HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1918-6-20, Page 60FFE1SW BEING CHECKED Ai A11. POINTS IN NQYnN AREA, Advancirig Hordes of Erteiuy Repulsed With Heavy Loss.- Made Some Gai:is in Aisne Sector Fut Failed To Improve Theta. At o1a t�`-, t le Tight CleSl.?atcx� $re,21 PaT2S �: r 4 s, � G��a ,�P..e A. militated Fire from the Fre ael guns I started n lisg" divers1 '1.� ,p+ # o'the Ferest of : ,: 7i"{6.xM�, r t�exa� caught l �i,''Z t: GeA 3T}{} } (k%4 $ 5} tempting, a eounte a het gferi enemy 00 l'n tlae• eloo� �t t oe auk Courcalles and Mere', diet sectors and not o44 dtQVe la44, ? e.or II tP the adcsac i„ wcaw es,, t` # lnflietc very heavy les0,0 Y War Office aaaott.itko DurMe 7lir int. 4i? a 'Pie C1 e enema bzeh t 'k Metz,' River,.,. the inn k or and the :'� also taltenl,'„� G`.3.17469,ri ri} Mg. sa be i juti i a,tr• • RI of s ant 4� .iY tit N ,” 311..341 hate,: per lite. I6 315.50 to 514.11 3.00 Country T'rtatiuGts-- aw au'w . Butter --Creamery, solids, i, 41 to 42c;i prints, per lh., 4 42' -le; d dry, per lb.' 35 to 33e. Eggs—new lands, 34 to 85c. Pour—Reoeters, 2 to 25e4 felCi 28 to 30a; ducks, 25 to 30e; turkeys,!; 27 to SOc. Wholesalers are selling to the rte' tailtrade at the following pricesi-- Cliee a—ti�'av, lare'e, 23 to Loc; twins, 23;7i, to 2.1? c; old, large, 2534 to.:x.2 aberc Borden, Canada; Rt { 'ing. ''. a n . S e I5uU 1 I!: relEaiers ik4$S`d ria '"p•ji' SktSl}; es, ?715 t iia; iso a. Daava z ?lI.;sseS,'ewesalanil Pt,. W. F. Lloyd, Newfoundland. eerge Geta, Christia` of 1 gees to Occupy Day`,. don saw`s•– 'aw;t- ¢lra.)r the anssia for j s�tr +sec. orni- Sola?1:- ,leC im Geo tenor; pryr ad Neve1e ews eer,. s.e.en c til0 +b tI All A 1.t11 II". oba. inforior te: rr, be, il Si:• 110 to $12 00 t�:e� e wti-s, 1t3..kla't `es 57.50; ehoice I. ttzlxes, 535,511 to 'S 50; €rood, 8,50;1 sheep, $15i.sad„ staring ?nos, el to 2d, ,; cents per pound on boas. Se:ect bogs, o s 319.50 to 319.75. LLNOT CALL i9 `».art.. ca k3,s se to e ?3e0e 0me,'yt of # t" a Its talia1 s, aoaalo- Afrieal, ' BY MAfl, FRR.OM, IR LAND'S SI ORES- sineoroer suss t1 if s.n e (0 stn t eres1 ma it , the a of as'a t ailwtr ,Sa;a aneta00 y Dep oto 3�ra aspst ib S' to rgsa + e�' dredge we et'fie ;' l. -.i ?e br atirht+ up t. 'a Ce.77,3t°'_k Sails . it >ay?, l and theIttad of aro old il:e, y Genesi Six ,le wnKler Denanse ", M.D., Inas "; hassles be i ; ippoinated on tibe gow ca°rblpg laod l �:Px'ieo a, 1 1 6�O"_'ser h .' 'ten ng l,.4! a s7g Incl, saw tb at tlae, pay is good, but tbhey to e e` 1'11 Si f 11/44 TES OF INTEREST FROM >d U BANKS AND DRAM- s RAMS."s Going On In the highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia„ Successful Raids Carried Out Against Metz.-.-Sablens Sta- tt Svl�� tion and Other µPoints. despatch from London says: The official tial staatesnent on aerial operations ,sawed on Thursday night. says= 'The Military Medal has been award'. I "Our flying squakira?5 °11.the 'renc 1 ed to Sergt.-Farriier John Connally* battle front Wednesday Were chief} t•A Penicuik. a� e ' wvan aha 1 engaged` In ofien$ v patral wvcrk,,, T �Fo' Tranent boys h il seeking German anaclt?,nes aabd f,ghta e`l Milit:ary Medal, nailtely, Driver Boylo, alaent tulaere�es ,fopnl� `"hey destroye, R,F.�,, and, Pte. D P.T . Innes some 4f wahicla; Lieu S T l,?ic son flames atlaea°s..zroae ;n , .lko wi'as awarded ' S la enemy a3rp - ;F , , +_ Wiz* 9 t down an rpi Iwaen i4 F'or . alae air. One of our n ac111:°°s on' this' Gress, is a 500 of John sector i,e missing. good +. F Thornhill. a deal 0- -The of Magee "One British front=the barozietc� . the 7 ia;l Lec9a.I'aisssile -1 .. "II „,-< , Leeellie e ettaei through tlse death. 1. �. er serisi ohservato�a wvas, cari`zed; Sirs John Alexander Miller; onzi UWe lost, ii,w,a �aa�aclai sea au,nzd cie- ^ Sergt. II.Patterson,_ - , , n rri oasts,i i, S.l '0 -roved fx o Qa*la aaa ra a?, s, \ o os Ne aw'miIns.Khas been awarded i ether nostee,Ti' a &4e: S 1 dow n oras of do , obseryatitif, ball I pig drown Do 6 s driver foot ir: ,.a:si sd Conduct* Medal - 24 5 German r The T3istinguised Conduct Meda ttmiat down W . l3. Z at - k0,..x, has been awarded, to Pte. song R.S.F., of Lesnaahagow. The. first Victoria ` ass has been. tz j r LA oegbgilnbyl?shireead. by arivate John - {i ieut -General Size Oitaries p`ergu- 7th B .ronet of Kileser an, :sans xn awarded the Gro' de Gaiierre, [tine so.3se h A r foi'nle i'S G!S%,E2 ...' Sir"i?tazra rroe, has beentrans- splendid mi>,itaars hospi- 04 iG;i&ioty ��r;al, es 011 Rivet p£d IA nil 43Q, es c 3X ri r01 ilring over fad" w ! itoiy tti ati in 'n• otic root. til Marr. &bila in the t; fil.altt di sere ,ald b . They American ahil, . after roamP`&a} 0 seven tuenth , atiled. ehi[ th So'eiety' f4�r observation k h 4nd r 016 WIC pllu g, A ma4ovItY of the t e, been taking ;place back of There is an ,incie:ssing number of9 ;rna i;a aviators being calstu'red un - tet along this front. not 0 New mites Cape, ;de henerary 1 College of PliYel is announced that the NADA IS PAYING ernment has purchaeed eria or th of the war and for after - A despatch from Ott; says:— ward," says a despatc o the Ex - The totn1 number of pensione aweriledi change Telegraph from Melbourne. oLDs Bpleobb A ,„ from the beginning or the War "P t" "The first two clips involve the sum Ill oast his ri vais Is giv returned in Wigan. expected that one 0114 a rni additional ncre,,3 be under tillage in Ireland V31,-, year., Military M.otlai has been aNt'ard- Signaller 'I% A, Brown, Royal irkilling Fusiliers, whose PaTeIltS I at. Bellynagarriek, Armagh. Dromore Count,y, Ty- °I) ,ded the Vietoria ';c; oe ieti: „fished d en Ala ernrideet: of tack, At tlieeet 'Observed en tWO fr4r11. "lint-I0C coarse. of atte the car bombing rnael 'ILL HE IN FNDENT KING een e Dr, Fra D. II.Oyd, Eiliebneg. The freedom he eity burgh has bee offered ve be 7 IT avipatth The a, by fighti when Major the Rev. John Fittigibbon,Ithe mr. The skipper nliafinrohelliCrea rhe Victoria CrOSS has hcen award- su John Fitzgibbon, Castle- and platted his steamer so that he took advantage or the eastorn light John Shiel, Kolbegnet H01150, R05.- and brought the enemy astern. After of t 1'41. t :bout five minutos the eubranrine went down and did not re- appear, The skipper got in three d' if to ,rott hits on the U-boat. sell the town of Carnew t the ten- , ants was accepted at a meeting of the MANY LOST VESSELS tenants. ' MAY BE REFLOATED. An order has been issued stopping the exportation from Ireland of pigs alive or dead, also bacon and ham, except under license. The farms of P. Gilmartin, a Car- 11 May 31 was 34,879 and the total num-1 er £100,000,000, It ts the largest common, hm been neto.lea ateh from Ottawa eays ; ber of gratuities was 3,013, according wool tranaction in the history a the death in action of his son, Liei ors of 19 -year-old men Is de- I to the figures made Public hY the world and insures the ebmtnereini and Side]. Viten the proclamation recpdr- Board of Pension Commissioners. financial stability of Australia!, The offer of Lord Fit e rnen to register was pub -1; — to 26c; twin 96 to 2.61;:m. ilished, it was intimated that they , Buteer---Fresh, dairy, choice, 40 to,would not be required actually to re- I 42c; creamery printe. fresh made, 45i port for duty bc!fore July, It 1.s now' te 47e; selias, e -e ee -15‘. I considered improbable that many, if Marearine--28 to 33e. Th. of the men will be summon ; Eg'-.---New Inii, 3'9 t° 40e1 new;itefere September or October. 'Up to t, laid, hi cartons, 43 to 44c. I the preeent 51,833 men of 10 years of 1 Dreed DerultrY—SPiln'e e" ' -, age have regist ti for military ser - Live poeltry—Spring chickens. 55c; cent. wouid probably - in medical roosters, 26e; turkeys, 30e; hens, 33 t,o. category A, that is men t for &el i .370. eral service overseas. Beans — Canadian, hand-picked, ---f. bushel, Z.3.75; imp. hand -Picked, Bar -i RECORD PRODUCTION Provisions-1Wholesale In ten hours' sawing they turned out despatch fre::SAWN LITIIIIBER ma or Indian, 56.15; Japan, 53.5'0 to A Maple syrup -31k -lb. tins, 10 to a --- Ottawa says: A tin, $2.25; imperial. five -gallon caasireport on the operations of the Cana -1 case 514.50. imperial gallon tins per per can 510.50; 15-galion keere, pee die': Forestry Corps overseas receiv- gat, 2.00,,, maple sugar, 1-1 . box,' ed by the Militia Department states I pure, per lb., 24 to 25e. that one company in France has ma e li a record production of sawn lumber.: Smelted meats—Hams, medium 36 a total of 156,000 feet, hoard measure, to 38c; do., heavy, 30 to 32c; cooked, or 372 tons of one -inch, two-inch and 1511) to 51o; rolls, 32 to 33e; breakfast three-inch seuare-edged butted lem- HF-1-,`Ilits Is AN OF MEAT WE. HAVE 1 HAD To COT Qurre. A PIECE OFF FOR THE. IOVIEN Horne From the Hues' Hell. A repatriated man, assisted by bluejacket, helps a seat on the tender ship. blinded desp fr Washington says 'Unofficial estimat naval experts show that in ss of 1500,000 tons of , „ Laken over owing to non-compliance ations condue with the tillage order. I the other allie, ‘,arily for the purpose, ploughed seven- assist in this carrying with teen Irish acres for allotment holders ithera a fleet of powerful sea -going the bronze medal to Geore•e Healv for rescuing a passenger from the steam- er Cork at Dublin* service of Major P. L. Leered, Ghurka —Complete repulse of enemy attacks One Viet ori Cie bett won by old pu ies Academy. The Rev. "William ',Tar Cross. Th Medai ward- ed to Corporal Thomas M. oton. a Light Infantry, whose wife re- s Troon. OW MICRWIIE! verdant and Valuable Substi For Wheat. twe 5 Try field of buckwheat this year. It is a wheat substitute and will bo needed more than ever next winter. Buckwheat will be sure to Imve a mciee important place in the human ot or selvage (mere, It is useful for In addition, buckwheat .a are to be seat to "handy" crop. It can be gram: en rlt great variety et soils end tinder taany different conditions. If crate berlev or corn fail in some parrs ,of the fields, try buckwheat. If you have a field that drys up late, try buckwheat. If you have a 8aildy corner on the farm, try buckwheat. If you have an acre that has just been cleared, try buck- wheat. It is easy to grow, and will often give good returns on soil where other crops will scarcely survive. It must also not be forgotten that buck- wheat will respond yeadily to the richer soils and to good cultivation. There are several varieties that are good, among them being Rol., or Rye, Silver Hull and Tartarian. Bucltwheat will, as a rule, do well if sown any time during June. It is best to have the soil well worked in ordtr to start the crop growing quicltly. Three to four peeks per acre 8hould be sown with the ordinary grain drill, and don't sow it too deep. About one inch in heevy soil and not Ilis Majesty the King lias tiwarde.di ie* ITEAVY LOSSES ON ENEMY k despatch from Wa4hiTigton says: ontrade to The death has taken place on active Rifles, son of the late R. II. Learcd, , north-west of Chateau Thierry with Glenville, Wexford. heavy losses for the Germans was re - Owing to the pressing need of ported on Thursday night in Gen. yourig medical men at the front, the Pershing's communique. appointment of two medical assist -1 The American lines advanced on ants at Richmond Asylum has been [ Wednesday by taking the last of the deferred, German positions in the Belleau Wood- soRR1 -rom,au-r 'you WILL HmETo DRINK NoOR COFFEE, TRE CREAM To Itae 60 NUNGR`i COME KirIN:11-1-TY KITTI To BE USED As A 12 1,14C66 FORrt • more than two inchc-s in. light soil is 'the proper depth: The crop should be harvested when the large proportion of the -seed has turned dark. It can be cut with the binder into ,loose, small sheaves ". and stocked as other grain. In threshle, it Is best to lower the concaves'vrto prevent crushing the seeds. It is more important this year than ever before that the garden crops be protected from injury bY insect pests. I'Window boxes in hot situations I0nd once or twice a week given liquid,