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The Exeter Times, 1918-6-20, Page 8
413. 1,1 the 3e t a June 1 will lk re Table Jue i.S Is :scar4 ent stock it will be r pattern Ord; ods, Our zok last long replace - prices, 75 and $3,.0,, Tow d Terry . rides Robe Rugs hat could be more accept/ `able? A big stock of Tapestr_w's Brussels, Velvets, and AViltocs In <lxnoSt any tsize to choose from. Many of these furs ww-e eararaat replace fat any Cut Glass drlrc*rR rs z s,slai-t ar F %Qrd1 r Ratdsome tot!- or b droom Ike at. ger gree }, 3.511 and .82.60, Bags kit Suit Cases eY 5.70. Raiou $35,4 Eggs 35c. 1)aatrti butter :-iii to 4av Creamery butter 48e. l'otacoae,s to Sugar beet pulp $1,6O po Lard 350. Rog. $17.0(9. Eac UlT ti<traaatg crit gta lea , We are r.how- auenG of this very' reason s *lain*i•♦®st,•ii•G`* , + LOCAL i *444044. Qiiiiii *, n g a Szawe assoz popular, ware a able prices., 1Trs..fihtar e p ares Tncsduy ,t Eat sure it .bits you at the nal ax. terve the trousers rade to fit Yon noun the Waist. They will stay up. much 'better; when you weana belt. Yore clothes, will have individuality E you let us, make abeot for Sot/. LADIES' S WTLNOS i, Bed Spreads Ti Irt 'Eeantiful Oreyy B ewg, also 'a cod 'ange, of Blues, Con early atd. et one of these before rhe old gooc .s rs'• all gone.' 4 lc T,Tt AND ndertaking ROWE TRE EUNER ATS DIRECTOR AND FURNITURE DEALER For Infants and. in Use ForOve ways bears the Signature; of Sale of Work and . Home -Made cooking to be held by the La lies Guild of 'Privttt Memorial chrtreh oz► Satairday, June 22nd at 3 p.m. in lE©Ikanell's store 'firs `tdoor south of J, W, Pow ll's; SEI-fLIN i OFF—,Tomato- Plants on •-• Exete sale, 2 boxes for 25c, L, 0 sb autos ; 1.S..Pr 3d,s. ii 4 v no 140V of T` t•;.so `k.onds' after the wvar. \'i`e. are. T' e cei, tr'nt i"va tes at #,5j1 and 1$5.00, Sr,�.t,, ws01 P3 e .t a r�Il 't S C.iA`1,;3n h dei of pi brow ix:e Baa ifft to nan z.s 1 *'baud".tock,. t"4 LADIES AND of TS' T .Ux.o ax° Stand i3pstaira, Opposite the fRontral Rotel ee Lr's. Jas. iurra4 *nt bOtit on tti € o ek lr, Sala arab Mass Tei wr:siaanz„ ;rz, rarzglaFznt. esw i. m;;hr.��1"Gi.n1 tow ee FOP ALE. Favporator and equip the town of Exet oration c€l n es lin ife bldg., Hanniiton. e I; al! 0 to '' 0 .A. STEWART in in ;a FOR SALE—New brick house. mod - r -n in every way. For sate at a bar. aie. Apply at Times Office FOR SATE— A two-stsrey brick dwelling or¢ V ii tat St centrally )i located, alt nnodern conveniences, bath furnace, h 'dro, etr , water ins€dc, Apply to )1rs. Foaw.all ora W. W. ;Taman, 11 Ge1 up IV 1Viarem We4khllag having r'equ would find a, ing u e er caul. 83, Exeter. ring Hot ° Weather your Water by hydro i . 7 been is something you have loc►king for Circulation Water Heaters Householders with bath and plumbing equipment And the need of a convenient and easy method of heating water °duriri_ the sulnrner months, The Circula.CiOnz Water Heater solves the problem. Efficient and Economical Special Prices on Application CI-1AS WEST 44 Queens Ave, London Phone No. 3255 V Cep ,a• ;go!'`d and �;•.. , VC'ns 'no 5 to at is 4 1 'l.'4;e Times is a lwra.; t ive 405 -""-ars.' items ft0 cawl has+' a vi:Sitor o: ng uwk'ay on a mast tt� ' We do rtof a - sa and the ee- C the ,paper i, r%kzag The news., Phone totorek '010C xi tlw Rre 4asr:tla,; a (it'taad Notice' a: . Spring Styles s g Suitingst overcoatiogs incoats and Pantiy . thing worth } liie y u at p .c E 5 lloi l'. • �wllr; cRf Sip `Y�ra�ti`L►kaa�wa lea o r� place' os art iJ"b wa`e,esYaty a'- Tilts,, mow, , a s 9= �.x occasion Foot erti.Canadian Spurt lan or night; M or on vacation. the rag the leas Flee c try; at 11 sho They c T1l ti t are sold by Used Ford Cars for Sale All the used Ford cars we advertised a week ago have n sold, here is another list we have for sale now 13 Ford Touring car with license, 4. Ford Touring car newly painted 1915 Ford Touring car with license, 7 Ford Touring with over Fifty dollars worth o extras,, including Shock Absorbers, and license. The above cars have all been overhauled, and in good 'ng order you take no chances in buying a used Ford car from us. If in need of any repair work or new tires it will pay you to get our prices. COOK ,BROS,, Ford Dealers. Flensall Ontario. PURCHASED FAST IT.01-2,,E 'X- Y 'Purchased rfrom Masser Bros. Denfield., the -fast !pacing stallion, :Ciantry-de-Forest,' trial 2.05 1-4.. This'. horse wa,s 'bred -and 'raced as a 3 -year klaW*Vrattil, -eircuit ,by Mr. Paul in the taloney. in'm to be ringing Illinois Hospital, Chicag,o: on Stinday,, June 16th, Joseph Rass Key his 58th year. ENGLTSII—At iCrediton on June Mary Sweit.zer, beloved, ' wife John English, aged 43 years. ArE,FALLs—At Centralia Oft June 13, Razella 11,1nEafis beloved wife of ,r3,Gbart Mural' ed 65 years. 10 Fx ter school arrit,e in Exeter this C day) anti will he the guest of \ rite 17 Oxford .St. 1V. 'London, Ont.' n ;Ilan int. rank o ^aa11rs 4-7.6, burp, ar !A ccu ww"iah "ale+ � ,y rg ear thw. Pr a rt mat, r earl ` 3 ' da , rS; tab€: of al m,'la:arzt> llo,c? l a,atiw t ln;f ww a ll b lae d ,t l' la lw- cern 'hexa: it# itv t gad trot 12zi,� 1, 1, ti !d l wxag 4'.l, iL Teti �elati ww°herr €l o+,, xt`ell P' wit r. d Sirs :Harry -Gould, of Winnsor, and SIr. and Mrs. Arthur; al" London, attended the neral or: the late John GA1 on Little Margaret :Martin, daughte rwent opera lion for the re -I -al al her tonsils and is getting I g imet•ly and able to be out. v. John Little, of St. Helens, occupted the pulpit! in Cavan Presby- terian church last Sabbath preach- ing two very acceptable sermons. Rev. Sir. 'Burgess, of Chatham, will preach next Sabbath. The many friends of Mr. A, E. Woad, who 4S receiving .treatrnent at Victoria Hospital, London, will be glad to know' ,that he as progressing and is able to _get ont on the lawn' Rev. Ernest Grigg, mi,ssionary to Din -ma, and who has %pant the past has arrrved in' Montreal on furlough and shartly visit his sister, Miss In ',Tames street church next nun - day at tthe mornin,g service the. pas - tar will give some echoes from tire annual conference also a talk to the children on "A Little. Wild Rose." Evening Subject The Undiscouraged son Robert-, of El!amiiton; are visiting ecenriy- frac 'a is actorv Einee, of Fa. kip 3 vel the l le a had -Yid ;i$QrC lkP;io�, Ntnv Shapes ant lin formerly of t ' ry. or Iiintere and Mrs. and Smith, ot Listowei .motored over Chas. Harvey. IT F THANKS sinctre thanks 'to and neighbors -:or of fir: any friends kindness and their recant ter - arondale, Patriotic Snciety will hold a Strawbrery Festival on 8. 'S. No. 1, tsborne. on Thursday, June 27th. Supper nintted ,!from 6 to 8. Hensall band in attendance. Admis- sion. 50c. The \Yarnell's-Institute' will .hold public 'meeting in, 'the „Public Library on Wednesday afternoon, Junta 26th at 3 o'clock 'to be addressed b,y Miss Graydon, a graduate -nurse, of Streets- gene:es" All women, vitelcorne.— Mrs, A. 'Hastings, secretary: 01 10W. We are a or deford Counter Chennm Book iitorr the largest cOnoorn kind iu Canada. Yoe Can lan p front us as you can fr a CARD OF THA -,S e wish to 'thank the many, many kind r'•nds and neighbors for their deep symapthy and kindness shown cluring, our great loss.—Mr. and Mrs. G.,o. Dunn and. family., Under a N June 22nd, Saturday, every man and woman, re.sident in Canada, who is 16 years and over, must attend at one of the places provided for registration, behveen the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m, and there truthhilly answer all the questions set forth upon the registration card. Upon signing the card, vouching for the accuracy of the answers, the man or woman will receive a Regigtration Certificate, as shown below, which must be caniedupon the, person thereafter. For failure to regiaer a maximum fine of $100 and barred from travelli n' • "!' s, stearnaoats, etc. °nen-tont/1's imprisonment is provided, also an added Similarly they may be denied board and lodging at y e person remams any hotel, r estau ran t, public house of boarding, house. penalty of $10 for each da th unregiStered after June 22nd. Persons remaining unregistered cannot alAT 'II b ernploYeit ana cannot draw wages for work elone_ p`'ars0Pns, kilowing them to, be such incur .3./ ca after June 22nd. Employers who keep unregistered penalties under die law. ' vY persons in their employ will be liable for fines ' in amount to those recoverable from. the unregistered Unregistered persons cannot transportation hckets, and in" 44, ttly