SCA, flags were presented by ,Wt'shingb4 alit. sonic Lodge of lamit 1,0 Ivfoladlitent 1,0 51., garaeXalle WASHINGTON, „July I.—Further revelations by Dr. Muehlon director of the Krupp Company, who is in Switzerland, showing that Germany -falsified stories of Russian atroci- ties during the early days of the war, are summarized In a despatch from Berne, According to Dr. Mueh- Ion, the commission of Cabinet offi- cers sent to East Prussia to investi- gate returned without evidence of atrocities and with a report that the population spoke in terms of praise of the conduct of the Russian soldiers, Dr. Muehlon also is quoted as say- ing that in August, 1914, high Ger- man officials boasted that Gennany possessed the means of destroying Russia without a -single battle, by in- citing revolution, and that the Ger- man plan also included the "libera- tion" of Finland and the Baltic coun- tries, the pretended reinstatement of Poland as a kingdom; the turning over of Bessarabia to Roumania and the giving of the Caucasian territor- ies and Persia to Turkey. Count Bafay-ette PARIS, July 1. ---Count Gilbert de Lgeaafnaytetinteeishvehorwreanseshera-eif.ntiglieals.ya, wseaesi killed during the fighting in Cham- pagne June 12. He is the third de- scendant of Lafayette veho has met. death ,in the war. Comfit de Lafayette wag a son of the -Marquis de Lafayette and a de- scendant of Lafayette of American revolutionary fame. - Last 'month Count Gilbert was de- corated with lhe French War Cross for dist', n gu ish ed service In the operations on March 14. The citation said he had remained for six hours ,In the open in an advanced oheerva- lon Po§t -in- order to dIseoYer and ePti 'a painnenwerferseewhich were ee. 44ted ,y the Ger ns 'against ians n, product:s- oh Vie sea, hei st send .more boys to sons should coach thte The farmer sheard the words so tilt What is there Tor us all to do But send our sons so strong and bray And try, ourselves the crops to save, Whit some _returned with poittinneISp The others aa'td. they 'Rived the 'Int), Townships and clubexpenses pai ew'ry oao enjoyed the raid. They Oale are en Plitt, hostosr ° ttname, dlYth'etnlizido70;14, 004 e t "11. WO.k.7 5. v jiaor fellows 0\Viso tnethinaltkilethreeystarner8ear,Onlittebael:ribea'tIa;ed-1 Thelr selfishness is justly blamed. Some day tvelil bless the farmers free bless tisem now, of course we d faithful sona Maud side by .side, And all oar hearts are filled witl the Weaniing For best results lambs weaned at etweeb tour months. It bas beea fOtInd tb der eonditious prevailieg during tbe hot dry luoriths of mid -summer tail T ewes ill drop off considerably in helr zulik flow. The lambs recteive 'raUve1y little nourishment and better for both ewe and lam or them to be sePurated. When, tho IA are removed front the ewes they Will miss little the small amount of milk they would, revolve and will on leana to depend Upon pasture. They should receive the very best pasture available. Nothing fits itt better than a patch of rape sown at the proper times so as to be ready for pasture when the Iambs are wean- ed. Cere should be exercised irt turn - ng the lambs on, the fresb rape to aPeoid bloating and probable death. If no rape is available fresh clover Will give satisfactory resulte. In ad- dition to pasture a feed of grain once a day will push the Iambs along to a good finish. At no tirae should it be necessary to feed over one-half pound of grain per day to each Iamb while on pasture.—J. 1'. Sackville, B.S.., Ontario Agricultural College, Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and whieh has Item , in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature 'oft and has been made under hisPer sonal supervision Since its infalicY: '...."-(-4r4-vg 41/ow no One to deceive you in this.- ounterfens, intita1-1; 0/13 and Just -as -good » are but- xperiments that trifle with and endanger the health of; Infants and Children--Experiertce_ against Experiment. •-°' What is CASTOR!' Castoria is a harntleSS ,§,1+10tute for Castor 011, Paregarb' Drops and Soothing Snupga., It is pleasant It contain31 neither aPinnl, Xerphine 7/0'.' other narcotic substance. It3 age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it haw' been in constant use for the 3.-e1ief a Constipation Flatulencya! Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverisl:ness arising therefrom, and by ree.,niating the 'Stomach and Bowels, aids, the assimilation of Food**Iing healthy and natural sietv The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. CASTOR 1A ALWAYS ENUINE In Use For Over The Kind You Have Al A 6,1v. Ye Cold rtud Snow In Germany. LONDON, July 1.—Snow has tale len to a depth of from one to three inches in several parts of GermanY, according to a despatch from Am- sterdam to the Exchange Telegraph Co. Havoc has been caused to the fruit trees by. frost. The cold wave, the -message adds, is considered to he an economic catastrophe. Berlin and Hamburg have experienced four days of uninterrupted rain. 50201 TILE FAMOUS WII,KES' STALLION (Registered in A.T.R and C.N.11) OWNED BY WM. MITCHELL Will stand during this season at the METEtOPOLITAN HOTEL STABLE EXETER Red Heir has been enrolled in ac- cordance with chapter 67 of the Stat- utes of Ontario 2 Geo, V. You have two chances when yoi. breed to a horse like Red Heir (50201) If you do not get extreme speed you are sure ol a high class harness or show horse. BEI) HEIR is a beautiful seal - brown colt. He 1-s one of the hand- somest horses in the world, a fault- less individual, a pure gaited trotter and one of the -best bred ones. His Sire is Red Badge 36808, grand- son of lted Wilke.e, -whose son sired John R. G,entry 2.00 3-4 and many others. I-I:s Dam is Daisy -at -Law, record 2.15 3-4, m-stire a foal 315, payable Feb. 1st. 1'49, The Pare-I3re,d Imparted • ;Clydesdale Stadion acoriersit GEM Imp. 12560, 16260 FORM Al. Scottish Gem, Imp. Registered ha the Canadian Clydesdale Stud. Book as No. '12560. Osvited by ;John J. Miller of Bay. Foaled' in 19,09, has teen enrolled ,under the entail° Stal- lion Act. Inspected on the 4tif day of. :December, 1917 and Lound , to be sound, of good conformation and an aelleal typical of :the bred,, The , celebrated' Staloon will -stand for the season ::of P18 at his '0W,n eiable, Exeter Or A General f3anking 13usiess cirteu 11'7 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT terat allowed at bigheet current rate, NAGKB, EXETER OF CO SIR EDMUND WALKER." C.V.°,, LLD,, BJ ERCE SIR JOHN AIRD, Giinerainti V. F. JONES, Aset. L Martso- CAPITAL PAID UK 15,000.000 RESERVE FUND. $I35OO.OcJi, MONEY ORDERS For small remittances use the Money Orders issued by this Bank. They are payable without charge at any Bank in Canada (except in the Yukon Territory). The cost is, as follows: $5 and under ...-... . 3 cents over $5 and not exceeding 11,6*.... c.c.. 6 a " $10 " " $30 ......10 .." 46 $30 " " $50 -.15 PLUS REVENUE sTAMPs EX:ETEll BRANCH -A. E. KUHN, BLiNAGER ;TEC" fi iCrediton Branch -J. A. Mc Donald Manager. , Let, S PERRY P. DOUPE, Licensed Aud- tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms moderate.. Orders left at Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton, Ad- dress. Kirkton, P. 0. Pa.tW,EOBINSON ; LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND ,VALUAT0,11 Ir Counties of Huron Perth and Middlesex, Farm, Stock Sales a ppeoialty. Office at 1Cockshutt Wareroonas,'next door to the Central Hotel, Main St. ,Exeter. Charges mod- erate and eatiefaction guaranteed.. J. ;W. BROWNING, Al. D., M. S. Graduate. Victoria University., Office and Residence, Dominion Labratory, Exeter. Associate 'Coroner of Huron R. CARLING, B. Berrieter, Solicitor, Notary Public, Cenandesioner, Solicitor for the Ilolsons Bank, eto. Money to Loan at lowest rates of Interest, O1i'1'ICE-MAIN ST... EXETER, ONT, MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties, at lowest irate 'of int- erest. GLADMAN & STANII Barristers, olicitoeis ter. On bet USBORlsiK & HIBBERT FARMER'S MI.iTUAL FIRE INS,Ulettet ANEW COMPANY ee_ Head Offiee, Farquhar, One- PreSident, BOLT. NORRIe,, Vice -President, THOS, RYAN, DIRECTORS MAI. BROCK. ' wi. BOY" 3, L. RUSSELL, L J. T. ALLISON-- AGENTO i f JOHN iESSERY. Exeter,' Agent tT&- - borne, and Biddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent fore - Hibbert, Fullerton and Logna. ffi,T, 'A. TURNBULL. Septy-Treas. Farquhar, 1 IILADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter, r DB. G. F. IROULSTON. L. D. S„ D. D, (DENTIST t Honor Graduate of Toronto Univen-- sity. Office over Dickson & Cari- ing's Law Office. Closed lAredneedYns- afternoons. Phone Office ea eat Residence eh. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. L, D., D. Honor Graduate of Toronto Den sity. ,DENTIST Teeth extrected ivetthri any bad effelles Offe naan:AeStet" , . A." elet